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pride and love

As I focused and went over the words that I said and the words that Rev. Dave said, I was reminded of something that Tech N9ne had said "All fronts have the right to fall once". You may remember the lyric from Vintage Tech. That little lyric although directed at bigots got me thinking, eventually no matter how insignificant the time period or its extremity of the event every culture fails. Some fall and are destroyed completely. Others crackle like a series of of fire crackers going off at indiscriminate times. Some cultures even stop abruptly for no rhyme or reason...just gone without a trace, leaving only a bit of history left behind for scholars to speculate. What shall become of our culture? Will we reach a pinnacle of glory only to be snatched from that pinacle by our own faults. I watch as Greed and Jealousy creep it's way into our culture, what still continues to be a proud Family is tainted by the faults of the Mainstream. We too have our own faults. Perhaps we shall be consumed by our own Drama. Oh yes the carrier of Drama, like a radio wave it washes over the ears of the unwilling and forces them to listen. Will drama be the method at which we crumble? Will Drama get so out of control where there will be so much distrust in the Juggalo Nation that we dare not even leave our homes lest one ninja shall attack another and division is the norm. Maybe we will take sides and each side will be become a faction and each faction will war with one another so that brother shall kill brother and sister shall turn on sister. Maybe that is the design of the Dark One to breed segregation and division in Mankind. Perhaps each culture shall destroy one another based on religion or race. Maybe the poor will destroy the rich and then chaos will ensue. I never did understand why when someone rioted that would destroy their own towns property or land knowing full well that once the chaos was over they would have to fix everything that they burned or destroyed. Maybe all of our Juggalos will lose faith and once the music and modern day Juggalos die off then a century for now people will say "Juggalos...hmmm I don't recall". However, Juggalos, I have watched my world crumble into ash before on numerous occasions and I have rebuilt. I have watched my church and my family rebuild time after time and we have persisted and seen it through the rain and our own fall. I believe that we as a culture shall not die off fore within the mists of sorrow there is the glimmer of those with hope. Hope is like Faith in the sense that like a flame it must be rekindled. The flame dies down and yet we must re stoke the fire. It will snap and crackle and seek to roar out of control and yet we contain it, keep it nurtured, keep it real. Our culture shall carry on as long as there are Juggalos willing to keep it. As long as Family values are passed from one generation to the next. As long as the word of the Carnival's message of Universal peace and acceptance perseveres and rings into the hearts of those with pride and love. MCL
I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about RESPECT... Let's ask the question How does one get Respect? First you have to understand that Respect is a two way street... To get Respect you have to give Respect... But before you can even do that you have to Respect yourself... After all How do you expect anyone to Respect you if you can't Respect yourself... How does one Respect themselves? There are many different ways, let me touch on a few... How you treat yourself is one? If you are constantly downing yourself or attempting to hurt yourself you really aren't giving yourself the proper Respect and ninjas around you aren't going to take yourself seriously... What about personal hygeine? Taking care of yourself... How many of you can Respect someone who doesn't wash their ass... What about telling the truth? Noone Respects anyone who lies to themselves and to those around you... After a while people will get sick of the bullshit coming out of your mouth and stop listening to you... Which brings me to how you treat others... Can you Respect someone whose is an asshole and all up in your face? Being in the Navy I have learned that if I want my subordinates to Respect me as a Petty Officer, I have to Respect them as men or women... A humbled man is easier to Respect than one who places themselves on a pedestal and thinks that they are better than everyone else... Remember all men and women were created equally... We all have the equal right to an opinion... We all are subject to the laws of nature and the laws of whatever higher power you subscribe to... This is where Righteousness comes into play... How is one so Righteous that they are not subject to the laws of the common man... Who is a person who thumps Righteousness into a person's head and then goes home and beats their wife and kids... I say to you this, Humble yourself in the Dark Carnival.. Fore when the Wraith comes to take you by the hand and brings you to the next level of your existence, it will not be your Righteousness that is questioned but your Respect and Love of your Fellow Ninja and your Fellow Man...


