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eeEeelicious's blog: ".::E::."

created on 12/11/2008  |  http://fubar.com/e/b264895

My Collection of FuObservations and FuKnowledge

Tip of the Day: Never miss a good chance to Shut Up!!!... 

Moving on....
With regards to fubar.com..... (( i hv been here Over 2 yrs))

The Following are things I have noticed and My own opinions about what takes place here.... Thank U For Reading this in it's entirety. I appreciate your interest....

OMG!!! some of u really need to Get a life. To the point where i feel sorry for u....seriously tho, This site, like any other, is a great time killer, especially if you're an insomniac. But its not reality. Don't get caught up in the drama, or mistake it for real life. 
Please read on.....

First Off... friend requests from chics......... Look, with all due respect, I don't usually trust most. Why? Because I am smart enuff to know MOST are hateful and jealous over a chic like me unless they are cool enuff to get to know me (which most are not) and are usually just here looking for men on my page or trying to check up on someone..or possibly Trying to hate on me or cause drama where none exists.... 
I also know, as a chic, that I don't ever go to another chic's page on purpose unless I know them or they've rated me & I am returning the favor. I have no desire to look at pictures of women. So the truth is, in most cases, I will not add you. If you rated my profile, that's cool. I appreciate it & I will do my best to return the sentiment. Plz don't take it personal if I don't .... having said that, In the event, u do decide to send me a friend request.....All i ask is that, if i add you, you Be Courteous and Respectful (I always am).......or Fuck Off! Those are your only 2 options and i don't tolerate any kind of Ridiculous behavior at all.... I see no point in being or acting immature or ridiculous online or otherwise...and I will go to all lengths to avoid u if u do... Be true or Be gone...

Salutes to Fubar: MAKE ONE! It's not that hard to do... Read my blog here for more info on it.... If you don't have time to do that....I more than likely don't have time to accept your Friend Request...Fact is, If i can make one....So can you....

Lounges and Lounge Invites: I am a member of a very select few......  I have met a handful of ppl in the lounges i have been a member of that I am actually still friends with...Most of the others end up acting like idiots or douchebags or trying to drag me in to ridiculous drama here and I delete them bcuz i just don't tolerate the bullshit....That being said, Plz DO NOT fuckin' spam me with ur Lounge Invites in my inbox or on my Profile comments.....If I want to frequent a lounge...I will.........If you spam me I will delete ur comment and maybe even u.

I learned to DJ here (thanks to 'Tags')...Managed DJs here....I, more or less, know all about the way a lounge works (or should work).... and Quite Frankly, most of them here leave something to b desired... If i go in to a real bar to listen to a live DJ or music... I am not greeted by a bunch of hateful ppl who would just as soon humiliate me as speak to me, or a bunch of Sluts and Man whores taking their clothes off for every1....and if i were... I would get the fuck out of there never to return.....there is no difference when walking in to an online bar...  Some of you that frequent lounges or have a fave, should really check yourself. If you are staff in a lounge, Be Professional about ur job, whether u r paid or not... Your character shines thru EVERY action u take, online or otherwise.....That should be really important to u...You never know what is going on with a person...or When u may be able to make a huge difference in some small way........

..Rating/Chatting:....I try to fan and rate everyone's profile, when i can, if i see u on when i am... Or if u r loving me up... I realize it helps on this site. And i would like it if u would at least do the same back for me...But I do not expect you to have to rate every single one of my pictures. It really doesn't matter.!!! and i am truly serious about that!!! it is not a must...I mean, can u imagine? i hv 600 something pics here...lol... 

I chat on occasion with ppl I KNOW...Normal every day chat...I am not here to perv out on any1..If you are a fake or a person that likes to use others...Plz do me a favor and go play with a Mack Truck in the center of the highway...kthx... I do not necessarily luv the Shoutbox feature here and hv disabled it several times in the past only to hear my friends here complain about not being able to chat me up......so..i say... Plz Do NOT friend Request me then expect I am going to hv Chat Sex with u or something... I am a classy chic...Very well educated...with a salary higher than 90% of the ppl here ... Just bcuz i hv Tattoos, use the F Word, and like Heavy Metal music doesn't immediately make me ur personal Online Slut or Cock Tease.... Not only do i get very insulted by this...but I also feel sorry for the lack of intelligence of the person treating me (or any women) in such a way... No wonder you are lonely.... 

