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Kim Good
Kim Gordon
Kim Guimond
Kim Gordon
Kim Graves
Kim Glatfelter
Kim Gueringer
Kim Gomez
Kim Garcia
Kim Goodrich
Kim Gundlach
Kim Glover
Kim Gazouski
Kim Ginter
hello my name is kim i am a single mother of three kids one girl and two boys i also have four step daughters but one as recently passed away i have a step grandson from the one that has passed way i stand about 5"6 and i am 120 pounds i use to have brown hair but i changed it i use to live in winnipeg manitoba but about a year ago i moved to edmonton alberta and i really like it here the change was good for me
Kim Glover
Kim Goodman
Kim Hixson
40 years old married 2x divorced 2x 3 boys am a bi-female. like to swap swing you name. Totally the opposite of my friends came to red wing for a guy dumped me anyway take care of disabled people just like to hang out and have fun Kim nipples pierced, belly button pierced, 2 tattoos
Kim Harker
Kim Huber
Kim Hamel
my interests are meeting new ppl and having a good time.. i love all kinds of music...
Kim H
Kim H.
Kim Hood
Kim Harry
Kim Howard
Kim Hope
Kim Hayes
Kim Hillman
Kim Harton
Kim Hawn
Kim Herzog
Kim Hawthorne
This is the part where I should take the time to tell you that I'm 19, live in A little hicktown in Ontario, Canada that isn't even a one-horse town, we have to borrow a horse from the next town over, that Im an only child and live with my dad and that I'm originally from Michigan, still in highschool, cuz I skipped too many classes last year and that I work in Automotive at Wal-mart and as a piercer at a tattoo and piercing store... But no one cares about that shit so I won' write it.... wait a minute.. i guess I did... ohwell im not going to erase it because for an active person, im extremely lazy. I don't know what to say about me thats not written somewhere else already.. I'm a hockey goalie (4 shutouts in 5 games!!!!), skateboard, play drums and will definately try anything once... if its good, maybe even twice. I hate rules, love raising hell, play for fun, not for keeps, I'm atheist, the only religion I care about is BAD RELIGION cuz they are a 'firetruckin'" awesome band!!! And
Kim Hebert
O.K. About me....I want and have NO time for BULLSHIT artists! I am here during my spare time to meet and make friends....I would have to say so far 50% of the people I chat with are FAKES AND LIERS! You people know who you are! So please keep it real. OK I am new to this and trying to figure this out...I am a down to earth outgoing bi-sexual female! I am looking to make friends and chat and ya never know, we'll see! If you have more questions just ask till I figure this all out!
Kim Hatton
Kim Hockman
My name is Kim, I live in Gates, NC. Originally from PA. I have 3 children, all grown. Just looking to find new friends. Gets lonely in a new place.
Kim Hudson
a .text
Kim Hiland
Spending time with my husband and son, watching movies, going to amusement parks, summertime, scrapbooking, taking pictures, going out with friends, reading, listening to music, and spending time with my family!
Kim Hawes
Kim Heatherton
Kim Heide
My name is Kim, I'm 21, and I live in Wyoming. I have two adorable children, who are my world - a son and a daughter. My son is 9 months, and my daughter is 2. If you want to know more about me, ask.
