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This is a silly spell but it will actually work with the intent in mind. Trust me, I've used it successfully more than once... and it's fun, too! Cut out seven stars from colored paper... one of each color for the days of the week: Monday: White Tuesday: Red Wednesday: Green Thursday: Purple Friday: Pink Saturday: Black Sunday: Orange Chant over your stars: "Magic stars so bright and true Protect my monitor and CPU May my keyboard and mouse always work for me By the Techno-Goddess... so mote it be!" Place all the stars in a bag or box with a little sage, thyme, or rosemary. Each day for a week place the star on top of your monitor or computer that is the right color for that day. (See above.) If after a week your computer still has problems, you can continue the spell for another week or two. In desperate situations, pick up the phone book and call in your local computer wizard!

Healing the Rain Forests

Individual Version Cast a circle Invoke elements by calling upon them in protective aspects (for example, you might invoke Watchfires or Beacons in the South). Chant the names of the Earth Goddess, beginning with your personal favorites, then naming as many as you can think of. Take a piece of green string. Begin to tie knots in it, while chanting: Tying the Cord, Renewing the Earth; We are Her Children, bringing Rebirth. (The knots may be simple or elaborate, but leave enough string to tie together at the end.) As you chant, see the world as a network of connected systems. Breathe the air that comes from the jungles of South America. Feel the living fire of an ocelot's power. Taste the rain on the leaves at the tops of the trees. Feel the delicate structure of the soil at the forest floor.) Tie the cord together in a loop; hold it up, strung around your two hands, and begin chanting: We are the Flow and we are the Ebb; We are the Weavers, we are the Web. As you chant, see yourself standing guard over the borders of the rain forest. See yourself with others, protecting rain forest as you would protect yourself, because that's what you're doing. Bury the cord in a container of earth. Earth the power; thank the Deities and elements; open the circle. Later bury the cord in the forest if possible. (If circumstances make the above impossible): Sit quietly and see: the network of ecosystems that make up the world; the rainforest's thriving; plants and animals breeding; the Earth, green and filled with life; yourself, standing guard. Breathe, and know that the air comes from the sea and the jungles of Brazil. Drink and know that the water has been around the world, and circulates through you as it does through the air, land, and sea. Stand up and stretch; the strength of your body is the Earth's strength. Group Version Facilitators give each participant a slip of paper containing the name of an Earth Goddess and a Nature God. Facilitators invoke elements, stressing protective/preservative aspects of each one and ending with "Into this circle I call the Element Air! (Fire, Water, Earth.)" After each such invocation, a dancer or dancers representing the particular element come into the circle from outside and do an elemental dance. A facilitator says: "We now call upon the Earth Goddess by her many names!" Participants call out the Goddess name on their slip of paper, then any other Goddess names they wish. This ends on a signal from the drums. A facilitator says: "We now call upon the God of Nature by his many Names!" The God is invoked in the same fashion as the Goddess, ending with a drum signal. The elemental dancers go to the quarters and begin passing out pieces of green string, while a facilitator explains that the condition of the rainforest's affects us all, that all things are connected, and that the worldwide climate is changed every time another acre of rain forest is lost. S/he explains that these sections of cord represent parts of the Life Circle of Earth, and that they must be joined to protect her. When the above speech has been made and all the cords have been passed out, a facilitator ties the first knot, saying that tying the cord is renewing the Earth, that we are her children, bringing her rebirth. This is the signal to begin the chant: Tying the Cord, Renewing the Earth; We are Her Children, bringing Rebirth. Clockwise around the circle, one by one, each cord is tied to the next. When the circle is complete, the elemental dancers go to the quarters and hold the cord aloft (participants should not let go yet). The chant continues until the facilitators begin a second chant: We are the Flow and we are the Ebb; We are the Weavers, we are the Web. (Since this is to the same tune, the transition should be easy and seamless.) When this chant begins, the elemental dancers begin to gather in the cord, gently pulling it away from the participants, who gently release it. The elementals bury the cord in a container of earth in the center of the circle, then return to the outside to lead a spiral dance in to the center and back out (once) as the chant continues. When the participants are standing in a circle once more, the chant builds to a cone of power and fires. The Deities and Elements are thanked, the power is earthed, the circle opened, hugs exchanged. Later bury the cord in the woods.

