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August 4th

The combined rage of Fred and George kept Bill and Charlie busy the next day running interference for Harry and Hermione, who smartly decided to disappear to the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts.  Ron and Ginny stayed behind at the Burrow.  Fred and George still couldn't believe that they were standing by their significant others.

"Blast it, Ginny, we both saw what happened!"  Fred shouted for the umpteenth time.

"I have complete trust in Harry, whether you like it or not.  He told me nothing happened and I believe him, and remember we can read each other's minds.  Now, excuse me, but I have a dress fitting to get done!" Ginny stalked out of the room in a mock huff and headed to Molly's room, where there actually were dresses being fitted.

"Ron, what about you? Are you going to find out what Hermione is up to with Harry?" George complained.  "Fleur believes us; that's why Hermione is no longer a bridesmaid!"

Ron just shrugged.  "I trust both of them, and that's it."  Yep, now she's a bride instead!

At that moment an owl delivered the Daily Prophet.  George unfolded it.  "SEE?" he pointed.

Chosen One Chooses One?

by Rita Skeeter

Acting on an anonymous tip, this reporter was in Diagon Alley and witnessed Harry Potter, the Chosen One, preparing to elope with long-rumored girlfriend and classmate Hermione Granger.  The couple, oblivious to everything around them, and apparently happily in love, were seen in the Jewelry store picking out wedding bands, and then they picked out wedding robes, before disapparating as if he was carrying her over a threshold.

Potter and Granger apparently have held their love affair secret for two years, when this reporter first witnessed them embracing in the Champions tent at the Triwizard Tournament.  In light of the recent victories over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and the recent flood of weddings, it only seems logical for them to join the crowd.

This reporter will keep the wizarding world informed on developments as they occur.  Both Potter and Granger are expected to be in the Weasley-Delacour wedding tomorrow at Hogwarts.  Whether they are there as singles or as spouses remains to be seen.

Ron shrugged.  "Rita is a lying cow.  Hermione gave Harry a hug in that tent.  I was there, too, remember, even if I was mad at him.  So was Fleur.  Skeeter has been blackmailed by Hermione for quite some time now, I don't know over what, but that's why she did the Quibbler interview of Harry last year.  If she wanted to risk her own exposure, why would she write this, except for trying to get revenge on Hermione?"

* * *

In the Room of Requirement, Hermione was on pins and needles, literally, as she was undergoing her wedding dress fittings herself.  Harry, who had developed a knack with a needle and thread during the Dursley years, was helping, as was Dobby, who was running back and forth to the Burrow for any needed items.  McGonagall oversaw the whole thing and lent a hand as needed.

"So, Fleur added to the confusion by supposedly kicking you out of the wedding party?" Harry was asking as he worked on hemming the train to the right length.

Hermione grinned.  "She kind of had to do it, and it was a convenient excuse, and Fred and George bought it, so why not?  They don't understand why you're still in, though.  Bill told them it was his call and he 'believed' nothing happened, that he trusts Ron's judgment."

"OK, the train is done.  How's your end doing?"  Harry asked.

"Leave my end be, you pervert!  That belongs to Ron!"  Hermione laughed.

"All right, but hold still first so I can pin it up to mark where the sewing needs to be done."  Harry deliberately poked her in the rear with a straight pin.

"OUCH! Pay attention to what you're doing, Harry!"

"I thought you wanted me to leave your end be, Hermione," Harry asked innocently.  "All right, hold still again."  He carefully pinned the train to her waist.  "OK, done."

McGonagall came over to help Hermione out of the dress behind the screen.  Harry received the dress from McGonagall and took it over to the table, where he began to sew the train on.  Hermione came out from behind the screen a moment later, fully dressed in regular clothes.  She sat down and helped feed the material so Harry could keep his stitches straight, and in short order it was done.  Hermione carefully hung the dress up in the wardrobe the room provided, and Harry set to work on the headdress and veil.  McGonagall left the room.

Dobby apparated in with Fleur's dress and veil and hung them in the wardrobe.  "Lady Fleur is being done with her dress," he squeaked.  He handed Harry the Daily Prophet.  "Dobby thinks you aren't liking this."

"How are the others doing, Dobby?"  Harry asked.  He took the paper and scanned it, smirked, then handed it to Hermione, who did the same.

"Lady Gabrielle should be done soon and Mizz Ginny as well.  Mizz Tonks, though, she is being finished early as she can shift into her dress and is not needing alterations."

"Well, since the ladies are staging out of here tomorrow, why don't you bring their dresses here and hang them up if they're done?" asked Harry.

"Where are the men getting ready?" inquired Hermione.

"Gryffindor common room, except me," replied Harry.  "I'll be in the DADA offices, so Fred and George won't try to kill me.  Looks like I'll miss Bill's bachelor party tonight."

"Harry Potter, are the men's robes already being in the common room?" asked Dobby.

