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Luke Dalton
Luke Waltman
Wow so where do I begin exactly. My life has been a whirlwind of everything. You name it and im sure something along those lines has happened to me in my life. I guess I should start out my saying I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was. (MA) Yeah what exactly do you know about that. nothing. you aint got shit on me. It is true. I had a brain tumor. I was diagnosed with it on October 12, 2005. Im pretty much practically 100% now. I conquered that shit. Only god knows exactly how but I do sincerely believe and know that the holy spirit, all of my blessings and prayers by thousands of people were the reason that helped me to overcome that cancer of life. When I say a cancer. I dont mean the tumor was cancerous. It wasnt, It was begnign. Thank god. I dont think I could/want to go through chemo'. Life is amazing when you stop and think about it. Sure all the mistakes youve made in your past and life werent great things to do. but they lead you to think different and make sm
Luke Straton
Luke Vueta
Luke Campbell
Luke Rees
Courtesy of Courtesy of Wot u see is certainly not wot u get! on the outside, im a confident, bright person that has lots of friends and loves 2 socialize. But on the inside, im very deep, sensative and i express myself thro poetry and writing of many sorts. people close 2 me, dont really know the person inside, as im only now learning about wot lays beneath the skin!
Luke Mancuso
Get your layout at
Luke Mahon
Luke Hayne
Cool Clocks at Wishafriend MySpace Crazy Text - Create your own today! What can I say, I am me. I aint no kind of fake like so many people out there. I am true to myself. I don't give a s#%t about looking like a pretty boy on the top of the pops, I aint that shallow. Take me as I am, or go take a hike. Like it or lump it is my motto. (nothing personal) I have had so much s@£t in my life you couldn't even believe it, It seems I am a bad luck magnet even though I am one of the nicest / outgoing understanding souls anyone could meet. I don't have a negative outlook, I just seem to attract myself with nothing but realy bad luck. I think I must be too soft for my own good. I am a very spiritual person, I have great understanding on most subjects of life. I am a keen musician / skateboarder / hypnotist / spiritualist / wiccan / artist / photographer / and much more. I wanna give up smoking, I wanna drink more, I wanna settle down, I wanna PHAT ASS Motorbike, I wanna be able to fly mu
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Luke Hansen
Music.. and more music. Courtesy of
Luke Argent
Luke Monteza
Luke Sasfai
Luke Praat
hey wuts up cherrytap... im pretty new at this thing.. so im tryin to figure the whole thing out.. whether ill be successful or not.. well i guess we'll just have to find out plz be patient with me if i dont hit u right back.. im learnin :P ... anyways..the names luke praat.. im a university student in my last yr attendin UWO (The University of Western Ontario) in london, takin chemical engineerin.. n personally i cant wait to be done.. lol.. wut more can i say about myself?.. i live life by the moment.. i dont hold regrets.. i dont look at the past.. or look ahead to the future.. i focus on the present... my biggest passion in life is hockey.. ive been playin it since i was a little kid.. n currently play senior AAA for elgin-middlesex... other then hockey.. goin to the gym.. hangin out with frenz.. (i play guitar).. are the other main things in my life.. i believe that frenz n family come before anythin.. other then that im not sure wut more to s
Achmed The Terrorist - Watch more free videos
(Lucas) I'm a down ass homie. Im from the Big bad South Side Crazy Mexican Sureno. but have to grow up and be responsible for my family. 3v3ry one knows m3 im the lowrid3r man. My Dad And Mr.No Limit Aka Louie I Got the Hook Up!,Foolish,Hot Boyz,No Tomorrow,Da Game Of Life,Da Last Don,Ford Fairlane And I'm Bout It
Luke Mmmmm
Luke Swan
Luke Salisbury
Luke Milam
Luke Adams
Starkle, starkle, little twink, who the hell are you I think? I'm not under what you call the alcofluence of incohol. I'm just a little slort of sheep, I'm not drunk like thinkle peep. I don't know who is me yet, but the drunker I stand here, the longer I get. So, just give me one more fink to drill my cup, cause I got all day sober to Sunday up.
