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Steven Obdell
Steve H
Steve Littton
Steve Edlin
I AM A SINGLE FATHER OF 2 BOYS, 12 AND 5, MY YOUNGEST LIVES WITH ME. I AM 6'3" TALL, SHORT BROWN HAIR, BEDROOM BLUE EYES, AND WEIGH 165lbs hey you all go check out my girl and rate, fan, and add her as a friend. she is a real sweet person, so check her out for me thank you here is her link This Princess is looking for her prince..."kiss"....damn wrong frog@ CherryTAP Your Pornstar Name is:Scorpio Sucker Take this quiz at
Steven Rodgers
Steve Shepherd
I suffer from Chronic Pain, I was born with something called ' Klinefelter's Syndrome' or's_syndrome I was diagnosed when I turned 21 (I was worried that I was 21 and still wasn’t shaving at all, I was then referred to an Endocrinologist who then diagnosed me. I have since found out that if I had been diagnosed before puberty, I would not be having the problems with my joints now. It turns out that if I was getting the treatments I should have been getting through puberty then the chemicals that my brain were supposed to be producing would have had some help (by way of pills or injections of Testosterone) as it is now I have strong bones and slightly weaker than normal joints. So when I get an injury, it takes me a lot longer to heal than you would. I injured my back on October 20 2005 and I'm still in pain every day, I haven’t been able to work a single day since October, and its not
Steve Lee
so you wanna know a little about me.. well here goes.. im 21 years old my name is steve i live in crappy Elgin IL, i have a 2 year old daughter that i love more than anything and i have some of the coolist friends, im pretty much a laid back kinda guy, love waching movies, or just chillin with friends, but hey if theres a party going on you let me know cuz ill be there, i love to go to parties, not so much clubs but like parties with lots of alcahol!!! lol basicly just like to chill with friends, skateboard, as much as i love video games i really dont play them that much.. maby like once or twice a week. i love watcing movies. i really only have 1 idol and that would have to be WWE's Jeff Hardy!!! oh man theres a Huge list of movies that i like, ill just name a few for now. anything done by Quintin Terrintino(i totaly misspelled that but w/e) and Kevin Smith, Fight Club, the Italian Job, and Office Space.
Steve B Aka Brytesparc
Ok, i call every1 either hunni or m8!, so please don't take offence! I'll get to doing summat about me in the near future, but in the meantime a big Cherrytap thanx to all who've dropped by - every little bit helps, lmao! MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY
Steven Cook
i am father of three beutiful girl and one boy here to meet people This lounge is open to everyone. You do not have to be in the military to be part of our family. If you are a spouse, gf/bf , parent, brother, sister, son, daughter or friend of someone who is or was in the service come in and chat. It doesn’t matter what branch or when served. We will welcome you with open arms. *Turn up your volume*You stay up for 16 hours.He stays up for days on end.You take a warm shower to help you wake up.He goes days or weeks without running water.You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you.He
Steve Bennett
Steve O
Welcome to my Fubar profile! I bet you would like to know a lil about me. Well i'm currently living in Cali. I've been living here for a yr & half. I can't wait to move back to Las Vegas. I am employeed & going to school. I have hazel eyes & shaved brown hair. I've been told that i'm a sweetheart,but i'm just myself. Love complimenting women. It's not just the beauty on the outside it's also inside. I think all women should be respected. Like to be romantic also, love cuddling, & relaxing. I enjoy coming online & meeting new ppl from other places. MySpace Comments Graphics Myspace Layouts Myspace Layouts
Steven Knox
Steve Burchett
Steve C
Steve Irwin
This profile is a dedication to Steve Irwin and his family. Plans are being made to make profiles for him in certain websites for fans to give a shout out, which will, if we recieve enough popularity, be passed onto his wife and children, so they will know personally just how much Steve was loved and adored by his fans. Can you do this for him CherryTap? Can we give him a farewell that will be remembered by this family as long as they live, and then some by those that we and they pass it along to? Can we give this loving and caring man one last goodbye?