Harry shrugged.  "Dunno.  Why don't you check on those, too?"

"It shall be done, Harry Potter!"  Dobby disapparated with a crack.

Hermione looked at Harry and started laughing.  "Well, she fell for it, hook, line , and sinker."

"I think this just went from pranking Fred and George to pranking half of the wedding guests!"  Harry chortled.

McGonagall returned with her own robes and hung them in the wardrobe.  "What's so funny, you two?"  Harry handed her the paper.  She read it, then asked, "Isn't this getting a little out of hand?"  But she smiled.

"Sorry, Headmistress, but you have to admit, this is hilarious,"  Harry replied.  "I expect Rita to lurk at the wedding tomorrow and then we won't hear from her for a while."

"Well, we're done here, so let's get some dinner." Harry grinned at Hermione.  "Hermione, secret lover of mine, would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner?"

Hermione grinned as McGonagall raised and eyebrow.  "Of course, Harry, you two-timing prat, but I insist on the Headmistress joining us to keep my virtue intact for tomorrow!"

Harry chuckled and McGonagall smiled, then said,  "Shall we then?  I must admit that after all the years of Fred and George's pranks, it is fun to see them get theirs." McGonagall smiled as she led the way to her office, where they enjoyed a relaxed dinner.

* * *

At the Burrow, dress preparations were finished and Molly had made a delicious dinner while Dobby delivered the dresses to the Room of Requirement.  The girls chatted and giggled, and with the preparations complete, they were able to relax.  Almost everyone, that is.

* * *

Arthur, Molly, Ginny, and Ron stepped out of the fireplace and into the Headmistress' Office. Harry looked at Ginny and Ron, and they did not look happy.

:Uh-oh.  Now what?

:Harry, they're here to give the four of us The Talk.

:Oh, damn.  I had forgotten about that!

"Harry, Ron, Arthur wants to talk to you both in private.  Ginerva, Hermione, Molly wants to talk to you in private as well.  There will be no objections or arguments, and Harry and Ginerva will not eavesdrop on each other," announced McGonagall firmly.  Obviously she had known this was coming.

The four teens resigned themselves to following Molly and Arthur out of the room.  Molly steered the girls to the Room of Requirement, while Arthur led the boys to the DADA offices.

Two hours later, it was all over, after much embarrassment of the teens.  It turned out that "The Talk" was beneficial to them, but still embarrassing.  Harry stayed behind while Ron and Arthur headed to the common room.  The girls were going to have their wedding shower in the Room of Requirement and sleep there overnight.

Harry sighed and sat down.  He had the evening to himself, but he had no idea what to do.  He felt his coin vibrate in his pocket.  Pulling it out, he saw Remus.

"Moony, why aren't you at the bachelor party?"  Harry asked.

"Not really my style, Harry.  Could you come to the Burrow?  We need to talk," replied Lupin.

"Not 'The Talk' again!  Arthur just did that!"  Lupin grinned at that.

"No, Harry other things.  You, me, Dumbledore, Sirius, and Snape."

"Well, all right.  Not like I have much to do right now anyway.  I'll be there in a moment."

He pocketed the coin, transformed into his phoenix form, and disapparated to the Burrow.

* * *

Harry walked into the living room to see Lupin and Snape sitting and waiting, and Sirius and Dumbledore in low conversation.  Lupin motioned Harry to an empty chair, and Harry sat down.  Lupin looked at Snape, who nodded, then he waved his wand and three Butterbeers flew into the room.  Harry caught one, Snape the second, and Lupin the third.

Dumbledore spoke.

"Harry, I know that the last few days have been very busy, as will be tomorrow, but I must ask you, after tomorrow, then what will you be doing?"

"Professor, how much can I say here?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Harry it is time that certain people are let in on our discussions.  I believe that the present company is fine, as well as Miss Weasley when you can find the time.  Minerva tells me also that since your victory, the Board of Governors will be reopening Hogwarts this year.  But we'll discuss that more in a moment," Dumbledore replied.

"Very well, Professor."  Harry got up and paced, not sure where to begin.  Finally, he waved his wand, closed the door and locked it, and put on a silencing charm, then took a swig of his Butterbeer.

"Have any of you ever heard of Horcruxes?"  That caused Lupin and Sirius to shake their heads, while Snape merely raised an eyebrow in surprise.  Harry then went on to explain what he and Dumbledore had determined regarding Voldemort's Horcruxes, including Harry producing the fake locket.

"Do you mean to say," Snape sneered, "that the Dark Lord has made six Horcruxes-that he has split his soul seven ways?"

Harry nodded.  "He had already made five when he came after my Mum and Dad, and he intended to make his sixth with my death.  Instead we think he made the sixth one after he came back and used Nagini as the receptacle.  That's why I told you to kill him."

He turned to Sirius.  "Dumbledore told me you might know of a Death Eater who had the initials R.A.B."  Sirius smacked his forehead with his hand.

