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The SEED of NEVER Deep within the mists of times unknown and unremembered, a legend was born into existence which would mold the future into Utopia if the prophecy were to come true and be fulfilled by one. According to the legend, "One from the Land of Never would bring forth a tainted Seed and bring forth Beauty from it's planting and growth." But also, the bearer of the Seed Of Never must also be pure and "Awakened". Now, when this was supposed to happen wasn't especially clear, but it did mention that it would be brought about by a particular alignment of all the planets and an Eclipse of the Sun. The Extraordinary energy produced by this harmonic alignment would affect a small percentage of the human race on earth in an extremely bizarre way. These individuals were startled to find themselves able to read people's thoughts and emotions, and sometimes even see into the future. These newly awakened "psychics" were rudely thrust into bouts of depression as each new found revelation on the truths of Life cast more and more overload on the sensitive souls of these gentle people. Some of those awakened ones would sometimes go mad with the burden of their gifts. Some would just drop right into seizures and fits when it got too intense and Real for their minds. Eventually a select few would recognize the signs innately by silent acknowledgement of primitive instincts, and would be drawn towards a certain Nexus of Energy where they would all congregate to await the Beginning of the Awakening (planting of the Seed Of Never). The final process of Elimination finally begins when all have come back and Re-Arrived(revived?) [resurrected?]. The Thought Conventions alone eliminate most of the Weakest ones in the first Fell Swoop of Contests. Eventually one of the Chosen Few would emerge with the Answer to the question all were asking: WHY? The conditions needed for that one to bloom forth were simple enough, but were necessary in order to produce one capable of handling the Seed Of Never and planting it. If all the Lessons were acknowledged and firmly retained, and the Signs observed and understood, The ONE would emerge, and the Crows would follow. The crows are His Guardians and His Advisers, the Stars His Elder Prophets. His Second Sight a mere gift of Insight, Healing, a most awesome blessing. The Shift of the Universe when His Coming was near at hand was felt first when Damien La Rouche was Born into existence. Only then were the first of the Seals Sacred broken and the checklist of the Prophecy prepared. Slowly, the clockwork of the Universe began to wind itself up and begin creaking its way towards completion of the Puzzle that has riddled the Universe as to existence for all eternity. That Shift of the Universe also began to dislodge the Seed of Never from its resting place deep within the Land of Never's ominous Mount Nod. It would eventually emerge into the daylight when all was in place and the necessary elements were all in alignment. As Damien grew and more Lessons were learned, more and more "coincidences" began to occur in his life and a pattern eventually emerged... Eek, a mouse, Latin based House The Red pants Wander by and by And bring to the forefront The Peacocks on Parade Welcome to this, the New day Or is it just another day to lay Lie, Lie to me again Count De Monet Or just Count the FUCKING money Two pointed Face, an edge of Each sword Osiris and Isis shall pass on the word Believe me Revive me I can't stand to see the Real Me Let me See, Let me Be All Alone Surrounded by the ALL Damien: It's a whole new game and yet another season and look at where we are now. As all comes into Balance, I look forward to Reality. Prophet: An organization like that is mostly RE-active as opposed to PRO-active. Meaning that nothing will happen until something happens which causes the organization to Re-act to the situation, instead of doing things in order to prevent the situation in the first place. The Secrets of the Seed of Never were hidden in Mount Nod centuries ago by a long forgotten race of Super intelligent beings from a long destroyed planet where the Asteroid Belt now exists. They came here to survive the destruction of their planet when it was obliterated by a twelfth planet in our Solar System. The Two planets ended up on a collision course with each other the last time all the planets were aligned and an almost total eclipse of the Sun from the Earth occurred, blocking off the Sun from the Earth and causing Great Rains and destruction. The time when this first occurred, there was no one really around to witness this except the Angels and the Ravens of the time. The Lady; The Maiden; The Crone... Damien and Lawrence: "When did you die, Lawrence?" Damien asked quietly. "Do you remember how I just disappeared without saying good-bye?" Lawrence Talbot replied. "Yeah, and I think I still hold it against you, prick!" "No, seriously", Lawrence said, "That's when I died and then was resurrected or Re-Awakened, if you will" "Was that the first time, or was that when you finally caught on?" "I'd have to say that’s when I finally woke up." "Did you see any Crows around when it happened," asked Damien. "Yeah, as a matter of fact, there was this one particularly Big one sitting right in front of the car right after it happened." "Please," asked