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A penny for your thought? I wrote the email but it wasnt written by me per se. It was simply to let this person know that whatever comment he posted on my blogs will not be approved. As stated in the introduction if they have anything that would offend me or my friends they should email it to me. Beside as this says if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it. Original Post: " ANGELS AND WICCA I believe in Angels, their presence is everywhere in the warmth of a helping hand, in the smiles that people share. Angels are at the heart of the good things people do, and when our days are troubled, their caring guides us through. Angels' love is all around; In stars that light the night, in a mother's gentle words and arms that hold you tight. I believe that angels are special messengers of love, God's way of making earth a bit more like heaven above. HOW TO TALK TO YOUR ANGEL: I'm often asked "can I speak to my angels and how do I do it?" It's not science, but there are some basic principles that will help you. You've probably heard from your angels at some time, you just didn't realize it. It's that feeling or voice that says "watch out" or makes you feel like you just have to do something. But how do you actively converse with your angels? First you need to get into the right frame of mind and spirit. What you expect is what you can manifest. That's the law. Angels don't operate in a world that is governed by the same limitations that we live with on a daily basis. First you have to believe that angels are real and that they are there to help you. Make a clear decision that you are going to invite the spirit of the angels into your life. If you do not faithfully request their presence, then you may not receive it. Part of the law that governs angels is that they may not interfere with your free will, except in times of danger when your life may be threatened and it is not yet time for your soul to transition. First you must find a quiet time and place in your day. Go somewhere where you know that you will not be disturbed. Take the time to sit and relax. Take a few deep breaths and let any negative thoughts or feelings drift away. You will find this simple breathing exercise helpful in relaxing your body and mind. Take a deep breath from deep in your diaphragm, in through your nose. Hold this breath for a count of 4. Then slowly exhale through your mouth to a count of 4. Repeat this at least 3-4 times. Try to keep your mind alert but peaceful. Now make a point to personally invite the spirit of the angels to enter your heart. You may simply say "angels, I invite you into my heart and into my life." Focus on the areas you require guidance in. Make up your mind that you will receive whatever guidance it is you're seeking. Believing this will help you to receive it. Just be patient and let it happen. Remember that angels are gentle spirits. You must listen carefully for their quiet, inner voice. Let your heart and mind go with the spirit and allow their gentle presence and that quiet, inner voice to speak to you. You may feel a sense of peace and clarity, a quiet energy, and sometimes a chilly or warm tingling coming over you. This all depends on how much you are able to let go. You may want to have a notebook or a journal handy so that you can write down any thoughts or words that might come to you. Just try to record what comes to you, whatever pops into your consciousness. If you have a particular need, ask a question and just listen. Remember that, like everything else that's worthwhile, it might take a little bit of time for you to become comfortable enough with the process for it to be able to fully work for you. Be grateful after an angelic experience. Let the angels know that you will be contacting them again and that you will try to become more aware of them in your daily life. Invite them to bring peace, protection, healing and guidance into your life. You may find that if you seek their presence on a regular basis that your relationship with them will only continue to grow and become an even greater benefit to you. CALLING AN ANGEL: Excerpted from 'Angel Therapy' by Doreen Virtue, published by Hay House, Inc. Sometimes, I'll see people whom an entourage of angels surrounds. I always stop them and ask whether they purposely called the angels. Always, the answer I hear is, "Yes, I asked to be surrounded by angels." The more we call upon the angels, the more they can come to our assistance. Angels want to surround us, and they greatly desire to give us help. Our joy brings them enormous pleasure. Yet, they cannot help us unless we ask. A universal law that binds angels says, "No angel shall interfere with a human's life unless asked, with the sole exception of a life-threatening emergency. An angel will not make decisions for a human, but-when asked-an angel may offer advice and different ways of looking at the given situation." "God and the angels aren't complicated..." So an angel may nudge you or encourage you, and an angel may create a miraculous coincidence for you. However, an angel cannot help you unless you choose to accept the help, because you have free will. To ask for angelic assistance, you needn't conduct a formal invocation ceremony. God and the angels aren't complicated, due to their true nature of pure and simple love. Only our lower-self ego believes that spirituality is necessarily complicated, because it cannot believe that something so powerful and great could be accessible to everyone instantly. Yet, it's true. The angels hear the prayers of your heart, and just by your mental cry for help, they flock to your side. You can also consciously ask for more angels to surround you or your loved one. Parents can ask for angelic baby-sitters to guide and protect their children throughout the day. If a loved one is traveling, ask Raphael and the angels to watch over the journey. Ask the angels to help your friends who are in need of comfort and direction. Some ways to call upon the angels include: Writing a letter to the angels. Pour out your heart when discussing your confusions, hurts, and anxieties. Hold nothing back, so that the angels can help every part of you and your situation. Visualizing. Call it your