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Brithearts's blog: "My thoughts"

created on 11/28/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-thoughts/b160909

Peace, Man-- my religion

I'm Brittiny. I'm only 19, yet some describe me as "19 going on 2 going on 21." I can be the biggest kid in the world, but I'm still more mature then many my age. I've seen many things that are wrong in this world, and I've also seen many good things in this world. I cannot truly say one way or another whether the world we live in is either good or bad, yet I can say that everyday I see more and more things that need fixing. Since the age of 13, after denouncing my involvement in the "religion" of Jehovah's Witnesses, I was an atheist. As I continued to grow, I saw more things that grabbed my attention, and I changed religions constantly. I'm pretty sure that my family quickly grew irritated with me, despite the fact that each time I could voice my reasons quite well. Soon after, I was agnostic, the hopeful side of me not sure if their was a "God" out there. That was the shortest religion ever. I think that lasted maybe a school year, before I decided that their was no "God" and that I would be an atheist. Sometime in 8th grade (before the atheist bit), I discovered Wicca. It lead me down a path where I was always searching for more information on the subject. When I moved into my mother's house when I was 18-- I was kicked out of my grandmother's apartment, sadly-- I began to wonder what other religions were out there. I looked many up, and was drawn to Satanism. I didn't want to claim that I was one until I really knew what it was all about, and I could not find one copy of the Satanic Bible, so even though I liked the concepts of what I read, I pretty soon abandoned that. I may not be able to accurately account for every religion I was and when, but you get the idea, that when one certain "label" no longer satisfies me, I go out looking for something that fits me better then the last (example-- from straight, to bisexual, to pansexual). As Josh and I realized last night, I do not put myself into one "narrow" label, or what not. For the past few months, I have been identifying as a "Satanist," and proudly. Yet, lately, I've found myself wondering if that still is the case. I know that I cannot truly identify as one religion or another anymore. Some of the beliefs I hold are held by a few religions, and still there are some that are held by one, but not the other. That sparked an idea. Why conform to one religion or another? Why not create my own? It's been done before. So, that's what I am doing. Something to suit me-- it doesn't matter if others wish to follow it or not. What matters is that I am happy. Josh said that he would be part of this, too, which made me happy. "What's the name of this religion?" You may ask. Well, if you promise not to laugh, I will tell you. Promise? Good. I'm calling it "Peace, man." It's the only thing that sounded good to me, and seemed to fit. I'm not sure what I will call the followers just yet, but hopefully by the time that I am done explaining everything that my "religion" involves, where I get each of my ideas, and which religions I pulled my main ideas from, then I will have a name for that. For now, I will use the word "Peacers," if that's even a word. For the religions that I used to get ideas from, I used four major religions that I strongly believed some of their ideas to begin with. The religions that I researched are as follows: Wicca, Buddhism, Rastafari movement, and Satanism, along with some suggestions from Josh that I will take into account. Some "religions" have a basic "statement" about what they are about, and I couldn't think of one for this blog, so I'm not going to bother trying to come up with one-- it took me long enough to think of the name "Peace, man." The first thing that I will cover is Wicca-- rather, what I gained from Wicca that I wish to continue taking with me through my life. One of the main components that I like about Wicca is that it is nature-based, which to me is totally cool. I'm all for nature, and respecting it. The Wiccan reed is also something that I admire, but I'm not going to rip it off, that wouldn't be right. Here is the actual Wiccan reed: "An it harm none, do as thou wilt Do what you will, so long as it harms none An it harm none, do what thou wilt That it harm none, do as thou wilt Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, An it harm none do what ye will" I'll come up with something of my own, not as much as a "reed," but more of a simple poem, that I think works well with what I'm trying to accomplish in this "religion" of mine. "To each creature you near, Be kind. Harm no one, Physically or emotionally. Everyone feels just as you, Don't send out negative energy, Be the one to send out positive energy. With each smile you send out, You make someone feel good. Hatred has never changed the world for the better, Kindness will." It's not much, but I like the ring of what I'm trying to say. Give me credit, I'm used to writing sad poems. There are eight virtues in the Wiccan religion, they are as follows: mirth (joy and laughter), reverence (respect), honor, humility, strength, beauty, power and compassion. I think that everyone should have laughter and joy in there life; people should learn respect (in all actuality, people should earn it, but if the person has done nothing to not receive the respect, they should get it), towards everything-- nature, every animal, and humans alike; you should be fair, and believe what you are doing is right, honor the laws that are not going against human nature, and ones that are ones you believe in; be strong willed, do not let others bully you into something you don't want to do, don't let others crush what you believe in, and stand up for what you believe in; see the beauty that is in everything-- the way the waves crash on the shore, the way the grasshopper makes that noise you hear at night, the way it's so quiet that you can hear your own heart beat; have the ability to accomplish what you set out to do, be determined; be kind to those around you, don't be cruel, lend a helping hand to those in need, don't be greedy with the wealth that you have because you think that since you "earned" it, that you deserve it, chances are, you don't. Earth, air, fire, and water. The four elements that are a basic in Wicca. I believe that you should respect each force in nature, not only separately, but even more so as a whole. Each of those forces are extremely powerful, and we would not be able to survive if we didn't have them. Think about it. What about holidays, you may ask. Well, I'm getting to that. Imbolc is first on my list. Celebrated on February 2nd, it marks the end of Winter, and the beginning or Spring. The color of this day is red, so I would go about showing that by wearing a article of clothing that is red. On this day, you can either have a little party (if that's what you want to call it), or reflect on what happened over the past few months by yourself. That's my little spin on it. The vernal--spring-- equinox is about March 20th or so. On this day, there are exactly 12 hours of light, and 12 hours of darkness, so this marks the pass from the darkest part of the year, to the lightest. Beltane, May 1st, we will wear all white, and have fires in the evening (the white is because that is the customary color of that day, and the fires because that is tradition, but we will not be jumping through them). Next, we have the summer solstice-- around June 21st. You can celebrate this any way you like, but I think that the best way, would to just enjoy nature, by possibly having a picnic, or something similar. Lamas is August 1st, and it's color is brown. Starting a tradition, it will be a day of feasting, but there will be a spin. The whole day you must eat completely vegan, and eat all your meals outside, maybe in the shade of a tree, or by a lake shore. Around September 23rd, we will have the Fall Equinox. We will see Fall is here, and Winter is fast approaching. Samhain is the last day in October-- the 31st. The veil between the realm of the living and the dead is especially thin on this holiday. In Latin countries, the Day of the Dead is commemorated around this time of year. It is customary to do a divination on this day for what the coming year will bring. I think that it would be fun to keep this as the "Witches New Year," and bring it over into "Peace, man" as our new year also. Not as the actual new year, but a time to start new projects, to make a new goal, to pursue a different goal, etc. More of a "beginning" if you will. About the time of December 21st, is the Winter Solstice-- also known as Yule. This is the shortest day of the year, and the longest night. Since this day also represents the point at which the sun begins to wax, it represents rebirth and regeneration. Seeing as that is the case, it gives me a most excellent idea for how to celebrate the Winter Solstice. The night before, go to bed as you normally would, but on the night of the Winter Solstice, stay awake as long as you can. You can do a number of things while you are awake during the night. You can read-- if you have a fireplace, that would be perfect; you can play some board games with the rest of your family; you can take a walk outside if it's not too chilly; make something else up that you would enjoy. Hand fasting is another celebration held by Wiccans, and is the commonly used term for their weddings. Some Wiccans observe the practice of a trial marriage for a year and a day, which some traditions hold should be contracted on Lammas (Lughnasadh), as this was the traditional time for trial. I think that the year and a day trial marriage is an excellent idea. Divorce rates are far too high now, and that's not good. It wouldn't be mandatory to do such a thing, but it would be encouraged. Wow, that's a lot of information, isn't it? But, wait, there's more! I hope that you aren't sick of reading this blog, because I'm no where near done. The next religion that I looked at was Buddhism. Buddhism is often described as a religion[1] and a collection of various philosophies, based initially on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as Gautama Buddha. Brahma-vihara is another subject of meditation that is beneficial to practise. The word "brahma" can be rendered as excellent, lofty, sublime or noble, and vihãra, "as states of living." Brahma-vihãra, therefore, means, sublime states; some call it "divine abodes." It can also be called "the art of noble living." There are four brahma-vihãras, namely: Loving-kindness or universal love (mettã) Compassion (karunã) Sympathetic joy, altruistic or appreciative joy (muditã) Equanimity (upekkhã). They banish selfishness and disharmony and promote altruism, unity and brotherhood. They are also known as boundless states or illimitables (appamaññãyo) because they are virtues to be extended towards all beings, without exception, irrespective of race, caste, color, community, creed, East or West. I agree with all that. Everyone should have the same love, kindness, compassion, sympathy, joy, and everything else, no matter what he looks like, where he is from, or anything else that makes him "different." Meditation. I've personally never have tried it, but would like to try. Here is something that I read that I thought would be perfect: "When practising meditation on the brahma-vihãras, it is easier to start with oneself. For instance, when meditating on love, proceed thus: "May I be well, may I be happy; may I be free from illness, may no harm come to me," and so forth. Then think of a teacher, a friend, an indifferent person and lastly an enemy (if any, but one should not create an enemy), and radiate thoughts of love towards them. It may appear very difficult to extend love to an enemy, but this difficult thing one has to do to remove discrimination. Love should be extended to all without any compromising limitations." That would be an excellent thing to start doing. At least two times a week would be nice, more if you feel comfortable doing so. Mettã (Skt. maitri) is the wish for the welfare and happiness of all beings, making no restriction whatsoever. It has the character of a benevolent friend. Vicious thoughts of animosity and hatred are most detrimental and harmful to those who harbour them. When people are angry, they can behave very much as the other animals do. They growl and bite, or cringe and fawn. This is due to man's ignorance. This is as true on the personal as it is on the international level. Mettã is the best antidote for anger in ourselves. It is the best medicine for those who are angry with us. Let us extend love to all who need it with a free and boundless heart. Love is the language of the heart, a language that comes from the heart and goes to the heart. Love is a force linking heart with heart to heal, and uniting us in true companionship. Highly developed thoughts of mettã seem to possess magnetic power. By radiating such sublime thoughts it is possible to influence and win over people. I agree that you should love others, and extend it to them. I try to do this as much as possible, you never know who is having a bad day, or what someone is going through. I'm trying to think of something loving, or positive when I get angry now, and it seems to be working. When I get mad that I don't have much to do during the day, I think to myself "Well, this gives me more time to spread the word on animal cruelty, or a missing person, and other things." It makes me feel better. When ever I am talking to a friend, whether I know them personally or not, I try my best to send positive energy, and love to them, make them feel better-- even if they aren't down. Through love one adds to the fund of human happiness, one makes the world brighter, nobler and purer and prepares it for the good life better than in any other way. Hatred restricts; love releases. Hatred strangles; love liberates. Hatred brings remorse; love brings peace. Hatred agitates; love quietens, stills, calms. Hatred divides; love unites. Hatred hardens; love softens. Hatred hinders; love helps. Thus one can use a correct study and appreciation of the effects of hatred and the benefits of love, as a basis for developing the meditation on loving-kindness. Love As a mother loves her child, An only child, With love that knows no limit, Spreading wide, Measureless and immense-- And, for it, will sacrifice Her very life-- So let your love for all beings, East and west, north and south, Below, above-- Extending and extending wide, Be immeasurable, exhaustless. Unfathomable. Chaste is such love, Not clinging--and so to fools 'Tis incomprehensible; But the Seers understood, And understanding, knew full well Its golden worth. (after Metta Sutta, trans. Kassapa Thera) Karunã is defined as "the quality which makes the heart of the good man tremble and quiver at the distress of others," "the quality that rouses tender feelings in the good man at the sight of others' suffering." I have been told that I am an extremely compassionate person, and I am proud of that fact. The compassionate man who refrains from harming and oppressing others and endeavors to relieve them of their distress, gives the gift of security to one and all, making no distinction whatsoever. Karunã has the characteristic of a mother whose thoughts, words and deeds tend to relieve the distress of her babe. It has the property of not being able to tolerate the sufferings of others, and the manifestation