Luke Kennedy
Luke Sheppard
Luke Zywluk
Luke Watts
Luke Cull
Luke Blom
Im 16 Years old,I live In Richfield,Im a Juggalo and will always be one,Im Real,I hate fake people,Im not shy so If u want to talk just send me a message... And If you like me you can just tell me instead of beating around the bush. If you want to know more my Myspace URL Is I Like Going to concerts,Faygo Showers,Movies,Shit from The Past,chilling with my homies,smoking and toking,drinking,partying...
Luke Irwin
well my name is luke im 18 years old im bisexual there i said it im just a normal 18 year old that likes to drink party and listin to music hangin with friends, guys, gurls, drinking, partien, love music
Luke Mind Yours
nothing up rite now gimme a couple of dayz , but im college at the momment at west virginia state , im up and coming music producer and manager. one of boyz at skool told me about cherry tap and it aint so bad so friends - non friends , your all welcome oh yea im 5'10 tryin to get to 6 ft i doubt it , im from eastflatbush brooklyn borna nd raised and i love getting tatted up ..more lata
I`m 33 divorced no kids I love to fish hang out with friends and party fishing,workin on my truck,drinkin
Luke Pierre
Iam an out going person love to meet new ppl,going out partying the night away,love the drugs and the drugs love me.I like trying new things,visiting new place' art creating images of the mind,writeing music,finding that perfect sound with the guitar. Camping,rock climbing,hunting,fishing,art,music,playing the guitar,all that good stuff..
Luke Wilson
Twenty Three years old, straight edge, hardcore kid, love music.
Luke Howard
Luke Hackett
Luke Hagemann
Luke Scarsbrook
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love heavy metal, having fun, hanging out, concerts, partying, horror novels, horror movie, sumtimes get into chick flicks, being romantic with the right female,down to earth. just love to have fun in general. playing guitar, and anything fun in general
Luke Glass
My friends will tell you Im an easygoing genuinely a really nice guy. It takes a while to get to know me properly but then that goes for anyone. I like to try and always have good times and keep myself entertained. My friends would describe me as a great listener and someone they can come to when they need advice or just a hug...I guess its a good quality to have. I am one of lifes gamblers,that dont mean I spend all my cash on card games or in slot machines. It means that I am willing to sacrifice everything on one roll of the dice but keeping one special person or people close to me. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose but it's a great ride any way and I always learn something new. I also take a roll of the dice in life and see where it takes me, london/manchester etc in which I make the most of whom I meet and places I go. I love making other people happy or so much more confident in themselves as the feeling that I'm helping someone else to be happy makes me very happy
names luke up for what ever the lady wants
Luke Lackey
Just moved to West Texas, looking for people to hang out with and make new friends. I enjoy going to concerts and listening to music, watching movies, hanging out with friends doing anything and everything.
real time meeting with someone that wants to have fun just don't tell my girlfriend
Luke Vinnicombe
well my name is luke i am 18 years old. i live in honiton , devon in the uk. i never really know what to write on here theres a lot you can say but more you cant remember. if anyone has msn add me thanks hope you all become my friends! Luke. golf and football would be the only sports i do, i love going out with mates clubbing , pubs love listening to music, sleeping lol and dreaming of a better tomorrow.
Luke Cowan
Luke Bielawski
Luke J
Luke Me
Luke Barber
Luke Gilbet
Luke Cole
yo im luke im 21 D.o.b 28/10/85 im a well known scratch dj around london by the name of DJ CARNAGE, im also a graffiti artist in my spare time i like 2, play sport, beatBox, go fishing, draw and spend time with my family. my biggest passion is my yorkshire terrier dj Q bert Bert Mckracken
I live in Michigan, and love it. I love the outdoors, and hangin out with friends is the best. Hit me up to know more... I want to meet a girl that rides a Harley. Friends, fun times, concerts, bike rallies, and meeting people.
