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Well, I have been wanting to talk about the political race this year, considering this is final year of the Bush regime, yeah! But, as I began to think about the campaign and so on, I don’t know if either party that gets elected will be able to really make a huge impact in the next four years. So I thought I would give my views on each party, from personal experience, or I don’t know. The candidates from both parties that are running for the presidential seat don’t seem to really be capable to set up and undo the damage that Bush caused in his eight years of tyranny. For instance, when he first announced he was running, Barrack Obama was my number one choice for our new president. Even though I am a Democrat as far as views go, I have to question his patriotism for this country, being there were at times that he did not salute the American flag when the Star Spangled Banner was being sung or played. I mean, I don’t know about you but that is a vital role for a presidential candidate to do, then alone the president. Then, his minister going off about the United States as though it was the country’s fault for every problem of the world seem to not help out his stance. Even though he has cleared both situations and still managed to move forward without being dragged down, it made me think about what he will really do when he gets elected in the office. I mean, I would love more than anything to see an African-American president in there(even though he is only half), and see some refreshing changes in Washington, but he needs to know how loyal he is to our country. Then there is Hillary Clinton, whom I have never really cared for even when her husband was in the office, with more controversial issues surrounding here than women surrounding her husband willing to give him head. No wonder he slept with Monica Lewinsky. To me, Clinton may be good for a vice-president and that’s it, but with her and Obama calling each other names all through this campaign, I would not want to see them in the office together. It would be worse than how Bush tore this country in half with his two terms. Then on the Republican side there is John McCain, whom back in 2000 I actually wanted in the office over Bush and even Gore. But now, I see him changing his views on the war in the Middle East, from being against it back in 2003 to fully supporting it during the last election, and now saying the United States should invade Iran. I am sorry, but invading Iran is going to make this Vietnam-like police action in the Middle East turn into a World War III with no glory nor gain. There is no gain as it is with the war going on now, and in my opinion, the United States is focusing way too much their support in the wrong country. There focus should be on Afghanistan, not Iraq. But, then again, that’s my opinion and another topic. So when November comes, it is going to be pretty hard to figure out who to vote. As I said, I am Democrat, but I am a Democrat that does have Republican views as well. Traditionally, Democrats are for change in the country, but there some things they do not need to change and focus on issues that do need changes. For instance, Democrats tend to raise taxes a lot. Now, no one likes to pay taxes, but in my opinion, taxes are really important. I mean, when I drive on a road, I do not want to go over potholes and bumps all the time; when I walk down a sidewalk, I would to walk down one that is not filled with cracks and pieces of concrete missing; and when I am at a park, I like to see lush green grass not a bunch of brown spots. However, taxes are not being used properly, and that is something the Democrats should focus on as far as changes go. For instance, putting stricter policies on welfare, which is one of the major contributors of high taxes. Just putting a shorter time limit on how one person gets welfare and even using left over tax money get them back into the workforce can make a great effect with the money being brought in for the government. Also, this is one topic the Democrats should not even touch; ban the right to bare arms. That is one of the original amendments on our constitution, and one of our God given rights. Taking that away is pretty much telling the rest of the world to attack us, because the citizens do not have protection anymore. For Republicans, I never really cared for being that I believe they side more toward the rich and the businessmen. I would always see them giving tax breaks to the upper class while they raise taxes toward the lower class. Now, there have been some saying that if you give tax breaks to the rich or even business owners, it makes them more productive and even helps the economy. That I do agree with, but when they say they will get more money back, and that means their employees will then get better raises, I do not agree. Well, maybe some business owners might do that, but the majority of them are in business are in for one thing: to make money. So, as a result, it’s more money in their pockets and none for their workers, and that is where Republicans get greedy. Also, I did not like the move Bush tried to pull on making an amendment in the constitution on banning Gay marriage. To me, what he was trying to do if he did not realize that was recreating a prejudice barrier not seen since the 1960’s. It may not be race or religion, but as sexual preference. Now, some people may think that does not count, that it is not something naturally born with, but to me I think it is. And really, making a law banning their right to marriage is setting yet another separation of the population. This is the opinion that really separates me from the Republicans, so that makes me more Democratic. So when November comes around, you will know which side I will be voting, but I will not say whom I will vote for. As it is said in the great Dr. Demento classic song, Tai Kwan Leap, “People Voting Republican, Give Them a Boot to the Head!”

