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I am Blessed!!!

I am Blessed: By: Celtic Warrior I just want to say I am truly Blessed in having really good people around me as Officers in the Guardians of the Children. I am equally Blessed to have them as close friends and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I believe we can be a stronger Chapter by us being friends instead of those who meet once a month. I consider my Officers and Members as family and it will make us a better Chapter in the long run. I want to thank those who really made this happen. I want to thank Stephen “Shadow”, for signing up and helping me bring this Chapter to life. He has done a lot by revising the By Laws and helping every way he can. He is also the Chapter Treasurer and is doing a great job. I want to thank my wife Lisa “NTSCL” for stepping in and being Vice President so we could get the Chapter up and running. I now have a new Vice President and her name is Sherry “Ebony Angel”, and I feel she will be the right person for the position. She is not only my VP but a very good and close friend. I am Blessed that our paths crossed when they did. My wife will be staying on as Chapter Advisor and I am glad of that. I want to thank Debra “Tinkerbell” for being the Secretary even though sometimes she suffers from very bad migraine headaches, and having to take some time off to take care of her parents in Indiana. I want to thank Coury “Kodak” for stepping in as Co -Secretary when Debra could not be at the meeting. Coury you will be truly missed when you move to Houston, Texas. I miss coming up to Renegades and chatting with you. Last there is Fiona my Security Officer I want to thank her for coming on board and helping us out with our Mission. We had done away with the position cause we were not a sole motorcycle type Chapter. We brought it back when she wanted to take the position. With all my Officers in place I want to thank them for stepping up and helping with the GOC Mission of educating the public and helping the children of abuse and neglect. I have 3 Members who will be playing a very big role in our Mission as well. There Keira who lives in DC and she signed on before we had all our Officers in place. She has been very patient and waiting to start helping us now that we are a Chapter. I signed on two new Members this past weekend and they are Tina “Saphira” and her husband Jon “Wolf”. I am looking forward to them being at our meeting this coming week. I know they will bring great ideas to the Chapter. Thank all of you above for making this a reality and to help the abused and neglected children of Northern Virginia. I want to thank a very special lady here on Myspace, her name is Stephanie “Sxy 6”. She is on my friend list and she is now very special to me. She touched my heart and my soul; when I read her profile section “who I would like to meet. She wrote,” Celtic Warrior and the Guardians of the Children.” She is with Pure Elegance MC. She left me a message on my phone that Fuddruckers in Woodbridge was having a Auction and she was trying to get some of the proceeds donated to our Chapter to help us with our Mission. I thank you Sxy 6 from the bottom of my heart. I hope I get a chance to thank you personally. So if you read this blog call me you have my number. You have touched my heart in a special way, Thank you. If you read this we would like to meet the ladies of Pure Elegance MC, so lets meet sometime at Fuddruckers and see how we can help each other in our Missions. I know some will find this boring but I wanted to thank everyone who is an Officer and Member of this GOC Chapter. And I wanted to thank Sxy 6 for thinking of us enough to try and help with our Mission. So if anyone who reads this and wants to help by either being a Member, Supporter or Sponsor please contact me and lets talk.