Sup Juggalos, As you may or may not know, the Fellowship of Juggalos is in our three months of Religious Awareness. We have ninjas stand up and tell us about their religion and how it equates to the Dark Carnival. My ninja Moose, who is a Jewish Juggalo, stepped up on my request and told us a lil bit about Judaism as he sees it. The part that struck me the most is where he told us that Judaism is based off the idea of Family (hmm sounds like a Dark Carnival item). When you die Jewish, you will continue to live spiritual or reincarnate as long as someone in your Family remembers you (hmmm I've heard that in other Religions, I'm I hearing some relationships). This makes sense to me. Lemme introduce a concept. In Quantum Physics it states that you Think therefore you are. Thinking can be equated to believing. In Quantum physics if in my reality and perception I believe (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that the dude sitting next to me doesn't exist, than essential he doesn't exist to me. I'm sure you've felt this before, say you have an idea and no one believes in you. Doesn't it make you feel insignificant, less there. Now lemme blow your mind and fuck with it a lil bit. I've covered that thinking, believing, or having Faith is a powerful thing. Now lemme throw something at you. How many of you believe that in this world there is a positive and a negative to everything (whether you can inherently see it or not). The Scale, on one end you have positive (aka good, the white light, God, good spirits, etc....) I'm sure you've felt it before. Say you are in a room and everyone is pissed off or fucked up and there is maybe one person who is beaming with positive energy. You can feel them almost like a white light down a pitch black corridor. Now let's talk about the other side. Juggalos, some of us know about this other side all too well. The negative side (aka the dark, the devil, demon, evil spirits). You've felt this side I'm absolutely sure. Whether it be the rage that boils inside you or the darkness of world we don't understand. We have felt it. I'm sure that if you was in a room full of positive people and there's one Hateful Motherfucker in there everyone in that room will know who it is. What's in the middle, Man (or the Material world, Our reality). lemme twist it up. You see science tells us that you can pack a lot of energy into one little piece of matter. Don't you think that Man is a bundle of energy waiting to be released. Both sides know this. Fore thought, belief and Faith is a powerful tool. Where if you were to believe in something wouldn't it exist more or have more influence. One side seeks to help Man fore we are akin to it. No mortal man is born evil. The other side hates Man and wants nothing more to corrupt Man using our own fears and hatred against us, thereby claiming our energy for themselves. You see the barrier that seperates thins and deteriorates. Sooner or later these barriers will colapse and all three worlds will collide. At that point our guns will be useless to protect us. Our missiles will do us no good. Fore our bodies are not at stake. It will come down to Three things (wow no matter what belief you have that number three just keeps popping up) Your Soul, your Faith (no matter what it is, cuz they're all related) and cold steel. The most important being your Faith. Your Faith in the Dark Carnival and above all your Faith and Love for each other. These things will keep you strong and protect your Soul...............as for Cold Steel.............................................. .........that's for killing demons.............. MCL
Our Carnival Is Right Here Hello Juggalos Today I Want To Share A View Of Things Percent And Past . Juggalos Today Things Are So Different From When I Was Invited In To The Family Today’s Ninja’s Have An Easier Path With The Elder Juggalos To Share There Wisdom With You If You Only Ask Believe Me The Knowledge Is There See When We Were At The Bagging Of Things Just Finding Are Way To Each Other The Insane Clown Posse Was Finding There Way To Us See There Were So Many Of Us We Never Really Had Any One Say Look If They Don’t Want Us Then Fuck Them We Have Each Other Till J And Shaggy Said Look You Ass Don’t Fit In Then Come Park It Right Here We Are More Then A Group Of Misfits We Are A Family We Look Out For Each Other And That Message Spread Like Wild Fire And The Dark Carnival Came To Be And Things Were Good And There Were Six Jokers That Dropped Each Brought Forth A Message To The Juggalos Trouble Was No One Heard What Was Being Said Many Of The Original Juggalos Were Only Down Because Of The Wicked Shit See Many Never Under Stood The Hidden Messages That Icp Was Putting It Out There And Then Came The Sixth And J Said It Best They Did Not Fuck Up They Said The Carnival Was God And They Hope All Juggalos Find Him . Well This Was Like A Bomb Being Dropped There Were So Many That Felt Betrayed And Let Down Because The Message The Whole Time Was Simply God All Along And The Family Split In Two For A Grip Ninja’s Could Not Get Over The Fact That Faith Was The Message I Felt A Grate Deal Better About The Icp After Hearing This Message As I My Self Was Struggling With My Own Faith Were Did It Fit In In The Mass Murder Music And Painted Faces Why Were People I Was Considering Family Now Looking At Me With Such Hate Well I Know Now It Was There Lack Of Faith And The Inability To Accept Things They Could Not Under Stand That Was The Was The Begging Of The End And A New Juggalo World Was Born One Of Juggalos Having The Ability To Have Faith And Pursue The Knowledge . See As Juggalos We Should Always Pursue Things That Can Only Improve Our Selves And Disregard The Things That Bring Us Down In The End It Is Up To You To Do What Is Right And Strive To Leave The Strife Behind Make Your Future Bright And Always Hold Your Hatchets High For We Are The Children Of God And We Are Mint For Greatness And To Inspire Greatness And If Any Ever Tells You That’s Not Good Enough Then Just Prey For Them And Hope That God Will Have Compassion On Them The Same Way Some Ninja Had Compassion For You Before You Were Invited To Join The Family .


