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How Bad Can He Be?

Why Obama Must be Stopped This November Democrats are counting on support from millions of voters who have no clue about the issues, but will vote as their union tells them or because Obama is younger, is African-American, or is an inspirational speaker. In this very critical election voters need to know the facts. Please take a few minutes, read these seventeen points and vote for what's right not for whats popular! 1.Great speeches mask lack of substance or maybe something even worse. There is no doubt that Barack has a knack for delivering inspirational speeches. Unfortunately, lured by his charisma and scripted speeches many Americans have boarded his bandwagon. However, voters should question his “change, yes we can” line. What changes? Will they be helpful or harmful? What will they cost? Or is it just a cover for liberal/socialistic programs out of yesterday’s playbook that Republicans have pretty much blocked in recent years? It’s scary how a major party Presidential candidate, with little experience and with a history of voting “present” to avoid having a controversial record, can just appear out of nowhere as a frontrunner. It’s time Americans ask who is this man and who is behind him? 2.Barack Obama was the most liberal Senator in the 110th Congress per the non-partisan National Journal. And his running mate Joe Biden is the third most liberal U.S. Senator. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck—it is a duck. In the fight for the Democratic nomination, the one thing neither candidate did was criticized their opponent for being too liberal. Now the truth is coming out. Barack Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like a conservative. But beware! As the Democratic candidate, Barack is reinventing himself as a moderate. By flip-flopping to suit his needs at the time, he is showing his true colors as that of a crafty politician and not a messiah for change. For example, early in the primary races, Barack was against open trade and strongly in favor of public campaign financing. But later he flip-flopped as he discovered NAFTA has helped more than it hurt, and Walla, after raising record sums of money, he throws the public financing cause he once championed under the bus. One of Obama’s ardent early supporters was quoted in Time magazine saying “He’s just continuing politics as usual, becoming like any other politician.” Again, if it looks like a duck…..it is a duck. Informed voters should know that liberalism equals bigger government, less individual rights, increased spending and higher taxes. 3.Affordable energy for America is needed NOW. Few Americans would disagree that our country needs to find and develop new sources of energy. But that will take time. It’s critical for our economy and national security to turn the corner on energy as quickly as possible. Conservation is good and new energy innovations are needed, however we desperately need a complete energy program now which includes drilling. But Obama and his Democratic cohorts like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have been preventing the most obvious solutions…finding and producing new American oil, building more refineries, building more nuclear power plants, and utilizing our vast deposits of natural coal and oil shale. The entire world is suffering from high gasoline prices. And inflating our tires won’t make it go away. The Dems like to blame it on President Bush, but they better look in the mirror. For years now they have blocked all meaningful legislation that would produce more energy. Obama’s plan calls for more conservation and a tax on American oil companies. History has shown that punishing the oil companies with windfall profit taxes will only push prices higher, reduce exploration, and further damage our economy. Senator Obama says “drilling off shore is a scheme of the oil companies.” I guess he wants the U.S. to stay dependent upon foreign dictators like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Iran’s Ahmadinejad. This problem could have been solved ten years ago, but the Dems put their foot down, and now they say drilling won’t make a difference for another ten years. Wrong! In most cases new oil can be on the market in four to five years. And just the idea that America is drilling can have an effect of reducing prices. Consider that prices in non oil producing nations are the highest, for example around $10 a gallon in most European countries. But in oil producing countries like Mexico it’s about $2.75 a gallon, and just 12 cents in Venezuela. 