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“Its me calm down,” I chuckle.

“You scared the shit out of me,” she whimpers.

I kiss her so she can’t complain anymore. I run my hands all over her body. We wash each other, get out and dry each other off.

I look at my phone and there was a missed call from Desdemona, I knew she set everything up for me. Before Cherrie could put her clothes on I put a robe around her, blind fold her and lead her to the backyard. I was amazed at what she did.

In the corner of the back yard there used to be an ugly over grown canopy type area. Now there was a black canopy with a big fluffy red blankets on a bed. There were red and black lights everywhere. Last but not least there were two goblets filled with the blood Desdemona had put away.

I stand Cherrie in front of the canopy and pull off the blindfold. She was speechless. I pulled her onto the bed and handed her the goblet. She drank it slow not knowing what it was.

 “What the hell was that it was so refreshing,” she says.

“Desdemona gave it to me it’s a really pure blood she saves it for special occasions,” I explained.

“I like it,” she giggled.

On the table there was a little box with a tiny red bow. I knew what it was but I was waiting for the perfect time. I turned on the radio to some soft music and pull her up to dance. We dance around until we are dizzy. I put the ring gently over a rosebud without her knowing. I kneel on one knee and she gasps.

“Make me the happiest vampire in the world, Will you marry me?” I ask.

“Oh of course I will marry you, you big sap,” she cries.

I place the ring on her finger and sit on the bed. She jumps on me and forces me to lie down. We roll around and kiss for a while. I notice the time; there is five hours until sunset.

“We have to tell Desdemona,” Cherrie says as she runs in the house to change.

I walk inside and have enough time to put on my shoes and jacket before she is ready. The one time she gets ready quick. We get in the car and head to the bar. When we arrive there is a long line. We walk right by the line and up to the door.

“Hey wolfie!” I say as I get to the door Lilith is blocking.

“What's up fangs,” she replies.

“Ah that’s a good one, keep working on it,” I laugh as she lets me in.

I walk to our table and Cherrie runs to Desdemona’s office to tell her the good news. She knew I asked for a ring but didn’t know why. So I will sit at the table and wait for her to come yell at me for not telling her. After I have a drink or two, I see Cherrie and Desdemona heading my way. I move to the middle of the table.

“Why in the hell didn’t you tell me?” Desdemona asks.

“I didn’t tell anyone,” I chuckle.

“Where will you have the wedding?” Desdemona asks.

“Where ever Cherrie wants,” I say, “You guys can plan all that.”

“We can wait for planning right now we will celebrate,” Desdemona announces, “William drinks.”

“That’s his real name, I was waiting to hear it this one wouldn’t tell me. She calls him dingus,” Cherrie says.

“Well if he wasn’t a dumb ass I would call him by name,” I say.

A half hour after closing Lilith joins us.

“Congrats bloodsucker,” Lilith chuckles.

“Thanks wolfie,” I laugh.

We laugh and party through out the night. Cherrie realizes what time it is and tickles me to let me know its time to go.

“Well its about that time people,” I say, “We are going to call it a day.”

“We will see you tomorrow night,” Desdemona says. We drive home and pass out; we were so drunk.

            We wake up way after the sunset. We are still so tired we didn’t want to get up at all even to feed so I called a blood bank and had them deliver a couple bags. Its cold and a little stale but it works.. We lie in bed until the doorbell rings. I walk and open the door and Artimis was standing there.

            “Hey what are you doing here?” I ask a little confused to see her.

            “I have heard the good news.” Artimis smiles.

            “How it’s only been a night or two?” I question.

            “You forget child I made Desdemona, I know everything she does.” Artimis explains.

            “I see; wont you come in?” I ask.

            “Of course,” Artimis bows and walks in.

            We all sit in the living room quiet. Cherrie and I are unaware why Artimis is here. She never just pops in there is always a reason for her to come by. Why here? Why without Desdemona?


The next evening we lay in bed for a while not wanting to do anything to night. After awhile of lying there we start to get hungry so we have to get up. We put on some sweats and a tank top. We walk out the door looking ill.

As we pull up to Desdemona’s I notice something’s not right.  Lilith is at the door again.

“What's going on something doesn’t seem right, where is Eric?” I asked.

“Desdemona said to find her and she will explain” Lilith said.

I hold tight to Cherrie’s hand and push my way through the crowd and head towards Desdemona’s office. There was a new secretary. He was an odd looking person. His ears were too big for his head and his nose too small. He didn’t say anything to me as I walked through the office door.

“Sit down and I will explain everything,” she instructed. “The vampires you warned Eric about was a clan that was made by an old foe from when I was a newbie her name was Charity, she was upset because I was our makers favorite, we have been fighting for many centuries, she left me a lone for a decade,”

“Why would she start again now?” Cherrie asks.

“She was probably building an army,” I added.

“She wants to meet me alone but I want you two to come also I will explain to her I will not meet her unless you two are with me,” she explained, “I want to prevent an all out war I cant afford it right now.”

“What happened to Eric?” I asked.

“Well when the gang approached the door Eric wouldn't let them in, the got mad and started fighting, before anyone can help him they killed him,” she sobbed.

“Oh no,” Cherrie sobbed.

“Are we going to handle this?” I asked.

“We will just not at this moment, right now we will pay respects and drink that’s how Eric would have wanted,” she said.

“ Alright we will try,” I said.

Cherrie and I walked to our table. When we got to the table there were people sitting there.

“Move,” I demanded..

