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Noon , walking in the streets of Korea , it is easy to see such a landscape , people right hand smartphones, left hand holding a wallet , hurry hurry. For Koreans , the right hand holding that thing may have been more important than holding his left hand up .

In Korea, both men and women , most have one called "smart phone" friends. This friend 4.7 pulgadas GT-i9500 versatile , really talented . "There you are , I'm not bored ." Watching TV , reading, listening to music, playing games , phone calls, letters , etc. to do the work , what it can do , is truly " intelligent machines ." So, with this friend how you usually play?

Imagine me and my smartphone ? On my phone, I downloaded about 120 applications , which use the most is the amount of so-called social software , and its really a lot of species , such as micro-blog , Facebook, Twitter , Line, Kakao talk and so on. The software helps the communication between people , there is no constraint on what time and space . But think about it , to be free of us , really free? Frequent use of social software , my social richer yet ? I'm really making the answer?

Including me, are all modern smart living environment , this is an undeniable fact. This is the beginning of a new era of challenge , but only humans have adapted , is also preparing to open up under a new era. This change of course have their own pros and cons of impermanence , I am worried about is the risk factor associated with social networking services brewing together .

Now, we ordinary people can make their voices heard , to convey to the world . This should be a positive role model for technological development example.

However, we are not only seen the good side? Some drawbacks are not noticed 4.7 pulgadas CUBOT ONE or did not want to pay attention to? Also consider how good drug side effects after taking the safe . Abuse always been terrible , but the phenomenon around us there are often such abuse , our index finger is the main culprit .

To euphemistically called "freedom" , our finger on the keyboard dancing , working and thinking without words, fly all over the world through this intelligent artifact. With astonishing speed of propagation , we "free" discourse invisible to others , ran to every corner of the world . Maybe this is just the end of life in the pursuit of a happy group of monsters. Spoken words , like spilled water , but if you have the opportunity to deal with the spilled water , are you willing to do ?

Apple's new product coming from suppliers are often clues , along with Corning Inc. (Coring) curved glass entered the market this year , may mean that from the surface of the screen with the advent of iPhone iWatch and also not far away.

Apple and other mobile device industry is an important supplier on the 3rd , Corning Mini 720 moviles announced that it has with Hon Hai 's glass factory are up to the international photovoltaic (G-Tech) co-developed 3D Gorilla glass molding process , this year plans to start mass production curved Gorilla glass.

    This is not only important clue Apple's future products , but also indicates the future development of wearable devices , especially smart watch. iWatch and equipped with large screen Apple iPhone rumors are out in the market this year, the main products , both are expected to be equipped with curved screen.

    A new generation of mobile devices with curved screen , will need to use the new lightweight glass reinforced to cope with the daily wear and needs to use, but also must meet Apple's production requirements.

    Corning has long been Apple's partner , Gorilla glass is also an important part of many electronics manufacturers indispensable now , Corning is expected through the latest 3D molding technology, the new device into the Gorilla glass market .

    Corning Gorilla Glass 3D molded product manager Forrest said the new curved glass products can be bent 75 degrees to 80 degrees , or even the result of " extreme form" , the new technology will not only increase productivity, reduce production costs while at the same .

    If so , Corning 's new products will surpass Samsung and LG Electronics (LG) technology Feiteng GT-i9300 The two South Korean companies have recently launched with a curved screen smart phone, but can only do a slight bend.

    Forrest noted that the glass may eventually replace the plastic or metal mobile device side , and the side of the touch screen device to replace physical buttons .

    Forrest is unwilling to purchase a new product for Apple to do more to comment, but he said that many manufacturers eagerly look forward to this new technology over the years , hoping to expand the mobile device specifications.

2013 , smartphones cabbage price and mark the arrival of 4G era doomed this year belongs to mobile Internet . Ministry data show that global PC smart phones will be more than three times the number . But at the same time more and more mobile vulnerabilities have surfaced, open Android threat intensifies, Apple iOS is no longer absolute security.