About a couple weeks ago, I was talking to one of my friends about a conversation he had with another friend of ours on why she thought he was wasting his life and talents away by hanging out at a restaurant. So we were talking about this, and we both agreed that it was sort of funny that our friend, saying that he was wasting his life away by going to a restaurant, goes and hangs out at a bar just as much as my friend goes to the restaurant. In my opinion, the only real difference between a restaurant and a bar is the fact that a bar has alcohol and a restaurant, or at the one my friend goes to, doesn’t have alcohol. Other than that, both places are really the same, if you think about it. I mean, both seem to have the drama factor implanted in them, which is something you can never really get away from unless you just stay at home and go no where. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages in both bars and restaurants, being one advantage with a restaurant you will never have to worry about getting into a drunken brawl with anyone, unless if it’s late at night and the bars are closed so everyone there to sober up, but the ratio of someone getting into a fight in a restaurant is very slim to none. The disadvantage, though, to a restaurant than a bar is the fact there a lot of younger people there and that can be a problem if you are over the age of twenty-five. If you go to a restaurant almost all the time, and you are over the age of twenty-five, it starts to look weird to some people because all you are around are people just fresh out of high school or still current. Which makes the advantage of a bar easy; everyone in the bar is, or suppose to be, of the age of twenty-one and older. If you are hitting on anyone at a bar, you’ll feel much more comfortable because you know they are of age as oppose to a restaurant where there’s a chance of someone there that is underage. However, as the old saying goes, “You can never find anyone good at a bar”, which is very true talking from experience. There’s a better chance of finding someone better at a restaurant considering without alcohol around, you can actually talk to a person in a sober state. Another example why a bar is not a good hangout is that most bars don’t really have people there you can talk about interesting topics, and if you are someone that craves intellectual conversations you can forget a bar completely, considering the patrons at a bar mainly consist of alcoholics, lushes, sluts, and so on. It’s really hard to find an actual bar where you can carry a good conversation with someone without some lewd and stupid outburst. And finally, another reason why restaurants are better than bars is that alcohol plays a huge role among law enforcement, being that if you have over .08 alcohol blood content, you get a DUI which now is a $10,000 fine and is considered a felony. Honestly, .08 alcohol blood content is not that much, I mean, that’s only ¾ of a beer, or most beer. It’s kind of sad if you drink a bottle of Nyquil you can get a ticket. But, in my opinion, the best hangout overall is a coffeehouse. For one, you do have a lot of people there that are above the age of eighteen, even though there is a considerable amount of people under that age as well. Also, the conversations are much better. So, where is your desired hangout?

In response to my last blog, I would like to dedicate this one to a guy that has really steered my views on life to a direction where I would like to go: Gary Newell. He is a man from North Carolina, where he also went to college and got started in the business I am in to help fund his ministry he created called Outreach America, where he goes to the inner cities to help young people succeed in life. Also, he is one of the most prominent speakers on my business team today. Gary Newell is a man that was able to retire out of a job he had with a fortune ten company in his late twenties to pursue his ministry and help countless people to get free themselves. For the past few months, I was able to impact myself with his great thought process. If you hear you wouldn’t notice, but when he first started this business, he was a very shy and quiet man. This kind of really drew my attention towards him, considering the type of blogs I type, you wouldn’t realize that I am actually a shy and quiet guy in public. Basically, because of Gary Newell, I am able to open myself up more and expand my thinking much more than I had previously. But the best thing about it, he’s going to be in the area next Sunday in Merrillville, IN to talk to people about his thought process. It’s going to be great, and I might just stand in line overnight just to see him. If you think that’s crazy, then guess what, call me crazy. I mean, someone that is willing to discuss to you how to become financially free and free from being an employee, I’m going to be there. As they say, there is power with association, or who you associate with you will become. Granted, some of you may think the reason why I am in this business is just to obtain a lot of money so I don’t have to work anymore, but that is really only part of the reason. This business team offers many aspects in life that honestly successful people follow, for instance, have great relationships, not