Kim Hodle
Kim Hart
I am just me, take me or leave me. I am down to earth and I can not stand fake people. I have been judged my entire life so therefore I do not judge others. I am not God and it is not my place. I try to live every day to the fullest and enjoy every breath I take. I love to laugh and do it quite often. I do not get upset very easy unless you mess with my babies, family or few close friends. I am currently single. I have been divorced for almost 5 years. I really think that I have had more life experiences in my short 27 years than some 50 yr old people. I just know that whatever happens to me, I have to take it with a smile because if God is going to bring me to it he will bring me through it. Here are just a few more bites of info about Kim. I love motorcycles and old cars....I love my job....I wish school was over....My babies are the best....I love to laugh....I will listen even if you decide to ramble on and on about nothing....I laugh at myself just as easy as oth
Kim H
Kim Harden
Kim H
Kim Hawkins
Kim Householder
Kim Hustace
Kim Howland
Kim Heart
Kim Hat
Kim Hoffman
Kim Hebert
Kim Hogan
Kim Hedenberg
Kim Harding
Kim Haws
Kim H
Kim Henderson
Kim Hieatt
Kim Hiatt
Kim Hughes
Kim Hall
Kim Hodges
Kim Hilderbrand
Kim Harlow
Kim Hart
nothing much to say really hmmm here it goes, hi*waves*my name is kim ive lived in redcar for about 14 years now,i was born in leicester,im 5,4 blue eyes, my hair is now blonde pinkish looking lol.i went to west redcar school wich i hated so much :( as most people from there know quite shy but im ok to get allong with once you get to know me(i dont bite)id like to meet new people. im only looking for friends on here just to chat to, who are interested in tattoo's if you are feal free to message me :) would be nice to hear from you xx oh i have 8 tattoo's and 2 piercings xx tattoo's music drinking friends
Kim Hauta
Kim Horn
Kim Hart
im a tattooed girl who seeks someone who is fun loving and loves to cuddle and if your a player or cheater im not interested that is a real tattoo on my chest not a necklace well what can i say hey*waves*im kim 20 yrs from redcar/dormanstown i have been here for about 15 years now :( and im getting fed up of being here,i love to go out drinking now and again im not a total drunk*winks* but most times i just like to chill out in my room watch dvds and listen to music hopeing to find someone to cuddle up with at nights, i love to watch horror movies cant get any better then hellraiser with all the gore wooohoooo im in to all types of music from flo rider to draconion i know im strange but im me so deal with it haha,i have 8 tattoo's and 2 piercings but i have many more tattoo's to come im looking to meet friends on here and people who have tattoo's or interested in them so please feal free to send me a message thanks this is england,stigmata,the exorcist,nightmare on elm st
Kim Hoyt
Kim Hindmarsh
Kim Hunter
Kim Hudnall
Kim Harr
Kim H
Kim Hornsby
Kim Howard
Kim Horan
Kim Hilts
I am 24 years old....I have 4 beautiful kids....Bradly Cameron Alex and Jada, whome mean the world to me! I am single and looking but not just for any guy...I am looking for a man....Someone who has his head on straight and wants a family and will settle for an already made family....And maybe in the future a kid of his own if he doesnt already have a kid! I like just bout anything...I am a easy person to get along with and an easy person to please! Wanna know more come ask........
Kim Harmon
Kim H
Hey...a little about me, just a single girl looking for a friend or two. Like to have fun!!! I am a mother to an awesome 8 yr old boy. My interests are to have a good time out on the town dancing and a few drinks. Or laying low at home cookin' and watching movies. I get outside when I can and really love coaching kids sports. Goodfellas, Gone with the Wind, The Colour Purple,St. Elmos FIre
Kim H
Kim Herron
Kim Hadfield
Kim Hannon
Kim Hoang
Kim Hess
Kim Happli-fields
Kim Harrelson
Kim Harmon
Well hey I'm Kim I'm married and have an 8 month old baby boy named Aizen if you want to know anything else let me know
Kim Howard
Kim Hudson
Kim Hufton
Kim Howerton
Kim Hartman
Kim Harvey
Kim Hails
Kim Hopkins
Kim Hockman
Kim Hubbanf
Kim Hickory
Kim Heath
Kim Hensler
Kim Haley
I have three children and one grandbaby. I'm a search and rescue diver, i teach swim lessons to special need children, i'm a building supervisor for a gym and i do taxes. Love being outside,hunting fishing and any sports, love scuba diving,would like to go sky diving. I always have fun like to dance and hang out with friends. I love being outside, I work all the time, i love to spend time with my children,and my granddaughter.was a bullrider in high school.I am very athletic
Kim Hawes
Kim Helander
Kim Hope-hodgen
Kim Hunter
Kim Henry
Kim Hill
Kim Holland-rinaldi
Kim Harris
Kim Hubbard
Kim Henning
Kim Hunt
Kim Hogan
Kim Hammond
my momma & my daddy.... my grandma & papa joyful noise gone with the wind ALL Twilight movies.. old movies... black & white movies charlie chan movies james cagney movies the bowery boys movies shirley temple movies.. love stories X-Men Hellboy i like most everythingg.. )))))
Kim Hanna
Kim Hayes
Kim Howard
Kim Hopkins
Kim Howg
Kim Henderson
Kim Hardie
Kim Harris
Kim Hulsey
Happily married, but can't turn down a dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ask me?
