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S - Z

S SCAPULOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the patterns, cracks and fissures of the burned shoulder blade of an animal. Sometimes considered to be a form of augury (divination by interpreting the appearance and behavior of animals). Also known as Spatulamancy SCATOMANCY: Divination by interpreting excrement. A form of Spatalamancy (divination by interpreting skin, bones or excrement). SCIAMANCY, SCIOMANCY: Divination by communication with spirits. Distinct from Necromancy in that the spirits are voluntary participants in the divination. SCRYING: See Catoptromancy. SEER: See Ariolater. SELENOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the appearance and phase of the moon. SHOWSTONE: See Crystal Ball. SIDEROMANCY: Divination interpreting straw placed on a hot iron surface. A form of pyromancy (divination interpreting fire). SKATHAROMANCY: Divination by interpreting the tracks of a beetle crawling over a grave, especially that of a murder victim. A form of augury (interpreting the appearance or behavior of animals). SOOTHSAYER: See Ariolater. SORTILEGE: Divination by casting or drawing lots. There are many types of sortilege including: Astraglomancy (sheep bones); Belomancy (arrows); Bibliomancy (books); Cleromancy (dice); Pessomancy (pebbles); Rhapsodomancy (poetry); Stichomancy (books); Sometimes known as Cleromancy. SOUL READING: See Psychomancy. SPATALAMANCY: Divination by interpreting skin, bone or excrement. SPATULAMANCY: See Scapulomancy. SPIRIT BOARD: See Ouija. SPLANCHOMANCY: See Anthropomancy. SPODANOMANCY, SPODOMANCY: Divination by interpreting ashes, soot or cinders, usually from sacrificial fires or burnt offerings. Also known as Tephramancy, Tephromancy or Tuphramancy. STAREOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the Elements. STERNOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the area between the breast and belly (solar plexus). STICHOMANCY: See Bibliomancy. STOICHEMANCY: Divination by interpreting randomly chosen passages in books by Virgil and Homer. A form of Bibliomancy. STOLISOMANCY: Divination by interpreting people's clothing and style. SYCOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the response of a written question to moisture. Originally, questions were written on fig leaves, the slower the leaf dried out, the more favorable the prediction. Today, sycomancy is done with paper (observing the response to steam) or tree leaves (observing the drying time). T TAROT: Divination by interpreting a set of 78 cards which carry pictures and symbols used to connect the diviner with the collective unconscious. The cards can be used to determine the past, present and future of an event or person and can become powerful tools in magickal workings and rituals. The Tarot is divided into the22Major Arcana or Trump cards that depict dominant occurrences and the 56 Minor Arcana or Suit cards that assist in fleshing out the situations indicated by the Trump Cards, or indicate smaller occurrences. The Minor Arcana are also known as the Lesser Arcana. TAROLOGIST: A person who divines using Tarot cards. TASSEOGRAPHY, TASSEOMANCY: Divination by interpreting tea leaves and coffee grounds. TEMURAH: A form of gematria that creates anagrams through systematic letter substitutions. Gematria is a system of discovering truths and hidden meanings behind words, using numerical values for letters of the alphabet. Each letter corresponds to a number. The numerical values of words are totaled and interpreted in terms of other words with the same numerical value. Gematria dates back to the 8th century B.C. Babylon, and has been used by most mystics since that time including the Magi, Gnostics, and Quabbalists. Notarikon is a form of gematria in which the first and last letters of a word or phrase are put together to create a new word, or to turn a word into a phrase. See also: Numerology. TEPHRAMANCY, TEPHROMANCY: See Spodanomancy. THEOMANCY: Divination through direct contact with a Deity. Practitioners are usually referred to as Oracles, Prophets or Theomancers. THEOMANCER: See Oracle. THERIOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the movement of groups of animals (e.g.: flocks of geese, herds of cattle). A form of augury (divination by interpreting the appearance or behavior of animals). TIROMANCY: Divination by interpreting the coagulation, especially holes, in cheese. Also known as Typomancy, Tyromancy. TUPHRAMANCY: See Spodanomancy. TYPOMANCY, TYROMANCY: See Tiromancy. U URIMANCY, UROMANCY: Divination by interpreting urine. URIM V'TUMIM: Divination by interpreting the sacred stones attached to the breast plate of a High Priest. V~W~X XENOMANCY: Divination by interpreting meetings with strangers. XYLOMANCY: Divination by interpreting kindling or other wood pieces that can be found ready for burning. Interpretations include where they are found, their shape and type or how they burn. Y YDROMANCY: See Hydromancy. Z ZOOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the appearance and behavior of animals. Synonymous with one of the definitions of augury. ZYGOMANCY: Divination by using weights, the original form of Bibliomancy (being weighed against the Bible) is a form of zygomancy.