just with your spouse or family, but with your friends. Business in general is based on good relationships, I mean, who do you know that has a business that became successful having bad relationships? So far, I know no one yet. Also, if you are married, this business helps you obtain a great relationship with your spouse, better than you had before. I know when I do get married, I want to have a long lasting relationship with my wife, not keep a scorecard of all the wives I had. It’s sad that most people now think you can never be with someone for a long period of time. I would like to go against that belief, and if you do think that’s crazy to try to have a long lasting relationship with someone, then call me crazy. Finally, another aspect about this business is that it teaches you how to stand in life. Everyone on this world has to at one time take a stand for something they believe in, and I stand for this business. I stand for the big names in this business like Larry Winters, Greg Francis, and of course, Gary Newell. This is s team that is worth standing for and it matters dearly and if you think there nothing but a scam, then you’re wrong. Unless you have been around the meetings, the people, or even the conventions, you’ll see everyone on how they are. I am proud to be part of this team, and I don’t know how I would be if it weren’t for this group. I am looking forward to helping out as many people as I can, and if you think it’s crazy to help people become financially and mentally successful, then guess what, call me crazy. There are too many people that say negative things about some of the people I have mentioned. Every time I have encountered someone that says negative about this business, guess what, I just tell ten more about it. All it is doing is firing me up because I know I am going to have a huge team in the few years. I think this the only vehicle to accomplish all your dreams, and sadly, no one dreams anymore. In a way, what is the point of living if you don’t dream? Dreaming is what keeps me alive, and if you think that’s crazy to do so, then CALL ME CRAZY!!!!

I've been wanting to post this blog for a little while now. I heard rumors about this, but I didn't know if it was true. But then, they were true. Arthur Lee, founder and main contributor to the 1960's band Love, has died. Lee died on August 3 from complications of leukemia, he was only sixty one years old. He was in Memphis, where he was born, when he died. So at least he was at home. His band Love has been cited as one of most influential bands to come out of the psychedelic era. There popularity was not very big, but they would have a cult following for many years to come. Jim Morrison of The Doors proclaimed Love was his favorite band of all time. When they played The Whiskey A Go Go, members from The Rolling Stones and The Yardbirds would show up to see Love's set for that night. Even Robert Plant talked about how Love was very influential to him when Led Zeppelin was inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Also, bands such as Urge Overkill, Echo and the Bunnymen, Agent Orange and many others pay homage to their psychedelic rootsy R&B sound that helped spawn many bands to come. Love formed as far back as in 1963 when Arthur Lee called the group the LAG's, and later on they would be called Lee's American Four. As the LAG's, the band recorded a single called "My Diary", which would feature a little known guitar player named Jimi Hendrix. Both Hendrix and Arthur Lee would eventually become friends and each would collaborate on each others material for years to come. Many band members would revolve through the line-up until the group was started to get known. Just as the band was getting attention around the LA scene, Arthur Lee would then again change the band's name to The Grass Roots. After finding out their was another band by the same that already released a single, Arthur Lee finally named the group Love. By the time that name was set in, most of the main members were already in place. Bryan MacLean, a former Byrds roadie, would become Lee's songwriting partner. Also John Echols, Johnny Fleckenstein, and Don Conka would become the core of what would become Love. They began to perform around Los Angeles in April of 1965, and quickly become the hottest band in the city. Love would eventually become the house band at the Whiskey A Go Go, where numerous stars along with well known musicians would show up and watch their set. While playing at the Whiskey, they lived communally in a house once owned by Bela Lugosi. Immediately, Elektra, once a record label signed only to Folk artists, signed Love to a contract and became their first Rock and Roll band. Later on, Elektra would sign The Doors, Janis Joplin and many other well known act to their label, but that's another story. Once they got signed to Elektra, the band went into the studio to record their first album. Released in May of 1966, their self titled debut would feature a minor hit of their version of Burt Bacharach's "My Little Red Book". Their album would hit the charts, only peaking at #57. Also, the picture on the cover was shot in the garden of the house they lived in. Their popularity would have been much bigger if they didn't ignore the press as they did. This