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What a way to wake up!!!

I had slept on the couch last night so that I could properly elevate my legs to alleviate some of the pain endured from my adventures yesterday. The last thing I remember watching on tv was an old classic movie.... but, this morning I was awakened to a wonderful rendition of "I am" as sung by the Riverbend Bapsist Chorale Group of the Riverbend Baptist Church here in Austin, Texas. It was lively, happening and inspiring for a grand day. I jumped out of bed (well, off of the couch as it were this morning) and got things stirring about this morning and ready to charge forth for the day while having watched the Riverbend Baptist Church broacast, and Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church of Houston, Texas, on television. Being that it is almost 8am, I am heading to change the channel to ready it for my ritual of watching CBS Sunday Morning. May you also be so blessed this Sunday!!
Sci-fi movies decades ago just seemed more intelligence and thought provoking than they are these days. Somehow sci fi movies of today have lost their luster that they had decades ago. What happen to movies, for example, such as the 1973 film, Solyent Green. I think that is why I have fallen out of the love for watching them as I had in the past. While they seem underbudgeted and corny at times, oftentimes too far out for actual belief that such things could even be considered, I found myself remembering about the sci-fi movies in the past decades when a fellow blogger exploratorily blurted out about the possibility of human consumption, especially when there is such a seemingly meat shortage. She was most likely just kidding about it in her blogs (at least, I would hope so and not creating a world of Dahlmer's out there - j/k Twiz), but her blog made me reminence of the sci-fi movies that I used to love to watch. BTW, my repsonse to Twiz

@ CherryTAP blog entitled, My View on....." is:
"Actually an idea discussed in the 1973 film, Solyent Green. Check it out and rent it sometime. It is a sci fi classic that you may find interesting. :D
People have differences of opinions about the Star Trek shows, and other sci-fi movies of that time era; however, without them, perhaps we wouldn't have had the great minds who developed the technology as we know it today. Who knows???? Not that I would agree on the scooping of the have-not humans and creating a "solyent green" product for human consumption, but the thought does revert back to the same brainstorming solutions that the sci fi movies used to work out in their movies in the past. Just wish, the joy of watching sci fi movies would return once again with some thought provoking solutions for everyday concerns that we have to this day -- including over population concerns. Wonder how they would present a resolution to that concern today???? (some 35 years later) I wonder, too, if the general public is ready for more sci fi movies to return to the screen with the intelligence factor in them. I know that I am -- especially, if they are thought provoking. Would you be????
Today was a day off for me from work and I took full advantage of it. I did a few things around the home and then I changed clothes and headed out for my adventure. First Stop -- was the clothes store. I bought 10 that would have cost me well over $300 for only $60. Whoo hoo!!! Even found a formal evening outfit to wear for only $15. Can't beat that, for sure. Oftentimes, I hesitate to spend as much as they are normal selling for (hundreds of dollars) because my work is even very casual wear and I would never wear such a fancy skirt/jacket there. But, for only $15...who, in their right mind couldn't justify that, even if you only wore it 1-2 times throughout the year? Next Stop -- I stopped at the place where I volunteered to call upon victims. I spent 3-1/2 hours there. I could have finished the entire project today, if I stayed longer, but I knew that I had to get some very much needed groceries for my home. A Detour Was Made -- to see where they have revamped the old Shlumberger (Shlum-ber-jay) company as the new location for the old Concordia University. Last Stop -- was at the new 24 hr Walmart. While there, I bought a new gown, tripod, batteries and battery charger, and groceries. I had the groceries packed up such that all the cold stuff was together. I brought that in when I finally arrived at my home again - jiggity, jiggity, jog!! lol.... I am resting up from the adventure of the day and will go retrieve the rest of the stuff later this evening. First thing is first. I must elevate my feet/legs to get some of the massive swelling in my calves/feet to go down. In the meantime, any suggestions to watch on tv tonight???? Hope you have had an equally fun adventure today, wherever you are!!!
It has been good because I have had the opportunity to begin some meditation CDs that a coworker has provided me some copies of. Thank goodness for them because they have allowed me to get some much needed rest, which probably allowed me to be not quite so emotional when I got the bad news this week. I have been applying for fulltime positions at work for the past year and have always ended up being chosen for the second best choice. Augghghgghhh! That can be so frustrating and discouraging. This last time, I had applied for an overnight position for Sun - Thursday, 10:45-7:15a. I even had all of the overnight and second shift coworkers advocating for me. Come to find out today that another relief person has got the position. What is discouraging is that she hasn't been as dependable as myself, nor attending the relief meetings on a regular basis - and I have. In fact, some of my coworkers feel that I am much too good a relief person and that is why I keep being passed up. Trouble is, I might not have any choice soon. I may have to put in applications elsewhere and, if I get a fulltime job with benefits elsewhere, they are going to be in the same boat without the regular and dependable relief that I am. What will they do then? We all don't think it is quite fair that I must be penalized for doing a good job. Aughghghghghh!!! Another shift has opened up and I have submitted my transfer request for that position. We'll see. I need all the prayers I can get. The job will mean, not only a regular schedule, but also benefits and a dramatically increased rate of pay. If you have never prayed before, please pray feverishly that something good comes out of all of this soon for me. If you have prayed before, pray as feverishly as you do for your other prayers, and add me to your list of prayers. Thanks, in advance!! Hoping everyone else has had a better week and, certainly, less emotional of a week than I have had. May the road be rising up to greet you and you have the blessings of a lifetime in the future ahead of you.
A college student randomly picked me to do a survey for her psychology thesis on alternative lifestyles. These are samplings of the questions. How would you answer???? 1. Are birthday spankings normal or weird to you for children or adults? 2. Besides birthday spankings are adult spankings normal or weird to you between lovers or spouses? 3. Ever try it? 4. At what age last? 5. Do you give or get the spankings? 6. Are you spanked with hand, paddle, or something else? 7. What position are your spanked in and dressed how? 8. Ever get a red bottom or a bottom stinging? 9. Are dominant/submissive games or lifestyles normal or weird to you between lovers or spouses? 10. If so, were you the dom or sub? 11. If so, what sort of commands were given? 12. Is there a dress code involved? Survey of questions is to be continued at another time. How would you have answered the questions above, if asked of you????