They scrambled to get up and move. As soon as we sat down Dingus was there he took our orders. We sat and watched everyone worried someone might be a rouge vampire. Anyone we didn’t know we questioned. As we sat there a couple of humans walked in we have never seen. I motioned to Dingus to bring them to me. Cherrie and I were hungry. They were sat between us. We weren’t in the mood to play we drank and they were cleaned away. After an hour or so we were ready to go it was late and the sun was going to rise. We found Desdemona and said good-bye and went home.

When we got home we didn’t know what to do. We had an hour until sunrise. So we thought we would relax in the jacuzzi for a little bit then after that we would turn in for the day. It was a draining and depressing night.

I woke up just before sunset and I lie there thinking. My Cherrie I let her sleep in when the sunset. I got up and took a shower got dressed then woke her.

“Why didn’t you wake me up when you woke up my love?” she asked.

“You looked so peaceful I couldn’t,” I whispered and kissed her forehead, “take a shower get dressed we have to go talk to Desdemona.”

“Ok,” she whispered.

When Cherrie was ready we drove to Desdemona’s. When we arrived the club looked closed. We walked to the front door there was a sign that said closed. For some reas0n I looked under the sign and there was a note that had my name on it I opened it and it read:

Hey Trouble,

I closed the club tonight for the meeting with Charity I want you to meet me at my place.



It was a forty-five minute drive to her house. When we got there I knocked and a tall grim looking man answered the door and showed us to the den where Desdemona was sitting with a vampire and a lycan.

“Hey boss lady,” I said.

“Ah come Cherrie and Trouble meet my friends they will be posted around while we meet with Charity, This is Shiloh he is lycan and this is Ezekiel he is a vampire,” she said

“Hi um boss I thought we were supposed to meet her alone?” I questioned.

“That what she will think and they wont be seen,” she explained.

“I want Cherrie to stay here,” I requested.

“I am not staying here I am going with you and you can’t stop me,” she demanded.

“Please stay here I don’t want you to get hurt or worse killed. My love please stay here for me,” I said as I pulled her close and batted my eyes.

“Fine,” she pouted and crossed her arms.

“Thank you,” I said and kissed her on the forehead.

“Call Lilith to stay with her,” Desdemona told Shiloh, “We have to go.”

“Lilith will be here shortly,” Shiloh said.

We were getting ready to leave and there was a knock at the door. Lilith walked in. It started to rain as we were leaving.

“I will be back, I love you,” I whispered in Cherrie’s ear as I hugged her.

“You better,” she said and kissed me.

The place we had to me Charity was at least an hour away. We fed before we got there so we wouldn’t be weak. We dropped the other two off a couple blocks away and took our time to get there. When we arrived the place looked desolate. They’re where two people standing in the middle of a field. As we got closer we noticed it was Charity and a bent over animal looking thing. I noticed it was a lycan in animal form.

“Desdemona it’s been awhile,” Charity said in an evil voice.

“Why are you in my region? Your not supposed to be here,” Desdemona said even meaner. “Who’s your pet?”

“This is Beatrice she’s a real bitch,” she chuckled. Her lycan growled. “Who’s your pet?”

“I’m no ones pet” I snarl.

“She’s a friend, what do you want? Why are you here?” Desdemona asked

I stood quiet trying not to move. I was getting mad Charity was pushing my buttons.

“You k now why I am here to settle a score,” she said, “I an tired of being second even now.”

“Your jealousy has nothing to do with me now I haven’t seen our maker for decades,” Desdemona explained.

“Your inexperienced vampires killed my friend and they will pay,” I bellowed.

“He was in my way besides you should have stayed to helped,” she said.

I pounced but Desdemona pulled me back.

“Now is not the time, stay put and don’t move,” she told me.

I listened, I didn’t want to but I knew Desdemona will handle it.

“What do you want Charity? What will it take for you to leave and never come back?” Desdemona asked.

“What I want you can’t give me, but I will settle for half your club,” she requested.

“I don’t think so that is all I have your not getting it,” she insisted.

“Well then that’s all I have to say to you, Beatrice get her,” she said as she released the lycan.

Before we knew the lycan had jumped on Desdemona. Without Charity noticing Shiloh and Ezekiel creep up behind her and grabbed her. I pulled the lycan off Desdemona and tied him up. Charity’s hands were tied behind her back and held still.

“Now what are you going to do, you have the upper hand, Are you going to kill me?” she sounded worried.

“I haven’t decided what I am going to do with you I might give our maker Artimis a call,” Desdemona said.

We put the two in the back of the truck and drive back to Desdemona's house. When we arrive Shiloh and Ezekiel take the two the garage. The garage is made into a reinforced cage with thick bars and a lock for the door. Once the two rivals are locked in we can relax I hope.

I walk in the door behind everyone else and Cherrie jumped on me and gave me a big hug. I nearly fell over.

“I was so worried about you, I hate not knowing where you are, or if you’re safe,” Cherrie said excitedly.

“I’m ok, everything went fine,” I said and set her down.

Desdemona went to the phone and called Artimis. Everyone there was tired so they chose a couch and rested. I was worried about the two in the garage. What are we going to do with them until Artimis gets here? Do we feed them? When Desdemona got off the phone she came and sat next to me.

“Well she’s on her way,” she said. “It will take a day or two.”

“What are we going to do with the two in the garage?” I asked.

“I guess we have to feed them until Artimis gets here,” she said.

So for now I have to go out and drain a human and get some steak. Enough to hold them over until Artimis gets here because I do not want to go in that garage anymore than I have to. I take them their food and try to walk out.

“Let me out of her you nobody,” Charity says

“I would be careful what you say to me, remember I’m the one that feeds you,” I warn as I walk out.

When I get inside everyone is getting ready to go home. Lilith leaves first and with a hug from Shiloh and Ezekiel as they walk out the door. I see Cherrie sitting on the couch watching television, she looks at me and winks then returns to her show. Desdemona is pacing in the kitchen.

