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Ok this is how it works, u pick 6 of your friends and put tag come check out my new blog under there comments, then u list 6 weird facts or habbits about yourself and they must make a new blog giving 6 weird things or habbits about them. I just want to say Thank You 2 NeeNeeDaQueen who tagged me ,Your going to get it . 1.I am a work aholic so not alot of time for fun . 2.I love being noticed but hate the pick up lines. 3.I love making friends and seeing what new people do and think. 4.I hate fake people but love to laugh at myself when i do something stupid . 5.I love kids as long as i can send them home to mommy and daddy 6. dip anything in chocolate and ill eat it lol. People I am going to tag mindmaker84074 brittenborn and anyone else willing to read this lol im not picky
Ok this is how it works, u pick 6 of your friends and put tag come check out my new blog under there comments, then u list 6 weird facts or habbits about yourself and they must make a new blog giving 6 weird things or habbits about them. I just want to say Thank You 2 NeeNeeDaQueen who tagged me ,Your going to get it . 1.I am a work aholic so not alot of time for fun . 2.I love being noticed but hate the pick up lines. 3.I love making friends and seeing what new people do and think. 4.I hate fake people but love to laugh at myself when i do something stupid . 5.I love kids as long as i can send them home to mommy and daddy 6. dip anything in chocolate and ill eat it lol. People I am going to tag mindmaker84074 brittenborn and anyone else willing to read this lol im not picky

part 4 and more to come

Feeling the bites and tears of her skin, giving it all that she had, running toward what she thought was safety. There was always that thought of something waiting for her at the other end of the room. But it was to dark to see what it was. Jumping over rocks, small puddles and others that have fallen she held back her tears. All the death of the ones that were strangers yet there was a feeling of friendship lost. Five feet away, three . Wait there was something blocking the door. It didnt seem real. But there was no way that she could stop. Climb over it, a voice whispered. She stared climbing. At first she thought she felt rock yet there was something strange about the way it felt. It was more like scales, not snake scales, nor fish scale. Yet there was something familiar about the texture. Thinking again that it was all a dream this huge head whips around out of the darkness, teeth thrashing and shining in the dark. All she could think of was getting out of the room. The door was only a few feet away if she could jump she could make it. As she leaped off of the dragon the teeth finally found her. A huge mouth rapped around her left side and sharp teeth sank deep into her skin. Although there was a feeling of doom, there was a knowledge that she felt that this creature was not trying to harm her but help. The door flew open and the dragon let go. Throwing her threw the portal into the next room. Panting she was afraid to open her eyes. A day of joy and horror. Her life flashing before her eyes. A feeling that all was well made Kris feel that she was dead and waiting her family to come to her side. Yet they never showed, feeling a light touch on her face she finally opened her eyes. It was Andrew standing in front of her looking pleased. Reaching out a hand to help her off of the floor. Kris took his hand, letting him pull her near so that he was holding her almost to close. In her ear he whispered, welcome back my queen. Everything came rushing into her mind, she knew he was right. The bond between them had grown in that one day and she knew that all was well. Crying she again closed her eyes drifting into a slumber from exhaustion. Waking I knew it was just a dream. What an adventure.

part 3

All he did was stand there with a slight smile on his face that kind of made Kris feel like something was going to happen to her she will never forget. Boy did it ever. All of the people in the room with her were silently praying that nothing bad would happen, yet there was a ahora about the room that made Kris feel there was something bad going to happen to a few of them. Priests kneeling and praying to their lord to help them through their trials, nuns doing the same. Yet with every passing minute Kris just stood there thinking to herself. The thoughts were only about living her life without fear, without harm, and with a love that would last a thousand years. Kind of in a trance she was brought back to reality with a ringing of a gong. At first she realized that Andrew was not at her side. She almost panicked yet something told her she would be safe. That ever present feeling that she was not alone in this, what ever it may be. Looking to the left she noticed the others leave the safety of the walls and head for the other side of the room. They started out walking, slowly accelerating into a run. Dodging biting things and claws. Kris did the same. Running through the room towards what looked to be a door. Yet there was something that blocked it. She would have to climb over it. Running, not wanting to get bitten or clawed to death Kris never looked back to see what was behind her. Although she could feel the bites she never noticed what was after her. Maybe a coyote, perhaps a vampire, perhaps something she has never heard of before. Yet in the kayos of the run there was still that feeling that nothing could harm her beyond repair. Seeing something out of the corner of her eye she turns her head. Watching as one of the priests that were by her side goes down in a bloody fight to stay alive. Something that looked like a dog yet walked like a man was feeding off of the flesh of the priest. Yet there was not sound, no chomping of bones, no tearing of the flesh, there was just the sound of a voice saying, run to the door get out as fast as you can. So that is just what she was doing. Not knowing what was going to happen was the worse thing. So she kept running as the voice whispered in her ear. She could feel the bites she was receiving but the thought of giving in to the ones that were trying to bring her down was out of the question. She is a fighter and had been since childhood. She had been through a lot in her life time yet she knew something with meaning would come her way. A feeling that this was it kept her wondering why she was there in the first place. There was no way that this was a coincidence. The question was why, what in her life made her the one to be here at this time? Maybe she will never know. Until then she keeps running toward the door on the other side of the huge room.