History of the most serious impact on 99% of Android users - Android vulnerability signatures (MasterKey vulnerability )

Android is open source, it has been the hardest hit by malware attacks 5.7 pulgadas Star N9599 in the 2013 year , Andrews has been discovered three " in the history of the most serious vulnerabilities Andrews " - the signature holes ( also called MaterKey vulnerability ) . Hackers can exploit the vulnerability without breaking the digital signature , the Trojan implanted formal applications to mixed lax application of the audit market , to achieve privacy burglary , stealing and other charges . These three holes are expected to affect more than 99% of Android users, the 360 phone guardian has pioneered the use of anti-blocking three vulnerabilities , domestic users need special attention.

Android phone lock screen loophole exposed

Early December 2013 , Andrews phone lock screen outside exposed vulnerabilities , hackers can exploit this vulnerability to bypass the lock screen pattern and password , access to private information directly into the phone , and then steal the user's address book , photos, text messages and so on. 360 security experts found that, because Android comes with a " lock screen application " program there is a logical flaw , but did not verify the identity of the caller , can lead to any application to send data, clear the lock screen . Currently users can already use the 360 mobile guards patch plugging loopholes.

Wujin your Bitcoin wallet Andrews SecureRandom pseudo -random number generator vulnerability

Bitcoin really was a fire in 2013 , a slight drop of temperature only recently , but the value of a bitcoin thousands of dollars , mining does not subside within a short time , I am afraid the heat , it does not , Android is also eyeing the bulging vulnerabilities Bitcoin wallet. In mid- August , Google Android operating system developer confirmed encryption architecture vulnerabilities that can lead to Bitcoin wallet is stolen, spread Android full version. Meanwhile, the developer confirmed that , in addition to outside bitcoin wallet phones , affected also include other applications may use pseudo-random generator .

Mobile outbreaks linked to horse vulnerabilities - vulnerabilities Android WebView

When you click on a friend sent me a link to the results you been installed malicious APP lead to 9300 Móvil SP6820A deductions, you must be met Andrews WebView vulnerabilities . This exposed the vulnerability in September , threatening more than 90 percent of Android phones and a large number of applications. Just click on a malicious Web site to a friend send a message or visit a malicious Web page will be caught by third-party browsers , malicious programs can be installed silently through the system back into the phone . At present, most vendors have fixes the vulnerability .

Arabian prank ? Apple iOS mysterious string vulnerability

Apple iOS was considered to be the most secure systems, but in August 2013 , a string of Arabic characters let iOS6 users to completely dumbfounded . Just through SMS , micro letters, microblogging and other specific Arabia sent a bunch of string , you can make a direct iPhone application crashes flash back , and even phone restart , affects all IOS6 systems. As the first security vendors to disclose the vulnerability , 360 security engineers said the flaw was "iOS6 Arab character processing module denial of service vulnerability ," This attack is more like a hoax, but it really made fruit powder nervous .

The same year as the wave of the Internet, mobile Internet has penetrated into every aspect of our lives, and smart phones as mobile Internet carrier, the same year as the PC get the same rapid development, this year we have witnessed the arrival of the 4G era, but also witnessed numerous full of surprises for the new machine market.

Recalling the last full year of the smartphone, we can not help but find them filled with countless 5 pulgadas i9500W surprises people in heavy mobile phone is no longer a past Motorola, Nokia and Sony's world, nor is Apple, Samsung such a dominant, increasingly The increasingly heavy phones from domestic brands, foreign brands are not only better than the poor in many ways even better than foreign brands, if the past is a foreign mobile phone brands in the world, then the smart phone market is now already become a domestic brand world.

Precipitated domestic brand leader smartphones

No matter what the reason for, the people's attitude to treat domestic brands in addition there is a little scornful distrust addition, the mobile phone market the same way. Past the mobile phone market is Nokia, Motorola, Sony, and several other foreign brands firmly in control, more than half of the mobile phone market faces are made by them can be described as live fast; while domestic brands are mostly divorced from the mainstream market, become a small part of the people to select objects, ranging from a cottage in positioning between the brand and make it very difficult to live domestic brands, many domestic brands fell or dependent operators difficult alive.