Kim Israel
Music, body mods (I'd love to have more!), I recently joined SG as a member.. I am a Myspace addict.. I like to meet new people.
Kimie Baker
Kimi Likens
Scary movies 1-4, American Pie 1-4, Exorcist 1-4, Texas chainsaw massacre 1-3 and the remakes, Fear dot com,
Kimisha Charleswell
Kimi Wilson
Kimi Smith
Kimie Garner
Bam Margera Van Helsing Ryan Dunn My Friends Blood and Gore Comedy Anything Fun
Kimi Noooooo
im 23 blonde hair blue eyes i have i 2 yr old son named jayden and i love him more then anything i like drinking dancing and acting a fool Myspace Codes:
Kimi Cook
Am a nurse by prof. so i guess nursing would be one.. Love people and make friends with everyone i meet or move heaven and earth to atleast.. Love the internet, totally addicted to it.. Paintshop tagger/tuber.. just starting out on scrapbooking, love that already too.. Tattoos.. body piercings. any form of art or graphix.. love to tinker and make stuff outta them.. am the known ruler of OutlawTubeWarz so if you're a graphix hound or a tube addict by all means look us up would love to have ya.. that's about it for me for a bit.. (oh wait do ya want the normal stats?? ok well here ya go for shits and giggles:: single mom of 3, married 6 times, tons of critters that have invaded my home usually by way of the 7 y.o., work the graveyard shift (love the night time it is calm and quiet), and the big drum roll plz: 38B-26-36.. lmao Dr. Seuss Capt Kangaroo Shel Si
Kimie Harrison
You have a sexual IQ of 131 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Kimi Aka Kiwi
Courtesy of"> "> I am taken by the best man ever.We have been together for almost two years and we are totally in-love.We have been through hell and back and still staying strong. /" target="_blank"> "> "> This is my oldest younger sister.She is a little lette herself. "> My Second youngest sister.That is the little cheer leader... This is the youngest.We don't know what she is going to be... ">">"> I am really into dancing.I absolutely love it.... "> I also love writing.I write books, plays and poetry.Oh and I'm being published. "> And right now I am really into my education.I want to go far in life and not let it leave me behind
I'm a mother of a 16 year old son. I was born in Tacoma, Washington but have lived in South Bend since I was 6 months old. All my friends are married so I don't really get out much. I met a guy that I have fallen for regardless of all the usually safeguards I set up to protect myself from getting hurt, that must mean there is something pretty damn special about him. I work in the medical field. I think more like a guy than a girl, ask me what that means and I think you will be able to figure it out as we talk. I am more comfortable around guys than girls. I cannot put up with whiney people. I try to keep an open mind and don't judge people as I don't have a clue what their lives are like, as they have no clue what my life is like. With that said I tend to have an open mind. I like to meet new people but tend to be shy at first. Give me a chance and I will open up
Kimi Vengeance
I'll do anything to make someone laugh. Even if that means me making a total fool out of myself. I try not to care what people think about me so I try to let things just roll off my back. I'm pretty laid back and like to go with the flow.On the other hand I hate drama.Someone who remains anonymous said I love it but she's full of shit.I'm single not looking simply because I cannot trust anyone right now.But if that special guy comes long I will give him a chance.I absolutely dislike cutters.They just want attention.Its pathetic.I also dislike anyone who thinks they are better or prettier than me.They all just need to jump off a bridge. Everyone in my family thinks I'm this loser who dropped out of high school and doesn't have a job.But I've got news for them.I am getting a job as soon as I get my license and then I will be focused on getting my GED. Music;Piercings;Guys;Tatts;Myspace;Dying my hair;Hot Topic;Guitarists
hey im kimi im 20 yrs old i live in the SUNSHINE state and i love it. i LOVE my military men and i support my troops 100% and think else u wanna kno ask away
Kim Isaacs
Kimie King
Kimi Ferguson
Kim I Forgot
Kimie Kitty
[[Im A Krazy Hello Kitty Queen]] PrOuD TO BE: UkraniAne , IriSh, ScOttiSH an CheRokEE InDiAN [[MeOw =^..^= MeoW]] KraZy KiTTy KiMiE [[ThE DaY I EnTeReD My LittEr BoX]] MaY 16 1974[[AbOuT ThiS KraZy KiTTy]]
Kimi Gardner
Kimi Brown
Kimie Vagnild
So I'm not really sure what I'm doing here yet...xD So forgive me if I seem a bit stupid. =P But anyways. My name is Kimi, I'm new here, and so far it seems pretty awesome. =) I have the most amazing girlfriend in the world, named Monica.