The Next Morning: By Knight Writer The wind is blowing and the rain is still pounding against the roof as the shutters are banging against the sides of the mansion. I wake up feeling kind of weak like I have been through hell and back. The room is dark and damp and I can still smell that same musky scent as when I came in last night. Laying there thinking,” how did I get here in this room I don’t remember coming to the room last night.” While laying there in the massive king size bed trying to remember the night before but its still a blur. At that time there is a knock on the door and before I can say anything the door slowly creaks open and it’s the old man carrying a tray of food. He slowly brings it over to where I am and says, “here eat my son you will need to regain your energy and strength before the night gets here.” He slowly turns and walks out and I am wondering what hell did he mean by that. I get up feeling weak and make way over to the window to see how bad the weather is outside so I can get going out of this place and get home. As I open the curtain the little bit of light that came in burned my eyes and face and I had to close them right away and shut the curtains. Standing there wondering why the hell the light burned my eyes and skin cause it wasn’t that bright out with the dark clouds and driving rain. My nostrils then catch the scent of eggs and bacon on the tray, going back over to the tray of food I begin to eat not realizing how hungry I was. The night before must have really worn me out cause I have never felt like this before, but then again she was no ordinary woman she was like a beast when we were making love. Wondering if I will see her before I leave cause I need to thank her for letting me stay the night. After eating I get dressed and slide my chaps on over my jeans and put on my shirt and vest and slowly head to the door to go down and find the old man. While making my way down the corridor I still feel kind of weak and I had put my hand up against the wall to keep my balance. Once I get to the top of the stairway I look down the stairs and I start to feel dizzy and the stairs are spinning out of control. About to fall down the stairs the old man grabs me and helps me back down the hallway. Guiding me along he says,” my boy you are to weak to be roaming around especially near that staircase just lay here and rest the weather is still nasty out there you will not be driving that bike anywhere yet.” Back in the room he helps me onto the bed and I lay back and before I know it my eyes are heavy and closing fast. Sleeping I dream of all these weird images all around me and its like I cannot wake up but I try and I can’t. I see creatures turning into humans with large fangs and seeking victims to quench their thirst and hunger. I see that I am one of them and I am trying to wake up from this terrible dream. Several hours later I wake up and she is laying next to me resting on one arm and looking into my eyes. She looks so beautiful her hair long and soft, her eyes so sultry as if she looked at you hard enough you would be in her control. Her lips soft and red as she leans down and kisses me on the lips. As her lips pull away she whispers,” are you ready for tonight?” I look at her and without thinking I say, ”yes my lady I am here to serve you and only you and do whatever you desire me to do.” She smiles as she gets up and says,” you will be a very good servant to me and do my bidding as I so desire.” In my head I was like what did I just say, where did those words come from. As she heads towards the door I can see through her sheer lacy gown and see that heavenly body of hers and its better today than last night. Reaching the door she turns and says,” I shall return later after you have rested and gained your strength to do your mission. The door closes behind her and her sweet scent still lingers in the air and fills the room its hypnotizing and I am under her spell. In a way I just want to leave this place cause its starting to get weirder as time goes on. Feeling stronger and feeling hungry again I know I can make it down to the kitchen and find the old man. Making my way down the long corridor and reaching the stairs I hope I don’t get dizzy again. Starting down the stairs I catch the scent of fresh brewed coffee and it smells great. Rounding the corner and following the scent of coffee to the kitchen and the old man is standing there fixing more and more food. I reach the doorway and stretch my hands up and touch the top of the door frame and say,” how about a cup of that great smelling coffee.” He turns and hands me a mug and says,” make yourself at home help yourself to anything that is here.” Looking around I notice all the windows are heavily covered over or painted black, so I get curious and ask, “ why all the windows in this place painted or covered up?” The old man looks at me and says,” it’s the way the Mistress wants it and she gets what she wants.” Sitting there sipping the coffee I look at the old man and I swear he looks like death warmed over, his skin is very pale and his hair long but balding on the top his fingers are long and boney. He just gives me the creeps well as a matter of fact this whole place gives me the creeps. All of sudden I faintly hear,” come to me, come to me come to me”, its her voice and I put the