Damien, " Tell me exactly what happened and what you felt, brother..." Damien: "If I'm lost or have gone astray, My Guardian Angel will show me the way... Who's your Guardian Angel? Or What? Just say thank you..." Prophet: Soon the signs of His Coming started becoming more and more apparent over the years of Becoming. More and more people started recognizing Damien and his inherent Special Gifts and soon would begin the slow moral Raping of his Talent and soul. Truly the Unforgiven. Word spread round town and eventually the Organization began to take notice of Damien. Damien: Only in small doses can Reality be handled safely. Too much at once leads to Seratonin Overdose. Too much Happiness for your own good.... Misery Loves Company. Sleep is Good, it brings the dreams which foretell your future. Kindred Spirits meet in the morning and have a beer before noon to dispel the Gloom and Doom. Storyline: The Super Intelligent beings from the Twelfth planet came to Earth to not only survive extinction, but also to expand their Sphere of Influence in the Universe. In psychic terms, a sphere of influence is the area in which all is seen, heard, and controlled by the governing beings with such Psychic abilities in each area. It's a select few with such abilities that will , coincidentally, appear when such influence is needed in certain areas. Life will dictate what is needed where in what amount, relative to its surrounding areas. When these beings came to Earth, they began an experiment in DNA that continues to this very day, which can be seen in every person you meet in the streets of the world today. What they did was to Splice their strain of DNA with that of the existing life on the planet at the time, which at the time was known as Cro-Magnon Man. The resulting creature was the "Missing Link" that most people have been searching for all through history... US... To these beings, the result was known affectionately as "The Adam" and he was mainly made to help the Beings to build their cities and Temples of Worship and to help with the Organization. Adam worked out fine in the whole scheme of things up until a mistake was made in some of the gene splicing. This mistake was nothing more that someone putting in a Y-chromosome instead of an X-Chromosome, resulting in the Creation of a Female version of "The Adam", whom eventually was fondly named, "Eve". She was placed with "The Adam" while the whole situation was evaluated by the Elders. But by the time they had all agreed on the Destruction of "Eve", the mistake had already become much worse that they had anticipated and could no longer be rightfully destroyed. She was with Child and the Elders knew nothing of the nature of this Reproduction or what IT was all about. So in the end, they decided to let her stay with "The Adam" and observe them both to learn what all this was about. So thus began the struggle between Man and Woman and The Gods From Above, and who was first, who was right, and who's Fault it all of this was to begin with....etc... The jump from primitive Non-speaking, instinct driven ape-man to speaking, thinking Homo-Sapien, Modern Man was a cause of great change in the harmonics of the Universe, greatly affecting the Western Spiral Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy for the Rest of Eternity. The change, though, was a silent but drastic event. It went totally unnoticed in most parts of the Universe and to almost everyone, including those it had affected the most. It wasn't until Man had started forming Civilizations and recording their histories that a certain set of Redundant Patterns started emerging. From these observations, the effect of these changes could be discerned as to how much of a change had actually occurred... But it was also at this time that the Prophecies and Visions of the Aliens and their arts had been unearthed and compared to their current observations, and what was discovered was astounding... COINCIDENCE>>>...I THINK NOT! The Seed Of Never: The Land of Never lies somewhere outside of the ancient Egyptian Pyramids in the crook of Mountains surrounding the desert region. Mount Nod really cannot be seen because it Really Does Not Exist... in our realm anyways... It actually lies in a flux of the Universe parallel to our own and can only be accessed when the planets and stars are in Perfect Alignment and only then is it accessible, but not yet Truly Open. Inverse Negative: In order to gain entrance to this Parallel Dimension, a Gate Keeper must be present in our Universe and in The Land of Never's Universe, and they both must perform their tasks Simultaneously and successfully in order for the Gateway to open between the Two Universal Realities. Hence why it is named the Land Of Never; It will never happen in a million years, right? Thus is the principle of the Inverse Negative. WRONG! The idea of having an exact duplicate of yourself in the universe has been around for ages. An inverse-negative copy of you does exist in the parallel dimensions of the Universe and is EXACTLY like you, only in the Negative Aspect. Kinda like Bizzaro is to Superman. That's how everything in the parallel universe is to ours; an Inverse-Negative to our Reality...Holding a Mirror up to Our Reality. The Crows are the only entities able to Cross over into that Universe without the Gateway having to be open