And YES...I do have a yahoo IM.....am i going to give it to you when u ask me for it 5 mins in to a pitiful excuse for a conversation? Not no..but fuck no.... If ur the idiot that does this.... Gawd ur a Douche!...but u prolly aren't that guy cuz i am pretty sure they rnt reading ppls blogs....lol...Especially not mine cuz hopefully i deleted and blocked them already.... :)

To all My Friends and Family here on Fubar... I try my best to always return all luv. I'm definitely not perfect tho, and certainly do not hv time to sit here, all day, every day, like some do.....so, if i've missed you. I apologize! send me a hey note if its real important to u n i will come visit ur sfw pics when i get the chance...

...I know i may sound repetitive....but....If it wasn't important I wouldnt continue to say it....and that is......Plz remind urself every once in a while that this is NOT reality ((even tho u may end up making a few life long friends)) u should always try to b realistic with urself and what u r trying to get out of this site...if ur answer is anything more than fun or friends... u should probably seek therapy for Ur mind and soul...That being said......just because I send you a comment or a gift, or anything really...if i flirt with u a little....If im in any way nice or cordial to u at all....it does not automatically mean I'm trying to fuck you. U can rest assured, If I wanted to? I would be the very First one to tell you... I hv never had a problem expressing what i want or my feelings.

I'm just here to correspond with interesting , down to earth, cool people. 

PORN/NSFW: Just a word on this bcuz i hv noticed how 'important' the ppl who have dirty pics up here apparently are to this site , as they appear in the Top 10 daily.....

I don't give a SHIT about ur 'nsfw' pics or how hot you think you are...period... there is always hotter, so get over yourself! I am no troll...but I'm not trying to sell myself or my pics to some poor unsuspecting man...or woman...that is just lonely and wants some sort of a companion.. for Some Fucking Bling.... u hv really got to grasp some reality if u are a person that does this....  Dudes do this too...Not just talking about the chics here that do this...
I've had and seen my fair share of incredibly gorgeous men..... I'm not above admiring a gorgeous man. I'll be the first to compliment you , if u r a gr8 looking guy, but beauty is only skin deep! I'm not buying you a blast or sending Fu bucks, or Bling, or anything else just to see your pictures or because your hot..LOL Get a Fuckin' job! Or better yet, YOU buy ME a blast or some bling to come and look at them....lmao

Unecessary Douchebag-edness:  if u hv somehow decided u dont like me...just delete me..Dont hang out on my pg so u can spam me and b a jerkoff.....Life will go on....and i will be just fine...promise...U can't plz every1.....and i hv never been much of one to try......I am me...take it or leave it.....

....I THINK IT'S RIDICULOUS WHEN YOU HAVE A PICTURE THAT ISN"T YOU AS YOUR PROFILE PIC.....get real...  Or one with you and Your kid... Or Your baby... That type of thing, imho, is highly irresponsible as a parent... There are Child predators everywhere... This is an ADULT site you weirdo... Geez! Creeps me out totally.... 

...DANGER Will Robinson:....Be very careful who you talk to here...and what types of things u share about urself and ur actual life.... Chances are you are talking to a person who you would never even consider speaking to in real life.((or maybe they wouldnt consider speaking to u)) Either way... You don't know them.  Just because you spent time chatting with them on the phone, yahoo messenger, or webcam, doesn't mean u have constituted a relationship. Maybe the fact that u think it does is the problem.....In the right psycho's mind, this can b a very dangerous thing....I am talking to women and men alike..... Psychosis doesn't discriminate....Just about any1...Man or woman....Can b a certifiable nut case.....so....BEWARE!!!

...Mind The Gap:...On a site like this, which I would venture to say, and hopefully u may agree, is an adult site.  a virtual bar.....It is quite necessary, in my opinion, to Keep your private life... (((PRIVATE)))...especially if u hv young kids....maybe even hv a private folder for personal pictures...if u just cant help but share...that way you can at least screen who can see your private photos or anything else the general public should not see, including all 18 of ur children...or 17 cats...or whatever...I'm sure u get my drift....but just in case u dont...plz dont msg me for an explanation.... :)

..FU-LOVE is for the FuRidiculous:...Regarding Internet love((fuLove/fuEngagements/FuWedding Proposals))-this applies to some more than others here.. hahahahaaa.... ok..see.....I understand, it is very nice to feel like you've connected with a certain individual, I really do...but come on...lol.....Firstly,  You can bet your ass if they're into you, they're into others too. I can't stress this enough. This is the internet!!!! Where fantasy gets mistaken for reality most of the time.  take it for what it is, and know what it isn't!   And when you're feeling total devastation because your internet love is loving someone else or many other ppl, as the case very well might be, just Smile, And know that the fact of the matter is, its not unlike a bad dream that you wake up from and realize "Thank God" it was only a dream. Life goes on......

