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Sometimes I get to wondering

How this one's going to play out?

Will it hold its mud or sink six deep?

be as free as any dolphin

or wretched as a slave?


Wondering, figuring, imaginating


rendering fractured judgments

asked unanswerable questions

questions after question

with only one answer


I don't know.


No habla the future

The winds will be the winds

& they will do want they do

regardless off our wondering

or wanderings


Now matter how I juggle it

there's too many orbs

up in the air spinning in my life

All at once. Too many. Like always


life or death, love or aloneness

madness or bliss

So many, too many questions

spinning around all my maybes

in short fast orbits around a planet without an answer

Should one collide with a stray if

or an imploding fuck it all

there would be nothing left

to juggle


& I still wouldn't know








Copyright 2013

Marcus Stein

shooting up the sea

Shooting Up The Sea

“There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result.”



I found the rumble of the diesel oddly comforting, like the purring growl of a big cat. We motored on calm seas 3 miles straight out until there was only sea and sky. I had the helm, getting the feel of the tiller. It serves as a wheel and resembles an oversized oar. Push to port to turn starboard, as needed to hold or change course. An almost constant thing with the boat pushed by wind and current. Adjust and readjust, like life in that way.


It was a plank of unfinished teak wood, broad where in came up from the rudder then curved and tapered to the working end, about a hand and a half wide.


If there comes a storm the man at the tiller must stand strong. On his feet with both hands to it, chest high for best leverage. Pushing against the overpowering force of an agitated sea.

With the pull of moon drawn tides and waves grown strong on their long uninterrupted journey to a unseen shore. With the wind whistling past your ears and horizontal rain in your face. With the confused blending of waves coming from all directions. Breaking white water across beam and bow, coming in a teeth rattling thud that makes you tense your grip and tests your faith. On a boat so small with the sea so vast.


Brave the roaring 40's in the Southern Ocean and lash yourself to the tiller to be tossed and thrown like a wet rag doll, surfing waves big as houses, heading up the Triton's lip to the crest and then down to the brief respite of the trough until the next and the next and the next one come. With no sleep, rest or reprieve until at its whim the storm blows itself out. Exhilarated after the slow bullet passes.


“You ready to go sailing,” Joe shouted, snapping me out of my reverie.

“Hell yeah, what do you want me to do?”

He told me to stand by while he went below to kill the engine.


The sudden silence was complete and deeper than any I had ever felt before. Sweetened only by the gentle lap of waves against the hull and spiced by the taste of the salty wind. The sound of a different world, a world I was at home in. The feeling as strong and immediate as a shot of smack to the brain, but even more comforting.


Because there had been some unidentifiable yet essential thing missing  before that moment.


On land I didn't fit in. Never felt quite at home. People were careful with me because they could sense my discomfort. I withdrew deep into myself. I read The Idiot instead of Civics 101. Beat poetry and Leonard Cohen,Richard Farina and Camus and Kurt Vonnegut instead of Math. Of women I was ignorant and shy in an angst-ed teenage way. Never could find the words quite right to say. A displaced person between places.


Leaving the inexplicable America had helped. Europeans made much more sense. They had time to learn about what matters. Through war and plague, earthquake and typhoon. The falsehoods couldn't endure the realities of ruin, rebuilding and realization. Americans subscribe to a whole herd of disbelief's that they don't even know enough about to question. Work until your head explodes; get as much stuff as you can, even if it kills you; poets aren't necessary, we don't need all that jazz;

I'll have time later; what's good for General Motors is good for the country; we will die for your lies and never know it. Ad infinite nausuem.


The sea is a mystery found and another one opened. I left my baggage ashore. It could never quite make the transition anyway. Why worry about then, with all this wonderful now around.


Joe told me how to unfurl the mainsail and I did it. Unsnapped the brass eyelets on the canvas cover and let loose a line to free the unfurling. At first we were still, but not for long as the wind started popping the canvas making more and more pockets until at last it filled and we were taken by the wind.


Another shot, stronger than the first. Better than, longer than morphine. In the wind, destination unknown. The beginning of a new life for me.






Copyright 2013

Marcus Stein








The Log of the Voyage


The Log of the Voyage

Part 1


If you were to ask me, a 64 year old man who's been around, why at this late stage in the play I am about to embark on another adventure I will tell you that while it does have all the elements of great adventure, I think of it more of a continuing adventure that was interrupted by the fallout from the explosion of my useless appendix. It is in fact the only body part that I know about that serves no meaningful purpose. We can have one or not have one and it doesn't make a damn bit of difference unless it goes bad. Then it can kill you. It almost killed me.