L - R

L LAMPADOMANCY: Divination by interpreting a candle or lamp, usually the flame. A form of pyromancy. LECANOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the sound or image of an object or substance falling into a body of water. LESSER ARCANA: The 56 suit cards in a Tarot deck that assist in fleshing out the situations indicated by the Trump Cards (Major Arcana), or indicate smaller occurrences in our lives. Also known as the Minor Arcana. LIBRANOMANCY: Divination by interpreting smoke from incense. A form of capnomancy. Also known as Livanomancy. LITHOMANCY: Divination using precious or semiprecious stones either by interpreting light reflected from stones (crystallomancy, scrying) or casting them and interpreting the way they fall (sortilege). LIVANOMANCY: See Libranomancy. LOGARITHMANCY: Divination by interpreting logarithms. LUNOMANCY: Divination by interpreting moonlight on a person's face dusted with silver. A form of Selenomancy. LYCHNOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the flames of three candles. Similar to Lampodomancy. M MACHAROMANCY: Divination by interpreting knives or swords. MAJOR ARCANA: The 22 Trump Cards depicting dominant occurrences in a Tarot deck. MARGARITOMANCY: Divination using pearls and interpreting the light reflected or the way they fall. Similar to Lithomancy. METAGNOMY: Divination by interpreting visions received in a trance state. METEOROMANCY: Divination by interpreting falling stars (meteors). A form of aeromancy. METOPOSCOPY: Divination and character analysis through interpreting facial lines and wrinkles, especially of the forehead. MINOR ARCANA: See Lesser Arcana. MOLEOSCOPY, MOLEOSOPHY: Divination and character assessment by interpreting moles on the body. MOLYBDOMANCY: Divination by interpreting molten tin or lead. MYOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the appearance and behavior of mice. A form of Augury. MYRMOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the appearance and behavior of ants. A form of augury. N NECROMANCY: Divination through communication with ghosts or corpses. The spirits of the dead are sought for information because they are supposedly able to access information beyond that available to the living. Necromantic rites are not practiced in Witchcraft or Wicca. Necromancy differs from other forms of divination involving contact with spirits because it is specifically geared to summoning those spirits that are not existing in a "natural" state and therefore they are assumed to be unhappy and/or malicious. NOTARIKON: A form of gematria in which the first and last letters of a word or phrase are put together to create a new word, or to turn a word into a phrase. Gematria is a system of discovering truths and hidden meanings behind words, using numerical values for letters of the alphabet. Each letter corresponds to a number. The numerical values of words are totaled and interpreted in terms of other words with the same numerical value. Gematria dates back to the 8th century B.C. Babylon, and has been used by most mystics since that time including the Magi, Gnostics, and Quabbalists. Temurah is a form of gematria that creates anagrams through systematic letter substitutions. See also: Numerology. NUMEROLOGY, NUMEROMANCY: The system of magick and divination developed by Pythagoras. In numerology, all words, names and numbers may be reduced to single digits which correspond to certain occult characteristics that influence one’s life. Numerology is used to analyze a person’s character; assess weaknesses, strengths and natural gifts; predict one’s future and fate; determine the best place to live; and discover the best times to make decisions and take action. See also: Gematria. O OCULOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the eye. OENOMANCY, OINOMANCY: Divination by interpreting wine. OMEN: A sign, preferably found in nature, that foretells either good or bad events. OMPHALOMANCY, OMPHILOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the navel (bellybutton). Originally omphalomancy involved counting the number of knots in the umbilical cord to predict how many more children a mother would have. ONEIROMANCY, ONIROMANCY: Divination by interpreting dreams. ONOMANCY, ONOMOMANCY, ONOMATOMANCY: Divination by interpreting names. ONYCHOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the fingernails. The original form was to study the reflection of the sun in the nails of a young boy. OOMANTIA: Divination by interpreting the shape, color, and patterns (when dyed) of an egg. OOSCOPY: Divination by nurturing an egg and observing the