Now get back to reality...Your bills, job, kids,family, life...u know...The REAL world....all of that is waiting for u!!!  And b4 i step off my fuSoapbox....I leave u with this.....

Be proactive, Not reactive in all things....take responsibility for all of ur own actions.....Participate in ur life....U can control ur own future...

Take care! Visit me Often!!! Mad FuLove to My Peeps..... <3s n Junk, E

Choosing a letter to write about is always interesting since I have 26 options to choose from - but this one was easy - it is one of the most frequently used letters in the whole lot. And it is a personal favorite, so here's the scoop.

The percentage of names containing this letter is fairly high, so chances are good that you have one in your name or know someone who does. Obviously, the more Es in a name, the more E energy that person or thing will contain and emit.

The placement of the E (or any letter) within your name is important as well. If it falls in your first name, it will be part of your 'public' persona: the social aspect of your personality. If it falls in your middle name, this will comment on the 'secret' you: the true you, if you like. If it falls in your last name, it will refer to your domestic, or family history and is of the least import as it pertains to the male hierarchy that you joined, either by being born into it or by joining it through marriage. However, it is still looked at, as energies and experiences are certainly passed on while under any name energy influence.

The letter E is pure, unadulterated energy and is the only letter of its kind. Its presence transforms a mere interest into eager enthusiasm, a quiet balance to excessive extremes, a kind generosity to exorbitant extravagance and bad behaviour to plain old evil. Think of Einstein and his theory of relativity: E=Mc2, then take that thought further until you reach the atomic bomb. The structure of the E stretches into the future and yearns for advancement: the top arm is the brain or mouth or both, the middle arm is, quite literally, the arm and heart and soul and the lower arm is actually a leg and represents moving forward. In short, the E exaggerates and energizes.

The E's numerical ruler is the 5, which is governed by the desire and need for freedom, change, independence, challenge, communication and sensory satisfaction. This combination sets the stage for some rather electric energy, does it not? Yikes!

The more E energies in a name, the more likely that the holder will be drawn to unusual elements, attracted to extremes and unusually exposed when it comes to the vulnerability of their senses. Having said that, the E loves beauty, whether it be found in a painting, a silk sheet, the sound of a wind chime or the arrangement on a dinner plate. The unrestrained and multiple E can easily become overwhelmed by its own search for excitement or for an explanation of existence and can fall victim to the imagined escape offered through alcohol, drugs or any substance or action that alters, or takes them away from cold, hard reality. The E can just as readily become a workaholic as an alcoholic.

As indicated by the extension of the upper arm, the E is a progressive thinker and a great communicator and as such, makes a skilled orator, writer, singer or anything having to do with expression. The E does not hold onto the past, or bear grudges...it reaches for the new and untried, the odd and the mysterious and the next experience around the next corner. The E may require editing at times; it tends to speak without forethought and act without consideration of consequences: in short, it can be impulsive.

The middle arm tells of a heart that is dedicated and true. If an E commits, it commits completely. The trick is to get the E to commit in the first place! But due to its expansive nature, the E is very attractive to others and when in social settings, is lively, friendly, charming, creative, enthusiastic, adaptable and entertaining. In private, however, the E is endlessly curious and this can lead to unstable relationships, jobs, homes and lifestyles...the E can change focus in a heartbeat: it does not respond well to situations or relationships that are based in routine or rigidity. Trying to control or dominate an E is like trying to hold water: it is a losing proposition, for this energy does not take kindly to force or cages. It is, at all times, its own boss.

The lower arm, or leg, propels the E forward. This is what will bring about all manner of movement, from travelling to domestic changes to taking chances or running away. There is an eagerness to 'get moving', to get where one is going, to achieve, to attain. So despite the tendency of the E to change almost everything in their lives from time to time, paradoxically, this progressive aspect is one that can actually bring success and even fame to one with a preponderance of this energy in their name. The legs keep moving forward, they persevere...and if the E has an interest that is embedded deep in the heart and brain, nothing will stop if from emerging.

