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Two Stone by Jöseph Lee Foster-Shumpert-Lear, 1996 Published 17 March 2004 :: Other Read more by Jöseph Lee Foster-Shumpert-Lear Two Stone Synopsis of Characters in play Jon: an emotional disturb young man claiming that he was abused as a child by his alcoholic father. Solitary, quite, withdrawn The oldest child to the woman and Sam, is suicidal and has tried on a previous occasion to kill himself, but was unsuccessful because of Sam's interference. Has a scar on the right side of his face from the fight with Sam over the gun, the gun went off leaving him with the scar to remind him Ghost of Jon: Looks back over his family with his eyes open to both the past as well as the future, tries to guide his sister in her future Lisa: Jon's younger sister, troubled by the turmoil in the family. Takes on the role of the voice for the family and tries to become independent though she has reached and is far surpassing her capability Woman: Sees all that is happening in the home, but for some reason appears to not see or accept it, chooses not to deal with the problem of her husbands drinking. Sam: Alcoholic has been drinking since he was 18 years old, comes from and alcoholic and broken family. Is aware of time of his problem, yet refuses to seek help for it. Wants the world for his son and daughter, but lacks the no how to inspire them to shoot for it, cannot bare to look at his son in particular for he remembers the night when he fought his son for the gun which left a scar beginning at his cheek and shooting up the middle of his right his right eye. Feels the guilt of knowing that it was he who pulled the trigger that night, but not sure if it was in self defense of in a drunken anger Voice: The voice of His grandfather guides Jon in his decision coming and then leaving as he is needed....advises Jon about the doors which are his options one leading to life and one death, but does not tell him which is the better for him and his family. Scene 1& 3: Scene one opens in the living room of a modern style home. Decorated much in the same fashion as the TV show, "Roseanne", Stairs in the back ground, TV and coffee table in front of the couch with large heavy curtains covering a large window. scene requires minimal light from the foreground. Scene 3 opens with a door and dull music in the background as the TV shines on a room where the floor is covered in beer cans or What looks like a party long over, but not cleaned up after. Scene 2: requires two grave markers as described in the poem, Two Stone, for the grandfather and a blank one for the son, placed in a far solitary part of the cemetery one spot to shine on Seph brightly when the voice and he are conversing Scene 4: this scene requires both the cemetery and the home. And a bright spot to shine in from behind the window after Sam has opened the curtains. One spot for Jon and Sam and then another in the cemetery for the woman and the Lisa Deep in a field somewhere Lies a stone One name carved Deep within marble With beloved father and consort . . . Deep in a field somewhere Lies a son At his father's side One name carved Deep within stone With tears of blood and pain . . . Eyes could not see the pain For which a son lay destroyed Before the age o his father Was close to met Farewell dear family Friends and Love I loved you once . . . Two stones within a field Side by side they lay One for a father That time let slip away And another That a never empty bottle shot . . . Two stones somewhere in a field Somewhere in my heart One lying in the light o heaven While the other . . . Scene 1: When A ghost walks in Curtain opens to a man and women talking in their living room Sam>(takes a shot of 100% whiskey) You know he comes home today Woman> yes (staring at the bottle before her) Sam> You know he's going to want to go to that damn place again Woman> Yes . . .(trembling voice) Sam> (takes another shot, very angry) I'm his father and he treats me like shit, but some fucker in 6 ft under...oh he treats him like king. Woman> but he . . .(trembling voice) he was my father Sam> What...ah no matter. Still I'm his father and I get treated like shit around here by him and all of you (points around room in accusing poser to the empty room) It's not my fault he ran away...it's not my fault the bullet missed . . .(door opens and girl walks in) Lisa> Breaks in the room looks around from parent to parent and smile) He's home . . .we here Sam> Damn it Lisa your mother and I are trying to talk. Don't you have any respect for us get the hell out of here (a boy walks in from behind Lisa) and take that good for nothing sack Woman> Sam!!! Sam> Take Jon with you Lisa> Come on . . . he's home. He's promised everything's changed and we should be happy and give him a chance . . . Sam> A chance . . .listen here lil' girl I you and he don't get the hell out of my house I won't be giving anyone anything Lisa> (shocked) Sam you . . . Jon> (Looking up with a blank expression, grabs Lisa's arm) Come on let's go to the park or something, there's no fighting that lifeless bottle Woman> Wait . . .