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Mike Storms
Getting out into the dating scene, looking for some fun times. Just out of a 14 year relationship and looking to get my feet wet on this site. No expectations, except for fun. Ask me and lets make a game out of it.
Mike Majors
One of a kind you say? Well I am right there with you! I can say my ABC's faster backwards then forwards, Im athletic and nerdy, I love music and quiteness, I am family oriented. I am 6 foot 175lbs. I am a people pleaser over self pleaser. My favorite quote is "Life is like a coin, you can spend it anyway you want, but you can only spend it once!" Football, Baseball, I enjoy outdoors a lot camping, hiking, I can cook but can not bake to save my life! I play the acoustic/ electric guitar, drums, bass and piano, I love to sing any time anywhere! I like all types of movies and all types of music!
Mike Dibler
Mike Hughes
Mike Richards
Mike Nowatny
Mike Durette
Mike W Hicks
Mike Marino
Mikey Evans
I am a man who has been through battles and have came out top. I tend to fall hard but am very good at getting back up... I love to love. Give to Give. Share to share, and love to live. I am imaginative, I love poetry very much. I am very loyal, and mean what I say. I focus on bettering myself so I can be there when others need me. God is very real in my life. And I am very thankful for that. I have a dark side, just like everybody else, and that wild animal comes out only when im comfortable with the people around me. ask me anything MUSIC IS LIFE. DETERMINATION is force. Money is a tool. Love and hope always find a way. Live life to its fullest I look for the good in all people. Call out the fake.I do not Idol any one, but I do not hate anyone.... I like all movies... Not really into TV.
Mike Lauzon
Mike Stoneburner
Mike Tidmarsh
Mike Six
Mikey B
Mike Randy
Mike Beezy
imma make this short i just moved to austin texas and im currently only interested in fuckin lol so if u out there u love to fuck and u wanna get fucked right contact me on here
Mike Pavloski
Mike C
Mike Atherton
Mike Dunbar
Mike Black
Mike Karn
Mike Pajarillo
Mikey Marquez
Mike Scott
Mike Tapp
Mike Winchell
Im a TATTOOIST FIREFIGHTER N EMT im also a hopless romantic.. I love to cuddle and watch movies qhile cuddleing in front of a fire .. im not a hard person to please im very respectful and way way to outgoing.. im a countryboy m I love horwes and being outside.. Horsea movies books tattooing bonfires naacar cuddling ridding horses cooking
Mike Hicks
Mike S
Mike Weigl
Mikey Smith
Mike Gentuso
Mike Erb
Mike Ask
I like to having fun and meeting new people. Anything from dirt bikes Harley's tattoos baseball women sex good food San Fran the whole Bay Area. ect hit me up Everything u like
Mike Walker
Mike Burns
I'm all about making new friends. fun loving silly adventurous and a great since of humor. Yet there is something that gets up my ass though. I hate it when a great looking girl tells me that she is looking for her soul mate and talks a great game and want to have a relationship with me only to find out that is in another country and she wants me to send her money. I have had heard it all, things like my daddy left me my inheritance but I need to pay so I can get all the paper work changed so I can get the money for her. Fucking scams!!! so I will be your friend and we can chat about anything, we can have cam sex if you like even but it will be so over when you ask me to send you money. I am so over it!!!If you want to have fun then cool lets have fun. I will bye you drinks and we can flirt and if your the special one for me I will be your lil sex toy lol! but if you want money then I hope you find it elsewhere. love you peace out
Mike H
Mike Gull
Mike Doblo
Mike Wilson
Well... where to begin... I am a 36 year old, born and raised in the great state of Texas! I have found myself in Pennsylvania (yep, I'm what I like to call a Misplaced Texan) and am currently separated from my 3rd wife. She has a lot of... well, issues. Eh, let's just say that the sex was awesome before we got married. But then, after we did, I hardly got any pussy. When I did, it was mediocre at best. However, I do have my heart set on this one girl, who has actually made me a very happy man, even though we haven't had sex yet. We have a mutual agreement to wait, which is... well... a tease, yet a blessing at the same time. The longer we wait, the more we want it. Ugh, life can be so hard sometimes. And the blue balls can be painful, lol.