Steven Jeffers
I'm a Junior at Indiana University, orginally from South Carolina. Just a good ole Southern Gent
Steven Ross
Hey there, not much to say about me. i'm crazy for my wife and kids. work a bunch, that's bout it...
Steven Springer
Steve Brown
Steve Lil Nevak
Steven Thoms
Steve Schaaf
I should put some thing here. I am a single dad that loves his kids and wouldn't have it any way else. and to all the men that have them and don't go see them or pay for them make me mad because of you I have hell to pay to beable to even keep what I have. I have had to pay out the nose to keep my son at 50/50. So dead bet dad get a life and show your kids some love.
Steve Bertholf
Steven Stewart
Steve Jordan
Steven Byrne
Steven Thrasher
Steve Frith
Steven Kroitzsh
Steven Sheppard
Steven Insane
Things about me... Hmmm..... I love art...Art has it's advantages these days and I like to capture new things from it as life goes on.... I love random drives somewhere at times... I'm more a planner most of the time.. Or usually that's what naturally happens... I'm aiming to go to school soon as soon as i take care of afew things...Music is defanlty a upper part of my life.... I've mainly lived in south central austin most of my life...I like to go out and check out whats new on occasions or either hangout with good friends and meet new people....I'm in a band called Alternate15 ( and Kraked Surface ( .I dig piercings and tats.... Which meens I have some of my own....I like to go out to check out bands aswell if it's something I could feel for... Ok well there's plenty more I havne't said.. I'd save it if you might want to know more.. Just drop a message if you like...
Steven Brown
Steven Shedrick
WELL I'M REALLY STRAGHT UP GUY , PLEASE KEEP YOUR GAMES TO YOURSELF . SMOOCHESS ask me if you want to know i'll be glad to tell you
Steve Rogers
Steve M
Steven Brown
Hello. Hey, thanks for stopping by. please allow me to introduce myself - My name is Steven but it's G.G. I'm known by And if only you knew me you'd understand why For it's real easy to see that I'm a Great Guy! And my other nickname known not to the public Used when in private in the heat of the moment Expressed by my side kick to please give her the HAMMERDICK!
Steve Balego
Steven Maynard
Steven Russell
Steve Smith
Steve Palermo
Steve Luffman
Hi, I Am the Harley doctor. I'm single,live alone and like it.I like to ride my bike when and where I want. I like fast bikes,fast cars,and pretty women! I like to listen to music,mostly blues and rock. I like to have fun so if you like what you see...drop me a line. Make your Comments HEARD using Custom Comments, Layouts & more †Dark Angel Designz † Courtesy of
I'm a guy who's well into thirty-something but still likes to sometimes think & act like a kid. I love art & music and continually get frustrated at my inability to sucessfully make either one myself. I have an obscure sense of humor that tends to get me in trouble. Along with my crappy day job, I also run a small business out of the home that doesn't make much money, but that I hope one day will. I love to read but never seem to find the time to do it. I tend to be a bit of a grammar lawyer. My hobbies tend to be a bit on the nerdy/geeky side, but not to the point where I fall into the stereotypical nerd with horn-rimmed glasses and a pocket protector category. TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Steve Birthday: That day a looong time ago Birthplace: Rockford, IL Current Location: Desk chair Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Height: 5'10" Right Handed or Left Handed: Right The Shoes You Wore Today: Sketchers Your Weakness: Kids Your F
Steven Lahey
Steven Phillips
Steven Draper
Steven Kagler
Steven Morrison
Steven Smith
Steven Trice
Steve Senecal
Steven Blakely
Steven Johnson
I hate talking about me because most people say that I'm too complex. I do not follow the leader or just do it because someone said so. I like women but I love Beautiful Bedroom Warriors. I like baseball,football,and nascar. My favorite actors are Eva Mendes,Angelina Jolie,Will Smith,and Bruce Willis.
