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9 lasts: Last dollar spent: My jeans yesterday Last cigarette: Never Last beverage: Tea Last movie: I'm not sure Last phone call: Nat Last song played: I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off (me + you) - Fall out boy Last bubble bath: I don't do baths Last time you cried: A few weeks ago Last thing you ate: Golden Nuggets 8 have you evers. Have you ever dated a best friend: No Have you ever skinny dipped: No Have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: No Have you ever lost someone you loved: Yup Have you ever been dumped: No Have you ever been drunk and threw up: Nope Have you ever ran away: No Have you ever wanted someone u thought u couldnt have then found out they liked you: Yes 7 states you've been to. I've only ever been to Florida 6 things you've done today: (in no particular order...) Got up, Ate, Got Dressed, Played on my DS, Watched Tv, Let the chimney sweep in, 5 of your favorite things in no order. Friends, Family, Music, Life, Snow 4 people you can tell [almost] anything to in no order.. Natty, Ben, Dad, Livejournal 3 things that make you smile. Family, Friends, Life 2 things you want to do before you die. Live my life to the full, Meet as many people as humaly possible 1 one thing you can't live with out Friends What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank? Vodka When Is Your Birthday? 22nd Jan Who was the last person to send you a text message? Dan Last time you went swimming in a pool? Ages ago Are you happy? Defo Where was the last place you went shopping? Burton How do you feel about your hair? It's getting long but I like it. Stop calling me Andy... Natty!!!! Where do you work? I don't Last thing you ate? Golden nuggets Do you wish you were someplace else right now? No I'm content here Last time you smoked a cigarette? Never Do you have any expensive jewelry? Yeah bits and bobs AIM or MSN? MSN What classes are you taking now? Photography How many hours on average do you work a week? Lol 7 at college Who do you like right now? I think you know Who was the last person to call you? Natty Last time you did volunteer work or made a donation? I don't know Where does most of your family live? London Are you an only child or do you have siblings? I have a little sister. Natty. She is the most awesome person on Earth Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? Far from it Got any guilty pleasures? Gilmore girls lol Do you drink beer? I do Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? i had a few still got them. I've got this awesome witch and grim reaper Myspace or Facebook? Myspace Do you have T-Mobile? I do What was your favorite subject(s) in school? History Smoke weed? No What type do you usually fall for? The type I like are generally tall, pierced and tattooed but it doesn't always work that way. Oh that and dorks. lol Were you an outcast in high school? No I knew loads of people Last time you saw your parents? Last night well my dad and stepmum anyway. Do you have any talents? I'd say no. Ever been in a wedding? No Do you have any children? No Last movie you watched? I don't know Are you missing anyone at the moment? No Did you take a nap today? No Favorite vacation spot? I'm easy going so I go anywhere to get away Ever met anyone famous before? Bert McCracken, Jeph Howard, Quinn Allman and Branden steineckert ( The Used) Twice Gene Louis, M shadows-A7X Synyster Gates-A7X Johnny Christ-A7X Matt Davies FFAF Rise Against Dave - the explosion Ryan and Sam – Dispute and Disputes roadie (My Sister wrote this list out lol but I was there with her the entire time) Favorite actor? -------- Favorite actress? ------- Are you multitasking right now? No Could you handle being in the military? Proberbly not What is your average cell phone bill? I make my credit last for ages Do you believe in Karma? Yes and no How many piercings do you have? 3 Can you speak any other languages? German How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4 Last place you drove your car? I don't own a car Have you ever been gambling? Yes When is the last time you updated your blog? Yesterday Favourite place to be? Just hanging out. Coffee shops are great. Ever been to Disney land/world? Yep Last thing you cooked? Pizza Hows the weather? Snowy Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? I dropped it the other day on the concrete but it's ok. It has been in the washing machine though. Last time you were sick? Before Christmas Do you watch reality tv? Nope you've got to be a vegatable to watch that shit. What are your plans for tomorrow? College

Just passing the time

1.Are you Single? No 2.Do you hate your ex? No I saw him the other day too 3.Why are you Single or taken? Coz I'm with someone fool 4.Whats the one word to describe you? Erm I kep getting called Indie. You know who you are 5.How many close friends do you have? 2 6.Have you ever cheated? No 7.Do you cry a lot? Nope 8.Do you like being by yourself? Yeah on occasion 9.Do you like to read? I do 10.Do you like to sniff markers? No because it ends up all on your nose. 11.Do you like taking pictures? I do that's why I study photography. 12.Are you pale? I'm paler then a few people 13.Do you like kids? Yes and no 14.Do you like thunderstorms? They fucking own 16.Do you think you will be married by the time you're 18? Er I'm 20! I never wanted to be married by the time I was 18 if married at all. 17.Do you think you're going to college? I've done the whole college thing but Uni no. I used to want to go but I can't be asked with it anymore. 18.Are you weird? Lmao yeah! 19.Do you know how to spell? I do. There are a few words I don't know but everyone has those. 20.Do you think you're smart? I've been told I am but I don't think I'm any smarted then most people. 21.Are you annoyed easily? Depends where I am and what I'm doing. 22.Are you Conceited? Er in some areas I am. 23.Do you like to dance? No I don't do dancing. 24.What do you think is so fun about myspace? There's nothing fun about myspace or any profile site. I only use them to keep in touch with my friends. 25.Whats your favorite movie and why? Where to start? I love soo many it's hard to choose one. I'm gonna say Edward scissorhands just for the meaning behind the story. 26.Do you like taking surveys? I do them to fill these blogs up. 27.Do you get bored easily? Nope 28.What kind of tv shows do you like? Crime, dark, thrillers 29.Would you ever dance naked in the rain? Nope 30.Have you ever snuck out of your house? No need to 31.Are you a messy person? Nope 32.Do you lose things easily? I don't 33.Do you love your family? Of course I do 34.Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Yuk no 35.Where do you want to live one day? Erm somewhere differant 36.Do you like talking on the phone? It doesn't bother me 37.Do you laugh at jokes just to be nice? I do that a lot 38.Are you a clean freak? A bit 40.Do you Drink? Every now and aain. I don't see the point of drinking just to get pissed 42.Whats your favorite class and why? Photography. Finaaly a subject I can be creative in. 43.Do you hate someone? Nah I haven't hated anyone in many years. 44.If you do hate someone why? ------ 45.Do you like to fight or argue? Lol depends who I'm talking to. I have this one friend who is great to argue with. 46. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My dad yesterday 47.Have you ever cried watching a movie? Once or twice 48. Do you lie a lot? No there's no point in that. 49.If you do lie a lot why? --------- 50.If you were the opposite sex would you date yourself? Lol I'll say yeah I think it would be interesting to see. 51.Do you sometimes cry for no reason? Nope 52.Do you sometimes laugh for no reason? No 53.Do you like the clothes you wear? I wouldn't wear them if I didn't 54.Do you think you were an ugly baby? It tskes a lot for a baby to be ugly 55.What do you want to be doing right now? Getting warm 56.Do you like Valentines Day? Nope 57.Do you miss someone? No 58.Are you jealous of someone? Nope 59.Do you have a favorite place? I suppose I do 60.What famous person would you want to be with if you could? Hmm let me think. Andy Hurley, Nikki Sixx, Noel Fielding