Mike Bickmore
Mike Doty
Mikey Cole
im only looking for friends since im newly married i love my wife lilly so much my wife music movies my friends my family/friends my daugther
Mike Henderson
Mike Toone
Mike Gonz
Mike Mathison
Mike Dunlap
Mike Pier
Mike Tanner
Mike Bailey
Mike Bender
Mike Smith
God Horror,action,comedy
Hi, I'm 6' tall and energetic. I am a 3D Modeler-graphic artist, looking for a sex partner or two, or three, hehe. Not looking for a relationship though. I live in Melbourne Florida. Movies, music, beaching, drinking (on occasion), Sleeping (wide awake), bike riding, drawing, living life
Mike Bryan
Mike Mitchell
Mike Dennis Sr.
Mike Spang
Mike Rock
Mike Londo
Mike Roman
Mik Greenland
Mikhail Bezalel
i am a mystery wrapped inside of a riddle covered in chewy nougat music and mayhem
Mikhal Ruben
I am 6'2" and down to a loveable 240 lbs. If you want to know more about me just send a message. My name is Mikhal Ruben and I am from Michigan. Check out my myspace here Everything
Mikhayla Montgomery
I'm a free spirit...looking for fun, friends, and as many good times as I can have! I'm a psychiatrist by trade, I have my own practice in Havre Montana. I have a good size ranch with 7 horses and a growing number of cattle...the ranching business is my hobby but its also a very good way for me to relax. I travel a lot, Vegas, NYC, Miami, Portland Maine, Dallas, LA...I go where I want when I want, thanx to my granddad who remembered me most in his will! Thanx Poppy!!!! SOOOO...give me a holler sometime and we can chat it up! I like most movies...My absolute favorite is "Breakfast at Tiffany's". I like horror movies...the bloodier the better, I like action movies, and I like just about anything worth watching!
Mikhail Anderi
Mikheal Monahan
Smoking: clove Ciggaretts Coffee and Tea, im a connaisseur of sorts yeah thats the caffeine and nicotine so yeah...
Mik Holland
Mik Havro
Mikhail 0301
Mikhail Schipani
music, writing songs, learning guitar, skateboarding. the world in general, why its fucked up, how to fix it(yeah right). psycology, you know i have a lot of interests its almost pointless to list them all.
Mikhail Walton
if you want to know about me just hit me up
Mikhail Shakhmurov
Mikhael Selk
Mikhal Belov
Mikhail Vaynberg
Mikheal Romero
Mikhail Schmalzried
Mikhail Baranovsky
Mikhail Streltsov
Mikhail Mohansingh
Mikhail James
Mikhail Streltsov
Mikha Mangande
Mikhail Francesco
My name is Mikhail, but I don't want you hurting yourself trying to pronounce it, so you can just call me Mike. haha I'm an Italian American born and raised in Trenton, New Jersey. I'm a pharmacist, single, and young guy who still hasn't taken ma and pops advice on settling down. I moved to Chattanooga, TN about 5 years ago and I've been residing there ever since. Well if you wanna know anything else just hit me dont be shy to ask Where do I begin? haha Well for once I love spending time with family and friends more than anything. Having a cookout on the lake and hitting up the daily. I love clubbing, meeting new people, and making new friends everywhere I go. I play soccer, and bodybuild in the time I'm not working. I love going new places, and just hitting up a new hangout every now and then! My Mother and Father, beyond the most important people in my life! I love comedy more than anything. I love a good laugh and oh do I love a thriller. I love scary movies and anything that keep
Mikhail Estoesta
Mikhail Grant
Mikhail Jocum
Mikhaila Young
i love the game of BASKETBALL(#TEAM LYNx) I'M A SENIOR AT New Manchester
Mikhaill Kurochkin
Mikhail Grabowski
Mikhail Lakhman
Mikhail Drake
Mikhail Khaykin
Mikhail Jackson
Mikheal Bin Ghirra
Mikhail Salama
Mikhael Burton
Miki Summey
I love women that like to use strap-ons and toys on men and women.
rent, romeo and juliette, underworld, scary movie series.