Steven Garcia
Steven Christopher
Steve Thomas
Steven Velez
Steve Ison
Steve Classified
I am a trainer for a large trucking company. That means I take students right out of trucking school, and prepare them for a career in the business. Basically they drive my truck for a month, while I provide feedback, teach them certain things they didn't learn in school, and show them how to handle their paperwork. The hard part of this job is being out on the road for over a month at a time, but you get used to it. If you see me on the road sometime, be sure to wave. I will be the guy in the passenger seat, surfing CherryTap on his laptop. I was spending my time in the doldrums I was caught in a cauldron of hate I felt persecuted and paralyzed I thought that everything else would just wait While you are wasting your time on your enemies Engulfed in a fever of spite Beyond your tunnel vision reality fades Like shadows into the night To martyr yourself to caution Is not going to help at all Because there'll be no safety in numbers When the right one walks out of th
Steve & Terry
We're a Seattle couple looking for hot fun! He's straight, 5'8", trim, clean cut, 7"; She's Bi, 4'9", petite, very busty, shaved, & tight. We're both STD free, play safe & expect the same. We enjoy hot, kinky, sex and fun fantasy play. We're smokers, 420 friendly, & casual social drinkers. We're looking for LOCAL, 20's to 40's, frisky FEMALE for casual, fun, sexy hot times!
Steve Graham
Steven Reynolds
Steven Lopez
mary jane smokin weed, xbox 360, drinkin chillin, workin
Steve Main
Look at Profile and i'm 5'6 1/2, 160ish lbs..single and hating it.. I like Wrestling : SkW,WwE. Video Games : PS2, PS1 ,N64 , Gamecube, GBA sp. Basketball , Rollerblading , Computers : Chatting, Webcaming, Photo Editing. Cooking, Music & Movies ( Duh ) , Reading Harry Potter, Collect Dragon Stuff, etc Tv series : Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Monk, Dead Zone, Friends, Family Guy, American Dad, Unwrapped, History Channel, My Name is Earl, Scrubs, The Office, Drawn together, Mind of Mencia, Greys Anatomy etc Books : Harry Potter Series, Eragon, Eldest, Chronicles of Narnia Series, Stephen King, etc Movies : To much movies to think about but i love the Genres Action, Comedy, Anime, Fantasy, Scifi. my top 5 favorite movies at the moment = 1) Final Fantasy 7 : Advent Children, 2) Eragon, 3) The Protector, 4) Blade 3, 5) Serenity
Steven Gilland
Steve Stainberg
Steven Ledford
there is alot to tell so i'll try to be brief. i'm 28, married to the beautiful woman in the default pic and 2 wonderful, gorgeous, fun childern. i have many intrest including anything to do with final fantasy series (games, movies, animie, ect.)gaming in particular. i like almost every game. can't think of any that i don't. cant wait til i get one of the new systems. again a plug for my family i cant get over how much they mean to me. i love the panthers being from nc. we'll have our superbowl soon. i really enjoy golf also. of course as anyone i do have somewhat of a dark side( so to speak )but alot of that is private. Get More at Get More at
Steven Tullos
I am in my mid twenties! i am a bad ass musician. i have MANY tattooes, (there are a few photo's to show), i am from central california, and there i am a boss pimp and you're mom owes me hella money. hahhaa, i am fun, and hott and every chix fantasy will come true... (*wink*)
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Steven Vanleen
PROFILEFLIRTS.COM I'm Steve. I'm a real fun guy to hang out with. I have a great sense of humor, I'm usually the one telling all the funny jokes at parties. I like the geeky stuff, but am also very physically active. I've been training in mixed martial arts since I was 8 years old. I have a sister who is a year and a half younger than me, and a baby half-brother (who my mom asks me to babysit all the time). And my cat Galadriel, she has her own photo albulm because she is such a camera-whore. Galadriel is 18 years old (actual, not cat years), and I'm going to miss her very much when she's gone. I love music and movies of almost all types, and I read alot. Mostly science fiction and non-fiction. Some of my favorite authors are: Timothy Zahn, Michael Crichton, and Dan Simmons. Someday I'd like to write novels and other material as a fulltime job. And if I ever meet the right girl, start a family. I think I'll make a great father, mostly because my dad was an abusive
Steve Durbin
Broadcasting Live from shitty hole in the wall, 1 horse town Winchester, CA! Guitar collector and a player as hobby and maker of personal care products. I used live in Orange County but recently moved to Winchester and now am looking make new friends. Always up for adventure, road trips, traveling and experiancing new things. Life is short so live your life to the fullest! See much as you can see, do as much as you can do and enjoy the rest in peace. You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. Yo
if u want to know auto mechanics shop is open. if u need any work done hit me up an we can set a time an date. thanks for stopping bye and have a great day.