hatching of a chick. Often used to determine the sex of an expected child. OPHIOMANCY: Divination by observing the appearance and behavior of serpents. A form of augury. ORACLE: A person who speaks directly to a Deity to divine or prophesize. Also known as Prophet, Theomancer. See Also: Ariolater, Aruspex, Clairvoyant, Diviner, Haruspex, Seer, Soothsayer. ORNISCOPY, ORINITHOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the appearance and behavior of birds, especially their flight or song. A form of augury. OUIJA, OUIJA BOARD (French, oui: "yes"; German, ja: "yes"): A divination tool with the alphabet and numbers laid out on a board. Also called a Spirit Board. OVOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the yolk of an egg. P PALLOMANCY: Divination interpreting the movements of pendulum, often used in dowsing. Different forms of pallomancy include: Cleidomancy (using a key); Coscinomancy (using a sieve); Dactylomancy (using a ring); Also known as Radiesthesia. PALMISTRY: See Cheiromancy. PAPYROMANCY: Divination by interpreting folding paper. PEDOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the footprint of a person, usually encased in clay. A form of podomancy (interpreting the feet). PEGOMANCY: Divination by interpreting sacred pools, springs, wells or fountains. A form of Hydromancy and often used in conjunction with scrying. PESSOMANCY: Divination by casting or drawing marked pebbles or beans. A form of Sortilege. Also known as Psephomancy. PHRENOLOGY: See Cranioscopy. PHYLLORHODOMANCY: Divination by interpreting rose petals. The original form involved slapping a rose petal against the palm of the hand and interpreting the sound made. PHYSIOGNOMY: Divination and character analysis by interpreting the face. Similar to Metoposcopy (interpretation of facial lines). PODOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the feet. PRECOGNITION: An an inner knowledge or vision of future events, especially those that appear to be inevitable. Similar to Premonition (a vague image or sense of the event). PREMONITION: A warning of an impending event, experienced as foreboding, anxiety and intuitive sense of dread. Premonitions tend to occur before disasters, accidents and deaths. Similar to Precognition (a clear image of the event). PROPHECY: A prediction of future events, usually divinely inspired. PROPHET: See Oracle. PSEPHOMANCY: See Pessomancy. PSYCHOGRAPHY: Spirit communication done unconsciously by an individual often in trance, obsession or possession states. Automatic communication has occurred with people in a fully conscious state without their awareness of the action and distinct personality and knowledge variants (e.g.: fluency in an ancient language) have been documented. Psychography is the term applied to written communication and is also known as Autography and Automatic Writing. Psychography is distinct from Direct Writing where a spirit writes directly without human or mechanical assistance. All forms are distinct from Psychomancy where the diviner consciously summons the spirit for communication. PSYCHOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the soul of a person, their values, beliefs and morals. Also known as Soul Reading. PSYCHOMETRY: Divination by interpreting an object to obtain information about its history and/or owner. Considered to be a form of clairvoyance and often used to locate missing persons or to assist in solving crime. The term was coined in the mid-nineteenth century by Joseph R. Buchanan, an American physiologist. PYROMANCY: Divination by interpreting fires, flames or burning objects. There are many different forms of pyromancy including: Botanomancy (burning branches and leaves); Capnomancy (smoke); Causinomancy (burning flammable objects); Daphnomancy (burning a laurel branch); Lampadomancy (lamps or candles); Pyroscopy (burning paper); Sideromancy (burning straw). PYROSCOPY: Divination by interpreting burning paper. Originally, pyroscopy was the interpretation of the stains left on a light surface after burning paper, current practice includes observation of the paper as it burns. A form of pyromancy. Q~R RADIESTHESIA: See Pallomancy. RHABDOMANCY: Divination using a stick, wand or divining rod. Rhabdomancy is often used in dowsing. RHAPSODOMANCY: Divination by interpreting randomly chosen passages in a book of Poetry. The most common form is opening a book to a random page to answer a question. The variant of using any book is called bibliomancy or stichomancy and using books by Virgil and Homer is called stoichemancy. ROADOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the stars.