Kimi Something
hmmm not really sure what to put here but my interests are basically meeting new ppl i love to meet ppl cool ppl a ppl watcher always have been but not in a creepy sort of way just like to watch ppl love kickin it having kick ass bbqs just being me i guess i love to draw read laugh love and love being loved so that is me i guess lol
I'm 25 year old X punk. Too old for the scene now. I to free style walk, watch baseball, go to the pub, hang out with fellow rebels, and plot the demise of Wilkes-Barre. I'm the greatest support desk agent ever. No joke.. My team and agents all really love me :-)
Kimiko Jaxx
Kimi Dixon
Kimi Warfield
the name is kim im 18 years old and im not on no game shit im not on here lookin for a man just checkin for friends i anit in no drama bull shit so if thats what you about go to you page and delete me i dont have the time nor the room for anymore drama ive been thro enough lately and just wanna have fun this is me take it or leave it i dont need your approval for who i am i am a real women and i finish wat i start i anit scared of nothing not a dam thing i am not afraid to speak my mind and i will tell you straight up if i dont like you ... im just tryin to live my life and im sick of tri-fa-len bitches tryin to run my life .. if your a hater keep talkin it makes me feel special cuz you aint got a life if you have to talk about mine lol shit makes me laugh i love to drink and have a good time im very laid back n chilled out kinda girl but i also am very goofy and dont give a fuck if you like me or not so thats about it squash the kid shit and grow the fuck up ... if you wanna kno anyth
Kimi Johnson
I am just me, And all I can say is: If you don't like the way I am then just save your breath and turn your head and walk away. I love hanging out with friends and family and having a good time. WELCOME TO MY PLAYGROUND, WANNA PLAY? WARNING MAY NOT PLAY WELL WITH OTHERS. BUT GO AHEAD AND TAKE THE RISK, THATS WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT.
I am Daddy's Sick Girl. Always and forever. Daddy and I are into BDSM, bondage, and the "lifestyle" that goes along with those things. We plan on posting slightly more....interesting.... pictures at some point in time. Daddy likes to show off his baby girl. We would love to meet other like-minded couples, not for swinging or anything, but just because we dislike being judged. Anyway, I am very friendly, and try to rate and stuff as much as time would allow... Be my friend? I love music... All kinds. I love movies. Especially horror and thriller types of movies. I love anything that can make me laugh. I really like video games, but enjoy watching Daddy play then more than I enjoy playing them myself.
Kimi Hobby
Kimi D
Kimie Lagreca
Kimi Hall
I wear flannel pajama bottoms and t-shirts to bed. I like staying in and watching movies. I'm not into name brands, but I like nice clothes. I don't drink or smoke or take drugs. I'm a bit romantic, but not terribly corny with it. I love comedy and to laugh. I'm 29 yrs old, but look and act like I'm in my early 20's. I'm respectful, honest, faithful, and loving. The mothering nature within me is switched on when I begin to care about someone. I don't like flakes or people who waste time. I'm tough and don't need to be lied to; as I feel the truth is always better than any lie. I'd prefer to watch a movie to read a book, but I'd prefer to read a book then go out clubbing. I love music and art. I'm a social enterpriser and find myself involved in a lot of events and do-gooder type things. I'm also an entrepreneur and take business seriously. There are times when I can be super silly and times when I'm quiet as a mouse. I'm very easy to talk to and get to know. I don't em
Kimi Taylor
Kimika James
Kim Isaacks
I am a mother of 2 kids i am separated from my husban and i am working on my Divorce right now Road House,Ghost Rider,Titanic,Tremors,Sound Of Music,Hills Has Eyes 2,and a lot more movies
Kimiko Yamaguchi
Kimie Kimie
I love living life to the fullest and having fun. Laughter is the best medicine, when life gives you find a friend with Vodka and you have a party Being outdoors. Camping, fishing, 4 wheeling on the dunes and going to the beach. My mom and my girls. I love all kinds of movies, I am a movie buff so to speak. Anything from Disney to Horror
Kimi Huntington
Kimi Sun
Kimisha Jones
Kimie Gabriel
Kim I
I'm now a single woman. I recently ended a 14 year relationship. (still friends). I have a 10 year old son. I like to try new things and meet new people. I like to read, dance, ski(downhill), spend time with my son, cook,watch movies, get outdoors, fishing, bowling,motorcycles, kick boxing, and lots of other things. Nascar, football, and ice hockey fan!! i like to have fun!!!
