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44 Year Old · Male · From Killeen, TX · Joined on December 26, 2006 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on November 23rd
44 Year Old · Male · From Killeen, TX · Joined on December 26, 2006 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on November 23rd

I'm opinionated and blunt, and I guess that doesn't work well with this site. I'm sorry, but every photo from every person doesn't deserve a 10 or an 11, it's that simple. That said I'm not going to go out of my way to downrate someone's pictures. Sometimes I might give a low rating, or otherwise I'm just going to skip your pictures and not give a rating. I do my best to give a look to the pictures of anyone who rates me well and to give them at least one or two 10s, but if I miss someone, well, I'm sorry but shit happens. I'm also not going to go crazy if someone downrates me. I know I and my pictures/page are far from perfect.

I'm also not going to be sending friend requests to anyone I don't know from real life. Now if you want to add me, send a request, and if you're not a complete psycho I'll go ahead and accept. It's not that I don't want friends, but I just don't feel like running around begging a bunch of people who don't know me to be my friend, I'd rather have people who have looked and actually found something interesting enough about me to catch their attention.

I will fan people, no problem with that, if I like your pictures well enough or think you've got an attitude that fits my own or that you just seem to have an inherent coolness then I'll be your fan. In fact, in reality, attitude and interests are more of a factor than simply whether or not your pictures are attractive.

Now that's me in relation to Fubar, but that's not really "about me", it's about how I do things in relation to this site. Those things are important for people around here to know, but not really relevant to who I am or what I'm doing here. That first stuff lets you know what to expect, the rest of this should let you know if you want to really be my fan or my friend or just ignore me.

So, who am I? I'm a dorky white guy originally from Southeast Iowa but now living in Killeen, TX. I'm 29, spent 5 years in the Army right out of high school as a psychological operations specialist before coming home and basically spending the last 5 years working in retail. It's not been great, and now I'm looking at finally getting back to school and getting a degree, which is something I should have done a long time ago.

Like I said, I'm a dork, I'm into movies, books, video games and all that good stuff. My favorite things fall into the horror genre with sci-fi and fantasy coming up with a second place tie. I actually own probably between 800-1000 DVDs (I haven't counted in a long time) which means lots of movies, but also some of my favorite TV shows: Heroes, House, Supernatural, Scrubs, Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, most Adult Swim shows (though they have made a few stinkers that just don't cut it). My favorite author is Stephen King, and from there the names just come out in droves and I'm not going to take all day listing them. I'll go into the video games more in that section, but I think I've already given a pretty good understanding of my dorkiness.

I'm also a huge football fan (and am marginally interested in other sports). Even if my Chicago Bears aren't playing my Sundays are still devoted to watching football all Sunday long. My real passion is the Chicago Bears, though, through thick and thin. I will cheer, shout, scream and curse at that TV while their playing, proud of them even when I'm disgusted at how they played in a blowout loss. I also have a soft spot in my heart for the Pittsburgh Steelers and will cheer for the Broncos and Saints when I can (i.e. when they're not playing the Bears or Steelers). I absolutely despise the Cowboys, Patriots, and Vikings and wish them all nothing but the worst. It doesn't stop with the NFL, either, as college football is almost equally important to me, specifically my Iowa Hawkeyes. I may bleed blue and orange on Sundays, but on Saturdays it's black and gold. I'll also cheer my former Hawkeyes when I can in their NFL games (Nate Kaeding on the Chargers, Bob Sanders and Dallas Clark on the Colts, Charles Godfrey on the Panthers, etc.). Don't think there aren't college teams I hate, as well, those places are reserved for Illinois, Iowa State, Notre Dame, and USC.

In fact, when it comes to sports, you can generally expect me to be cheering for any Chicago team (though I don't pay near as much attention to those other sports and I like the White Sox except when they play the Cubs, then the White Sox must die). I could go into other teams I'm okay with or hate in those other sports, too, but they're not football, so they just don't matter that much.

There is one thing that football comes second to, though, and that is family. I am for all intents and purposes the oldest of four kids (I have a step-brother who is older, but he didn't join the family until late, and because of his own family and that he hasn't ever really been around much), though my step-sister is only eight days younger than me. Between my step-sister Mandy, my step-brother Adam, and my sister Amanda I have 6 nieces and 4 nephews (Amanda has three daughters, Mandy has 2 daughters and 3 sons, and Adam has a daughter and a son). Recently I've been living with Amanda and helping take care of my nieces, which is a responsibility that will only increase when my sister gets deployed to Iraq and my mother takes over caring for her children. I have no kids of my own, and expect it to stay that way for the near future. Slurp.gif

So, I guess this leaves me with what am I doing here? I joined this site years ago because my sister was playing around with it and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I looked and then promptly forgot about it. Living with my sister now, she is still messing with it, but I continued to ignore it until some alert thing showed up in my hotmail reminding me I had an account so I said "what the hell" and started looking again.I'm not completely sure what I want from the site. I use myspace for communication with family and close friends because it is better designed for that and the atmosphere is more conducive to getting my family and that signed up to it. So I guess what I'm looking for here is just to see if I can find any interesting people that may want to talk or whatever.