How sad it would have been to have died, sabotaged by the poisonous bite of a useless but none the less deadly........appendix. The very word of it reeks of unimportance. As if it were a redundant footnote in some massively researched and equally meaningless tome.


It was all downhill from there. Maybe my other grand and essential body parts were thrown into revolt by the violence of their useless cousin. Some poisoned molecule in the river of blood that gathered one onto another to dam the flow. Life's blood squeezed to a trickle. Dams undone by scalpel, the remnants swallowed by the succubus of evil machinery. Finding myself in a dark basement with only madness and pain for company. The siren song of suicide beckoned and I crawled to its edge, ready.


But instead of death, I had a moment. You know, one of those timeless ones, with all the light? The ones that can change the course of your life in an instant? I guess you either know what I mean, or you don't. My best hope for you would be that you do. It's what makes life worth living. Step out of the madness and slow to the pace of eternity. Be you but not you. You but more you.


Anyway, I've passed the point of waiting for you, dear reader, to ask me anything. I will take it from here.,thank you very much. I have some questions of my own. But questions, thoughts, evaluations, expectations just make my head hurt. I've taken some good shots, the ones that smacked me in that square inch of chin like lightening and the next thing I knew it was later, and I couldn't quite remember exactly what happened.


And so now I bid you adieu. You raise me an adieu and I call. Raise you with a bon voyage. You think I may be bluffing, but then again you really don't know. Not when it comes to this.


Trade me this sanitized mass insanity for a coral reef and the glide of free manta rays. Take this rusted body and turn it into lovers meat again. Don't ask me why. That is why I have taken control of the questioning. I trust my gut and I've learned about life the way everybody learns. The hard way.


I choose transcendence over suffering, being over thinking. I am hungrier for life than I ever have been. As sure as I've ever been in my life. I see some daylight and I'm going to run for it. Because I'm a man. Because I can. And if you love me you will miss me some but that same love makes you happy that I have this chance.


I hope I will be able to report back to you from the white sand beaches, from the raining down of ecstasy on my parched flesh. I hope I hope I hope.


And with that I bid you a do and a be. Cards on the table.

More later.



chicago 1968 the big lie


Chapter 1


The Big Lie




            How can we keep people from believing

that we're not just throwing troops down a rat hole?”

Clark Clifford-1968


Vietnam was the Black Hole, the rat hole that tore my generation apart. The question reveals the inhumanity of the ruling class. Who waged war as if there was no blood. No death. The draft was the long arm of the Monster, ever reaching out to draw more bodies into the slaughter.


It was all part of the Big Lie. The Lie that keeps you in the dark. That keeps you mute. That keeps you afraid and apart. Because when men speak together of their fear and sense of injustice their fear turns to anger and angry men fight back. The Monster who lives and breathes control above all cannot abide anger. Without a war, a wrong war that angered millions,they would have just continued to sedate by television and kept slaves to Mammon.


The reality was too ugly to ignore. Could this really be the world? Could the world really be this cruel​? This unfair? Yes. And more. Much more than what can be processed by a mere brain.


There I was just minding my own business. Not hurting anyone except myself. Now they wanted my body for the rat hole. If this was reality I wanted no part of it.


They claimed their reality as the only one. But that was only because theirs could beat up mine. That made me angrier and I was forced to abandon reality for surreality. I get that way because the world is upside down and I still can't tap dance on the ceiling.


Men like me are like trained bears. We will be happy to eat your steaks instead of your head. We'll even wrestle with you and not claw your eyes out. But please, don't poke the bear. You're not going to like what you happens.



I could see the rat hole, asshole. I could see what you were doing to make us not believe it's there. We said FUCK YOU. We said HELL NO I WON'T GO. We burned our Draft Cards. We said they were murderers. We called them on their shit. We gathered by the thousands,faced down by gunners on horseback. We showed up for our physicals up for three days on drink and drugs. Dressed in tu-tus, dressed in capes. Parkas in the summer, shorts in the Winter. Anything to be declared officially crazy and excused from a trip down the rat hole.


I didn't have to pretend. I was crazy already. I was outside of the outsiders. Nothing in the world made sense.