D - K

D DACTYLIOMANCY, DACTYLOMANCY: Divination using rings. Most frequently dactylomancy is done in the form of radiesthesia (divination using a pendulum) and the ring is suspended over various objects. One form uses rings of various metals placed on the fingernails in patterns in conjunction with the planets. Sources indicate it is often used for dowsing. DAPHNOMANCY: Divination by interpreting a burning laurel branch. If the fire crackles it is a positive sign. A form of pyromancy. DEMONOMANCY: Divination by evoking demons to reveal information. DENDROMANCY: Divination interpreting trees, especially oak or mistletoe. DERVISHING: The practice of whirling into a state of ecstasy. Sometimes cited as a form of Gyromancy (divination by interpreting the fall of a person who whirls until they are dizzy and fall down). DIRECT WRITING: Term for a spirit writing without human or mechanical assistance. Distinct from Autography, Automatic Writing and Psychography which are done through human beings. DIVINATION: The art of using magickal tools and symbols to gather information from the Collective unconscious on the nature of people. places, things, and events in the past, present and future. Also known as Dukkerin, Dukkering. DIVINER: See Ariolater. DIVINING ROD: A forked rod or branched which is used to for dowsing (locating things underground). Also known as Dowsing Rod. DOWSING: Divination to find a person, place, thing or element in buried in the earth. Dowsing will often involve using a pendulum (radiesthesia) or divining rod (rhabdomancy). DOWSING ROD: A forked rod or branched which is used to for dowsing (locating things underground). Also known as Divining Rod. DUBJED: Tibetan term for Catoptromancy. DUKKERIN, DUKKERING: Romany term for Divination. E ENOPTROMANCY: See Catoptromancy. ENTOMANCY: Divination interpreting the appearance and behavior of insects. A form of augury. EXTISPICIUM: (See Aruspicy) A tool used in the practice of exitispicium, exitispicy, aruspicy, haruspicy. EXTISPICY: See Aruspicy. F FENG SHUI (Chinese, feng shui: "wind and water"): The ancient Chinese practice of studying and following the natural currents of the Earth to ensure the proper alignment with them so that Qi is not disrupted. Feng Shui is used to determine the suitability and layout of homes, businesses, burial grounds and temples. FRACTOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the structure of fractal geometric patterns. G GASTROMANCY: Divination by interpreting the sounds or signs on the belly. Gastromancy is most frequently reported as a voice emanating from the belly and it has been dismissed by most occult investigators as a form of ventriloquism and trickery. An ancient description of another gastromancy technique described placing a child in front of a glass filled with water and illuminating the glass. Divination was done by interpreting the images in the glass. GELOSCOPY: Divination by interpreting laughter. GEMATRIA: A system of discovering truths and hidden meanings behind words, using numerical values for letters of the alphabet. Each letter corresponds to a number. The numerical values of words are totaled and interpreted in terms of other words with the same numerical value. Gematria dates back to the 8th century B.C. Babylon, and has been used by most mystics since that time including the Magi, Gnostics, and Quabbalists. Notarikon is a form of gematria in which the first and last letters of a word or phrase are put together to create a new word, or to turn a word into a phrase. Temurah is a form of gematria that creates anagrams through systematic letter substitutions. See also: Numerology. GENETHIALOGY: Divination by interpreting the influence of the stars at birth to predict the future. A form of astrology. GEOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the Element of Earth. Forms include scattering and