Luke Ferguson
Luke Dallison
HEY ALL!! PLEASE COULD YOU RATE ME AND ADD ME, ILL RETURN THE FAVOUR!! body {background-color: slategray; background-image:url(;background-repeat: repeat-x;background-attachment: fixed;background-position: center top;scrollbar-face-color: 867878; scrollbar-arrow-color: black; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: black; scrollbar-shadow-color: 282828; scrollbar-highlight-color: c0c0c0; scrollbar-3dlight-color: c0c0c0; } table tbody tr td div, table tbody tr td div div, tr {background-color: transparent;} table, td, img {border: 0px;} img {display: none;} table img {display: inline;} table {background-image: none; background-color: transparent;} table td, table table, table table td, table table table td {background-image: none; background-color: transparent; border-left: 0px;} table table table table div, table table table table tr {background-color: transparent;} div table {background-image:
Luke Hilton
Well i am an all american and i loce to drink i think that nothing is better then sitting down with you friends and having a cold one or 20. life is like a alcohol some times you need training wheels somes you need chasers some time you need mixers, and some times you need it straight but just remember that u are probubly gonna do somthing stupid and laugh about it later. have a good one drinks on me
I'm a graphic design student/artist I live in addison tx and I sing karaoke quite often. I'm only a year away from being done with my degree! Anything and everything related to art/the arts. I watch all movies and like too many to name. B-horror, indie, and comedy are some of my favorite genres though.
Luke Stromer
Luke Wulf
Luke H
well my name is lucas and i am 23 i have a two and a half year old daughter. i currently work for lubbock aero. i have 11 tattoos that range all over my body. i have red hair,haz eyes and i stand 6'1 and weight about 150 to 155. if there is anything else you would like to know hit me up and ask full contact sports, fast cars. also i work first then play last cant play with out the funds
Luke Banham
Luke Scarbrow
Luke Roberts
My name's Luke and I just moved to Wilmington NC from Rome Ga, Ill be here for ayear or more, I like to go to the beach, box, play guitar , listen to music, party , and just like to have fun.
Luke Brown
I am Luke from Jefferson City Missouri I now have been to Ireland 2 times now once to the south and then the north i love both ireland is my home away from the usa lol I am now 26 i have no kids as of now but would be happy to have them sometime I live at home at this point in time but hopefully that will change soon dont get me wrong living home has its pros but there is cons too... I love any kind of music from classic to country to rock the list would shock some! I have 2 dogs corges kiki and lily there sweethearts i love them very much! I am so honered to have my family friends in my life with out them id be alone I love meeting new people so dont be shy to shout box me like me or add me at any time I use to drink a lot but cutting back on that cause drinking can be fun but when over done it causes harm I am trying to quit smoking so i got a e-cig I love christmas and halloween i love the feel of them! I am happy with my life even though its not always good I work at a pub here in
Luke Hartley
Well, I'm a 28 year old single dad, just moved to PA from California with my son. I was born and raised in PA and NJ, then joined the Marines, traveled, went to Iraq, ended up in Cali, got out of the Corps, and now I'm back on the east coast just trying to start a new life.
Luke Yahright:)
Luke Davidson
hey everyone im new to this but am keen tomeet sexy and excitin ppl IMG][/IMG]g people add me a comment
Luke T
Luke Mcvicker
Luke Spielman
I'm a laid back guy that likes to party too much for his own good. I play guitar in a band, we call ourselves Just 3 Cigarettes. This is my last semester at rvc, after that is over I'm going to Eastern Illinois to party and school too. I play alot of s-ball during the the summer and fall months. Um thats about it i guess Michigan Sports,Music,Guitar,Softball (O ya its a sport)
Luke Hall
Luke Amzycki
Luke Smith
Luke Laforce
Luke Harper
Luke Carter
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting fighting,9/11,my death metal band
Luke Anderson
Luke Breid
Luke Parodi
Luke Winthrop
Luke Newman / Flower
me? i am what i am and i am not like any other, i have a taste for the extreme, i tend to take things as far as they will possably go and further still. no matter the subject it can always get dirtier, more bizzar, beyond over the top. what is the point in going half way or stopping where someone eles decided was as far as we can go, i say we make our own choices, stop there if you like but believe it is fact you can go so much farther, whats the point in not trying it, you only have this one chance right? i am commonly accused of being the personification of the idea of genius hingeing on insanity, but is it maddness? i think not, simply the desire to travel intellectual or phycological paths less or not taken. and who can stop me? when it all comes down i can hide behind any kind of person you could imagine, ive spent my life studying, researching and reading people, ive told people things about themselves even they didnt know, or didnt admit to themselves, i can appear to be anyone
Luke Adams
Luke Corking
Luke Borman
Luke Steadmna-kent
Luke Hill
Luke N/a
Luke Thomas
I'm a nice fun guy. Like to make friends, have fun in life doing whatever. semi-professional poker player and travel alot to tournaments around the U.S. love to work out, play golf, shoot pool, and also big ALABAMA fan. Hit me up and lets chat
Luke Salahe
am luke from new york just lookin to meet some new people i have black hair green eyes, 6'5"in tall, am in graphic web design, i m 38 years old i m kinda shy at first, am out going, i make friends fast, i enjoy listing to music, am into black metal,rock, in the punk since, i like drama, and action movies, i like to read and write songs/poems, am kinda funny yet have lots of sarcazum**** i like to try new things i like to hang out with friends, i have gf shes the sweetest, if ya like to know more plez ask dont be shy, am an open book
Luke Przekop
I am new to fubar. Still figureing it out.