“What's up boss lady?” I ask.

“I am nervous I haven’t seen Artimis in a long time,” she explains. “I have know idea what she is going to do or say.”

“It’s ok everything will work out, Artimis is your maker she has to be very wise,” I tried to comfort her.

“We will see,” she says.

“Well boss lady Cherrie and I are going to go, unless you want us to stay until Artimis comes,” I ask.

“Would you it would be very comforting if you were her,” she responds.

“Ok we will,” I say.

“Benson, my butler will show you to your room,” she says as she snapped her fingers and her butler came quick.

Cherrie and I followed Benson to an upstairs room it had a big bed that had thick black curtains around it. It was about four hours until sunrise so we decided to go back downstairs and watch television.

 Cherrie laid her head on my lap and rubbed my legs. She didn’t seem to want to watch television. So I turn the television off and pick her up and carry her to the room. Desdemona sees me with her and chuckles. I push the door open with my foot and lay her on the bed. I pull her skirt and shirt off. I lie beside her and kiss her. She pulls my clothes off. We lie there for the longest time rubbing our hands all over each other and kissing. It was very romantic. I pull away and pull the covers up to our necks.

“Goodnight my love,” I tell her.

“I love you,” she whispers and we fall asleep anticipating the next night.

After a good days sleep I let Cherrie sleep and went to find Desdemona. She is in the living room pacing again.

“I can see you haven’t slept well boss lady,” I said.

“No not at all, I’m still waiting for Artimis, scared what might happen,” she admitted.

“What's the worst that can happen all Artimis is going to do is maybe tell them two minuses to beat it and be happy to see you, you are her favorite,” I said trying to relax her.

It seemed to help a little bit but I can see she is still bothered. We sit in front of the fireplace for a while before Cherrie wakes and comes down stairs. She crawls in my lap and kisses my cheek.

“I’m hungry babe,” she whimpers.

“Well we have to feed the things in the garage so lets go, you want to join us boss lady?” I ask.

“No dear I don’t want to miss Artimis I do have something to eat don’t worry,” she says and winks at me.

“All right boss lady,” be back soon.

We drive into town and find the nearest blood bank and buy Charity some blood, then to the store for a piece of meat for the dog. Now for our meal, we don’t really want to play so we find the nearest pair of humans and pull them in and feed. We didn’t want to miss Artimis either. When we arrive at Desdemona's we open the garage and throw the meat and the bags into the cage and go into the house.

“We are back boss lady,” I yell.

Cherrie sits down and turns the television on. I hear Desdemona talking to someone in the kitchen. I go where she is and I see a woman her hair is to her knees, she is tall with baby blue eyes and very pale skin.

“Hey boss lady we are back,” I say quietly.

“Its about time, this is Artimis,” she introduces me to her maker.

“Hello,” I say, “excuse me.”

I run to get Cherrie so she can meet the famous Artimis. I grab her arm and pull her up and towards the kitchen.

“What are you doing,” she yells at me as I pull her in the door.

“This is Artimis,” I tell her, “Artimis this is my love Cherrie.”

“Very nice to meet you beautiful ladies I am glad to see Desdemona knows how to pick them and how to teach someone to pick them,” Artimis compliments.

“Thank you,” I blush, “Well we are going to go in the living room and relax call if you need us.”

“Of course,” Artimis says.

After an hour or so Artimis and Desdemona comes into the living room.

“Well ladies here is what's going on, I am going Charity and Beatrice back with me I will return in two days. They will not I am not going to tell you what I am going to do with them,” Artimis explains, “I am giving Desdemona some money to perk up her bar and for you two here is two thousand dollars to start you life Desdemona told me everything and with that I need you to help me with the two in the garage.”

“Thank you so much I will get them ready and put in your car,” I say.

“Thank you for your help and I’m sorry for all the trouble they caused and most of all for Eric” she sighed.

We walk into the garage and they are asleep. Still not trusting them I handcuff Charity and tie the dogs legs up before I open the door to the cage. I wait until Artimis is in the car until I put the two in the car. I don’t think they would try anything with her here. Artimis waves, starts the car waves and drives away.

“See it wasn’t that bad boss lady,” I chuckle.

“She did more than I expected her to do, so we get to relax for two days until she returns,” Desdemona says.

“Everything will be ok boss lady, we are going to go home, why don’t you go to the bar your always happy there, we will join you later,” I ramble and leave to go home.

When we arrived home Cherrie runs upstairs and jumps in the shower. I call Desdemona without her knowing and arrange another special night because we need it. After the call I go upstairs and sneak in the shower behind Cherrie while she is washing her hair.  I run my hands through her hair and she screams.


“Wow that was amazing and I’m full what is it?” I asked

“SHHH its pure blood from a ancient, he gave me a good gallon of it and know one knows,” she explained.

“It was so good wow!” I exclaimed. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome my dear,” she whispers. Then takes the glass to the kitchen.

There in the door is Butterfly. She looks amazing in her tight leather pants and a baby doll tank top. She cut her hair just above her shoulders.  I wave so she can see me. She then joins me at my table.

“Hey beautiful,” I say as she sits.

“Hey what's up? So I was thinking about your offer last night and I think it sounds like a good idea,” she said with a smile.

“Really oh that’s great, I get the boss lady she set something up for me,” I said as I jumped out of the booth. I run into Desdemona’s office.

“Hey boss lady she said yes,” I exclaimed

“Did she really, well you know what to do, here is the key,” she explained.

I took off out of the office and found Butterfly.

“Wait here,” I whispered.

