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I sent out copies of a petition to be signed to friends on my mailing lists. regarding President Elect Obama show proof that he is legally entitled to hold the position of the President of the United States of America. (I have many Mailing lists). I recieved one reply back from somene I hold as a very dear friend of mine. I will not discose who this person is. If you think you know who he is. Please respect his rights to voice his opinions. We are entitled to that It is America!!! And here is the lesson We all should learn if nothing else. We are all able to voice our own beliefs. And we all are not going to agree on everything. But we all have moments when no matter how difficult the problem We need to know we love each other. I Look up to this man who wrote this still. And I will also stess this is a military veteran whom served his country with an very astounding record, and a Commissioned Officer in the USMC That come to visit my father and visited him regularly, when no one else did. Those whom knew my dad for years would not come and visit my dad in the latter months of his life. But my brother did. And for that, I will always hold him in my heart as a dear and trusted friend.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From my friend NOT INTERESTED IN ANY PETITION DEFAMING OUR PRESIDENT-ELECT. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND GOD'S WILL WAS DONE AND IT IS OUR DUTY TO PRAY FOR AND LIFT THE PRESIDENT AND HIS CABINET UP BEFORE THE LORD. GET IN THE WORD!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My Reply It is not a matter of whether I lift the president elect up in prayer. I do this every day. It is a matter of whether or not I can agree with certain issues that raise obvious questions and have raised questions long before his nomination was even considered as a running mate. It is somewhat off topic. Although, it is our duty as Americans to also be defenders of our nations security. This including the issues that range not only on the constitution and the legal questions whether someone is constitutionally eligible to run and ore hold the highest office in the United States of America. But, other topics as well. From abortion to the affairs of education the debates of our welfare system the budget. It is up to each individual american to ensure they are properly represented from their local elected official all the way up to the President of the United States of America. This is all In accordance to the constitution in which was founded and signed by our Founding Fathers. America was founded on such principles. The principles of which I solely have to say are fundamental in the very existence of liberty for all people. "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." Thomas Jefferson It was the acts of brave men and women who protested and contested such laws as slavery where change was made. It was where women who voiced their views and demanded for the right to vote that changed the way the voting system works today. It was the act of one rebellous person who decided to no longer sit in the back of a bus that changed the course of segregation. It was the will of one person who demanded they be permitted to attend an all white college that changed the course of where we are today. Do we have a long way to go? Yes. It was seen in this campaign. Where a woman was not elected upon. Although 60 years ago the thought of a woman running for president was unheard of. It was the voice of not the forefathers of our wonderful country alone. It was also those whom they offered to represent in the first continental congress that enacted a change in government as the colonies had known ever before. Under these same principles It is biblically correct to stand up and defend the rights of others. If we were to allow any acts of our government to go unchecked and American citizens only sat by and prayed we would be doing the bible a terrible injustice. We still may be faced with women being unable to vote. We may have never witnessed what we witnessed this election with a woman and a man of color being able to run for the highest office in the United States of America. We are requred by God Almighty to be stewards of what we have been given. Each individual must be entitled to express their views and have their questions answered in accordance to the law. We are commanded in the bible not to sit and be unattentive to issues. If this were the case then King David would have never went before Goliath and contested his might. King David would have never had went to to war to recapture the wives of his people who were stolen. We are to take an active role in how our nation to be governed. It is more then just taking to the polls on election day. Thomas Jefferson spoke of this "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. " Respectfully submitted Earl Lofland