This sermon is going to be part of a series of sermons that will focus on values and Juggalo Interaction with one another and non-Juggalos alike. In this day and age people, especially young people have fallen away from personal values and how to peacefully and productively interact with our fellow man. This may be due to the cumbling of modern day society. Today's human is quick to raise a fist instead of an eyebrow. Betrayal and indifference replaces loyalty and compassion. Quick judgement and disregard replace informed decisions and responsibility. In FOJ's mission statement, I state that we must take back what greed, hatred, bigotry and jealousy have taken from us. During a typical FOJ sponsored Juggalo baptism we vow against greed, hatred, bigotry and jealousy. Part of this battle involves defining and holding true the values that we should hold dear as a Family. This sermon involves openning your home to your fellow man. Home is where the heart is. It's where the majority of our happy memmories are formed. It's where you raise your children and it is also the place where you store your goods and personal sentimental items. In our culture as Juggalos we have a lot of homeless ninjas...people who have fallen on hard times, just starting out, or even those that need a boot to the butt. Openning our homes to homeless ninjas is a blessing from the Carnival. We open our hearts and homes out of compassion. However, sometimes when we open our home we get more than what we bargained for. Understand that when you make an addition to your household there will be certain things to consider. The most obvious is finances. With each member that you add into your house there will be more items being consumed than normal. Electricity (especially for you gamers), water, food for the fat kids, even items such as toilette paper get used up quicker. You need to expect that your grocery bill is going to go up as well as your utility bills. A good Juggalo will get a job or have some sort of income to help you with those bills even if they aren't paying rent. The next thing to consider is personalities. Whenever you have differing Individuals under one roof, personalities will clash. Emotions will run high. There may even be heated moments where people may say hurtful things that they don't mean to say. Undue stress and clashing personalities will happen and are common place in large or extended households. Try to do things together as a Family, but also be patient and respectful of other people's personal times. Couples may want to be alone, parents may want to spend some time with their kids, and individuals may want some peace and quiet for themselves. Try taking up hobbies that fun and time consuming. Do simple things to attempt to mitigate or lessen drama. Talk out problems CALMLY. Address issues in a manner that is calm and stick to the points trying to be made. If you feel yourself getting angry go be by yourself. Avoid the he said/she said. Theft is a big problem. I would like to tell you that everyone who is a Juggalo is honorable, but realization proves this is not to be true. Juggalos should never steal from other Juggalos. To do so lacks courage and integrity. If a Juggalo invites you into their homes do no touch what does not belong to you. Is a pack of cigarettes, money, cds/dvds worth enough to lose a friend over? Don't place items of importance in plain view and readily accessible for wandering hands. Clean up after yourself. More ofter than not items are misplaced or under clutter vice actually being stolen. Which brings us to cleanliness. Clean up after yourself and when you are done offer to clean something else. Always try to leave something better than how you found it. Take frequent showers and bath yourself. It sounds ridiculous me having said that, but you would be surprised how many adults don't groom themselves properly. If you have animals or pets clean up after them too. These are just some of the issues that can be encountered when you take another ninja into your home. It would be beneficial for both parties to sit down and have a