Kimi Willinghamwalker
40 years old single female from florida poetry, swimming, pool, dinner and movies.
Kimi-ann Bryce Norman
Kimijay Ramos
Kim Jensen
Kim Juren
Kim J
Kim Jimber
Kim J
Kim Jorgensen
Kim Jackson
Kim Johnson
Kim Jones
Kim James
CherryTAP Images at TweakYourPage.comGet more at
Kim Johnson
im a 31 year old woman i have two kids my daughter is 5 and my son is 10. im a mom who loves her kids alot they are my heart. i dont go out alot cause im busy with work and my kids.i like to shop and talk on line and i love my family to death. i like to shop and i like to be on to go out when i can to have fun she like her job.and she loves to take care of her kids and her family.
Kim Johnson
Kim Jones
Kim Jolly
Kim Jefferson
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson
i am new to this site all so please be nice i in joy doing this with my kids and love to meet new fun people men not boys people who love kids
Kim Johnson
i do not like the comment that was side to me lit me sy im not faike i see this sit looking for friends it look like fun but one man side i was a faike if anyone would like to git to know me ask me. and for you that think im a faike you can kiss my ass . pitbull and you know how you are i just like to be a friend i do not know ho told you that but you may ask if thay are faike . and im not downrating you in no way no how just trying to find some friends.
Kim J
About me well were do I start. I am a single mother of 2 was married for not even a year. It was a lesson to be learned from. I am going back to school for business. I love spending time with my family and friends. I work my butt off so my boys can have everything they need plus more. I am doing it all on my own well my parents are helping me when i need it couldnt ask for better parents. I am 24 years old and anything else you want to know just ask i guess. I love watching Nascar races on Sunday afternoons. Jamie McMurray is by far my fav. I like Michigan football, North Carolina Basketball and the Green Bay Packers. Don't really watch hockey or soccer. Like my summer afternoon road tripps start at noon and go tell we cant drink no more. Love lots of differnt kinds of music. I love to watch big brother, law and order las vegas and house.
Kim J
Kim Jackson
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson
Kim Joseph
Kim J
Kim Jnk
Kim/john Darkman
Kim Johnson
Kim Jackson
Kim Johnons
Hi! Well I'm here to have fun and make friends. I'm easy going and love to laugh. I am single love the out doors and nature. Family and friends are very important to me.
Kim Johnson
Kim J
My name is Kim, I am from VA. I am 40 years old and the mother of two wonderful, beautiful, smart, outgoing girls! They are 20, and 16. I am also a bartender! I am on fu for fun, if you are about the drama and bull please spare me, I have enough of that in my real world! LOL I accept all friend requests, if you fan me, I fan you back. I do NOT have NSFW photo's of myself on here, just not my style. So you don't have to worry about sending bling or fubucks to see them, ROTF! I honestly do try to return all love, so leave a message letting me know you stopped by because the bartab only shows so much. Feel free to check out my fu friends they are pretty amazing peeps!!
Kim Joyce
Kim Jackson
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson
Hey ya'll My name is Kim and I am JOEROCET520 wife.... wanna know anything else just ask me or ask Joe.. Hey it's Kim and I would like for DJ ROCKET to get ahold of me asap PLEASE and thank you.... if needed leave me an IM so i can talk to you
Kim Jenkins
Kim Jenkins
Kim Jackson
Kim Johnston
Kim Jeffery
Kim Jackson
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson Minigh
Kim Jorgensen
Kim Jack Phillips
Kim Jong Lee
Kim Jacobs
Kim Jensen
Kim Jane Masinag
Kimjoy Magbanua
Kimji Gloomy
Kim Jee Bale
Kim Johnson
Kim Jones
Kim Johnson
Kim Jorgensen
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson
Kim Jones
Kim Johnson
Kim Jennings
Kim Kent
Kim Kester
I am retired from the US Army since Desert Storm, but not because of injuries, because of MS of all things..I was a professional soldier and paratrooper and was very good at my craft. I spend most of my time now either chatting online or using the computer as my juke box since it has surround sound on it and I can get it really cranking. I do enjoy an occasional outing to the local range for some target shooting. I don\'t drive anymore, I feel it was safer to give it up then to wait for something to happen and be forced to give it up. People tend to freak out when they find out your legally blind (because of the MS).LOL Computers and networking......Target Shooting both rifles and pistols.....