I am sharing with you another historical Marine Corps Moment that began today. Reputedly noted as "The most fierce urban fighting for United States Marines since the Battle of Hue City in Vietnam in 1968." Now you will see a little clearer into my mind, why when I was asked, without a second thought- volunteered to participate in helping Camp TQ and the Marines deployed there. with Operaton Wow Factor http://www.newszapforums.com/forum60/64014.html Semper Fidelis - Semper Fortis - De Opresso Liber US Navy Marine Corps And United States Army Special Forces One Team One Fight Battle of Fallujah 8 November to 20 November 2004 Photobucket 1. Background and Mission. The Battle of Fallujah was conducted from 8 to 20 November 2004. the last fire mission was conducted 17 November. 2004 The battle had been fought by Army, Marine and Iraqi forces with approximately 15,000 under the I Marine Expeditionary Force (IMEF), The pattern of attack was to sweep from north to south. The combined forces cordoned the city and commenced their door-to-door search, 'clearing' buildings and engaging insurgents in the streets—This was reputedly The most fierce urban fighting for United States Marines since the Battle of Hue City in Vietnam in 1968. Fallujah is roughly 40 kilometers west of Baghdad on the Euphrates River. Fallujah, Al Anbar, Al Taqaddum, Kabali Lake Habania Iraq. All part of the same topographic location for Camp TQ, (I have been sending you emails on Operation Wow Factor- The Forward Operations Base for the 1st Marine Logisitcs Group deployed to Al Taqaddum, Iraq). Its population before the battle was about 250,000 people; however, TF 2-2 IN (Task Force 2d Battalion, 2d Infantry’s) encountered few civilians in its attack south. This missions objective was to attack south to Phase Line (PL) Fran (Highway 10) The northeastern edge of the city to protect their eastern flank and destroy the anti-Iraqi Forces "Sweep and Clear" *********************************************************************************************************** *************************************************Also***************************************************** Read the story of this decorated Hero who proudly served with the United States Army 82nd Airborne CPL Chris Mason Collage, KIA Pictures, Images and Photos Chris was ambushed and killed at 12 noon CDT Nov 28 2006 by Al-Qaeda terrorist while he was moving into position to provide fire support for his fellow paratroopers, in the small town of Siniyah Iraq ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 8 November the 173 Airborne were in Vietnam I was 4 years old. I was young. But Do Not think I was too young to remember certain things! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmHgwjXlsPY I remember a neighbor here around that time. Mr. Staart was just sent off to Vietnam to serve in the United States Army. And I thank you Mr Staart for your bravery!!! Hooaah On 10 November I will be celebrating two birthdays. One with Each and every US Marine. Happy Birthday to the Marine Corps. On 11 November Americas will be remembering all those whom have served in the US Military. I obtained news the other night that has been nothing less then disturbing. Soldiers whom are 6,000 miles away doing a service are beginning to feel the way Vietnam Veterans began to feel. I only hope that the elected officials who read this will take careful heed to this very delicate situation. And help in what ever way they can to assure these soldiers they are appreciated!! Do Not do as was done to them in the past! I personally have worked on cases where soldiers where denied claims for military benefits resulting from injuries they sustained from Agent Orange and Vietnam. I agree with many of my friends who served in Vietnam. The US Governments Elected officials who have been in office since 1963 and after owe each and every Vietnam Veteran more then a thank you! They deserve an appology!!! When you leave your men behind. it is a disgrace! When you forget about.. No, When you deny them the proper care they so rightfully earned! it is an abomination. It isn't important who anyone voted for this election as much as it is that these outstanding. Brave men and women of our US Military be shown especially during Thanksgiving and all the Holidays that take place after Thanksgiving Christmas, Chanukah, etc. They are not forgotten.