Luke Dragoon
Luke Watkins
Luke Dunn
Luke Piccione
Luke Hall
Luke Simmons
Luke Mitchell
Luke O'connor
Luke Sterling
Luke Lockner
yo just check out my myspace
Luke Duzanica
Luke Herdson
The Obsidian Butterfly Finds A Last Song In The Deep Blue Forest Love is giving someone the power to destroy but trusting them not to... -Luke 101- Im not afraid to make a fool of myself, and I'll be the first person to laugh at my own stupidity. I get along with mostly everybody and I love making people laugh. I have been known to "nerd out" on numerous occasions. Legos are the stuff dreams are made of, Snape kills Dumbledore page 566, and Han shoots first. Inside jokes are the best: "Damnit Dave!" , "My Wheelchair" , "I wear shorts so i can put my dick in my mouth.", "Hey Tommy, you got any chapstick?", "Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze", "PTBR Round 3, 'we already did round 3'lol", "'Every other day!' Uhhhh i think you mean 'Ever and a day!'", "Strike, yes!" [angry face], "Your gameboy is on and you're in rock tunnel!", "OOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!!"[Falls in the pool], The list is endless. I've been known to sing loudly and off key, in the car. Music is my thing I listening to anything. M
Luke Mulder
Luke Hoffman
Luke Payen
Luke Adams
Luke Bryant
Luke Johnson
Luke Rea
Luke Winters
Luke Elzig
Luke Mcdowell
Luke Thornton
Luke Connor
Hey everyone Im 6'1(absolute hench) and cool as ice. Umm anyone want to help me. How do you use this fubar thingy
Luke Melichar
Luke Barger
Luke Menard
Luke S
Luke Smith
Luke Turner
Luke Bisson
Luke Bell
Luke Corby
Luke Moore
Luke Mckiernan
Luke Cooper
hey im luke im 20 yrs old im from peterborough uk, but im stationed in colchester. been in the army for 3 yrs. if there is anything u wanna no bout me msg me music, gym, travelling, going out loads of stuff
Luke Johnson
Anything really, but my favoties are: Bring out the dead, Evil Dead 1 & 2, Army of darkness, Something about mary, Scary Movie 1 & 2
Luke Manhire
Return The Love Click Here! have three little boys, luv hanging out with friends and good company, work in a cemetary as a gravedigger/ gardener and a personal trainer. exerciseing is great but it dosent beat drinking and have a good time with a great women.
Luke Betts
Lukendra Dangerfield
Luke Birkin
I am 23, I am of Native American descent and I love to have fun
Don't have much time, just tried this for shits and giggles, my Rn degree is way more important I like vacations in warm places, fishing, cars, and women are just some to label off I watch and and like to see many movies when I have time to do so.
