Over 16,548,298 people are on fubar.
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British left waffles on Falklan Islands

Shot off womens leg helps Nicklaus to 66

Plane too close to ground, crash probe told

Juvenile court to try shooting defendant

Stolen painting found by tree

Bomb hit by library

After detour to California shuttle returns to Earth

Boy declared dead, revives as family protests

Dead coyote found in Bronx launches search for its mate

Childbirth is big step to parenthood

42% of all murdered women are killed by the same man

National hunting group targeting women

Fire officials grilled over kerosene heaters

Police can't stop gambling

Ability to swim may save children from drowning

Low wages said key to poverty

Youth hit by car riding bicycle

Hostage- taker kills self; police shoot eachother

Testical cargo seized

Check with doctors before getting sick

Police kill youth in effort to stop his suicide attempt

Intern gets taste of Government

Convicted S&L chief donated to university

Study: Dead patients usually not saved

Parking lot floods when man bursts

U.S. ships head to somalia

U.S. advice: Keep drinking water from sewage

Suicides asked to reconsider

Cold wave linked to temperatures

Gators to face Seminoles with Peters out

New Autos to hit 5 Million


These are honest to goodness flubbed headlines from newspapers.

Thought I would share them with you.

good afternoon

1. First thing you wash in the shower? Hair

2. What color is your favorite hoodie? Blue

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? most likely

4.Do you plan outfits? when possible

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? sad.

6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? coke can

7. Do you say aim or a-i-m? aim

8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? oh..Patrick came and bowrrowed my shovel and hasn't givin it back yet

9. Did you meet anybody new today? nope. don't plan to either.

10. What are you craving right now? Chicken sammich from Farmers Inn

11. Do you floss? eh my toothbrush gets the inbetween bits.

12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? garden.

13. When was the last time you talked on aim? about like maybe 7 years ago..what's so special bout aim?

14. Are you emotional? everyday.

15. Would you dance to the taco song? sure would

16. Have you ever counted to 1,000? I usually do to fall asleep.

17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? lick

18. Do you like your hair? not at the moment

19. Do you like yourself? oh occasionally

20. Have you ever met a celebrity? yes.

21. Do you like cottage cheese? yes.

22. What are you listening to right now? Drive it like you stole it by the glitch mob

23. How many countries have you visited? big fat whopping 0

24. Are your parents strict? they were...Im 23 now..they can't say shit.

25. Would you go sky diving? nope.

26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? yeah and then fling my food at him.

27. Would you throw potatoes at him? read answer above.

28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in? fraid not.

29. Have you ever been in a castle? no I'd like to get married in one.

30. Do you rent movies often? negitive.

31. Who sits in behind you in your math class? noone, i don't attend math class.

32. Have you made a prank phone call? negitive captain.

33. Do you own a gun? negitive..but i will be getting an archery bow..so whatch out.

34. Can you count backwards from 74? 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25 ,24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18 ,17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 09, 08, 07, 06, 05, 04, 03, 02, 01, 00...done did it.

35. Who are you going to be with tonight? Mike.

36. Brown or white eggs? brown.

37. Do you own something from Hot Topic? lots of things.

38. Ever been on a train? yes.

39. Ever been in love? yea

40. Do you have a cell-phone? yep

41. Are you too forgiving? too forgiving

42. Do you use chap stick? in the winter

43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow? Idk moni, what are you doing tomorrow

44. Can you use chop sticks? yes

45. Ever have cream puffs? yeah i can make them too

46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? yeah lame movie

47. What was the last question you asked? what are you doing tomorrow

48. What was the last CD you bought? Rush Spirit of the radio greatest hits.

49. Boys or girls? both! :o

50. What is your bus number for school? was 5

51. Is your hair curly? no

52. Last time you cried? this mornign

53. Ever walked into a wall? yeah..often.

54. Do looks matter? it seems to but to me..no

55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun? fuck no.