Name 4 things in your purse/wallet: 1. Debit Card 2. Phone card 3. College ID Card 4. Quite a bit of cash Name 3 favorite fruits: 1. Cherry 2. Kiwi 3. Satsuma Three names you go by: 1. Jen Jen 2. Mary 3. Jeff (Old friend) Three things you are wearing right now 1. Black shirt 2. Jeans 3. Fluffy slippers The WHOS: Who was the last person to IM you? Dan What are you thinking about right now? How cold it is in this room Who did you last talk to on the phone? Daddy Whose birthday is next? My Uncle's The WHERES: Where is your phone? In the front room Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Dotty P's Where is the last place you took a ride to? Lichfield The WHATS: What was the last thing you ate? Cucumber Sandwich last night What color pants are you wearing? Jeans What kind of cell phone do you have? Samsung SHD-500 What is the closest item near you that is blue? There is nothing blue near me Whats your fav. color? Black/blue/hot pink What is the last movie you watched? Hollow man, gave it anither go but it is as shit as I thought What song do you currently hear? The computer The WHENS: When did you last go out (outside of school, work, etc)? Last night to Becki's party. WEll actually more of a gathering of drunks When did you last go to the mall? Don't have malls over here but went to town Yesterday When did you last burn a candle? I don't burn cndles can't be doing with them. EIGHT Last times... 8. When was the last time you babysat ? I don't know anyone with kids that need to be babysat 7. last beverage: A Cuppa 6. Last Text Message: T-mobile telling me I've topped up. Like I didn't know 5. last instant message: Dan days ago can't be doing with msn these days 4. last cd played: 30 Seconds to mars - Self titled 3. last BUBBLE bath: Don't do baths 2. last time you cried: Last Monday 1. last snack: Twas the sandwich SEVEN HAVE YOUS. 7. have you ever dated someone twice: Yes 6. have you ever been cheated on?: Yes 5. have you ever kissed someone & regretted it?: Yeah 4. have you ever fallen in love?: No love's over rated 3. have you ever lost someone special?: Yep 2. have you ever been depressed: I've always had bouts of depression 1. have you ever been drunk and threw up?: No SIX things you did in the past three days 1. Went to school: No College yes 2. Went to work: Nope 3. Went to Wal-Mart: No 4. Gassed up your vehicle: Walking's where it's at 5. Drank Milk: Yes 6. Slept: Yeppo I ;hearts& my bed ONE person you can tell anything to -- honestly? Natty THREE favorite colors. 1. Blue 2. Black 3. Hot pink List TWO things you want to do before you die - 1. Figure out what I want to do 2. Travel This month have you... Made a new friend - Kinda Laughed until you cried –. Yeah Met someone who changed your life - Lol no Found out who your true friends were - No because my true friends were there before 1.If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- I don't know about this it's not one of those things high on my list to give thought to. 2. Marriage? I don't know if I ever want to get married 3. Lowering the drinking age? No fucking way 4. Straight, Gay, Bi? Straight 5. Where's Five? There because by asking where five is it actually makes it a question! 6. Do you believe in love at first sight? God no 7. Is there something you want to tell someone? Actually yes 8. What brand of shirt are you wearing? Dotty P's 9. Would you kiss anyone on your family list? I have 10. How many people on your family list do you know in real life? I only reserve it for people I actually know so both of them 11. How many kids do you want to have? I don't know if I actually do want kids. 12. Do you have any pets? A dog - Sally, A cat - Shadow 13. Do you wanna change your name? No 14.What did you do for your last birthday? Sat around for a bit then went out and hada few glasses of wine 15. What time did you wake up today? 9am 16. What were you doing at midnight last night? Just got in from Becki's party 18. Last time you saw your mom? Years ago 19. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? I don't think there is anything I want to change 20. Which hand do you like better? They are equally liked 21.What are you listening to right now: A modern myth - 30 Seconds to mars 22.Have you ever talked to Babyjesus?: Nope 23. Have you ever donated money to a good cause? Yes but why do they ask when you have no money yourself 24. Have you ever made someone cry?: Yes many times 25. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone? Nat's Nikes 26. Who's getting on your nerves right now? Nothing 27. Most visited webpage? Email, livejournal 29. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi 30. Do you have a crush? Yes several 31. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week? No 32. Do you disagree with a lot of things going on in the world? Not really 33. Do you enjoy your friendship with your friends? Damn straight I do

Creative Survey

a creativity survey!! all artists/artsy people *must* take my first survey! XD lotsa questions!
~un~// inspiration::
what's more important, creativity or success?:Creativity
would you rather be under the rainbow or over the stars?:Over the stars
do you create digital art?:On Occasion
do you play an instrument?:I used to
pink hair or black hair?:Black
eyeshadow or lipstick?:Eyeshadow
should boys wear makeup?:It does look good on a few guys not all though
what country inspires you?:England becasue I know it so well
can you speak another language?:Yes
primitive or futuristic?:Primitive
Dali or Sargent?:Dali
favorite color?:Black/blue/pink
Victorian or Cyber? which is better? do the two mix:Victorian
what/who is your muse? Don't laugh, we all have a muse of some sort!:Music
where were you before you were born?:Out there
is rap poetry?:In certain cases
should musicians be judged by their fashion sense (or lack of it):No
are you religious?:Not at all
if you are religious, do you think it shows in your creativity?:---------
what do you think about photos?:A great form of art
martial arts or dance?:Martial arts
does beauty lie within everything?:Within a certain sense
if you answered yes, what is beautiful about a roach? tell me..:Roach's are an exception
is pop an actual music force to be appreciated?:Lol Erm as it's not those one hit wonder songs
would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?:Probably not
Is nature beautiful, or is it an ugly place?:Beautiful
is expensive clothing better than cheap clothing?:Not at all but bargin clothing just shouldn't be brought
do you think all religions are the same?:Yes
what do you think makes you unique? (ooh, a rhyme..sorta):I don't know my outlook on life
what's your artistic gift to the world? (haha, more cheesiness -_-):Photography
are you...cynical or wide eyed in wonder at the world?:Cynical
what's the color of your soul? (I CAN'T stop today!! ahh, forgive me):Ha Ha some people would say black that's if anyone has a soul
are you depressed?:Nope
are you depressing?:I can be
If you draw/paint, what's the color most seen in your work?:I don't draw or paint
do you compose music?:Nope
is your life haphazard or carefully planned?:Haphazard
Where do you hang out to get inspired/be artsy (ie--park, coffee shop, etc):Everywhere. You can be inspired wherever you are
does art make your life miserable?:No
Do you think all creative people are meant to suffer?:No
what icons/items do you like to feature in your art?:People
how would you describe your art style?:I don't know a napshot of the world and how people go about their lives unaware of others.
ok. What do you think of Gwen Stefani?:She was better in No Doubt
cd covers are cool. Which do you think is the most creative?:ERm good question. The most iconic is probably Nirvana's Nevermind but as to most creative I haven't really seen on recently that is memorable nor very creative.
