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Why Acid is Bad

On Sunday night i had a horrible acid flashback and tripped out bad, really bad. (I didn't do more acid, i just tripped out unprovoked) Things started off ok, colors became more vivid, i started seeing things a little. Then it got progressively worse. Those vivid colors started flashing wildly. The first major thing besides the colors was that my left wall started to breathe in and out. The posters on my right wall started to "dance" to the music i was listening to. They then started to rearrange themselves. The crooked ones straightened, the straight ones became crooked. That wall also started to breathe in and out. I noticed someone was watching me from inside my closet. I could see him move, but i couldn't see his face. The walls kept breathing harder, more angrily. The posters started to meld together and the walls started to melt. Keep in mind that i was listening to music the whole time. More people appeared. One was crouching down on the right side of my bed, but when i looked he was gone. He sometimes appeared right above my head. He was always just out of reach. Light started flooding through the room, yet it stayed dark. The Light was in the center of my room swirling like a galaxy. They swirled fast and faster and became brighter and brighter and then just stopped. Everything went black for a moment and then the light of the room returned to normal. Nothing else happened for a bit, then i saw that more people were within my peripheral vision. Some appeared in my direct line of vision, some to my left or to my right. I tried to fix my attention on something solid, which happened to be my lampshade, but that too started to change. It looks nothing like a flower normally, but as i watched it, it started to grow. The lampshade blossomed out and spread into many beautiful flowers. it was like a hundred roses made love to cherry blossoms. That moment of beauty was lost very quickly because i became aware of the people who were around me. Two were on my left, talking to each other. When i tried to look at them they vanished. The sheet on my bed began to move, a lot like how a snake moves. Without knowing how, this sheet was wrapping itself around me. I got free and things calmed down a little. Before long, though, things went nuts again. I saw more and more people, and my music started to just turn into noise. So much was going on i couldn't stand it. People to my left and right were talking so loudly but i couldn't understand what they were saying, and when i looked they were gone. Everything was spinning, the walls were screaming and black hands were reaching out of the tv. My laptop keys started moving up and down like they were the ocean. They turned green, they turned red and back to white again. Eventually i passed out. I literally thought i was losing my mind. But my beautiful, loving, caring girlfriend kept talking to me, kept trying to reason with me. She was telling me everything was going to be ok. Even though she wasn't phsysically with me, she was there. I don't know what i would have done without her. I love her so much.

I'm Disgusted

I am absolutely disgusted and and appalled by the new administration. I'm actually pretty impressed with how unbelievably irresponsible they are. You do not apologize to the world for something a bunch of terrorists did and then blamed on the americans without doing any sort of research. Another thing that i find pretty incredible is how they just pass legislature that makes absolutely no sense just because the "right-wing nuts" don't like it. I'm sick of the malice. This is a country that has always encouraged different opinions. For example, I have friends who are liberal and friends who are entirely conservative, I don't fully agree with either, but i respect their views, and listen to them. They respect my views as well. We agree to disagree. It's much easier than arguing and blame-shifting. That sort of thing is what children do, but i know some kids who have more common sense than the president. I don't think he knows much about history at all. He thinks that Winston Churchill was against "inhanced interrogation" that's not true at all. Churchill was brutal. He did whatever it took to take out Hitler. He did some pretty questionable things. He probably heard it from Biden, because Biden obviously knows history. I mean, come on, he knows that FDR got on TV when the stock market crashed to tell the people that it would be ok. It's a shame that Herbert Hoover was actually the president and that Radio was pretty new, and not many people had one. TV wasn't even invented yet. But whatever the ignorant people can believe an ignorant president all they want. Oh, and by the way, all of you who read this (which probably isn't very many,) I am NOT a "right wing nut" I am a Libertarian. I have some conservative views, but don't think i'm some irrate republican. Republicans piss me off too.