Luke Starling
Luke Osborne
Luke Carson
Luke Dyck
Luke Benson
sry ppl but the host I was using went out of business I'm trying to find a new one. :(
Luke Murray
Luke Houberg
Me my names luke. I am a junior in highschool shhh. I am 6 feet 1 inches tall. I play football so i have a football type body. I am a crazy person in public because i think it is hilarious to see the look on peoples faces. I guess its funny to other people to cuz i have quite a few friends. Anything else you want to know just ask. Im an active person. If im not doing something, im not livin life.Im in a show choir(sing and dancing at the same time if you dont know), i play instruments, i love to sing, i start on a football team, swimming(id live in the water if i could), i lifeguard, and i love to hangout with my BA friends.
Luke Shields
Luke Ussery
Well I'm easy to get to know and to get along with! If there's something in perticular you want to know about! Ask me! I like to do just about about anything (with the right person of course) I'm coming to the end of my Sophmore year in college, bout to be a Junior! I'm a criminal justice major, bout to join the Amry Reserves while I finish school, then I'm goin to Law School, after that I'm goin full time Army or Air Force and being a Jag Lawyer for like 8 years then gettin out and hopefully opening my own law firm. I have 6 piercings and I'm bout to start on my tatts! Hit me up on MSN Messenger: or on AIM: goodluke06 or on Yahoo: goodluke06
Luke Johnson
Luke Jones
Luke Bennett
i am 18 play rugby looking for a career within the army like hanging out talking and whatever with almost anyone also enjoy alot of gym and other fitness work looking for a realtionship give us a bell i live salisbury wilstshire so if any one is near give us a bell and meet up i am interested in someone who has a nice personality a good figure possibly military background and someone who enjoys having fun oh yeah and female
Luke Ling
Luke Johnston
Luke H
Hey everyone im luke 22 from the south coast of england a place called portsmouth !! live'd here all my life.. i use to be in the british army but now im out... so now im a Builder .. so its all good if you want to know more about me then message me im a easy person to talk to :) so give me lots of nice comments and add me please :D !!! xx I like to go out alot to night clubs with friends and to bars and get on the drink ! like to play alot of football aka soccer ! its a great sport .. and i also like to keep very fit and work out alot ! like music alot hip hop r&b like alot of sports too ! so im a very active person :):)
Luke Kennedy
Luke Brookes
I'm the kind of guy who goes to the centre of any room I enter. I'm confident, charming, intelligent, articulate and can hold my own in conversation on most subjects. I am a people person and take great delight in discovering the lives of new friends. I like observing people and how they interact. While I give the appearance of a conservative person, I'm not far from the table top dancing, lamp shade on my head kind of guy. It takes me awhile to come down after work but the conservative man can disappear rather quickly! While I enjoy social situations, I enjoy one-on-one even more. When alone with you I’m attentive, romantic and very passionate. I would enjoy my time with you and hopefully you will enjoy your time with me. I'm currently heavily into fitness and have lost over 45 lbs down from 250! While I haven't reached my target weight yet, I'm feeling better about myself and have found much more stamina since starting. My fitness experiences have led me to study mass
Luke Wishart
Luke Dentler
Luke Simmonds
Luke Bockmiller
Luke Hammond
Luke M
Luke Baukner
Luke Mustakangas
Luke Myers
Luke Fon Fabre
Luke Burkett
Luke Martin
well im an easy going guy, i like to fish, i really dont plan out my day. im in the army my mos is 13 fox. if you want to know more just ask.
whats up down to earth...looking to have fun ..get laid ...drink like theres no tom. and party like a rockstar ...
Luke Poyser
Luke Keenan
Luke Chiarenza
I have been in the Army for 18 years. Love the outdoors, camping, fishing....the normal guy thing. I love riding my motorcycle. Not into non real people and have no desire for those that would look profit from others demise.
Luke Robinson
Luke Mckee
Luke Parrish
Luke Stanton
just ask and you shall know
Luke Stroup
Luke Donahue
Well i just moved to florida from california and so far, I'm bored out of my mind. HELP!!!
