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Have you ever woke up one morning were looking for one thing and then found something else ?One night when I was driving to my place in the mountains .I had a really bad day and was thinking of all the bad things I had experienced in my life. I have not been very lucky in love I have had things that I loved killed because they were to friendly yes bears by the fish and game. My life was just to much for me to handle . I have to say I was ready to pack it in . And this was not the first time I just wanted to end my life. But every time I would feel this way something stopped me . Then there's that problem I have with thinking if I ended it once and for all what would God think and that was something I did not want to risk. Well as I was thinking this I looked up at the sky on this long road to the mountains out my wind shield and said in my mind God just take me home I was broken . I finally made it home got into my cabin stayed outside well into the dark . Looking at all the stars and just wishing I could be taken away. I finally went in my cabin and went to sleep. I had a dream so it appeared to be anyway. And I was on a table I was not strapped down I just could not move. I tried to move my head to the right and then the left. Wherever I was it was bright. I could only look up at the ceiling. There was this beautiful light it had colors that were so colorful it was something I could just look at forever. It was rotating very slowly and I could think of nothing but this light. I was not afraid I felt happy. At that moment I felt like I was lighter then air. My mind was empty no sadness just joy. Then all of a sudden this what some people might call a alien leaned over me from the right side and looked right in my face. I was not scared but I became sad . It did not say anything to me I was sad and ashamed at the same time. Suddenly I felt like I was falling backwards not fast just backwards. I then woke up and felt empty. I got up went to work I wasn't sad anymore and every time something would pop in my head I just would be saying to myself oh well . I can walk I can see I have both my arms and legs and can go anywhere I want. I was more thankful for my life. My life is still not going were I would like but it does not seem to bother me as much. Well now the sword. So about a week after that dream experience or whatever it was .I was looking for something in my cabin . I was looking all over the place I then looked behind my cabinet and find this sword . I pick it up and my mind is blank to were it came from or how I even got it. And I pick it up I am not excited but thinking . Were the heck did this come from I can remember every knife my grandfather ever gave me as a kid all the knives my uncle ever gave me. And I don't know how this sword got in my cabin. A cabin that I built from scratch ground up .Well for some reason I start writing stories on blogs like the ones on this website. Just thought provoking stories. I am no writer I have never written stories until recently. As I write these stories none with a sword in it. I meet this lady named TJ Morris on line. She has been a writer for along time. She says to me that she writes on themes that have to do with the past and the future. And she has others that write for her on her website. She says she calls her writers by different names of the knight of the round table. My name was to be Sir Lancelot. Well months go by I write my stories . So recently I am rubbing the rust off this sword that I had found in my cabin. I guess I was board that day . Then I talk to a friend of mine and tell him of this sword. Well he has a sword he is into them more then me . Until now that is. He says the sword I have was not just made in china and stamped out of stainless steel that would not rust. That the sword I have was pounded out by hand . That who ever did it heated all the pieces together and pounded it over and over again. There is no name on the sword .No factory stamp nothing. So you can imagine what I am thinking now. So yesterday I go on the internet.And look at swords and find out that this sword is the ones they would of used back in the days of the round table.Yes Sir Lancelots time. I am not saying this is Sir Lancelots sword just the kind that was used back then. So hear I am anyone got any thoughts on this. If you do write me and let me know .Yes you can write and say I am nuts or maybe I am on drugs which I don't take. But know matter I still have a sword that I don't know were it came from and I am still being called Sir Lancelot by TJ that didn't even know about the sword until the other day.And it all started in November when I had that dream of the lights in the eyes in 2007 .And I have to say the more I pick up the sword the more comfortable I feel with it . So maybe I am just a nut.But then I could say that about something someone else does too.

