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The Gift

I don't have much to give you in the way of material things. But then, I have never been a material person . . . so it wouldn't matter much anyway. I do have something to give you, though . . . and I hope you accept this gift with joy. I have chosen not to wrap it . . . I want it to be presented to you as pristine as can be. And anyway, decorations or wrappings would certainly ruin the effect. And so it is . . . that I stand before you . . . unclothed, but surprisingly, unashamed of my nakedness. You have already captured a piece of my heart, and you have captivated my soul. The only thing left for me to present to you is my very being . . . and I do that willingly, happily, and most of all . . . lovingly. Standing before you . . . watching your every movement . . . seeing the desire in your eyes for the very first time. I don't believe in all of my life, I have ever witnessed a moment as beautiful as this. Neither one of us can speak . . . and we are finding, even breathing, is difficult. Your heartbeat is pounding out a rhythm that almost assaults my ears. I can hear it from where I stand across from you . . . and every beat speaks of your love for me. I am giving you this gift tonight, because I desperately want you to look inside. I want you to open this package that I offer you, slowly . . . lovingly . . . sensuously . . . and search for what lies within. You don't have to look far, you know . . . everything I feel for you is just below the surface. So it shouldn't take long for you to discover the beauty awaiting you there. Go ahead . . . open this gift as a child would on a snowy Christmas morning . . . in a hurried fashion . . . rather like a frenzy, if you will. But once that initial gift is opened . . . and the passion subsides . . . Please promise me that this gift I give you . . . this gift of myself . . . is only just the beginning.

More Than Passion

Silently she awakes and gazes upon him there. She sees him sleeping peacefully and longs to hold him near. She reaches out her trembling hand to gently touch his face. Remembering short hours ago, sharing love's embrace. He stirs just then and spies her tender. loving stare. Then places his hand over hers, stunned at the extent of her care. Their eyes never leave each other as she caresses his soft skin. She smiles at him slightly as she moves closer to him. He takes her in his arms placing a kiss upon her cheek. She turns her head slowly, his lips for her to seek. A subtle moan escapes her as his hand explores anew. Passions kiss intensifies as their rhythmic dance ensues. He proclaims his love for her as he kisses her wanting neck. She moves her hands over him finally to rest upon his chest. Feeling her velvet secret engulf him again and again, And feels her building climax escaping from her then. She arches back, catches his eyes adoring their allure. As they reach their perfect harmony, together once more.

Our Night

Taking your hand Fingers to my lips I want to love every inch of you Taste every part of your body As if I can drink your loves blood Through your very pores I want to get lost in your eyes Consumed by your kiss Set my body on fire Quench the fire in my blood With sweet caresses Touch my soul with your passion Lay down beside me Feel my body crying for you Let's get lost in each other Touching, exploring, tasting We will exceed passion, go beyond bliss For this is our night Want me, like no other Need you, like the air that I breathe Together, one mind, one soul Fused in the heat of passionate love Existing in this moment Forever

Sweet Taste of Love

The sweet taste of love Still lingers in my mind A succulent tasty morsel A treasure worth its find A wet and juicy fruit That fills my mouth with joy Like candy to a baby An edible sexy toy With nectar sweet as honey A syrup of flowing silk Like a bubbly kind of lava As smooth as warm clear milk It breathes with scented oils Like a flower in the mist And blossoms when caressed By the feel of a lover's kiss A dessert at its very best When embraced with lots of love I know I'll never get enough Of this treat I'm thinking of

Valentines Day

I got you a present For Valentine's Day. Once you unwrap it, It's ready to play. But it doesn't like sunlight, So here's what we'll do: Bend over the bed, And I'll hide it in you.