heart to heart. Lay down the ground rules, compromise and be specific. If the ninja is jobless give them a set time to get a job. 30 days is ample time to gain some sort of employment. Talk about cleanliness, who's cleaning what. It's good to discuss daily routines. What tasks or fun things that you do everyday. Communication is the key to any personal relationship. Discuss your likes and dislikes. No one enters into someone's home with the intentions of offending them so it's good to get it all out in the open ahead of time. If you are taking someone into your home try to be mindful of the fact that this is a stressful experience for both the homeless ninja entering into your home and the host. If you are a homeless ninjas about to be added into someone's home remember to be respectful, this is not your home. Your homie out of the pure kindness of their heart is taking you in. Return kindness with kindness. Be responsible for your own actions. Don't be a dead beat roommate. Another Juggalo is taking a big risk so you can get back on your feet, so don't drop anchor, do what you have to do to get the ball rolling. Also don't do anything that would jeopardize the household that you are entering into. Ninjas can get evicted for things other than bills. A household can be evicted for excessive noise, drugs, property destruction, and other illicit/illegal activities even if they didn't cause it. Juggalos, taking Family into your home is a decision that requires forethought. It should be heavily weighed by not just the host but the homie moving in. Honesty and Communication eliminates problems ahead of time. A new household that is extended should act as a functioning Family unit. If for some reason it doesn't work out. It is best to leave and part ways as Family than to part ways as fierce enemies with hurt feelings. MCL Rev. Last Rite Founder, Presiding Minister Fellowship Of Juggalos

Carnival is GOD

You see the Carnival is GOD, and yes we are the Carnival. Think about what a carnival is, there are freak shows, carnies, clowns, acrobats, concession workers, and a huge diversity of on-lookers, which if you think about it juggalos are the parts and pieces that make up the Carnival. Its all really just another way to look at GOD as a whole. Like what do you think the holy spirit is. The holy spirit is the entirety of all mankind, all of our souls are part of GOD, no matter what religion you may be you still have the divine spark of life which is our conduit between us and God. In other words, the Carnival is God, the Holy Spirit is juggalos or anyone that has faith and love in their heart. Just think if a carnival has no clowns or sideshows, or people to sell stuff, or people to operate the rides and shit then its really nothing. Its the same for our Carnival, without us GOD can't work, without our love and devotion to one another GOD can't help us. It is our job to teach each other, and anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, how to fish. You know "GIVE A MAN A FISH AND HE'LL EAT FOR A DAY, TEACH A MAN TO FISH AND HE'LL EAT FOR A LIFETIME". that saying goes for anything, but what I'm saying is "GIVE A MAN TRUTH & LOVE AND HE'LL LOVE & BE TRUTHFUL FOR A DAY, TEACH A MAN TRUTH & LOVE AND HE'LL BE TRUTHFUL & LOVE FOR A LIFETIME." BOTTOM LINE= No matter which "GOD" you believe in, Iehove, Allah, Buddha, Confucius's "great white messiah", Tao, etc..., They are all one in the same, GOD is LOVE Don't allow all the lies and books and psycho-babble bullshit teach you otherwise if you love Love and have faith in LOVE and accept LOVE in your heart you have nothing to fear or be ashamed of. Life can be beautiful all you have to do is alter your perception. GOD bless you all, I LOVE YOU ALL...MY FAMILY