I walked out of Desdemona’s and went to this big classy looking place not to far from the club. The door was huge It opened with a loud creek. Inside there are two staircases and a lot of antique looking stuff. On the small table is an envelope. It’s from des it reads:

Hey you,

I knew this day would come. I remember the day I wanted a companion. He wasn’t what I though he was so I made him leave. My hopes for you my dear is that she is the right one for you. I gave you the key to my old house I don’t use it anymore you may keep it. There is a room upstairs I decorated just for this occasion.. Enjoy!


                     The Boss Lady

I run upstairs to find the room. Of course it’s on the third floor down the longest hallway. I open the door and in the corner of the room is a big bed with drapes all around its so dark I don’t have to sleep in the coffin roses and candles everywhere.

“Oh shit,” I yell as I run out of the house I completely forgot about Butterfly.

I return to the club and see Butterfly waiting patiently.

“So everything is set but I have one question, what is your real name? I know it’s not Butterfly,” I say

“Well I don’t like my real name but I will tell you because we need to trust each other since we are going to be together for a long, long time my real name is Cherrie,” she explained.

“I like that name, its pretty,” I say with a smile. “Well let’s go.”

I grab her by the hand and lead her to the car. We drive for about ten minutes and arrive at my new house. I look over at Cherrie and her mouth dropped.

“You live here, wow its beautiful,” she exclaims.

“Yeah the boss lady just gave it to me,” I explain. “She thought it would be a good idea to start in a new house.”

“I think she was right lets go in,” she said as she jumps out of the car and runs to the door and try to open it but its locked.

“You need these,” I say as I jingled the keys.

“Well hurry the hell up I wan to see the house,” she demands.

“Someone is a little feisty tonight,” I laugh as I jingle the keys over her head.

She snatched the keys “Not funny.”

“I thought it was,” I chuckled. She gave me a look.

She opened the door but didn’t move. She was in awe. I gave her a little shove and she finally walked in. I grabbed her hand and showed her the parts of the house that I saw. I saved the room for last.  We walked out on the patio. There was a pool, jacuzzi and a hammock. The pool looked heated because of the steam. An idea popped in my head.

I lead her to our room. I walk in first and turn the lights on. She walks in and sits on the bed.

“Its so beautiful I really like it,” she says.  “I’m going to take a shower.”

“Ok when out get out I will have something special for you,” I say as she starts to undress.

I take off as fast as I can to Desdemona’s she has everything I need. I get to the door and Lilith stops me.

“Hey Desdemona knew you would be back she said to meet her in her office,” she said.

“Thanks wolfie,” I said as I walked in.

It’s busy tonight so I have to push my way through all the people.  I make it to the office and her secretary was sitting at her desk. She puts her hand up to make me stop.

“Don’t even, I don’t need your permission for shit,” I walk through the door.

“Hey boss lady you need a new secretary the one you have is a bitch, she treats me like a newbie,” I complain.

“I know I’m working on it, have any ideas,” she asks. “Wait a minute where is Butterfly.”

“She's home, I need a few things to make tonight special. Oh you should hire Butterfly she would like it,” I explained

“That sounds good let her know. What do you need for tonight?” she asks.

“Well I need a bottle of champagne, red rose petals lots of them and some white candles for the pool area,” I listed.

“Alright I will have someone set it up for you head to the house and try to stall for a half hour,” she explains “And fire her on the way out please.”

“Thanks and will do boss lady,” I walked out the door “Hey guess what,” I say to the secretary “Your Fired Bitch,” Her mouth dropped.

I rush out of the club to my car and head home. When I get there Cherrie is already out of the shower sitting on the patio in her bathrobe. I sit next to her.

“What's up beautiful?” I ask.

“For some reason this feels like home I’m comfortable here and I can’t say that about to many places I’ve lived.” She sighs as I put my arms around her and pull her close.

“I’m glad you are happy, I am going to make you dinner,” I tell her

“I thought you can’t eat regular food,” she says confused.

“I can’t eat but I could cook a hell of a meal,” I laugh.

Cherrie follows me in the kitchen to watch me cook.  I pull everything out and prepare her favorite meal. I set the table and serve her. I sit and watch her eat.

“That was amazing,” she says with a mouth full of her last bite. I smile and clear the table.

I hear a whistle from the pool area telling me Desdemona’s people finished what I needed to be done.

“Go put on a bating suit, there is a bunch upstairs in that room filled with clothes,” I explain. “Please,”

I already have mine under my clothes. I’m waiting at the bottom of the stairs for her so she can’t sneak around me. I look up and she’s walking down the stairs in a black and red bikini. My mouth drops she looks amazing. She stops at the last step and looks at me.

“Do you like it?” she asks

I don’t say anything. I grab her hand and lead her to the back patio. I look out before I lead her out to make sure they didn’t mess up. I walk out and she follows.

The pool is covered with roses; there are candles all around the pool, a bottle of champagne chilling but the down blankets and pillows in the corner that is also surrounded by candles..

“Wow! You did this for me!” she exclaims.

“I wanted your transformation to be special,” I say as I pull her close.

Cherrie kisses my forehead and jumps in the pool. She comes up and motions for me to get in. I grab the bottle of champagne and slowly walk down the pool steps and walk to the side to set the bottle down. She comes up behind me and playfully bites my neck. I turn around quick enough to catch her before she swam off. I pull her to the stairs, sit down and she straddles my legs and kisses me. We play for a little while in the water. Cherrie gets cold so I help her out dry her off with the towel sit on the hammock for and relax.