Lonely Lover

Alone at home, it's Friday Night Thinking of you I turn out the light Wishing you were here with me Together with you I'm longing to be. No one knows these dreams of mine Melting candles and deep red wine Only thoughts of you I think Of your soul I wish to drink. But alas, my dreams are kept In my heart and where I slept Never to share with another For I am the lonely lover. Dreams of you are all I know They give me a deep inner glow So know that you're in my thoughts Your inspiration has me caught.
10 Sex Cravings All Guys Have 1. HE WANTS A GIRL WHO CAN TURN HERSELF ON Women, as you know, need time to get revved up. Although your man may be more than willing to pull out all the stops to get you hot, he wouldn't mind if you gave yourself a running start. "A number of women still believe that it's solely a man's job to arouse them," "To have a really fulfilling sexual experience though, you have to put some effort into getting yourself into a sexual state of mind. 2. HE WANTS SEX TO BE FUN Unfortunately, real-life romps aren't as seamless as they are in the movies. "Things don't always go smoothly during sex — some positions don't work, and odd noises happen," "If you get hung up on a mishap, it will ruin the mood. But if you can both laugh, it becomes a light bonding moment." Frisky fun is about more than damage control though. Make a silly bet to be paid off in sexual favors or play a board game naked in bed and agree that the loser has to grant the winner one lusty request. 3. HE WANTS YOU TO DROP HINTS When it comes to pleasing the women in their lives, every man wishes he had ESP (extrasexual perception). But the truth is, your libidinous longings can be baffling. "That's why a guy loves it when you're able to guide him without barking out orders," So when giving erotic instruction, throw in some positive reinforcement. "Tell him how good it feels when he does something right, or remind him of a technique that always gets you off," "If he's not giving you enough foreplay, ask him to use his hand or mouth to warm you up, saying that you want to draw out the experience." 4. HE WANTS TO WATCH For men, what they see is almost as good as what they get, so make sure to give him an eyeful. "One time during sex, my girlfriend led me over to a mirror so we could see ourselves in action," "I found it really sexy, but what made it hotter was how into it she was." Another way to turn him on with sight: Keep some clothes on. Sometimes men prefer when you leave a little to the imagination. "Sexy lingerie can be as arousing — or more so — as being nude, because it builds anticipation," 5. HE WANTS YOU TO BE NAUGHTY Even if you're a bad girl at heart, you might hold back with your guy. "Women are often afraid to get naughty in a relationship, because they don't want to shatter any 'good girlfriend' image he has or they don't want him to think they're weird, "But men want to see that no-holds-barred side of you — they just don't want to offend you by asking for it." What dirty-girl tricks fit the bill? Pretty much anything that shows him how much you like sex and how much you want it with him. To let him know you're into him, grab his butt hard when he's climaxing or gently nip his shoulder. 6. HE WANTS A "WOW, WHAT WAS THAT?" EXPERIENCE To separate yourself from the pack, you'll need to pull a move so wild, he won't be able to stop thinking about it the next day. "If you've mastered one particular technique that's really hot and different, the entire erotic experience will stand out in his mind," Now, you don't have to bust out a complicated trick best used by yoga instructors — just tweak an old standby, say, switching between oral sex and intercourse...with him blindfolded 7. HE WANTS TO MIX THINGS UP Repetition can make once-hot sack sessions seem ho-hum. So be open to varying things in bed. Any change in speed, pressure, or position will make the act more interesting and pleasurable. "Variety keeps him in a heightened state of arousal because he never knows what to expect During foreplay, wrap your fist around his member (with lube!), moving it up and down with long, smooth strokes. Then add your other hand, and gently twist both hands in opposing directions. When you get to intercourse, start off slowly in missionary. Next, rest your feet on his shoulders for deeper thrusting. Finally, roll over, and let him enter you from behind. 8. HE WANTS NOOKIE OUT OF NOWHERE "You'll win big sexual points with your guy if you spring sex on him out of the blue, "It gives him a huge ego boost by reinforcing the fact that you're really hot for him." For a spontaneous seduction, ask him to pull over to a deserted spot for a roadside romp when you're driving home one night. Or at a party, take him into a back bedroom or closet 9. HE WANTS TO TAKE YOU The best way to bring out the sexy beast in your guy? Initiate some take-me-I'm-yours action. "He'd love to be raw and animalistic with you, but he needs to know you want it too," "Kiss him seductively and then pull away, saying that if he wants more, he can come and get it." During the act, you can also tell him "harder" or "faster" if you feel like he's handling you with kid gloves 10. HE WANTS TO DO NOTHING SOMETIMES On the flip side, occasionally men prefer it when you take over. Lying back while a chick has her way with him is an ultimate guy fantasy. "She threw me back on the bed and blindfolded me with her bra," he remembers. "Then she gave me the best oral sex ever. I didn't have to lift a finger." Put some spice into it, he will keep it spicy then.

The Ups and Downs of "69"