Do you get bored easily?:Yes
which rock band is the most creative?:Erm Forgive Durdan and Cohed and Cambria are both great at what they do.
stormy weather or beautiful blue skies?:Stormy Weather
Is it important to be mysterious?:Lol not really
do you like wandering around at night?:Not in this town thats for sure
If you met me, what would you say/do?:I don't know.
are graveyards beautiful or scary?:Beautiful
Sunset or moonlight?:Moonlight
desert or forest?:Desert
Do you think clothes are important?:Not really
What's your fashion scene?:Erm emo I suppose is the closet thing to what I wear.
and finally, the olde question..what do you think about the survey??:It made a change from the usual ones.
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Best friend survey

A Best Friend Survey!
Who is you best friend?:Natty
why is he/she/it you best friend?:Because she's fucking aesome and we are so alike
How Long Have u known he/she/it?:All my life
how long have u been best friends?:For ages but really close best friends only really the last 3 or 4 years
Have u ever been on a date?:No
Have u ever been an item?:No
how long for?:------
Are u an item now?:------
Do they confide in u totally?:Yes
Do u confide totally with them?:Totally
Do u have places where nobody knows about but u?:No
have u ever been a shoulder to cry on for he/she/it?:Yes many times
Has he/she/it ever been a shoulder to cry on for u?:Ditto
where dids u meet?:She's my sister so you work it out
were did u meet?:Erm thisis the same question
were u best friends as soon as u met?:Probably not
do u talk to he/her/it on myspace?:Occasionly but only with silly little comments to brihten ech others day
Do u talk to he/her/it about things that u wont talk to anyone else about?:Yes
does he/she/it to u the above?:Yes
is he/she/it single/taken?:Single
how old is he/she/it?:17
were does he/she/it live?:With me
how would u describe ur best friend?:Fucking aweome, owns all of you, wicked sese of humor, smart, caring, beautiful
how do u think ur best friend would describe u?:Ha Ha probably strange,funny, fantasic advise. Lmao
do u have any jokes only u both know?:Plenty
are u scared to embarrasse urself in front of each other?:Nope
do u wish u were more than best friends?:No
if so do u think ur best friend fels the same way?:Yes
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Get me a drink God damnit

Finish each sentence ..... erase my answers and put your own in ..... 1) My ex – Has disappered 2) Maybe I should – Not have such a short fuse with people 3) I love – Sleeping in 4) I don't understand – Small minded people 5) I lost – many things over the years 6) I found – Lots of things I forgot I had 7) People say that I am – Strange 8) Some People are – The same as me in so many ways 9) Love is – Too over used 10) Somewhere, someone is – Listening to the same song as me 11) I'm always – Thinking about what to do with my life 12) Forever is – Something I won't see 13) I never want to - Lose touch with people 15) When I wake up - I try to go back to sleep 16) When life gives you lemons – Use them o hurl at people you don't like 17) My past – Is in the past 18) I get annoyed with – Lots of things 19) I wish - It was colder 20) My dog/s is/are – In the next room 21) Tomorrow I am – Doing nothing other than finishing my Photography 22) I have low tolerance for – Small minded people 23) If I had a million dollars I would – Exchange it for pounds then spend it on much needed things 24) My favorite place is – Anywhere I feel comfortable 25) I really want – A holiday 1. Who were you with last night? Family 2. What woke you up this morning? Just woke up naturally 3. Where are you? In the study 4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? I don't know until it gets here 5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? No 6. Who's bed were you in last night? Mine 8. When's the last time you cried? Weeks ago __The PAST round__ 10. Ever thrown up in public? No 11. whats on your mind right now.? Catching the Train to Nottingham in a bit __The FUTURE round__ 13. Would you take a bullet for anyone? Yes 14. Where would you like to live? New york or anywhere differant 15. What kind of home would you like? Easy to take care of and affordable 16. What do you want to be when you grow up? I am grown really but I still have no idea 17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Anywhere really I don't like to think that far into the future 18. Do you like candy necklaces? Occasionally 19. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? Ages ago 20. Do you listen to music everyday? I try 21. Do you still go trick or treating? No 22. What was the last thing you ate? A nectarine 23. Are you a fast typer?: Yes I would say so 24. About how many people have asked you out in your whole life? I did a count the other day and it was 4 each time they wouldn't let up and kept asking me. 25. What are you doing tonight? I'm gonna be Nottingham for a while and when we get back I'll go from there 26. Whats your favorite type of SODA? I drink any 27. Have you ever moved? Yeah about like 7 times 28. Have you ever won an award? Yes 29. Do you do any sports or other activites that are unusual? No 30. What do you want to do right now? Get warm 31. Are you listening to music right now? Yes 32. Do you like someone? Yes 33. Whats a word or phrase that you love! Fuck 34. How many days till your birthday? 2 44. When were you the saddest in your whole life?: A few years ago when my Grandad died 45. What time is it? 11:11am 46. Do you use eBay to buy or sell? Buy 47. What makes you pissed off? People who jump in formt of you in line, overweight people who use mobilaty things just coz they con't be bothered with walking but make the effort to get out of it to order a Burger and fries. 48. Have you ever had a song written about you? No 49. What song makes you cry? I don't think there is one 50. What songs makes you happy? Lots 51.What do you like to listen to before you go to sleep? Nothing 52. Do you have a job? I'm inbetween 53. What does Your CD player have in it right now? Nothing 54. If you were a crayon what color would you be? I wouldn't be I'd be a marker pen so I could stain peoples fingers lol 56. What makes you happy? Random converstations 57. What's the next CD you're gonna get? I don't really 58. Notice the questions jumped from 34-44? No [Appearance] [Height:] 5'7ish [Hair Color:] Brown [Eye color:] Blue [Piercings:] 3 [Tattoos:] None [wearing right now:] Jeans, Orange Tee and long socks [What taste is in your mouth?] Tea [How are you?] Okish [Get motion sickness?] No [Have a bad habit?] Yes 1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Erm yeah 2. What song describes your relationship status? "Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die"- Brand New 3. How much does your dog weigh? God knows she hasn’t been to the vets in ages 4. Are you a heart breaker, or the heart breakee? Heart breaker I very rarely get my heart broken 5. Ever waxed your legs? Yes 6. Earrings or necklaces? Both when I cna be bothered 7. Who have you talked to most today? Natty 10. Color of your shirt? Orange 11. How many years have you taken a language? 