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Interesting Stuff!!!

Is a single person in an adulterous relationship guilty of adultery? All but seven states punish both people involved. Colorado, Georgia, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Utah only punish the married person. In the District of Columbia and in Michigan, when a married man sleeps with an unmarried woman, only the man is guilty, but when a married woman sleeps with an unmarried man, they're both guilty. So, say if a single man sleeps with a married woman, there are only 5 states that say he's not guilty. But, that married woman is guilty in every state!!! This should make "some" people think about their level of morals!!!

My new van!!!

I'm going tonight to pick up my new van!!! Yay!!! (well, used van, but it's new to me!) 2D8GP44L45R534493-1.jpg


So, I wake up last Thursday, and guess what? PPAAIINN!!!! My back hurt so bad, I could hardly walk. So, like it's happened before, and after a day or two, I'm back to normal...

Well, then comes along Monday. Guess what? After laying in bed all weekend, the pain is not only still there, but WORSE!! So, I make a doctors appointment and he doesn't do much other than ask questions and test my reflexes. He then orders an x-ray and prescribes me some anti-inflammatory medicine and muscle relaxers. So, I get home, and it's too late to make the appointment for the x-ray, so I wait until Tuesday to do that.

Well, they tell me they can't fit me in for a week and half. Ummm? I'm thinking... WTF??? Okay, so I tell my boss and he gives me the name of his chiropractor, along with an excellent reference. Okay, so I call them Wednesday morning. They say they can take me in two hours. What? Two hours? Holy crap!!! And, they have an x-ray machine ON-SITE!!!

So, then I make my 1-1/2 hour trek to the chiropractors office. After filling out the new patient stuff, they took me right in. That was nice for a change (not having to wait forever).

So, he asks questions, does a few flexibility tests (but way more than my primary doc). Checked for things like numbness, or leg pain, and anything that would cause my back to hurt. Soooo, then he decides to take x-rays... OMFG that hurt like HELL!!!! I would have preferred a root canal!!! (or maybe not, but still)

So, he develops the x-rays and lordy gee wiz... Houston! We have a problem!!!

So, he proceeds to tell me I have what they call Spondylolisthesis. In a nutshell, it's a slipped vertebrae.

Yippee!!!! NOT!!!

Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a bone (vertebra) in the lower part of the spine slips forward and onto a bone below it.

It can be caused from a few things, such as a birth defect where that part of the spine never develops properly, a stress fracture (such as common with gymnasts), or degenerative disease. So, in my case, I'm stuck with either a stress fracture or birth defect, since I don't have degenerative disease.

Now, I was in gymnastics for a little bit, and also in a couple car accidents... However, but examining the surrounding area's, the doctor is fairly certain that, in my case, it's caused by a birth defect where my spine never fully developed.

Ugggghhhh... So, this brings me to the present time, where I now have to go to therapy a few times to see if it gets better. The problem being that where the vertebra is slipped, there is inflammation. In order to get the pain to go away, the inflammation needs to disappear, and I should be back to normal.

I was also told, that in the future, if this continues to happen, each time it does, it's 3 days bed rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and ice packs to my lumbar region. To avoid it??? Don't lift heavy things!!!! OMFG.. I have three kids, how do I avoid lifting heavy things?

And, to make things worse? If mine was due to a birth defect, it's highly possible that it could be hereditary. (No wonder mom's side of the family has always had back problems...) And, I thought it was the boobs!!! LMAO. But, seriously... If it is hereditary, my kids might have it too, and we wouldn't know until they were fully developed (around 20 years of age).


So, now ya know!!!

Oh, by the way, the picture below shows the spine... My slipped vertebra is on the last one (bottom of the lumbar region).


Normal: NormalSpineChart.gif My spine: Spondylolisthesis.gif

December 31, 2002

So, I just now realized that I just passed my 5 year anniversary for my divorce. And, I didn't even have a party or anything. (The divorce was a good thing). Anyway, I'm sitting here trying to think of everything that's happened in the last 5 years and I'm thinking that, that day was the best thing in those 5 years. hahaha.... Just kidding. Anyway. Here's my blog for my 5 year anniversary. {dancing around the room, saying yay}

The Wedding Plan!!!


To be determined.  Outside.

The wedding prayer:

Cherokee Prayer

"God in heaven above please protect the ones we love.

We honor all you created as we pledge our hearts and lives together.

We honor Mother Earth and ask for our marriage to be abundant 

and grow stronger through the seasons. 