She starts to say something but I kiss her before she can say anything. She kisses like an angel. I pick her up and carry her to the blankets and lay her down gently. I kiss her lips gently; move down her neck and to her breasts, I run my hand down her side in between her legs. She moans, I kiss her lips, She starts to breath harder, and I hear her heart racing. I move my fingers faster between her legs. She moans louder. I stop moving and look at her. She looks so satisfied.

“Are you ready?” I ask so I don’t catch her off guard.

She can’t say anything she lets me know by nodding her head. I move between her legs and I lick and kiss her inner thigh to soothe her and make her wiggle then I bite hard. Her blood explodes in my mouth. I drain her until her heart slows almost to a stop. I bite my wrist and put it to her lips. She drinks her fill then lies down. I hold her close until she wakes again.

It doesn’t take long for her to wake up. She opens her eyes and has a big smile on her face. I kiss her.

“How do you feel love?” I ask.

“Amazing!” she sighs.

After all the playing, drinking, kissing and her transformation we are tired.

“Come on let’s go to bed,” I tell her.

We blow the candles out, go upstairs, put on big shirts, pull the drapes around the bed and fall asleep in each other’s arms. What an ending to the perfect night. The day seemed to take forever. All I wanted to do is wake up and be with her.

I wake up a few minutes before Cherrie and I just watch her. She is very beautiful and since list night I feel so connected to her. I don’t know what it is but something pulls at my gut telling me to stay.

Cherrie starts to stir; she stretches and yawns, looks at me at smiles.

“Hey beautiful,” I say as I kiss her forehead.

“I feel like I've slept for a week, what an amazing night,” she whispered, as she got out of bed.

I watch her get up, walk to the closet and get dressed. She put on a black and red mini and a black halter-top.

“You look amazing but you could put on a pair of sweats and a shirt and still look amazing,” I said.

“Your have to say that or you don’t get any,” she chuckled.

I jump out of bed smack her in the butt and go to the bathroom. When I finished I came out and there she was on the bed teasing the hell out of me.

“Lets go I want to show you off to the boss lady,” I say as I grab her hand and tug her arm. We get in the car and head to Desdemona’s. As soon as we got there I knew who was at the door before I got out of the car.

“What's up? Eric heard your got beat up by a non vamp, you need to work out a little more wolf man,” I joked.

“Bitch,” Eric laughed as he hit me in the back of the head.

I walked in the club and noticed there was someone in my seat. I walked over to see who it was. I circled the table.

“Follow me madam,” a man said behind me.

“Dingus, How’s it going?” I said.

I followed my waiter. To another table it’s in the balcony more secluded than the others. There is a booth with roses on the center table and black lace all around.

“Anything to drink madam,” the waiter says.

“No dingus I want to sit her and look at your ugly ass, the usual dummy,” I snap “And can you ask the boss lady to come see me please,”

“Right away madam,” he said as turned and left.

I felt like a teenager in love around her. I tickle her I kiss her everywhere and I love to bite her. She loves is she giggles like a little girl it’s so cute. Desdemona walks up as I’m playing with Cherrie.

“You guys look so happy, what was it you needed to see me about woman?” she says.

“Oh hey boss lady didn’t see you there, I wanted to show you the new and hotter Cherrie,” I said as Cherrie blushed.

“You look amazing, how dose it feel?” Desdemona asked

“Oh its amazing especially with this thing here to help me out,” she joked.

“Wait until we get home,” I exclaimed.

“Well got to get to work, like always what you want you can have,” she reminded me.

“Thanks boss lady,” I said. She gave me a look so I laughed.

We sat there for a while we drank and then we got hungry. We looked around the club and we both spotted him. He was a tall dark short spiked haired guy with green eyes and we wanted him.

“Dingus, that guy there go get him and if you must whomever is with him,” I demanded.

I knew he wouldn’t come alone there was another gentleman he was tall, skinny, and he had short black hair. As they got closer they both had a lot of tattoos. I liked it. They reached the table and look a little scared,

“Your names?”  I asked.

“I’m Justin this is Michael,” he said.

“Can I have Michael please?” she whispered in my ear.

“You can have who ever you want my love,” I said.

We sit the boys between us. Cherrie was playing with Michael. He’s a little nervous he doesn’t know what he got himself into. Justin he is my boy and I don’t really want to play around tonight. I lay my head on his shoulder and bat my pretty little eyes and bite. His blood tastes like vodka; I’m guessing that was his drink of choice. I push him over and watch Cherrie she is kissing his neck, I can tell she wanted me to watch her, she winks at me and bites hard he went limp quick. She pushes him away and looks at me.

“What do we do with them now?” she asks.

“Don’t worry I got it, Dingus take care of these strapping dead men,” I demanded.

Dingus snapped his fingers and a few guys came running. They picked up the bodies and tossed them down a chute and they were gone.

We sit and watch everyone dance and feed until we get bored. We get up and find Desdemona to say goodbye.

“Hey boss lady we are going to take off. See you later,” I say

“Bye ladies see you soon,” Desdemona says. We walk out the door and we see a group of odd looking new vampires with no maker with them. I warn Eric and head home.

We arrived at home and I wanted to relax but she was too excited to do anything but play so I decided to put together something for her.

“Stay here I will be right back,” I said as I ran out the door.

I went down the street and found a florist, got a few dozen daisies, stopped at the blood bank and grabbed a couple pouches of blood and returned home.

Cherrie was still waiting patiently in the room. I quickly prepare the living room. I place a fuzzy blanket by the fireplace; I start the fire, I turn the radio on, I put the daisies in a vase and fill a couple goblets with warmed blood.

“Cherrie!” I shout..

“What happened, are you ok?” she said “You scared the shit out of me you could have walked upstairs and got me damn it.”

“I didn’t want to now lay down with me,” I demanded.

