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100 Thing Challenge. This would be BEYOND a challenge for me. As I’m packing to move my daughter and I from a house of nearly 1,000 sq feet into a bedroom the size of my living room I am realizing that I think I own at least 100 things in my bathroom alone. Its insane. BUT, I KNOW I own more things that I really want to own, or need to own. While is nice to always be prepared - I’m tired of having to sort through millions of things knowing that “somewhere around here” I own that one tiny thing that you use maybe once in five years.

What things do I own that I probably don’t really need? 17 types of hair spray, gel, mousse, etc… I can understand needing 1 gel, 1 mousse, 1 hairspray. If I can’t do my hair with those things, then I can work with just a simple ponytail. Honestly, even though I own all of those things, I use them maybe once a month. If that.

If I pair down my bathroom to things I “need” I would have: Three towels, Shampoo, Conditioner, container of nail polish, nail polish remover. All the standard headache remedies (always around for other people, but I never take them – do I really need to keep them, or should I find a new home for them?) I have several different allergy medications I’ve had for a few years and never taken. I’m having a huge problem saying “get rid of it” because the moment I do….

Bedroom: Bed. Desk. Posters (‘cause they take up no space anyway). Battery charging center/batteries. Blankets – how many? I think right now I’m looking at a pile of at least 5 comforters. I’m pretty sure I’ve only purchased two of them. My ex-husband hated the first one within a week of me buying it, and I LOVED it and kept using it anyway. But now, I shared it with him – I don’t want it. Hmm, that was easier than I thought. I realize at this very second that I’m holding on to things in FEAR of the emotion that may arise when I attempt to release it. My dresser is a must. Clothes? I could easily keep only half of what I have now. More difficultly, probably just a quarter of what I have now. Shoes? HA! No. Those I must keep. All million pair of them.

Kitchen: Utensils that are used maybe once a year – gone. If I need them, I’m clever enough to use something else. Crappy appliances that are a pain in the ass to clean? Gone. I hate cleaning. I can make a grilled cheese on a pan instead of a sandwich maker just as easy. Eggs are what I use my sandwich maker for anyway – and this one is too small for that effectively.

Plates: I can see four as the max needed at any time until I’m happily married and can have people over for dinner (yeah, I’m laughing at that idea, too). Until then – Londyn and I are only two people. I’ll keep four in the event of possible guests, but the rest? GONE. Glasses? If it says “Guinness” or has a princess on it – it can survive.

Furniture? I don’t need couches. I spend too much time on them now anyway. Owning a couch will just be getting in my way of attempting to end up in law school [yeah, I know – odds are slim – but STILL. I WANNA TRY!!]. Bed. Dresser. End Table. Desk. Desk Chair (no point in a desk, if I can’t sit).

Books: Okay, so THIS is the ONE challenge I really face. I own a library worth of books. BECAUSE I WANT TO HAVE A LIBRARY SOMEDAY. However, thinking about it. I don’t have time to read right now. If I want to read a new book, I’m actually buying it read to me on audible.com. I loathe reading hard copies on computers or cell phone… but maybe I can learn to like it. Until then, I’m moving my books all into storage if I don’t “need” them. Books on topics I really appreciate [physics, law, LSAT, politics, math] I will keep. My “favorite” books that I think Londyn may appreciate reading someday, I’ll keep as well [Watership Down, Juniper, Wise Child]. But everything else, I’m going to Craigslist/Free Cycle/Donate. Books I’ve had since I’ve learned how to read… I’m hoping I don’t regret getting rid of my library. Inside I’m already crying at the very thought of not having the library I want… My ebook wish list can be read here: [ http://amzn.com/w/2E3UJFXSHBEML ]

Do I really need anything more than that other than food? Likely not. Can I get rid of all that extra stuff? No, but I’m certainly on my way to being closer to that list. Maybe I’ll start with under 1,000 things.

Do you live with way too much stuff? How do you cope? How does it work – do you find that it crushes your life because you spend so much time searching for things? Or where to put things? Or trying to figure out how to move through all your things?

On the other side - do you live with not enough stuff? Do you find yourself always in want of something else, but not the time/resources to get it?