We honor fire - and ask that our union be warm and glowing with love in our hearts.

 We honor wind - and ask we sail through life safe and calm as in our father's arms.

We honor water - to clean and soothe our marriage– that it may never thirst for love. 

All the forces of the universe you created, we pray for harmony and true happiness, 

as we forever grow young together. Amen."

Possible Wedding Vows (Will change a little):

GROOM STEP 1: O’ my beloved, our love has become firm by your walking one with me. Together we will share the responsibilities of the lodge, food and children. May the Creator bless noble children to share. May they live long.

BRIDE STEP 1: This is my commitment to you, my husband. Together we will share the responsibility of the home, food and children. I promise that I shall discharge all my share of the responsibilities for the welfare of the family and the children.

GROOM STEP 2: O’ my beloved, now you have walked with me the second step. May the Creator bless you. I will love you and you alone as my wife. I will fill your heart with strength and courage: this is my commitment and my pledge to you. May God protect the lodge and children.

BRIDE STEP 2: My husband, at all times I shall fill your heart with courage and strength. In your happiness I shall rejoice. May God bless you and our honorable lodge.

GROOM STEP 3: O my beloved, now since you have walked three steps with me, our wealth and prosperity will grow. May God bless us. May we educate our children and may they live long.

BRIDE STEP 3: My husband, I love you with single-minded devotion as my husband. I will treat all other men as my brothers. My devotion to you is pure and you are my joy. This is my commitment and pledge to you.

GROOM STEP 4: O’ my beloved, it is a great blessing that you have now walked four steps with me. May the Creator bless you. You have brought favor and sacredness in my life.

BRIDE STEP 4: O my husband, in all acts of righteousness, in material prosperity, in every form of enjoyment, and in those divine acts such as fire sacrifice, worship and charity, I promise you that I shall participate and I will always be with you.

GROOM STEP 5: O’ my beloved, now you have walked five steps with me. May the Creator make us prosperous. May the Creator bless us.

BRIDE STEP 5: O my husband, I will share both in your joys and sorrows. Your love will make me very happy.

GROOM STEP 6: O’ my beloved, by walking six steps with me, you have filled my heart with happiness. May I fill your heart with great joy and peace, time and time again. May the Creator bless you.

BRIDE STEP 6: My husband, the Creator blesses you. May I fill your heart with great joy and peace. I promise that I will always be with you.

GROOM STEP 7: O’ my beloved goddess, as you have walked the seven steps with me, our love and friendship have become inseparable and firm. We have experienced spiritual union in God. Now you have become completely mine. I offer my total self to you. May our marriage last forever.

BRIDE STEP 7: My husband, by the law of the Creator, and the spirits of our honorable ancestors, I have become your wife. Whatever promises I gave you I have spoken them with a pure heart. All the spirits are witnesses to this fact. I shall never deceive you, nor will I let you down. I shall love you forever.


Two blue blankets used in the ceremony each represent the couple's past lives that may have been filled with loneliness, weakness, failures, sorrow and spiritual depression.    

The couple are wrapped in the blue blankets and their relatives follow them to the sacred fire circle.  After the spiritual leader blesses the union, the couple then shed the blue blankets and are enveloped by relatives in a single white blanket representing their new ways of happiness, fulfillment and peace. 

Under the white blanket, the couple then embraced and kissed. 

The white blanket is kept by the couple and often displayed in their home.


These rings are a symbol of the unbroken circle of love.

Love freely given has no beginning and no end, no one giver and no one receiver for each is the giver and each is a receiver. May these rings always remind you of the vows you have made.


The Fire Ceremony is symbolic of the separate lives of the couple and the union of One accomplished by this beautiful and exciting ceremony.  

A fire circle is built with high sides made of stones.  Seven types of wood are specially cut from specific types of trees.  The wood and fire circle are blessed with prayer and song ceremonies.

Three separate fires are prepared in the sacred fire circle.  One large fire prepared in the center of the Circle represents the Creator and the holy union of two people.  Two smaller fires are prepared, one in the north and one in the south that represents the bride and groom who have individual lives before the wedding ceremonies.  Tobacco, sage, sweet grass and corn are sprinkled on the respective fires by the spiritual leader, bride and groom as prayers are given and songs are sung. 

The bride and groom each offer a prayer (aloud or silently) as the two small fires are lit.   After both fires burn for a few moments, the bride and groom gently push  their two small fires into the large stack of wood in the center which catches fire.  All sing praises to the Creator as the two lives are merged into one holy union.