Steve Savage
Stevey Murray
Steven Rude
My interests vary with the day and mood.I love doing things spurr of the moment. I like sci fi and horror movies.
Steve Burk
Steve Bird
Steve R
Steven Sumner
Steve Crane
Steve Terry
Just like to have fun with life Going to football game,and sport venture.Clubin
I am a male model and will not display my good picture for the obvious reasons.I am 35 and looking for my lady love. Just moved to Georgia and know too few people. I am a native American. that is all you need to know. Afternoon sunshine, hope your day is a bright and happy one Steve """"Friendship . . . . . . is you. . . . is love. . . . is shared. . . . is forgiving. . . . is understanding. . . . is shared secrets. . . . heals many hurts. . . . is not judgmental. . . . is shared laughter. . . . is slow and steady. . . . can be angry at times. . . . is dependable and true. . . . is more precious than silver or gold. . . . is meant to be savored like fine wine. . . . is not perfect, much like we are not perfect. . . . does not hold grudges or demand perfection. . . . makes all the wrong things in life, right somehow. . . . is meant to be gulped like lemonade on a hot summer day. . . . is always there, through times of tria
Steven Greathouse
easygoing, shy at first, i get along with pretty much anyone...i'm currently a cook in the us navy...has it's ups and it's downs..but overall, it's not so bad. i'm originally from Iowa....since i been in the navy, i have had the opportunity to travel and have seen a good portion of asian countries and australia..if u like to know what place i have seen, just ask!! ...and i have one son with my ex gf, born july 10, 2006, have not seen him yet though, coz my ex live on the other side of the earth..and she did me wrong, TWICE!!! grr....but that's all behind me now, if there's more u want to know bout me, u know what to do. cooking, bicycling, movies, music, reading,....
um yeah i put this info under not the brightest crayon in the box but i am colorful!....oh and im in florida now...wooooooot! I grew up in im a sports junkie...not crack...but and college...go michigan state!...I love dogs...other peoples kids kids never married and not looking to get married lol. so yeah if ya wanna talk...bust my balls..or need bad advice...hit me up
Steve Tinney
Steven Mitchell
Steven Hicks
Steve Ask Later.
Hello everyone First of all my name is Steve, Iam a Firefighter with Imperial V.F.D. Iam a Junior at West Allegheny High School. I also Volunteer with The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services. Iam a Ham radio Operator, If there is anything else you would like to know fell free to ask.... God Bless Everyone.... src="" border="0" alt="myspace cursors" />Free MySpace CursorsGet More at COMMENTYOU.comGet More at COMMENTYOU.comGet More at COMMENTYOU.comGet More at ///
Steve Dunn
I am a 37 yr. old father of 3...I work at Kraftmaid and enjoy my job...I live in Niles with my wife whom i married in 1997...Life is good!!
Steve Dundalk
Steven Vodohosky
Steven Adamson
Steve Curl
Steve Montoya
um let's see!!! Uh Sexy clean cut Latino! Um let's do porn!!! body { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-image: url(""); background-position: center center; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } table, tr, td { background-color: transparent; border: 1px; } table table { border: 1px; } table table table table{ border: 1px; } table table table { border-width: 1px; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 246); border-style: dashed; background-color: transparent; } table table table td { background-color: transparent; filter:alpha(100); -moz-opacity:0.; opacity: 100; -khtml-opacity:0.; } table table table table td { filter:none; body, div, span, td, p, .orangetext15, .whitetext12, .lightbluetext8, strong, b, u, .redtext, .redbtext, .btext, .text, .nametext, .blacktext10, .blacktext12 { font-family: Verdana; font-siz
Steve Gaynor
Steve C
I just moved to Cali from florida, looking for a girl who would like to play grown up games...