part 2

Almost jumping out of her skin she jumps up and starts getting everything she had brought with here gathered up to head back into the building. One last look at the gargoyle. It winked again. Wondering what is going on she shakes her head, takes Andrews hand and they both start running to the building. Still hearing Dicks yelling they run faster. Pushing through crowds of people and trying not to trip running up the Greek style stairway to the huge doors. On these doors there were very beautiful mosaic carvings of demons and angels. The angels looking toward the skies and the demons looking at the people walking through the doors. This was a very beautiful piece of art work on any other day but today Kris was noticing other things. The eyes of the angels looked as though they were crying and the demons looked as though they were looking right at her while she walked through the archway. How could she know what was in store for her when she entered the huge building. In the foyer the air seemed to thicken around her. The smell of what used to be incents and lavender had transformed into a metallic if not sulfuric smell. What was going on today that everything she knew was changing into something so strange and almost horrifying? She couldn't put her foot on it. Andrew walking right by her side just looked as calm as ever yet there was something else there that she hadn't seen. She knew she was safe she could feel it at lunch with him. But there was something else that she couldn't put her finger on. Shrugging it off thinking she was loosing her mind she just sighed and let a little giggle escape her. Walking down the long corridors Kris thought she was never going to be the same. Walking hand in hand with Andrew, turning towards the chapel part of the building. Confused she asked "what are we doing here?" Andrew just smiled and said "it's your turn my love." "My turn for what?" "Your turn to see if you can handle it " "Handle what?" "Just step inside and you will see, I will be with you every step of the way. ""One thing, don't turn around and don't look around at what is happening around you or I will not be able to help. " What the hell was going on here? The sulfur smell was getting worse with every step. The heavy doors to the chapel looked as though they were hanging by a string, a mist no not a mist a cloud of smoke was creeping out of the spaces at the bottom of the doors. still more to come ........

