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home for easter

i am home for 5 days (until monday) so i prolly wont be on here a lot since i dont have my charger for the computer and my desktop is too much of a hassle to mess with. see you in 5 days!


[Pain In Da Ass] You're all a bunch of fucking assholes You know why? Cause you don't got the guts to be what you want to be Fabolous...he doesn't have that problem He always tells the truth That's what it's all about? That's what we work so hard for Fabolous? So they can point their fucking fingers and call me the fucking bad guy? [Verse 1] I guess I'm the bad guy The fingers is pointing Nigga, I don't go in no clubs without bringing my joint in They be asking fellas why (why?) It's cause the streets is watching With an envious ear, jealous eye You know how William H. Bonnie's rockin I keep the home cell two way contact for Johnny Cochran Be the same dudes, testing your patience In them hospitals, resting like patients, confessing to agents You smell me, you gotta spray the Wesson like fragrance And you pay your way out arrests and arraignments These playas been playin' foul And I done learned my lesson with flagrants Nigga, this how I live it ain't just entertainment I'm what they been trying to do, not do I'm the kid, they been lying to you You need people like me I'm so F-A, B-O, L-O, U-S Yeah, that's the bad guy [Pain In Da Ass] You need people like me So you can point your fucking fingers And say, "That's the bad guy." So, what they make you? Good? [Verse 2] Bitches think all they gotta do is say the child is yours Quit they job and live off the child support How could you stand there, smile in court I'ma just settle, fly back to them Cayman Isle resorts You better sign a pre-nup You catch me instead of 'it wasn't me' I'm gonna say 'where you get a key from?' I love the way your butt swishes But non of these slut bitches is worth me asking my doctor why my nuts itches If they see how the Rolls Royce smell All day I be emptying my in box and my whole voice mail I'll be ready to light the weed and pull it Now every chick want to make me come faster than a speeding bullet But I ain't into coaching birds like Tony LaRussa I done had the thickest chickens to the boniest roosters Who have trouble getting the kid like me to spend Ma you'll never see a bad guy like me again, for real [Pain In Da Ass] So say goodnight to the bad guy, come on It's the last time you're gonna hear a bad guy ? You better make way, it's a bad guy coming through [Verse 3] Come on What type of bad guy give fellas daps, females hugs I making my business, my kids won't have to retail drugs I get threats over the two way from email thugs I ride with ratchets, clips under the CL rugs Think I'm liking you? Wrong Cause even if I get locked My money won't let me stay on Riker's too long Case dismissed, the DA even liking the song Right back to the P's, latest pair of Michael's shoes on When you holla in the club it's cool But don't change the subject fool And start askin if I remember you from public school You know I done heard dozens, of these birds buzzing Talking 'bout I used to fuck with they 3rd cousin FYI, stay the fuck from 'round me ? guys who want to hear somebody stuck or clown me I don't care what other haters do But if you think I'm loved for saving you Say goodnight to the bad guy [Pain In Da Ass] Whoever said to us Now maybe you can buy yourself one of them first class tickets to the Resurrection [Gun Shot]

going home today!!

i cant wait!!! i'm sooooo excited!! i get to see my friends and come back and see my doggies and i'm off the wall excited! i cant wait!! i have to wait until after rush hour tho cuz anything around fredrick will be packed :( but going home means i wont be online as much, so leave me messages and i will most likely get them when i come back here in 10 days. i dont like the internet at home so i dont mess with it. mwahs my lovies!!! see ya otherwise in 10 or less days! ~ace~

spring break

whoot fuckin whoot!! i come home tomorrow!! and i cant wait!!! (can you tell?) yay!!! just gotta somehow sit thru 3 of my classes tomorrow and maybe wait for rush hour to pass before i can go home! i am so excited! i think my mom's out in florida until sunday and i think my sis is going away soon (i HOPE soon!) but i cant wait to see roxie and romey and let romey sleep on my bed all night even tho i bet he'll smell bad...i really miss those two! i still have a lot of work to do before then just to get me to tomorrow but i think now requires a break and a visit to walmart for presents for my friends since all of their bdays came and went and i didnt get them anthing. yay walmart!!!