She looks at me with that I don’t have to look. She ran out of the room giggling. She wants to play. I hear her run upstairs and look in a couple of rooms before I hear her run down stairs laughing. I follow the sounds of her footsteps out on the patio chased her around the pool and into the living room and I sat down and she straddled me and she kissed me. We pull our shirts off and lie down together and hold and kiss each other until it is a good hour before sunrise. I pick her up and carry her to the shower. We take a shower and fall asleep together without our clothes.


“Well boss lady I’m a lonely girl I need a mate,” I joke “Really Des I need someone to spend eternity with me.”

“Well dear the only advise I can give you is it’s your life don’t screw it up, I just want you to introduce whomever it is you choose before you turn them.” She says.

“Of course boss lady,” I chuckle

“Why on earth do you call me boss lady?” she asked then stood

“Because it annoys you so,” I reply.

She smile kisses my forehead and walked to her headwaiter and says something to him and walks off. After she walks off the headwaiter comes rushing over.

“I was ordered to get you anything you need,” he says not even looking at me.

“The boss lady is out doing herself isn’t she, I don’t need anything now,” I tell him but he doesn’t move “Are you going to stand there the whole time?”

“Orders,” he said

“Well don’t stand in the middle of the table I can’t see a damn thing move moron,” I quietly shout. He moves.

I sit there and watch everyone. I don’t know what I’m looking for. Do I want someone who looks innocent or hard?  It’s so complicated.

Then she walks in the door and it feels like a bolt of lightning hits me. She’s a little bit shorter than me, her hair is deep red and shoulder length and last but not least her smile is beautiful.

“Hey dingus did you see that girl walk in?” I said, “I want her name.”

“Right away mistress,” and with that he was gone.

It took a few minutes for him to return.

“She said to call her Butterfly mistress, a nineteen year old waitress,” he listed. “You want me to have her sit with you.”

“Of course dingus!” I yelled. A couple of people turned their heads to see who was shouting.. “Ask what she would like to drink escort her to my table and then you disappear.”

“Yes Mistress,” he was gone.

Before the girl could get to my table a goofy looking boy comes up to my table and sits.

“Go away,” I tell him as mean as I can.

“Oh my god you’re a vampire, so tell me,” I cut his rambling off.

“You need to go or I will kill you,” I whispered. He started to ramble again. So bit him bled him dry. I snapped my fingers and he was taken away. The bus boys cleaned the seat. As they finished Butterfly approached the table.

“Umm some dopey looking waiter asked what I wanted to drink and said you wanted to see me,” she murmured “Are you V.I.P or something?”

“You could say that I know the boss lady and you don’t have to sit if you don’t want to it was an offer,” I explained, “You drinks and everything are free.”

“Well I was going to sit simply because you are cute but how can I turn down a free drink,” she chuckled as she sat down.

“Your drink Madame,” the waiter said as he sat her drink down, “Anything else mistress?”

“I’m good dingus,” I said. I could tell he was getting irritated with me calling him dingus but it was fun.

“His name is dingus?” she asked trying not to laugh.

“No I just like to test peoples patience it’s entertaining,” I explained. “Why is a pretty little thing like you in a vampire bar?”

“Well I have always had a fantasy that I would one day meet a vampire and now that people know you exist I don’t have to be a ‘social outcast’ anymore and my friend told me about Desdemona’s,” she explained “Now I’m sitting here with you. It’s a little weird I feel like a piece of meat here.”

“You are, that’s how most vampires view pretty little girls like you,” I said with a wink. “Why did you want to meet a vampire, there has to be something specific that you wanted to me my kind?”

“I think it was their beauty more than anything, the color of their skin and most of all their eyes. I know sounds dumb huh,” she explains

“No not at all that’s why I am what I am today. Do you want to have that beauty?” I asked.

There was an awkward silence between us.  I didn’t know what else to say. I asked now all I needed was an answer. I was nervous.

“I don’t know, where would I live? Who would I learn from? There are so many questions,” she panics.

“Here come with me I know who you could talk to,” I said as I pull her up. “Desdemona!”

I walk her to Desdemona. Her office was in the back through the kitchen. Her cute little secretary tried to stop me from going in, but I pushed her away and walked in. I should have waited she was busy. She was feeding on an older man. It startled Butterfly. I covered her eyes to save her from anymore trauma.

“Sorry boss lady didn’t mean to barge in but your incompetent help failed to tell me you were feeding,” I lied. “This is Butterfly she has questions for you that I can not answer.”

“Come in dear ask me anything,” she tells Butterfly and then looks at me and says, “I know I will take care of her,”

“Thanks boss,” I say as I went out the door.

“Don’t call me tha…” I shut the door before she could finish and went back to my table and waited.

As I sat there I noticed something peculiar about a young man in the corner of the bar. He wasn’t eating or drinking and he was alone. I got up and pointed him out to Lilith. She was already watching him. In order to figure out more I had to get close.. I walked over to the jukebox and pretended to be amused. His coat was open and I got a glance of the things he had. A silver stakes and an ax. I quickly kicked the machine as if it took my money and walked away.

“Lilith he’s going to kill a vampire, he has silver stakes and an ax, I’m not in the mood to fight can you handle him?” I say quietly.

“I’m on it, watch the door,” she said.

She walked over to the gut and with her massive hand hit him in the head and knocked him out. He fell on the floor with a loud thud. Everyone cheered. Lilith grabbed his by his foot and dragged him outside. She took his weapons and threw them on the roof. After everything settles down Desdemona finds me. Lilith and I fill her in on what just happened.  She reprimands Lilith for letting him in. Then she buys a round of drinks for everyone. Butterfly comes out of the office shortly after Desdemona buys the drinks.