Rain Spell

Rain Spell - This has worked for me personally! All you need is a piece of lava rock, preferably about the size of a jumbo marble. Repeat the following: "Rain, rain, come this way, do not wait another day." Repeat the phrase about 8 times or however many you wish. (8 is my favorite number so I use that.) As you say this you should be holding the lava rock in your right hand spinning your hand around in circles towards the sky. After you're done, the first hint that it worked would be the wind picking up strength. After that you just have to see what happens. Most of the rain storms that I've made have only lasted for about 5-10 minutes. Good luck casting!

House Blessing

Assemble: 1. Salt & Water 2. Incense (fire and air) 3. Milk & Honey 4. Oil (for anointing) 5. Wine (for offering) 6. Bells, Pots, Pans, Whistles, etc. Cast a circle in the main room (livingroom) and after casting, visualize the circle expanding to include the entire house. Call upon the spirits and energies living in the house (or apartment). Invite those who will be harmonious with the new household and its energies to remain. Invite/ask those who will be happier elsewhere to depart. Release all "energies" not compatible with the new household. (This may be expressed as a "release" in order to unbind anything that may be stuck.) Then call upon, greet, and invite ancestors, patron deities, and all harmonious spirits and energies to dwell in the house as they please. Gather up the pots, pans, and all the noise-makers. Go to each door and window, not forgetting the fire-place and dog-door, making as much racket as humanly possible-to shoo out anything unwanted. (This is hysterical fun, and also raises lots of energy for the next important step.) Go again throughout the house and at each portal (door, window, etc.) sprinkle salt-water and cense, saying: "By the Elements I purify and charge this portal." Then anoint the portal with milk and honey, saying: "By Milk and Honey I ensure prosperity and peace within this place." Finally, anoint the portal with oil, saying: "With Oil I seal this portal and protect all within." At the front door a special prayer is said, asking the guardian deities (God & Goddess) to freely grant entry to all friends and loved ones, and to prevent passage (turn aside) to any who would do harm." Then, if it's a house-pour wine across the width of the threshold; if it's an apartment anoint the threshold with light touches of wine. The house-holders then each take a sip of wine, leaving some as an offering to the Gods, and the Circle should be closed. The remaining wine, milk, and honey should be offered to the Gods. (In our case to the fruit tree and the oak tree in our yard.) Addenda: This is very effective if done as part of a house-warming party, followed by much feasting. It has also been done very effectively by two people. It only takes about 30 minutes to do a large house. You can take the time. Do make certain to "ground" afterward, by closing the circle and by eating. This ritual can "stir" up everybody and make the house feel full of "buzzy" energy. House Blessing Notes In the spirit of house blessings, I offer some selections taken from Cunningham's The Magical Household. I hope that they will inspire you to pick up the Cunningham book, because it's wonderful stuff... For the doorway: Suspend over the door a fresh sprig of dill, tied with a blue cord (or red, if you prefer), to prevent those who mean you harm from entering Cross two needles, and stick into or tie onto a corner of your doormat, to prevent evil from entering. Grind Dragon's Blood herb into a powder and sprinkle it on door and window sills, to protect your house from harm.