As a race of people we are raised to know someday we will die . As we grow and are old enough to understand we are told and some taught , that someday we will go to another place called heaven . That we never really die that our soul which is the best in us will be released from this body and we will go to this place that is nothing but good . And if we are not good our souls will be lost and in the dark . And in the fires of Hell some others believe . We are all trying to get to a better place that most of us believe is better then here . And any mistakes that we make we can ask for forgiveness and everything will be alright . We talk often about God the creator or Jesus or many other names for the one that creates all the things that are in the universe . But many have families and the sadness of having them leave this place is a sadness that is remembered at birthdays ,  Christmas and all the rest . It never seems to go away it is always there in a song a place you once shared with them or a old photograph of them . We remember how sad it is they are not with us anymore . But if you truly believe in a God a creator and a place  better then this consider . Do you get sad when the ones you love buy a new house or have a new born baby . Are you happy when there life is better then yours ? Most people think this way I think ? I understand the grief because of the loss . I have had many things that I would of traded places with for them to live and to let me leave instead . But it's never our choice really . Yes there is suicide but just the word alone sounds bad to me and I think that would put you in a bad place when you leave . But sometimes God gives us choices there are many that give up the fight of staying here with disease like cancer and pains that are so unbearable that you just say to the doctor let me go I am to old have had a good life know were I am going it's OK . I have had that happen to me over the years . And the comforting thing about it was I could feel happy for them I even made a joke to them about something that always bothered him and I told him I loved him and I would see him when I got there even if it was just to visit . It was my step dad . My mother is from Germany and they like everything a certain way for as long as I could remember my step dad would wear tee shirts he had favorites to wear and some had holes in them . Not a good thing for my mom . She would say things like you embarrass me wearing that shirt with the hole . She would buy him new ones but he would wear his favorite one once in awhile with the hole . This went on for the 40 years they were together . My mom is tough she went threw world war 2 as a 21 year old she lost a lot of people including her first husband . Her father was arrested for being friends with people of the Jewish faith so she was tough . Well earlier in my step dads life he had cancer at about forty but they gave him treatment and it was gone . But we brought him to the hospital because he said he was getting tired all the time . We brought him in the hospital on friday he was dead by Sunday he was full of cancer . I remember seeing him laying there looking at my mother at the foot of the bed . Still being the tough one a little tearing up but not bad . I was on the left side up at my step dads head . He was looking at my mom almost to be thinking nice to have you shed a tear for me but I new he loved her she loved him . So I told him how great he was to me better then my real father was and I loved him . After that I leaned up at him and whispered at least you won't have to listen to her talk about the hole in your tee shirt anymore . He looked at me and smiled and said you know your right . I then said my good byes and left him and my mom alone until the end . I myself believe in were I am going . I am not afraid of death. I have much to learn when I leave this place. More then just the usual . So if I make it before you , to go to this better place don't be sad I will see you when you get there , even if it's only for a visit to ask you how you liked my stories and to laugh . And with a eternity who knows I will take you to the places in the universe I have already seen  experience the wonders of the heavens above and say see all your sadness of people you thought were gone are all right here . Lets go see them !

Where would we be if we did not invent cars with a combustible engine?What would of happened if the inventers early on thought of a better way of getting us around instead of noisy gas guzzling polluting held hostage by oil company autos ,planes ,jets motorcycles and the rest ? We had a idea and ran with it and for a long time it was great we got to see things because of travel we would of never seen walking . But can you imagine if we went in another direction like magnetic energy . Quiet none polluting renewable energy . I was playing with some neodymium magnets the other day so powerful and so much none polluting power it amazed me . I did the usual. Had them stick together then reversed them and could not put them together they wanted to fly out of hands .Invisible quiet energy . Then I was thinking of the power of how whole planets are held up in the heavens with the north and south poles rotating planets .As well as the gravity and lack of it depending on magnetic fields and size of the planets . So if man had gone in this direction never needed gas not held hostage by oil companies stuffing there pockets no wars over the supply of oil ect.We might be flying in space right now going to other planets and they would not hear or see us coming . And then I started thinking of a compass always faces north unless you could switch the magnetic field of a ship and have a bounce off effect.Of coarse if I am in space now with my magnetic pull or push engine if I wanted to go fast to another planet head right north and if I was dead on would I not go right at it like a compass and if I wanted to slow down just turn my magnetic driven ship just off to the side a little and if I had to go in the opposite directing just reverse it and I would shoot off like speeding bullet ? Just like the magnets in my hands tried to do. The only thing I would have to do is recharge my magnets once in a while which is easy . If you take a magnet and put it on something steel the steel becomes magnetic . So I would guess if you had a magnetic source somewhere up there like landing right in the middle of a the north pole with some kind of technology not known to us yet its probably like going to the gas station with out the price . I guess I would call this magnetic manipulation . Engines of today technology have the pistons go up and down just like push and pull of magnets .Threes been many reports of car engines shutting down when a UFO flys over and then start up again when they go over . This doesn,t happen all the time but does happen. If we wanted to shut down the whole world just have a large enough magnetic field and noting would go no computers or anything that ran by them there goes your car. Bye bye hospital equipment bye gas pumps and bye bye planes, missiles. Everything would shut down and you can't see it coming it goes right threw the human body wood and depending on the strength right threw everything down here . When computers first came out I was screwing around with a magnet and had to get a new monitor for my computer because I was to close to it . So now it brings me to yes but if you travel to fast we would not be able to take the G forces . If you were being held with a magnetic suit in a field you would be locked in the middle of the field. Positive against positive and negative against negative you would be in the middle no G forces then maybe . As much fun as I have had driving motorcycles trucks ski mobiles and all the other toys . Maybe I would be flying to other planets right now instead of watching the fuel prices going up at the pump filling the oil companies pockets . And if I had a choice to travel quietly to other planets and not worry about supply and demand and wars I would of rather have gone in that direction . Because that would be me up there abducting you but only if you wanted .