i be depressed

so my best friend lonnie is stupid. i've known him since i was in 9th grade and he was in 11th grade. at the end of that year, he started smoking weed and failed out of our high school. we kept in touch and he kept doing more and more drugs and mixing them with alcohol. i would get drunk dials and i would laugh but then it got worse. one day, a week before i went to mexico for three weeks, i got a call from my friend rose asking me if i knew where lonnie was cuz he hadnt come home the night before. i called and called him but i didnt get an answer until 4 days later when he IMed me and told me he had been in a coma. he went to rehab and got out half a week early. he was clean for awhile but then got back into drugs. at one point in his drug career, i believe before the coma (the coma was 2 years ago), he was mixing drugs and could tell which ingredients to get from CVS and could mix the right amount according to height and body weight. after rehab, he didnt get into drugs as bad as he was before, but still. he would tell me one night he was high and then a couple of days later i would let him pop robo in front of me after he convinced me i had been mistaken about him being high all the time. but i would try to turn my head and pretend he was only slippin a little bit. recently, he told me he had tried to kill himself because he felt that no one cared for him. after all he had done for me, helping me get thru my depression and trying to show me that there was still a lot to live for, he had tried to commit suicide. i felt so guilty cuz i hadnt been there for him when he needed me. i went into my first semester finals feeling like i could have been there. he told me over my christmas break that he has epilepsy from all the drugs he's done and he cant drink alcohol because of his meds for the epilepsy and his schizophrenia. but one night, he IMed me drunk. i was pissed at him for drinking while on his meds and asked him why he had drunk alcohol. his response was because his parents had given it to him. yesterday, he texted me and told me he was high. i got mad at him when he told me that robo tripping alone wasnt fun and that he was high wit friends. later on, he said he had smoked up. it made me wonder if he had been on 2 drugs or something since his story was inconsistent. needless to say, i got very pissed and started yelling at him viz text and IM. i was crying because i thought after everything he's gone thru, maybe he would have stopped cuz of the epilepsy but no, he just keeps going. he apperantly had no willpower and cant say no. how fair is that to someone who does care? he said he didnt know that his drug use affected me so much. it affects me now cuz he's gone too far with it. he's been to the hospital multiple times and i just heard about 3 stories of him passing out drunk and high and havin seizures and being taken to the hospital. he's killin himself and i cant take it anymore. i messaged him today and told him i had to say goodbye. i cant trust him anymore. everytime he tells me he'll get clean and he doesnt. he'll be clean for awhile and relapse. he's my best friend...but i cant watch my best friend kill himself slowly. :(

snow n ice

so the past two weeks have been a mix of snow and no snow and a random ice day. WAT. THE. HELL. cancel school already! it was sleeting earlier and now it's just lightly raining. it's annoying. i'm kinda tired of being constantly cold and wet to some degree. i just hope it isnt like that next week when i have to come home for break. i have a ton of papers coming up. yay work. I Wrote Your Name. I wrote your name on a piece of paper, but by accident I threw it away. I wrote your name on my hand, but it washed away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves whispered it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay. Send this to everyone you love including the person that sent it to you. If you send this to 10 people in the next 43 minutes, then tomorrow will be the best day ever!