mug down and head back to the stairway. As I make my way up the stairs I keep hearing her voice in my head,” come to me now my child and be with me.” I reach her door and I raise my hand to knock and it opens very slowly and creaking loudly. Entering the room I smell her scent and I see her laying on the bed with her robe opened and her arms stretched out. I walk towards her and I start to take my clothes off and I get in the bed with her. I lean over and kiss her lips as my hands caress her body. My hands glide across her breast and I feel her nipples harden with the touch of my fingers. Her back arches and she lets out a sigh and whispers to me,” make love to me make me yours again like last night.” My lips leave hers and I softly kiss down her neck and down along her breast as I lick softly across her hard nipples. Taking her nipple into my mouth and softly sucking her hands softly combing through my hair. She whispers to me as I still suck her harden nipples,” feed from my lover and let my milk fill you.” About that time I feel the milk filling my mouth from her breast and its warm and sweet. After feeding from her breast I stop and look at her and milk is dripping down along her breast and onto her stomach. I lean down and savor it all as I lick it off her soft alabaster skin. Tracing my tongue down along her stomach as I lick at her naval her back arches again and she lets out a moan. I kiss down further and I can smell her sweet scent as the tip of my tongue traces her lips. I trace her lips with the tip of my tongue all the way around and back to her clit. Once at her clit I softly flick it with my tongue and take it softly in my mouth and suck it. I feel her getting wetter as I lick and I taste that heavenly juice of hers as it flows into my mouth. I crawl up between her legs and I place my hard cock against her wet lips and let it slide in slow and I look at her as it goes in and her back arches and she lets out a moan and I go all the way in her. Her legs wrap around me and pull me in her deeper. Start slowly going in and out of her and then I go faster and harder then I slow down again. I feel her wetness surrounding my hardness and it feels so good. She places her wrist to my mouth and tells me, bite me here and feed from my blood and grow stronger for tonight to do your deeds for me.” I take her wrist and without thinking about it I sink my teeth in her and I feel the warmth of her blood fill my mouth and its thick and sweet to the taste. I feel a surge of power engulf me with every swallow of her blood. She looks at me as I still am making love to her and she laughs and says,” You are truly my slave now my child of the night.” I look at her as I make love to her harder and faster, I look at her and say,” your wish my lady is my command I will worship you forever my lady.” She rolls me over and is now on top of me and she is leaning back as she rides me fast and hard. My cock I swear has gotten harder and I feel engulf her with every stroke. Her hands are at her breast cupping them and squeezing them. She is biting her lip as she rides me and I feel it building deep inside me and about to explode deep inside her. I grab her hips and hold her on me as I shoot deep inside her she is moaning and groaning and her head is back as her fingers pinch her hard nipples. I feel hers and my juices flow back over me and down between my legs as she falls on top of me. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight for she is my queen and I am her servant for life. Must have been about an hour or so and she tells me,” its time my child to go and feed to get stronger and get use to it” The first time will not be so easy and pleasant but you will get use to it.” I rise up and get dressed and go down the stairs and am heading to the door, when the old man hands me my jacket. I slide it on and head out towards my bike. I straddle the bike and fire it up and it comes to life with a thunderous roar. I put it in gear and spin tires and head out the gate and to the nearest town. God I have never felt so alive and with such strength I throttle the bike hard and it responds to my command and flies down the road. Up ahead I see lights from a near by town so I pull up in front of the pub and I notice I am not the only bike here. There are several out front so I feel a little more comfortable going in. I push the door open and I enter the smoke filled room you could smell cigarettes and cigars as it filled the room and you could also smell the cheap beer and alcohol. Walking up to the bar the bartender ask,” What’s your poison tonight?” I look at him and say,” give me a Jack and Coke back.” “ coming right up.” I sit there and look around the bar and I spot her sitting there all alone. She is a beautiful black woman with long braids and a smile that would drop you in your tracks. After getting my drink I walk over to where she is sitting. She spots me walking towards her and she smiles as I approach and say,” Hi my name is Spider and may I buy you a drink and join you?” She looks at me and says,” sure have a seat and by the way my name is Mercedes. My drink is Henny on the rocks.” I wave the barmaid over and tell her, bring back a Henny on the rocks and another Jack with coke back.” I look at her and she has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen they are a