4.Let’s be honest about the economy. Why is the economy sluggish? Barack and his power seeking Democrat colleagues are ecstatic and by blaming it onto George Bush, it gives their party a major advantage in the ’08 elections, because people vote their pocketbooks. But the truth is the economy was excellent for the first seven years of Bush’s administration but is now suffering big time because of high energy costs and the real estate slump primarily caused by the sub-prime mortgage debacle. Real estate has cycles and we are not far away from a rebound in which this powerful force (a vibrant real estate market) will bring stability and return many Americans to work. The economy and energy prices go hand in hand. Our most urgent problem now—affordable energy—can be turned into our biggest savior by creating millions of quality jobs by simply opening all options. But first Obama and his Democrat legions must stop blocking drilling, new refineries and nuclear power. Nancy Pelosi purposely sent everyone home this summer to avoid an energy vote that American’s are demanding. Barack’s solution for the economy is to raise taxes and increase regulations. History has shown that doesn’t work. John McCain says “small businesses are the job engine of America, and I will make it easier for them to grow.” Barack doesn’t seem to understand this. 5.Health care concerns. We arguably have the best health care system in the world. Unfortunately about 47 million Americans are not part of it; however, over 250 million are insured and are getting excellent and prompt care, albeit expensive. Now the Democrats want to weaken the system for everyone, by including the 16 percent who are now uninsured, even illegal aliens, in a bureaucratic federal plan. The cost? As much as $65 billion a year plus being one of the most intrusive government bureaucracies ever created. We must stop the feds from controlling our health care but fight to strengthen our present system with tax credits for employers and/or employees, initiate serious reforms, including tort reform, which would place limitations on outrageous law suits which drive up costs? When your family doctor pays over $100,000 yearly in malpractice insurance you can’t expect anything but high costs. Lower health insurance costs translate into more people being insured and less financial stress on emergency rooms. By the way, do you know who the biggest contributors to Obama’s campaign are? Answer…trial attorneys. Where is the “change we can believe in” Barack? 6.Dead wrong on Iraq.We all know the Iraq story…we went in with less than accurate data, met with strong opposition flamed by sectarian violence, and its become a money pit, not to mention American casualties. Now Obama wants to cut and run. He says we should get out ASAP. Or was that yesterday’s rhetoric? Never mind the sacrifices of so many brave Americans…or no matter how it would affect our many friends and allies in the region. Iraq is one of several fronts in the war against Islamic terrorism. Now thanks to the “troop surge” that Obama opposed, we’ve turned the corner and there is a very bright light at the end of the tunnel. We have now turned over the once deadly Anbar province to Iraq troops. As John McCain said, we had to finish the job with honor. The alternative of leaving without a victory would have created a vacuum in Iraq that would have embolden Iran, Al-Queda, Hizballah and other Islamic terrorists and would have planted seeds for far more serious problems in the near future. Obama’s foreign policy ideas are dangerous, and as Hillary Clinton called them “Irresponsible and frankly naïve.” With Iran close to having atomic weapons, the region is a “powder keg” and we absolutely cannot afford to have a President who’s getting “on the job training.” 7.National security can’t be taken lightly. Who expected that planes commandeered by terrorists would crash into, and totally destroy, the World Trade center? They did, proving anything can happen. Since then many would be terrorist plots that have been discovered and thwarted. A lot of thanks for this goes to President George Bush, but listen to the Democrats and you would think our President is no better than a terrorist himself and a proponent of politics of fear. But the threat is real. We’ve been attacked and the number one job in America is keeping us safe. Now how is Obama going to do this by weakening the Patriot Act, wanting terrorists to have the rights of American citizens, and wanting to kiss and make up with the bad guys? Many Democrats think this issue is a Republican ploy to scare voters into voting for them. They greatly minimize the dangers to our nation. Now we must face an increasingly dangerous Russia that is not only the second leading oil producing nation, but one with a growing economy and a vastly upgraded military. Their invasion of neighboring Georgia may be signaling their intentions to reclaim their former empire and the power they had during the cold war. Open your eyes Americans! Do you want a vastly unproven and untested former community activist leading our nation in these troubling times? 