From The Desk Of Reverend Wicked Wyatt September 8 2008 Laplace, La Fellowship Of Juggalos Web Chapter Office Good Day Juggalos I Know Some Time Has Passed Since My Last Post And I Apologize For My Lack Of Presence Here In The Fellowship As Many Of You Know By Know I Again Was On The Run From Hurricane Gustav From Witch I Fared Out Ok We Still Have A Roof Over Our Head And We Are Still Cleaning Up After Ike As Well For Those Who Live In The Path Of The Storms I Am Preying For You And Your Families . I World Have Posted This Sooner But I Am Recovering From A Virus I Caught After The Hurricane I Was So Sick I Couldn’t Even Stand On My Own There Have Been Times In My Life That Were Ruff Folks But Dam This Ninja Has Had Enough Of The Hurricanes . But Never The Less Upon My Departure from The Storms I Left The Fellowship Online Community Under The Management Of Giggles Has Mcl And Souljer Clown From Witch I Have Just Fond Out Soul Has As Well Been Offline But Rest Assured I’m Sure Giggles Has Held It Down . Now I Am Stepping Back In To Help Support Her In Support Of This Group And Resume Work On The O G Group So Please Folks Feel Free To Drop Me A Line If I Can Lend An Ear To Help Solve Any Problems That May Be Bothering You And I Mean It Folks No Matter What The Subject Please Feel Free It Is Part Of My Job Here In The Fellowship To Try And Give Guidance Were I Can Ok Now That That’s Out The Way I Went To Give A Shout Out To Our Beloved Staff Starting With Rev. Last Right Folks For Those Of You Who Are New Here Rev. Last Right Is The Man Behind The Fellowship Of Juggalos With Out Him There Would Be No Fellowship He Has Not Been Heavily Active In The Online Part Of The Fellowship But He Was The Founder And Is The Presiding Head Minster Here In The Fellowship So This Ninja Deservers Our Thanks And Props . Next In Line Is Rev. Good Ol Dave Head Of The Va Chapter And The First Active Reverend In Fellowship History To Maintain An Active Role In The Online Communities Then There Is My Former Deacon Giggles Has Mcl This Is One Of The Most Stubborn People I Have Ever Met She Would But Heads With Me At Every Turn And She Will Be On Of The Fellowships Finest Mangers To Date I Have To Agree With Rev .Last Right Giggles Will Some Day Take Hold Of Her Own Chapter And Lead Them To Grate Things . Then There Is Souljer Clown Another One Of My Former Deacons Who Now Co Manages The Online Community This Ninja The first One To Show A True Insight In To The Jokers Cards Based In The Faith He Is Your Current Faith Consoler And Manger And Then There Is My Little Brother Navy Juggalo Known To Me As Rev, Dopy I Have Worked With This Ninja In The Past On The ICP Under Ground As Well As Other Msn Groups And Has Always Been Some One I Could Cont On He Will Be Helping Me Co Manage The Fellowship O G Group Due To Re Open Feb 2009 . And Well There Is Me Rev. Wicked Wyatt Online Groups Manger And Graphics Designer Soon To Be Replaced By Giggles Who Is In Collage And Is Learning Mad Skills I Will Be Here Folks Till I’m Taken To Serve Above . I Hope To Be Able To Post A Sermon Soon Witch I Have Been Working On Since Before My Departure With A Little History Of The Juggalo World And Were We Are At Now I Know This Post Is Long Winded But For Those Of You Who Are New I Thought It Would Be Nice To Tell You About The Fellowship Staff Since I Have Been Gone . I Will Write Another Update Soon So Till Then Take Care And Be Good To Each Other Mcl Rev Wicked Wyatt

What's going on?

What's going on in the online juggalo world? I see a lot of shit talkers online. Even so called juggalos hating on each other, talking shit about ninjas and artists! They've missed the point of what Psychopathic is about! It's about family! It's about finding love in a world full of hate! We must all learn to accept our differences of opinion and character, and learn to live together. We must escape this programmed hate!!! Now on this site we tend to talk about the Dark Carnival like it is it's own religion. In a way I guess it could be. I personally believe it is a combo of all religions and faiths, Christian, Jewish, muslem, Native American or even just personal feeling! In my opinion all religion is right if it promotes peace and love, not hate! When you really look at all the known religions they all say the same things in different ways! Even if you're athiest I feel we can or at least should all be able to agree that life is not about destruction!