One time a few years ago in 1996 my step dad died.We brought him to the hospital on friday and by sunday he was dead he was full of cancer. He had prostate cancer when he in his forties and it came back when he was 73 and it killed him .He had just been complaining for months he was tired all the time and had a doctors appointment .I was at home and in the middle of night a small light came in the window when I was in bed my wife who is now a x wife. And I said what the hell is that light. So I jumped up and went to the window because it was gone. I lived in the country with no neighbors. And thought someone was in my yard with a flash light but know one was there. I went back to bed and when I woke up my wife said are you feeling alright I said yes why she said after I fell asleep a great heat was coming off my body .But when she touched me I was cool to the touch. I thought nothing of it until my mom called with the news my dad was not coming out of the hospital he was full of cancer and they had lost him once already and brought him back. I was stund because last I had heard he was just going to get a check up in the hospital she said you better get to the hospital. She said she would meet me there. I got to the hospital and found his room he was sitting up and looked like he always did like he was just there for a headache or some thing. My mom was crying I told him I loved him and that he had been a better father then my real dad bailing me out of things I had done when I was a kid. I said why could it not be my real dad but said howard because that was my dads name I never called him dad. That's a storie for another day. Well my step dad had two sisters .One was 84 and the other younger 72.The younger one whose name was Ann had medical problems like dementia .She had to take medication so she would not just forget where she was .But when she took her medication she was fine so the older one took care of her she also looked at my step dad almost like a mother because my step dads mom died young. The sisters never married. They just kind of lived together. When my step dad was dyeing I said I would check in on his sisters cut there grass and stuff like that. He said thank you but to watch Ann for obvious reasons. As a few years past I decided to sell my house and move to Montana . The rat race was just wearing me out in Boston. The last time I went over to see my dads sisters I told them I was moving they were sad .But before I left I said to Ann. If something happens to your older sister you call me and you can move in with me in Montana. She said thank you that would be nice. In 2003 I was on my property and my favorite bear had showed up and we went for a walk after walking for awhile he layed down and I layed down about 25 feet from him as he slept I was day dreaming looking at the night sky. I then saw this light making no sound coming in my direction. It was about 1/2 mile away just coming over the trees . I watched it as it came closer . When it got about a 1/4 mile from me I was thinking here we go again I had this happen to me before in the past with other people with me.The light then went out and it appeared over behind the tree I was sitting under I looked at my bear friend he was still sleeping I thought animals had feelings we have lost over the years as humans no he just kept sleeping away . I looked threw the branches and the light was up just behind the tree. I turned and looked at the bear again still sleeping I looked back and the light was gone. I went in my cabin after my bear friend woke. My now x wife was in the house she woke up when I went to bed and I told her I saw one of those lights again like in the past. About 3 weeks later my mom calls me and said she had bad news that both my dads sisters died. They found them in the house because the neighbors called because of a smell coming from the house .They said it appeared that the oldest one died of a heart attack and ann did not take her medication and did not drink any water and after days died.The day that ann died was the same day I was with the bear three weeks earlier.I then started thinking . Did when ann die she was given a trip to see me before she made her transition to the next level of spirituality.Are these spaceships what people have seen including me over the years really what I have labeled the soul transporters.Is these things we think are aliens really Angels.Maybe this whole charub floating on the clouds not really the way it is.Are our souls really taken up in ships to be delievered to some other place.Some other tranitional place.That we could not with our limited minds know of the heavens above all at once.And our souls are just made of the good and bad choices we have made .And we need to have it purifide so we can be ready for eternity.I don't have any answers just like I don't know were I got the sword from or alot of things that have happened to me in these 51 years.As always to many questions and my stupid limited human mind cannot figure out on this level now .But hopefully some day we will all know.