8.The immigration debacle.America has always been a country that has welcomed legal immigrants to our shores. And we still do! But we are now being invaded by hoards of illegals that are costing our cities billions of dollars and in many cases taking jobs away from poor and low income American citizens (by working for substandard wages). Illegal aliens are also partly responsible for a massive escalation in crime and for breaking the back of emergency rooms and hospitals, forcing many to close. Many of Obama’s inner city supporters are responsible for creating “sanctuary city’s” to hide illegals from deportation, even if they’ve committed a crime. Barack Obama thinks we should give these illegals drivers licenses, health insurance, and many other benefits reserved for citizens. He is also against strong deterrents (like a fence) and would like to give these people an easy path to citizenship…so they will someday vote for him. 9.Who will Barack choose to join his government if elected? ”Birds of a feather flock together.” Get used to seeing these people around a lot: George Soros, William Ayres, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Jesse Jackson, Alex Baldwin, Tony Rezko, the Reverend Wright and maybe even his half brother Abongo in Kenya, a Marxist, and Muslim militant. Yes, Barack distanced himself from his pastor for the sake of the campaign, but what kind of judgment does it show when he was a supporting and regular member of this hate–filled black independence church for 20 years. His history reveals he has constantly supported people who have openly expressed their contempt for our country. And what does it say of a man who would give a speech designed to please our critics abroad? Would he be a President who would subjugate America’s interest to world bodies such as the United Nations? Many progressive/liberal Democrats think America is a bully and we should be better world citizens. Maybe even be part of a world government. What does Obama really believe? McCain believes in “Country first.” 10.What’s Obama’s record? Does he even have one? It’s puzzling why the Democrats would pick a smooth talking politician with less than four years experience in the Senate and with virtually no record. Maybe it’s because he has little to defend and his promises of hope and change inspire a lot of people. Let’s give Barack credit, however, for sponsoring the global Poverty Act (S.2433) which could commit U.S. taxpayers to spend 0.7% of our Gross Domestic Product (which could be $845 billion) on welfare to third world countries. And it doesn’t stop there, Barack would like to double U.S. foreign aid, using it as a weapon against extremism. How will we pay for this—on the backs of American taxpayers by upping capital gains margins, bringing back inheritance taxes and lifting caps on Social Security payroll taxes? And what about your call for “economic justice” Mr. Community Organizer Obama? Is that a code for socialism or transfer of wealth? Both his lack of experience and his obvious progressive/liberal leanings are deeply troubling. It is also troubling that he is now trying to convince the American voter that he’s a moderate. And if you watch him closely, you’ll see he’s been using the polls to help mold his positions. So we have a very liberal guy who seems willing to say anything just to get elected. What gives Barry? 11.Our nation’s future depends on our educational system. The state of our public schools is pathetic. American students are ranked 18th out of 24 nations in terms of relative effectiveness of our educational system. Yet we spend $11,152 per student, which is second highest in the World. In inner cities less than half graduate from high school. If there is one area of “change” needed now it would be to change the direction of our education system.. But Barack is lined up with the teacher unions that don’t want “real change.” They continuously fight worthwhile ideas like charter schools, voucher programs, longer hours for students, and accountability for both students and parents. An Obama victory coupled with Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress will merely mean more social engineering, and more money being thrown at the problem but with the same dismal results. 12.Let’s quit using the environment as an anti growth tool. Millions of Americans have jumped on the media driven bandwagon hoping to elect Barack Obama the 44th President of the United States. Even more Americans have jumped on the other media driven bandwagon—to save the environment, and yes, even our fragile earth—from global warming and eventual destruction. Our environment is important—but pushed by environmental extremists, we’ve gone too far. This hysteria is embraced by Obama and his Democrat legions. Their blind hatred of fossil fuel is hurting our economy, keeping us dependent on foreign oil, and helping to push prices of just about everything higher and higher. And the cap-and-trade plan proposed by Democrats will cost millions of jobs. It’s time for common sense, and time to make hardworking Americans a higher priority than bugs and weeds. 