Kim Keenan
Kim Kink
Kim Kim
Kim Kron
i'm a goth punk chick who goes to sullivan universty for baking and pastry and i'm rising a six year old little girl anything else u want to know just ask me i'm into going to goth meets at sumshees family room on sunday nights going to clubs like msl-main street lounge going to movies going to concrets hanging with friends i'm into horror movies anything with jonny depp and disney movies but what can i say i'm a mother
Kim Kaylor
Kim Kap
Kim King
Kim Kye
Kim Kim
Kim K
Kimkisha Ryer
Kim Kostevich
Kim Kohlmeyer
Kim K
Kim Kingsbury
Kim Kingsbury
Kim K
Kim Kornacki
Courtesy of Courtesy of i am a divorced mother of one son who is married to a wonderful girl and they have a beautiful 2year old daughter.i'm forty-six years old,medium build,i have red hair and green eyes.i was born and raised in buffalo ny but reside in georgia.i work in a carpet mill.i am currently in a relationship.i'm the oldest of 8children,6girls,2 life i would have to say hasent always been a picnic but i wouldn't trade it for the world. Courtesy of Courtesy of Courtesy of i have many interests.i love helping charitable causes.working on anything to make the world a better place.i love football.i enjoy making new friends on my favorite pass time i have to admit is spend
Kim Kennedy
Kim Kratzer
Kim K
Hello Fubar people My name is Kim I am 25 yrs old I am in a relationship I live in Florida I work I am here for friends only I will not talk to anyone perverted I do not have a web cam I do not have Yahoo or MSN I am friendly I will block you if you say something perverted or rude.
Kim King
Kim K.
Kim Kosola
Kim Kim
I like the outdoors and sports
Kim Kim
Kim Knight
Kim Kostowski
Kim Klafka
Kim Kim
Kim Kennedy
Kim Kassel Thompson
Kim Kohl
Kim Kemplin Bice
Kim Kinney
Kim Krise
Kim Kennedy is the trusted global market leader in supplying the best portfolio of eco-friendly, safe, reusable, recyclable, non-toxic, non-flammable and non-caustic odor removers that work. Our green deodorizers don’t contain any VOCs, CFCs, heavy metals, harmful or ozone depleting chemicals. They provide unique advantages that benefit people, pets and the planet while providing superior odor removal performance at a very low cost. Our deodorizer products absorb and rid smell and pollutants without masking with harmful fragrances. Odors just don't stand a chance! They are rejuvenated by simply heating in a microwave or placing in sunlight and reused for years making our odor remover products very cost effective. Our smell removal products don't contain or emit chemicals and are beneficial for people suffering from allergies and multiple chemical sensitivity. Since our energy smart odor eliminator products don't require power and can be rejuvenated using solar energy, they will help
Kim Key
Kim Kimchoy
Kim Klema
Kim Kerr
Kim Keeble
Kimkim Mccants
Kim Kennon
Kim Kuhn
Kim Kirkpatrick
Kim Kardashian-humphries
Kim Kaufman
Kim Kilbreth
Kim Kirchner
Kim Kelly
Kim Kovach
Kim Kc
Fuck your suits, your ties, and your Cadillacs. Fuck your prejudice and what your mind lacks. Fuck you when you say, 'Fuck women, gays, and blacks.' Fuck your personality; fuck your tradition. Fuck your ways; fuck your lord with intervention. Fuck your closed mind and your absence of logic. Fuck your upbringing and what you have been taught. Fuck the censors, your greed, and what you've sought. Fuck your ignorance; fuck the V-chip. Fuck your omnipotent army and their banana clips. Fuck the police, the system, and your government. Fuck your war, your politicians, and where they went. Fuck George Bush and his monkey administration. Fuck Bill Clinton and his fellatio persuasion. Fuck the IRS, DEA and its casualty-rich drug war. Fuck poverty, hunger, and all the diseases in this world. Fuck your laws you impose unto others limiting what they do. Fuck your lies, your excuses, your hairstyle, and fuck you. Cars Swimming Bon fires True friends Paintball Tattoos Myself!! Fear and
Kim Kidd
Kim Keith
Kim Kong
Kim Kimliek
Kim L
Kim Lewis
Kim Legrand
Kim Lee
Kim Liggett
Kim Lee
Kim Love\'s
Kim Love
Kim Little
Kim Lewis
Kim Larson
What can I say, I have just recently become single again after a 16 year relationship with 11 of it being married. I am not sure of anything anymore with the exception of getting on with my life. I am sure things have changed since the last time I was single and that is what I want to find out. I would like to start new experiences and I enjoyable then experience them again. Not looking for a long term relationship, just some good clean adult fun. I am very professional but I can also let my hair down and be the life of the party. Self confident, down to earth and search for a companion in and out of the bedroom. Open minded and will try anything once as long as there is no pain or humiliation. I am looking for a man who is confident in who he is and what he wants from life. Has the balls to go after what he wats and the intelligence to know whether or not he should. No boys striving to be men wanted.