Do you really know me????

1. How old will you be in 10 months? 48 (!!! I can't believe it myself!!!!) 2. Do you think you'll be married by then? Not likely, as my birthday is in just a month. :) 3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months? Hmmm... permanent job... anticipating my first grandbaby girl to be born on July 8th... 4. Who was the last person you called? Steve 5. Who was the last person to call you? Student loan consolidation folks -- ughhgghghgh!! 7. Do you have any pets? Two cats -- Gibson and Moobaby.... 8. What were you doing at 12am last night? working :( 9. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? This year in December, they will be married 50 years!! :D 10. When is the last time you saw your mom? Last summer???? 12. How many states have you lived in? 3 (Texas, Maryland, South Carolina) 13. Hoyw many houses have you lived in? a lot 14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? socks 15. Are you a social person? Usually.... 16. What was the last thing you ate? Korean Grilled Shrimp BBQ 17. What is your favorite ice cream? Cookie Doh or Cherry 18. What is your favorite dessert? Italian Cream Cake 20. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? Fig Preserves, actually (homemade) 21. Do you like coffee? Nahhhhh, not generally. 22. How many glasses of water a day do you drink on average? Water??? It's a beverage??? lol.... does tea count??? 23. What do you drink in the morning? milk, juice, or diet dr pepper... :) 24. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? someone else 25. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? If I don't have someone in my bed, I'll sleep every which way; if I have someone in my bed, I tend to gravitate to one side or the other. 26. Do you know how to play poker? Yes, but you didn't ask if I know how to play it well. I prefer the card game of Spades. :) 27. Do you like to cuddle? Absolutely! 28. Have you ever been to Canada? No, but would love to visit someday. 29. Do you eat out or at home more often? It depends on my work schedule. 30. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Yes. 32. Do you speak any other languages? Yes, some Spanish. 33. Have you ever gotten stitches? Yep, in fingers, hand, eyebrow. 34. Have you ever been in an ambulance? Yep. 35. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? Ocean blue. 36. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? Window, absolutely. I wanna see around me. 37. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? Yep! 38. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? Favorite? Hmmmm...... 39. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? Yep, I sure do... especially a ring and a necklace that my daughter has given to me for Christmas/Birthday presents. 40. What is your favorite TV show? 24, Grey's Anatomy, House, Grace Under Fire (wish it was still airing) 41. Can you roll your tongue? Yep, and touch my nose with it too! Can you???? 42. Who is the funniest person you know? Hmmmm... there are several; not sure who is the funniest though. 43. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No, but I have a stuffed bear that travels with me at times!! 45. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? Not from when I was little, but my daughter's clothes from when she was little. :) 46. What is the color of your bedroom walls? Off white. I live in an apartment. I can paint the walls, but haven't decided on the color. 47. Do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth? No, leave it running. Not sure why though. Lol... 48. Do you sleep with your closet doors opened or closed? Closed. It is also a partial storage area for boxes. Out of sight; out of mind. 49. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of killer bees? Do bears attack??? I had a couple wave at me on the Blue Ridge Skyline!! I'll tell you the story sometime. (A story best told in person!!) 51. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Ranch dressing, but of course. Same thing I put on pizza!! :D 53. Can you change the oil on a car? Oil??? j/k I can add oil; I prefer letting someone else change the oil. 54. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? (*rolling eyes*) Me???? Never!! lol... Just a couple, but not for any Mario Andretti type of driving! lol.... 55. Do you dance while driving in your car? Always...and sing. Life is meant to me enjoyed wherever we are, isn't it???? NOTE TO SELF: This took a lot longer than I anticipated. Callers at the crisis center became busier than I thought they would be at this time at night.