13. Taxes, Taxes & Taxes. See items 1, 2, 3, 4,5,8,9,10,11,12, 14 & 16. Barack Obama is a disaster waiting to happen. He promises tax cuts for Middle American taxpayers but this is a hollow campaign promise that will be broken like many of his other “convictions.” If he gets his way from the Democratic controlled Congress, many, many new spending bills will be passed in addition to his universal health care. He’ll be looking to you and American businesses for more money. Here are just two of his unfortunate ideas, very much resembling the liberal dream of income distribution. The first is to raise—almost double—the capital gains tax rate and the second is to do away with the FICA payroll tax cap meaning anyone making over $102,000 would pay an additional 7% in taxes on earned income.. This equals more money for the government (until tax revenue’s eventually slip) and less money for consumers to spend. Who are the real losers here? It starts with American small business owners (who employ many more people than large corporations) and filters down to every working and retired American. 14.How will he make his decisions? Since making his first stirring “change, yes we can” speeches the nation has had a chance to examine the candidate more closely. He’s mouthing traditional Democrat dogma making one wonder if any are his own unique ideas. He’s shifted on most of his positions, promises everything yet without specifics, has given three different opinions on dealing with the Russian invasion of Georgia, and named Joseph Biden, a lifetime member of the Washington establishment, as his vice-president running mate. That’s the same Joe Biden who said Obama didn’t have the experience to lead our nation and praised John McCain. Hey Barack, the Presidency is “above your pay level.” John McCain’s choice is Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, a conservative maverick who goes after corruption like a bulldog. Like most Americans she’s a regular person and has more executive experience than either Obama or Biden and she’s not from Washington. Her pick signals a strong desire by the McCain-Palin ticket to bring major, badly needed reforms to Washington. As McCain has said “we need to change almost everything in Washington.” 15.If you keep repeating a lie people will soon believe it. At the Democratic convention speaker after speaker talked about how bad off Americans are and how great things were in the Clinton years, and how everything just went to hell with the election of George Bush, and that by electing McCain we would just get four more years of George Bush. Campaign rhetoric of course. But a critical detail was left out. Many of Bill Clinton’s accomplishments, like welfare reform and a balanced budget, only happened because Newt Gingrich and the Republicans were in charge of Congress. And much of Bush’s eight years have been obstructed by a Democratic Congress. They are also quick to point out the Presidents low approval rating…never mentioning the pathetically low 17% rating of the Democrat led Congress. That’s almost twice as low as Bush’s. The Presidency is a powerful position but Congress is also powerful and they have a lot to say about how effective a President might be. 16.Why balance of power is critical. Let’s be honest, under Republican leadership, spending got out of control. And now we must pay the piper. Angry voters in ’08 are likely to increase Democratic majorities in both the house and senate, possibly creating a filibuster proof Congress. And if Barack Obama wins the Presidency, there will be no stopping the liberal Democrats from increasing entitlements, pushing for more affirmative action, severely damaging our health care system, screwing up our energy needs, creating a void in the Middle East for Iran, Syria and terrorist groups to fill, appointing liberal-activist judges that will damage America for years to come, and raising taxes to pay for it all.. The next President may appoint as many as three new Supreme Court Justices. Do you want Barack Obama picking them? By contrast John McCain is a social and fiscal conservative who does not support or take “earmarks” which are costing Americans millions and millions of dollars. 17.For the doubters—listen up. The majority of Americans don’t pay a lot of attention to politics. The typical man or woman on the street doesn’t see any difference between the political parties and some, as a protest, might even cast their vote for a third party candidate. Too many young people only know celebrities, and thanks to an adoring press corp, they now know Obama “the celebrity.” Many still believe the Republicans are the party of the rich and the Democrats speak for the working man. Take a closer look—that’s a myth and represents the kind of ignorance that will help destroy America. There are many significant differences and it is incumbent upon every voter to make an effort to know what and who they are about to vote for. Barack Obama is a smooth talking, arrogant politician with no experience. He says people in “small towns across America cling to their guns and religion.” He will be beholden to every extreme far left group like MoveOn.Org. By contrast, John McCain is a real American hero with both character and extensive experience, and has shown a willingness to cross party lines when he believes it’s the right thing to do. Don’t waste your vote—make it count.
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