Kim Love
Kim Lugo
i am interests in pretty and funny girls and guy
Kim L
Kim Long
Submissive white girl in Knoxville TN seeking dominant black men for fun and possible long term relationship. Have a white boyfriend that accepts and encourages my fun!
Kim Lawrence
Kim L
My names kim im 20 years old.. ill be 21 new years eve!! o god!! say a prayer for me.. im a masshole.. (massachusettes) i love pot! :) Music.. mary jane
Kim Lambert
Kim Love
I'm looking for a intimate playmate who don't play games and that's willing to show me a good time. And I'll happly return the Favor!!! Anyone Ready Tonite??? hot and sexy dance my sexy nude pictures
Kim Little
Beating My Son's A$$!!
Kim Lavertue
Kim Langis
Kim Larkin
Kim Lemley
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Kim Lee
Kim Logan
Kim Loop
Kim Logsdon
Kim Lightfoot
Kim Landfall
Kim Lilgreen
Kim Loftin
Kim Leonard
Kim Leavelle
Kim Laya
Kim Lanham
Hey all - I am Kim Johnson Lanham from Shinnston WV - I graduated from Shinnston High 1977. Still live in the area. I have a country-bluegrass-gospel-comedy yahoo group. I might not be on here often so email me and make sure u put who u r in the subject line. Guess that is it for now.
Kim London
Kim L
Kim Lang
Kim Locklear
Kim L
Kim Larsen
Kim Lawson
Kim Lear
Kim Laclark
Kim Long
Kim Lisa
Kim Lance
Kimlloyd Metran
Kim Loo
Kim Legaspi
Kim Londais
Kim Leonhardt
Kim Landis-long
Kim Lachance
Kim Larsen
Kim Lang
Kim Lavigne
Kim Loofbourrow
Kim Lang
Kim Lawson
Kim Loretta
Kim Lownsbery
Kim Lantz
Kim Lam
Kim Lindsey
Kim Lord-maldonado
Kim Lee
Kim Lane
Kim Lee
Kimmy Morris
My name is Kimmy. I am not a Kimmysaurus Rex. I am not! at the disco. I do not eat heart attacks. Your love isn't my heart disease. [But I'm way lame.] [Anarchy] [Acoustic Guitar] [Art] [Bondage] [Cellular Phones] [Coffee] [Dorks] [Drinking] [Energy Pills] [Emo Kids] [Eating Disorders] [Fascism] [Glamour] [Hardcore Shows] [Kissing In The Bathroom] [Kittens] [Local Shows] [Making Out] [Making Up] [Mosh Pits] [Mop Tops] [Nipple Rings] [Name Calling] [Overly Enthusiastic People] [Poetry] [Parties] [Quiet Boys] [Raving] [Suspension] [Slam Dancing] [Stilettos] [Stars] [Scene Kids] [Tattoos] [Two Stepping] [Text Messaging] [Vertical Labrets] [Windmilling] [A Walk To Remember] [Alice Through The Looking Glass] [A Series Of Unfortunate Events] [Anarchist's Cookbook] [Amityville Horror] [Bowling For Columbine] [Boo] [Blow] [Butterfly Effect] [Breakfast Club] [Big Fish] [Clerks] [Child's Pl
Kim Moore
Kimmie Green
wow! me huh? well I'm a single mom going to school and trying to raise my princess in this crazy world. I like to have a godo time and I love to try new things! I'm one of those try anything once type of people and I actually do try most anything once. my interests are vast and varied. I like different things. I'm ok with sitting at home in from of the TV watching a movie, or outside hiking and rock climbing. I LOVE the outdoors actually- camping, hiking, mountain climbing, etc but I HATE the cold. I'm not good at being cold at all. I live for my daughter and spend all of my time with her. on the off chance that I'm not with her that means I'm in class or actually alone with friends. I like the to chill but I'm pretty over the bar scene anymore. hmmm- anything else? This sounds strange but my idols are my parents and my daughter. My daughter makes me more determined to succeed and inpsires me to do my best and fulfill my dreams and goals. My parents have always been there and supporte
Kimmy Poland
I'm sexy and cute, i luv life, i'm single, and a party gal, energetic too, no man can keep me down from what i want to do!!!!!!!!