Miki Maus
lets see my name is mikie i am 22 I HAVE THE BEST WIFE WHO IS ALSO MY BEST friend in the world is // Rhykka ¢¾/// my LOVER she is the best can i say any more see she is grate is my aim . i love skateboarding Make your own Banner Here! body { background: ffffff; background-image: url(''); background-position: center; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: fixed; scrollbar-arrow-color:ffffff; scrollbar-track-color: 000000; scrollbar-shadow-color: fb00a0; scrollbar-face-color: 000000; scrollbar-highlight-color:000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:fb00a0; scrollbar-3dlight-color:ffffff;} body { background: 0066FF; background-image: url); background-position: center; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: fixed; scrollbar-arrow-color:ffffff; scrollbar-track-color: 000000; scrollbar-shadow-color: fb00a0; scrollbar-face-color: 000
My interests are soccer,good Movies,Travelling all around the World...
Hey....Name is Mike (imagine that) from Oklahoma! so...BOOMER SOONER BABY...! I love Fast Cars and Fast Women! Hit me up and lets PARTY!
Mikie Probst
single male(see someone not any more) in my mid 30's, like to party and have fun, go out and play pool and darts, meet new people and have fun at clubs and bars. ok as you can see it like goth, and dark times, that is me. enjoy life to the fullest and have fun doing it. enjoying life to the fullest. have fun do thing you like and things you want to do, you can sleep when you are died, MySpace Layouts
Mikielah G
SparkleTags.Com My name is Mikielah. Most people call me Micky. I am 22 year old originally from Germany. I am German and Russian. I am married to the most wonderful man in the world named Joe. I am going to school for my RN soon, but first for my LPN. So come check me out & R/F/A/C me! SparkleTags.Com
Miki Macdonald
Mikill Kobberoe
Mikila Reid
Miki Johnston
My name is Miki. I am a 38 yr old Divorced mom of 3 and grandma of 1. I love music and the outdoors. I love to take in concerts, go to movies, watch them at home, I love camping and canoeing and all sorts of outdoor things. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I am a pretty laid back easy going person. I am easy to get along with , but will warn you I do have a bad side, please don;t get on it,lol. I have been told I am one of the best friends a person can have. I am very understanding and try to always listen or help in anyway when I can. I am not into games or drama and I dispise liars and fakes. If your married looking for fun you have come to the wrong space I dispise cheats worse.
Miki Melancholy
Miki Cady
My interest consist of no substandard men. It's really cut and dry, if I can't tell what the hell is going through your unchartered brain then start walking cause I don't waste my time. Anyway, I love racquetball, UFC, Beer Pong, people watching, riding childrens bikes when I am drunk, and paintballing...oh and of course can't forget my two gorgeous boys, they are the only men in my life that I could not live without!!!
Mikie Jones
Mikio Vandrunen
I am ur typical twenty one year old local.. I like going beach fishing free diving kayaking shoot pool hanging with friends..if you like no anything else just hollar at me
Mikie Hall
Mikie P
Mikie Vallejo
Mikie Mcaulla
OK, lets see ... My name is Mike, im 30 years old , i have a 8 year old son named michael . i have him full time , hummmm- I am a IRON WORKER . and before that i had cut yards for about 7 years , LOL I love going out to the club whenever get a chance... and i do dance , im not the guy standing on the side lines . city walk down town is my fav.
Mikie Heartcore
Mikie M
Mikie Palmer
Miki Joyner
Miki Bowman
Mikiah Marshall
Mikie Thomas
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Mikie Carter
Mikie Mcdaniel
looking for a discete, no strings attached and love to share with a very nice lady in my area
Mikie Champion
Mikie Ortega
Mikie Procunier
Hey my name is Mikie, im 21 and i live in the great pacific northwest! Im a funny guy whos always gettin a laugh outta something, i enjoy dirt biking and riding bikes, and fixin up cars, especially my ae86 corolla. I spend most of my time workin and with my girl. MY life is pretty relaxed and i fuckin cant stand DRAMA,so stay the fuck away if u feed off that shit,bitch...... DRIFTING,BMX,DRIT BIKES,SNOWBOARDING,DRINKING,DRIFTING,AND MORE DRIFTING
I love eternal optimist really. Im also a combat veteran, so its grounded in reality. If you want to now more just ask, Im only 31 so my book wont be published for at least 30 more years.( by me anyways). Just remember its all about the kids, and only we as one can make change.