Steve Boufford
CHilllin At the BEacH Club ; I live on the western part of south shore long island...The 5 towns...Basically its all about gettin it poppin all day everyday , livin life;MX!!! Chillin IN fAr ROcKAWay MaKIN $$$ & Burin' El-ePhants ...You can find me workin in NYC.. LOOKING FOR SOMEONE FUN TO HANG WITH... ;) Drinking, SMoking Weed and all types of Ill SHit- Loc Dawg .......MX-DIRTBIKING ..SEE ME ON THE TRACK ROCKIN THE HONDA CRF250X; whippin it'....... Drinking., goinG to SHOws...WHatever
Steve Hale
Steve Fleischman
Well I'm 19, I live in Toledo, Ohio, used to live in a little town called Whiteford in Michigan, and I was born in a small town in Germany. Currently I deliver flowers in Holland, Perrysburg, Delta, Maumee, and places in those areas in Ohio, So if you live in any of those areas order flowers for delivery on a monday and it will be me on your front porch:) Music, Sculpture, the arts, smoking tobbacco and anything else that burns, and Shamanism.
I like to listen to music everyday and chill with my wife and smoke alot and drink alot i am a juggalo and my wife is a juggalette and i love her to death i will do anything for her and she knows it mmfwcl
I hate talking about me ...but I'm quiet most of the time.Not a big drinker but do.I love my coffee , my friends,and my family.Been tattooing since 1991.Watch some T.V. mostly movie and C.S.I. I'm not heavily tattoo, only have a few big one but one day hopefully to have just one big one .."Quotes' " May the best of your past be the worse of your future""
Gypsy-Agent-69 Says... Hello My Name Is Steve. And it really is such a honor to meet you. I am a Romanian Gypsy & Part Greek.. I have black hair & blue eyes. Right now I am single and looking. I work for Microsoft Computers. Microsoft gave me the name Gypsy_Agent. Because I am in the Security Department.. What I'm Into I Like Computers Cars Sports. Dancing Music. Fine Food. Also wine tasting. White Zinfandel is my favorite wine. OK To tell you the truth it gets me horny LoL. My Dreams To meet a real nice down to earth women. Who is not into playing games and likes to laugh and have fun. The KEY-WORLD HERE IS Fun ! It's good to be serious when it calls for it. Also I am attracted to being in good shape women who has a fun and open personalty.. A women to me with a personalty can go a long way in life. Think about this when your looks runs out what do you have left ?. Dancing,Working Out When I can find the time.. Computers As I do so much work on them.. Getting to know people
Steve Oaks
Steven Valandra
Stevie Thomas
Steven Vete
Steve Cleary
hi everyone my name is steve&im from australia,i have 3 children,all boys blake,job&callum,i used to coach&play professional tennis,anyway ill add more later,have a excellent day all...steve :)
Steve Crelly
Steve Dewitt
BODY { scrollbar-3dlight-color:000000; scrollbar-shadow-color:000000; scrollbar-face-color:000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:ffffff; scrollbar-track-color:000000; scrollbar-arrow-color:00cf00; scrollbar-high
Steven Unknown
Steve Lewis Jr
Steve Wade
Steve F
NOT GOT A CLUE WHAT IM DOIN!!!! LOL I play guitar & am a singer/songwriter. love rock music, acoustic, soul allsorts really. Love football, Liverpool fc fan. SAY HI IF U STOP BY
Just moved to St. Louis for a new career path. So far loving it but haven't had a whole lot of time to see the city as I have been traveling (for pleasure for once!) So if you know of any cool shit to do in St. Louis let me know!!