If there is no maturity and popularity of smart phones, domestic brands still only in the market is 6 pulgadas N9600 not much space to survive, but after 2010 the rapid development of smart phones, and gave a chance to catch up and surpass domestic brands, although there is no domestic brands Apple, Samsung, Sony and other foreign brands, the advantages of the technology and components and other upstream resources, but by virtue of their domestic brands, but little by little precipitation in the smartphone market to break out one of their own world.

Today, Nokia, Motorola, respectively, was acquired by Microsoft and Google, have basically lost the opportunity to compete in the smartphone market, although Sony continues to be active in the market, but the rhythm of their products and marketing strategies and the current market is not one rhythm, Both the visibility or sales have gone down, LG etc. are basically sound a bit sporadic negligible, the once powerful HTC, in 2010 after becoming the market leader has been in decline, losses do not change constantly and consistently high road The HTC inevitably be more forgotten

Intelligent machines into mainstream trading hotspot , non-smart phone is not " to be seen "

China Jiangsu News Network January 2 Today's digital product replacement more 4.7 pulgadas Movil 9500 quickly, some brands even one year replacement several times, not to mention the different brands of innovation in the industry , especially the staff of a mobile phone. This does not, Close of the year , fashion consumers and took aim at the 4G phones.

Phone replacement , while consumers were eliminated replaced old phones often been shelved. Recently, the reporter visited the city found the phone in the secondary market , years ago , many people are ready to replace the phone , as Treat yourself to a year of hard work , family and friends or as a New Year gift to give parents the same time replaced the phone, touch screen intelligent machines in the recovery of the most popular candy bar , slider and other non- intelligent machine is not to be seen .

With the replacement of the acceleration,

This year the secondary market , especially mobile phones hot

Reporter visited a number of mobile phone sales shop and Post Road mobile phone market , if not the rest day from time to time there are still some people consult the phone , and in the hanging obvious " high recycle used cell phone " signs two mobile phone store , business is more lively Some .

Post Road in the mobile phone market , a shop , the owner told reporters that he has been Guophone G9500 engaged in mobile phone sales business for many years, with his experience, put the recovery after the end of each brand , close up of a lot of mobile phones will be , "If in peacetime , even put out recycling makes very few people to sell , and now this time for mobile phone more people , but also be focused collected . "

Another mobile phone shop owner, Ms. Lee said that compared with previous years, this year, mainly in the recycling of used mobile phones Apple, Samsung , millet and some mainstream domestic brands of smart phones , " Only last week , they recovered more than a dozen , and two years or few people are willing Nachulaimai . " now recycled smartphone to use mostly for about a year .

During the interview, several mobile phone recycling business owner to do all that now , few consumers are no longer holding the psychological presence at home, while taking advantage of timely shot phone also has a certain value , the sooner the shot can sell a good Price, otherwise a little time delayed , phone replacement soon , old phone plunges fast.

China Software News December 30 , according to foreign reports , LG Electronics is considering reducing its personal computer (PC) business, instead focusing on tablet computers, hybrid PC and smart phone.

Reported that completely exit the traditional PC business is feasible to consider the option of LG 4.7 pulgadas Movil 9500 Electronics , although the probability that at present LG Electronics PC business is unlikely to exit immediately .
LG Electronics executives in a telephone interview said: "Smartphone and tablet PCs in power , the aura of the traditional PC market has gradually faded , we are to view a variety of options to improve the profitability of its business operation

This supervisor said: " For the configuration of LG Electronics has the resources to connect with handheld devices is more popular on the market , that is a fact ."
This name executives said , LG Electronics Home Entertainment 's new head of the river -hyun will (Ha Hyeon-hoe, transliteration ) will be next year on January 7 in Las Vegas debut at CES (ICES) held a press conference disclosure strategic transformation latest PC business.
Prior to this , LG Electronics , Samsung Electronics has taken enemies similar strategy slashed the traditional bulky T-Tower PC shipments. Samsung is now relying on Google Android powered smartphone rewarding

Analysts believe that , LG Electronics want to reduce dependence on traditional PC computing market with good reason .
LG Electronics , another employee said : " there is a need to maintain the PC business for several years , such as providing players with the application for the PC business, but put more resources into the business of losing money is unreasonable

LG Electronics has been witnessed in recent quarters desktop PC sales in straight sets Guophone G9500 According to IDC , worldwide PC shipments in the first quarter of this year dropped 14 percent , the largest decline for most of 1994 . Gartner data also show that this year , including desktop and laptop PC sales , including a decrease of 10.6 % compared to 2012

LG Electronics and instead focus Hybrid PC business, recently launched the first equipped with Google Chrome operating system in-one Desktop PC.
One fund manager said: " The so-called halo desktop PC era gradually faded , LG Electronics anxious to become a fast-growing mobile market Android protagonist , is particularly striking .