Rich Witch Spell

This spell should be cast on the evening of a New Moon. Find a flat surface or use your altar. Light a green candle, and place a bowl and a spoon on the surface before you. Mix a teaspoon of nutmeg and a teaspoon of cinnamon in the bowl. As you mix the ingredients, think of an amount of money you would like to see in your bank account. (Don't go overboard, though, or you will "scatter the spells energy".) Continue to focus on that amount of money as you take three coins of low denomination and toss them repeatedly, until you get one tail and two heads. Place the coins and the powder together in an old wallet or purse and shake it up as you chant: "Attraction powder let it be… send me all the luck I need." Place the purse in the same place as you keep all your financial documents.
Prepare: * A square piece of green cloth (about 6 by 6 inches, preferably silk, cotton, or polyester). * Green glitter and gold sequins * A 7 inch long string of green yarn * Three shiny and somewhat new pennies Take the square of green cloth and lay it out flat before you. Place the three pennies in the middle and concentrate on the amount of money you desire. Don't be too greedy, though! As you think of the amount of cash you need, sprinkle a couple teaspoon's worth of the green glitter and gold sequins. (These represent money and fortune.) Write your own chant or blessing to say as you do this. Gather all four corners of the cloth inward so that it forms a small pouch around the coins. Grasp the corners of the cloth together and wrap the green yarn around it, tying it shut tightly. Keep this wherever you normally put your money, or inside a purse.

To Help Pay Debts

Take the key to a strong box and go to a country crossroads at midnight during the full moon. Lay the key in the middle of the crossroads and walk in a circle around it three times to the left and three times to the right, chanting: "Forces around me take pity on my foolishness and grant me a second chance to unlock my future and unburden me." Take the key home and put it on your key chain.

Invisibility Spell

Invisibility is a term that is easily misunderstood. No, you cannot make a magical potion that you drink and *bing* become invisible. Sorry. But this spell will make you seem invisible to people. Sometimes it's nice you don't want attention or if you just want to be left alone. If you want to be invisible to others- that is, people will look right past you like you aren't there (but if you punch them or something, they'll still see ya, sorry) try this. Close your eyes and imagine a sphere of white light around you. Then imagine that the light starts to get blurry. It then takes on the colors and shapes of the environment around you. You fade into the light, becoming a part of it, until you completely disappear into the camouflage of the circle of light around you. I've done this and tried to talk to people and they didn't even see me until I physically touched them, then they would just like- jump- like holy crap, how would you get there? And normally, I'm a very noticeable person. I'm not used to being invisible like that but it was an interesting experiment- useful if you need to hide, want to be alone (no annoyances) or are somewhere you shouldn't be and don't want to get caught. Invisibility Spell Invisibility is a term that is easily misunderstood. No, you cannot make a magical potion that you drink and *bing* become invisible. Sorry. But this spell will make you seem invisible to people. Sometimes it's nice you don't want attention or if you just want to be left alone. If you want to be invisible to others- that is, people will look right past you like you aren't there (but if you punch them or something, they'll still see ya, sorry) try this. Close your eyes and imagine a sphere of white light around you. Then imagine that the light starts to get blurry. It then takes on the colors and shapes of the environment around you. You fade into the light, becoming a part of it, until you completely disappear into the camouflage of the circle of light around you. I've done this and tried to talk to people and they didn't even see me until I physically touched them, then they would just like- jump- like holy crap, how would you get there? And normally, I'm a very noticeable person. I'm not used to being invisible like that but it was an interesting experiment- useful if you need to hide, want to be alone (no annoyances) or are somewhere you shouldn't be and don't want to get caught.