Steven Forget U
Steve Trobaugh
I am not a virgin..are you???looking for photo exchange..with older women who are not not im too old to be shy are you..if not e-mail me at and lets enjoy each other...or just say hi.... I like nude women who are not shy...Older women who know how to talk and show a older man love..
Steven Peterslie
Steve Stiffler
Steven Heft
It's my birthday this weekend, and I'm away in VA. Normally I reside in Hoboken, but I had to see about a girl. I like meeting new people, and expanding my social circles. I've got tons of friends all over the country, and I escape to see them whenever possible. I just got a new job, and things have been going really well for me. Help keep the streak alive... message me. Drinking, Wandering Manhattan, Music, Movies, Photography, Running, Traveling, Eating, Outdoor Activities, Soccer, Football, Mid-Afternoon Naps, Meeting New People
Steve Brown
Steve Van Note
Steve Bardos
Steve Nope
About Me if u want to get to know me then get ahold of me either by b-mail, e-mail, at and u can ask anything u want i will answer anything that u ask so get ahold of me and get to know me im looking for a friend or long term-relationship oh FYI my cell is 708-699-3691 hit me up if you like to talk! Who Im Looking For ok who knows truely what there looking for? i know what i like and what i dont and then im still trying to figure that out too what i do know is that im ready to settle down and im looking for someone with that goal in mind (not rushed of course) i do eventualy want kids hopefully 2 girls ya i know um....i like cuddling so someone that likes to cuddle and watch movies (home or theater) i am not a virgin but i dont NEED SEX! i can go the rest of my life without it im not really looking for someone that does any heavy drugs if you smoke pot thats fine anything else then FIND SOMEONE ELSE! im a little shy so i like it when a girl can make an aproa
Steven Dopson yahoo- dopson09 msn- aol- stevendopson007 email-
Steve Miller
Old cars, strip clubs and pleasing Dom women any way they want.
Steven Watt
hey every one!! what can i say,i love meeting new pepole,going out clubing i love my music like!! and just having a good time lifes to short so just have fun. if u want to no more leav me a comment or add me. all welcome.
Steve Preheim
Get More at
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Steven Edge
Steven Pedraza
Steve Johnston
Steve Joy
SUP!!! im a very horny person!! i love horny chicks, sex, party, cruise, weed, phone sex, masturbation, porn, bondage, kinky, rough sex, i love having sex esp when its hot, wet, rough, kinky, dirty, some bondage, long, sweet, steamy, crazy, 3somes, alota chcks, makin porn vids, and so on if your intersted in having phone sex hit me up on aim stevenyounme or on yahoo imaaronjoy, hope to cum with you sexy chicks soon!!! SUP!!! im a very horny person!! i love horny chicks, sex, party, cruise, weed, phone sex, masturbation, porn, bondage, kinky, rough sex, i love having sex esp when its hot, wet, rough, kinky, dirty, some bondage, long, sweet, steamy, crazy, 3somes, alota chcks, makin porn vids, and so on if your intersted in having phone sex hit me up on aim stevenyounme or on yahoo imaaronjoy, hope to cum with you sexy chicks soon!!!
Steve Adams
Back dating after a 16 year absence..givin this a try as I have never internet dated before. I am a professional man, well respected and liked...the type there's always people around. I'm courteous, outgoing and warm with a great heart. I like to treat my lady very well, making her feel special and being gentlemanly. But it won't be dull because there is ALSO a bad boy in there, playing on the edge, stretching limits and living life to the fullest. Interesting combo IMO, best of both worlds. I love to have deep conversations, something interesting and stimulating. Sarcassism is awesome, love a woman with a sharp witt as she'll keep me mentally stimulated. It also means she's smart which I am very attracted to since that tells me I now have a woman of good intelligence that I can talk to, and vice versa. However we all have various things unique and interesting about us, so everyone can contibute in some way, making us all equals. Lets hear from YOU! When it pertains to appear
Steve S
Steve Floyd
Steven Burchett
Steve Johns
Steven Dodd
38, 5 11 218 lbs, blue eyes goattee
Steven Gilbert
Well theres not much about me. I just recently got a divorce. I have a 2 year old little girl named Summer Kay and I work alot.