Samsung only released in September this year 800 new giant screen Xiaolong flagship Sjny W7500 Moviles Samsung Note3 along with exclusive accessories listed there - smart watches GALAXY Gear. According to the current latest news shows , another big South Korean hardware manufacturer LG will also launch its own wearable devices MWC2014 General Assembly early next year on , were intelligent and smart watches G Arch bracelet G Health.

[ News] 2013 China Mobile is not only an important year in the history of mobile phones , for wearable devices is equally impressive.

Samsung only released in September this year 800 new giant screen Xiaolong flagship Samsung Note3, along with exclusive accessories listed there - smart watches GALAXY Gear. According to the current latest news shows , another big South Korean hardware manufacturer LG will also launch its own wearable devices MWC2014 General Assembly early next year on , were intelligent and smart watches G Arch bracelet G Health.

About Smart bracelet G Health foreign media recently reported that more news on this Excelvan H9500 bracelet features with Nike launched Nike + FuelBand similar , mainly for health tracking. LG early in this year's CES will show off a bracelet, but has not released too , is likely to be launched this bracelet is an improved version .

It is understood , LG Smart bracelet or G Health Assembly next year will be unveiled at MWC2014 held on February , and will be released along with the Samsung Galaxy Band smart bracelet for a showdown .

At the same time , after the march Taiwan and Hong Kong markets, another domestic mobile phone manufacturers millet have looked toward overseas. It is said that millet will enter the Southeast Asian market, scheduled for 2014 , and the first stop is Singapore

In fact, in 2013 , millet Technology CEO Lei Jun ( microblogging ) " dig" to Hugo Barra Sjny W7500 Moviles vice president of Google Android Products Division , responsible for international business development millet .
However , you can see that these terminal manufacturers choose to focus almost exclusively overseas markets in Southeast Asia and other emerging markets.
From the current point of view , developing countries in Asia and Latin America with 35% of smartphone penetration to 40% of the terminal to attract Chinese manufacturers .
vivo CMO Feng Lei told Artesyn Technologies , the Southeast Asian market shift from 2G to 3G is experiencing the process , this is a good time to enter vivo .
In this regard , Ren Yan said, " Shenzhen, China -based chain built up from the chip to the other key components are rare in other markets , and this will drive the Chinese end brands in the global market plays an important role

In fact, outside of China , but also rarely seen such a competitive market . Most terminal manufacturers in China has accumulated a lot of experience in marketing and channels in the competition , which will contribute to its Kaijiangtuotu . Therefore, most of which terminal manufacturers choose to expand overseas markets high-end brands as the vanguard , which years ago, " OEM" products have been quite different.
What is more, such as the OPPO has launched an international version of the corresponding products landed at the end of 2013 the U.S. and European markets , the price or even slightly higher than the domestic market.

Channel advantages help domestic manufacturers
Some domestic manufacturers and overseas giants have the same sense of smell , they will also have a new market to be developed functional machine over domestic third and fourth tier cities , more importantly, in the local market they will have a better channel edge .
Previous to the center of the county town of the number of mobile phone sales stores only Excelvan H9500 single digits. GfK China 's 2013 census found that such stores are on the rise , with telecom operators stationed , as well as the expansion of mobile terminal manufacturers operated stores , mobile phone sales outlets towns is increasing year by year

However, terminal manufacturers , the channel sink will also face a series of problems . Because the sound of a second-tier sales network construction , its distribution and logistics costs are not high, but the four-tier cities are not. Terminal manufacturers need to respond to the cost of upgrading and re-combination of its product line.
Therefore vivo such local manufacturers , their strategy is more akin to rural areas surrounding the city. A source said that these vendors are more concerned about high-level 2014 which market can generate revenue , so the concern for different markets and sells replacement cycle demand is much higher than other types of terminal manufacturers .

