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battlefield's blog: "My Words"

created on 04/02/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-words/b70160

Dear Valentine

Dear Valentine By: Treat Williams Dear Valentine, come away with me. If I had a day with you and you only, I would enjoy the simple things. The things that bring joy to the drudgery and the mundane, the things that, in the end, when time steals the rest away, are the only things we'll remember. I would paddle you across a still lake in a rowboat and read poetry to you until you fell asleep, and I would never ever think about the hours. Dear Valentine, if I had one day with you and you only, I would admire every line of your face, every strand of your hair, every graceful movement of your hands or your eyes or your body. If I had one perfect day. Don't you see, my heart beats only for you? Dear Valentine, these are the things I remember, my love... A warm hand, your warm breath, your warm mouth, your arms around mine. I remember feeling safe, ceaseless, like one person, the two of us, still, at rest, entwined. I remember how I felt the first time I kissed you. It felt like... the high dive. What do you remember? How will I ever know what was inside your heart? Where do they go, all the things we think and feel but don't say? Dear Valentine, these are the things I never told you, these are the things I need you to know... that I loved you always, and my love was so big, it lives still after you're gone. I'd like to tell you that I would do it differently, that if I had one more day I would do everything right. But I know that not to be true. I'd make all the same mistakes. That is, except one... I wouldn't say good-bye. ( I know the V-day is coming up but lets not forget... Don't just make that special one feel special and loved only on that day... It should every day... every moment... every single chance that you can say I love you... always show you love the one you love most... )
Lets just remember V-Day is not just a day to show a person love cause its V-Day alone. You should always show the person your with how much you really care each and every single day. I'm not saying you have to be around each other 24/7 but just show the person your with that you really care for them. It can be with occasional gifts. Weekends out and most importantly telling them how much you care with your own words being real sincere and faithful. Many people just hate V-Day and that's that or just not ever do anything for it, But even though you may really hate it or just never do anything, someone is mostly likely thinking of you. It doesn't have to be someone you that you were once with. It could be anyone. Sometimes some people just don't have the courage to really go and do something cause there's just so much fear of rejection and many other reason. Valentines sometimes may only be a strength booster for some people to get the ability to put there heart on the line and really go do something just great for that one person and say how they feel and not use it so much of a holiday sort of speak. I've always liked V-Day not that I've actually had one with one but Sometimes it really sets the occasion to do something great for someone. Sometimes giving something to something you really admire is just what you want to do. That's definitely what I do. Sometimes its a crush I have others its someone I really admire and just making her feel special on that day. Even if your not with them is just something that makes me feel great inside. Seeing the smile on there faces and just happy is just so magical. So if any of you have friends that really mean a lot just do something nice for them since V-Day is coming.... They could just be having a bad V-Day or maybe there V-Day might turn out bad but since the fact you just did something nice for them. That might keep them smiling just the fact that you remembered them. It doesn't have to be anything big but you know what I mean..... That's my piece on V-Day..... Doing something nice or not just have a safe V-day everyone!!!
I don't even know... Sometimes I go and ask some of my friends what they doing for V-day and some people just hate with no remorse. A long time ago I never really understood why either but as time went a long ... everyone by now should really know why its such a distasteful holiday. With the way some people just treat each other I really wonder why Valentines even exist the rate you hears someone's heart getting broken cause of an unfaithful partner. Another situation might be that one person just doesn't treat the other with any respect at all and causes them to just want to leave in such pain... Sometimes both people of the relationship (whatever level its on) and sometimes some hearts are just so badly broken and hurt just due to relationship failure coincidentally close to V-Day near it or just reminds them of it... Sometimes you realize that some love might of been too soon or just might of worked out the way you wanted and the stage of getting to really know the other person might of been skipped so far ahead that soon the wrongs, the arguments, the dislikes and flaws are looked at so harshly that you missed all the things you could really love about each other.....from the inside. So those of you that really hate V-Day I feel you... You've been hurt. I definitely understand you completely and I really don't blame you at all.... I know exactly what your going through.... (Go and read part two)
