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Chapter 6 - The Crows

The Crows During extreme cases of physical duress or strain or pain, people have been see to accomplish feats of unimaginable proportions. They seem to possess some sort of Superhuman strength, being able to turn overturned cars back over without even batting an eye, bending supposedly unbendable steel with their bare hands, so on and so forth... We've all heard the stories. But also at times like this, the human psyche is Very open to suggestion and outside influence. This is sometimes known as Possession in some parts of the world and, of course, well 'known' to the Catholic Priesthood... The Human mind is capable of MANY things, but it is only able to allow another 'spirit' -like entity like that to enter at such times as this, or if the minds defenses are Already very weak to begin with, like that of a child or the mentally retarded. Crows, on the other hand, carry souls all the time. At any given point in time, The Crows are carrying at least two souls, plus it's own. The Crows act as a ferry to to the souls transferring through the Gateway to either of the Parallel Universes and Dystopia (Purgatory=Neverland). The Soul in essence is nothing more than energy in its purest form. And in this form, it tends to 'stick' like static to Neutral Entities; Crows, Willed states of Mind, "The ETHER" around us in the air, That THIN membrane between Reality and Un-Reality.... between worlds.... A Medium, or Psychic, if you will, Purposely wills his state of mind into the pattern necessary to 'Attract' these energy patterns, or Souls. A very powerful and educational gift to have, the ability to actually attune the mind to pick up on this energy, not unlike an antennae, if you will. But at the same time, it is a very tragic curse. A two edged sword if there ever was one because you can never really turn it 'off'. Thus, the tragedy being how depressing all these thought patterns and 'voices' can be if you hear them all the time. "I Hear voices in my Head but all they ever do is Complain!" to quote Slipknot Prophet/ D.N.A. (David Noel Alexson) When the signs of the Prophecy began coming to light, a lot of people misunderstood what exactly was coming and why it was happening. "Miss Construe Left Her Mark On My Soul Like A Handprint," to quote Mushroomhead Some mistook it all for the Coming of the Beast, The Anti-Christ or some other such nonsense of the Catholic Church, because LIFE SUCKS and the Bible Thumpers needed something to Bitch About! Either that or just somebody was extremely bored with their current Social Status amongst their Clique... The Irony of their thinking was that His Coming was not even close to all the assumptions abounding in their Tiny Little brains. Damien Inner Dialogue I write from the voice I hear in between worlds, that little voice that lies somewhere between Awake and Asleep, the voice of NEVERLAND. That is the sound of the Unconscious Thought. You learn to differentiate between your Inner Voice and the Voice of Neverland... The Graveyard we build in our minds of our past is a poor representation of what it really can be; A Valuable asset. "COME SEE MY CAGE BUILT IN MY GRAVE". We all just nod our heads and agree with what we hear just because we are there. It's all just MIND ROT to keep us occupied while all the Real Stuff of Reality happens around us. Participating just because its something to do to pass the time idly. It's sad how the Sheep of the world fall in line to play their parts and wear their masks and play all the little Reindeer Games required of them... RELAX! It's Just A PHASE! Single out the weak ones of the Pack and Eliminate them from the equation before the Law of Algorithm takes over and ruins the Whole Thing. And the Dis-Ease Rears its ugly Head once again, as even the tourists get sucked into the game all of ANYWHERE, U.S.A. likes to play. It just makes one such as myself want to jump up and Scream "FUCKING WAKE UP ALL READY!!!!!!" Forgive them for they know not what they do! Fake, Plastic people populate my world around me every day. I choose to ignore them because they really annoy me to watch them. The places around here in Anywhere, U.S.A. remind me of giant aquariums because I like to Observe people in their natural States of mind. That is, Before I push them off Balance and rock their whole Reality. Welcome to my Reality. Anything goes here only if I say it should happen. Fake Plastic People Everywhere Why Can't I Get Them Out Of My Hair... Why not just get a Hair Cut? Prophet / D.N.A. Ask and the Universe shall provide for you, in abundance. Everything happens for a reason in this world, but you