I also feel the need to point out that because the essence of the E is so open, it is very affectionate, tactile, whimsical, loving and sensually oriented. I suppose it goes without saying that the E is also a potentially exciting intimate partner. But since I did say it...the E puts the erotic and exotic into sEx.

Not boring, the E! (As an example of the E energy exemplified, remember Elvis? Or Elvira? Or how about the Garden of Eden and Eve?) Ahh, I could go on...!



written by:Heather Lagan

So....this is the deal.... I am about to give u links to 3 programs....They are FREE...and i know that sounds stupid, but i absolutely swear by these programs for keeping my computers safe..Seriously......By 'safe' I mean....all of ur pics, ur music, ur files, important papers, creations of any type, anything u can think of that is on ur PC....ALL of that will b protected by u downloading these 3 programs.... Like I said they r FREE (they do accept donations)...and u r my friends so I feel compelled to tell u this bcuz it will help us all in the long run... ....

U can only use the home versions (the FREE ones) for personal usage laptops/desktops, but any business or company would certainly benefit from purchasing the business versions of these 3 programs, as well....They r user friendly and they kick some serious ass.... and I don't say that about just anything...lol..... This Is important and I hope all of u really are reading this...and u take my advice...It will take very little time, it costs nothing, and it helps us all b virus and spyware/malware free....its worth it....promise

... Anyway....u will need to just click the following links and follow directions...NOTE: Remember once u r on the sites and u click download, a pop up appears, click on save the program (make sure and save to ur desktop), once done downloading it to ur desktop, click out of all internet programs and off of the internet, look at the icons on ur desktop,  Find the one u just saved and double click to open it, run the program and follow setup instructions.....U will hv to restart ur computer for each of the 3 programs and u need to run scans on all of them as well....once u r finished running the scans u can delete the FIRST icon u clicked on to install all of the programs (there will b 3)...(DO NOT delete the main icon)..if u need anything else please ask me...i will help u if I can and if I cant i will find some1 that can.....

The first one is Called: Avast AntiVirus ...The link that will take u directly to the download page is: http://download.cnet.com/Avast-Free-Antivirus/3000-2239_4-10019223.html?part=dl-85737&subj=dl&tag=button


The Second 1 is called: Spybot Search & Destroy

The link that will take u directly to a mirror site that assists Spybot with hosting is: http://www.safer-networking.org/index2.html


The third is this one and it will remove anything spybot doesn't catch: http://www.malwarebytes.org/

**Step 1: Find a marker and a plain piece of paper..(or something to write with/on) **Step 2: Go to Your fubar homepage (what u see when you log in) **Step 3: Write the following Legibly.... --Your Username: This is whatever name you use here on the fu...(Ex: Mine is .::E::.) --Your user Id: You can find this number directly under your 'buzz bar' on your homepage... --Fubar Rocks! (You may vary this to your liking but just remember Your salute HAS to have fubar or fubar.com on it somewhere in order to be approved)...Also, no profanity or nudity is allowed for salutes... **Step 4: Once you have completed the above steps... Take a picture of yourself....Holding the paper where everyone can see it and you.. You should take more than 1 pic to use.. (2 or 3 is sufficient...NOTE: No black and white photos will be approved)...Upload the pics to your computer.... **Step 5: Go to your 'My' tab from your homepage...Then to 'Photos'...(If you have created more albums, make sure you are in your Default album)...Look to your Right and find the 'Add Photos' button...Click it...Choose your salute from your computer files, type a caption(optional), then click the 'Upload' button....Once the pic has been uploaded, Click the 'Take Me Back to My Gallery' link... **Step 6: Once you see your salute in your gallery...You will simply click the link below it that says 'Submit as a Salute' and follow the directions.... And You are DONE! yay! It will take up to 24 hours to know if Your salute(s) have been approved...FuStaff will send you a private message (PM) to inform you of an approval or a rejection..(rejections come with reasons why)....Also, If your salutes are approved you will notice your User name changes from Grey to White...NOTE: colors are significant on fubar and you can follow this link to learn more about that.... http://fubar.com/bible.php **You can not earn anymore points past level 10 if you do not have an approved salute.... If you have read this far then you know now that It's really easy to do, so why not just get it done?? :) I hope this helps some of you, at least!!! HappEE Holidays! .::E::.
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