I know it's all big news about that whole new york flyby thing, but it's absolutely unacceptable that Obama is catching very little flack for this. Causing absolute panic and people running in the streets is just ridiculous. Saying it was a "photo opp" is even worse. It's illegal to fly planes that low, you know. I don't know what the hell happened, maybe biden got drunk and hijacked the plane, maybe bill clinton did it, either way it's stupid. You all know if this happened while bush or another republican was president everyone would totally lose their minds. they'd get all crazy and bush wouldn't be able to say anything in retaliation. But with this bastard in office, people just wrote it off as a "blunder." You can't do that and then say, "whoops my bad" Or lie straight up to the mayor claiming that the authorities were contacted when they weren't, because, surprise, surpise, the mayor is the ultimate authority in new york city. No one new. I don't think that it's fair. I think he should get the same amount of scrutiny that bush did. His version of "Diplomacy" has strained relationships with allies and gone buddy-buddy with enemies. He's destroying the country, and people don't even realize it. It just pisses me off. He's not invincible, or above the law, he can't do whatever he wants and he's got to realize that.
Nowadays, it seems that every time i turn on the TV Obama is doing something stupid, or his administration is doing something stupid. For example, this whole "prosecute bush officials" thing. That is just a bunch of bunk. What these bastards fail to realize is that the techniques we used actually saved this country, several times. Another thing they refuse to accept is that these people are NOT US CITIZENS. They have NO constitutional rights. They are enemies who are trying to kill us, trying to wipe us off the face of the earth. You think waterboarding is torture? hah! Have you seen what people like these terrorists do to their prisoners? That's if they let them live. Or what about the vietnamese? what they did to our guys was torture, but no one seems to think of that. Or the Japanese in WWII. They were sick. Vivisection is torture. (a vivisection is performing an autopsy on a living person, usually without any anesthetic) Starvation is torture. Chaining someone to the back of a truck and dragging them is torture. Most of the time these terrorists don't even let prisoners live. They just kill them. Behead them, eviscerate them, shoot them or worse. How do you expect to get information from these people? Give them a cup of coffee and some donuts and say "now, tell me all of your secrets"?! I don't think so. They HATE americans, they wouldn't tell us anything, or if they did, it would be false information. You have to force information from people. Being nice and sweet will not do it. You have to threaten, intimidate, scare. You have to make sure the info they give is correct. This entire travesty, in my opinion, is a big distraction. Obama has sent the economy to hell in a handbasket, and has made a fool of us across the world. This, i believe, is happening so he can distract the stupid masses from the actually problems and issues his administration is dodging. Something like this has happened before, you know. It happened in Rome. The Caesar knew his people were starving and poor, so he distracted them with the gladiatorial games. And the Burning of Christians, lions eating children dressed as lambs, and other attrocities. So don't get all bent out of shape over a pretty lame technique

dude, seriously

Everyone is up in arms about those Tea Parties. Everyone says that the people who went to them were whiny, snivelling racists who were all anti-obama, anti-america, and anti-cnn. That's a bunch of bunk. Every american has the right to peaceably assemble. And that's what they did. No one got belligerent, no one threw stuff. Nothing bad happened, no riots. The people came out to support something they believe in, and to protest something they don't. So, if what these assholes are saying is true, then only they have the right to assemble and protest. Then they can get all crazy and burn stuff and protest the war at a hero's funeral. A funeral!! There's the right to assembly, then there is just putrescence. And going to a soldier's funeral, someone who fought and DIED to protect these rights, to protest the very thing they are able to do. Is that right? Cannot a group of people get together and protest higher taxes? Can't we stand up and say no to socialism? And to idiocy in the white house. I refuse to let Good ol' King george obama do whatever he wants. I wish he would crack open a history book. He's doing the VERY thing we revolted for. Communism doesn't work. Socialism doesn't work. "Diplomacy" with insane tyrants who want to annihilate us doesn't work either. You think those monsters will keep their word?! Hell no! Saddam Hussein made promises, He violated 17 UN resolutions; which also proves, by the way, that the UN doesn't work. So next time these idiots complain about a legitimate organized event, they should shut up. Because if their best answer to questions on their retarded policies is "Well, We won the election" then we are going down the drain. I didn't know that an 8 year old had become president. I thought a Man was supposed to be the president. But i see no man in the white house, only a little child clapping his hands and laughing because he won a game of cards by cheating. Get with the picture. Wake up, let us all be. Let us earn our money and help the economy. Don't take our money and use it to throw parties.