can sometimes apply will in certain amounts to give everything an extra 'push' to get required results from the world around you. I never fully understood the Goddess until I met her. She taught me all I needed to know and more with just a knowing look at me. Everyday, more of Her plans for me are slowly revealed to me for me to learn about Her. Damien inner Thoughts: As She walked by, She carried with Her the elegance and beauty of the Never, The Seed Of Never and the knowledge with which attaining the ALL in all it's splendor endured. The kinship I felt with that purity of spirit was indescribable and awesome. Never before had I witnessed the Goddess in all Her Glory. The calm I felt within her embrace astounded me, soothed me. And, I'm afraid to say, I may never again get to share in something as beautiful as She was EVER again. At least not exactly like I did, as exactly Like Her. I start beginning to think that everything is so clear and something starts to make sense and then something comes along to FUCK up my train of thought. And everything around it. Mental Note: Tori (Linda Vaughn) coming by w/ Twister was cool because I think I rocked their realities. Can't write right now because of tonight’s energy, especially because Gabe (Tommy DeLucas) showed up and made everything interesting in the end, as usual for him. The Quotes I've forgotten that would make all the Difference... Damien: Inner Dialogue: Every one kick back those drinks, it's time to face the Real. Forget everything you've learned so far up till now because all the rules have now changed. We have completely disengaged ourselves from common sense and have apparently forgotten what we were put here originally to do. Everything has been forgotten and we must now relearn from the beginning. Now its time to completely wipe the slate clean and rid ourselves of all the shit on this world so we can be certain that we are starting from scratch with untainted, pure souls. Pack your bags all you shitheads its time for you all to get the FUCK UP out of here, the party's over. 1999 has come and gone and your credit is no longer any good in this millennium. This is the generation of 'Supposed' Slackers whom are now taking over and slowly making our presence known in everything we do just to let you know we ARE taking over because you Assholes SUCK at your Job. YOU'RE FIRED! You all have no idea what you are doing or what you are supposed to be doing. We can no longer trust you to perform up to your full potential(such a lovely word, isn't it?) so we must now retire you early. You are UNSAFE for the future well being of the the Universe and must be REMOVED from POWER before you are allowed to destroy any more innocence before it has even come close to its prime. You have wasted too much innocence in your time. Now you're broken and Thrown Away like the piece of Shit You ARE!.. The More I Touch The Less I feel Reminding MySELF that's this IS NOT REAL! To quote Slipknot. I don't think I've really slept much or very well since the Day I woke up to find my whole Life was a Lie. There is nothing more intense than the whole deconstruction of yourself when coming to a realization such as that and realizing You're FUCKED in the HEAD! And all of Society ignores your cries of pain and seems to make it harder for you to pull yourself out of that depression on purpose because they like to watch you squirm and cry. They push it away because they know NOTHING of what its like to actually NOT be a fucking Gawker, a Rubber-Necker. They have actually forgotten what its like to be a fucking HUMAN Being with a FUCKING CARING SOUL. And I'm thinking to myself, "What a wonderful Fucking World this is we Live In..." -I am what once was that is now forgotten. I am he who walks the Earth forever righting the Wrongs of the Universe as I walk through time and different Realities. I gather all the necessary stories and tales and ideas of the World and then record them and write them out and put them in some sort of Chronological Order so that the WHOLE story can be told to ALL. The story needs to be known by all so as to avoid CONFUSION when the SHIT hits the FAN or maybe so the shit WON'T hit the fan or maybe so the shit won't even have to even be the shit in the first place? Life is not so simple that you can just sit back and let it PASS YOU BYE but you also cannot be too overbearing on it either. See the Patterns and use them to your advantage so that the tedious part of having to relearn all we have forgotten is not so tedious anymore. When the patterns are recognized you will be able to 'SEE' what's gonna happen NEXT and start having FUN. You'll begin to see WHY things happen... It's