"There is no greater happiness than having you... and no greater bliss than sharing this life with you. If I had one breath to spare...If I had just one moment to live... I would be spending it with you." When the eyes meet and hold strongly they are bound to meet again. *********** I admit I am not the perfect one... I was never always there... I didn't make you smile at times when you probably needed to smile the most but there is one thing I admit I can do.. I will always be the best person I know I can be for you... *********** Though I have told you how much I care, how much you mean to me, it's not a good to say that are just word, but if you only know how much fear of losing you I have in my heart then, you'll understand how much I do care *********** Two hearts, two minds, in time did find one love, one aim two paths the same. Hold fast. . . and love will last.... *********** When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life To start as soon as possible. *********** Knowing that I will have you makes me glad, losing you will surely make me sad. I know you don't need me badly but I want you just because your the BEST I ever had... *********** It's been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don't believe it not one bit only because EVERY time I see you, I fall in LOVE all over again *********** I've always wanted a world of my own were I can do whatever I want, were I could live alone, till I came to know you, NOW I want to have a world shared by two, a paradise shared with you... *********** How lucky am I to have known someone who is just amazingly impossible to EVER say goodbye to them. *********** "IF I hadn't met you, I wouldn't of like you. IF I didn't like you, I wouldn't of fallen in love with you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be missing you like I am now. But I did like you, I do love you , and I will always care about you. *********** "I will never know what the future brings But I know you are here with me now We'll make it through And I hope you are the one I share my life with - with all my heart" *********** "Can't find a reason why God gave you to me. But that's not a question to be asked. The question is how did God know that I needed someone like you" *********** Sometimes the perfect person for you is that whom you least expected to be. *********** I fear that someday time would keep us apart & you might forget me, but before it happens, I hope that you have felt, even for a single chance that I have cared for you best way I know! *********** Cute love is an attempt to change a piece of dream into reality *********** What if someone tells you this: "I don't believe in courtship. It's just a waste of time. If I love a person, I'll tell her right away. But for you, I will make an exception… just love me now and I'll court you forever… *********** If ever things would change and your love would fade, I'd still not break the promise I made. if you let go I'll accept and there's nothing I can do but I'll be there and still love you till the end of time... *********** Even if courage fails you, tell that special someone that you love them in anyway possible.... *********** Why is it that after all this time we've known each other, I have never really considered you a friend its not because I don't want you to be one. But because ever since. I have hoped & prayed you will be.. Much more than a friend to me… *********** I could do without many things with no hardship.... you are not one of them
When I really think about my own life... I'd say for the most part yea... I am and would be at peace with myself for the most part... but going into the deep stuff. There so much I would just like to a lot more people but sometimes I just find myself really not saying anything and I know some of you know what I mean. Sometimes we choose not to say it and leave it for another time. 2 1/2 years ago I was at a real moment of life and death and I wasn't really doing anything so much where anyone would have died. I have asthma and it not like I'm handicapped and can't do certain things. I run and do everything like everyone else. So its not like I actually put myself to doing something causing me to get out of breath. But going back to my situation about 2 1/2 years ago I bought myself a fresh new pair of Timbs boots and decided to by the water proof spray for the first time. I sprayed down the timb so I could wear them the next day... At 3 am that night I woke up unable to breath... and a huge pain inside my lungs but I was still in a semi-sleeping stage where I really didn't fully wake up. That day I woke up even more out of breath and told my mom bring me to the hospital when I couldn't take it no more and found out it wasn't fading away. I couldn't even take 2 step and not feel like someone just took every last breath away from me. When I was finally treated and everything they told me that the spray really did a number on me and said I could have died at any moment (So if I was walking down the street and someone was running after me I would have just died) Cause my breathing went to a severe stage where you can't hear the breathing at all.... The whole time I was there I was just wishing with everything in me that could just breath again... and a whole bunch of things that I just wanted to tell everyone just passed through my mind of anything and everything of what I wanted to tell everyone. Long story short...... My only point is that these are the times when you stop and think whether you are really living everyday the way you want to be. One most important things I've learned to always do (best I can) is to always make sure to let the people in my life know that I love them, every chance that I get. I know there are many people here who will regret their last words with a loved one for the rest of their lives. Life is too short to end a phone call upset, to walk away in frustration or even to cause someone else any in tensional pain and sadness. Make your relationships worth it, folks. Don't forget to tell those people you love them. You can never be sure which words will be your last.