5 12. Who's on speed dial 2? Nothing 13. What color is your background on your computer mainly? White 14. Do you wish on 11:11? No 15. Good advice if you ever go camping? Take a tent 16. Are you a bad influence? Yes I've been called a ringleader several times 17. What color are your eyes? Blue 18. Would you rather have your name or your siblings name? Mine 19. Would you do anything for someone? Yes 20. Have you ever been called a whore? Yes 21. Favorite color? Blue/black/hot pink 22. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? Only when people are boring me 23. What song is on? Waking up -Funeral for a friend 24. Are your grades good? I don't have any grades at the moment 25. Do you have any friends with benefits? No 26. Would you date anyone on your top friends? I am 27. Does your best friend have a myspace? Yes it's kick ass too 28. Who's page did you last visit? Teresa 29. Last time you went out to lunch? Last friday 30. Do you watch the Gilmore Girls? OMG yes. Addicted to it at the moment 31. Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson? I've never listened to him 32. Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.? I have. It used to be alright but then it got stupid no wonder it's been cancelled now. 33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.s? Yes 34. Which radio stations are your favorites? I don't listen ot the radio 35. Are you a Lost fanatic? No 36. Still have pictures of your Ex? No 37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library? Nope 38. Alannis Morisette? No 39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly? Not really. I like it but very rarely watch it. 40. King of the Hill? No [[Admit it]] 41. Do you read trashy romance novels often? No 42. Do you ever forget to give a Christmas/birthday present? Yes 43. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car? No 44. Do you sing obnoxiously in the shower when no one's home? No 45. Have you ever watched a little kid's show? Yeah [[The Necessary Love Questions That Aren't So Necessary]] 46. Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they weren’t? No who would do that? 47. Did you draw pictures for your first crush back in elementary school? No 48. Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didn’t ask her/him out because you were afraid? No 49. Have you ever written a poem or story about your life? Possibly 50. Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but your crush? No 51. Have you ever liked someone solely for their appearance? Who doesn't? [[The Questions You Love:Completely and Utterly Pointless Ones]] 52. Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis? No 53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization? Sometimes 54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa? No 55. Do you know how to knit? No 56. Do you have a cell phone or iPod with a patterned cover? No 57. Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them in your profile? Nope 58. Do you keep a diary or journal online? Yeah livejournal is where it's at 59. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color? I don't have a closet and there really isn't a dominant colour [[Truly Unusual This or That Questions]] 60. Marble Slab or Coldstone? Marble 61. Physics or chemistry? Either 62. Earphones or headphones? Earphones 63. Pink or teal? Pink 64. Earrings or a ring? Earrings 65. Commitment or casual dating? Either 66. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or Star Wars? Any really although I'm not really a fan of Harry Potter 67. Fly or road trip? Both 68. Starbucks or Caribou? Starbucks [[Another Wave of Random Questions]] 69. What is your favorite Disney movie? I Don’t watch Disney 70. How much jewelry do you own? Quite a bit 71. Have you ever bought clothing at Sears? No 1. If you were to find out you were pregnant what would you do? I'd cross that bridge when I came to it 2. Do you trust your friends? Yes 3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the person you love? Nope 4.Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Yes 5. Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship. Cheating and critism 6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best roommate for you? Nat 7. Can you deal with people who are too concerned with status? No just grow up and find something better to do 8. Are you afraid of falling in love? Why or why not? No I just don't fall in love very easy at all. 9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times throughout the day? Sometimes 10. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new guy/girl? No but people have done it to me. 11. Name one person from your friends list that you could call to fix a flat tire. Erm I'm not sure anyone would be great to call 12. From your friends list, who can you call in the middle of the night if you need to talk? Any 13. What qualities do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? Depends who the person is. I have varied taste 14. Fill in the blank. I would NEVER ______ Think about changing my life 15. What is your number one priority in life? Living 16. What can you tell about a person by kissing them? Sometimes 17. When you get married, how would you envision your dream wedding to be? I've never thought about it. Don't know if I ever want to get married 18. If you could say just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Fuck Yeah 19. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended period of time, name some people you would want to see around your bed? The Medical staff would be a good start 20. How many kids do you want to have? I don't know 21. Would you make a good parent? Yeah I would say so. 22. Where was your default pic taken? At home 23. What is your middle name? Anna 24. What is your current relationship status? Taken 25. Honestly, does your crush like you back? I would think so 26. What is your current mood? Good 27. What do you love most? Music 28. What makes you most happy? Music 29. Are you musically inclined? Yes 30. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would it be? I wouldn't
update about my life and it's goings on but that because livejournal is the place to be. 45 Random Questions 1. Who sits in front of you in math class? The last time I was told I had to do maths I skipped the whole year. So no one 2. What color is your razor/shaver? Pink 3. What state are you in? None I live in the UK County however that would be Staffordshire 4. Can you count backwards from 74? Yes I can 5. Where were you Tuesday night? Watching the last CSI Miami of the season! 6. Brown or white eggs? I don’t like eggs too much now a days 7. Like rap music? I have nothing against it 8. Ever taken a train? Plenty of times 9. Experienced the twin towers falling in New York? I was in English didn’t know what had happened until I popped into my Aunts house Where's 10?? With your mum but surely this is number 10. 11. What day of the week is it? Tuesday 12. What was your Lunch? I haven’t eaten yet. 13. What is your best friend doing tomorrow? Putting off doing her coursework lol 14. What does your screen name mean? ”Life is one long insane trip. Some people just have better directions.” It’s a quote from Donnie Darko 15. Ever had cream puffs? Can’t say I have 16. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? I have and I was impressed considering it’s Ashton Kutcher. 