Psychotic when you see one with the Dis-Ease and you can't tell whether or not they are laughing or crying or just straight gone off the Deep End with no Life Support. Their jumbled murmurings can sometimes be insightful and useful, but most of the time, you want to try and avoid hearing the words they have to say because That Road leads to lunacy. All roads eventually lead to something like lunacy but its tempered with just the right amount of common sense and such, that it is in a controlled environment. Sometimes during those times of extreme duress, our minds open themselves up to outside influence and our selves float away temporarily to that Void of Sheol, or Purgatory, if you may, and stay while we endure the pain with our physical bodies. Thus, the Soul is saved from any harm by removing itself to a 'safe' place while this happens to us. Something like this had occurred to Lawrence Talbot on the night of his fatal accident. It happened right when his Fiancé' , Lisa, had died in his arms. That was when he literally died in essence. His soul had completely left his body, thus by actual medical definition, he technically was dead, and had died with Lisa's in an Embrace of Death... Lawrence Talbot: "Then She was Gone... She Had Died In My Arms..." Lawrence Talbot sobbed. "She was gone forever and I never got to say Good-Bye or that I Loved Her more than Life Itself. Just like that, “ he said as he snapped his fingers to emphasize his point. " I loved her that damn much, and it hurts. I had never loved someone as wholly and entirely for Eternity as much as I loved Lisa. She literally meant the World to me and she was my whole Universe. And I believed I Would Die without her in my life..." "It's okay to cry, Brother," said Damien quietly. He Reached over and squeezed his friends arm in sympathy. He knew exactly what his friend had been through because, he himself had been through something very similar. A lot of people had been through pretty much the same course of events leading up to their Death... and RE-AWAKENING... Something's Messed Up... The MORE I TOUCH THE LESS I FEEL REMINDING MYSELF THAT ITS NOT REAL EVERYTHING I SEE REMINDS ME OF HER GOD I WISH I DIDN'T CARE ANYMORE... to quote Slipknot. Damien-Inner Thoughts- -Regrets, I have none, now. If you had asked me about Regrets a couple of months ago, I might have told you I pretty much regretted even being born in the first place and my whole FUCKED up LIFE. But that was before I had woken to Enlightenment. That was when I was still fully in the Grips of My Dis-Ease and a Raging Contagion in my own right. The Christians walking by are frightened by the TRUTH. They scurry like cockroaches when the TRUTH is even mentioned. Their finely pressed Suits belie their intentions and TRUE beliefs... RICO SUAVE... Prophet / D.N.A. As all the pieces are put into place, You can feel the air begin to thicken in anticipation of all the Shit that's gonna Come Down when HE/SHE returns to this world. Or is S/He already here, just playing around with the Human Race's feeble minds of the world? The Fun S/He could have making us all nervous with "Signs Of His Second Coming." And S/He's just fucking around with our heads planting the "Signs" of the Prophecy in obvious places just to make us think... While the whole time, S/He is sitting among us 'oooohing and Ahhhing' along with us while all the while observing Us and laughing at us... Well, I know for a fact that there are groups of people among the Human Race whom 'Watch' and observe the follies of the Human 'Condition' and note the progress of our civilization. We are the most advanced civilization but yet we've found more and more ways to be lazy and not have to do anything for ourselves. Not to mention, there's so damned many Humans on the face of the Earth that we have to cram them all into the cities of the world like so many Sardines and make them live 'Peaceably side by side' or more like Miserably. Then everyone wonders why people go 'Postal' or become 'Aggro'? Our society is just SO FUCKED! And claustrophobic, to boot. When the sun goes down, those with the Dis-Ease will come out of there hiding places and take to the streets ready to 'Paint The Town'. This is how the Dis-Ease spreads so easily because it only happens at night, when all the defenses of the mind are down. This way, the transference from Host to Host is unobstructed by reason or any other hindering principles of Morality. Insecurity runs rampant in these parts of the World where the Dis-Ease has firmly taken hold. You can see their faces visibly clench when threatened with the thought of losing something that was never there to begin with! Something that was never Theirs to begin with... Things are always taken for granted when they are 'Ours', but they are really taken for granted when it's Not Ours. It's all overrated!