56. Have you ever slapped someone? yep

57. Favorite time of the year? spring

58. Favorite color? pink

59. Are you sarcastic? yes

60. Do you have any tattoos? yes

61. The last person you held hands with? Mike

62. Do you sleep with the TV on? lastnight

63. Where was your default picture taken at? my living room

64. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? you could say that

65. Do you like your life right now? kinda

66. How often do you talk on the phone? never

67. What is your favorite animal? monkey

68. What was the most recent thing you bought? star trek bracelette

69. Do you have good vision? horrible

70. Can you hula hoop? yep it's all in the hips

71. Could you ever forgive a cheater? no.

72. Do you have a job? negitive

73. Can you handle the truth? nope..

74. What are you wearing? nighty

75. Have you ever crawled through a window? yes.

Going In For The Kill

The Basics
Full Name B.A.L.
You like it? Depends on the day
Birthdate 01.30.88
Height/Weight 5'4'' 190
Eye Color grey
Hair Color blond
Can you...
Drive? yes
Drive a manual? learning
Touch your nose with your tongue? negitive scotty
Cook? yep
Dance? I try
Sing? something
Sew? yes.
Speak another language? yeah partially
Have you ever...
Eaten sushi? eck no! O.o
Been in love? yes
Skipped school? lol yep
Made prank calls? no. that's lame.
Done illegal drugs? who hasn't?
Stolen something ? nope, that's lame too.
Flashed someone? my boyfriend, does that count.
Been drunk? negitive.
Eaten squid? no.
Been to New York City? yes.
Been to London? I wish.
Drink Fierce Strawberry Gatorade.
Soda Vanilla Coke.
Food Chicken.
Restaurant Hoss's
Color Pink
Artist Rush
Album depends.
Website fubar.com HA!
The Last
Person to hit you my nephew.
Person you wanted to hit oh...you know.
Person you hugged Mike
Person you kissed Mike
Person you wanted to kiss you well....
Country you've been in Here...
Car you've driven 92 Geo Storm
Law you've broken smoking in public.
Thing you ate Apple Jacks.
Thing you drank French vanilla Coffee
Thing you said "I can't come over this weekend because Pap and Mike can't do it on their own.
Book you read

negitive. No books here.


Last show you watched            shatner's raw nerve
What's your favorite color? Pink
What's your favorite animal? Cats
Who's your role model? Mr. Spock
How many siblings do you have? 1
How many people live in your house? 1
How many animals do you have 4 dogs
Where do you live(trailor, mansion, regular house )? farm house
Who is your most valuable freind? Moni & Mike & Mekka
Which freind do you look up to the most? Moni
How many best freinds do/did you have? 3
How many freinds have moved out of your city? 0
Would you rather have...
coke or sprite? coke
lunch or dinner? dinner
a sister or brother? brother >.>
Mcdonalds or Burger King? BK
boyfreind or freind? boyfriend
hug or kiss? hug
pinch or poke? poke

Where is your cell phone - counter 

Your hair - longer

Your father - cry

Your favorite thing - Spock

Your dream last night - nothing

Your favorite drink - gatorade

Your dream/goal - love

The room you are in - basement

Your fear - loss

Where do you want to be in 6 years - married

Muffins - blueberry

One of your wish list items - travel

Where you grew up - PA

The last thing you did - typed

What are you wearing - nighty

Your TV - working

Your pets - resting

Your computer - lappy

Your life - lame

Your mood - weird

Missing someone - babies

Your car - nothing.

Favorite store - Igle

Your summer - annoying

Your favorite color - Pink

When is the last time you laughed - remembering

Last time you cried - awhile

Three people who email me - mom, that's, all

Three of my favorite foods - chicken, hoagies, steak

Three places I would rather be right now - England, Ireland, Dubois

Three people I think will respond - no one no one no one

Matt smith Pictures, Images and Photos


So, did you guys watch the new Doctor Who on Saturday?

Well, as much as you probably NEVER thought I would say this --

Matt Smith has grown on me. I said I wouldn't and I refused him and threw his name in the mud.

Now I must appologize. He's amazing. Very funny.

The whole show now seems like it's a take on Peter Pan and never wanting to grow up.


He said some of the funniest things in his first episode.

Fish and custard

Bad bad beans

ect ect


His +1

Amelia Pond



She's funny, the alpha female as she says.

Much like Donna...always doing what she's not supposed to or talking back

I like her.

She met the doctor when she was about 7. He crashed into her garden and he made her cook for him.

Then he went to check on the crack in her wall

He left her waiting for 12 years he thought it was only 5 minutes.

Can't much keep track of time in a time machine ;]

She grew up and he came back and the madness started.


This is really just worthless ramblings but I want to say that I loved the new episode of Doctor Who.

It was AMAZING. I laughed and laughed.

Oh and he's still running which is a good thing =)

And smarter than EVER.

I still will miss David Tennant tho. But, it's called regeneration -- they have been doing it since 1963.

Now, lets see how great the other episodes are!!




oh, Im never saying that again!


I kinda hope I do die in 2012

I hate the way this country is changing

Im more affraid of the way we're moving.

Is it ok to be scared?

I kinda feel like Im screaming and noone can hear me.

I want to be free again.

But, for now, Im not an American.

Fubar Changed -- SO WHAT!!!

Ok, Fu changes.




Stop fucking whining. You don't like it? Don't threaten that you're going to delete your page. DO IT.  Fubar isn't real life, deal with it. If something changed in your life you wouldn't die because of it and I don't see you dead now.

