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DemonicMaster's blog: "just thoughts"

created on 03/19/2013  |  http://fubar.com/just-thoughts/b353333  |  1 followers

This article sat in the drafts folder for weeks; I found it hard to finish. It forced me to reflect on some things... I'm single, and dislike being so — I'm a better, more effective man when I have a committed partner. I don't do kink casually, so being single means my dom side gets almost no love. Pondering my search is dispiriting, as it's a process that has no clear calendar. And it troubles me to wonder, after talking with a lot of kinky girls over the past few years, whether the girl I'm seeking even exists. I'm a tall order to fill, no question, but if I don't admire a girl in multiple ways, I wouldn't want to acquire her.

But here it is at last, written for myself as much as for you. I've tried to highlight generally valuable qualities in a submissive partner, and deemphasize things which are singular to me.

Possesses a strong will. As a friend of mine who's the master half of a master/slave pair likes to say, "A good sub has a spine of steel." Ultimately, it is inner strength that lets a sub give of herself in profound and intense ways, and carry on this way year in and year out.

Wants kink for the way it makes her feel. Doing it "for his sake" may seem like a submissive attitude, but activities which are not rewarding to her, either during or afterwards, are ultimately depleting and unsustainable.

Shares a few significant, non-kinky passions with her partner. D/s partners must have vanilla chemistry; they can't spend every minute of the relationship in a kinky fog. (For example, I go partner dancing twice a week, and if my girl wasn't into that, I'd feel like she didn't really know me.)

Attentive and curious. These are essential for a submissive partner, since she has to learn to read her dom, and to respond to his needs or goals in any situation where they've agreed she will submit.

Desires and acts on feedback. A dom may wish his girl to adjust her behavior in ways small and large over time. When I offer input, I want to hear, "Got it, thanks for telling me!" However, she may not effect big changes overnight, those usually require practice.

Grateful. I, for one, need to hear that my partner appreciates me, believes in me, feels blessed by my company and all it entails. Such offerings can help assuage occasional "dom's guilt".

Strong emotional boundaries. She's not easily offended or triggered or manipulated. What others may say to her won't knock her off-kilter or lodge in her self-perception. It's important to hold boundaries with family, colleagues, friends, and one's lover. One of the goals of D/s is to dismantle boundaries between dom and sub, but even so a sub needs to recognize it when her dom says something to her that's due to stress or confusion. 

Self-esteem. This has been a challenge for many of the women I've dated, both vanilla and kinky, and thus something I've come to expect to help a partner with. But an emotionally healthy girl will have some inkling of her abilities and gifts, even if she has doubts about them in some contexts.

Communicates rationally when under stress. The ability to hold oneself together when stressed out or upset is invaluable. Of course, there are limits to how much duress anyone can withstand before they shut down or lash out.

Loves learning and is addicted to it. A big mind is a huge asset; I'd be bored by a girl who didn't devour new knowledge and share parts of it with me. In doing so, she enriches my understanding of her, the world, and myself.

Enjoys some kind of challenging physical activity. Moving keeps her in touch with her body — a big part of the brain is devoted to the body after all. The practice could be dance, hiking, running, a gym circuit, ultimate frisbee, yoga, tai chi, gardening; the list is endless. It needn't be mindless exercise for its own sake. Also flexibility and strength are particularly helpful for more intense S&M work. :-)

Awareness of nutrition. This is essential in today's food market, because competition has steadily driven vendors to offer huge portions of addictive foods at bargain prices. A healthy diet is high in lean protein and very low in sweets.

Not preoccupied with consumptive activities. I find that undertaking challenging, creative projects together, whether out in the world or at home, is more bonding than ordinary entertainments like shopping, dining out, traveling, and the theater.

Willing to push back when wise. Any dom needs a reality check from time to time. If he suggests something foolish, or is about to dive into some chasm, he'll benefit if she pipes up.

Doesn't set arbitrary limits. Claiming some kinky thing is a "limit" without reason — other than "ew!" — isn't a sign of an open mind. That's not to say that a sub should say yes to something out-there early in the relationship. Intense activities need a strong container, which takes time to build.

Aligned ambitions. Some subs have big life goals for themselves, and so may not be well-matched to doms that wish to be the sub's focus whenever she's awake. Some doms enjoy it when a sub has responsibility and authority at work; they may not be compatible with a sub who's less invested in career progress.

Chemistry. Note that the above characteristics do not create rapport with someone, in and of themselves. Chemistry counts for a lot — although having it cannot compensate for the lack of must-have features.

There are mentors in every area of life and situation. In BDSM it is sometimes recommended to newbies to pick up a mentor but are never given the tools to find a mentor that is right for them. I know that when I first started out there were good people to be around and not so great people that left their mark on me. I do wish that people had lead me to learn what a mentor is and how to go about finding one that is right for me.

First, a mentor isn't just a friend that you can talk to, although they could start out that way. A mentor is someone that you can get advice from, learn from and feel close to in a submissive context. They exist to help you learn who you are and what to expect in different lifestyle situations you may encounter as you grow in confidence and submission. A mentor is not a trainer and should not be directly involved in any physical training that you undergo. You should never have an intimate physical relationship with your mentor.