44 Year Old · Male · From Killeen, TX · Joined on December 26, 2006 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on November 23rd
Video Games
So, I've mentioned at least twice now that I'm a dork, and at least once that I'm a video game fan, and I guess this is the place to go into that addiction. It is an addiction, no lie, though nowhere near as strong as my addiction to caffienne/Pepsi. I have a lot of games, and I do play them on a fairly regular basis, though not necessarily hours each day, or even really daily.

My systems include my PC, a PS3, a Wii, a PSP, a DS, and an old XBox (I just can't bring myself to buy an XBox 3Shitty, though Fable II is tempting). I probably use my PC more than anything for gaming, and my PS3 sees a lot of time as a DVD player and is probably second most on my gaming list, followed by the DS, the Wii, the PSP (mostly because I need to replace either the charger, the battery, or both, I'm not sure), and very rarely my XBox.

On my PC I have a lot of RTS games (real time strategy for the uninitiated) and a few RPGs. Specifically, I am a WoW addict (though I'm pretty spotty about playing regularly for a while, taking a few weeks off, playing again, etc.). If you play on the Dalaran server you'll find me on the alliance side, and on Blackhand I'm fighting for the horde. If you'd like to hang out in game drop me a PM and I'll sned you my toon names so you can find me.

My console systems also see a lot of RPG use, no RTS games (because they don't work well on a console), some turn-based strategy/tacics games, plenty of action games (specifically I love the Dynasty and Samurai Warriors series, though I also have the Devil May Crys and others around), just a few FPS games (for the uninitiated again, those are first-person shooters), and just a smattering of sports games. Oh, and of course the first three Guitar Heroes and Rock Band (haven't had the cash to pick up the new ones yet). Though I haven't touched any of my Guitar Hero games since I bought Rock Band.

Just about anywhere I do things online you can find me as Necroscope7 (so on the rare occasion I'm online with my PS3 that'd be the handle to look for to kick my ass in a FPS or something). I'm not adept at gaming, but I love it and have grown up a gamer from as far back as I can remember, beginning on the Vic-20 moving to the C64, and so on and so forth.

Last but not least I play a couple of browser based games the first being Evolution Online, which I've been playing for a few years now and you can find at www.playevo.com , and the other being an American Football MMORPG called Goalline Blitz which, if you want to sign up and give it a try I'd appreciate it if you could use my referral link here: http://goallineblitz.com/game/signup.pl?ref=7885112 .
Okay, I didn't cover this in my "About Me" section, but music is one of the biggest parts of my life. I mentioned there that I have 800+ DVDs, well I have probably as many CDs as DVDs. My tastes are eclectic, as I grew up on oldies, did a short stint as a die-hard country fan (which means I still like country from before 1998, but 99% of this new "country" is just bad pop wannabe crap), and finally found my greatest interest in heavy metal, alternative, and hard rock. There is some rap in my collection, but it's minimal as I'm pretty picky about what I do/don't like in that category.

In fact, with my massive CD collection, I pretty much never listen to the radio because there is something for every mood in my car somewhere. I've been to and really enjoyed a number of concerts though there are many more I'd still like to go to. CDs and videos are one thing, but there's nothing like being there, in the mosh pit or the crowd and just being a part of the concert. Going to a movie in the theatre is awesome, it's definitely a whole different experience from being at home, but it's nothing like a concert, at concerts you are a part of that performance. Obviously you aren't up on stage singing and playing, but the energy of the audience means so much to what goes on onstage and at the best concerts the band and the crowd will continue to feed on each other making it an experience like few others.

Most importantly, though, I love to sing, and though I'm pretty modest about a lot of things, in this area I'm not. I'm good, damned good. What I really need is my own band, because I could really do something if I had that kind of an outlet for my voice, but until such time as I can find a band, I settle for karaoke. I'm out at least once a week. In fact, if anyone around the Killeen area wants to come and put my bragging to the test you can find me at the Duck Horn every Wednesday night (out at the mall down by Sears). I'll do my best not to disappoint, and feel free to come up and say hi. If you don't recognize me from my photos here, I'm generally the only Sean singing.

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