update on the mike thing

mike said hi to me today when i went to go hunt down the municipal office (if you say wat, i dont know wat i'll do! everyone has looked at me funny for sayin municipal!). i was walkin from the ATM at the CUB, so i was walkin past servo which is where he was coming from. he was across the street and i hear "hey ace!" i whipped around and i saw him waving at me. "hey mike!" and i expected more so i talked more. "how are you?" (we're shoutin across the street) "i'm fine, you?" "sick...wat are you going to do?" "work" "ok, i have to pay a ticket" end of conversation. it was something. i ate wit nicole tonight at pizza house and we discussed it. i told her wat was going on and i keep stressing to everyone that mike is only a friend to me, nothing more. plus i dont wanna hurt kat. but everyone i've talked to says he likes me and i like him as a friend. i like hanging out wit him and just being friends. nicole says everything will be better when he graduates and i say prolly. kat will move on and we can be friends while he continues school in dentistry (i hope).
literally. the past two days have sucked sooo much. since tuesday i have been getting sick and i didnt go to the health center until today. turns out i have an infection in my chest. it makes sense...at least to me it does. the woman at the desk was really rude to me this morning which i didnt need today especially after wat happened wit my professor but that is a story for later. so the receptionist this morning was just RUDE. it went like this: me: hi, i'm a walk-in.. her: oh, well we do everything by appointment (NOTE: their site says they take walk-ins) me: oh ok her: wat's your name? since when have you been sick? me: angelica mooney and since tuesday her: well, ANEGELICA, we do everything by appointment (i wanted to say, a-fuckin-pperantly!) me: uh...ok her: i dont have anything right now until late morning and that's how my appointment wasnt until 11:25. but i now have super antibiotics so we will see. the professor thing and then the mike thing. ok. my LAS professor was a douchebag to me this morning. he completely flipped out on me because he doesnt know fuckin english grammar and that when you say "or" it means the person has a fuckin choice. my memory sucks and i have explained that to him. he says he has mentioned that we needed 2 journal articles AND a book or two. while i'm sure he did, i didnt remember so i checked the fuckin syllabus and it said (verbatium) "at least two journal articles or read a portion of a book or two". but he STILL fliiped out on me and got pissed and was like "why am i always telling you guys to check the syllabus?" it wasnt something i needed then and i tried really hard to not cry. i hate it when people yell at me, especially teachers cuz then i feel stupid and i did what the syllabus fucking ASKED ME TO DO! so now, like 5 hours later, the tears are coming back, the ones i suppressed earlier. so now i just have to read two journal articles and cite them which wouldnt be that hard. but i dont deserve to get yelled at if the syllabus says one thing and he means another. it also was a big hassle for me to even PRINT my paper for him! tho after he yelled at me, he said that yea the syllabus was misleading, and gave me an extension and let me be excused from class. i had forgotten about it until i just checked my email and he emailed me saying he was sorry for the reaction to my paper and gave me the reading for tonight. yesterday was bad too. i was dragged into another relationship issue. my friend kat dated this guy, mike, a senior here, for 4 months. he dumped her without giving her a concrete reason. he says their age difference bothers him, there was a second reason and then that they hung out too much. she was broken up over it. one day (i mentioned this in a previous blog), mike was at breakfast the same time i was last sunday. we talked, we watched a movie, we walked back to my dorm and he went to servo to do work. we didnt talk for a week and then i saw him at servo saturday morning. my friend nav was with me so we all sat down, ate and talked and then nav left. me and mike were sitting there talkin and to make conversation, i asked if he had worked out that morning. he looked confused and he asked me if i had wanted him to work out and i giggled and said no, it was just a question. he flexed and kissed his muscle saying he worked out just for me which i took as a joke. we went to my dorm and i grabbed some books and we headed over to the library. he grabbed a couch and i grabbed a chair and we read. at one point he put his book down and hit the foot stool to get my attention so we could talk. later on, he sat up and was talkin to me and staring at me (there is a BIG difference between lookin at and staring at). everytime i catch him staring, i say "you're staring at me, why?" and he's like "wat? i'm not allowed to look at my friend?" and to joke around i'll say 'no of course not" and he'll cover his face and be like "i'll never look again!" then he got up and said "a hug for my friend ace" and hugged me while i was still sitting down. AWKWARD. well yesterday, kat came to me crying. i was finishin up a conversation wit my mom about being sick. we were in the common room and i hung up the phone after me and mom finished talking. kat opens up wit "can i talk to you?" and i was like "yea, of course". she goes "what's your relationship with mike?" and i said "we're just friends". and after awhile i find out kat had been mad at me last week because neither me or mike had mentioned we had hung out twice. i didnt want to tell her cuz i felt like it was throwin it in her face and i didnt wanna make her cry when i knew she was still really hurting. i was surprised mike didnt tell her. but we talked until i was hoarse and promised to call him. after awhile i went and called him and went to get water, talked wit kat and missed his call. i called him back and told him that we needed to talk about kat cuz she had come to me crying. he was mostly worried that me and him couldnt be friends. that was his biggest concern. and it confused me and kat. everyone's been sayin that he likes me cuz i'm so different from kat. as my ex, kenny put it when i told him about it, kat lets mike walk all over her and he got bored. mike sounds like he needs a strong willed woman and to him, that's me. kat even asked mike when she called him later on if he liked me and he said no. she told him he didnt have to call me back (he said he would when i called him earlier) and he told her he had had no intention to call me back and told me that to shut me up and get off the phone. she told me that and i called him and yelled at him. see, when kat fought with him, he would say whatever and that would be it, or he would hang up on her. for some reason, he fought wit me on the phone and i hung up on HIM. kat was impressed i think. he called me back and i ignored his call and then he texted me to continue arguing. THAT worried kat. it also worried me too. why wouldnt he fight with his girlfriend but he was willing to fight with me? it didnt seem fair. this was our texting back and forth: him: did you hang up on me? me: yea cuz you pissed me off and i cant talk when i'm that pissed him: that's real nice Ace me: uh huh like tellin me anything to get me off the phone and havin no intention to uphold your word is better mike: it was a misunderstanding and the way you're acting is totally disproportionate. me: well i think it was fuckin RUDE that you didnt have any intentions of callin me back, and that is a really dick move i cant stand mike: i'm not going to argue with you. i surround myself with better company than you're deomnstrating. Goodbye. me: fuck you, i wanted to be friends but you're proving you cant even do that and be honest with me so w/e if you cant treat me like a friend then there is no point mike: i'm heartbroken me: nice sarcasm mike: i try kid me: and you succeed, see you whenever i see you so i am now not talkin to him but if he wants to talk, then it's up to him to make the first move cuz i'm not going to. if he likes me, that's wierd. i still think of him as kat's boy and she thinks the same thing. so i guess we'll see. it's such an awkward situation!!! he has done a lot for me tho. the first time we hung out, i was wearing pj pants and flip flops and it was partially snowing and really windy. we were walkin back to my dorm and i was like "it's sooooo fuckin cold!!!" and he had changed from shorts and flip flops to jeans and uggs. he looks down at his shoes and goes "do you want to switch?" i laughed and said no i would be fine but thank you for the offer. i dunno, just everything he's done for me (plus the kiss) all point to him likin me and i have already told him that i wasnt lookin for a relationship and he knows that. oh, and apperantly, he makes fun of overweight people like me, but he hasnt made a single comment about me being overweight nor about anyone else. and he still wants to hang out wit me. the hug scared kat the most because apperantly he doesnt interact much with his girl friends. he wont touch them but he touches me by giving me a hug...i like the idea that a senior here likes me but at the same time, i dont wanna hurt kat and he's not my type. so i guess we will see what happens (which i hope it nothing besides me and him still being friends!) i be diagnosed.