"Of course!  My dear brother, Regulus Arcturus Black!  If he had figured out what Voldemort was up to and stole the locket while getting out of there, then it all makes sense, and the locket may be in Grimmauld Place."  Harry's eyes clicked hard at that.

"It was at Grimmauld Place.  I found it when we were cleaning the place two years ago, and it got thrown into the bin.  There's one chance, though.  KREACHER!"

Kreacher apparated with a pop.  "What does my filthy master desire?" he said sullenly.

"Kreacher, you will tell me the truth.  Did you grab a locket from the bin when we were cleaning Grimmauld Place two years ago?" Harry demanded.

Sullenly, Kreacher nodded.

"Do you still have it?"  Again Kreacher nodded.

"Go get it, and bring it directly here without any delay."  Kreacher reluctantly bowed and disapparated with a crack.  He returned moments later, holding an egg-shaped silver locket.  Harry took it from him and examined it.  It was definitely the locket.

Harry took the fake locket and gave it to Kreacher.  "Recognize this?"

Kreacher cried out, "Where did you get Master Regulus's locket?"

Harry looked at him sadly.  "I thought so.  You keep it, Kreacher, as memory of Regulus.  Go now, back to Grimmauld Place only, and not a word to anybody about this."

Kreacher took the locket and sobbed, then disapparated with a crack.

"Well, Harry, what's the score now?" asked Lupin.

"Well, I destroyed the diary in the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore destroyed the ring, we have the locket, we know about Nagini and Hufflepuff's Cup, which leaves only Ravenclaw's to identify and obtain."

"But how do they get destroyed?" asked Sirius.

Harry thought about it.  "Well, the diary was destroyed by a basilisk tooth, and the ring was destroyed by the sword after I killed the basilisk with it, so I think basilisk venom is one way.  Since they contain pieces of Voldemort's soul, a Dementor's Kiss could do it as well, but I wiped most of them out, so that's probably not an easy option."

Harry looked at his old nemesis.  "Severus, I think that you will be escaping from custody when you go to trial before the Wizenmagot and be able to return to Voldemort.  I can pull enough strings with Fudge to keep your trial postponed until we need to.  I think that we should have all the other Horcruxes except Nagini obtained before we do that, and that gives you plenty of time to work."

"That leaves finding Hufflepuff's Cup, plus whatever it was of Ravenclaw's.  Then we can destroy those three, which will leave Nagini and Voldemort himself," noted Lupin.

"What about simply throwing them through the veil?" asked Sirius.

"That could work, but I'd rather make sure they were destroyed outright," replied Harry.  "We don't really know what's behind that veil, and I don't know any vampires to go and find out."

He turned to Snape.  "That also means that to be sure, whatever you kill Nagini with should be laced with the venom as well."  Snape nodded.

"That leaves Voldemort himself," continued Harry.  "I've been playing a psychological game with him so far, dropping notes in his lap, taunting him.  I even gave him a Hotfoot at Gringotts after the will reading."  He smiled.  "I'm messing with his head, and there isn't anything he could do about it."

"Wait a minute!" yelled Sirius.  "What did you just say?  You gave Voldemort a Hotfoot? Literally?"  Sirius started laughing hysterically.  "Moony!  The Marauders have been dethroned!  I can't believe it!  Oh, I wish James were here, he'd be laughing as hard as I am!"  He grabbed his sides and fell down in his portrait.  Moony just looked at Harry until he could contain himself no longer, then burst out laughing himself.  Even Snape managed a genuine smirk.

Dumbledore smiled and looked at Harry.  "I take it this means the Occulmency is going well, Harry?"

"And the Legillimency, too, Professor.  Severus has been a help, and I can enter Voldemort's mind undetected.  That's how we knew what was coming two days ago."

"Brilliant, Harry!  I am so glad you two are working together instead of hating each other."

"Changing the subject," as Harry let out a yawn, "if Hogwarts is reopening, then we need to go back and finish school, but we'll want to use it as an operations base as well for the Horcrux hunt."

"Undoubtedly, Harry," Dumbledore replied.  "I think that means Minerva needs to know all of this as well.  May I suggest you inform her and Miss Weasley at the same time?"

"Sounds good, Professor, but after tomorrow.  We're going to need to figure out some other things, too."  Harry yawned again.

"There's only one thing left to do.  Moony, can you move both portraits to the Great Hall?  They should be there tomorrow, and I need to be out of Fred and George's way until the wedding tomorrow, so I can't do it."

"Can do, Harry.  Why don't you get some sleep?  You need it, and tomorrow is a busy day."

"Agreed.  I'm in the DADA office until crunch time.  Good night, everybody."  He drained the rest of his Butterbeer in one gulp.  He walked out the door, changed into his phoenix form, and disapparated to Hogwarts.

Once there, he locked his doors, changed into his greyhound form, screwed himself into the bed, and fell asleep.


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