Recently a lot of up in arms has been over some EMT folks viewing a "pornographic" website during their down time and they were fired or suspended without pay, depending upon the extent of their viewing pleasure on the internet at their work environment. I have an antagonistic coworker that, when she isn't busy, she is nagging me about one thing or another. One day, I was scrolling down the CT home page and there was someone scantily clothed on a picture on the cherry blast section. She, with her hawk eyes, said - "let me see that again". I looked at her very puzzled. "You know, that naked person there. I think you are looking at pornography." When she talks, she is like EF Hutton in a sense -- excepting, everyone hears her but not necessarily listens because she is into everyone's business. I got a bit defensive, partly because she had been nagging me all day to know end about this or that. No one likes her because of her nagging and busibodiness. I am flippant right back out her and can throw out as much to her (in pure fun) as she can dish out to me. I told her (1) that that particular picture was one of a person in a swimsuit (thank goodness it wasn't one in some lingerie), (2) that I wasn't looking at the blast, but I was chatting with a friend of mine in the shoutbox, and (3) it was none of her business!!! All my coworkers know that I go to this site. They know that I love to blog and communicate with friends and the like; I have been blogging on several sites since 2003/2004 so it is no surprise to them that I am surfing CT for blogs, etc. I avoid the NSFW stuff at work. Thank goodness they are marked for the most part so that I can avoid them. The last thing I need is to have my antagonist coworker with her hawkeyes start up a stink about anything of the sort, although I have explained to my coworkers that CT is like MS, but geared strictly for adults. Most folks are familiar with the comparison of MS and are okay with that. I leave it at that. They know that MS can be quite radical at times these days with some of their MS videos and more, even as a "14 and over" social website. The thing that caught my attention though on the news station when they were continuing to talk about the EMT folks that were caught viewing a "pornographic" website, they mentioned that the site wasn't illegal though. What the heck is that? Could they be referring to the CT website? After all, there are some NSFW photos and such. CT has their own standards of NSFW; I would, personally, consider it a little bigger range than some of they would see it, insofar as a website. Point is though, everyone has their standards and levels of tolerances. For instance, someone from the Amish country probably wouldn't have the same view point as someone that is from Europe where they have even Naked News on tv there like it is nothing different from an ordinary means of life. I do wonder though, if the site the EMT folks were looking at was "pornographic" but not "illegal", what site could that possibly be??? Doesn't pornographic sites generally connotate that something is absolutely illegal about it??? Where, then, is the line of distinction between legal pornography and illegal pornography??? Do you have a clarifying answer for me????

Positive Mental Attitude

"A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug." Patricia Neal

Dance of the Muse

In going through a Vogue magazine in between crisis calls that was left here at work tonight, I ran across an article by Allegra Kent called, "dance of the muse", wherein she "recalls a time when her playful form was the inspiration for her husband's -- the great ballet master Balanchine's -- art." What caught my eye, indeed, was the whimsical picture of Allegra in a flowing dress holding a rose in one hand and leaning towards the other in her bare feet. So free. So flowing. I am thinking, what happend to me? I used to be just as playful and free spirited. Was it all the responsibilities of being a single parent for all of these years? Was it being "broken" by two abusive husbands in the past? Am I hiding behind the injuries that occurred to me almost three years ago? After all, it isn't the swollen ankles that truly represents who I am, but the spirit within me that people generally love about me. I think, sometimes, people really like to get me exceptionally excited about something because they love to hear me stumbling with the excitement, one word over another, because they will look at me, with the biggest grin on their face, and say "slow down, slow down"!! :D Then we are all laughing so very hard that I end up losing a my breath a bit and start coughing these days especially. I miss the whimsical nature that was represented in the photograph (See Vogue Oct 2006 issue, page 130) about myself. How do I regain that muse of a nature that is so reminiscent of who I truly am? Part of it has been restarted by listening to a meditation CD called, Getting Into the Gap. I have used the CD for the last 2 days. The first day was a bit awkward because I had a migraine that morning before laying down; as a result it was effective, but, obviously, not as effective as it could be. Today, I used it again and slept so very soundly. In fact, I don’t remember hearing the track 2 for the CD this time; just dozed completely until 4pm today. I feel rested and rejuvenated. It is absolutely amazing at how this CD has affected me. For the second time within the past week, I feel like doing a jig (the first time in the past week was when I truly started feeling better from being so sick during the last couple of weeks). Perhaps, this is a journey that I am meant to be on at this time. It feels right. So, for now, I am renaming my pathway the "dance of the muse"!! :D
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