Mikie Coyle
Miki Sowers
Mikie Roscoe
hey wats up heres a lil about me: im blunt and straight foward if u dont like it u can go f*ck urself im a wicket clown and proud of it whoop whoop mmfwcl if ya dont know wat a juggalo is read this. A Juggalo is someone who lives for themselves, meaning they realize that if you care what other people think about you and try hard to be accepted, then you will always be a slave to your own mind. A Juggalo is someone who enjoys life to the fullest they possibly can and stops "to smell the roses"(meaning living your life in the moment). It's not about having all the gear, posters, albums and trivia knowledge. You don't have to know what faygo or a neden is or even have ever heard of psychopathic records in order to be a Juggalo. A Juggalo is an enlightened/reawakened person with a discovered wisdom beyond their years. Yes, there are hound dogs who haven't discovered what the dark carnival is really about and perhaps sadly, never will and just really want to belong somewhere and have
Miki Minor
Mikie Sisson
i am a single dad of 3 beautiful children 2 girls and a boy. they are my pride and joy and come before anything!!!! i enjoy camping, fishing, nights out on the town and times just relaxing around the house. i work as an oilfield operator and often work long hours. im a ou and nascar fan, pretty much having fun with friends and family. one more thing, do not be afraid to ask me anything.
Mikie Mix
Mikiyas Teferi
Miki Samarov
Miki Heeter
Mikia Wong
Mikie Priddy
Miki Thompson Janssen
Mikila Jordan
Miki Mcknight
Miki Philipps
I'm's Mikie. I have the bad boy look, but I'm a sweet heart, that knows and was raised that you treat women like a precious jewel that shouldnt ever be tarnished. I am the type to open up doors, take walks on the beach, and cuddle up n watch a movie. I know the true meaning of spoiling a girl isnt all materialistic, its making sure she knows that shes always beautiful in your eyes, no matter what.
Mikie Blevins
Miki Aflalo
Mikie Hansen
Mikiey Mathias
Miki Sidi Abel
Mikie Allen
Miki Santiago
Mikie Hall
Mikie Mazurowski
Mikie Sicilia
Mikiyas Terehedinho
Mikiki Mack
Mikie Mike
Mikial-rode Cycle-hendrix
Mikias Ahmed
Mikie Loco
Miki Lampley
Mikiyas Tenna
Miki Farmer Harwood
Miki Hung
Miki Basten
Mikki Blaque
Thanks for stopping by. I'm Mikki. I am the producer for Wet TV (formerly Wet Radio), now part of London, UK based company Erotic America. I don't have much info here about me, but I will gladly answer any questions. I will also have more info about Wet TV very soon! I will also leave the pics up from Wet Radio until new pics are ready from Wet TV.
Mikki Jona
Mikki Laxson
Mik Kloss
Mikke Mikke
Mikko Hartikainen
Mikki Couves
Mikko Ayala
Mikki Hutchi
Cool Slideshows
You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God... and where can you go from there? Freedom, baby... is never having to say you're sorry
Mikke Yah Im Not Going To Put That
well here gos im 28 single i hopeing find me a mate maybe not here but some where out there so if you are single like me lets chat i want to get to know some one frist thgen see where it gos from there if you are single if not you can still be my friend as well i hope to get some help as lease
Mikki Scott
im 40,single mom of 3 beautiful kids,ive been divorced for 9 years and am finally ready to meet new people and mabe date,im not very good at going out and meeting people so i wanted to give fubar a try,hope i dont get let down,hope to chat with you. xoxo,mikki i love loud music,pink floyd is my fav,dont really like country but i sing it when i go out and do keryoki,i love to meet new people and i live everyday like its the only day,love life.xoxo
Mik Klous
Mikki Edwards
Mikki Mcginnis
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Only God Knows WhyAdd to My Profile | More Videos all those who serve i know how much of a sacrafice you guys make everyday thank you Dedication to our soldiers.Add to My Profile | More Videos
Mikkel Martin
Mikki Dee
I am looking to make new friends I love to listen to music, dance, cook and hang out with my family and friends. I am not here looking for cyber or naked pics of anyone nor will i send any to anyone so dont ask, im not into talking to married men and i dont care how much your wife ignores you. If you can handle that then feel free to contact me.