I really could use some advice and thoughts. Tell me how you live.

The Farther I Go

I wrote this December of 2005. 


I’m sitting just inside the center of the universe 
Might as well be another black hearse 
Hands reach out to touch the nearest thing 
Streched clear out into the unseen 

Can see you with my eyes feel you with my soul 
The closer you come to me the farther I go 
Can see you with my eyes feel you with my soul 
The closer you come to me the farther I go 

I spend my time all alone in the dark 
Closer to the world yet farther apart 
My heart yearns to be one with the earth 
But I’ve been separate from everything since the day of my birth 

Lonliness consumes my heart 
The harder I look the more it gets dark 
I search within my self hoping to see 
all I can find is an emptier version of me 

I can see you with my eyes I can feel you with my soul 
The closer I come to me the farther you go 
I can see you with my eyes I can feel you with my soul 
The closer you come to me the farther I go. 

You reach out your hand to touch 
I am just not into feeling that much 
I try to sit still try not to loose control 
I can’t let the world grab ahold. 

I’m sitting just inside the center of the universe 
Might as well be another black hearse 
Hands reach out to touch the nearest thing 
Streched clear out into the unseen 

Can see you with my eyes feel you with my soul 
The closer you come to me the farther I go 
Can see you with my eyes feel you with my soul 
The closer you come to me the farther I go 

I spend my time all alone in the dark 
Closer to the world yet farther apart 
My heart yearns to be one with the earth 
But I’ve been separate from everything since the day of my birth 

Lonliness consumes my heart 
The harder I look the more it gets dark 
I search within my self hoping to see 
all I can find is an emptier version of me 

I can see you with my eyes I can feel you with my soul 
The closer I come to me the farther you go 
I can see you with my eyes I can feel you with my soul 
The closer you come to me the farther I go. 

You reach out your hand to touch 
I am just not into feeling that much 
I try to sit still try not to loose control 
I can’t let the world grab ahold. 


A Facebook friend posted a link. She wrote: "Palin Alert!" and then copied this link: http://act.credoaction.com/campaign/stand_up_for_npr/?rc=fb_share4

Followed by "Republican leadership in Congress already forced one vote on a measure to defund NPR. When they come back with a majority in January, they'll be looking to finish the job. We can't let Sarah Palin and the right wing bully Democrats into selling out such an important part of our media landscape."

Well, I'm a hardcore Sarah fan [Glenn Beck, too]. As such, my reply to the post was ".... what had NPR done for us?

Go Sarah! Take 'em out!!" -- I was trying to rattle some nerves and encourage an educationally valuable debate. 

The Facebook friend replied, proving my thought that she had no idea what she was talking about, with: "What has Sarah done for NPR and our world??? Killed wolves hunted from helicopters offering $150 a forelimb...Seems she's not the only one on a power trip...you should be ashamed Eternity, check out the current headlines from the news sometime will ya?"

I've discovered that more often than not, those who are so against Palin and the "Right-Wing Agenda" have no knowledge base at all about why they are against something. They spout off random material they've given no long term thought to, and spend the other half of the time throwing out un-witty accusations. 

In response, I simply wrote:

"I live and breath news and politics, my lady. What should Sarah do for NPR?! Why on Earth should WE pay for something that is inferior? News organizations should be funded by the people, but we should vote with our dollars in that respect, NOT by having our government pay for it. If its really that important to you (not you specifically, but you as an American whole) and you really want them to exist still -- donate. 

As for Sarah, she's done more than kill animals [which was done to INCREASE wildlife populations]. As a conservative, I fully believe that the government should be by the people, and for the people -- and should have as little to do with our lives as humanly possible. The more we let them take, the less we have in the way of freedom. The Constitution is our system of laws boiled down to the most simple of concepts. Palin has worked very hard to cut Federal Waste Spending -- there are SO many things our taxes pay for, that don't need to be paid for.

In all reality though, what power does Sarah have? Very little at the moment. She can stand up, boldly state her beliefs and convictions -- which she proudly demonstrates her knowledge of. I believe that Sarah is an honest woman who has incredible morals, and values. NPR shouldn't be taken down - they have every right to free speech - but free speech shouldn't be so expensive."