hazel/grey. I ask her,” what’s a beautiful lady like yourself doing her by herself?” She looks at me and laughs,” I am single cause I want to be.” Well I look at her up and down noticing the black v neck sweater showing some nice cleavage and her short skirt and those nice long legs with those 3” high heels looking so fine smiles and says,” I hope you like what you see Mr. Spider.” I look at her and smile and state,” what is not to like about you Mercedes you are a very beautiful woman.” She looks at me with those beautiful eyes and says.” are you flirting with me?” I blush and say,” well yes I am and why wouldn’t I.” I buy her another drink and then ask,” would you like to go for a ride with me and maybe we can get to know one another a little better.” Looking at me and then saying,” will I really be safe with you, you know we just met.” I smile and tell her, “ of course you are going to be safe with me I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.” I pay for our drinks and we head outside to where my bike is parked, I hand her the extra helmet and tell her to “climb on the back and hold on.” I feel her wrap her arms around me and she is pressed up against me tight and it sure does feel good. I start the bike and it roars to life, I look back and ask,” are you ready my lady?” She nods as she holds on tighter as I head out of town. I ride till I come to a nice secluded spot and we stop and we head over to the bench that’s off from the road. We sit down and we begin to talk and she ask,” You are not from around here are you?” No I am not I was heading on my way home and stopped for a drink.” Looking in her eyes I couldn’t help to ask her, “ do you mind if I give you a kiss?” She looks at me and says,” I have never had anyone ask most of the time they just assume they can.” “ Yes you may kiss me but I warn you I might kiss back.” I lean towards her and kiss her softly on her lips and they are so soft and so sweet to the taste. My arms wrap around her waist and pull her closer to me and kiss her deeply. She kisses me back deeper as our tongues dance together as we kiss. Her hands slide down my chest as she undoes my chaps and my jeans and slides her hand inside my jeans and feels my hardness. She whispers,” mmmmmmm I like them big so do you know what to do with it?” I smile and laugh,” let me show you how I know.” I lift her sweater up and over her head and she is wearing a black lace bra which I quickly undo and its laying on the ground. I lean forward and kiss each one of her nipples which are growing hard from my kisses and cool air. Her heads lays back as I take her nipple into my mouth and suck and lick it and I can tell its turning her own. I reach around and unzip the skirt as she stands for me to remove it. I see she is not wearing anything underneath except a pair of crotchless pantyhose. I lay her back on the bench and I begin to kiss her inner thighs and work my way up to her nice wet pussy, I can smell her sweetness as I start to trace her lips with my tongue. I pull down my pants and rub my hard cock against her lips and clit and I hear her moan as I slide in her slowly making her feel every inch of me. As I begin to thrust in and out of her I lean down and kiss her lips and I feel the hunger in me starting to build. I fight it off for right now for I want to completely satisfy her and have her feel me explode inside her. I can feel how wet she is getting with every thrust of my cock, I feel her wetness on my balls as I begin to feel it wanting to explode deep inside her. I thrust deep inside her and hold it there as it shoots stream after stream of warm cum inside her. I lean down and kiss her lips and then kiss slightly across her cheek and down along her neck. I cannot fight it any longer I must do what I have to do. I kiss her softly on her neck and then with a swift movement I bite into her neck and feel the first squirts of blood flow from her veins into my mouth. She wants to fight but can’t as I drink from her neck. I pull away from her and with the blood around my lips I lick and it to savor the taste of her blood. I look at her and she looks as if she is in shock and weak from what I have drank from her. I kiss her lips and tell her welcome to my world my lady, for now you are a child of night…..

The Seduction

The SEDUCTION: By Knight Writer: It was a cool winters night as I rode along the winding back roads on my way home. The only sound I hear is the thunder of my Harley as it echoes through the woods. The motor humming as it penetrates the nights silence. The moon full and lighting up the forest around me as if daylight. Then shortly rounding the bend the clouds start to thicken and the moon gets hidden in the clouds and as I ride further along a fog rises in front of me. The fog seems to appears out of nowhere so thick my light doesn’t seem to cut through it. Looks like I am in for some nasty weather up ahead, I hope to find a place to stop for the night but where in the middle of nowhere. The wind picks up a bit and I can feel drops of rain every now and then as I ride, the stinging of the droplets on my face keeps me alert and awake. The wind and the rain pick up as the rain turns the dirt road into a muddy mess, and I am like there has to be a place close by to pull over and stay dry till it passes. As I come around a curve in the