The Ups and Downs of "69" "3" Is Not The Magic Number by Tracey Cox The 69er got its name because the numbers are head-to-toe — as you are when you're doing it! Put simply, it's a sexual position that allows each of you to give and receive oral sex simultaneously. The usual position is you on top of him, with your bottom pointed toward his face, genitals lowered so he can lick them. Meanwhile, your mouth is positioned above his penis. Because you're giving and receiving pleasure at the same time, some claim a 69er is the ultimate erotic sensation. Others find them to be ultimately frustrating: It's all too easy to get lazy on your end! If your partner's working his magic and you're about to climax, it's common to forget about his pleasure and try to get away with a few lackluster licks. That's why many people try 69ers in their youth and then decide they're too much work. Big mistake, ladies: They're a great way to add naughtiness and variety to a stale sex life, and with a few simple adjustments, they're easy to master. Here, the ups and downs of head-to-toe sex — and how to make yours better! The Ups * Sticking your genitals so blatantly in your partner's face is, well, quite rude, really... which is why it feels so liberating when we do it! Women are quite often bashful about showing their bits, so lowering yourself on top of him and realizing he's copping an eyeful can be a huge turn-on for both of you. * Because a 69er exposes the entire pelvic region, giving him access to the whole of the vulva, the perineum (the hairless bit between the anus and the vaginal opening) and your anus, he's able to stimulate much more than just your clitoris. The Downs * How do I put this delicately? If ever there was a time you wished you hadn't rushed out the door without showering, this is it. It can be slightly alarming to remember this just as you're lowering yourself right next to his nose. * Some men consider a 69er so erotic, they ejaculate too quickly — a literal two licks in. This is why it's advisable for him to start working on you long before you start on him. * Giving and receiving pleasure simultaneously is fabulous, but it has a massive downside: You need to pay attention — and that means you can't lose yourself in the moment. This, sadly for us, is more of a problem for women than for men. Orgasm for men is easy: Simply having a mouth hovering near his penis can sometimes be enough to send him over the edge. Women, complicated creatures that we are, usually require a specific, constant, don't-alter-anything-just-keep-doing-it-or-I'll-kill-you type of stimulation to climax. And if he's in the throes of orgasm or approaching it, he's unlikely to be paying careful attention to the critical timing you require. * If he does manage to keep going and you're the one transported into orgasmic bliss, it's rather easy to get a little carried away and forget your mouth is wrapped around some very vulnerable flesh. Some women involuntarily clench their jaw during orgasm. (Never seen a grown man cry? Here's your chance.) * If you assume the traditional position (meaning you're on top of him), you're actually the wrong way around for his tongue to work on the most sensitive part of the clitoral area. So, depending on how long, wide and dexterous his tongue is, this can mean his stimulation won't feel as good for you as regular oral sex. Make It Work By: * Using your hands. It's too awkward and tiring to attempt to use only your mouth to stimulate him, so use your hands as well. And don't be scared to remove your mouth and work on him with your hands to give yourself a break. Ditto for him. * Take turns. One way to solve the problem of forgetting to work on your partner because you're enjoying yourself too much is to assume the position but lie back and relax while he gives you an orgasm, and then reciprocate when you're done. * Putting a pillow under his head will keep him from getting a stiff neck from having to lift his head to make contact. Or try lying head-to-toe on your sides, each with the under thigh drawn up as a cushion for the partner's head. If you like being opened up wide, get him to slip his arm in the crook of your upper knee. * If it nearly always takes you longer to orgasm than it does him, get him to start working on you first while you lie back and relax. Start using your hands on him as you feel yourself becoming more aroused and only fellate him when you know you're approaching orgasm. * Try the "cascade" position — a 69er standing up — which gives you the unique sensation of having an orgasm with your head downward. To get you there, he lays you face up across the bed, with your head over the edge, and then stands astride your face, bends over and picks you up, putting your legs around his neck. Other Good Oral Sex Positions to Try: For Him * He stands while you sit facing him on the side of the bed (or on any piece of furniture that's the right height). It's more comfortable for both of you, and it lets you stimulate his penis, nipples, testicles, perineum, etc., without your hands getting cramped. It also gives you control over how deeply he thrusts into your mouth. Some men say their legs go wobbly on orgasm, but most can survive if they collapse on the bed immediately afterward! * He stands while you kneel in front of him. It's more comfortable for you than lying down beside him, and it's hugely appealing for him because you're in the classic "submissive" pose. For You * Instead of you lying back and him lying between your legs, he lies back on the bed and gets you to climb on top of him, facing the headboard. You put your hands against the wall behind the bed to steady yourself and then lower yourself onto his mouth and tongue. This gives you complete control over the pressure: You can lift away from his mouth if it's too rough and move closer if you want it harder. His neck's not cramped, and it stops his tongue from getting as tired. * You lie back on the bed while he kneels between your legs and lifts them up so they're resting on his shoulders. He's in a kneeling position; you're lifted in the air, but your shoulders are still on the bed. You use your hands to support yourself, and he supports you by holding your legs. This feels fantastic, and he gets the added turn-on of seeing exactly what's going on. * A comfort tip for the basic you-lying-back-on-the-bed position: Roll onto your side so he can rest his head on your thigh. Put a pillow under your bum to make everything more accessible.

Lover's Dance

Glistening bodies entwined in an ageless erotic dance, seeking pleasures from each other, seeking wonder and romance. She touches his face with tenderness. He draws her body near. Aching, needing hunger will make their destiny clear. Their lips meet in soft kisses, their tongues begin passion's war. Forgotten now, the outside world. All is here, behind this door. He strokes her body tenderly, she arches up for his caress. He finds her silken portal and her womanly wetness. She moans in fiery desire and pulls his hand away, wishing to end this exquisite torture and get on with passion's play. She straddles his waiting body, eases him into her feminine hollow. She leads him on a rhythmic dance, his thrusting hips must follow. She rides him faster, even then, to hear his wondrous sighs. She shows him all the delights she has between her womanly thighs. They stare into each other's eyes and gasp as ecstasy unreels, and tangles them in a lover's knot that every answer reveals. Sated, they lie side by side, spent but hungering still. She touches him where their passion came and tastes their lovers spill. Their mouths meet in passionate need, hungry animals once more. This time he rises above her, her body to explore. Their ballet begins again, as he thrusts his manhood in, vowing not to end the dance unless her cries he'll win. Like beasts of old they become, riding with desire, only resting their throbbing bodies when sated by their fire.
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