inner eye, your imagination, or your third eye-the term doesn't matter. Visualizing angels is a powerful way to call them to your side. See the angels flying in circles around you or your loved ones. See powerful angels thronged by your side. See the room you are in crowded with thousands of angels. These visualizations are angelic invocations that create your reality. Angels are glowing with the light of love, so they don't have a physical form. However, angels can take on a physical appearance by projecting a mental image to us, if this will help us. So if you visualize cherubs, large glowing beings, or a beautifully dressed angelic woman, the angels will take on this form to help you recognize them. Mentally calling upon angels. Think, Angels, please help me, and they are with you instantly. If you are sincere in your call, the angels hear your mental cry for assistance. You can word your request as an affirmation, such as "I have hundreds of angels surrounding me now," or as a petitional prayer: "Angels, I am in pain and need your help now." You can ask God to send you angels, or you can call the angels directly. Speaking to angels aloud. You can verbalize your request, and sometimes we do this unconsciously, such as when we say, "Oh, God" during distress. You might find that spending time alone in a quiet setting, especially outdoors in nature, is a wonderful opportunity to have a verbal conversation with the angels. THANKING YOUR ANGELS: Thanking your angels is important. They help you and look after you, so you might as well show it. What you will need: A bowl of water, a dish of salt, a white candle, a quartz crystal, a stick of incense (sandalwood is very spiritual, if it comes with myrrh that's even nicer) and a piece of fruit as an offering. Place the water bowl in the (East, southern hemisphere, West, northern hemisphere), the incense in the (West, southern hemisphere, East northern hemisphere), the dish of salt (South, southern hemisphere, North, northern hemisphere), the candle in the (North, southern hemisphere, South, northern hemisphere), the fruit and crystal in the centre. (This is an outline for what to do): Thank the God and Goddess, the Universe, Divinity, Deities, the All That Is, all the angles which have helped you and anything else you feel the need to thank like a passed on soul or a spirit guide perhaps. Tell Them that you have left some food for them and wish to thank them. Say blessed be and if you can leave all (but the fruit, throw that into a tree) outside for at least overnight, but if you can't leave it out for that long take it back inside. It could remain a personal thank you altar for the angels. Thanks to Witches Web for posting this in her blog. black and white angel " Bernard's Comment: "Watch out for this one! I could write a book about this wicked one, as he is called in 1 Jhn.5:18. The best place to start is to look in Ezekiel 28:13-15 ..You have been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, the sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx,jasper,sapphire, emerald, carbuncle, and gold.; the workmanship of your settings and of your pipes was prepared in the day that you were created.{ he is a created being of God} You are the anointed chereb: {high ranking angel} that covers; and I{God} have set you so.{ made you this way}, you were upon the holy mountain of God; you walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, till iniquity was found in you. Because of the iniquity {sin} found in him, Isaiah 14:12-15 says; How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer{ his created name}, son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you said in your heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars { another name for angels} of God. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High. {But God says} . Yet you shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Jesus said in Luke 10:18 "I beheld, seen Satan fallen as lighten from heaven," Lucifer was created a high ranking angel, but because of his rebellion against God he was removed from his position, to put it mildly. He is called Satan because he is humanity's adversary, the word Satan means, adversary. In Job 1:6 we read: Now there was a day when the sons of God {angels of God} came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came with them. This verse of scripture lets us know that God allows Satan to have access to His presence. One of the reasons being that Satan is no threat to God. He created him and He can destroy him at any time. God is also all knowing, so He knows what Satan is think even before the thought comes to his mind.. God allows him to continue on the earth because he drives some people to God. Satan often try to destroy people, only to have God save them and get the glory for the good that comes from His mighty hand. We are told in Revelation 20:1-3 that after the great tribulation, an angel is going to come from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit, he will take hold of the dragon, that old serpent, the Devil, also called Satan, the angel will cast Satan into the bottomless pit for a thousand years, {Christ will rule on earth during this 1000 year period of time.} After the 1000 years are complete, Satan will be loosed for a short period of time in which he will lunch one last rebellion using some of humanity. Fire will fall from heaven destroy the rebellious and Satan will be cast into the lake of fire and there he will remain for all eternity. Praise God. Bernard A. Jones www.bernardjones.blogspot.com" Christians Miss The Rapture? Will there be Christians who will miss the Rapture of the Church? This is a question that has puzzled the Saints of God for years. What is the Rapture? The Rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4: 15-17 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain when the Lord shall come shall not prevent or go before them which are asleep {in death}. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet blast from God; and the dead in Christ { those that are asleep}shall rise first; Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we forever be with the Lord. What could prevent a Christian from being a part of this great event? God has told us in His word to; follow peace with all men, and holiness, for with these no man shall see the Lord. Heb.12:14 If the professing Christian that lives a sinful life will not see the Lord in that state. The Apostle Paul speaking to the Ephesian Christians declared; but fornication, and all uncleanness. or covetousness, let it not be once name among you, as becomes saints, nor filthiness, nor follish talking, nor jesting. For this you know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ, and of God. For the wrath of God comes upon the children of disobedience. Ephesians 5:3-6 We are commanded; be ye holy for I am holy. A close look at Revelation 7:9-14 reveals a startling truth. John sees a multitude which no man could number, of all nations, kindred, people and tongue stand before the throne of God. One of the Elders spoke, what are these which are arrayed in white robes, and from where came they? The answer came; these are they which came out of great tribulation {the wrath of God} and have washes their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb This multitude of saints went into the tribulation with their robes, but stained with the filth of the world. It took the tribulation, the wrath of God to cleanse these saints. They ended up in heaven, they were not lost, but they went through the tribulation. In Matthew 24 39-44 Jesus is teaching about the saints being ready for His coming. So shall also the coming of the Son of man {for His ready saints} Then shall there be two in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, the other left. Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour that you think not, the Son of Man comes. If everyone was going to be ready the Lord would not waste His time telling us to be ready. The parable of the ten virgins recorded in Matthew 25 has no other purpose than to show the saints that they can miss the Rapture. Five were wise, five were foolish. Five went with the Lord, five were left behind. The bible has clearly shown us that Christians can and some will miss the Rapture go through the tribulation and enjoy the second chance that the tribulation will provide. The purpose of the tribulation is not to provide a second chance for lukewarm Christians but this is a means that God will take advantage of. In the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians we get a beautiful picture of what our Lord expects from His Bride, the Church. It reads; Husbands love your wives as Christ also loves the church, and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish .Our Lord expects to have a clean and holy bride, I don't think that He expects too much, Do you? Live for God, and for Christ and you will not be ashamed when there come a voice. Come Up Hitter Bernard A. Jones Ministries God Bless www.bernardjones.blogspot.com ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: )0(~Fallen Witch Angel~)0( Date: Jan 25, 2008 4:22 PM I BELIEVE that each individual has the power to change the world I BELIEVE that every Action we take can ripple out farther than we realize I BELIEVE that ordinary people can do extraordinary things I BELIEVE that Compassion is stronger than hatred I BELIEVE that Knowledge is stronger than ignorance I BELIEVE that Understanding is stronger than fear I BELIEVE that it is possible to see through another's eyes if you try I BELIEVE that each of us is connected by our shared Humanity I BELIEVE that our similarities are more important than our differences I BELIEVE that all individuals have a right to dignity and respect I BELIEVE that you should do unto others as you would like others to do unto you I BELIEVE that Hope is stronger than despair I BELIEVE that every Random Act of Kindness makes this world a better place I BELIEVE that while governments make treaties, individuals make Peace I BELIEVE that it is possible to change the Path you are traveling I BELIEVE that each individual must make a conscious decision to choose Peace I BELIEVE that you have to lead by example I BELIEVE that Peace Will Prevail I BELIEVE that together, we can Heal the Heart of Humanity Copyright Christopher B. Buck 27 December 2007 You've read my introduction. I believe these words. With my whole heart. I expect MY friends to feel the same. There is no mention of a god. Just common decency. Just common sense. Is that so hard to do? The golden rule applies here! I am very adamant when it comes to this rule! I knew this year was going to be a wild one but I had NO idea this craziness would start so soon. Prepare yourself my friends. Often any site i go on is going to be supercharged with swings to the left and swings to the right and some in between. The extremist are lurking about every corner waiting to pounce. Without naming names, I will just say, this will NOT be tolerated on my blogs! If you have a question that may offend someone else? Please THINK before you write. If that question cannot be worded in such a way as to NOT offend, email me! My blogs are for me and ALL of my friends. This is my Pow wow and my Safe Haven, I will not tolerate my friends being hurt. So far, we have all played fair with each other. 99% of my friends are decent and caring to each other NO MATTER what political side they swing on or what god they worship!!! Let's keep it that way. No bashing other gods or other people because they worship a pink god or blue or spotted! This goes for blogs being written by MY friends! We all must think very carefully before we throw out judgement. Just because there is a monitor between us does not give us the right to just spit out trash or harsh accusations. We are the light of this world and must act the part that was given us. It is our duty to be the instruments of our gifts to the world. It is our greatest job!! Our god has trusted us with the most precious of creation. Be there or be square! (sorry, I couldn't resist a bit of humor) The creation = Anything the moves and breaths. Respect it or leave it alone. If you can't say anything nice than walk away... I love you all.. This too shall pass and life goes on. I respect you all and demand that same respect back. That goes for all of you too. Not one of you will be bashed, trashed or hurt, NOT ON MY WATCH!!
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