road there are lights up ahead, from a mansion thank God a place to maybe stop for the night. As the rain starts to pour from the heavens like I have mad God and the Angels mad for some reason I pull up to the house. The fog rising thicker and thicker as I pull up close to the place I cut off the bike and run up to the door. The mansion is old and look likes no one should be living here with all the over growth and vines clinging to the walls and covering some of the windows. I hear shutters banging against the walls as the winds picks up as I grab the knocker and bang it on the massive oak door. I hear the noise echo through the door and throughout the inside and after a few long minutes the door is opens with a creaking noise and a tall elderly man stands before me, the man has a long thin pale face is hair is white and past his shoulders but balding on top. Looking at me and gesturing me with his long boney fingers he says,” Come on in my friend and get out of the nasty weather before you catch a chill. ” My name is Stefan and I am the keeper of the mansion,” Give me your coat and I will dry the leather off before it is ruined and I will bring you something hot to drink to warm you up.” As I enter the through the door I smell the musky dampness in the house, I slide my soaked leather jacket off and hand it to him and he walks down the corridor to another room. He says loud enough for me to hear,” make yourself at home I will be right there.” I hollar back,” thanks glad you let me come in it was getting really bad out couldn’t barely see the road.” He comes back with a big cup of hot coffee and hands it to me,” not sure how you like it so I brought you some cream and sugar.” “ Please be careful its very hot!” I blow on the steaming hot coffee and take a sip and he was right it is hot very hot. As I sit back he walks off again and he turns his head and looks over his shoulder and says, “ by the way she has been expecting you” as he smiles and walks away. I look at him as he walks away, “ She has been expecting me , this is getting weirder by the moment” he says wondering what has he stumbled onto. Sitting back into the big chair he thinks back , I have traveled this road before and I don’t remember any mansion being here, or was I sometimes going by and not noticing.” He finishes his coffee and sits there staying warm but also a bit nervous about the old man and his comment. After about 30 minutes or so he reappears and stands near me and points towards the doorway he states,” come with me and I will take you to her for she has been waiting for you in her chambers.” I get up a little nervous but follow him to the spiral staircase. As we walk I notice again the deep musky damp smell of the mansion, Cobwebs everywhere as I look nervously around following him slowly to the staircase. He grabs one of the lit torches from the base of the staircase and leads the way up. We make our way up the long spiral staircase as the flame from the torch lights up the walls and I notice eerie images that appear their eyes are watching you as you pass. He leads me down a long corridor lined with massive velvet wall paintings and suits of armor. He stops at the doorway at the end of the corridor, he knocks on the door and I stand there not knowing what to expect. From under the door I can tell the room is dark but I see the flickering of light from a fire and the scent of sweet perfume. I hear her voice its soft and yet so powerful as she says, “ You shall enter, Stefan.” He opens the door and the smell of sweet perfume floats across the room and the scent of candles and the maple wood in the fireplace burning warmly fill the air. I slowly enter at first I see nothing till my eyes adjust to the light in the room. He closes the door and I hear it slam and I swear I hear it lock behind me. My eyes adjusting to the light and I see her laying in front of the fireplace on a thick white fur rug, she is laying there in the softness of the fur with just a thong and white thigh high heel boots. I take a look into her eyes that are so sultry looking and her lips so soft. Her hair long and softly crossing over her cheek, she looks like a angel laying there so soft and so sensual and so damn inviting. I find myself mesmerized by her beauty. I couldn‘t take my eyes away from hers they were hypnotizing in a way. She looks at me and says, “ I have been waiting for you my sweet biker.” I look at her and I know I must have been looking at her strangely when out of my mouth I say,” how do you know me my lady, I am sure we have never met and if we had I am sure I would have remembered a beautiful woman like yourself.” “ She looks at me with those beautiful eyes and says,” you did not hear me calling for you as you rode up the road, my voice softly crossing your face and into your ears to bring you safely a to me.” “ Come closer to me and to the fire and take off your wet clothes before you get a chill.” I think to myself as I slowly remove my chaps and jeans, “ talking about getting a chill I had that when I entered the mansion.” She points to a bottle laying near the front of the fireplace and says,” get that and bring it here I think its warmed up enough now.” I grab the bottle and kneel beside her on the thick fur rug as she lays out flat on the rug. I look at the bottle and bring it to my nose and take