According to the latest market research report, it is currently only has about 126 million mobile gamers in the U.S. market , in 2016 this figure will rise to 144 million , which means every 10 smartphone users , there will be eight mobile gamers . Why mobile games become so popular ? One important reason is the low price.

Compared to PS, Xbox console or PC games more than the average price of 300 yuan , the most popular mobile games are often not more than 10 yuan , the other does not need to buy the disc , you can easily download from the Apple AppStore or Google Play .

However, even a smart phone into the "PC era" , there is still lack of mobile Feiteng H9500 games in the graphics , content and operation, then is it possible to replace the smartphone game it? Explore together .

Graphic effects : rising to shorten the gap

Obviously, graphics cards can provide, is crucial for the game , even if the gameplay works so high , we also hope that it has an excellent picture , especially for racing, adventure games , such as the type of realism speaking . Currently , the graphical performance of the top smart phones , has gone beyond the PS2 or Xbox, of course, this does not mean the game screen phones to be better, because , after all, is a professional game console devices, hardware optimization, and game developers huge investment , still mobile games can not be compared . In addition , the smaller screen size of smart phones , it also does not need crafted detail on the screen .

As a simple example , from a cable. And on a 32 -inch screen , "Asphalt 8" racing has been somewhat vague , "death trigger " is performing better , almost comparable to the low-cost game FPS games. But generally speaking , the majority of mobile games in the big screen output , there is a certain visual effect will decline , which is why OUYA this Android game compared PS4 or Xbox 360, such as children's toys are still the same .

Obviously , the answer is not a simple "yes" or "no" , at least for now, the greatest impact of smart phones is similar to the NDS handheld game consoles and PSV such ; while OUYA game on PS or Xbox video game series affect almost negligible .

In terms of performance , the recent advances in smart phone is indeed great 4 pulgadas Goophone P5 but also has the ability to transplant the old game console masterpiece , but in their own game resources, in addition to " Infinity Blade " for such a large , there is little work to get the media and users a lot of attention . So in the short term , the game console is still the preferred core game players in the living room , after all, they have invested ten million U.S. dollars for the production of large ; And with the rising performance of smartphones , it will become a mainstream gaming device outside the living room .

According to Taiwan media reported on December 25 , although the success of the 5.0 inch MYSAGA C2 Apple iPhone into the world's largest operator China Mobile 's sales territory , but faced with Chinese smart phone market in the fourth quarter sales growth slowed pressure , coupled with poor sales performance iPhone 5c , including millet , Oppo and other mobile phone brands flourished , and perhaps will not be able to bring more significant sales help.

Wedge Partners analyst at National Venture Capital Jun Zhang pointed out , 3G service subscribers in the third quarter this year, the Chinese market grew 1700-1800 million, an increase of only 1250-1300 million in the fourth quarter , two quarters of decline compared to about 26-28 % . As the growth in the proportion of 3G users with smart phone sales growth is positively related , so Jun Zhang believes Chinese smart phone at the number of sales growth in the fourth quarter fell about 25% over the previous quarter .

Although Apple recently announced that it will in January 17, 2014 and China Mobile selling iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, market estimates with China Mobile is currently the world's largest telecommunications companies, but also holds the majority ethnic group in the Chinese market using the Apple iPhone will be able to overall sales volume to improve again. But Jun Zhang believes iPhone 5c due to pricing policy is not in line with expectations, while the majority of users have been mostly buy iPhone 5s, plus contain millet , Oppo , such as more emphasis on cost-effective mobile phone brand flourished, may not be significant in the near future for Apple to bring advantage.

Currently ranked in the Chinese market concerns smart phone brand , Apple currently D06 de 4,3 pulgadas only ranked second , Samsung made ​​the first still , and contains millet , Oppo, Cool , Vivo and other Chinese brands are growing fast , but also because of emphasis on low-cost, high- hardware performance, thereby changing the Chinese wind market demand .

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