“Are you ok?” Butterfly asked.

“I’m ok, you want to sit down?” I said as I escorted her back to our table. She’s quiet for a while as if she is in shock.

“Are you ok? How did the talk go with the boss lady?” I asked.

“It went well, she is very knowledgeable, she explained so much to me, so with that I think I will wait for another date with you before I make my choice. Lets say here tomorrow night,” she says as she gets up and walks out the door. I have no idea what to say so I let her go.

I stay at the table for a long time wondering what all Desdemona said to Butterfly. Was she telling her to go through with it or not too. I’m worried.

“Hey dingus I’m hungry. That girl sitting there by the door, bring her to me.” I demand

“Right away Madame,” he says.

The girl is sat down at my table. She isn’t very tall at all. She has black hair and very dark eyes very beautiful. She does not look happy at all.

“What the hell am I here for? Why am I being put here? Do I know you?” she yells.

“Calm down damn, do you want a drink?” I say.

“What do you want?” she asked

“Well let’s start with your name.” I whispered.

“My name is Alisha. I still want to know what you want. Your stupid ass server pulled me by my arm and forced me over here,” she says with a pout.

“I apologize for dingus here he’s an idiot,” I say. “What can I do to make you feel better?”

“I want a drink,” Alisha demands.

“I know the perfect place lets go,” I say

I lead her to a back office where Desdemona lets me feed on people I want to play with. I sit her down in the chair and pour her a drink. I keep pouring her drinks until she is completely wasted. Then I watch her. She gets up and falls forward. I catch her so she doesn’t hit the floor. She kisses me and pulls up where she is standing. I lift her of the floor and lay her on the couch. I kiss her cheek, her neck and she takes a deep breath. I bite so quick she shivers. Her blood is sweet. She’s breathless; I pull her arms from around my neck and leave the office.

“Hey dingus, there’s a mess in there clean it up,” I demand. “Hey boss lady I’m going to go big night tomorrow.”

“Alright tough girl see you tomorrow,” Desdemona says as I walk out the door.

I get home and notice a smell. I walk in the back and it gets worse. I realize the smell is coming from the grotto. Tank my gangster meal is still floating in the water. I pull him out wrap him in a tarp and take him to the swamp. Now I have to drain the water and call the pool guy. I turn in for the day with all this stress on my mind.

I awake restless but excited because of the evening ahead. I put on a pinstripe halter and tight black jeans and head out.

I arrive at Desdemona’s and there at the door was Lilith again.

“Hey wolfie,” I laugh as I walk in. I can hear her laughing.

I take a seat in the usual spot and wait.

I start to get hungry as I’m waiting. I look around the room for a tasty treat. Across the room I see a girl with really pale skin, but she isn’t a vampire. Then I see Desdemona head towards me and sit down.

“Her blood is sour, a she’s an albino her body is to frail to produce many antibodies to make the blood sweet,” she explained.

“But I am hungry and want something different,” I whine

“I know,” she says and jumps up and heads to the kitchen.  When she comes back she has a big wine glass full of blood.

“This is the rarest of blood I keep is frozen it is refreshing, I warmed it, I will tell you what it is when you drink it,” she explains. So I drink.


Beneath the stars I look up and wonder is this it. Is this all I am here to do is sulk in the night waiting for a meal. They are a little hard to come by in this little town. I have to go to the city when I want to eat.

The club scene is one of my favorite places to hunt. I can choose anyone and they think they overdosed or a bug bit them. The hard part is choosing the flavor so to speak.

They’re sitting at the furthest table in my favorite hunting spot. She has long blonde hair, tall and alone.  I watch her a little while before I approach. I sit beside her without saying a word and watch the dance floor.

“No there’s no one sitting there.” She says

“Well that’s good otherwise I would be sitting on their lap,” I mutter “so what’s your name.”

“I’m Eliza, what’s your name?” she asks.

“Does it matter,” I whisper.

I stand grab her hand and lead her to the dance floor. We dance for a little bit. Then I buy her a drink with a little something extra to relax her. She downs the drink, and melts in the seat.

“You want to get out of here,” I whisper in her ear. She nods and tries to get up but needs help. We get to my car, I help her in the front seat and she knocks out. I lay her seat back so she is comfortable. We pull in the driveway to my house, she is still knocked out.

My house is a tall Victorian style house. Two stories chipped white paint red trim, and acres of land. It’s a back in the woods so it can’t be easily seen.

I pick the girl up and carry her inside. I leave her on the couch. Walk up stairs to change I don’t want to get my clothes dirty. She looks peaceful. I almost don’t want to do this but my hunger is a lot louder than my conscience. Sitting next to her I can smell the blood coursing through her veins. I lean closer to her neck and run my teeth across her chest hard enough for just a little bit of blood to trickle out. I lick it clean then I bite hard and the warm liquid explodes in my mouth. The taste is amazing I drink her until her body goes limp. Disposing of the body can wait. I’m full and need to sleep.

The next evening I awake put the body in the trunk and feed her to the gators in the swamp not to far from the house. After disposing of the body I drive to Desdemona’s.  Its a little place where people who are into the vampire thing but are not sure vampires are real can cure their curiosity, so it’s an easy place for a meal and a little fun. I walk to the door and there is Eric he is the usual bouncer. He’s a big guy dark hair and black eyes also a vampire.

“Your back it’s been a couple days,” He said in a deep voice

“Awe did you miss me?” I say as I walk by him. He laughs and lets a couple people in behind me.

It’s busier than normal. I sit at my table and watch the humans and the vampires. I see a few vampires I know but no one saw me sit. The bartender sends over my usual a bottle of Jack and some pretzels. It helps the people flock to me.