Tuesday is the day we will vote for our new President. May Almighty God help us, is my prayer! Enclosed is a story I hope you will read, especially if you are planning on voting Democrat. Just because you are a registered Democrat doesn't mean you have to vote Democrat. There was a time when the Democrats were true patriots. What happened? They went way too liberal! There was once a man who was voted as President who once said this, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!" That would be John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, a true American patriot, a World War II Navy veteran and a hero! How far have the Democrats gone! I was 12 years old when I saw him say those words. 5 years later I decided to join the military and serve this nation and am a better man for it! At 18 I was finally able to join the Army and served proudly in Vietnam. NO REGRETS!!! I am a better man for it. If you read this article and properly research this, you will come to the conclusion, "What shall I do?" Take my advice. Do NOT vote for Obama...you will later be, SORRY! Unfortunately, we may have to pay high gas prices, taxes, and God knows what else. But what good will it do you and me if WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ENJOY A RESTFULL SLEEP AT NIGHT! Notice, NO terrorist attacks since 911! Did you forget? Did you not notice? That was NOT coincidental! Thank God for OUR current President! But No, we wanna' believe what the liberal, anti-God, media tell us. Hey! We've been DUPED! Ask our enemies who THEY like. Vote for OBAMA and if he wins, watch how quickly your rights, freedoms and liberties will fade! Read you Bibles. You say, "Well then why bother?" That's not being smart my friend. God says, "My people persish for lack of knowledge." Please! Do your homework. Obama refuses to salute YOUR flag! He is NOT a Christian, even YOU know that. He's a Muslim. They believe in "Death to the unbeliever", that would be me and you. He's a liar and a deceiver. Research OBAMA on "www.snopes.com"...find out for yourselves. You say, "Awww the Congress and the Senate won't allow this." You think? They've allowed abortion, didn't they? If your mama believed in abortion you'd a been killed, ever thought of that? Let's be smart and DO THE RIGHT THING! I'm done! God bless you...much love to you my friends , family and especially you my enemies! Tito>>>Read>>>...But do you think the mainstream media will report it fairly And give it the significance it deserves? Not likely !!! ('Proof' links below) A national defense analyst says President Bush should be commended for keeping quiet about a discovery that could have blown his critics out of the water. Retired Major General Jerry Curry is a decorated combat veteran who served as an Army aviator, paratrooper, and Ranger during a military career that began during the Korean conflict. He recently wrote about a very under reported story by the Associated Press. According to the report, a large stockpile of concentrated natural Uranium, known as 'yellowcake,' reached a Canadian port to complete a top secret U.S. Operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad, and a ship voyage crossing two oceans. The Uranium material had been housed at a former Iraqi nuclear complex 12 miles from Baghdad. Curry says the president kept mum about the discovery in order to keep terrorists in the dark. 'He made a very brave stand, a resolute stand..., in which he decided that he wasn't going to blab everything to the press,'Curry commends. '...And in the meantime while he kept it quiet, he was buying time from the terrorists to get all that stuff out of the country. So that's what was done -- he just very quietly kept his mouth shut.' 'The press beat him to death for the last several years,' he continues, 'and now it turns out that, yes, there were weapons of mass destruction....' Curry also maintains that Saddam Hussein had an active nuclear program and the material could have been made into a nuclear weapon. President Bush's actions took courage, he notes, and all Americans should be thankful to have such a brave president who puts the welfare of the American people above personal considerations. On July 5, 2008, the Associated Press (AP) released a story titled: Secret U.S. Mission hauls uranium from Iraq. The opening paragraph is as follows: The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program (a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium) reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. Operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans. See anything wrong with this picture? We have been hearing from the far left for more than five years how Bush lied. Somehow, that slogan loses its credibility now that 550 metric tons of Saddam's yellowcake, used for nuclear weapon enrichment, has been discovered and shipped to Canada for its new use as nuclear energy. It appears that American troops found the 550 metric tons of uranium in 2003 after invading Iraq. They had to sit on this information and the uranium itself for fear of terrorists attempting to steal it. It was guarded and kept safe by our military in a 23,000-acre site with large sand berms surrounding the site. This is vindication for the Bush administration, having been attacked mercilessly by the liberal media and the far-left pundits on the blogo-sphere. Now that it is proven that President Bush did not lie about Saddam's nuclear ambitions, one would think that the mainstream media would report the true story. Once the AP released the story, the mainstream media should have picked it up and broadcast it worldwide. That never happened, due in large part, I