I can't wait to read her reply. If there is one.

---- WARNING; I posted this on Facebook... and then just kept commenting to myself. Its odd. Enjoy. If you can. ---------------
ORIGINAL POST: "Didn't get to bed until 3:30 last night -- lets see what happens tonight."
Couldn't sleep. Tried. . . laid there forever. Then woke up at 7. . . 
I feel *WIDE AWAKE* now. 
"Maybe I like eatin' shit like Tylenol PM's cuz 5 or 6 will get you high....
AIN'T YO BIDNESS, Don't get slapped! 
LESS YOU WANT YO, Face Slapped Too! "
I finished my book. I learned a lot, but mostly had ideas validated. This causes some concern for me. Thoughts I had that were shut down by Dave C when I dated him.... validated. I was right. Bwaha! 
Then again, he always said I wasn't as smart as him [enough to go to school to study Computer Science, which is what I wanted at the time] we both took the same IQ test. Started 5 min after him, finished 5 minutes earlier... scored 10 points higher. Of course, in his mind, that was just a fluke [which occurred a lot]
Brain is going a million miles an hour. . . I should write to tire it. As opposed to what I'm doing now. Or something. 
Can you believe the only sugar/caffeine I had today was two sips of Soda. Crazy. Still also the only food I've had today, too. Should fix that so I can ride in tomorrow.
Not enough room here to ramble about nothin'.
r me right now. I'm the happy me I was pre-Dave. Great News. 
Eternity shall live on... Forever!
Profound. I know. I do my best. 
My real question now is... why the hell are you reading this still? If I weren't writing it, I'd have left right around the part that said I didn't get to bed until 3:30. Kinda a boring post. This is why I had to dazzle it up some. If you're still reading you have to be a least a little entertained. 
Should I keep going? I think I'm going to just finish it here. Mostly because note writing will turn to Quantum-Theory meets Political. Oh, nearly lost you there. Sorry. If I *really* wanted you to leave I'd just say the magical words...
You know its coming right? And I don't mean "Plugh" or "xyzzy". 
[I'll wait while you go Google that because I'm 99% sure you have no idea WHY I mentioned those are magical words].
"You are in a twisty maze of passageways, all alike..." Wait, where was I? I'm totally lost. Oh yes, trying to get you to stop reading. Glenn Beck.
See. You stopped. Right there you did. Now I'm just writing to myself [though I'm quite sure I am anyway]. The mere mention of his name sends people running and screaming in terror. Usually people who have never heard much about him other than that he is Satan. Don't care. He's funny. And I don't mean funny like me, I mean ACTUALLY funny. 
Would love to meet him someday, but I'd just stare at him dumb-founded [uh, no Wade -- NOT because I found Dumb], purely in fear. You know, my fear of people is partially due to my odd sense of humor. I mean... who the fuck references a game from the 70s as humor? Pretty much just me. Then I have to explain it... then its just not funny anymore. Sometimes I wish the world would smarten up and pay attention. AND since you were too lazy to Google [yes, i can read minds], pick up your Android phone [seriously, you have it at your fingertips and you couldn't Google? Lazy.] and search the market for a game called "Colossal Cave". 
One of my favorites. There are no pictures. I'm boring. Deal. I really CAN stare at the Game of Life play for awhile. No, I don't mean Hasbro. Those of you who haven't had computers since they came into existence, do yourself a favor -- leave now.
Ok. Have you left yet? No? Ok, well don't say I didn't warn you. Here -- http://conwayslife.com/
Go play the game of life. I could never quite figure it out when it was on my computer as a kid [keep in mind, I was probably... 8]. Now that I've read the rules it makes sense.
I won't spoil the fun for you. The Wiki, however is good read if you like being smart.
BUT... you're still here, so you likely aren't interested in being smart so much as being entertained. Or, perhaps having the chance to peer into my brain and see what makes me tick. I don't let many people in there, so if you happen to stumble across this... I'm truly sorry. </ Geek> 