Why sit here and riot over a change on fubar? Why not go out and HELP change something else? Is Fubar that important to you?

I know what you're thinking -- I spend money here and they change everything without asking. Well guess what? SO DOES THE GOVERNMENT!!! Instead of sitting here bitching and complaining..how bout you go sign one of them petitions out there that is going to stop the Health Care Bill?

Get your life into perspective. What the fuck is fubar to you? It's a website.

I can't even come on here and have fun anymore cause everytime Im on here someone's bitching about something babyj has done.


It's HIS site is it not?


And about that bulletin I saw posted that it's hard to bomb on here anymore cause of the changes... I think you're wrong. You DONT need people to SB you when you are bombing. On your live feed click VIEW ALL and go from there. Also watch the scroll -- there's always someone with Auto 11s scrolling.


So- To all the people threatening to delete your page, please by all means do. I dont want you on a website I come to for relaxation.

And for all the people bitching and whining- stop already! This isn't going to kill you.

Get Over it!

I know my Doctor Who

Doctor Who is known as the longest-running TV series all over the world. It has started to air in the year 1963. The show was mainly showed in the UK and since then it has already been a regular show up to now. The Guinness World Records listed the show as the longest-running sci-fi series all over the world. The fans of the show grew from hundreds to millions and has also been recognized in different countries such as the US, Japan and Australia.


TARDIS means Time And Relative Dementions In Space

it's always bigger on the inside ;]

Who has played Doctor Who?

1. William Hartnell - 1963 to 1966
2. Patrick Troughton - 1966 to 1969
3. Jon Pertwee - 1970 to 1974
4. Tom Baker - 1974 to 1981
5. Peter Davison - 1981 to 1984
6. Colin Baker - 1984 to 1986
7. Sylvester McCoy - 1987 to 1989, 1996
8. Paul McGann - 1996
9. Christopher Eccleston - 2005
10. David Tennant - 2005 to 2010

The 11th Will be Matt Smith starting in April.


Fun Facts and factoids --

How many episodes was "Raxacoricofallapatorious" mentioned during series one and two?


What would the Krillitanes eat all the time if they could?

Fresh Children

What planet are the Slitheen from?


How many episodes did Captain Jack Harkness appear in alongside the Ninth Doctor?

5 He was in all episodes between "The Empty Child" and "The Parting of the Ways".

And, The Lost Moon Of Poosh was found when the 27 planets went missing =)

So, would it be The Found Moon Of Poosh? lol


I know those facts above don't really matter but I paid attention at least.

You're not the only one who knows who K9 is. come on get real.


I did in fact watch every David Tennant episode. He was my first and my favorite Doctor, and as they say..You will NEVER forget your first Doctor.

My favorite +1 is Donna Noble. The Doctor Donna.

My favorite "alien" is the Ood.

My favorite Torchwood charactor is Captain Jack Harkness.


The fact really is -- You don't have to know EVERYTHING about Doctor Who to love the show.

I myself do not know everything -- but you don't need to treat me like I know absolutely nothing.

For God sakes...yes.. I know who Sarah Jane is. Who doesn't.

With that said.. Im truely looking forward to the new doctor. I may have been a bit jittered in the beginning..and I didn't want it to be true...but who wants to see their first Doctor disappear forever?



Today I was talking to my sister. And every other thing is "Im tired of the drama"

She has twins and is a single mom.

She thinks she needs a man to survive. Every other day she messages me about a guy that she's "with" that's treating her like crap. So I tell her that she needs to worry about her kids more. Less about men.

She said to me "I just want to be loved" so I replied "so, what your family doesn't love you and I don't love you?"

She said to me " Yeah thats true but Im tired of gertting hurt in the end"


I hate to say this but I think she needs some serious help.

Why the fuck does a woman with kids need to be worried about herself and a man. Should those kids not get all her attention.

Im really confused here. I mean like does she not have any common sense?

Havn't women been doing the whole raising children thing alone for a while?

I mean it seems like -- she don't give a relationship time.  She finds 'em and you can clearly see they arnt the right one for her.  Many Many Many Many times I have tried to explain this shit to her and she don't get it.

Like I don't know what Im talking about. I know Im only 22 but, I get it.

It took me 1 year to decide if I wanted to date my current boyfriend. I didn't just crawl into bed with him. I don't have kids but I know that kids demand more attention than you have. Specially TWINS. 

Im not writing this to make her sound bad or anything but, I usually use my blogs like a diary.. a place where I can get shit off my chest without normally having to get shit on about how I feel.

Regardless...she seems desperate for a man in her life. But she loves the first one that comes along. No real standards but alot of expectations.

I don't know about this situation. Maybe if I wave a $20 dollar bill in front of her face and tell her to knock her dumb drama shit off she will get it. IDK



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