would eventually be their reason for not becoming a popular band as how most speculators thought. Also, Love never toured outside of Los Angeles, as how Arthur Lee said, "We were the greatest, also the laziest. We thought 'Hey we're doing good in LA, why go on tour?" They even opt out on going up to Northern California to the Monterrey Pop Festival in 1967, citing their were differences with the managers in charge. Anyway, in August of 1966, Love would release their single "7 and 7 is". This proved to be their commercial peak, the single charted at #33. A couple months later, the group would release their second album, Da Capo. Their garage folk sound of the first album would be gone and a sound of airy melodies and elusive art songs with jazz and classical influences would dominate the second album. "7 and 7 is" would be on this album, along with "Stephanie Knows Who" and "Que Vida!" would show a coming of the psychedelic period for the band. Also, this album would feature the first time ever that one side was devoted to one track, called "Revelation". Soon afterward, some members left the band, and the group was soon faltering when their third album was coming to fruitation. Released in November of 1967, Forever Changes would become the crowning statement for the band Love. Recorded when the band was on the urge breaking apart, the album is an integrated suite of songs using acoustic guitars, strings, and horns. With all the chaos going on, the album showed little or any evidence of it. Bruce Botnick, who was the Engineer for The Doors, produced the album and planned a team of session musicians to perform around Lee and MacLean’s vocals, while the rest of the band produced the discipline required to complete the rest of the album in only 64 hours. The result was stunning. It would result in two minors hits, "Alone Again Or" and "You Set the Scene". The album charted well in England, reaching up to #24, as for the U.S., the album only reached #154. However, after years of testing time, Forever Changes would be cited as one of the greatest albums of all time, along with the likes the The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and The Velvet Underground. After the album was released, Arthur Lee fired all the members, including Bryan MacLean, and would soldier on making albums under the name Love, but would be the only member with session musicians. Bryan MacLean was suffering from a heroin addiction when he left the band, but soon would get treatment and go on to form a Christian Rock group. He would eventually die on Christmas of 1998 of a massive heart attack while having dinner with a fan researching material for a book on the band. Other members would eventually get involved with crime and disappear completely. In 1974, Arthur Lee would make his final album under the name Love and then would go live in secrecy in Memphis for twenty or so years. After spending six years in prison in the 1990's for gun charges, Arthur Lee would go back on the road with a whole new band under the name Love with Arthur Lee. His band would tour constantly, I would even get a chance to see them in 2002 at the Double Door in Chicago. I believe Arthur Lee gazed me as he walked up to the stage. But in 2005, the band would stop touring due to Lee's health deteriorating from leukemia and alcohol. The group was trying to continue touring, under the The Love Band, but was immediately shot down when Arthur Lee charged them of contradiction in terms that Love without Arthur Lee was not possible. My information was taken from Wikipedia, an internet encyclopedia. If you want more information about the band Love, just search for Wikipedia and type in Love the band.

For the past couple weeks, I have been thinking about what I have been wanting to do for the rest of my life. Just recently, I have been going to these business seminars on network marketing. This is something I have been curious about for a little while. If any of you didn’t know, but last October I went to this Learning Annex Expo held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention in Rosemont, where the likes of Tony Robbins, Suzi Orman, Robert Kiyosaki, and even Donald Trump were there giving their views and opinions on how to create a good business. I bought a book there that was co-written by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, and in return I had Robert Kiyosaki and his wife Kim autograph. I read the book, which is entitled “Why We Want You to be Rich”, and it changed my view on life completely. Well, I should say it was one of those books that have inspired me in my life. Anyways, the book really lets you know what is going on in the world; on how this country is turning towards having only two classes of people, the upper and the lower. And with jobs leaving our country to go overseas to places where labor cheaper, it’s really making it harder for middle class people to maintain a steady and secure job. It’s very sad, but it’s also very true. I mean, it’s getting to the point where the only way to actually maintain true job security is to have your own business, also as self-employed. It’s kind of hard to think about it in those terms, considering when we were young, our parents always have told us what we should do for our lives: Go to School, Get a Good and Secure Job, Stay Out of Debt, and Keep Our Nose Clean from the Law. Simple as that, however this could have worked better, say, when it was 1950. But this is how our parents look at it, being that their parents had the same values and principles. So, as a result, their values are passed down to their children, then their children’s children and so on. They have the mentality of thinking only middle class, not to become financially free, just enough to have a roof over their family’s head and food in their stomachs. Unfortunately, our society has drastically changed since 1950. The country as we know it is turning for the worse. So that’s why I have decided to become financially free, or at by the time I reach the age of thirty-five. It’s kind of like a battle cry, in a way. But, seriously, to me there is no other choice in this matter. Even if you have a job making $100,000 a year, I cannot see any kind job security that comes along with it. With Social Security going down the tubes and jobs now no longer have a pension plan anymore, that means the employee has to make one for themselves. For most people, even making thousands upon thousands of dollars a year they still have accumulating bills to pay. Some say, the more you make the more the bills pile up. Especially in this day of age, considering there’s not only credit cards that put you in debt, but there are student loans, house loans, mortgage, and so on. For some people, they start looking around to find ways to make a little extra money on the side. It could be a part time job, using their hobbies for extra cash, or even create a business themselves. Which is why I made that decision a month ago check out something to make a little extra money. I ran into a old aquaintance of mine a month and a half ago and he was telling me about this business plan. When I saw it, I was reminded of something as I read the book “Why We Want You to be Rich”, it was something that is called network marketing. At first, I thought it was a scam, kind of reminding me of the days of Amway. But I was still curious so I decided to check it out more, and since then I am very happy of my decision. As the month went by, I began to prepare myself for what I was going to get into, and started a set of goals on what I want to accomplish with my life. So, for me, there is no going back, only to pick up my bicycle and start peddling forward. I am looking at, say, do well with this business, then go into other ventures. First off, finish up school, even though I don’t need to, but that was my life long dream to do so. After that, explore real estate as I started a year back after the Learning Annex Expo and quite possibly, become a billionaire, or even better, compete with Donald Trump. Also, there are many other different, little projects I would like to dip into, being I am quite prolific and all. It’s all part of creating, strengthening, and expanding my empire; to extend my sphere of influence to the world around me. I will be discussing more on network marketing a little more in later blogs, if some of you are interesting in knowing more, just send a message. If not, then that’s your choice. Either way, it’s no biggie.

Now, after venting out about the White Sox, let us go to another topic. Ah, the pleasures of shaving. Do you shave? Of course you do, you shave your face if you’re a guy, you shave your legs if you’re a girl. But do you shave in another place? That is the question. I know a lot of people that do. Mostly women, of course. But it seems in recent times that it’s becoming more of a regular thing for women. I mean, it’s just like when they shave their legs, they’re beginning when puberty hits. I don’t know, but I’ll still fairly old school about it. I came from a time when no one shaved in that particular area, and if you don’t know by now it is the crouch. When I was in high school, I believe the most I ever heard about doing anything in that area was trimming or shaving shapes like hearts and so on. But not completely, however. Do you know what started it? I don’t know off hand, but I do have an idea. You can thank the thong madness for that one. Oh yes. You can thank that rapper Sisco for that great song that made everyone even their grandmother wear thongs. Because, come on, if you don’t shave and wear a thong, it just looks gross. As in that one ICP song, “It’s looks like werewolf wearing a thong”. Ha, well, anyway as I said it was when thongs got popular when people began to shave completely. Even as thongs are becoming an “out” trend, people still shave. As I said, it seems to have gotten into everyone’s mind just to do when puberty hits. Even there are a lot of guys that shave as well, I should know, hint hint. Ah, good times. I began doing that about three years ago just to try it out, being I was running into a lot of guys were telling me it feels better and much cooler during the summer. Also, I was reading magazines that women even like guys when they shave as oppose to not doing so. So I tried it, did it for a couple months, then got lazy and stopped. But then, a few months after I stopped I started again and never looked back. I still think it’s good, it makes me feel cleaner, and I think sex is a lot better since I started it!