No! I don't mean end all geeks. Just my geek moment. Sheesh. [and people who haven't spent any time at all peering deep under the skirt of the Internet are once again lost. Go figure. Look, I'm tired of helping catch you up. Google. All I'm sayin.
On to a new topic! You know, the music died in 1959 [and the funny in this rambling died at 11:20] -- but music still manages to live on. And people think ICPs lyrics are ridiculous. Then again, nothing tops the Beatles for ridiculousity in a song. 
"I am the Walrus?" What the bloody hell?! And, lets not forget that violence is music is a bad thing... but Happiness is a Warm Gun. While I can't at all disagree with that theory, I can disagree with peoples out look on violence in music. 
I will tell you EXACTLY why music of the clowns causes me so much joy. But, first -- a little homework. Get out your paper and pencil.
Write the name of that bully in high school you hated. Yeah, I know -- even just thinking about their name and seeing it written down has you fuming slightly. Hopefully the paper has fire retardant. Now, if you've made peace with this bully, pick another. 
Remember exactly what they did to you. As painful as it is. Now, pick out a weapon -- something that would hurt. Like a sharpened candy cane. What? What do you mean a candy cane isn't a weapon? You've got to be kidding. Well, then your sucking skills are vastly deficient compared to mine, or you have no imagination. In which case... why are you still reading this?!
Ok, I picked candy cane, which I think is clearly the 1st tool used for tongue piercings. Now, we write what we'd like to have done to the person with the candy cane. You write about your weapon... I'd do it for you, but my mind reading skills aren't THAT great. Actually... this lesson is going to be lost on you. I'm going to scrap it. We don't need to dive into just HOW morbid I can be. For somebody who has NEVER seen any horror movies, aside from the 1st Saw, I can get pretty graphic about seeing blood seep from an open flesh wound. 
Standing right beside you, I grab my candy cane.
jab it through your eye socket until i see your brain... 
Ok, I said I was going to scrap it. Morbid? That was only slightly. But add a bouncy song behind it with the pure pleasure of payback, revenge and getting even and all the anger towards the person disappears. "Something, tells me, I should... Kill you" ... Man, nothing is happier than those lyrics.  [*please note: this method does NOT work for everybody. For those who might ACTUALLY be insane, try just "moving on and forgetting". I'd be worried you'd discover your lyrics as instructions]. 
Anyway, all it took was writing out your anger on paper. ... and you too can be a grown adult in face paint, pandering kids to purchase your CDs and clothing. Oh, I see. THAT you laugh at. 
*runs to wash off her facepaint* 
I'm just writing this on the fly -- which... even you should have noticed by now. [uh, before you think i'm writing to only you, you're actually not that special this time -- this is a "free for all to see" post. The ones where I talk dirty -- THOSE are just for you. When I get around to writing them. Maybe. 
Well, I think I'm done now, and the Wii is feeling neglected, and with all this talk about bad lyrics, Beatles' RockBand calls. 
Look, you know you didn't want me to continue, because then you'd have to read it. You're only reading now because you couldn't stop before. Like the overly-used traffic accident analogy. Terrible, but you had to see the carnage. Hopefully you're not an English teacher, because this would be causing you tremendous pain. I punctuate based on my inflection and pauses in speech pattern. If you've heard me speak... this is how I sound. 
But faster. And, higher pitched. And, in Arial Narrow. Don't you laugh at the Narrow. I'm not Arial Black anymore. I'll settle for Arial. 
On that note, I bid you all... well, myself... goodnight. 
Yeah, I'll be making this a note. This will be something I'll want to read in a year, laugh hysterically at and think to myself "Hopefully nobody read that...". Not because its not funny, but because is purely embarrassing [because its not funny].  
If Danni were reading this and still worked with me... I'd find a sticky note on my monitor that read "I am the Walrus" in the morning. 
God, I hope nobody made it this far.