a smell I notice its warmed honey and other herbs the smell sweet and fills my nostrils with its sweet scent.. I brush her hair away from her neck and from her back with my strong hands. I softly pour some of the honey between her shoulder blades and down along her spine as it reaches her lower back she arches a bit and lets out a soft moan. I lean down and slowly massage it into her soft skin caressing her softly with my hands. After massaging her for awhile I lean down with the tip of my tongue I start to softly lick the honey from her soft warm skin. Tasting the sweetness of the honey and I can also taste the sweetness of her skin. As I approach her lower back I feel her breathing starting to get heavy as she lets out another moan. I take the bottle and pour some along her butt and down along her thighs about halfway to her knees. I continue to softly massage the honey into her skin and slowly lick the honey from her body. Her hand reaches out and rubs my thigh as her hand slides up and starts to rub my cock. I can feel her hand softly caressing the head and shaft as it grow hard in her hand as she slowly strokes me from base to tip and circling her fingers across the head. I lick down along her butt and down her thigh, As I come back up her thigh her legs open a bit as for me to lick the inner thigh. I switch position and get behind her as she raises up a bit for me to lick her from hole to hole. My tongue softly flicks across her ass and down between her legs till the tip of my tongue traces along her lips till I reach her wet swollen clit. I take her clit into my mouth and softly suck on it as I stroke my cock to ready to enter her. She is moaning with every lick, she turns her head and looks at me and says “ I want you deep inside me now!” I take hold of my cock at the base and I rub the head up and down along her pussy. Rubbing the clit with the head I hear her moan and her breathing is heavier and heavier. I slowly push inside her and I feel her engulf me as I slide slowly into her feeling all her wetness all over me. Biting her lip she is like,” my god you are so big and thick just the way I knew you were.” I want you to make love to me like never before.” I push all the way into her and hold there for a moment to feel her tighten around me. I pull back almost all the way out and then push it back again. With every thrust I give to her I hear her moan and say,” Give it to me - Give it to me!!!” I thrust faster and harder felling her wetness all over my hardness and it feels so good. I can smell her scent as she reaches orgasm all over me I can feel her gush all over me. She looks back and says,” Its time for me to ride.” I pull from her and I lay on the thick fur rug as she straddles me and slides down on me slowly wanting to feel every inch go inside her. As she gets it all the way in she stops and gyrates her hips on me before starting the ride. Her hands pressed into my chest as she rides me hard and fast. She leans back and her hands slide up her waist and onto her breast as she cups them and starts kneading them and pinching her nipples as she rides faster and harder. She softly squeezes and caresses her breast pinching and pulling her hard nipples I watch her bite her lip as she rides me faster and harder. She leans down towards me as she cups her breast and she says,” feed from me and drink my power.” She places her nipple to my lips and I start to lick all around them with the tip of my tongue and then I start to slowly suck on it as she rides me hard and fast. I can feel the warm milk squirting from her nipple into my mouth as I suck harder and deeper. Never experiencing anything like this before it turns me on as I drink as it flows from her nipples. Feeling her wetness as she slides up and down on my hard cock I can feel it starting to build deeply in my balls ready to explode inside her. She is so wet and her flowing juices flow down the shaft of my cock and onto my balls and down between my legs. I look at her and I tell her I am about ready to cum and where does she want it. She gets off me and takes my hard cock into her mouth as she starts to suck me deep and hard. Sliding her lips down over my shaft and rolling the tip of her tongue around my head. I caress her butt and legs as she sucks harder and deeper. I can feel it starting to rise up the shaft and about to explode deep inside her mouth. She rolls the tip of her tongue over the head of my cock and I shoot in her mouth, she sucks me deep to get every drop and pulls her mouth off and looks at me and licks her lips. She leans down towards me and kisses me softly on the lips and whispers “welcome to my world now” As she kisses my lips I feel her body caressing and pressing against mine as she kisses my lips and down my cheek to my neck. Her lips feeling so soft and warm against my skin I can feel her warm breath as she kisses and nibbles my neck, my head arches back as I feel her sharp teeth sink into my skin and I can feel her sucking my warm blood from within me. I am wanting her to stop but can’t for I am in her power now, but I also realize I don’t want her to stop feeling aroused all over again as she sucks my warm blood. She stops and pulls away looking at me as she licks a small droplet of blood from her lip. She takes her hand and brushes her hair back and says now my biker friend you will live forever like me a child of the night… She lays onto top of me and I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight not wanting to let her go. Feeling her body warmly against mine and feeling the warmth from the fire I lay there hearing the wind and the rain pounding on the roof above. Laying there I know now I am in the power and control of the Mistress of the Dark and of Pain