(children turn and look) could you just go up stairs. Everything will be alright you'll see Jon> No it will, not as long as that (points to bottle) that thing still rules . . . come on Lisa Sam> You have no right to talk to your mother . . . Jon> My mother as you call her has no right to be married to the likes of you she deserves more Sam> She does huh well come over here lil' boy and do something to change all this . . . Jon (hesitates . . . does nothing) Sam> What's wrong the poor old dead man got your tongue Jon> turns and walks out the door after throwing bags on floor Scene2: The Cemetery Lisa and Jon walk into a cemetery in silence and heads down Jon> could I have a moment alone please Lisa unsure> Uh . . . yeah sure I'll just be over there Jon> I don't know I you can hear me but I feel empty inside. I lose you and then I lost Angela. What more could this forgiving father you always talked about take from me. My sanity . . .that's near gone from the pain and it seems my temper is a fire that's always ready to burn someone. No matter What I do, I end up to blame for my troubles and for everyone else's. They sent me to the hospital until there was no money let. They took away my safety, they took away Angela's gun and my only escape literally hit the roof . . .I have a family that once believed in me but now thanks to that fucking bottle I don't even have them. Look at Sam he tells me to come to him whenever I have a problem . . .. He can't even help himself with out calling for his cheap friend OLE Mr. 100 proof (sarcastic). How is he suppose to help me . . . if he can't even help himself? Not even the doctors could have helped me and I probably made them drunks. I'm not the easiest patient in the world. Mom just pushes me away she never gives an exact answer and anytime I'm around all I can see is her trying to hide her tears from me. Lisa is not much different, but at least she tries. She's my only light through this darkness, but even she has her limits. I see her frown and cry when no ones is suppose to be looking . . .What am I suppose to do . . . A light from above slowly shines on Jon and a voice begins> My son . . .I never told you life would not be hard. You lost an innocence you were not meant to lose at age 6. I told you when you came to me. You would have two doors to choose from. One will bring you joy and the other will destroy you and your loved ones. You still have to choose you are at the cross road now choose Light begins to fade>> Jon> But how . . .my hand rests upon the knob and I can feel it in my grasp, but I am afraid Voice> Choose!!! Jon> Which . . .Which one father help me . . .Father!!! Scene3:The Door Opens Jon enters the room making jokes with Lisa. The room is dark and Jon turns on the light to find Sam in a drunken stupor on the floor . . . Sam> Looking up from the floor and stammering: So the prodigal son returns Jon walks across the room ignoring Sam Sam> What you're to proud and mighty to answer me . . . (starts to undo his belt) Why I use to beat the pride out o you when you were lil and I'll sure the hell do it now Jon> That's right Sam . . .hit me. That's all you were ever good for. It's no wonder my father . . . Sam> I am your father Jon> It's no wonder my father took me away Sam> I am your father you ungrateful. . . Jon> (interrupts) No my father is dead and as of my biological one . . . I never knew him Sam> That's Bull I . . . Jon> No you are the bull. . .remember that poem I sent you from the hospital. . .(Lisa exits crying and holding her face) It was written by this kid I know. His name was Joe and you know What . . .he was just like me destroyed by someone else Sam> You and your poems ( takes a drink from the bottle beside him on the floor) I you ever studied as much as you took the time for those poems . . . (spits on the floor) maybe you would be somebody instead of a weakling Woman>(upset) What's going on in here; What's all of this yelling the whole neighborhood can hear you Jon> Please dear mother join us we were discussing my father and. . . Sam> I am your father Jon> You just don't get it do you. . .we live in this big house with it's big windows and curtains to keep out the light. What are we vampires Are we going to die if we let in a little sun...or are you just trying to keep in your family secret Are you trying to keep me in? Woman> Jon you Jon> Yeah I know mother lil Jon the son of Sam and Laurie Sagora. Lil' Jon who just happened to go crazy in the head. You close the curtains to keep people in. . .What are you so afraid of or maybe it's not you. ( snatches the bottle from Sam's hand as he is taking a drink and begins pouring it down the sink.) Maybe it's the bottle that's afraid. This lifeless bottle that rest 1/2 full and never empty in your hand morn. noon and night. . . .Maybe the bottle thinks that if we let in the light it's darkness can't destroy us and it will lose control. Maybe then we can start to deal with What happened to me. Woman> What are you talking about. . .the gunshot??? Jon> Of course. . .(looking at Sam pointing to Laurie) You never told her the real reason I tried to kill myself. . .What that bottle let happen to your darling boy. . .You were probably so blown you can't remember. Do you know the reason mother. . .Do you know why your father came and took me away why he raised me why I call him Father Sam> I am (slurred) Jon> What was that drunken man I couldn't quite hear that through the constant running of the whiskey river Sam>( slurred but clearer) I am your father Jon> (screaming) Where the hell were you!!! (turns to the woman) and you where were you . . .huh? How many times have I written it tried to say it and no one listened . . . well here right here before you. . .Here is your answer here is where your baby boy went . . .