throwing dirt, gravel or sand, interpreting lines or figures traced in earth, and observation of earth formations. Ley line interpretation and Feng Shui are forms of Geomancy. GRAPHOLOGY: Divination and character analysis by interpreting handwriting. GYROMANCY: Divination by walking or whirling in a circle until dizzy and interpreting the point of the person's fall. The circle used is often laid out with letters. Some sources include Dervishing (whirling into an ecstasy) as a form of gyromancy. H HALOMANCY: See Alomancy. HAKATA: Bones, dice, seeds or shells used for divination. HARUSPEX: See Ariolater. HARUSPICY: See Aruspicy. HEPATOMANCY, HEPATOSCOPY: Divination by examining the liver of an animal. A form of aruspicy (divination with animal entrails). HIEROMANCY, HIEROSCOPY: Divination by interpreting sacrificial objects such as burnt offerings or slaughtered animals. Similar to aruspicy (interpretation of animal entrails). HIPPOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the appearance and behavior of horses. A form of augury. HOROSCOPE: An astrological chart for a specific person or group that charts and correlates the signs of the zodiac as they are crossed by the sun, moon and planets and the position of planets in the twelve astrological houses. HOROSCOPY: Divination and character analysis by interpreting a horoscope HYDATOSCOPY: Divination by interpreting rainwater. A form of Hydromancy. HYDROMANCY: Divination by interpreting water including its color, ebb and flow, or ripples produced by pebbles dropped in a pool. Also known as Ydromancy. I I CHING: See the Book of Changes. ICHTHYOMANCY: Divination interpreting the appearance and behavior of fish. A form of augury (divination by interpreting the appearance or behavior of animals); Divination interpreting the entrails of fish. A form of aruspicy (divination by interpreting animal entrails). IDOLOMANCY: Divination by interpreting idols, images or figures. J~K KEPHALONOMANCY: See Cephalomancy.

Types of Divination A - C

A AEROMANCY: Divination interpreting atmospheric conditions. There are several different forms including: Austromancy (wind); Ceraunoscopy (thunder & lightning); Chaomancy (aerial visions); Meteormancy (meteors, especially shooting stars). AILUROMANCY: Divination through interpreting the appearance and behavior of cats. A form of augury. ALECTORMANCY, ALECTROMANCY, ALECTRYOMANCY: Divination through interpreting the appearance and behavior of sacred chickens (originally); current versions include the interpretation of fowls eating grain and marking the cock's crow as letters are recited. A form of augury. ALEUROMANCY: Divination through sortilege of fortunes written on slips of paper. The fortunes were inserted into balls of dough that were baked, mixed, and distributed randomly. This form of divination is the origin of Ash Wednesday pancakes and fortune cookies. Another version involves the interpretation of patterns left in a bowl of flour rinsed in water. Aleuromancy was the domain of Apollo in some traditions. ALOMANCY: Divination by interpreting salt. The origin of misfortune associated with spilled salt. Also known as Halomancy. ALPHITOMANCY: A divination practice to identify guilty parties by feeding an individual or group a loaf of barley. Innocent people would feel no ill effect but guilty ones would experience indigestion. Alphitomancy was often used to identify criminals or adulterers. Also known as Cursed Bread. AMNIOMANCY: Divination by inspecting and interpreting the caul of a baby at birth. ANTHROPOMANCY, ANTINOPOMANCY: Divination interpreting the entrails of human sacrifice. This practice is obviously illegal and unethical and is not used by pagans today. Recorded instances of anthropomancy are from ancient Egypt and Rome and were documented as heinous acts at the time of their occurrences. Also known as Splanchomancy. APANTOMANCY: Divination through interpreting any objects (or beings) that happen to present themselves. A common form of apantomancy is is interpreting the appearance and behavior of animals during chance meetings (a form of augury). The superstition associated with a black cat crossing one's path is apantomancy. ARACHNOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the appearance and behavior of spiders. A form of augury. ARIOLATER: Someone who practices divination. Also known as Aruspex, Clairvoyant, Diviner, Haruspex, Seer, Soothsayer. See Also: Oracle, Prophet, Theomancer. ARIOLATIO: Divining by interpreting altars. ARITHMANCY, ARITHOMANCY, ARITHMOMANCY: Divination by interpreting numbers. Greeks used the number and value of the letters in the names of two combatants to predict the victor. This form of divination has been adopted and modified by many cultures over the millennia. One of its evolved forms is the current magickal system of Numerology. ARITHMOSOPHY: Divination by Bertiaux's method of converting words to numbers. A form of Arithmancy and Numerology. ARMOMANCY: Divining by inspecting the shoulders of a person. Used originally to determine the suitability of a person for sacrifice to the gods. ARUSPEX: See Ariolater. ARUSPICY: Divination by interpreting animal entrails. Aruspicy is sometimes considered to be a form of augury (interpreting form and behavior of animals). Similar to Anthropomancy (interpretation of human entrails) and Heiromancy (interpretation of sacrificed animals) Also known as Haruspicy, Extispicy, Extispicium ASPIDOMANCY: Divining by entering casting a circle and summoning an entity. ASTRAGALOMANCY, ASTRAGYROMANCY: Divination through the sortilege of sheep bones (originally). Now commonly done with dice bearing numbers and letters. ASTROLOGY, ASTROSOPHY: Divination by interpreting the movements of heavenly bodies, particularly the major planets. AUGURY: Often used synonymously with divination to mean the interpretation of signs and omens. More accurately, it is divination based on the appearance or behavior of animals. Includes: Alectryomancy (chickens); Arachnomancy (spiders); Entomomancy (insects); Hippomancy (horses) Ichthyomancy (fish); Myomancy (mice); Ophiomancy (snakes); Zoomancy (any animal); Haruspicy (interpreting animal entrails) is sometimes consider augury. AUSTROMANCY: Divination by interpreting wind. A form of aeromancy. AUTOGRAPHY, AUTOMATIC WRITING, AUTOMATIC SPEAKING: Spirit communication done unconsciously by an individual often in trance, obsession or possession states. Automatic communication has occurred with people in a fully conscious state without their awareness of the action and distinct personality and knowledge variants (e.g.: fluency in an ancient language) have been documented. Autography and Automatic Writing apply to written communication and are also known as Psychography. They are distinct from Direct Writing where a spirit writes directly without human or mechanical assistance. All forms are distinct from Psychomancy where the diviner summons the spirit consciously for communication. AXINOMANCY, AXIOMANCY: Divination using an axe or hatchet. Both the handle and the blade are used in various forms. B BELOMANCY: Divination through interpreting arrows. This type of divination is expressly forbidden in the Koran. Also known as Bolomancy. BIBLIOMANCY: Originally, the divination used to assess the guilt or innocence of a person accused of sorcery. The person was weighed against the great Bible in the Church and if the person weighed less than the bible they were deemed innocent. Today, bibliomancy refers to divination interpreting randomly chosen passages in books and is also called stichomancy. The most common form is opening a book to a random page to answer a question. The Bible is still the most frequently used book, although any book may be used. Using books by