or Nearby. In that Universe, the crows bleed through the thin membrane between worlds as Angelic-like birds, or White Doves, if you will. Your Inverse-Negative is kinda like the Yin and Yang Principle, only you both seem to have the same taste in fashion and personality, except they are opposite extremes. You may like to wear white, and your Inverse-Negative will like to wear black, and so on and so forth, ad infinitum. You never know when one day they'll show up unknowing knocking on your(their) door. Snap out of it before it Snaps YOU The joke is on the yolk of the face of the place that is so hip it'll bust your Lip Hope you like jammin too I want to Jam it In You! Do you know WHY you are so sick, dumb ass? Think about it. Real HARD. Self Immolation... The Inverse-Negative Universe co-exists along side our Own Universe in an almost simultaneous environment down to the second. An almost Identical, Mirror-like image of our own Reality, in sync with ours. Just about everything that has occurred in our Reality has probably Already happened or will eventually happen in the Inverse-Negative Universe. For one reason or another, these events are Reaction in one Universe and Action in the other; in other words, What happens in One Universe is usually the result of something that has happened or will happen in the Other Universe. This even applies to thoughts and psychic phenomenon too. When the Seed of Never started its slow journey from the depths of Mount Nod to its inevitable discovery at the surface of the Sands of Egypt, it Set in motion a grand scheme of occurrences in Both Universes. Each Event was tumultuous in and of itself, but the overall effect was awesome. Everything changed drastically in the course of events leading up to this Event and beyond. Lawrence’s Death (Re-awakening) Damien could see his friend Lawrence visibly tense up inside as he asked the question about the accident that had changed his life forever. "Please tell me exactly what happened and what you felt, brother," Damien asked. After taking a deep breath, Lawrence started with his recollection of what exactly HAD happened. "Well", Lawrence said, "me and some friends of mine had been hanging out down at the cliffs one night, just chillin' and talking while we hiked around. We weren't there for very long, maybe about an hour or two at the most. But we had smoked about a couple of joints and maybe we had a few beers each, maybe more, I'm not quite sure. I probably only had two myself, being as I was the one who was driving that night. So when we left the cliffs, we could have never imagined what awaited us on our supposed "short ride" home. I was fairly sober, but my two friends, Lisa and Helena were pretty trashed, I'd say. Helena was sitting in the back seat, and she was the most plastered in our group that night. Lisa was in the Front seat with me, and was in charge of the music playing obscenely loud within the small confines of the Universe of my small car. She had put her seatbelt on shortly after our trip home had begun, and she still had it on now as I had looked over at her while laughing at some witticism or nonsense that was amusing us all at the time. Helena, on the other hand, had not put her seatbelt on in the back seat and was leaning between the shoulders of the two front bucket seats of my car. She was laughing hysterically just moments before it happened. The last time I saw her she was smiling widely out of the corner of my eye... When I had looked back from looking at Lisa for a moments shared Hysteria, I looked back up expecting to still see the highway rolling out before us. What I saw instead was really hard to explain. For a brief flash, I could have sworn I thought I saw a crow smiling at me as he seemed to gracefully fly right through the glass of the windshield without even touching it as if it didn't exist at all. And it seemed like he was trying to say something to me in whatever language it is Crows speak, but somehow within me I totally understood what it was he was saying to me on some primitive level of my sub-conscious mind. What I Heard with my ears was something like , "Ack! ARACK!!!" What I heard, clear as day, within my mind was, "LOOK OUT!" What I saw next was one of those support beams that hold up freeway overpasses right in front of the car and there wasn't anything I could do in time to avoid hitting it... I don't remember much immediately after that. It was all kinda blurry for awhile after that. The next thing I remember, I was looking over at Lisa again, only she was knocked out and in shock. I had realized suddenly that I could not move the bottom half of my body; my right ankle was busted and at a ninety degree angle to my leg, and I couldn't even feel my left leg anymore... I felt something sharp in my left side below my chest and soon I noticed that part of a truss rod from the overpass' steel rebar re-enforcement framework had gone completely through my body. Then I came to discover that Helena was nowhere to be found within the car as I looked around assessing the situation. I looked frantically around the car in every corner of it that she could possibly have ended up in but to no avail. She was gone from the inside of the car... Looking outside the car finally, I started searching the perimeter outside of the car with my eyes to see if I could spot her. Soon, my