Howdy Ya'll! My name is "Kimmie" and I live in Kansas City, Kansas. I am "Media" by trade and work at both a TV station during the day as an Assistant Director, as well as a Professional Sports Photographer. I've been very blessed in both the personal and professional worlds and work for several publications such as local Newspapers as well as Sports Mag's/Publications not to mention shoot for Nascar and the NFL, in particular the KC Chiefs! I don't have least the "Real" kind...but I do have "Fur Baby's" which I devote A LOT of my time and TONS of money towards...they consist of A German Shepard (Conan), A Yellow Lab (Sandy),as well as a MUTT who thinks she's a Pit Bull. I also have two "Nephews" who are Fur Kids and they are Rat Terrier's (Mack & Sarge), belonging to my little sister Kori...who I might add is the light of my life. I'm in the process of making some transitions in my life for the first time in about 15 years, and while the unknown is a little sca
Kimmie Perez
Describe myself? Hell what can i say, i suffer from depression as does 95% of this country, but i dont let it get to me most of the not medicated!!!muahaha!!! No really though im friendly, i'll talk to anyone who will talk back nice or not. Who doesnt talk back? only assholes do that :D (if i dont talk back to you right away its because im extremely dumb at this whole new site thing, so im still trying to figure it out)!!! Im generally big on punctuation, because believe it or not, it makes a difference, and i need things spelled out for me sometimes:D..Umm, Im half Mexican and half German, what a pair my parents made,haha!!!! SOME OF MY NICKNAMES: Tree molester Stropple Kim-a-Tron Kimber Kimberado Kimbo Kimmie (my preference) Fuckin kimmie!!!! Condom girl Cigarette fairy lighter whore Hooker (compliments from my sista) SOME OF MY FRIENDS: Are huge dorks,but I love Them! have screwed me over and are going to hell...and i do mean the one I have created for
Kimmy Sanders
I am a cute little blonde. I have green eyes that change with my moods. I weight 105 lbs. I am 5'7 and i wear a size 8 shoe. I have a size 40 c chest. i love to sing and dance and i love Kung Fu. I have a brown belt.
Kimmie Kummin
Click Here to get this from! Billiards - 8Ball, 9Ball, Cut Throat... You I love Funny Movies
Kim Mmm
Hi! I moved to Reno about a year ago but haven't really met anyone fun. I have a boyfriend but I am looking for some friends to hang out or chat with. I am attending TMCC in the fall so if you go there leave me a message =)
Kim M
Many have asked why save the tigers? Can we look into the pleading eyes of a starving,abused tiger and just walk away? They know why we are there. They know we can help if only we want to. Perhaps a better question would be; Why don't more people do it? The eyes of the Tiger are the brightest of any animal on earth. At dusk, or in the beam of a torch, they blaze back the ambient light with awe-inspiring intensity. It would be a tragedy... if we allowed that magical fire to burn out. To learn about the subspecies of the tiger go to my stash part of this page and go to news Create yours at! Where to start? I have been told that I am funny ( but what do they know?), caring, sarcastic, a mediocre cook, practical and have way too much horse knowledge in my head. I have a vocabulary and I use it. I love to travel, and read voraciously ( see, told you I had a vocabulary), know all the words to She Thinks My Tractors Sexy and spoil my pets. I am an independan
Kimmy Ann Kuhn
Kim Montague
Kimmi Kaplowitz
>I'm short (5'3") I live with my boyfriend
Kim Mccue

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