I started thinking about this before when I first heard about the show where they play jokes on weddings. Also, I thought about this before with one of my girlfriend’s friend on getting married (I know I’m so mean). Anyway, I was thinking about when a couple is getting married, and somehow out of the blue in the crowd, they begin to notice ex’s in the audience. I was kind of picturing it with one of my girlfriend’s friend before, considering I had a dream about it. I don’t know why, but apparently it just stuck in my head. Perhaps this might be a little too extreme for that show, however, but sort of funny as well. Think about it, have the ex’s wear shirts saying “I slept with the bride” or “I fucked the groom”. Or even have numbers on the shirts, putting them all in chronological order. But I think it would be even more awkward if the people in the ex’s began chanting the bride or the groom as the priest would be reading their vows. I feel so mean right now, even just saying this makes me feel bad. I know I wouldn’t do something like this, considering I would really piss someone off a good one. Also, I wouldn’t want this to happen to me neither. But I thought it would be pretty funny to do, just make sure they don’t find out it was you who did it. I got this idea because of thinking how pretty much every marriage nowadays is not very traditional. If you refer to a couple of previous blogs of mine, you will see some of my beliefs on marriage. For instance, I don’t believe that there are “White Weddings” anymore. Granted, there are brides that still wear white dresses, but it’s merely just a cover up from the truth, a disguise for making them the couple look good more or less. Also, it makes the parents pretend everything is alright or better or however you want to call it. I would prefer my bride to not wear white, but I doubt I would have a choice in that being I’m not the one wearing the dress. At least maybe I can say, no garter belt.

I was with my group of friends the other day and usually we talk about all the interesting things in life; drugs, jobs, and of course, sex. Every time when I'm with my friends, they talk about sex as though that is their only hobby in life. But then, all of a sudden we got into a conversation about underwear. Now, I will admit I am a weirdo when it comes to this, but I do have to say in my opinion, I think thongs are overrated. Yes, I said it!! A guy that doesn't really get turned on by thongs. Well, I shouldn't say not completely get turned on, but it's not the most. I don't know, to me, thongs are no sexier than say, granny panties. It's just my opinion. Maybe it's because I come from a pre-thong generation. When I was in high school, nobody wore thongs like regular, everyday underwear, because if you did, you would have been considered a slut. I remember I knew a girl however that had a thong in high school but only wore it when she was about to have sex with her boyfriend. It wasn't until in college I started to know girls that wore thongs a little more often. Even back when I was in high school the only thing I knew some girls did as far as shaving in their particular area was just shapes, for instance hearts or something along that line. But never completely shaved as it is now. Now it seems like it's part of puberty, like shaving legs. It seemed that none of that started until that stupid Sisquo song got popular, then everyone and their grandmother started wearing thongs. They even had thongs for little kids for god's sake, which is very disturbing in so many levels. Then, it seemed that it got so out of hand that girls began to just not wear any underwear at all, I remember someone telling me "Well, thongs are not really much covering up anyways, so what's the point of wearing them." Which I do see that point, because they're some thongs that are merely just a piece of thread. It's almost telling you, GO COMMANDO!! They should put that phrase on a thong, that would sell a lot. Well, anyway I remember reading an article that in the newspaper about two years ago saying that thongs were out of style. Well, I don't think a lot of people read it because the whole thong revolution is still going on strong. It's kind of funny that nobody likes that Sisquo song about thongs anymore, but people still wear them. Kind of ironic, don't you think? Oh, well I guess I'm a little bit too old fashioned sometimes and just think about some things differently than others. But what usually what turns me on when it comes to underwear is not the style but the color, and that's what some people don't get about me. For some reason, black just seem to turn me on. It doesn't matter if its a thong or even granny panties, as long as they are black I'll be ready to go. Most guys usually don't give a shit about the color, it's only as long it's a thong. But I'm weird, so that's that. But I do have to say this, if I was a girl I wouldn't wear a thong likes it's everyday underwear. Honestly, I think that's kind of disgusting. Another thing people can't understand, why don't I like seeing a girl wear a thong everyday?! I mean, come on, I think it's gross when a girl is wearing pants that sit low their waist and you see their stupid thong as clear as day. I hate that, I would have to say that is one of my pet peeves. I don't want to see that when I'm in a public place. Especially when I'm eating or concentrating on something.