( holding piece of paper in front of woman) here read it. Read it and tell me mother . . . where were you when I needed you the most Woman: shut up, stop crying you'll do this or I'll hurt you and your family he's crying but goes through with it She takes his hand Forcing him to caress her breasts Her thighs She slaps and kicks him when he tries to run away Or say no (pause) Jon> Come on read it Woman> (sobs) I ca. . .I can't do this Jon> Fine since you're weak of heart. . .I'll do it (snatches paper from her hand) His parents arrive home to find Stacey asleep on the couch The babysitter watching TV beside her And he in the bedroom buried under a mountain of covers Screaming of Vampires (looks to both parents emphasizes) They comfort and hold him Saying everything will be all right They don't understand What happened to him They think it was all a nightmare The truth is 'Twas a nightmare which continued for 7 years For this was not the first time Couldn't his parents see What was happening Couldn't they see beyond his talk o vampires To my pain They leave twice a week Leaving behind his sister of 5 And him with the babysitter Over and over it happens Woman> ( stands and shouts) Stop . . .Stop it I don't want to hear anymore Jon> Why mother because the picture is to vivid Because your helpless to do anything now . . .why? Woman> (runs out o the room crying) Jon> (turns to Sam) Do you see now why father took me away. He saw the same thing you did . . .only he stopped it. My father saved me and all you could do was drink. Sam> Throwing glass at Jon's feet) I am your fa . . .I am your father Jon> Do I have to repeat myself. . .my father raised me from the time I was six until I was 13. He taught me to read taught me to fight taught me to survive the nightmares . . .What have you and your friend done Sam! you ungrateful lil' brat I'll . . .I'll . . . Jon> Is that all you can say sure I'm not the lil' darling you brought home from that French nursery, I'm not the Jon you wanted I'm not even the Jon you raised but I am still Jon Wa Sagora Woman> ( Lisa enters the room woman follows) Stop it both of you stop it Jon> And she speaks . . .tell me mother, where were you thin to have such a voice now Woman> I ....I ....I didn't know Jon> Of course that old excuse...you know What. I never expected you to wake up screaming my baby was molested, I never asked for you to cry for me every night I never even asked for you to open your eyes, but the clues were all there. I never asked for anything, but I thought you'd feel something if even a lil' need to say What's going on Woman> I love you (trembling and holding out arms to him) Jon> It's too late your son is dead . . .( Sam takes step forward and falls to the floor) And you Mr. high and mighty drunk I blamed Christin for the gun for losing father for losing Angela I blamed you for keeping me from my escape. If it weren't for you that bullet wouldn't have missed thank you. You kept me in this world where I've pushed everyone of my friends so far away that they all hate me .here my family is falling apart, but you know What . . . I shouldn't blame you or her. Father was 93 yr. old. Angela listened to my problem until she forgot her own and it killed her and you . . .you just sit there and drink away your life and my youth Sam> You rotten lil' liar . . .you lying lil' sac of (raises hand to hit him) Jon> What you're going to hit me now??? Sam> You come in here spreading these lies, making everyone cry. . . You're tearing us apart. I don't know how much I can take Jon> It was your drinking which tore us apart your drinking which killed my heart your drinking which kills me (leaves the room crying everyone is stunned as the room darkens a gunshot sounds) Scene 4: A Ghost in the Shadows Lisa and the woman are standing in front of a grave as the room lightens Lisa> Jon . . . you left this in my room before you . . .well I guess you know What you did maybe know it should be read The light dims on Lisa and the woman and lightens on a sober Sam who opens the curtains and Jon (wearing white with blood by his eye) enters behind him Jon> Sam I know you can't hear me but at least I can get this off my chest. I chose the door and it gives me freedom and you . . . I can only guess. You always said to come to you when I had a problem, but the problem was you. I saw my life flash before me and at the first time the gun was to my head I saw something... It wasn't me who fired the bullet that put me in the hospital it was in my hand but it was you who pulled the trigger I let go of that pain now and I place it on you now as you open the curtains and allow the light in. It was but a mere step Of which I took through that door Walking from shore to floor And back again My hand upon the knob still lay I weary of it to this day You think me weird Unsure Insane I know me abused Misused Destroyed Now you put your hand Upon that door You Handle my pain Light back on Lisa reading the paper>White The color I wore when you brought me into this world Blue The color of the sky as the bids sang it's a boy Black The color I wore after I lost my way Red on black The colors I wore When I lost my life To my fathers best friend The light dims to Lisa and the Woman looking at the two grave stones and then dims to only shine on the stone which now displays Jon's name with the words find thine peace written under it. . .
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