a work in progress

In a room large enough to be a hospital waiting room, Kris sits at her desk listening to the boss yell over the phone. Granted not every boss is this way all the time but unlucky for her this one was. Every five minuets it seemed he was yelling at someone new. Be it her or someone else it seemed Dick was never happy unless he was yelling. Poor guy to be named Dick, although it sooted him well. As to try to keep him from yelling at her Kris sat at her desk typing letters and other documents out for Dick. Trying to zone out the yelling in the next room and listening to the clicks of her keyboard. Here and there stopping to answer the phone and directing the calls to his office, then the yelling would start again. The hours seemed to go by so slowly when it was like this. Nothing but typing and yelling to listen to. Again the phone rings " Quality Business Products, this is Kris, Hold a moment while I direct your call ple…" "Please wait. " the voice said on the other line. " I would rather talk to you. " " May I ask whom this is?" said Kris confused. No one ever called her at work they all knew how her boss was towards her. With no boyfriend and no one really close to her she rarely got a call from her parents. " My name is Andrew, I am Dicks son. " exclaimed the caller. "Why would you want to talk to me?" asked Kris. "You see everytime I come into the office to talk to Dad I try to get your attention. I have been seeing you at your desk working your hardest trying to get father work done for him. I suppose that is so that he doesn't yell at you too .I known how he can be. " A moment of silence. Then the one thing she was waiting for. "I guess what I am trying to say is that this way was the only way I could think of being able to talk to you without dear old dad knowing, and the only way I could ask you to go to lunch with me. " Flattered by the invitation Kris knew that Dick wouldn't allow it. He has never let her leave the office for lunch before exclaim with his only son. She answered the only way she knew how. " Your father would never allow me to leave the office for lunch, he thinks it's a waste of time to get a hour off for meals. " "Plus how do u propose to sneak me past your father he is always watching?" " Easy " exclaimed Andrew "ill come pick you up and we will just wait till his back is turned, he wont even know your gone. " "Well … ok when will you be here?" she asked. "Oh give me about ten minuets to get up the elevator and we can go "then he hung up the phone and Kris sat there in disbelief. The son of Dick wants to get to know her. No man has ever shown this much curiosity in her. He is a very hansom man why in the world would he want to be seen with a nobody like her? The question of the day. She sat there remembering what he looked like. Tall, very hansom, emerald green eyes with a hint of blue in the middle of them, kissable lips and a demeanor that he would be able to get any lady he wants. Why in the world did he want to get to know her? Knowing that it would take about the time Andrew told her. She pulls out a compact mirror to check her face. To her the person looking back at her is not the one who is holding the mirror. Yet she knows its her and to the best that she knows fixes her makeup. Kris never thought of her as very pretty let alone beautiful. Mabie that is why she had really never settled down with someone. All she knows is the couple of relationships that were very wrong. Sometimes hurtful, sometimes dangerous. The door creaked, knowing that would be Andrew coming to sneak her away she raised out of her seat to see if Dick was by the office door. Listening intently she hears him still raising his voice at the person on the other line. With him like that he wouldn't hear a bomb going off right next to his chair. Beckoning for her to walk out the door, Kris stands and walks quietly out the door, leaving everything still running on her desk. The building she works at is huge. It seemed to be a cathridrial. Huge tapestries and beautiful mosaic paintings on the ceilings. Of course the ceiling was about 12 to 15 feet above them but it always has a way of making her look up. Imagining a time when the church had had many munks nuns and bishops wondering the hallways. When out of ear shot form the office Andrew spoke " I am glad you came with me, I have been thinking of ways to get you away from my father for the longest time. " " I know this is quite a shock to you, but I have a picnic waiting for us out on the grounds. My father will never know you were missing. " Baffled all she could say was "Ok" Not really wanting to talk but having so many questions she asked "Why would you want me to have lunch with you? I could have sworn that you didn't know I was alive. " "Oh don't think that Kris … I have been watching you for the longest time, trying to figure out a way to ask you to either a movie or dinner. " " I am very honored that you think this Andrew, but what if your father were to find out that you felt this way? " "What about my father? Are you worried that you will end up being fired for being with me? "Well. Yea I am " "Don't be. He isn't the one that owns this company. I do, I just let him act like that so that he feels superior. " Astonished Kris looked away not believing any of this was real. She pinched her arm just to make sure she wasn't dreaming. It hurt so she new she wasn't sleeping. Yet the way Andrew talked there was truth in his voice. Kris had the feeling of overwhelming love rush over her. The sun felt like it would never set and the day would go on forever. Sitting high in the afternoon sky the day's heat felt like it was boiling her skin. Sitting under an old oak tree enjoying the shade and the extravagant food. Every bite tasted sinful ever swallow of the wine felt like blood washing down her throat. The feeling of truth and love washed over her more than once sitting there. Kris never wanted the day to end. She didn't want to have to go back to work either. Laughing in the sunlight and loving every minute of the day the nightmare would continue when the time had come to head back to her office. Sitting with a full stomach and staring into the blue sky her eyes focus on the one of the gargoyles oh the top of the building. For the longest moment she could have swore that the thing was moving. Lifting her up to get a better view, it was moving ho so slightly. She squinted her eyes to block some of the summer sun out of her line of sight and thought she saw the thing wink at her. Confused but not willing to say anything she looked away. Seeing Andrew smile at her was all that she needed to feel secure after seeing such a weird development. Her day couldn't get any better than what was happening right now. All her life everything was so hard that she didn't think she would live to be thirty. Now on her 29th birthday everything seemed to be falling into place. Yet something seemed to make this day alittle odd. The feeling she has was to good to be true, or should I say it was to good to be true without some kind of consequences. Right now she didn't care what the consequences were, all she dare care about was this moment in time. The feelings of true love, safety, and trust over whelmed her to the point of falling into a deep sleep. Andrew must have realized her comfort and pulled Kris into lay on his lap. Kris lay there staring into his emerald eyes and slowly her eyes close. She could feel his fingers going threw her hair very lovingly and very slowly, she drifted off to sleep. Waking she hears someone screaming her name. Andrew still playing in her hair whispers " I think its dad." " We better get you back inside." to be continued ........ let me know what u think so far please !!!!!
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