believe, to the fact that the mainstream media would have to admit they were wrong about Bush's war motives all along. Thankfully, the AP got it right when it said, 'Theremoval of 550 metric tons of yellowcake, the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment, was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy.' Closing the book on Saddam's nuclear legacy? Did Saddam have a nuclear legacy after all? I thought Bush lied? As it turns out, the people who lied were Joe Wilson and his wife. Valerie Plame engaged in a clear case of nepotism and convinced the CIA to send her husband on a fact finding mission in February 2002, seeking to determine if Saddam Hussein attempted to buy yellowcake from Niger. The CIA and British intelligence believed Saddam contacted Niger for that purpose but needed proof. During his trip to Niger, Wilson actually interviewed the former prime minister of Niger, Ibrahim Assane Mayaki. Mayaki told Wilson that in June of 1999, an Iraqi delegation expressed interest in 'expanding commercial relations' for the purposes of purchasing yellowcake. Wilson chose to overlook Mahaki's remarks and reported to the CIA that there was no evidence of Hussein wanting to purchase yellow cake from Niger. However, with British intelligence insisting the claim was true, President Bush used that same claim in his State of the Union address in January of 2003. Outraged by Bush's insistence that the claim was true,Wilson wrote an op-Ed in the New York Times in the summer of 2003 slamming Bush. Wilson did this in spite of the fact that Mayaki said Saddam did try to buy the yellowcake from Niger. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence disagreed with Wilson and supported Mayaki's claim. This meant nothing to Wilson who was opposed to the Iraq war and thus had ulterior motives in covering up the prime minister's statements. It was a simple tactic, really. If the far-left and their friends in the media could prove Bush lied about Hussein wanting to purchase yellowcake from Niger, it would undermine President Bush's credibility and give them more cause for asking what other lies he may have told. Yet the real lie came from Wilson, who interpreted his own meaning from the prime minister's statements and concluded all by himself that the claim of Saddam attempting to purchase yellowcake was 'unequivocally wrong.' Curiously the CIA sat on this information and did not inform the CIA Director, who sided with Bush on the yellowcake claim. This was made public in a bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report in July 2004. Valerie Plame also engaged in her own lie campaign by spreading the notion that the Bush Administration outed her as a CIA agent. Never mind that it was Richard Armitage - no friend of the Bush administration –who leaked Plame's identity to the press. Never mind that Plame had not been in the field as a CIA agent in some six years. The truth is, due to their opposition to the war, Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame, the mainstream media, and their left-wing friends on the blogo-sphere engaged in a propaganda campaign to undermine the Bush administration. Now that Saddam's uranium has been made public and is no longer a threat to the world, do you think these aforementioned parties will apologize and admit they were wrong? Don't count on it. The rest of the American people should hear the truth about Saddam's uranium. It is up to you and me to inform them. As far as the anti-war crowd is concerned, the next time they say that Bush lied, we should tell them to 'have the yellowcake and eat it too.' For verification of this information, click on this link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25546334/ http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/u/uraniumyellowcake.htm
Here is something every person should really consider on November 4th I am Not asking for you to reply to me with an answer. This is something that is a personal decision that only you need to really know the answer to. What is the primary reason you are voting this election ? I may sound abrasive here, Although, Would you be willing to be put in a category as Sheep that go to a slaughter? Do you go to the Election booth like herds of cattle in masses and out of shear habit? Do you really consider who you are voting for to represent your views your principles? Some go through life wondering if they have made a difference. Marines Don't have that problem - Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan Pictures, Images and Photos During the Truman Era The USMC was threatened with being disbanded. Truman proposed disbanding the Marine Corps as part of the 1948 defense reorganization plan, a plan that was only abandoned after a letter-writing campaign and the intervention of influential congressmen who were veteran Marines. Blair, Clay (2003). The Forgotten War: America in Korea, 1950–1953. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Krulak, Victor H. (Lt. Gen.) (1999). First to Fight: An Inside View of the U.S. Marine Corps. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute President Truman Pictures, Images and Photos Then from 27 November to 6 December 1950 was the Battle of Chosin Resuvoir 26 - Map of Chinese and American troop deployments in and around Chosin Reservoir Pictures, Images and Photos A Colonel in the United States Marine Corps with the 1st Marine Regiment when the Chinese attacked, made Marine Corps and US History. His name- Colonel Chesty Puller. Chesty Puller Pictures, Images and Photos On the morning of 29 November, Major General O.P. Smith, commanding general of the 1st Marine Div, ordered Colonel Puller to send a task force to open up the road between Koto-ri and Hagaru-ri, where the majority of the division was. The breakthrough force was composed of Drysdale's 41 Royal Commando, Captain Carl Sitter's G Co., 3rd Btn. 1st Marines (G/3/1), B Co., 31st Infantry Regiment, and various Headquarters. and Services Marines. All totaled, the task force was about 900 men and 140 vehicles. When an Army Captain asked Colonel Puller for the direction of the line of retreat, Colonel Puller called his Tank Commander, gave them the Army position, and ordered: "If they start to pull back from that line, even one foot, I want you to open fire on them." Turning to the Captain, he replied "Does that answer your question? We're here to fight." - Chesty Puller At Koto-ri in Korea chestpuller Pictures, Images and Photos Precise casualties for the Chinese are not known. Although it has been estimated at 35,000 Red Army Soldiers were killed during this battle and the infamous Quote made "We're Surrounded this simplifies the problem. So what is my point: There is another Decorated Veteran who is running under the Constitution Party ticket as their Vice President. He is also a Vietnam Veteran. Trained under then, 1st Lt. Oliver North His unit received a unit citation for being deployed in five different theaters of operation at the same time. He was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and received orders to the Far East for 13 months. Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. His service in Vietnam followed a family military traditon; his oldest brother served in the Army-World War II, another brother served as a Marine in the Korean War Where you planning to vote for McCain? If you are voting for McCain, Only because he is a Vietnam Veteran cause we need someone in the executive branch who has been in the US Military, who is a decorated Officer. Or If you are voting for McCain because you don't want Obama in office, and are holding onto the thoughts there is no other choice. Or I have to because I am choosing the worst of two evils. There is one other choice. Your Choice! Tell 10 people you know. Don't stop telling them aboutt the Constitution Party ticket. There are very few states who have candidates on Constitution Party platform. But It is something that again is very much like the Marine Corps Tradition. THE FEW THE PROUD. marines, few proud Pictures, Images and Photos And Just as Chesty Puller Faced opposition of 300 to One and the Army willing to retreat. He stuck out the battle and all those who were part of the Battle of the Chosin Resevoir were recognized as Heroes ! Marines and Army One Team One Mission . One Team One Fight! Marines have served under an Army Commander in WW II In Korea, In Vietnam ! Marines Serve Under many even in the communities they live in Although, Marines ALWAYS PULL THE BEST OUT OF THE WORST SITUATION!!! We are trained to Fight. We are disciplined to endure the worst of conditions Whether it be in the field of battle or in the daily routines of life No matter the situation the disciplines are still is the same. The integrity still the same The Mind of a Marine the Motto of a Marine. Do or Die. It is more then a saying It is a way of life! Semper Fidelis OooohRAH So, I guess this is where I say Do your own research before going to the election booth Vote Your Principles. Your Views.. Not based on what you fear if you don't vote a certain way. . Most importantly, Make sure you VOTE! And If you like share this with your friends. For all that matters, Share this with your enemies too! VOTE!!!! I am E L and I approve this message (Earl R. Lofland) oohrah Pictures, Images and Photos

Operation WOW FACTOR

What is Operation WOW Factor? Objective: Delivery of two live 30 foot douglas Fir Trees from toys Books snacks and gifts for Troops to the USMC Camp TQ. Where is Camp TQ? Approximately 45 miles west of Baghdad, Iraq. nearLake Habbaniyah Camp TQ is a Forward Ops USMC Base and a United States Navy Surgical Shock Trauma Center Details. We have been collecting supplies for christmas gifts for U.S. troops and non military staff based at Camp TQ as well as toys for children that are in the small fishing village of Kabani which is just outside the back gates of Camp TQ. We have been asking individuals to send us donations to help pay for the cost of providing snacks and getting the supplies over. We have over 4,000 books, two 30 foot Christmas Trees as well as cards decorations and toys that are being air lifted to Iraq. whether you send ten cents, ten dollars or ten hundred dollars. every dollar is fully tax deductible. We are a Non Profit organizaton. www.knightsoftheinnocent.org. The Knights Of the Innocent, Inc. is registered 501(c) 3 Charity Organization that focuses on protecting children. I am the President of the Delaware Chapter for the Knights Of The Innocent, Inc. We come to the rescue of children all over the world. I served honorabley in the United States Marine Corps my tenure in the Corps was during the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979. I am a Patriot Guard along with several members of our organization. The Founder of KOTI is the Ride Captain for the Patriot Guard Region 6 in PA. We are always interested in recruiting new members and volunteers. All that is asked is that you have a compassion for children. That you have not been convicted of child abuse. For more information, news and photos on Operation WOW Factor; several news paper forums has it published . Delaware State News. http://www.newszapforums.com/forum60/64014.html Arizona State News http://www.newszapforums.com/forum61/63944.html
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