today thru monday

dont expect me to be online much until monday...maybe even monday. from what i'm being dragged into...or so i HEAR, this will be a weekend my cellphone should be out of my reach at all times. i'm sorry in advance to anyone who gets a drunk dial, but if you wanna know how to tell when i'm drunk, ask me why. my reason will be because either you or me or us are awsome. trust me. i drunk dialed one dude i knew from fubar and every reason i gave was cuz i was awsome. lol! so tonight, i'm going to hang out wit katelin. FIRST i need to get this paper done and hand it in around 5. but yea, me and katelin decided we didnt wanna spend vday in our respective rooms so we're going to her favorite restaurant and go see "step it up 2" cuz she wants to. i have no issue wit this. anything would be better than me driving (that would require me to clean off my car) or me sitting here while my roommate is out with her boytoy. hopefully she wont come back tonight and that will make it 3 nights this week. :D it's not that i hate my roommate, cuz i dont, i just like being alone as much as i can. anyway, this weekend, katelin's friends are coming into town. she's gettin a ton of alcohol and i get to finally play beer pong!!! aka the highlite of my weekend! but yea, she's so excited and i'm invited so HOPEFULLY i'll be drunk all weekend. therefore, i will drunk dial, which i should be forbidden from doing. haha, the other night...sunday i guess...when me and her smoked up last, i said something that sounded like i wouldnt be there and she got worried. lol so i'm gonna be there cuz she wants me to be and it's gonna be soooo kick ass!! haha i may have to crash on her floor or steal her bed again cuz i doubt i'll be sober enough for SNS to ignore. so dont expect me to be online much, that's basically the moral of the story. and i hope i will have some exciting stories to post next! oh, and brandon is now talking to me again. but i'm still not 100% i'm forgiving him. it's just a long story and he's a jerk. so maybe we'll be friends but i dunno. we just had a convo last night on facebook so i guess we'll see.

some Vday graphics :D


since i dont feel like copying and pasting every comment to you, here are the ones i have dubbed as adorable and in need of sharing. love you all! MyHotComments.com







possibly more to be added later
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