Juggalo Rising.

I'm a Juggalo. We're all very different. The most noticeable Juggalos are the kids on Railroad [you will never catch me there]. We are essentially followers of the Insane Clown Posse and the music groups contained within Psychopathic Records [Twiztid, Dark Lotus, Blaze].


Being a Juggalo is slightly different to each one of us; unfortunately there are a lot of "kids" that haven't quite figured it out and think its about running their lives into the ground on purpose. In reality, its recognizing strength within and rising above against all odds -- like a beautiful Lotus flower emerging perfect from the deep, dark mud.

The hardest part about being a Juggalo sometimes is being judged based on the worst acts of the worst members. It would be like judging all of humanity based on the actions of a few small terrorists, or judging all Catholics as child molesters based on the actions of a few pathetic leaders.

Not Toys.

It was a regular occurrence. Dad would bring out his guns to clean, and the smell of Hoppes solvent would burn my nose, and sting my eyes -- a smell and feel that do this day brings me incredible emotional comfort with a slight nausea. With a John Wayne movie in the VCR, and me watching with a wide-eyed curiosity only a child can muster, we’d carry on our weekly tradition.

He promised to take me shooting for the first time as a small girl when I was just five years old. I had enjoyed watching John Wayne movies and learned out to aim. It was a large gun, and very heavy for such a tiny child. I needed both hands just to hold it up, even with his help. Watching “The Cowboys” he’d sit behind me and help me aim at the TV . I’d desperately try to use the little strength I had to pull back the hammer, but I don’t think I was able to for several years. One the gun was “loaded”, I would carefully line up the open sights of his .44 caliber revolver with the bright orange on the front sight carefully over Bruce Derns body. Watching Bruce’s character beat Wil Andersen to his eventual death I would pull the trigger, doing my very best to change the end of the movie. ‘John Wayne is my hero! He cannot die! I’ll protect you!’

Squeezing the trigger so hard in an attempt to rescue the man I loved so fondly, my dad would still have help me pull the trigger. The sharp sound of the hammer falling in an attempt to spark a shot was a sharp sound that echoed loudly in our small living room. Over and over, try as I might, the long haired man still spoiled the magic I found in the movie. My dad would gently correct my aiming errors over time, and my imaginary shots at the television grew more and more accurate as I learned to hold the weapon myself. Finally dad decided it was time to show me the true power the gun possessed.

We dressed Alex and Ashley up to come with us. Since they were smaller than me, they got to wear some of my old hand-me-down clothes. Ashley was dressed up in a cute little green dress, and Alex wore my older brothers blue plaid button up. I dressed myself in jeans and a t-shirt and pulled a hoodie over my head. We all got packed into the truck and went for a long drive. Bumping over the road I could see Mt Baker growing larger as we got closer. Eventually we were too close to see it and we continued down the highway. At a small corner store we stopped to grab a few cans of soda since it was a bright, hot Washington summer day. It was the little things like this that made our time together a memorable adventure.

Buckling back up in my booster seat we continued until we hit a gravel road. I’d thought it was bumpy before, but now it was just plain fun! Potholes sent us every which way as we climbed up the narrow dusty road winding its way through the trees. After some time we met something of a clearing. It was a small gravel pit, there was nothing else around but the still of the forest and a soft breeze. Dad got out of the truck, opened the back and placed Alex and Ashley on a nearby boulder to sit and wait. Coming around to my side of the truck he reached in to unbuckle me and set me gently on the ground and then reached behind the seat and pulled out a briefcase. Setting the briefcase down on the tailgate he opened it up and inside of the briefcase were headphones and ear plugs so our ears were protected as he shot.

To give me a clear view he picked me up and placed me on the tailgate of the blue pick-up, legs hanging over the side. He reached his right hand to the holster where he’d been carrying his gun and pulled it out. It had been unloaded, so he slid open the cylinder and carefully placed just two cartridges in to the weapon. Closing up the gun he spun the cylinder a few times and we laughed at the noise. He placed the headphones over my ears and he asked me if I was ready. I nodded gently in both fear and excitement. I’d never seen a REAL gun shot before! I knew it was going to be loud, but I was not entirely prepared for what would happen next. He carefully turned and aimed at his target.