Luke Nelson
im 21 from knoxville TN and i love fast cars and women and free beer women
Luke Sherman
I love sports and music, playing guitar, and singing. drop dead fred billy madison tommy boy stepbrothers pineapple express
Luke Johnson
Luke Moore
Luke Hansberry
Luke Accornero
Luke Smith
Luke Cash
i ya want to know ask me
Luke Moses
Luke Ramos
Luke Gunnison
Luke Franz
Ive been in scranton for 6 months now ... it seems like a socially challenged area prove my ass wrong
Luke Wuttunee
i live in saskatoon canada i love bmxing
Luke Gray
Luke Bushman
Luke Skywalker
Luke Sewell
Luke Bruce
Luke John
Luke Marquardt
well this is just a littel. im a single father of 1 boy. he will be 2 on september 8th. i work as much as i can and am currently laed off from dura auto in stockton. if you want to know anything else just ask. i like to do anything outside. camping fishing that kinda shit. and i LOVE to work on cars ill do dam near anything that has to do with a car.
Luke Weil
Luke Watroba
Luke Maupin
well my full name is luke skywalker maupin im very shy im a emo, gothic, punk, i love to skateboad play guitar star gaze do crazy shit im funny careing and love i have a big heart that always gets broken some how i have my own band it is called The Fallen Angels. one of my songs i wrote and sing is on my blog i love rock,metal,death metal,punk rock,screamo,teckno,gothic rock,heavy metal and more well if there anything else u want to know about me just ask me thinking and star gazeing skateboarding playing guitar singing writeing songs football swimming boxing bowling tennis and alot more
Luke Tarbutton
I am a single dad that does not get out much but when I do I like to have fun. I work at tdcj and I am doing OK but I am no money man. I am not looking for a relationship by any means I am looking for a few good friends to get together and have some fun with. I love sex and I am good at it. I would love to meet some one that just wants a good friend with some fun and very good benefits.
Luke Bryant
Luke Budz
Luke Tulley
A site with out Profection is just profectic. So I'm here ladies... you don't need to feel lonely no more... no more hanging around bars for guyz such as myself because I'm only a message away. Like usher let those fingers do the talking.Mmmm har har
Luke Mario
Luke Skinner
Luke Holt
Luke Henry
Luke Meehan
Luke Floyd
Luke L
Luke Mcdonald
Luke Oneida
Luke Tsotigh
Wanna know? Gotta ask.
Luke Cline
Luke Sizemore
Luke Bell
I am a 25 year old male who was extremely bored and saw an advertisement and wanted to see what this website was about.
Luke St.hilaire
Luke Smith
Luke G
Luke Rank
Straight Girls, Music, Guitar, Video Games, TV, BMX ___________________________________________________________ HO.FO.SHO** ___________________________________________________________ If You Dont Know WHYSOAD means System OF A Down The Why Part Is A Different Story (Not Very Interesting Story) ___________________________________________________________ My Fav Lyrics Of All Tme **Faith No More - Epic** ___________________________________________________________ Can you feel it, see it, hear it today? If you cant, then it doesnt matter anyway You will never understand it cuz it happens too fast And it feels so good, its like walking on glass Its so cool, its so hip, its alright Its so groovy, its outta sight You can touch it, smell it, taste it so sweet But it makes no difference cuz it knocks you off your feet You want it all but you cant have it Its cryin, bleedin, lying on the floor So you lay down on it and you do it some more Youve got to share it, so you dare it Then you b
Luke Sisco
Luke Nichols
Luke Piil
Hey whats up name is Luke i'm a chill person. i like to go into town and hang wit my girl and my friends.. if you want to know more about me email me
well lets see im a 22 yr old juggalos and proud father of 2 amazing kids i luv to party when i have the time and a sitter lol umm dunno wut else to say other then i am 5'9 190 pds with blue eyes and engaged
Luke Myers
Luke Brite
Luke Roberts
Seahawks Girls Movies Music Hockey UFC Video Games Art Roller Derby
Luke Gray
Luke Fones
Im a cool relaxed guy. I like to show girls a good time with dinner and a movie. I am in college for criminal justice and sciences. I turn 20 this December.
Luke Wheeler
Luke Callison
I'm in the process of getting my life together at the moment, just quit smoking (rough by the way) and currently going to school for my bachelors in Psychology. I'm always open to new friends, ummmm... I work two jobs on top of that, I'm a fun guy when I get the chance lol, hit me up if you want to talk and find out more, I don't bite.