But that fell under Catch 22; If you don't want to go to war you're not crazy.


Nobody was going to tell me I wasn't crazy, especially them.


Death to Monkey Mind Again


monkey mind

monkey mind

monkey mind


ya just can't let it ride

ya just can't let it glide


ya squeak cackle and hiss

flailing like a blindman

in a library of knives


go eat your past and wash it down

with hemlock


go stand in for all the dead bad actors

in your theater of revolving doors


go back to sleep in your shit stained

blanket of shame

and eat a regurgitated breakfast

of scrambled dreams

with a side of burnt and bitter delight


and I will watch from a safe distance

while your furry deluded head

explodes back into spacedust


Copyright 2013

Marcus Stein






Hypocritical Boxcars of Evil


Hypocritical boxcars of evil

have slipped the tracks.

Get away if you can

take your sons and daughters

take your husbands and wives

take your dogs and cats


Get away if you can

To a place beyond price tags

beyond subterfuge & unfeelingness

while there's still time


I see a Monster on the track

I see the technologically

in a rats nest of artificial knots


all designed to keep them separate

while they think they're connecting


I see them rushing I hear them honking

Where do they think they're going anyway

Always in a fierce hurry to where?


More waiting for the next big thing?

For the next flash of false redemption

that they just have to have?


Someone to buy off

something to buy into?



going places

and not being there​?


What kind of a world is this



you can have it


but you can't


Copyright 2013

Marcus Stein

the battle of chicago





Chapter 3

Chicago 1968

The Battle of Chicago



I was more angry than scared. Sometimes the other way around. The world was burning and I had to go someplace. The Monster was hungry and relentless. It needed more bodies for the slaughter. One of them was mine. It could find you if you were sleeping. It could find you if you'd been good or bad. It would find you if you let it and kill you dead if it could.


I could feel it reach out with its deadly hand.


It was my move.


I ran.

Copyright 2013

Marcus Stein



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for Normal


gone to the meaningless cyber-kinetic static

gone to sex by proxy and virtual unreality

gone as Harpo's feet in the serious lemonade.

Gone as the Sorcerer King Hobo

eating cold beans in the ruins of innocence.


Gone all the days

the halcyon daze days

the far side of the ocean days


Gone as the ghosts of Lenny Bruce and Allen Ginsberg

breathing heroin air

in a rehabbed loft

on the lower east side of Heaven


Gone the days of ports and storms

Gone the nights of desperate need

Standing guard by the light of a candle

rummaging through the shadows

searching for a half eaten miracle.


Gone the seasons of hungry young love

dancing naked in the moonlights insatiable glow

with hashish kisses

lingering under the skylight


Gone the pirate raids

on the ghost ships of conformity

with grappling hook questions

with daggers of outrage

with shotguns of revenge




reclaiming our voices

which had been stolen by

highly placed psychopaths

hiding in their suits


Gone as Old World charm gone as the Old World

eaten alive by the deranged harbingers of terror

People chased behind their eyes

Ears closed by plugs

Hearts afraid to open


Gone where I came from

Gone but not forgotten

Gone on the run

Gone on permanent sabatical


Gone where poets go

to remember


caveman poems

The Junkie Caveman Blues

Monster sleep while drugs not run out

Dugs run out, Monster wakes, 

Monster scared

Scared Monster heedless as stampeding Mastodons.

monster need drugs.
Monster must have

Or Monster not sleep
caveman Haiku
if man not grow out of young fears

man not become man,

but boy in grown up clothes

Big empty bag of need.


He is going insane, as usual. His imaginary girlfriend,AMANDA is in the kitchen making some Jack Daniels and soda for breakfast.

AMANDA is everything he can imagine.


                                  how's the script going?


                                  i don't want to talk about it. i have no mind left.


                                 drink your drink. your mind's just different.


                                 different from what?


                                 from a normal person.


                                 i don't know any normal people. but i have a friend

                                 named Normal. He's a poet.


                                 Well, there you go. Normal people don't get you. In

                                  fact, they can't even see you.


                                 So now i'm invisible.


                                 Only to normal people, because they're  unconscious. They

                                 don't notice anything or anyone. don't take it personally.


                                 Must be why all my friends have been artists. Or thought like one.




Amanda, being the perfect imaginary girlfriend insists that they have wild monkey sex.

                                                                                                                                cut to:

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