One Year Anniversary!!!

It's been one year (August 27, 2006) since I met Thom on Lost Cherry (now Fubar). In a week, he'll be here with me, this time permanently, in our new house!!! I'm so happy!!!! I love my bugjuice!!!


So, on my way home from work today, you'll never believe what happened to me.... I stopped by Walmart to pick up some food, and when I was leaving, it was raining. On my way to the car, my umbrella gets STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!!!! It was kinda scary, but WAY awesome at the same time. There was electricity just circling my hand and wrist around the base of the umbrella. I was so awestruck just watching this happen, that I didn't even realize what happened to me until it was over. So, I went to the emergency room, and they took x-rays of my hand, and all is okay. My hand hurts and I gotta headache, but otherwise healthy as can be. Oh yeah, and my handwriting sucks right now, but other than that, I'm good. NOT TO MENTION LUCKY!!!!! It could have been SOOOO much worse. So, hugz to all. Time for bed. Night night.

It's that time...

Okay, so this blog is mostly for my own purposes and my own records. No other real reason. But feel free to read if you like. Sooo... I've been at my current job for four months. One month as a temp, and three months as a permanent employee/owner. So, the time has come for my 90 day review. I'm not worried about it at all. I know I kicked ass. I just hate reviews. And, like just last week, I put in 78.75 hours. Ever hear the saying "All work and no play?" Well, my bank account is happy, so who cares? lol. Besides, I'll have plenty of time to play when the time is right. So, here's a record of what I've accomplished in my time at my new job. It helps that I've kept a record (and back-ups) of everything I've done since day one. Technical Implementation Specialist: QA'd 28 Clients which includes 80 destination feeds I've QA'd, of which I rejected 70 feeds. I've done 2 feed analyses, and built built 9 inbound feeds and 9 optimization feeds. I've also built 68!!! outbound feeds. Additionally, I created the QA Status log to track all rejections and feed change requests prior to delivery, and wrote the QA SOP. In only four short months, I have accomplished ALOT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, now... For anyone who actually read that with any interest... If you are wondering what a feed is, I'll tell you. My job is to get data from retailers, such as Walmart, Target, Best Buy, eToys, etc. I take that data and put it in a format to clean it up and make it look nice. Our optimization department categorizes all the products in those feeds and sends it back to me, where I build different feeds, based on requirements, to send to places like Yahoo Shopping, Shopping.com, Performics, Kelkoo, Amazon, Shop.com, and many more. In order to build those feeds, I use programming and several in-house UI's to manipulate and format the data. Now, I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled program, providing I haven't put you to sleep. lol.

~*~ BIKERS ~*~

Send this to every biker you know in central Florida. CALLING ALL BIKERS October 7, 2006, a COBB member & firefighter “Robin Stanley Burton Jenkins” was hit and killed by an SUV driver on Osceola Parkway in Kissimmee. The driver claimed the sun was in his eyes and didn’t see him. After hitting him, he said that he thought his transmission was acting up and continued to run completely over him and the motorcycle dragging them for nearly 2 blocks. The driver got off scot free for this act of vehicular homicide while his family ended up with virtually nothing. Fair? ? ? We have several other members surviving crashes where the motorist claimed they didn’t see them. Now the lawmakers are trying to pass a law that all bikers must carry PIP insurance that will virtually give a motorist the green light to run any of us over and not be responsible for a dime of medical expenses. FAIR ? ? ? It’s time for us to stand up and be heard. Abate is doing a great job fighting for biker rights & lobbying our lawmakers. We believe it’s time to educate the public. The game plan is simple and we are asking everyone with a motorcycle to join us Saturday afternoon, May 19th for a history making ride. THE GAME PLAN & THEME: “DO YOU SEE ME NOW?” 5/19/07 11:00 TO 12:45 PM Register at either Seminole Harley Lakeland Harley Leesburg Harley 1:00 PM - Depart, riding to Old Town, taking up all lanes of traffic at the minimum speed, on a ride to the destination. Yes, we will back up traffic in all directions by legally traveling 45 mph on this escorted ride of several thousand bikes. No doubt we’ll have coverage by all the media and hopefully raise the awareness of bikers on the road by the general public. Donations Gladly accepted.

The mayonaise jar

The Mayonnaise Jar When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes." The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. "Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognizethat this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions--and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car. The sand is everything else--the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. "Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first--the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand." One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. "It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."
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