I have been injured many times. Dislocated my shoulder not bad just 1/4 inch out.It was enough to not be able to lift my arm over my head for 3 months. I have been cut in the cornea of the eye with barbed wired again not enough to lose the eye. But enough to not be able to see out of it for a few weeks . I broke my leg in 4 places at once not being able to walk for awhile . I even lucky me pinched a nerve in my neck to were I could not move at all for three days. All my own fault I am one of those guys who is always doing things I should not be doing and wham I am hurt or bleeding pretty bad . Yes just like alot of guys we are funny that way. Hope aliens do not want to make me have sex with a alien to make a hybrid or the thing won't make it a week when it is old enough to walk. The only thing these things have let me experience and think at the time is. I know what it is like to have limitations but only for a short time .To appreciate it was not forever. Or to never have been able to see would of probably been the worse. No beautiful rainbows . No mountain top views. None of the things I thought nothing of until it was gone . So being blind would be bad . But then I also would not have experienced being a racist. I am not anymore. Was it a faze? Was it what I was seeing on tv. Was it just going along with the people I hung around with. I am just glad it is gone now. I was hating everything without putting myself in the history of those peoples lives. I used to hate gay people . I am not a gay pride sign holder . I think just my opinion which is not very much that is a hard life to live just for sex. And so I do not if it's not to late piss some of you off because I said it is about sex. I love my brother and would do anything for him he is male so am I . Am I gay . No why because I do not have sex with him. So that's just me my feelings. I used to think abortion is bad . And I would say after seeing something on tv about abortions those murders. But then I thought what would I do if I was raped by my father or some guy down the street would I want to carry this baby and remind me of the rape forever and never be able to get away from it. Would I kill myself what if I was married and I knew if I kept it my husband and I have been trying to have a baby and now we could have one but it would be the rapists. If you can handle things like that I am glad for you but we are not all the same. So now that I have put myself in all of the things that I hated and wished those people would just go away. I am more understanding. I guess what it has come down to is I may not like the things that people do but I understand it better . I did not pick my parents or were I was raised had no control how people would treat me in my life or what I would see that would make me have all these bad feeling .I am just me one dumb human with so many different then me people trying to get threw it all .They say children are blind to color they are right they just want to play with anyone of any race. Even children whose parents are of the same sex or different color different faiths . So I will go way out on a limb right now for all my friends who like thinking of aliens from outer space . Would you be afraid of them if you lost your sight for a short while . And all of a sudden these aliens from another world looked so ugly in human terms but you could not see them .They just met you knocked on your door and started talking to you nicely said they were having problems with there transportation and could they use you phone . You would probably say sure you would probably let them in they would talk to you joke with you then say thank you and leave. And the only memory you would have when they left would be how nice that person was who used your phone . And because you were blind you did not see how normally ugly they were that they were not any different then you and you were glad to have met them . And you would probably always wonder what they looked like. That is me now I am blind to the seeable as well as the things I have yet to understand. I have along way to go but if there is a heaven for me up there somewhere. I will make sure that I am blind so I will be able to understand how happy I can be.And not be reminded of the blinding hate I once had on earth.