The shot rang out and in a horrifyingly fast sequence of events I saw Ashley sit expressionless as her chest ripped open sending a bright red liquid glimmering through the sky and splattering quickly to the ground. Before it landed on the ground another shot was fired and this time Alex was hit and it felt like slow motion as I saw his body explode sending more of the thick red up into the sky. The gravel pit was eerily silent as I removed my headphones to take in the damage. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Where Alex and Ashley once sat, with a happy smile on their faces, was now just a pile of mess. Bits of shredded anti-freeze containers that had been filled with red jello were laying mangled all around. My dad turned to me and calmly spoke “And now you know why guns are not toys”.

[this is a response to a specific person]


The Bible does not know all. It knows a lot, and its great for basic moral principle, but it does not know all. Being gay isn't a fad by any means -- there are some that go through an experimental 'trying to find myself' phase, but its really about getting down to the core of being male or female. What really ARE the differences between males and females? Very very little. If Men and Women are created equal, then M=1 and W=1; in which case M+M=2; M+W=2; and W+W=2. Where's the problem? You don't have to understand it for yourself. You likely never will because you are straight. . . but then again, can you honestly tell me you've *NEVER* felt any attraction towards another woman? Even when slightly tipsy? We have so little time in our lives to live, is it really worth being so vocal and causing so much pain for other people?

This link is to an article I found regarding Kurk Kirby of Vancouver, Washington. Kirby was at a strip-mall and had the police called on him for "". This is for Case Number 91647 out of Clark County. Kirby has scheduled appearances on 9/28/10 and 10/01/10.  

In Washington State we have an entire section of the RCW  dedicated to weapons. RCW 9.41.050 is entirely regarding the carrying of firearms, and the only type of firearm it discusses is those which are concealed. In this case there is nothing that was done wrong that violates any section of this code as his weapon was out in the open. 

The portion of code in question here is RCW 9.41.270 regarding "Weapons apparently capable of producing bodily harm - Unlawful carrying or handling - Penalty - Exceptions" and states that "(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to carry, exhibit, display, or draw any firearm, dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club, or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons." 

What warrants alarm for the safety of another person? In todays society we are tremendously lacking in both knowledge and experience with weaponry. For many people seeing a firearm out in the open brings about the same paranoia as discovering that you have a Hobo Spider living behind your toilet and their first instinct is to make a mad dash to any direction the spider is not -- and then to call somebody to exterminate the threat.  

While the witnesses mentioned in this article who also hold a concealed weapons permit do at least have some crediblity when it comes to being around firearms, there is seemingly no evidence that on this day Kirby was breaking any laws or indicating any intent to intimidate or cause harm.  

The article makes it seem that Kirby was exhibiting some off behavior; however, on FOX12 out of Oregon an article on the topic speaks to an employee of the tanning salon he was walking out just before being contacted by police and she felt he was no threat at all - indicating that Kirby was likely of sound mind [ http://www.kptv.com/news/2 2946917/detail.html].  

Since I obviously am lacking any substantial information on this case, given what I have found, the prosecution would need to show beyond reasonable doubt that any alarm citizens had was warranted, and I do not feel in this circumstance it was. 

I wrote a Random Rant and Got a Reply that made my day.

I grew up a Republican. When I was in high school, that was more about being sure everybody knew about my stance on firearms. Since it was my hobby to go shooting regularly, I needed those rights protected. 

After I moved out of my fathers house and started attending the local community college I began to realize that choosing how I viewed myself politically based on one thing was wrong. Especially since I leaned more towards the Democrat side of things on several other points. I'm pro-choice, but feel if you're "pro-life" enough to decide that I can't have an abortion, you better be first in line to adopt my kid. I'm also pro-marriage for ANY two people over 18 because it has NO negative effect on me. In fact, its none of my business who you fall in love and want to spend the rest of your life with. 

As such, I did switch over to calling myself a Democrat. I've since seen the light and have realize that we're all too brain-washed about fighting with each other to understand that if we stopped fighting about ridiculous things and all stood up and took care of ourselves rather than worry about what somebody else was doing America would be well on its way to being the Greatest Nation on Earth.

I learned today for the first time what "dissent" was. Not the idea, the idea I've almost always understood, but rather the term as more of a movement. One I'm hoping starts to grow larger in America. 