Empowerment Ritual

This ritual will increase your magical powers and energy. "The purpose of this ritual is to tap into your own personal life force and amplify it into a personal statement of self confidence and strength. Afterwards, when you feel yourself dragging in one area or another, concentrate on the appropriate symbol in the appropriate color for a bit, and you will find yourself tapping back into the energies you established in the ritual." You will need: * A set of crayons including red, orange, yellow, green, sky blue, dark blue, violet, black, grey, white, silver, and gold. * A medium to work on--cloth or paper on which all the colors will show up. * A red candle * Fiery scented incense, such as sage or cedar. First, establish your working circle, after you've gathered all your materials together. Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit and draw. You'll be here a while. Face the east and say: "Spirits of the East, powers of Air, I ask that you be present at this spell-working. Help me find inspiration and visualize the symbols clearly that I may partake of their essence." Face the south and say: "Spirits of the South, powers of Fire, I ask that you be present at this spell-working. Help me find the spirit within to empower the symbols and tune into their color energy." Face the west and say: "Spirits of the West,powers of Water, I ask that you be present at this spell-working. Help me to seek the mystery within, that the symbols I draw here may work upon my emotions for my Highest Good." Face the north and say: "Spirits of the North, powers of Earth, I ask that you be present at this spell-working. Help me to manifest the symbols in the third-dimensional world so that their energies may become a part of my physical existence." Face the sky and say: "Father Sky, I ask that you watch over me in this spell-working. Lend me your wisdom so that I may bring safely link my inner vision with the outer Self." Place your hands on the earth and say: "Mother Earth, I ask that you watch over me in this spell-working. Let me ground myself deeply in you and draw on your strength and energy to sustain me in my work." Face your altar in the center of the circle and say: "Sacred center, Spirit of all that is, of whom we are all only aspects, unite this sphere into a protected space for the spell-working I plan to do here." Using the red crayon, visualize the color as life essence. Draw a human body, using a star-like shape. Draw the first symbol that comes to your mind when you think of strength and power. (Draw it in red below the human body shape.) Now take the orange crayon. This color represents vitality, potency, courage- draw the first symbol of these qualities that comes to mind slightly above and to the left of the last symbol. With the yellow crayon in hand, concentrate on intellect, and your request for knowledge. Draw a symbol of this directly to the left of the human body shape. Using the green crayon, visualize expansion, abundance, prosperity, growth, love. When you have felt its energy, draw a symbol of above and to the left of the human body. Take up the sky blue crayon, and feel it's energy of expression, communication, spiritual gain, joy, and self-achievement. Draw a symbol of those directly above the central symbol (body). Using a dark blue crayon, draw a symbol to the lower-right of the last symbol. This one should represent synthesis and inner wisdom. It should align with the green shape. In violet, which represents spirituality and guidance, draw a symbol of those traits directly to the right of the red central sign. White is used to link the life-force. Draw a symbol that represents a cycle or strong bond below and to the right of the central symbol. This main pattern is complete. It should resemble a circle of colors and symbols surrounding the body. Now, trace from the central body, directly to the left. Here, you should come upon the yellow symbol. To the left of that symbol, you will draw another sign, in silver. Hold the silver crayon and feel it's energy, imagine the journey you are embarking on, and draw a symbol of it. Take the gray crayon and visualize flexibility, endurance, persistence and resolve needed to accomplish the changes you desire. When you feel it's energy, draw a symbol of those strengths at the very top/center. (above the human body, and above the light blue sign.) The gold crayon represents activity. Draw your symbol of activation to the far-right (lined up horizontally with the silver symbol). Using black, feel and see the changes you want occurring, the power of this ritual going to work. Draw a symbol of this directly beneath the red symbol under the body. (The bottom of the page, centered.) Give blessings to all invoked gods, goddesses, and spirits, using a chant to each quarter like this: "Spirits of the east, powers of air, thank you for your presence and aid in this work. Depart in peace, my thanks and blessings." Open the circle, release the energy, and say: "To all spirits visible and invisible that have been present in this ritual, depart in peace, my thanks and blessings." Hang the resulting picture up somewhere where you can see it often. When you need any of the specific traits energized in each symbol, simply think of that particular color and symbol as depicted in your masterpiece!
This spell is specifically for someone who has a skin problem that is persistent and makes them feel insecure or causes them irritation. This includes but is not limited to rashes, acne, bruises, and swelling. Best if performed on a new or waxing moon, even better just before going to sleep. Following a bath, make yourself comfortable somewhere in your bedroom. You must be able to easily reach the problem area on your body or face. Place a hand over the skin. Close your eyes and imagine something calm and serene, specifically, a scene where there is water. This could be an ocean, a quiet lake, or rain in the tropics. Chant three times: "Goddess heal me So mote it be!" You can replace Goddess with the name of a healing deity if you wish. Move your fingers slowly over the infliction. Now imagine it is smooth, flat, and healthy. As you slowly pass your hand over the skin, it should feel almost as if it is already healed. Thank the Goddess or the deities invoked. This spell, if successfully performed, will cause the skin problem to disappear within a few days. If you are having serious problems, see a dermatologist!
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