~ All of it. Everyone, Everything, Everywhere... Damien: Re:Julia Lorreanna "The day she left me was more than enough to kill me. She royally harshed my comfortable mellow that day. Not only did she make it clear that she was breaking up with me, she also made a big scene about it outside of the Coffee House I was working at, at that time. And to boot, it was a Sunday and there were tons of people standing around gawking and watching our little drama unfold before them. Also, that same moment, the Singer for the band I had been playing in at that time had just shown up to 'Break Up With Me' too. Don't laugh...He really was, but not in a relationship way, but he was kicking me out of the band. He was dropping off my shit and all my equipment and then telling me why he was kicking me out... STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE-YOU'RE GETTING WAY TOO COMFORTABLE!!! We sometimes get too comfortable with where we are at in Life, or who we are with because its familiar and you get way too used to it that you start taking it for granted that it will always be there... Or so you think. And thats the bear trap I stepped right into without even looking where I was going. It's true what they say about Hindsight being 20/20. Looking back at my relationship with her, I realized where and why things went wrong and how much of it was my fault. I had started taking her for granted and became more and more selfish and self-centered. I EXPECTED her to always be there for me. I was almost completely convinced that she was to be Mine forever after and for all eternity, my little Fairae Goddess in the Flesh. Boy, how utterly wrong I was. And how shocked I was to be called on my bullshit like I was that day outside of the Coffee House when she said to me, "There is No US unless You get Your Shit together." It hurt so fucking much. I could almost say that day was the day I started to die. I died a few times before that but it was incidental or more like accidental. The first time was when I was born. My Mother and I both 'almost' died that day because the fucking Doctor was out playing Golf that day and couldn't be reached for almost thirty hours. Not to mention, that the idiots at the Hospital couldn't figure out that my Mother's hips were too narrow to birth me naturally. Then, by the time they finally figured that out, the fucking genius' decided to do a Caesarean on my Mom but they were almost too late. The umbilical cord had wrapped around my neck and was slowly strangling me to death. Needless to say, that was the first time. The next time was a little more brutal though. That was when I started realizing there seemed to be a pattern to what was happening... Prophet / D.N.A. Everything happens for a reason and there is a method to the madness of the Universe. What that might be may remain a mystery for a long, long time to come, but it's out there. And it will be there for a long time to come or until the signs of the Prophecy are fulfilled and The One comes forth and releases the Seed Of Never from its resting place, upon the World. Damien: The Pain inside you feel when something special starts seeming to slip away is a dreadful feeling in itself. The Long Awaited Silence of The Soul is Exquisite and Peaceful. I can't wait for that peace and quiet that comes from when you reach the Pinnacle of Awareness. When you finally awaken to the full potential of your Soul's grace and beauty. If Your Soul is restless, then something is Very Wrong within... SOMETHING'S MESSED UP!!! Inner Thought: I want to be buried in a glass casket. Or I want to be cremated and then have my ashes scattered with a Sky-Writing plane, and have them spell out My Name in the sky, on the day I die... When I die, I want to be embalmed in Jagermeister so that when everyone comes to my viewing, they HAVE to take a Shot On Me... Or Off me... if you will... hehehehe. Either way, when I die, I want people to remember my death because I made it so unique. I want them to say, "Yeah, that Guy was such a Freak, he was kinda Weird. I think he may have even had a french fry hanging out of his Beard..." Something Twisted for The Twisted Ones... Or are we the "Normal ONES?" Damien: So what do I do to get your attention and let you know that I AM like you A Lot and would like for you to see You for who You Really Are? Do you see the little games people play when they want you to notice the Peacocks On Parade? Do you see how it always follows the same Set Script? It's amazing how its