Virgil and Homer specifically is called stoichemancy. The variant of using a book of poetry is called rhapsodomancy. BOLOMANCY: See Belomancy. BOOK OF CHANGES, The: An ancient Chinese system of oracular divination that reveals patterns of subtle forces. The questioner is required to interpret the information provided through deep introspection and intuitive thought. The Book of Changes dates back to about 2852 B.C. Also known as I Ching. BOOK OF THOTH: Tarot Cards. BOTANOMANCY: A form of pyromancy, interpreting burned or burning tree branches and leaves. Originally the branches of brier and vervain were used and the question was carved into the branch. Often used today to refer to divination by the interpretation of plants. C CAPNOMANCY: Divination by interpreting smoke rising from a fire, especially sacred fires. A form of pyromancy. CARROMANCY: Divination by interpreting melting wax (usually poured into cold water). Also called Ceromancy, Ceroscopy. CARTOMANCY: Divination using modern playing cards. Some sources include Tarot and other Divination cards in this category. CATOPTROMANCY, CATOXTROMANCY, CATTOBOMANCY: Divination by interpreting images in a reflective or transparent object such as a mirror, crystal globe or pool of water. The earliest recorded form of catoptromancy turned a mirror toward the moon to catch moonbeams. Also known as Crystallomancy, Crystalomancy, Dubjed, Enoptromancy, Scrying. CAUSIMOMANCY, CAUSINOMANCY: Divination from observing the behavior or reactionof objects placed in a fire. It is a particularly good sign if combustible materials do not catch fire. CEPHALOMANCY: Divination interpreting the skull or head of a donkey or goat. Also known as Kephalonomancy. CERAUNOSCOPY: Divination by interpreting thunder and lightning. A form of Aeromancy. CEROMANCY, CEROSCOPY: See Carromancy. CHAOMANCY: Divination by interpreting aerial visions. A form of Aeromancy CHARTOMANCY: Divination using writing paper. CHEIROMANCY, CHIROGNOMY, CHIROLOGY, CHIROMANCY: Divination through analysis of hand shape, fingers, fingernails and the palms. According to legend, it is one of the oldest Witch skills, taught to mortals by Aradia, daughter of Lucifer and Diana. Also known as Palmistry. CLAIRAUDIENCE: Divination through hearing the future. Clairaudience is often categorized under the broader heading of Clairvoyance. CLAIRVOYANCE: Divination through seeing the future. Clairvoyance specifically refers to the visual image of future events, but other forms of "seeing" the future are commonly called clairvoyance including: Clairaudience (hearing); Metagnomy (induced through hypnotic trance); Precognition (inner knowing); and Psychometry (induced through contact with a physical object). CLAIRVOYANT: See Ariolater. CLEDOMANCY, CLEDONOMANCY: Divination by interpreting random events or statements. CLEIDOMANCY: A form of radiesthesia (divination using a pendulum) using a suspended key as the pendulum. Also known as Clidomancy. CLEROMANCY: Divination by sortilege with dice. It is sometimes used synonymously with Sortilege (divination by casting or drawing lots). CLIDOMANCY: See Cleidomancy. COSCINOMANCY, COSKIOMANCY: A form of radiesthesia (divination using a pendulum) using a sieve which was sometimes suspended from tongs or shears. CRANIOSCOPY: Divination and character analysis by studying the shape and structure of the human skull. Also known as Phrenology. CRITHOMANCY, CRITOMANCY: Divination byinterpreting food, usually cakes and breads, that are offered in sacrifice. CROMNIOMANCY: Divination by interpreting onions or onion sprouts. CRYSTAL BALL: A crystal sphere used for divination, especially for scrying. Also called a Showstone. CRYSTALLOMANCY, CRYSTALOMANCY: See Catoptromancy. Scrying. CURSED BREAD: See Alphitomancy. CYCLOMANCY: Divination by interpreting revolving wheels.
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