As I said, I'm a travlin' kinda guy. But a few more things about me... well I enjoy the usual... music, friends, beer, fine cigars (ok not so much on the cigar part), etc. More to come when I'm in a more creative mood Wow... such an empty slate here. I can say whatever I want here... muhahaha. Hmm. I'm not quite that creative to make a whole bunch 'o' stuff up. I tend to be an outdoorsy kinda guy. With the travel that I tend to do (for work), I find it's really the only way that I can clear my mind. Why am I on here? Well I travel a lot and I have hopes that this will at least keep me occupied when I'm jumping from city to city
Luke Pilcher
Make Money Online! - "NO COST"Play fuMafia on fubar
Luke Young
Luke Foley
Luke Manns
Luke Cole
hey whats up im luke im 20 6ft 6 im from london england. i have 16 tattoo's im single and looking. i love films and music i love ufc. theres a lot to learn about me, if your willing to give me the time . dont be shy to talk to me thanks love to you all x x hey , im luke im 20 from essex england, im 6ft 6 tattooed and pierced. amature actor cougars are my favorite x
Luke Moss
i'm an easy going person, i get along with just about anybody. i hate fake people or people who think they have to lie to get others to like them. Just be yourself!!!
Luke Harp
Luke Patterson
Luke James Bond
Luke Goetz
Luke Mckee
Luke Scherban
Well, lets start by saying I'm a biker baby an luv every minute of it an everything that come's with it lol. I'm bout 5'6, baby blue eye's, muscular build, I really dunno wat 2 say 2 b true... I'm not high on myself or think 2 highly of myself. I guess that would b from getting screw'd over in my life an bein cheat'd on enough time's surely doesn't help the ego at all LMFAO. If u'd like 2 know more then jus ask away an I'll try my best 2 tell u the result. Well peeps...Ciao
Luke Seif
Luke Lapierre
Luke Riedesel
Luke Vickery
Luke Diehl
Lets101 - Online Dating
Luke Bright
Luke Hubble
Luke Ashby
Luke Morgan
Luke Desroches
Luke Blitchington
Luke Wiersema
Luke Gossett
this gorgeous woman
Luke Frost
Luke 6:37
Luke Owens
Luke Beaverson
Luke Mason
Luke Redshaw
Not much fuckin bored Music,Movies,Music,Outdoors,goin on trips,and rides on back roads,vegetarian,Howard Stern.... David peel,Lennon,Kevin from the archie comiics,Howard,Pete Steele,Manson,Keroac... The Wall,Full Metal Jacket,One Flew Over,....
Luke Edmonds
Luke Hanner
Luke Pittman
Luke Barksdale
Luke Smyth
umm, well im not normal, lol but then again who is, im very open minded, always checking out new things, except sexually, im straight and theres nothing to be done about it, i think women are just plain sexy and beautiful and that will never change, everyone says im such a nice guy but who really knows me anyway lol i play my guitar and hang out with friends, whatever gets me out of the house
Luke Stine
Luke Prejean
Luke Makto
Luke Onufer
Luke Blackburn
Luke Lage
Luke Estes
Luke Garcia
Luke Awesome
Luke Prime
Luke Underwood
Luke Burns
Luke Brasco
Luke Kutsch
Luke Beets
Luke Cherry
Luke Bizkit
Luke Daniel Yeldham
Luke Johnson
Luke Stoute
Luke Gerth
Luke Forrester
Luke Haigh
Luke Jackson
Luke Strafford
Luke Magee
Luke Sapienza
Luke Foster
Well I'm 22, I guess you could say that I'm a country boy mixed with some city lol. I love to ride horses, and have bonfires. I'm not shy so any questions ask away.
Luke Vinzant
I'm just on here to have fun if you want to know anything or just want to chat hit me up.
Luke Martin
Luke Mccoy
Luke Falemaka
Luke Dolley
hello while i might flirt and be suggestive does not mean i want to jump your bones, i feel its your body its your choice, who to share it with. fubar is a game so lets have some fun, if i afend you i am sorry.
Luke Page
Luke Wuestewald
Luke Loho
Luke Harvey
Luke Reis
Luke Schnurr
Luke Adams
Luke Summerville
Luke Launius
Luke Vail
Luke Yelvington

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