this song is extremely relevant to today, even though this album came out back in 07. It's from "United Abominations"

"The quiet war has begun with silent weapons

And the new slavery is to keep the people

Poor and stupid, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum'

How can there be any logic in biological warfare?

We all know this is wrong, but the New World Order's 

Beating down the door, oh something needs to be done


There was a King, an Evil King

Who dreamt the wickedest of dreams

An ancient mystery, no one could interpret

Of seven years of famine, the wolf is at my door

As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more

The Word predicts the future and tells the truth about the past

Of how the world leaders will hail the new Pharaoh

The eighth false king to the throne: Washington is Next!


Disengage their minds, sabotage their health

Promote sex, and war, and violence in the kindergartens

Blame the parents and teachers; it's their fault

'Annuit Coeptis'

Attack the church dynamic, attack the family

Keep the public undisciplined till nothing left is sacred and

The 'have-nots' get hooked and have to go to the 'haves'

Just to cop a fix


I am the King, an Evil King

Who dreams the wickedest of dreams

An ancient mystery, nobody could interpret

Of seven empires falling, the wolf is at my door 

As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more

The Word predicts my future, and tells the truth about my past

Of how the world's leaders are waiting to usher in

The eighth world power of modern Rome; Washington is Next


There was a King, an Evil King

Who dreamt the wickedest of dreams

An ancient mystery, no prophet could interpret

Of seven empires falling, the wolf is at my door

As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more


I am a king and i dream the wildest dreams

And nobody could interpret

Seven empires falling, the wolf is at my door

Ooh, that that was, that is, that is no more


There's something at my door, some ancient mystery

The future tells the truth about the past

And I'm the eighth false king to the throne

I've got you in my crosshairs, now, ain't that a bitch?

Washington, You're Next!"


Ok, this is a song by a Progressive metal band called Avantasia, they get a lot of guest vocalists and stuff (alice cooper happens to be on their new album, which this song is from)

It's a part of a storyline about a scarecrow who so desperately wants to find love, but because he isn't human, he can't. It's an awesome album, check it out. It's called "The Scarecrow" but anyway here it is:


"A Dream of a dwelling inside,

Alone we come and alone we go

And who am i to know what i feel,

Sympathy that's tearing me apart?

Attraction of the distance to a heart or affinity?


What if love will leave your heart an open sore?

And I can't reveal what even i don't know

The Love you feel you waste away on me

What kind of Love would let us bleed away?

No kind of Love would make us bleed away


If only you could be

The one to take a look inside

I feel so incomplete

A broken man in need of Mother Love

i'm suffering in silence

And no one wants to see

And only God is watching as I bleed

A Star above- my matching piece


Oh this Love will leave your heart an open sore

And I can't reveal what even i don't know

This Love you feel you waste away on me

What kind of Love would let us bleed away?