"We the People" signs are posted all over the place. Eventually I plan on having a "We the People"/"Don't Tread On Me"/"1776" tattoo on my chest over a waving flag -- thats how strongly I believe the citizens need to step up and regain control. The population is riddled with those who would rather sit back and blame whats happening on other people, but if you don't vote, if you don't make your voice heard... nobody will listen.

Health Care: NO! It is NOT a RIGHT for you to sit at home on your ass and expect the government and the rich to pay for you're lap-band. I grew up knowing that we live in a society based largely on a system that looks nearly identical to a pyramid scheme. We've all seen them. Don't tell me you haven't been to an Amway meeting. Its really simple. You get a job at the bottom. Its hard work, the pay is shitty, and there are no benefits. Over time, you gain knowledge, experience, and hopefully you find it within yourself to hold yourself accountable to step up and move to the next rung in the company. A little better pay, probably not the best of benefits, but a little dental is better than none. . . and at least now you can take a few classes here and there to work towards that degree.

You get your degree and have now got enough work experience under your belt that you finally qualify for that big promotion. . . or can finally get your "dream job". You're finally at a point where you're making enough to finally call it income, and you have a job that has health benefits. Doesn't it feel great to have EARNED that? 

Much better than sitting at home living an unfulfilled life.

I know I would feel better if you did that -- I am currently at stage two. I make an okay wage with full benefits, but it took me 6 years to get here -- and I'm not even close to where I want to be. 

If you have an opinion, voice it - but do so in an intelligent fashion. There is no reason to point fingers or raise anger at a specific person. Bring up your opinions and discuss it as an adult. Don't tell me that you have a grandma who can't afford health care so the rest of us should pay for her. Yes, its a sad story... and yes, as Americans we should help each other... but there is a difference between helping and doing everything for.

----------- A reply I got from a 64 year old woman: ------------
Hello, Grace -- one sharp lady, I must say to start out with...
A day or two ago you posted a comment on one of my blogs. I checked out your profile--and, honey, sorry, but I got the hell out of there as fast as possible because of those lip piecings. Kinda turned my stomach....
Then I read your blog here...and I have to tell you I'm very impressed. I am, as far as your generation is concerned, "an old woman..." My first impression of you was tainted by stereotypes for sure. All those body/lip piercings I can't look at without getting nauseated... all of that for me, in stereoptype, equals "kid is stupid, not worth my time."
But....As I've indicated...this blog of yours...so very smart. So very intelligent. And so very brave for its absolute honesty. I'd have to read it over several times to know if I agree with everything you said or not, or somewhat.... But I can say this: I'm so very pleased to see a young woman your age THINKING INDEPENDANTLY so much.... If you keep posting such intelligent, thoughtful blogs, with no effort whatsoever to sugar-coat your thoughts....just you...no games...no tricky, charm-filled manipulations....Little girl, I promise I will do my best to get over my intense bias about what I still consider to be very ugly body piercings, and look at your every word with objectivity.
One funny thing, Grace, [funny peculiar, not funny haha]. I've noticed in the last few years that the "kids" I run into who exhibit the strangest, most bizarre body piercings and hairdos and attire often turn out to be the "kids" with the most positively creative ideas on their minds for how life should be lived. So...I want to publically apologize to you for first judging you by your lip piercings [which, I confess, I'm still having a lot of trouble looking at without feeling weak in the knees....]. Next, I hope you will continue to post your thoughts here on MM because your singular "take on life" is a sheer delight for this "old lady." I look at you, your independent spirit, your courage in putting out there exactly who you are with no games...and I am delighted to see you...a young woman so very much more courageous and clear-headed, determined to be you, than I was at your age. Hell, at your age, I had absolutely NO idea who I was or what I stood for or what I wanted or what I believed in....
God bless you, child. Like the song says, a song by, I think, Eva Cassidy, sung by many over the years, made famous again in the 60's [or was it the 70's] by Blood, Sweat & Tears: think the title is "The Child That's Got It's Own." [Liza Manelli did a great rendition of it, too.]
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