Let's take a real world example: Big Brothers and Big Sisters. These volunteers are mentors for needy children all over the nation. They become friends and confidants for the kids involved and some go on to be close to their little brothers/sisters well into adult hood. They strengthen the child's confidence and provide them an outlet to learn and grow without the stress of parents influence. It's all healthy and beneficial for both parties.

A BDSM mentor should be similar. There are a few things I'd like you to look for the next time you seek out a mentor for your life. Keep them in mind the next time you approach someone and you may be able to find the person that can guide you.

1. Are their beliefs and definitions similar to yours?

You want to find a mentor that has the same definitions of common terms in BDSM. If they feel that a submissive and a slave are the same thing, and you don't then they won't be compatible with you when you bring up topics along that thread of thought. Treat your first few conversations as an interview. Ask them how they came into BDSM, what they think about safewords and relationships and those all important personal terms. If they mesh well with what you think then keep going. This person could be a good mentor for you.

If you are so new that you don't know what those personal definitions mean to you, then take on what is known as an open mentor. This is someone that is available for new people to learn for themselves and helps guide you into your own definitions so that you can find a more targeted mentor later on if you choose to. I consider myself an open mentor and want to help you find yourself before you key into the specifics of your new life as a submissive. I can do focused mentoring, but prefer to make sure your personal beliefs and definitions are solidified first.

2. Are they open to letting you talk or do they force a lot of questions at you?

A good mentor is going to allow for silence in conversation so that you can think things through and talk about what you want to talk about. Mentors know when to point questions at you that will help you think, but keep the conversation flowing the way that is most beneficial to you, the mentee, not the mentor. You should be able to pick up this trait from the interview phase.

3. Are they professional yet comfortable to be around?

When you first meet someone or talk to someone that is considering being your mentor, are they professional in manner? You should feel comfortable around them relatively easily and feel free to talk about whatever is on your mind. If you feel uncomfortable or their questions are far more private than your relationship allows, it's a warning sign that they are not the mentor for you. A mentor's job is to make a novice comfortable with what they are experiencing and who they are, if that can't happen in the interview phase it may not happen at all.

4. Do they appear to know what they are talking about?

Mentors are not going to know everything, but they are going to be well versed in a lot of aspects that novices come to them with questions about. If your mentor gives you the impression that they don't know a whole lot about what you need to talk about, it may be best to seek out someone else. Great mentors will be prepared for all questions, even if it means they need to research and learn before they can give you quality advice. Someone not willing to work for you as well as with you isn't really taking your growth strongly.

Now there are a lot of other things to look for in a mentor, but for now; take these thoughts and figure out if a mentor would be someone you want in your current situation. If it is, start seeking them. Interview them before you start pouring your thoughts to them. Get to know them as a person and as a submissive. Feel comfortable with them and don't let them lead the thoughts, they are there for your growth. Continue to learn and your submission will develop.


                    Mission1) To protect the childern isn schools and collages and evacuate them all out safely.2) Once all childern are out of building and safe then the second mission is to seek out perpitrator and subdue him or her with non leathal force.

To achive said goals I perpose the following ideas.
The use of full body armor and  a modified riot shields that can withstand a number of rounds.The perpious of which is to make a shield wall so that studants can get out of buildings unharmed.Or to protect single or small groups of students untill they are out side of the building.(The presance of armed security in school can be debaitible for sertin situations). the use of dark colors in a uniform is highly suggested.( the psyhcology of having security will be enough to stop most in thier tracks. let alone a advirse effect of siad uniform and presance will curb the bullying sugnificantly just  from the security always being around  and watching(with the assitance of body cams like the officers). the use of maybe a stun baton my help in subduing suspect or protecting the school as it is a non leathal way of  stoping suspect.Why the use of vets. and retired officers,is the benifit is experance  and that vets and cops are trianed to work as teams and not as individuals also that some would volinteer time . to eleiminate those who cannot follow orders and or rules we could reactivate  said vets. as a resiver or national guard status but so not to interfear with pensions or disiblaity va cheacks  but to make the volanteer obide by some form of rules and regualtions they are familuar with. but also to weed out the bad or the ones that cant follow rules.
other ideas can use ex military k-9 teams to patrol out soide and inside the school (one to help rehabilitate the k-9 from what they did in military  by having kids pet them mean while they do thier job ) use up military surplus by installing bullet proof and bomb proof doors in classrooms as well as any main entrance of schooluse facial recognition programs in fron doors to insure the right people are comeing in . have a vet or retaired cop watchging front door cams  to ask  the questions who are you  what is purpious  and who are you here to see .. as will as 2 by door to check id and to escort  to office .
possible equipment that can be use  or attained threw surplus tazers riot shields body armor head to toe smoke gernaids armored doors .uniforms non leathal weaponsmany more ideas can be added as better ideas come up  this is just basic idea of what can be done .

low testosterone

                   LOW Testosterone

 A 1996 study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine followed three groups of men.  One group was given testosterone and prescribed a strength training program, one group was given testosterone and told not to exercise and one group was just given a training program without testosterone.  It was no surprise that the group which exercised on testosterone gained the most muscle and lost the most fat, but the group which took testosterone without exercise actually had greater improvement in muscle and fat composition than the group which trained without it.  You can't build muscle without it!