A short time after a tall guy with long black hair walks towards my table. As he got closer I realized who it was. I motioned him to sit.

“Stephan,” I said

“And how are you my pet,” he replied

“Have you lost your mind I am not now nor will I ever be anyone’s pet at the very least yours,” I snapped

“Easy vicious I was just playing you don’t have to take everything so seriously,” he murmured

“If I let you mess with me everyone will think its ok to mess with me. You will just have to deal with me. How have things been going around here?” I said

“It’s going there are a lot of imitators trying to be one of us. They get put in their place quick. I'm going to go for now I see my meal ticket right there,” and with that he walked away following a pretty little red head.

Not to long after he walked away I noticed a guy watching me. I found him to be a little mysterious. He was your typical gangster looking guy baldhead and a bunch of tattoos. But there was something different about him. His character was innocent not hard like most thugs. I wanted to talk to him. A waiter came to the table.

“Do you need anything Miss?” she asked

“Him,” I replied as I pointed at the gangster.

“As you wish,” she turned and walked over to him and pointed.

He sat down. Nothing was said for a few minutes. We were too busy trying to figure each other out. He had green eyes, dark hair from what I can tell from the stubble on his head. He had a little weight on him but not too bad. I still couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. His mind was chaotic.

“What's your story?” I asked, “You’re not the everyday thug a I see around here.”

“Apparently I didn’t need a story to catch you attention” he replied with a smirk.

“What's your name smart ass?” I asked

“They call me Tank,” he said.

“I can see why.” I chuckled.

“Is there a reason you wanted me to come over here or are you just messing with everyone tonight?” he said

“Have a drink relax,” I suggested “the reason I called you over here is because you seemed appealing and it helped a little that you were cute.”

We sat and talked for a long time before my stomach started to growl. After thinking he was comfortable enough I invited him back to my place for a nightcap. We walk in the door he looks around like he’s never seen anything like it. I show him to the game room. There's a pool table and some arcade games.

“I will be right back, I need to change,” I yelled as I ran upstairs.

In my room in the corner is a big four-post bed with dark red drapes, a table for my candles right beside it and my desk with my laptop, books and jewelry box. I push open the closet and pull out a long black flowy skirt and a pink fishnet top. I put a black sports bra and finish getting dressed.

I get back down stairs and I watch him for a little bit. His back is to me so he can’t see me. He’s playing pool, he takes his shot he turns around and notices me watching him.

“How long have you been there,” he asked.

“Long enough to know you can’t play pool,” I chuckled.

“Ha,” he sneered.

“Want to see what's out back,” I asked him.

In the back there is an underground grotto with heated Jacuzzi next to. It wasn’t cheap but it’s alluring. I lead him down and he walks over to the bar.

“May I?” he asked as he’s already pouring him a drink.

“Go ahead,” I say ask I take of my clothes and get in the water. Tank turns and notices me in the water. He takes all but his boxers off.

“All of it.” I demand. He takes them off and walks in the pool. He knows what I want to do but I think I’m going to play hard to get. He comes toward me; I swim out of the way before he grabs me. After playing with him for a little bit I let catch me.

“Now what,” I whisper, and push away.

“What do you think,” he said as he insistently pulled me towards him and kissed me.

I again push away and get in the jacuzzi. He follows close behind. He sits down and I straddled him. He looked a little startled then excited. I put my arms around him scratched starting at his shoulders all the way down his back to his waist. He quickly inhales. I giggle. He kisses my neck and moves to my chest and he bites my breast it felt so good. I feel his heart racing. I bounce a little and it makes his heart beat faster and faster. He moans and just as he is about to climax I bite. His neck is pulsing as I sink my teeth farther in his blood flows smoothly down my throat. As I get my fill in more ways than one I leave him to float in the water, as it turns red. Luckily its underground do I don’t have to worry about him until later. I grab my clothes, walk inside and take a shower. Feeling clean and full I a turn in for the day.

Waking up this evening I feel a little different like there is emptiness in my life. I need to find someone to be my companion someone to be with me eternally. I get up put the clothes I had on last night, I only wore them for a moment. I think I will see what Desdemona’s has to offer. There are people there that like vamps so it’s a likely place to start.

I walk up to the door and Eric isn’t there it’s a female I have never seen before she is lycan. I can smell the stench of dog all over her. She’s tall and muscular with sandy messy blonde hair; her eyes were a purple color. Her eyes looked amazing with the makeup accenting them. I guess Desdemona needed more muscle around here.

“Who the hell are you? Where’s Eric?” I demanded.

“I’m Lilith I am standing in for Eric he’s not well. But I know who you are please enter,” she said very politely.

I walk in and find Desdemona sitting at my usual table. She looks amazing. She’s wearing a long blood red dress with black lace. She’s a tall slender woman with short spiked cherry red hair. She’s one of the few ancients who live out in the open. The others are scared they will be exposed and killed.

“Hey boss lady what's up?” I inquire.

“Eric has been attacked, he’s home resting and will be ok; why he was attacked we don’t know. I have people looking for the attackers now, when I here anything I will let you know.” She explained “Enough sad talk what brings you here tonight beautiful?”

Desdemona was the one who turned me. I was twenty-two years old. Like some I was obsessed with vampires, but not how you think. It wasn’t because they could live forever, but their beauty. I found vampire’s to be the most alluring people I have ever seen. Instead of them looking for me I went looking for them. I found Desdemona in an ally feeding. She knew I was there but finished and turned to me. I was a little fearful but more fascinated than anything. I knew she read my thoughts because all she did was nod her head and turned me. There was a connection between us like I have never felt. It wasn’t sexual it was more motherly, I can tell her everything.

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