exactly the same script for Each Person, only the names are changed to 'Protect The Innocent'? The same patterns repeat over and over , AD INFINITUM! Doesn't it get old to see the same Re-Runs over and over again? Redundancy Sucks. BAD. Change The Channel... Please!!! So when we set out to do whatever it is we do each day, what would be so hard about changing some of our own personal patterns a little to vary it enough to affect some sort of change? Maybe instead of brushing your teeth first then putting on your clothes, try doing it backwards; put your clothes on first, then brush your teeth. Instead of driving down one street , drive down another street One Block over. Slight little changes like that will affect your Existence a Whole Lot! It may even avert the Chance of a future Death or 'accident' if you do it Right. People get caught up in such Petty Scuffles because of Petty, STOOPID shit if you really think about it. If You were to let it go Over and Around You, it wouldn't bother you so much, and the right people would live Peacefully and the Right people would get the Shaft, and You wouldn't have to Deal with them anymore.... Make sense? Re-Define what is YOU and the rest will re-define themselves for you to see exactly what they really are and where they Really stand. DO FOR YOURSELF INSTEAD OF HAVING EVERYONE DO IT FOR YOU! OR at least learn how to bend WILL to your advantage. This way we don't have to keep listening to all those Poor, Pour Souls crying later because it gets QUITE annoying after awhile... WILL WORK FOR..._______! Julia Lorreanna: Yeah, right, lemme hear another Pick up line that actually Works. Are you a BELIEVE or are you Make Believe? Are you for Real or are you Really there at all? Are You Even HERE? ARE WE THERE YET? Impress me with your 'Social Skills'. Beware, for I am a very Cynical, Non-Judging Person! HA! Okay, so now we are Going all the way. What are you Really Focused on when You LOOK!? Are you Looking for an exact YOU (which would be boring!) or are you Looking for Your INVERSE NEGATIVE? The ONE who is the piece , but has the exact opposite features and personality of You, but is exactly like you only in Negative? About Soul Mates: If they did walk right by you, would you be able to notice them for what they were? A Soul mate... One of many we meet in life...Someone you learn from who happens to speak the same 'Language of the Soul' that we speak, someone you 'Recognize' that we identify with and can talk about the stuff that Really intrigues us. You know who they are... They're the ones we don't have to Wear Masks For when we talk to them and interact. What inhibitions are you REALLY trying to overcome when you Get Drunk? I know why I get drunk, and that's to keep myself Numbed to what I See and Feel around me because They're all so inept. Or is it all just in your head? Do you Wanna Feel Pain or do you even Feel Pain at all? Or do you even FEEL AT ALL? Some Priorities are More Meaningless than they are Pointless. Which Priority Game Are You Playing? When do you Realize you've walked right By the POINT? When will you wake up to that day when you can finally separate yourself from Yourself and See You for YOU and learn how You are a special Gift just like Everyone Else and that Your Gift is Just as Needed as Everyone Else's gifts are? We all are equal unless you are not AWAKENED to the simple fact that it's LIFE?! WHAT DOESN'T KILL ME MAKES ME STRONGER...AND SMARTER~! Damien: How do you like them Buddies, Apple? Doesn't it suck how the drudgery seems to go on and on and on? How some people manage to do the same thing over and over again, puzzles me. THIS IS NO KIND OF LIFE! Julia: If You Bash your head against the wall long enough, do you think it will leave a Scar for you to remember a pattern you've seen before and remind you not to do it again? Can Reality hurt that much when displayed as I have Put Forth? Damien: I'm a Loser, Please, Baby, don't get too close from Far away. Come no closer than you are as you were today. Julia: When you decide you want to come down from your High And Mighty Soul Throne, I'll be here laughing at you from afar. Damien: An Angel from above come down to remind me of who and what we are and Why. So pay attention while we are here and make the most while we all learn. Show me what pertains to Your Reality and Why. Can you even Describe it? For what its worth, Mr. Soul is hear with Mr. Death and they don't take Credit Cards in the after life.... Are you paying attention to what's around you? THAT WAS A SOLEMN MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR THE SEPERATION OF ME AND I.

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