Causes and Development; Contributing Risk Factors

Some causes of low testosterone levels include congenital problems (such as deficiencies of male hormones and rare malformation syndromes) and acquired problems that include aging, chronic illness, drugs, starvation, stress, head trauma, infections, cancers, surgeries, alcoholism, removal of or trauma to the testicles, and infection or twisting of the testicles in their sac.  In addition, certain drugs compete with testosterone in the body.


Married males have significantly lower testosterone levels on average.  One study found that unmarried males had up to 20% higher average testosterone levels than married males.


Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms of low testosterone usually develop gradually, with the result that many men simply ignore them and get used to to feeling lousy and functioning poorly.  Symptoms include:•Low sex drive (libido)

•Poor erection maintenance / erectile strength


•Mental fogginess/fuzziness

•Difficulty concentrating


•Muscle loss

•Weight gain

•Decreased facial hair

•Decreased pubic hair

•A general feeling of not caring about anything

•Poor sleep quality (leading to sleep deprivation)

Men with low testosterone often develop an attitude of not caring about anything, instead just 'existing' day-to-day.  Pleasure and desire can be greatly decreased, which in turn affects most aspects of life including career and relationships.


One study of men suffering from low testosterone (average level: 268ng/dL) found the following:


- 89% reported a lack of energy

- 79% reported erectile dysfunction

- 70% reported a loss of pubic hair

- 66% percent reported a decrease in sexual endurance.


Diagnosis and Tests

Verifying testosterone levels is very simple: a blood test will produce results within a few days.  The official criterion for testosterone being 'low' is 260ng/dL.  This figure is in fact very low; long-term health issues generally start becoming apparent at levels below 350.

Treatment and Prevention

One study in 2008 found that almost half of the male subjects with testosterone levels below 300ng/dL in fact had no obvious or significant symptoms.  For this reason, all middle-aged men should consider having their testosterone levels tested, whether they are showing symptoms of deficiency or not.


Those with slightly low testosterone levels (in the 400-500ng/dL range) can often treat this condition naturally through sex (both sex and sexual anticipation boost testosterone levels); diet (increased monounsaturated fats, fish oil capsules, processed carbohydrate and sugars avoidance, lower carbohydrates in general); increased quality sleep (testosterone production increases during sleep); 'winning' and having a 'winning attitude' (in other words, a positive change of attitude.)


Sports of all kinds (including chess!) are excellent and natural testosterone boosters.



Low testosterone is associated with increased risk of many conditions, including heart disease, depression, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cognitive impairment, osteoporosis, cancer.  A 2007 study found that low testosterone is associated with increased risk of death in general.


Once large study in 2008 found that men with testosterone levels below 250ng/dL were fatter and had lower HDL, higher triglycerides, higher blood pressure, and higher blood glucose – all serious markers of poor health and high risk.  These men were tracked over 18 years and were found to have a 40% higher death rate from all causes.


On Friday at a National Geographic-sponsored TEDx conference, scientists met in
Washington, D.C. to discuss which animals we should bring back from extinction.
They also discussed the how, why, and ethics of doing so. They called it "de-extinction."

There are a few guidelines for which
ancient species are considered, and sadly, dinosaurs are so long dead they
aren't in the picture. Their DNA has long ago degraded, so researchers are
fairly sure that Jurassic Park will never happen.

They chose the animals
using the following criteria: Are the species desirable — do they hold an
important ecological function or are they beloved by humans? Are the species
practical choices — do we have access to tissue that could give us good quality
DNA samples or germ cells to reproduce the species? And are they able to be
reintroduced to the wild — are the habitats in which they live available and do
we know why they went extinct in the first place?

This still leaves
plenty of other animals on the table. The list of candidates is actually pretty
long, considering. The cost of de-extinction varies by species but projects
could run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more. Then there's
also the cost of housing the animals once they are created, and re-introducing
them into the wild and protecting them from poachers once they are

But, if you were the zoo that had that one Woolly mammoth or
saber-toothed cat, these costs just might be worth it.

Here are 10
animals they are hoping to one day resurrect.
1 Aurochs 2The Dodo 3Labrador Duck 4Ivory-billed Woodpecker 5Woolly Mammoth 6Mastodon 7plains Zebra, the Quagga 8Saber-toothed cat, Smilodon 9The Thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger 10 The Caribbean monk seal ok now i ask you your thoughts becuse at least one i am not to sure on and thats the saber toothed cat ummm hello what happens if a breeding pair escaper or for that matter what if they can breed with other large cats what kind of impact wouth that have sence we know nothing about them but from fossels

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