This is how I like itTouch the Darkness
Free Comments & Graphics
Mikki Kumai
Mikkie Scofield
Mikki Mouse
Mikky T.s.p
^^ my hi5 ^^ http//
Boo for stale beer!
Mikkel Stroebech
Mikko Kuusisto
Mikki Cochran
there really isn't much to me. I'm conservative. I try to be the best christian I can be, I love talking about christianity and life. I try to be humorous at all times, I love to make people smile and giggle. My friends are few but, they are special to me and I love my family!! I love walks on the beach,and making a fire at sunset and talking with a friend. I don't like being the center of attention or chaos& or fighting. I'm a very sensitive person and I would rather talk to a person face to face because I go by tone of voice and facial expressions! I try to be a happy person and see that life is too short to hold grudges--grow up and go on! KEEP YOUR DRAMA TO YOURSELF PLZ!Get the hottest myspace comments without ever leaving myspace!src="*xJmx*PTEyMzc5NzMzNjA*MzMmcHQ9MTIzNzk3MzM2NDU*MyZwPTI4ODgwMSZkPWNvbW1lbnRzYmFyJmc9MSZ*PSZvPWRkZTYzMjNjZjZmYjRjMTk5YTViYjdlMjZjODFkY2Y4.gif" />Get the hottest myspace comments without ever l
Mikki Cochran
Mikko Wimpari
Mikki Poper
I am 24 i live in Chambersburg Pa. I Have a motorcycle that i love alot.I am a fun outgoing women to be around. I do crazy things to make my friends laugh. I love to be with my family. I like to shoot pool, bowl, ride my bike, dance, an take my dog for a walk. I not much on bein inside when it is mice out, but i also like to sit and play xbox (nothing like comin home and playin a good game of COD) lol. I like to watch movies pretty much anything. well i am just on here to get to know some new peeps, so if ya looking for someone to talk to and hang out let me know always lookin for friends. I like shootin pool, bowling, anything outdoors, workin on cars.
Mikki C****
Mik Kilik0
Mikkel Martin
Mikko Huhtanen
Mikkeal Carrillo
Mikka Jackson
Mikk Wood
Mikky Trogovic
hey guys my name is Mikky and i'm a part time model and dont have a girl friend so looking for one and i need some fun so i joined so if you want we can talk and have some fun together XD
Mikki Thompson
I have 6 grandkids 2 kids love life in az come from the midwest. I am a full time student swimming,reading,listining to music,
Mikki Michelle Peel
Mikkala Church
Mikki Coleman
My name is Mikki. Im 20. Ill be 21 in december. im a laid back kinda chick..not down for the drama. im a mommy. i let my kids play games bc im to old to play games anymore. i live in lake charles,la but im originally from batesville,ms....if u wanna kno more just ask. i like to spen timewith my kid, friends, and family....i love to dance and have a good time,i love bein on the water...i love to draw
Mikke Tonga
Mikki Patterson
Mikki Mathews
Mikka Irish
Mikkel Sick
Mikki Ben
Mikki Nehlich
Mikkah Botla
love being around my son 24/7..