searching of what I could dimly make out from my paralyzed perspective would bear fruit. Dimly outlined about 20 yards away from the car was the shape of a crumpled up, broken body. She had been thrown through the front windshield of my car when it had impacted with the support beam of the freeway. My heart sank. Lisa, who had become my fiancé' not even two weeks before, did not seem to be waking up from her shock induced slumber and my heart did a somersault in my chest when my imagination kicked in as to possible outcomes of this situation. I frantically started trying to wake her out of her coma, screaming... "Don't you die on me, please don't die on me, Lisa.... I love you.... please DON'T LEAVE ME..... PLEASE>>>>>>" I started screaming for help, cursing God all the while and screaming at myself all at once... HANDSONMYFACEOVERBEARINGICANTGETOUT! In the distance, I heard sirens start wailing loudly into the night. I assumed those sirens were exclusively for us. Then the realization of what exactly had happened began to hit me, and something fierce at that... and HARD... I realized that I could NOT reach my Lisa to hold her and tell her good-bye if she was dying on me, and I realized that this might be the end For ME... and all I had ever known or loved... and that I might never get to say good-bye to my Love and tell her how much she meant to me, and to say sorry for anything I had ever done wrong and that I might never see tomorrow.. and that I could not even REACH LISA TO HOLD HER IN MY ARMS BEFORE SHE OR I DIED....!!!!! Lisa might be dying on me right now, and Helena might all ready be dead or damn close to dying out there on the... the..... the Highway!!! OH SHIT NO!!!!! I think I might have blacked out or passed out again or something because I don't remember much after that , but when I awoke again, the sirens are much closer now, and much louder now too. I looked over at Lisa again and she looked much paler now than the last time I had looked at her. And how long that had been I can't be sure, but it seemed like an eternity. The panic and dread immediately took hold of me again, and my body flooded with adrenaline while at the same time, desperation had began to take hold of my brain. SHE WAS DYING RIGHT BEFORE MY VERY EYES!!! And there wasn't a God Damned Thing I could FUCKING DO ABOUT IT!... I COULDN'T MOVE.... I could HARDLY FUCKING BREATH!!!! Every time I MOVED... I PASSED OUT!!!" It was about this time that Lawrence started to cry fiercely, the tears rolling quickly from eyelid to chin. Damien could see his friend being ripped apart by the anguishing memories he was recalling to his friend. He could see the pain in his brother's eyes as he recounted his encounter with Death and how it had affected him. He wanted more than anything at that moment to reach out and touch his friend and ask him to stop, but at the same time, he just wanted his friend to finish his story completely and get it all out of his system so the cancer wouldn't eat him alive from the inside out. After regaining his composure somewhat from recalling such horrid events of his past, Lawrence continued his tale of how he had tried waking his fiancé' over and over again so he could at least say good-bye to his dying Love. The sirens seemed to be taking forever getting to the accident.... "...Why didn't the ambulance just Hurry the FUCK UP and get there already and save my future Wife from having to die in my arms... Speaking of which, I think I can try moving closer to her so I can give her one last good hug before its time to say good-bye...." I must have passed out again because the next thing I remembered, there was bright lights flashing all around me and a bunch of paramedics were surrounding me. They kept asking if I was still awake and where I was hurt, and that I needed to let go of my wife's hand so they could get me out of the car... I must have tried to move as to hold Lisa's hand again even tighter because the searing intense, white hot flash of pain that flashed through my body knocked me out once more. When I came to again, I was momentarily in the back of an ambulance, or so I thought, but then I realized that I was still in the car but they had brought portable lights in to illuminate the interior of my car. My wife's hand was still in my hand and it seemed a little cooler than I remembered from moments ago. I squeezed her hand a little tighter in mine, hoping to warm her again with my warmth, then I tried moving towards her again slowly so I could see her better from where I was pinned to the car in the drivers seat. To me, it seemed her face had almost completely drained of color and the skin of her face seemed sallow. The pupil of her eye seemed quite alive though... Her eyes WERE Open and she was looking right at me. She was saying something to me that I couldn't make out right away because I must have been groaning in shock or horror. I don't know what I was feeling because I was feeling so many different emotions all at once and was in emotional overload so I couldn't process all the incoming messages at once. She was saying, " I love you", over and over again to me. "I love you Lawrence and we'll be back together in the next Life when we are both Cats.... I really LOVE YOU!" Then She Was Gone.... She had died in my arms...."

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