Mistress of the Dark and of Pain: Mistress of the Dark and of Pain For many years her torture would reign People could be heard - their screams and shout But they all knew there was no way out With her trusty cat o nine tails whip She would carry close on her hip She would dress in leather and lace You were made sure to be put in your place And when those had to be put in line They would surely pay her fine For you could hear her whip crack Upon their skin it would smack As the blood was drawn she would smear upon her fingertips And bring the sweet nectar to her full lips Her torture for all to see Would fill her with glee Always looking for victims was a must For you see this filled her lust
I wanted to write a little history about myself and how I got to where I am now helping Children of abuse and neglect. I was born and raised in Alexandria Virginia and I have never regretted it. When I was about 10 years old the movie "The Wild Angels" with Peter Fonda and Nancy Sintra came out. It was a biker movie that me and my friends watched I know about 6 times in a row that summer day in 1969. After that movie we went home and started our own Bicycle club and we were known as the "Disciples of Pure Hell". There was about 15 of us riding around the neighborhood on our 20" bikes thinking we were the coolest guys around. One day as I was riding home and I cut threough the Apartmeents down from my house, there were two guys sittiing on the small brick pilars near the street. I knew who they were I had seen them before on the Harley's. They were members of the"Hell's Angels". As I rode past the one big guy yells at me," hey bro nice bike". I waved my hand as to say thnak you when the other one says something to me." Hey bro come here for a sec". I turned my bike around and rode to where they were. They introduced themselves to me. The one big guy says," My name is Big Jim and this is Curly". I was liKE," hiBig Jim and Curly, how are you guys today?" " Just chilling", Big Jim says. Curly is walking around my bike and states," nice bike bro but we can make it a kick ass bike for ya." I was like not knowing what to say and before I knew it, " Well I would have to ask my dad". They nodded and I rode home which was up the street. That afternoon when my dad pulled up from work Big Jim and Curly came up the street and talked to my dad. As they talked I saw Curly point to my bike and my dad nodded his head. When my dad came in he asked me if I wanted them to work on my bike. Before I could think I said," Yes I do." My dad told me they would pick it up the next morning and bring it back to me. The following dad I saw Big Jim's truck stop in front of the house. I ran out and Curly says from inside the truck, " your bike is done man." Big Jim uncovered the bike and I was like in total surprise and awe. They had taken my bike and raked out the front and it had a chopper front end on it. But my damn seat was missing, before I could ask. He said, my old lady is coming up the street now with it. She handed it to me and it was all wrapped up. She had taken my seat the old banana seat and made it so it ran all the up my tall sissy bar and it looked awesom. They bolted the seat on and Jim says," Take it for a spin bro." I jumped on and took off just cruising around the block, the bike rode nice but I had to get use to the front end. I knew then I was destined to become a biker. Many years later while in High School I had bought a Harley to ride to school. Most of the guys had Hondas and yahamas, all the girls were checking out the Harley. While in High Schol I started a bike Club and we named ourselves the Brotherhood. We came up with that name cause we had every ethnic group in our Club, so the name fit. We had our colors done by one of the members mom. Back in the day there was no machine to do the embroidery it was all done by hand. The rockers she made by hand and sewed the border and the letters. I had that Club after High School for about 4 yrs. There are only two of us Brotherhood members left. Some moved away and left the Club but some God Rest thier Souls are over on the Vietnam Memeorial. I got rid of my old Harley and I bought a 1985 Low Rider and I fixed it up and chopped it a bit but not much. I had that bike for about 10 yrs. Then one warm October day in 2005, as I was riding to meet some friends in Old Town thats when it happened. Some of that day I remember but some are gone and maybe its a good thing I can't remember. What I do remember is cleaning the bike and throwing on my leathers and heading down the GW Parkway. As I rolled around Mount Vernon, George Washington's home I gave the thumbs up cause I know if they had Harley's back then old George would have been a biker. Well as I rolled on down the parkway enjoying the nice October day I came up on a old Lincoln driving slow as hell. I flashed my lights and signaled the driver to move in the slow lane. Well of course they didn't