Mikkel Kl
Mikki Chalmers-gonzalez
Mikki Dora
Mikky Aabi
Mik Khan
Mikki Weeks
Mikl Uhles
Mikle Miller
Miklos Alakzoai
Mikle Spurgeon
Mik Lynn
Miklo Giovanni
Miklos Biro
Miklos Mlnár
Miklo Jackson
Miklós Lemisov
Miklo Martinez
Miklo Gonzales
Mik Mik
Mikos Http://
Miko Scott
Miko&ron Couple4life
This profile is not just for me it is also for the love of my life. He is a black male 40+ ,slim build and packing, I am a black female 39, attractive and a 44D cup.We are on here because we are looking to try some new things.We are seeking a woman between the age of 29 and 43 to have a new experience with (meaning a threesome). We are strictly looking for a threesome and maybe a 1 on 1 (girl on girl)while my love records it with cam-corder. No strings attached, no commitments, very discreet. This will be a one time thing unless we both decides otherwise. We are just looking to fulfill our fantasies. If you think you are that special woman please contact us either by email or instant messaging. Once we hear from you we will get back in touch as soon as we can. Only serious Ladies needs to apply....No males please thankyou In our free time together we both like to spend time with our families, we like to go shopping together,we like to stay at home and watch mo
Miko Dureden
Miko Villagran
Get Your Own Free Playlist.
Mikol Calvin
Mikoy Yuy
Mikol Goller
Mikołaj Andrzej
Miko Sh
Miko Cruz
Miko Edwin
Miko Guanzon
Miko Odor
Miko Cabantingumagat
SMALL GHURL, BIG MOUTH SHORT FUSE!!!! Real name: Alexis Nickname: Miko (pernounced: meeko, get it right or dont say it at all!) i can be thaa sweetest girl yuu will ever meet, or i can be the creulest b****, so les play nice 18 years young'buu cheerleading&gymnastics is wat i do best! love me? hate me? i dont care i
Miko Balog
Miko Agtaguem
Hey I'm miko I'm 21 I'm 5'6 Husky built lol I got a good sense of humor and I'm fun to talk to If you want to know more about me just add me up Sports, girls, drinking, paintball, beach, texting, partying, hanging out, and a lot more
Miko Marilao
Miko Babs
kool and outgoing person like meeting people Reading, chatting, making friends, traveling and having a good time Jesus Action, Sci-fi,Detective
Miko Aka
Mikolaj Warszawski
Mik Piekarski
Mik Sully
Miks Rose
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Mik3 Smith
Mik Topov
Miku Grönblad
Mikul Viator
well, im a fairly heavy smoker, ciggs and weed. i drink, but usually just a few... now and then ill get a lil toasty and make a scene. i get my tweek on pretty regularly also... im a Virgo...born in Louisiana, but lived in east texas all my life... never been married, no kids, thank god i drive a 79 3/4 ton chevy..i call her christine, and she runs like a scalded ass ape. i've got a black lab, charlie, he's house entertainment when im stoned.. anywho.. any questions about me, feel free to ask. im very straightforward and like answering questions. well... im not really sure what im interested in... i like fishing, hunting... well, really just shooting shit, not so much hunting. i like to play cards, play in the mud, actually, i like to play too much. not big on kids... at all, they ask a lot of questions.. i like to drive fast and not pay attention where im going... really, im always up for anything, i just roll with it.. bob dylan, tom petty, edgar alan poe, and my buddy chris, who
Mikus Grosbergs
Miku Rei
Mikul Robins
actor photographer some of my photography: acting: my YouTube channel: filmmaking acting photography music
Miku Hatsune
Miku Hatsune
Mikxail Name
Miky Maws
I think that I'm belong to rare kind of men which respect every one small or big,I love to see all the people are happy and I became more happy when I make any one happy and laughing too much from his heart because life became so difficult,every body is fighting here and all of us are looking now for happy moment and also I love to gives without waiting to get any thing, so I try to make good friendship with good and funny people to make our life more happiness and to get more fun and learn from each other. *** Free Video Hosting **********
Miky Milany
Miky Hall
Miky Amsterdam
Miky Tharp
Miky Tara
Mik Zep
I am a BLESSED SOUL...filled with intelligence, self-respect, dignity & self worth. I am NOT your child(ren)'s mother, your wife, ex-wife, girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, or that "B" that turned your world up-side-down, I AM ME. I have NO INTENTION of "paying" for how another has wronged you or torn down your self esteem. Please DO NOT place me in a category with "other women" because that is NOT who I am. I am God fearing, unique, compassionate, witty and self-sufficient. I DO NOT NEED YOUR MONEY TO SURVIVE, I have my own. I DO NOT NEED YOU to tell me what you believe I want to hear and/or tell me different variations of the same old lie, I'm not here for that. I DO NOT NEED YOU TO TAKE CARE OF ME OR MY CHILDREN, I'm holding down this Fort. I DO NOT HAVE TIME to play childish games, chase you around and question your integrity. IF YOU WANT TO COMMUNICATE WITH ME, I'M COOL with that just keep it 100. I enjoy gardening, volleyball, traveling & shopping.