My Tragic Flaw

My Tragic Flaw Category: Life by: Gregory Smith The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm not sure who the first person was who said that. Probably Shakespeare. Or maybe from a song. But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw: my inability to change. I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of everyone's flaw. Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still... It feels better somehow. And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar. Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected... Who knows what other pain might be waiting out there. Chances are it could be even worse. So you maintain the status quo. Choose the road already traveled and it doesn't seem that bad. Not as far as flaws go. You're not a drug addict. You're not killing anyone... Except maybe yourself a little. When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a sudden we're like this different person. I think it's smaller than that. The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked at us really, really close. Which, thank God, they never do. But you notice it. Inside you that change feels like a world of difference. And you hope this is it. This is the person you get to be forever... that you'll never have to change again.
I don't know... when I look at it... I just see some people do nothing but complain about thier relationships. Why they do this? Why they do that? Do you even really care? and so on and so on.... even to the point where couples are doing thing behind each others back just because there's a trust issue or whatever it is... (Don't do that.... just talk about) but everyone has there own way of dealing with problems... Then finally some just go cheating on to the one that cares for them. Now let's just forget, for one second that at some time ago told me you couldn't be in a relationship with anyone, because for me, watching a relationship being sabotage from the outside can be just unbelievable. Honestly, the only thing that gives me comfort when people just go and forever mess things up is while I'm sitting at home staring at the ceiling just wishing that I had someone to talk to, is knowing that a lot of those idiots will never realize how lucky they are to know how precious the person beside you really is......
Sometimes you love something so much that it hurts to leave it. Sometimes it hurts too much to hold on to that thing you love. And sometimes you let go of what you love because it hurts, but then just sometimes... everything actually happen and it's back and living happily ever after. * * * * * * * * * Why do people have to lose things to find out what they really mean? * * * * * * * * * When you are in love and you get hurt, it's like a cut... it will heal, but there will always be a scar. * * * * * * * * * You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel. Cause sadness due to love is breathing.... You'll have to breath at some point... * * * * * * * * * When I see you smile and know that it is not for me, that is when I will miss you the most. * * * * * * * * * When you said forever, you meant a few months. When I said forever, I meant every day until I died. When you said always, you meant until you couldn't handle it anymore. When I said always, I meant until time ended. When you said you loved me, you meant I was no different from any other person. When I said I loved you, I meant I had never felt what I felt for you... It's never just to say. * * * * * * * * * I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived. * * * * * * * * * With you my heart will always stay. With you my thoughts will be every day. You remain to be the one that I regret letting get away. Why didn't I say what I needed to say? You are the one I will always use my wishes on. You are the one I will always wish was never gone. I'll constantly wonder at what point did I lose you. I'll forever think of what I could've did that was never done. So that happiness could have lasted. * * * * * * * * * There's this place in me where your finger prints still rest... your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo... It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me * * * * * * * * * A teardrop is insignificant in a pool of water, but it can touch the soul as it runs down someone's face.

If Tomorrow Never Comes

If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep. If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise, I would video tape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day. If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute or two to stop and say "I love you," instead of assuming, you would KNOW I do. If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day, well, I'm sure you'll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away. For surely there's always tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make everything right. There will always be another day to say our "I love you's", And certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do's?" But just in case I might be wrong and today is all I get, I'd like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget, Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike, And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight. So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today? For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day, That you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss and you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish. So hold your loved ones close today, whisper in their ear, Tell them how much you love them and that you'll always hold them dear, Take time to say "I'm sorry," "please forgive me," "thank you" or "it's okay". And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today. Unknown

A Broken Heart

Many times you see relationships work out and people really fall for one another but the sad truth is that you have those few people who just dont really care as much and if it all ended they just wouldnt give two cents. When someone goes and really breaks someones heart. Doesnt that not mean anything.? Do they just have no conscience ? No dont get me wrong I know people just break-up for many reason but some just hurt the other person intentionally and just walk away not caring. A lot of the time I just feel that some of them should really know what it means to have a broken heart. Maybe then theyll know someones heart Is not meant to be tampered with. It is better to have a broken leg or arm then to have a broken heart in any point in your life. That pain is something you cant really put your hands on and fix From what I have experienced (depending on the situation) the only thing that can really stop the pain is the thing that broke it in the first place.
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