acknowledge so I decided to drift back and then pass her on the right. As I throttled the bike and got up to pass she came over on me. I do remember me heading fore the grassy area, but after that my mind draws a blank. I remember waking up in the hospital and the dr telling me I was ok but my nose had been shattered like a jigsaw puzzle. He told me part of the cartlidge was sticking out through the skin and my jaw had been broken from ear to ear. I was wired shut for about 10 weeks. I had also injured my lower back. They say I chipped two of the vertabres from the spin and injured my right shoulder. Thats was 2 years ago and I am still not cleareed to ride. But I will be back in the saddle again but maybe this time on a custom trike. While recovering I read about a organization in Texas called The Guardians of the Children. They were a biker organization to help educate the public about child abuse and to help any child if they were called to do so. I contacted the GOC and told them my story and I was intersted in starting a Chapter here in Va. We are not a motorcycle chapter but we were allowed to let anyone in no matter what they rode or drove as long as they wanted to help children. We are the only Chapter not to be a sole motorcycle Chapter. I am the President of the Guardians of the Children Northern Virginia Chapter. We are here to help any child of abuse or neglect when we are called to do so. If and when we are called we will set up a ride to meet the child and through a ceremony bring that child into the family of the GOC. We will present the child with a Certificate of Recognition that says they are protected by the Guardians of the Children. We will be their physical and emotional support and attend any and all court apperances to empower them to testify against their abuser. I will be doing this for a very long time cause I feel there has to be a force out there to say to all predators of children there will be No More Child Abuse as long as we are here. This is a short history of how I became a biker and I will die a biker no matter what. Its in my blood, my soul and in every fiber of my body. I am American by Birth but Biker by Choice.....
FRIENDS: Never ask for food BIKER FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food. FRIENDS: Will say "hello" BIKER FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss. FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs. BIKER FRIENDS: Call your parents mom and dad. FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. BIKER FRIENDS: Cry with you. FRIENDS: Will eat at your dinner table and leave BIKER FRIENDS: Will spend hours there, talking, laughing and just being together FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. BIKER FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours. FRIENDS: know a few things about you. BIKER FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you. FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. BIKER FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds' ass that left you. FRIENDS: Would knock on your door. BIKER FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!" FRIENDS: Are for a while. BIKER FRIENDS: Are for life.

What Is Child Abuse?

PHYSICAL ABUSE:Any non-accidental physical injury caused by the child's caretaker. Does not necessarily include the intent to injure; may be the result of over discipline or inappropriate punishment. SEXUAL ABUSE: Any contacts or interactions between a child and an adult in which the child is being used for sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or another person. EMOTIONAL ABUSE: Blaming.belittling or rejecting a child; treating siblings unequally; persistant lack of concern by caretaker for child's welfare. NEGLECT: Inattention to basic needs of a child such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care and supervision. Tends to be the chronic
I am the President od the Guardians of the Children Northern Virginia Chapter. This Blog is to hopefully open some eyes to what happens around us each day and sometimes goes without notice. Below are some facts as to why we should be involved in the child abuse problem. BECAUSE 3 out of 10 children are abused in one form or another. BECAUSE these children often grow up and inflict the violence they were forced to endure on society in the form of violent crime. Because 93% of felons convicted of violent crimes state they grew up under the strains of child abuse. BECAUSE 4,000 children die each year from child abuse. Because abused children carry the feeling of inadequacy and low self-esteem into Adulthood thereby, becoming members of society operating at less than their capacity. Because child abusers often beget child abuse -it's a family tradition. BECAUSE IT CAN BE STOPPED BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T GET INVOLVED... WHO WILL? ABUSED CHILDREN ARE: . 6 times more likely to commit suicide. . 24 times more likely to commit sexual assaults . 74 times more likely to commit crimes against others . 50 times more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs . 53% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile. . 38% more likely to be arrested as an adult . 6 times more likely to abuse their own children, perpetuating the cycle of violence
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