of perfect non-violence. Goodness and violence cannot co-exist; goodness constructs while violence destroys. Compassion cannot be cultivated by one who is obsessed with thoughts of selfishness. It is the self-sacrificing man who fills his heart with pure thoughts of pity and wishes to help and serve others. The selfish cannot be of real service to others for their selfish motives prevent them from doing good. No sooner do they become selfish and self-possessed than they fail to soften their hearts. Hard-heartedness is overcome by pity, by sympathy. Compassion is guided by wisdom and wisdom by compassion. They go hand in hand, they are the backbone of Buddhism, the guiding principles. Jealousy is a vice that defiles our hearts and makes us unhappy. I do admit that I am a jealous person, and I am working on that. I'm jealous when other girls talk to my husband. Other then that, I'm pretty god about not getting jealous. Jealous people cannot feel happy when others are progressing, but they rejoice over the failures and misfortunes of others. Some parents feel jealous when others' children are doing well while their own are not successful. This is meaningless, and bears unpleasant fruit. Why can't people just be happy that a child is doing well? I don't understand. Muditã is the congratulatory attitude of a person, it removes aversion. Through meditation and the study of the vicissitudes of life, we can cultivate this sublime virtue of appreciating others' happiness, welfare and progress. When we learn to rejoice with the joy of others, our hearts get purified, serene and lofty. I congratulate people all the time. It makes me happy to tell them that. ^_^ Seeing a starving man we offer him food out of compassion (karunã). When we see that he has eaten, that his hunger has ceased, and that he feels happy, then we too feel happy and pleased. Such selfless action really brings us unalloyed joy, sympathetic joy (muditã). You will now see how these sublime states function together supporting one another. I would definitely be happy that he has eaten. Life is not a bed of roses. One needs much patience, energy and determination to cultivate these qualities without being selfish or partial. Equanimity or balance of mind guides the other three qualities and keeps the mediator in a place of security. It brings about self reliance. We are all confronted with the eight vicissitudes of life (attha loka dhamma): gain and loss, good repute and ill repute, praise and censure, pain and pleasure. It is hard to be undisturbed when touched by this welter of experience. But the man who cultivates equanimity is not upset. He does not waver. Amidst blame and praise, success and failure, he is firm as a solid rock. This, of course, is the attitude of the Arahats, the Consummate Ones. Of them it is said: "Truly the good give up longing for everything. They prattle not with thoughts of craving. Touched by pain or happiness, the wise show neither elation nor depression." I can understand not showing the depression, but I think that you should show your happiness when the good happens to you, and that you should use that to help you through the tough times. That's something that I need to work on. The proximate cause of equanimity is the understanding that all beings are the result of their actions (kamma). The direct enemy of upekkhã is attachment and the indirect or the masked enemy is callousness or unintelligent indifference. That's basically the Buddhist part of today's lesson. Let's move on. Next on the list is more of a "movement" rather then a "religion," but I like it anyway, it's my new created religion, I will do what I want with it. Rastafari movement is what I will be focusing on next. Rastafari culture does not encourage mainstream political involvement. Now, with that, I can see why they would want that, but I think that you can have a certain amount of political involvement. I don't want anyone else like Bush ending up in office, so I will be voting, and most likely turning in a blank balled form, as I have received that idea from a friend of mine. A reasoning is a simple event where the Rastas gather; smoke ganja (They are not surprised that it is illegal, seeing it as a powerful substance that opens people's minds to the truth — something the Babylon system, they reason, clearly does not want); and discuss ethical, social and religious issues. The person honored by being allowed to light the herb says a short prayer beforehand, and it is passed in a clockwise fashion except in time of war it is passed counterclockwise. A binghi or grounation is a holy day; the name binghi is derived from Nyabinghi, believed to be an ancient, and now extinct, order of militant blacks in eastern Africa that vowed to end oppression. Binghis are marked by much dancing, singing, feasting and the smoking of ganja, and can last for several days. They contrast their herb to liquor, which they feel makes people stupid, and is not a part of African culture. While there is a clear belief in the beneficial qualities of cannabis, it is not compulsory to use it, and there are Rastas who do not. Personally, I haven't smoked pot in a little while, but as long as it