18. When was the last time you went to the movies? I’m going tonight 19. What's your siblings name(s)? Natalie. 20. What is your bus number for school? I don’t have to take the flea infested bus anymore. 21. Is your hair curly? Nope never has been 22.when was the last time you cried? Weeks ago now 23. Ever walked into a wall? No I mean how can you not notice a wall? 24. Favorite character in scooby doo? I don’t like Scooby Doo 25. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun? Nope 26. Are you currently wearing socks? Yes my orange and black stripy knee high socks 27. Favorite time of the year? I’m not sure it changes all the time 28. Do you enjoy the sound of violins? No 30. Honestly, are you cool? Nah I’m a dork 31. What are you listening to right now? Funeral for a friend – Storytelling. I fucking love FFAF 32. Who is your cell phone service provider? T-mobile 33. How much cash do you have right now? A good £600 possibly more 34. Can you speak any other languages? Ja German 35. What do you do with your spare change? Put it in my purse until I need it 36. Do you like someone? I certainly do 37. Do they like you? I pretty much hope so considering 38. What was the last job you had? Sainsbury’s 39. What was the last CD you bought? I haven’t brought a CD for months because most of the music out now is pretty dire. The last CD I got though was Wednesday 13 – Fang Bang. Thanks to my wonderful sis. 40. What kind of computer do you have? I’m not sure it was made for us. 41. Last movie you watched? Guys and dolls last night 42. Do you use your right hand or your left hand? I’m righty 43. What is your favorite color? Blue/black and hot pink 44. What kind of car do you have? None exsistant 45. Are you blonde? Nope THE GAME OF 40 QUESTIONS: 1. Does anyone know your password to your myspace? There may be one person who I trust it with. 2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonald's? I don’t eat at that place. I’ve known too many people who work there and what they get up to. Plus I don’t eat meat. 3. Are you an emotional person? At times 4. Do you like your name? It suits me I think. 5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not at all. 6. Ever felt jealous of your friend? Possibly one at one time but it was just over something stupid plus I realised how lucky I was. 7. What was the last thing you did? Spoke to my dad. 8. Who is right next to you? No one Nat’s gone to go and play The godfather on my PS2 9. Who was the last person you ate with? The family 10. What song are you listening to right now? Good times – Tommy Lee 11. Hows the weather right now? Winter like 12. Last person who called you today? None has yet 13. Last person who emailed you? A friend 14. Last song you sang? Good times 15. Do you like anyone? Yeah 16. Lost a friendship over something stupid? No there was reasons for it all 17. Last thing you drank? Tea and now I’ve got a fresh mug. 18. Last thing you ate? Toast 19. What did you do last night? Took care of a few things, played The Godfather, spent some time with the parents. 20. Faked being sick to miss school? Just a bit 21. What time did you wake up today? It was 9:15am 22. Last person you texted? Ben 23. Last person to text you? Ben 24. What are you wearing right now? Jeans, socks, layered top 26. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Height 27.Where are you right now? The study 28. What date and day is it? Tuesday 9th January 2007. 29. Did you go anywhere today? Not yet I will be later though. 31. Where else are you going today? To town to spend some money. 32. Are you watching TV? Nope 33.Are you immature or mature? Both. I had to grow up very quickly so I’m making up for it now. 34. Are you closer to your mom or dad? Dad 35. Have you traveled outside of the U.S.? I live outside the US. 36. What school do u go to? I don’t. I go to college on Friday’s though for a photography course which is hella fun thanks to a couple of people. 37. Whats the most annoying thing people say to you? GOTH!!! I’m not a goth anf never have been. It’s worse when they say it like Goff though. 38. Do you like music? I certainly do. 39. do u want to get married? I’m not sure ask me that question in a few years. 40. To whom? See above. SCHOOL CONFESSIONS [x] Talked back to a teacher. [ ] Been kicked out of class. [ ] Worn pajamas to school. [ ] Had your tooth fall out at school. [x] Gotten lost in your school. [x] Broken the dress code in school. [x] Completely failed a test. [x] Left class without asking. [x] Missed a whole week of school. [ ] Thrown up in school. [ ] Been beat up at school. HOME LIFE CONFESSIONS [ ] Argue with your parents a lot. [ ] Argue with your brother(s) a lot. [ ] Argue with your sister(s) a lot. [x] Have your own room. [ ] Do your own laundry. [x] Cook dinner once in a while. [x] Are loud and obnoxious at home. [ ] Wear pajamas when you are not going anywhere. [ ] You sleep very long. [ ] All you do is watch television. [x] Your parents are divorced. [ ] your family makes you cry a lot [ ] One or both of your grandparents live with you. [ ] You cant stand being with your parent FRIEND CONFESSIONS [ ]You currently dislike one or more of your friends. [ ] You are jealous of one or more of your friends. [x] You have known a friend your whole life. [ ] Your friends are all taller than you. [ ] You have been ditched by a friend. [ ] You have memorized a friends phone number. [x] You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number. [ ] You have been to all of your friends houses. [ ] You love most of your friends HABIT CONFESSIONS [x] You bite your nails. [ ] You have an odd obsession with knives. [ ] You cannot sleep with the door closed. [x] You cannot sleep with the door open. [ ] There is at least one sound you cannot stand. [ ] You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers [x] You are good at telling lies PERSONAL OPINION CONFESSIONS [ ] You hate George Bush. [ ] Abortion is horrible and should be illegal. [x] Gay marriage is fine by you. [x] Boys make better friends than girls do. [ ] The beach is an excellent place for a date. [ ] Pink is an ugly color. [x] Needles aren't so horrible. [ ] You have plenty of secrets HAVE YOU EVER CONFESSIONS [x] Fallen up the stairs. [ ] Someone has tied your shoelaces together. [ ]Had a nail fall off. [ ] Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul by Ars Falcis [ ] Had surgery. [ ] Slapped someone across the face. [x] Someone has called you a tease. [x] You have been to Europe. [ ]You have worn something inside out for a whole day. 3 Things That Scare You: 1.: Loneliness 2.: Ending up with nothing 3.: I don’t have another thing to put here because I’m not scared of anything else. 3 Things That Make You Angry 1.: People acting like something they’re not 2.: Racism 3.: Homophobia 3 Things That You Are Sorry About: 1.: When I say things in the heat of the moment 2.: Leaving things way too long 3.: Leading people on 3 Things That Disgust You: 1.: Homophobia 2.: Racism (Yes I know I’ve already mentioned them.) 3.: People not leaving things be 3 Things That Surprise You 1.: People not excepting you’ve moved on and so should they 2.: I have fantastic friends 3.: People smiling back 3 Things You Are Confident About: 1.: My sarcasm 2.: Old people are out to get me 3.: Things happen for a reason 3 Things That Make You Cry 1.: Stress 2.: Thinking what might have been if she did what she said she was going to do 3.: Stress 3 Things That Make You Happy: 1.: Natty 2.: Dan 3.: Random thoughts 3 Things That Make You Laugh: 1.: Natalie 2.: Ben and his random museings 3.: Remembering times 3 Things That Stress You Out: 1.: Deadlines 2.: Being told by someone they’ll be there in 5 minutes but 2 hours later they still aren’t 3.: My stepmum 3 Things That Make You Proud: 1.: My close bond with my sister. 