No kind of Love would make us bleed away


Feel- That's all you gotta do

And it will heal you

Feel the pain to lead you home to peace of mind

Dwell inside

Feel- That's all you gotta do

And it will heal the wound

Feel- There will be a song for peace of mind

Dwell inside"


I don't know, i love the song, but out of context it probably isn't as good

This song is from their new album "Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace" it pretty much explains what's going on today in the world "Now i don't know, and it's hard to explain But it seems like things are just kind of insane Because the world is crying but nobody's listening so please leave a message on my cell phone I see bullets getting better Biblical weather And that guy on Tv is like a total asshole Who are you wearing tonight? Celebrity fundraiser, tight! Black ties making wrongs right How's your social band-aid? I don't know much, I don't know too much, But i know this, Shit is Fucked Up! I guess it's all about the dream The Ends justify the means You know it's all about the dream The ends justify the means Now thank God for the media, For saving the day putting it all into perspective in a responsible way with more celebrity news Typical bullshit views I think we're losing this fight sponsored by bud light and now we're rockin' the casbah and takin' the flak The Genie's out of the bottle and we can't put it back All this stuff, it's overwhelming my brain Can you see the storm comin' ? It's Coming this way I don't know much, I don't know too much But i know this: Shit is Fucked Up! I guess it's all about the dream The ends justify the means You know it's all about the dream The ends justify the means Shopping sprees, RPG's Ecstasy Atrophy Genocide Pimp my ride Politize Euphemize Injustice Everywhere Apathy, I don't care Hurricanes Climate change Huh! Therapy, I won't tell Rehab and LOL Worldwide calamity TV reality Euthanize, Supersize Death squads and Boob jobs VIP Infamy Gratify instantly I don't know much, I don't know too much I don't know much, I don't know to much But i know this: Shit is Fucked Up!" Pretty crazy song

What a Bastard

Dude, obama is such a bastard. Why are you going to give the Prime Minister of England, the Mother Country, a bunch of useless DVD's? And then why would you give the Queen an iPod with your speeches on it? Who the hell does he think he is?

He says he's all about diplomacy, but someone who gives a completely useless and worthless gift to the prime minister, and then has the audacity to give him back a bust of churchill is not a diplomat he's an idiot. Diplomacy means to improve relations with other countries, not spit in their faces. 


Obama is a jerk. he needs to focus more on the domestic problems. you can't just pass something that might bankrupt the country and then ignore it to fuck up relations with our strongest ally. he needs to get his act in gear. 

yeah people probably hate me for my scary, paranoid libertarian political views, but i'm not afraid of the critizism, and if some friends don't like me for my opinion then oh well. I'll still respect your political views even if you don't respect mine

check this

So, obama is supposed to be all about tolerance right? well apparently 3rd party people are "domestic terrorists" But wait a second, I thought obama said that words like "terrorists" were offensive, so which is it you bastard? I'm a libertarian, i believe in guns and in freedom, am i, Mr. King George Obama a terrorist? No i am not, i'm a patriot. I love the ideals this nation was founded on, you think your "Idol" Lincoln would be proud of you? no, he's rolling over in his grave. Are you so afraid of different people that you're gonna label them as terrorists just because they might threaten your power or because you lost what little support you had from them and now you're holding a grudge? which is it. being afraid of someone else of a different color is racism. You cannot take away my right to be a libertarian. Brand me as a terrorist, throw me in jail, but you will be found out, and i will laugh in jail because i was right. Everyone was all like "der! impeach bush! der!" but this new president is doing way dumber things than bush ever did. People complained and bitched at bush's spending plan, but Obama's plan is way over that, Exponentially. He's not catching flack for it. Biden says shit like FDR being president when the market crashed and then getting on tv. That was so ridiculous, but he barely got noticed because the media is in Obama's bed. i'm sick of the bullshit, sick of the lies, of the hypocracy. I say, impeach good ol' king george obama. You cannot just decide to put idiots in charge, and then whine like 8 year olds and blame bush for everything. I'm blaming Obama for everything that happens that's not cool. "Oh no, my steak wasn't cooked rare, i blame obama" "oh shit, my car is out of gas, i blame obama" "Why were you late for work?" "I blame obama" see? i can blame everything on someone also. I'm probably gonna catch hell for this, but i don't give a damn. The people have the right to overthrow the government if it becomes the way it was under king george. and it's getting to that point.
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