Milagros Fernandez
Milan Lady
Mila Klava
Milan Adzic
Milan Meraz
Milad Beshai
Mil Amber
Milan Thornton
What is there to tell? My name is Milan, friends call me Lan. I live in Aurora, IL. I work at Outback Steakhouse as a server. Yay me! And in my spare time I drink and play alot of guitar. Loads of fun. K, now you know. Peace!
Milagros Martinez
Milan Voska
I don't know what all to say but here it goes, I lived in toledo up til a little over a year ago when I moved to Oregon to be closer to where I was working at, at the time. I went to Whitmer High School. Im one of 7 kids, including a step brother, and step sister. My family means alot to me. I'm planning on going back to school in the spring, and even thinking about getting a side job going, but that's still in the planning stages. It's just finding the time to get it done. If you want to know more, just ask. I'm the type that like's to go to the club, hang out with friend's, going up to the bar, or just whatever we end up getting into.
Milagros Smith
Milah Baldwin
Milan Pavlovic
Milan Nikolic
Milan Cerovac
Milan Sremac
Mila Wood
Milan Baros
Milas Is4u
Milan Jones
Mila Hunts
I am a social lady who likes to meet people. I am rather quiet and serious. I can, on the other hand, I am a little intellectual. Not that I spend my time in books, but rather because I am interested enormously in sciences. I am not a sportwoman, even if I make 50 to 100 km a week of Roller Skating in the summer. The winter, on the other hand, I hibernate. I am a very hot Lady. But I do not like too much to speak about that. I am simple, respectful, kind, affectionate, sincere, intelligent, sensitive, like others, generous, gentlelady, passionate, curious and patient. I will like to meet a soulmate and someone to be with till end of time........ I would like to meet nice man. I do not believe in the idealman. Everyone has its defects. I find important that you would be at ease with your body, at ease with people, frank, simple and stable. I love man who are not too extrovert, a little shy person, natural and which speaks a lot. I hope to find the man of my life. The person
Mila Sandra
Milad Karimi
Mila Lyons
HAVE A WILD HEART NOT LOOKING TO BE TAMED. Well, lets see spontaneous, love to dance, laugh, and just enjoy my life, love my family & friends. Have a wacky side of me that I let good friends see enjoy meeting new people, outgoing and will talk to anyone who is near me lol. Honest and caring. Would like to find a partner, but love is elusive at times.
Milagros Chopite
Mila M
Milad Omidi
Milan Subba
Milagros Roman
Milargo Wilson
Milad Nakhlkar
Milagros Torres
Milas Connolly
Milan Ngetich
Milad Hamidi
Miladin Kusljo Saranovic
Milandda Milanddda
Milas Wyatt Sr.
Milad Mehdiloo
Milad Givili
Mila SaiÄika
Mila Miaalla
Milad Nano
Milad Rezaee
Milach Harchi
Milan Spasic
Milagros Estrada
Milad Sadegi
Milan Danushka
Milad Jafary
Mila Safitri
Mila Joy Luzon
Milad Vahedi
Milan Moo
Milad Damanabi
Milan Beret Zamora
Milan Chhetri
Milad Sharbati
Milagros Lamas
Milad Najafi
Milagros Hooi
Milad Vanaki
Milan Shah
Mila Stiegler
Milad Samimi
Milagros Lesay
Milad Fallahpour
Milad Ibrahim
Miladys Candocia
Milan Sleek
Milad Mansoori
Milan Adjanski
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Milad Rezaei

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