2.: Knowing I’ve turned out pretty damn good. 3.: Accomplishment 3 Things That Relax You: 1.: Music 2.: Hot drinks 3.: Conversations with people 3 People You Respect: 1.: Natalie 2.: My dad 3.: People who don’t try way too hard 3 Things You Love 1.: Knowing I’m being thought about 2.: Being able to make someone’s day 3.: Family 3 Things That Amaze You 1.: The general public 2.: That I’m thought about 3.: How easily I fall asleep 3 Things That Worry You: 1.: Money 2.: The lengths people go to 3.: The Nazi views still being real 3 Things That Bore You: 1.: People not leaving things be 2.: Religion 3.: Sundays 3 Things You Get Anxious About: 1.: Meeting someone for the first time 2.: I don’t really get anxious very easily 3.: 3 Things That Confuse You: 1.: Life 2.: Parents 3.: My nan 3 Things That Embarrass You: 1.: It’s hard for me to get embarrassed I’m probably the most embarrassing one. 2.: 3.: 3 Things That Impress You: 1.: Bands who’ve been given a bad review but they a fucking awesome live 2.: Spontaneity 3.: Friends I didn’t think would grow up 3 Things You Miss: 1.: Dan 2.: My grandad 3.: Innocence 3 Things That Make You Uneasy 1.: Walking home alone at night 2.: People following you 3.: Pushy people 3 Things That Turn You On: 1.: Hmm I’m not sure about that I would have to think bout these 2.: 3.: 3 Things That Comfort You: 1.: Friends 2.: Hugs 3.: Knowing things always sort themselves out
Single or Taken: Taken Happy about that: Yup Eye color: Blue shoe size: 8/9 Height: 5ft7 ish What are you wearing right now?: Black top, jeans and socks Righty or lefty: Righty Can you make a dollar in change right now?: Yes although I don't deal in dollars. ---------------------------------------------------------- FAVORITES Kind of pants: Jeans Animal: Dog Drink: What I fancy at the time Month: January it's so over looked Juice: Apple or Grapefruit Favorite cartoon: The grim adventures of billy and mandy ---------------------------------------------------------- HAVE YOU EVER... Given anyone a bath: No Bungee Jumped?: No Made yourself throw-up?: No I hate throwing up skinny dipped?: Noppers Broken a bone: Yep my ankle Played truth or dare: Who hasn't? Been in a physical fight?: Lol yeah but it was resolved very quickly Been on a plane: Yes Come close to dying: No been in a hot tub: No Fallen asleep in school: College yes Run away: No Broken someone's heart: I don't know. If I have done they never told me. Cried when someone died: Yes Fell off your chair: Lol many times Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No Saved Msn conversations: Only on occasion to prove a point to someone. Made out with JUST a friend?: No Used someone: I may have Been cheated on: Yes Cheated on someone: No --------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS... Beside you: a wall and the fireplace Last thing you ate: A doughnut EVER HAD... Chicken pox: Yes I got fired fom work because of it Sore Throat: Yes Stitches: No Broken nose: No ---------------------------------------- Do You... Believe in love at first sight: No Long distance relationships: Yes and no. Not starting a relationship long distance thats for sure. Like school: I don't got to school anymore. 4 years this may. I didn't like it when I went. Question yourself: Quite a bit Who was the last person that called you?: My dad Who makes you smile the most?: Friends Who knows you the best: My sister ----------------------------------------------- Do you like filling these out: Only when I have nothing to do. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses: Glasses Do you get along with your family: Yep Final Questions:.. What did you do yesterday?: Went to Birmingham with Nat, Becky and her boyfriend Dave. Only thing I brought though was a bottle of water and a ribena. What car/truck do you wish to have: I haven't chosen yet. Have a lava lamp: Used to. How many remote controls are in your house?: I can think of 7. Are you double jointed?: No Scary or Funny Movies: Scary Chocolate or Vanilla Ice cream: Vanilla Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper: Dr pepper Summer or winter: Winter Silver or Gold: Silver Diamond or pearl: Diamond Sprite or 7-up: 7-up Coffee or tea: Both Phone or in person: In Person ------------------------------------------------------ Today did you... 1. Talk to someone you liked: I am now 2. Buy something: No 3. Get sick: No 8. Talked to an ex: No 9. Miss someone: Yes --------------------------------------------------------- Last person who.... 10. Slept in your bed: That would be me 11. Saw/heard you cry: Erm I'm not sure of that. 12. Made you cry: Again I'm not so sure 13. Went to the movies with: My dad and my sister 15. Said "I Love You" to you: Erm.. I don't know ____________________________________________ 16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: Nope I've just realised there's questions missing?? what's all that about?!?!?: I don't know I bet you deleted it. 18. Been to Mexico: No but I've always wanted to. 20. Been to Europe: Yes but technically also I live in Europe. _______________________________________________ Random..... 22. what book are you reading now: I'm not. 24. Future KIDS names: I've never gone in to that much thought but I like the name Chase. 25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No 26. What's under your bed: Nothing 27. Favorite sports to watch: Don’t watch sports 28. Favorite Locations: Wherever as long as it's with people I adore. 29. Tattoos or piercings: Love 'em. 30. Most scared of right now?: I'm not. 31. Who/What do you really hate?: Oh I think they know. 32. Do you have a job?: Not anymore. 33.Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: I'm not sure actually. 36. Are you lonely right now?: No 38. Song that's stuck in your head right now?: Love like Winter - AFI because it's on the radio right now. 39. Have you ever played strip poker: No 40. Have you ever gotten beat up?: No 42. Have you ever been on radio/TV: Yes 43. Have you ever been in a mosh-pit: I have. 44. Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed: Yes ________________________________________________ Random... What are the first things you notice about the opposite sex?: Usually height in truth Your Favorite Food?: Italian Ever get so drunk you don't remember?: No it takes gallons to get me drunk. I've got good genes. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: I am yes. Hugs or Kisses?: Both Dogs or cats?: Dogs but I do have a cat and although he can be a bugger I still adore him. Favorite Flower?: I don't have one. Have you ever fired a gun?: Yes How many pillows do you sleep with?: 1 Who are you missing right now: My grandad and Dan Well thats that part now lets see my most listend to genre. Put a cross next to the name of who you listen to and the catagory with the most points is what you are. RADIO ROCK [ ] Nickelback [ ] Disturbed [ ] Shinedown [ ] Seether [ ] Sevendust [x] System of a Down [ ] Flyleaf [ ] Staind [ ] Drowning Pool [ ] Taproot [ ] Mudvayne [ ] Audioslave [ ] Trapt [ ] KoRn [ ] Three Days Grace [ ] Evans Blue [ ] Godsmack TOTAL = 1 COUNTRY [ ] Rascal Flatts [ ] Carrie Underwood [ ] Leanne Rhymes [ ] Garth Brooks [ ] Dixie Chicks [ ]Kenny Chesney [ ] Tim McGraw [ ] Faith Hill [ ] Hank Williams Jr. [ ] Shania Twain [ ] Johnny Cash [ ] Willie Nelson [ ] Merle Haggard [ ] Hank Williams TOTAL =0 PSYCHOBILLY [ ] Nekromantix [ ] Tiger Army [ ] HorrorPops [ ] The Cramps [ ] Mad Sin [ ] The Meteors [ ] Reverend Horton Heat [ ] Demented Are Go! [ ] Batmobile [ ] Guana Batz [ ] The Gun Club [ ] Klingonz [ ] Hellbillys [ ] The Phenomenauts TOTAL = 0 POP [ ] Teddy Geiger [ ] Ashlee Simpson [ ] Kelly Clarkson [ ] Madonna [ ] Avril Lavigne [x] Pink [ ] The Veronicas [ ] Daniel Powter [ ] James Blunt [ ] Natasha Bedingfield [ ] Ryan Cabrera TOTAL = 1 SCENE [x] Hawthorne heights [ ] Halifax [ ] Fightstar [x] Taking Back Sunday [x] Forgive Durden [x] From First To Last [x] Senses Fail [ ] Something Corporate [ ] Hit The Lights [x] Dashboard Confessional [ ] Dear Whoever [x] Funeral For A Friend [x] Silverstein [x] The Used [ ] The Spill Canvas TOTAL = 9 EMO [ ] Circle Takes the Square [ ] Dag Nasty [ ] Rites of Spring [ ] Moss Icon [ ] Orchid [ ] Saetia [ ] Comadre [ ] Indian Summer [ ] Joshua Fit For Battle [ ] Texas is the Reason [ ] Sunny Day Real Estate [ ] Hot Cross [ ] Mineral [ ] Yaphet Kotto [ ] Funeral Diner TOTAL = 0 AMBIENT [ ] Brian Eno [ ] Labradford [ ] Global Communication [ ] Harold Budd [ ] Lustmord [ ] Solaris [ ] Steve Roach [ ] Vir Unis [ ] Gas [ ] Tangerine Dream [ ] Delerium [ ] Stars of the Lid [ ] Steve Reich [ ] Fennesz TOTAL = 0 CHILLOUT [ ] AIR [ ] Zero 7 [ ] Thievery Corporation [ ] Massive Attack [ ] Royksopp [ ] Portishead [ ] Boards of Canada [ ] Sneaker Pimps [ ] Frou Frou [ ] Imogen Heap [ ] Mandalay [ ] Carbon Based Lifeforms TOTAL = 0 INDIE [ ] The Hush sound [ ] Death Cab For Cutie [ ] The Killers [ ] Elliot Smith [ ] Yeah Yeah Yeahs [ ] Belle and Sebastian [ ] The Postal Service [x] Bright Eyes [ ] Franz Ferdinand [ ] Modest Mouse [ ] Cursive [ ] The Arcade Fire [ ] The Shins [ ] The Decemberists [ ] Sufjan Stevens [ ] Neutral Milk Hotel [ ] Iron & Wine [ ] Clap Your Hands Say Yeah [ ] Bloc Party [ ] Minus the Bear TOTAL = 1 METAL [ ] Amon Amarth [ ] Dimmu Borgir [ ] Carcass [ ] Children of Bodom [ ] Emperor [ ] Carpathian Forest [ ] Arcturus [ ] Opeth [ ] Ayreon [ ] Cannibal Corpse [ ] At The Gates [ ] Burzum [ ] Therion [ ] Mayhem [ ] Necrophagist [ ] Darkthrone [ ] Celtic Frost [ ] Gorgoroth [ ] Satyricon [ ] Death [ ] Finntroll [ ] Anaal Nathrakh [ ] Testament [ ] Atheist [ ] Bathory [ ] Deicide [ ] Slayer [x] Metallica Total =1 METALCORE [x] As I Lay Dying [x] Atreyu [ ] Lamb of God [ ] Killswitch Engage [ ] Unearth [ ] Throwdown [ ] Becoming the Archetype [ ] Between the Buried and Me [ ] Norma Jean [ ] Zao [ ] Converge [ ] Botch [x] Bullet for my Valentine [x] Still Remains [x] Bleeding Through [x] Trivium TOTAL = 6 HARDCORE [ ] Bane [ ] Looking Forward [ ] Sick of it All [ ] Madball [ ] Agnostic Front [ ] Gorilla Biscuits [ ] Good Clean Fun [ ] Donnybrook! [ ] Champion [ ] Casey Jones [ ] Black My Heart [ ] Hoods [ ] Minor Threat [ ] Death Before Dishonor [ ] The Warriors [ ] Bishopx [ ] Too Pure To Die [ ] Sinking Ships TOTAL = 0 POST HARDCORE [x] Thursday [x] At The Drive-In [ ] The Blood Brothers [x] Alexisonfire [ ] The Fall of Troy [x] Glassjaw [ ] Chiodos [ ] mewithoutYou [ ] Drive Like Jehu [ ] Sparta [ ] Botch [ ] Bear Vs. Shark [ ] These Arms Are Snakes [x] Coheed and Cambria [ ] The Recieving End of Sirens [ ] He Is Legend [x] Scary Kids Scaring Kids TOTAL = 6 GRINDCORE [ ] Napalm Death [ ] Nasum [ ] Pig Destroyer [ ] Cattle Decapitation [ ] Agoraphobic Nosebleed [ ] Cephalic Carnage [ ] Anal Cunt [ ] Fuck...I'm Dead [ ] Ed Gein [ ] The Number 12 Looks Like You [ ] Discordance Axis [ ] Aborted [ ] Assück [ ] Job For A Cowboy [ ] Ion Dissonance [ ] Genghis Tron [ ] Cryptopsy [ ] Dying Fetus [ ] The Locust TOTAL = 0 DOOM/SLUDGE/EXPERIMENTAL [ ] Neurosis [ ] Sunn O [ ] Oxbow [ ] Red Sparowes [ ] Swans [ ] Pelican [ ] Isis [ ] Zeni Geva [ ] Cult of Luna [ ] Today Is The Day [ ] Godspeed You! Black Emperor [ ] Crash Worship [ ] Explosions In The Sky [ ] Grails [ ] Culper Ring [ ] Tribes of Neurot TOTAL = 0 POWERPOP [x] Hellogoodbye [x]The All-American Rejects [ ]Fountains of Wayne [ ]Head Automatica [x]Weezer [x]Panic! At the Disco [ ] Jellyfish [ ] Teenage Fanclub [ ] The Lashes [ ] The Lost Patrol Band [ ]The Click Five [ ]Cute is What We Aim For [ ] Wilco ] The Exploding Hearts Total = 5 PUNK [x] Rancid [x] NOFX [ ] Bad Religion [ ] Misfits [x] Anti-Flag [ ] Sex Pistols [x] Alkaline Trio [ ] Dropkick Murphys [ ] Pennywise [ ] Millencolin [ ] Operation Ivy [ ] Descendents [ ] Dead Kennedys [x] AFI [ ] Joan Jett and the Black Hearts TOTAL = 5 POP PUNK [x] blink-182 [x] Green Day [x] New Found Glory [ ] Good Charlotte [ ] Relient K [ ] Sum 41 [x] The Ataris [ ] The Starting Line [ ] Simple Plan [ ] The Offspring [ ] Lagwagon [x] Box Car Racer [x] Motion City Soundtrack TOTAL = 6 STREET PUNK [ ] The Unseen [ ] The Casualties [ ] GBH [ ] The Varukers [ ] Cock Sparrer [ ] The Virus [ ] The Exploited [ ] Sham 69 [ ] Lower Class Brats [ ] Clit 45 [ ] U.S. Bombs [ ] Leftover Crack [ ] Subhumans [ ] Anti-Nowhere League TOTAL = 0 CRUST PUNK [ ] Amebix [ ] Aus-Rotten [ ] His Hero Is Gone [ ] Nausea [ ] Crass [ ] From Ashes Rise [ ] Skitsystem [ ] Rudimentary Peni [ ] Extreme Noise Terror [ ] Tragedy [ ] Wolfbrigade [ ] Anti-Product [ ] Behind Enemy Lines TOTAL = 0 RAP [ ] Ying Yang Twins [ ] Bubba Sparxxx [ ] Haystak [ ] Paul Wall [ ] Jay-Z [ ] Nas [ ] DMX [ ] Ice Cube [ ] Tupac Shakur [ ] Jamie Foxx [ ] Cypress Hill [ ] Ludacris [ ] Lil Jon [ ] Eminem [ ] 50 Cent [ ] Kanye west [ ] Bow Wow [ ] Wu Tang Clan TOTAL = 0 HIP-HOP [ ] Dilated Peoples [ ] Mos Def [ ] Atmosphere [ ] Sage Francis [ ] Talib Kweli [ ] Aesop Rock [ ] Blackalicious [ ] Souls of Mischief [ ] MF DOOM [ ] Jurassic 5 [ ] Jedi Mind Tricks [ ] Common [ ] Gangstarr [ ] A Tribe Called Quest [ ] Ghostface Killa [ ] Pete Rock [ ] De La Soul [ ] Necro [ ] Immortal Technique [ ] Ill Bill TOTAL = 0 SKA [ ] Streetlight Manifesto [ ] The Mighty Mighty Bosstones [ ] Big D and The Kids Table [ ] The Toasters [x] Goldfinger [ ] The Aquabats [ ] Reel Big Fish [ ] Fortunado [ ] Skankin' Pickle [ ] Madness [ ] The Skatalites [ ] Voodoo Glowskulls [ ] Five Iron Frenzy [ ] Tip The Van [ ] Stealing From Peter [ ] The Specials [ ] Catch 22 TOTAL = 1 CLASSIC ROCK [ ] The Doors [ ] The Beatles [ ] The Rolling Stones [ ] The Clash [x] The Who [ ] Aerosmith [ ] Black Sabbath [ ] The Kinks [ ] Kiss [ ] The Ramones [ ] Pink Floyd [ ] Led Zepplin [ ] Heart [ ] Guns N Roses [ ] The Jimi Hendrix Experience [x] MOTLEY CRUE [ ] Ac/Dc [ ] Iron Butterfly [ ] Jefferson Airplane [ ] Bob Dylan [ ] Jimi Hendrix TOTAL = 2 90's ALTERNATIVE [ ] Sublime [ ] Cake [ ] Spin Doctors [ ] Smashing Pumpkins [ ] Gin Blossoms [ ] Alice In Chains [ ] Soundgarden [ ] Toad the Wet Sprocket [ ] 311 [ ] Live [ ] Bush [ ] Third Eye Blind [ ] Goo Goo Dolls [ ] Barenaked Ladies [ ] Counting Crows [ ] No Doubt [x] Nirvana [ ] matchbox20 [ ]eve 6 TOTAL= 1 INDUSTRIAL [ ] KMFDM [ ] Ministry [ ] Nine Inch Nails [ ] Laibach [ ] Einstürzende Neubauten [ ] Skinny Puppy [ ] Front Line Assembly [ ] VNV Nation [ ] Crossbreed [ ] :wumpscut: [ ] Throbbing Gristle [ ] Hocico [ ] Combichrist [ ] Assemblage 23 [ ] Front 242 [ ] Funker Vogt [ ] Psyclon 9 [ ] Suicide Commando [ ] Grendel [ ] Nitzer Ebb [ ] Haujobb [ ] The Birthday Massacre [ ] Mortiis TOTAL = 0 ELECTROCLASH [ ] Ladytron [ ] Fischerspooner [ ] Peaches [ ] ADULT [ ] Freezepop [ ] Daft Punk [ ] Goldfrapp [ ] Shiny Toy Guns [ ] Clear Static [ ] The Faint [ ] The Knife [ ] She Wants Revenge [ ] Chicks on Speed [ ] LCD Soundsystem [ ] Dirty Sanchez [ ] Le Tigre TOTAL = 0 ELECTRONICA [ ] The Chemical Brothers [ ] Prodigy [ ] Moby [ ] The Crystal Method [ ] Aphex Twin [ ] Basement Jaxx [ ] Juno Reactor [ ] Amon Tobin [ ] Orbital [ ] Paul Oakenfold [ ] Unkle [ ] Tricky [ ] Benny Benassi [ ] Photek [ ] Roni Size [ ] LTJ Bukem [ ] Boom Bip TOTAL = 0 So it seems I'm scene. Hmmm.....

My quirks

70 QUIRKS ABOUT ME - 01. Initials: JAW 02. Name someone with the same birthday as you: I'm don't know of any 03. Last thing you ate: Spring rolls 04. For or against same sex marriage: For definatly Love is love 05. I say Shotgun! You say?: Get off my land lol 06. Last person you hugged?: Natty 07. Do you believe in God?: NO!! 08. How many U.S states have you been to?: 1 09. How many of the U.S states have you lived in: None 10. Ever lived outside of the US: Yeah all my life 11. Name something you like physically about yourself: I'm pretty content with my body. So I don't have a fave part. Maybe you could tell me. 12. Something non-physical you like about yourself: My attitude 13. Who is your best friend?: Nat for sure 14. Why are you up?: Because it's 8:13 pm 15. Who made you angry today?: My nan and it being the third day in a row that I've seen her all because it's Christmas. 16. Favorite type of Food?: Anything Italian 17. Favorite holiday:Halloween proberly 18. Do you download music: Yeah but I buy a lot of it. All depends what's been released over here. 19. What illegal things have you done?: I'm not to sure. There's proberly quite a bit. 20. Sing and Dance?: Ha ha yeah 21. Would you date the person that posted this?: Nope no offense intended but she's my sister 22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?: Ha Ha only when they were being stupid. Fun times! 24. Do you like Bush: I don't dislike the bloke 26. Have you ever went white-water rafting: No 27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?: Ha Ha yeah 28. How much money ya got?: £80 at the mo but I've got one pay day on Friday and then another next Friday so it will be quite a healthy sum. 9. Have you met a real redneck?: Proberly quite a few to be honest 30. How is the weather right now?: Chilly and calm 31. What are you listening to right now: Dead on Arrival Acoustic - Fall out boy 32. What is your current fav song?: Truth be told 'm not to sure if there is one at the moemnt 33. What was the last movie you watched?: Casper 35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?: Town 36. What are you afraid of?: I'm not sure I seemed to have grown out of many 37. How many piercings and tattoos do you have?: 3 piercings and no tattos just yet but pay day is soon 38. How many pets do you have: 1 cat and 1 dog 41. What do you usually order from Starbucks? Anything 42. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes 43. Are you missing someone?: Yes 44. Fav. TV show?: Gotta be CSI 45. Do you have an ipod?: I certainly do 46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?: Nope 47. Collect shoes?: No 48. Who would you like to see right now?: Just a few people some proberly know who they are 49. Favorite movie of all time?: Beetlejuice 51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? Yeah 52. Favorite flower: Roses or daffodils 53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?: I prefer sweet 54. What Magazines are you reading?: None I rarely buy them 55. Have you ever ridden in a limo: Yup Yup 56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?: Yes 57. Favorite dance?: I don't have one 58. What's something that really bugs you?: People leaveing things and not bothering to finish them off. It's usually arguements 60. Do you like Michael Jackson?: God No 61. Whats your favorite smell?: Cut grass 62. Favorite basketball team: I don't watch it 63. Favorite cereal: Coco pops 64. Do you drive: No 65. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?: About 40 hours 66. Last time you went bowling?: Years and years ago 67. Who was your last phone call?: Natty 68. Last person you thought of?: There've been a few in the past hour or so 69. Do you smoke/drink?: Smoke no drink yes 70. Wheres your favorite place to be: Anywhere with people I care about. (how very emo of me lol)

Female survey

1.What color is your bra? Classicly white 2. Have you ever lied about your age? No I've never had to 3. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or "tough guys" Both 4. Do you prefer blonde or brunette guys? Depends 5. Are you currently single? Nope 6. How many things in your past do you regret? Loads 7. Did you answer number six truthfully? Yes 8. Do you have best friends? I have one 10. Have you ever kissed two people in one night? No 12. Who was the last person you hugged? Natty 13. Have you ever had your heart broken? No 15. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't? No 16. Have you ever felt like killing somebody? Yes today at work several times 17. If you could change anything about your past what would it be?? I wouldn't 18. Do you like your life? Yes 19. Do you shop at Hollister? No 20. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you? Lol yes and she wrote a nice letter to me aswell 21. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? OMG YES!!! 22. Did you forgive them? No never will 23. Who was your first best friend? Tyne funnily enough it she was the one who stole my boyfriend 24. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? About same 25. How long have you had myspace? Couple of years 26. Have you ever skipped school? Yes lots of times 27. Has anyone ever cheated on you? Yes 28. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? No 30. What is one of your biggest fears of your life? I'm not too sure dieing alone proberly 31. Have you ever skipped class? Lots of times 32. Has anyone close to you ever passed away? Yes 33. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes 34. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? Lol yes 35. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater? Sort of 39. So far, do you like this survey? Tis ok 40. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out you were right? Yes 41. Do you ever wish you were famous? Not really would be cool to trave lthe world in a band though 42. DO YOU EVER WISH you were a man? No 43. Do you think any men will open this just because it has the title female survey? Yes
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