I read alot of websites talking of alien abductions. Some tell stories of evil aliens doing all kinds of things to us poor humans. I do believe in abductions from aliens . Some abductions have happened to me in the past and then there will be my final abduction never to return. Just as all who is reading this storie will be abducted. That is if you choose to believe in a God or angels or yes aliens . To me there  almost all the same. Even God would be considered a alien. I do not mean any disrespect to God but compared to me he fits in the class of alien . Some people call spirits spirit guides . Again alien to this world. The bible if you have ever read some of it .Talks of angels that glowed outside of Jesus tomb. They did not have the words we have now back then. Years ago if you would travel by horse and I saw some thing in the sky I may call a spaceship a fiery horse that came down from the heavens. Heavens being somewhere in the universe above. Or perhaps call something coming down from up above a chariot of fire. If I was as some stories suggest in the bible taken by the angels and brought back with knowledge of what should be then again angels could be aliens. People seem to have a preconception of what things should or must look like. If that is the case look in the bible of the description of the angels that are next to God in heaven . Many heads of lions hoofed feet and all kinds of things I have seen in horror movies . Yet these are the things they talk about in the bible as being good. So just think when we die and go to heaven how are we getting there . Do not think I will be flapping the wings of my soul. Going to need a map to find my way .And I have never been good at reading maps . That not one trip I want to make a mistake at . It might get really hot for me if I go in the wrong direction. The stories I hear from some people aliens are out to get us .There is a guy selling thought screen helmets so the aliens won't abduct you . If you think I am making this up look at the website thought screen helmets Michael menkin. There are stories of how alien hybrids are ripping the helmets off this poor old ladies head so they can do who knows what. Dam those mean aliens. Mike so I will call him is no friend of mine and when I wrote him one time and told him to sell his helmets on the back of comic books .He said that I was being manipulated by the aliens. Dam again where is my thought screen helmet when I needed it. So lets say that this hat stops aliens for abducting me does that mean if I say in my will I want to be buried with it on I won't get to heaven .Oh no what should I do now. I guess I will just not were one and find out. I often think how anyone of us could of ruled the world with a few bic lighters century's ago. We could of said we were the fire God and if they did not do what we wanted we would burn them click. I do not think we are far from that now . As humans we run around in our little made world of what we have decided to take as fact and run with it. Trying to convince anyone we meet of what we believe . I  am also guilty of this . But in a universe as big and vast I do not know much of anything. If I could put all of mankind's past and present all the knowledge from the tribal man to the smartest  guineas in one big mega computer all 6 billion . Then I go outside and plug it in and say what is the planet up there made of and is there any life on it .It would say not enough information. So my little brain does not know anything. If I were in the heavens above with a mega telescope and looking down hear . It would look to me as a ant hill with ants all over it . Running around picking up building materials getting food killing other ants when they looked different and were in my space. Carrying away the dead . It really would not look that different from above. So the next time you think your real smart and think you know so much . You and me are just 2 of the 6 billion that does not even know what is on just one of the many planets up above.

After hearing and seeing so many things of aliens from other worlds on blogs chat lines tv. Plus having had experiences myself. They all say how cool it would be to travel the galaxies. To go to places that many would never get to see. To be in this spaceship. And I often think these things and agree how great it would be. But I like to make people think by asking strange questions just to hear there answer. My question is if you could leave with the aliens under two conditions. One being you would have to have a alien body. Meaning what most people have called the grays. Little friends from space with large heads and grayish skin big black eyes. That being the body you would need to fly at there speed. Then second question you would never be able to come back and see anyone from this world again. Would you do those two things to travel the galaxies above. They all say no to either of these questions. For me it is different I would do both. It is just funny how into the whole alien things they are in to and the universe above yet they would not want to give up anything to do it. I guess comfort ability in being where you are counts for alot. Most of these people I have asked these alien questions complain daily how bad the world is .How bad the people are . Some have even wished the whole world would blow up. I can't really say much about that I have been there myself a few times. To me being abducted or being in a dream that seems real is the same thing. While you are in the dream you think it is real .Some times scared half to death in a nightmare. And other times you feel like you are just floating around. You wake up no problem . Just like a abduction . Wake up and off you go to work. So I ask you who read this stories would you do the two things to leave this place to explore the universe above. Or would you just like to walk around down here complaining over all yours and the worlds problems. Well if I ever stop writing stories there will be only two reasons one I left with the aliens and took the offer of the body change and not come back. Or I died and got a spiritual body of who knows what and am flying around the universe anyway. So either way I win.

So as I live in my fantasy world which is pretty comfortable for me and the most fun. I was thinking of my friends from space the aliens as people call them and was wondering. Lets just say with things seeming to be going down the drain world over. I started thinking usually not a good thing but thats what I do being human and all.The planets are lining up at there full magnetic shift on Dec 21,2012. yes the end of the mayan calender . So lets say as this world might be falling apart at the seams . People all over the world start dieing off before there time. Typhons, Hurricans,Floods . The middle east goes to war with Iran it is total kaos. The war that people thought they could win everyone looses.Things are so bad people are on the street with know place to go food is held by the goverment for there own somewhere in bunkers.Where the rest of us cannot get too. The special military that the goverment people have are everywere. Riding around in there special vehicles.Most of us have lost the will to fight . The rest of us are just throwing rocks and being shot down in the streets. Like I said not a fun time. Now suddenly a ship lands down in front of you and says I will give you and your family a free ride to a place you think would be heaven. All the food you could ever want for you and yours .A paradise were you and your family could be garanteed happiness. You having been watching friends of yours and there children die and you are not far behind. The only thing that you would have to do is help the aliens push this button that can only be pushed by you for some reason .And when you pushed it more aliens would come down and decide who lived and died. They say that all bad people would be killed including the ones in the bunkers that left you and your family to die outside in the horror. But that all man was bad but some have turned there life around because they had the time to do it . But you were given the chose to finish it now .My question is would you do it.Would you risk thinking in your mind that it's over.