This has been something that actually boggled me; girls going from wearing thongs all the time to wearing boy shorts. It’s kind of funny, considering we live in a society where it seems that for women, as far as clothing goes, less is better. Then, all of a sudden, girls begin to wear boy shorts, which is making the change to more coverage. I mean, all of a sudden the trend to bare it all is going away, which I hope is a good thing in this society and I hope it’s a trend that keeps going for a while. However, the change from thongs to boy shorts doesn’t seem to help out the increase of sexual activities in today’s youth, considering it seems like it’s getting worse year after year. As I said before, I can remember when I was in high school, if you had sex with more than one person, you were considered dirty or a slut. Now, having multiple sex partners in high school seems to be the norm, and it’s beginning to spread into the junior high level! There was a survey done my teenage girls, and when it was done, there was a ratio of one out of four teenage girls have an STD. Let me mind you, these are girls that haven’t yet graduated high school. That’s something to say when you graduate from high school, “Yeah, I got myself an STD when I was in high school.” Too bad this transition from thongs to boy shorts didn’t change the minds of teenagers when it comes to sexual activities. But I do think it’s kind of funny to see the trend now is boy shorts instead of thongs, granted there are still thong wearers out and about. It seems pretty funny to think with thongs not being popular anymore, I was wondering if the only places that would carry them now would be discount stores like Wal-Mart or Kmart. But I still see thongs in Victoria’s Secret catalogs, which I can see for more “intimate” wear. I can remember typing a blog about the wearing of thongs with girls, and I do have to admit the thong craze did get kind of out pf control, considering they were selling thongs for girls that were, say, ten years old. Also, you had girls that began to just not wear any underwear at all, even if they wore a skirt, which kind of reminded me of two situations where I saw the proof, but we won’t go there right now. But, in my opinion, even though some people might disagree with me on this one, boy shorts are really no more than just a hip, up to date version of granny panties. Seriously, they have as much coverage as granny panties, but just look cooler. I even know some guys that complain about the trend, sort of missing the thong craze only to deal with something less revealing. To me, though, it doesn’t really matter, I still think thongs were kind of overrated, and it doesn’t matter what kind of undergarments a girl wears, as long as it’s black and satiny, I don’t care.

Krautrock, to most people it’s some kind of vegetable. Well, the vegetable noted is only part of the name, which is sauerkraut. To other people, it’s has to deal with something German, which is true also. And rest, well, have no absolute true whatsoever. So let me explain to you, Krautrock happened to be part of a name of a musical scene in Germany dating back in the late 1960’s and through the mid 1970’s. Most of the bands that were the tour de force of the scene were Can, Faust, Neu!, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, and many others. Some of these bands would gain success outside of Germany, but most of them would remain in their native country. Their influence, however, would spread through the next couple decades, inspiring many bands such as Radiohead, U2, any group considered Techno, and the list keeps going on. The roots to the music scene started as far back in the early half of the 1960’s, when The Beatles were still a house band for a bar in Hamburg. Some of the main contributors came from the town of Cologne, and from there would make their way to Berlin. Some of the people in the scene were classically trained, and mostly other were art students. However, they all had one thing in common; they wanted to make an identity of themselves as being German. Ever since the end of World War II, Germany was literally stripped away with it’s own culture and was replaced by the people whom occupied them, which were the Americans, the British, and the French. Most of their culture was based mostly from those countries, so there was nothing around that could be considered German. So as the psychedelic era ushered in a whole new way of making music, German bands began to embrace it and add their own touch. Mixing classical music, which most of the bands such as Can studied modern composers like Karlheinz Stockhausen, and with experimental rock music such as The Velvet Underground and Frank Zappa’s Mothers of Invention. Playing with traditional instruments such as guitar, bass, and drums, the bands also mixed electronic sounds with keyboards and synthesizers. Kraftwerk would become the first all electronic band, using just keyboards and synthesizers, and would become the innovators of techno and other forms of dance music to come. It would be in 1968 when the term Krautrock would emerge in the public thanks to the first German Rock Festival held in Essen. This term, as how every other label is toward any genre of music, would not suite well to the bands put into it. The band Faust, especially, tried to distance themselves as far away of the term as they can. All through the 1970’s, the bands released many classic albums, such as Can’s Tago Mago in 1970, along with Future Days in 1973; Faust released The Faust Tapes and IV in the same year, and Tangerine Dream released Phaedra in 1974. But the best known from all the groups to emerge from the scene was Kraftwerk, whose 1975 title track and album Autobahn was an international hit. But the popularity only turned out to be short lived. There really was no indication of when the scene died out, some believe 1975. However, many more bands would continue on and many other would emerge afterward. But it was this scene that created the identity of what German culture is.
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