From: REVEREND_LAST_RITE Sup Juggalos,Well I know that alot of you have been waiting for a sermon from me for a long time. Some of you have probably been without a sermon period, while some of you have been receiving sermons from my second in command, the left to my right testicle, Arch Minister Rev Good Ole Dave. Which by the way can pump out an uplifting sermon, even if it surrounds monkey poo, lol. I have settled into Towson, MD and now begin the lengthy process of attempting to build a church in Maryland. My spirits are high, however to date, locating Juggalos near the area is somewhat meagerly successful. Maybe they are all hiding. I graced Va Beach as I returned to the pulpit with a surprise "Guest Speaking Visit", as Rev. Dave exclaims Woop Woop, I've got a day off. Days off are something that is rare for FOJ Ministers, especially one's running Chapters. My theory is that if the Carnival works 24/7 always on call with only one day of rest, then we shall too. But I do give FOJ Ministers Monday's off. Give it to the Deacons for that day. My visit to VB was heralded with a picnic. A special an interesting picnic in which the Tuesday Clergy Meeting prior, the Arch Minister Rev. Dave gave them a particularly unusual assignment. They were to bring to Church one "Non-Juggalo". Shouldn't be too hard cuz they are everywhere, but where will these ninjas find ninjas that were open-minded enough to come to a Juggalo church. Interestingly enough the results were most positive. So positive that I ended up baptizing 3 of the non-Juggalos under the Universal Idea of Juggaloism. But what are these Universal Ideas and why Juggaloism? I have often given various sermons on Family. How Family interacts with one another? How we should treat each other as Family? All you see in blogs now adays is Family this and Family that. Not that this isn't a good thing, because it is important to keep Family in the forefront of our minds. One of the major laws of Christianity is Love thy neighbor as thyself, treat them as Family. However, Individuality leaves ourselves open for discussion too. What brought on an emphasis of Individuality for this sermon was a discussion that I had with a Special Investigator. Now I won't tell you why, when, and how, just know that my ex managed to creep that wicked word "cult" into the mix again. I explained Juggaloism in the most professional means in which I could. Talking about the finer parts without saying " Whoa...ICP rocks...it's just righteous dude". I thought about this word "cult" and I say we are so not like a cult that it's not even funny. I mean in a cult everyone is doing the same thing, usually against their will. Juggalos are so vivid and diverse in thought and deed that getting them to agree on Mayo vs Miracle whip tends to be difficult lol. Juggalos have differing opinions on various topics as well as differing beliefs of the Carnival and it's interpretation or what the Carnival means to them. Individuality is encouraged as a Juggalo. In other words, we want you to be you not a robot. Now there's good Individuality and there's bad Individuality. Bad Individuality is the rebelling against the parents, or in the sixties and seventies "sticking it to the man" "fighting the power" and doing this rebellion for no reason other than to rebel. "Revolution without cause means nothing" Look, if you're going to stick it to the Man, at least know what you are sticking him with and know why you're sticking him. The idea of "my parents hate me" or I want to be different cuz all my friends are doing it, defeats the purpose of Individuality. Good Individuality stems from personal beliefs. "I know who I am and who I want to be" all about individuality written in the Juggalo Creed. To know who you are isn't about knowing whether or not you're going to be a fireman when you grow up. It means knowing what kind of person you are. Knowing what your values and morals are. What are the kinds of things that you feel are acceptable and what kinds of things are unacceptable. Being who you are, most of us are Individuals cuz we wake up every morning and say I'm going to be a free-thinker today and believe what I want to believe as long as it is healthy and brings fruit. We automatically fall out of the mold because we choose our own path instead of just falling in line of the masses or what Mainstream society considers to be normal behavior or normal thought processes. Most important about being WHO YOU ARE, is not being something just for the sake of being it. Don't be something that you are not. Look if you don't care about what kinds of clothes people wear then don't twirl your hair and go "OMG did you see that dress that she was wearing." Is that you does that align with your values, then why are you trying to be something that you're not. There's a reason why clones are in pens, cuz if they get out they would have to fend for themselves and that could be dangerous. So somebody asked me why FOJ? Why not go to Father Duckett's Mainstream Christ Church or whatever temple or Mosque. I said where else can you go where you are allowed and encouraged to believe in God and worship He/She/It or They, (I say Christ and relate to you with Carnival) as you want to. Where can you go and know that your interpretation of God is alive and valid. I don't believe anyone in the realm of the religious mind has developed the concept of God in the manner of "I believe God lives in a Cheesecake factory and he delivers tofu to all the good boys and girls" and in FOJ if you do we still love you, even as we wipe the drool off your chin we still love you. Our focus is what we can gain from each other as Individuals not how can we damn each other to hell for believing differently. Heck, according to all the battling Interpretations of the Mainstream Faiths everyone is going to hell. I don't want to be the guy who goes to hell for believing what everyone else believes. I want to shake the Father's hand and say "is this what you had in mind and if not please enlighten me". What other church can you go to where you can disagree with the Pastor and not be condemned. Where else can you go where being an Individual is encouraged, Acceptance is the key, and Family is the Love that is felt for all peoples. Juggalos, Go Forth and bring about fruits of Individual thought and accomplishment, prepare for the Harvest a bounty of Love, Walk in the Light of your ways with the pride to exclaim "I am a Juggalo, I am an Individual guided by Light, I know who I am and who I want to be."MCLRev. Last RitePresiding Minister, FounderFellowship Of Juggalos
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