Do angels have angels?

I sit often and look and think of the Universe above . I start to think of how little I know . They say you learn something new everyday even if it's about yourself . I then started thinking do angels have angels . If I am but so limited in my knowledge of understanding of what is up in the heavens are my friends from space just one more step above me and do they have angels above them also . Does God have many levels of spirit teachers to help everything get to a higher level one step at a time of higher knowledge of going to the light which is God . There appears to be no end to the heavens above as well as no end to eternity of learning . So do our friends from space have what we on earth would call a church of learning about the next step up to the light of all things . It is a never ending heaven and does God have many spiritual beings of higher life forms all over the galaxys teaching the levels below ? I myself am just one pebble of knowledge in the desert of the Sahara and as eternity goes I hope to always be heading to the light and maybe getting enough knowledge to become a beach . Man invented time by the way that the earth travels around the sun 24 hours to us is one day if our planet were going slower then the day would be longer faster shorter . We as humans think we know so much . Some of us go to a church on Sunday for our one hour, some go more . Some people just believe in God in there own way . And some not at all and think it's a way for people to feel good about themselves . I believe in a creator of all things I have so much to learn here and when I leave this place and go to what I believe is the next level of spirituality . I am still a child before it is born swimming for the egg . I don't know why I am going to the egg all that I know is I must get there . As with learning to get to the light I will have eternity and not have to worry about this thing called time that was made by men and I never seem to have enough of . For now I will just look at the heavens above and wonder many things and I will look at them in a positive way . Because if there are do overs like in school if you do not pass you stay behind I would like to go forward and not look at the many mistakes that I have made to keep me here .Because I am trying to catch up with the light and the Universe has had a big head start !

This has been with me and my thoughts for years . Because of selfish ways of man kind and the lack of knowledge of what we know because of our limited mind being born of this world earth . It has given me a different way of thinking then most . I believe there is a creator to all things a God as most would call it. As humans and our tear jerk reactions in bad and uncontrollable situations . I believe as with everything learned there are steps along the way to get to the heavens above . People are brought up in a limited way of thinking you go to first grade then the second and so on to learn until you graduate get a job and live a life that takes many turns . We are also brought up reading religious books to do the write thing and always fail . We are also taught if you do not do these things according to the books we will pay the price fail your exam go to hell and not see God or make it to heaven . We are told and made to believe that when we die and are good we will get to heaven . As if with our limited mind and control of our feelings we will know the whole universe . I myself believe there is a possible connection to this abduction with our friends from space just like school they may be here to teach us one grade at a time so we will be on the first step of getting were we should be getting in the spirituality of our souls . There is only so much we can handle . If we would instantly know all things we would I believe our young just learning souls could not handle it . Just as if we decided to put our kids in college on day one they would fail they could not handle it . Nothing would be taught because you would not understand . I am not a Bible thump er I am not what some people call a Jesus freak I am a human with limited understanding and don't just except everything because someone tells me its true . I make up my own mind just as most people do . I do believe in what man calls the ten commandments because it makes sense to me and if the world just paid attention to the Ten Commandments the world would be better then it is now. So I believe the friends from space are trying to get man on the first steps on the long term knowledge of spirituality we will have a eternity of learning to do but with no death as we know it . Perhaps in a way the friends from space are angels with no wings but ships to help us along the way like teachers trying to get us on the first step of eternal light . If you believe as I do that there is some kind of creator and people call it many things . Then our friends from space were made by the creator as we were . How much as a human can we handle . Some people cry during a movie . Some people want to blow up whole countries because of a handful of people doing bad things . We have so much to learn and eventually we will get there . I also believe there are people and you may be one of them that probably has been abducted and just doesn't know it or because of the way you think you just think its all a fairy tall and it doesn't happen . It could be because your life is good right now but what will you do if your child gets sick and the doctors say there is nothing we can do she or he will die . I would hope that you would put your pride your unbelieving in anything other then what you were taught or the only here and now away and ask that your child be in good hands were she is and not just be a head stone in some cemetery . For if you are wrong and he or she is looking down they may think you thought of them as not worth putting your pride in check not even now . But I am also just a dumb human like the rest . I am only hoping as a race we at least try not to hurt others here or in the after world .

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