doesn't take every cent you have, I see no problem with it at all! Occasionally, it can be quite fun, and it opens your mind. I really don't get why it's illegal, it was legal for over 200 years. Weird. I don't drink, either. I mean, I have taken a few drinks here and there, but I have never been drunk, nor do I think that I want to! January 7 - Orthodox (Ethiopian) Christmas February 6 - Bob Marley's birthday Both holidays which can be added to the calendar of events! The more binghis the better. The wearing of dreadlocks is very closely associated with the movement, though not universal among, or exclusive to, its adherents. Rastafari associate dreadlocks with a spiritual journey that one takes in the process of locking their hair (growing dreadlocks). It is taught that patience is the key to growing dreadlocks, a journey of the mind, soul and spirituality. Its spiritual pattern is aligned with the Rastafari movement. The way to form natural dreadlocks is to allow hair to grow in its natural pattern, without cutting, combing or brushing, but simply to wash it with pure water. I found that interesting, and as much as I love the look of dreadlocks, I like clean hair better. Hehehe. The colors of Rasta are red, yellow and green. The red, green, and yellow are the colors of the Ethiopian flag, and the black represents Africa's people. Each color has its own meaning, and they are very significant for many Rastafarians. The red is for the blood of all living things in the world. The yellow is for the sun that shines in Africa. The green is for the earth that people walk on, to which Rastas feel a special connection. I used to have a tongue ring with those colors, I miss it. -tears- I may not be black, but I don't think you have to be to appreciate what those colors mean to them! I plan to incorporate those colors into the design for my new religion, which is already being drawn up. Politricks is a Rasta term replacing English "politics", because so many politicians, etc. turn out, they say, to be more like tricksters. I'm doing that from now on. It's so cool, and it's the truth. Almost done with the explanation of where I got certain things! Only Satanism is left! Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams! We are here, don't let the "belief" that there is a better life after death hold you back! There is NO proof that there is. Live for this life, not the one that might be there next time, and certainly don't live for a "God" that doesn't exist! Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all! Animals are living, breathing creatures as well, do not, for one moment, think that we are any better. We can walk, we can talk, and we use what we can do to commit things that I think we should be ashamed of. When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there. Exactly what it says. If you are in someone's home-- respect him. Do not harm little children. Enough said. Josh's suggestions-- ones that I am making part of the religion are in italics Periodic solitudes/retreats Periodic fasting Drum circles-- for certain holidays Chant Dancing Meditation Mantras Cooperation and altruism Altered states of consciousness (as in indigenous religions/ shamanism, induced through drumming, drugs-- entheogens) Rite of passage/ coming of age ceremony Vision quest Let's recap, here are the basic components of Peace Man: *Respect nature , and all the creatures of nature *Basic poem *Eight basic Wiccan virtues: mirth (joy and laughter), reverence (respect), honor, humility, strength, beauty, power and compassion *Eight Wiccan holidays *A year and a day marriage trial *Sympathy *Meditation *Sending love to yourself, friends, family, and even your enemies *Be a loving individual *Think positive *Expel hatred from your heart *Be compassionate *Try to relieve others of their distress *Do not be selfish *Learn as much as you can *Try not to be a jealous person *You can smoke it up *Singing, dancing, feasting, and smoking (if you choose to light up) are to be used to mark Binghis *Do not harm children *Don't be materialistic *Don't be greedy *Help others So, you see, that nothing in my new religion can be taken as a bad thing-- unless you are a conservative American, then you are out of luck. I just want something that is me. Something that I can say that I believe in 100%. I don't think that any person can really say that they believe in their religion 100%, and if they do, they mustn't think for themselves. I am extremely happy to know that I created this, and that I am not the only member. It may only have one other person, but it's a start. You can be a Peacer, and have other beliefs, too. So, Amber, want to be a Peacer? I love you all. Brittiny [8:15 pm] How could I be so stupid? I forgot some MAJOR things! -hits head on desk- Well, let's see where to start? One thing that I forgot to mention is that I will be buying a necklace of each religion, and wearing them all, along with creating my own. Another thing is that I do believe in fairies and such things. I don't feel like writing out ever reason why or whatever right now. One last thing...I do believe in Karma...To an extent.
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