Steven Rivera
Steven Peace
Lets see...i like drinking pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. Im not into yoga, i have half a brain. i like making love at midnight...wait...sorry...*gets up and turns off the radio* where was I? Hmmm...well...i just started college...well started about 5 months ago. Im actually going to be a male nurse jokes please >.>. I guess you can say im here for friends...or because of a friend :/ either way...if you want to know anything else i guess you'll just hafta get to know me. And btw, giving out friendship to anyone asking. But i warn you, dont expect anything amazing from my profile. Just someone thats always willing to talk and listen :P Oh yeah, and due to a really complicated thing involving the comps i cant promise any real pics of me, but i should be able to upload some of my friends so you'll know what kinda peeps i hang out with, and that im not some middle aged crazy pervy guy :D
Take the Superhero Quiz at Quiz!Free MySpace Quizzes & Online Quizes.
Steve Elrod
Well, I'm here to please, whatever you like I like whatever you want me to do, I'll do, as long as it pleases can reach me in yahoo messenger at blue_devil_steve or MSN as blue_devil_elrod, or I like all types of woman and I feel beauty doesn't just come in a size 5..I love the touch of a woman, and I love just being with please contact me and we will have fun..
Steven D
My name is steven and im quiet a amazing person if you get to know me more.So i go to this school name glen burnie high ya sounds lame does it? well it is haha.I can be very quiet or very hyper depends on what i eat if i eat sugar im hyper if i eat something else then im quiet.Music is my life i listin to most of the stuff very little rap.My faverite band is bullet for my valentine there the best band ever to me i even have there freaking poster on my wall and i have there cds so ya im a big fan i also know all there real names so stfu for the people that think im a poser.Im also a juggalo for life so if you dont like juggalos well then i dont care you wont like me.I dont like myspace that much its gay i like other stuff vampire freaks and skem9 those are the best sites for me i only got a myspace because i want to show off my work.Oh ya im a graphic designer i make my own images and layouts for any of the websites i use like skem9 for example i mostly make layouts of skem9 now theses
Steve Suarez
Steve Annis
Hi I'm a geniune single guy looking to meet & chat with new people
Steven Frazier
Steven Walke
I know looking at mine is pretty boring. Which I am,ha. Generally I'm like most people as far as I'm concerned. I like reading, movies(theater and dvds), going to downtown seattle and wandering. Hmmmm...Not much else is coming to mind. Feel free to ask anything else though.
Steve Epler
Steven Tyndall
Steven Healy
Steven Walley
Steven Whitehead
Steve ?
Get this layout or more 1996 nissan maxima MySpace Layouts.
Steve Stocks
Steve & Whitney B
" target=_blank>
Steven Farnham
Steve Byers
Hi my name is Steve. I am 34 i and am currently studying Real Estate and Development at university. I am a kind and caring man who is gentle but with a naughty mind and am looking for sexy girls who wants to have a very sexy time talking with me about how wet we are going to make your pussy and make your hot body feel really pleasured through our conversation together where we tell each other lots of nice but naughty things we'd like to do with each other. If you are a sexy girl and would like some naughty chat then just get in touch. i can assure you that i am only here to please you, make you happy and make you feel very sexy with gentle but naughty words. Please note that a photo is a must as i dont like talking to a blank screen! You can instant message me on Bye for now Steve x
im a guitarist in a band called against the cross,im an tattoo artist,i ride dirtbikes,and im a juggalo.i like to have a good time and get fun so im told and people never forget me.if ou wanna know more just ask tattooing,art,my dirtbike,my guitars,horror,cherry pie,the carnival,concerts,im a crazy fucka ill do anything to prove to myself i can dimebag without you none of my inspiration would matter and j and shaggy for bringing me to the carnival big money hustlas,scarface,texas chainsaw massacre,boondox saints,clockwork orange,i love goory horror movies
This is what I do when Im bored....
Steve Mcenaney
Steve Templeton
Steven Graves
What to say im 18 very up for kickin it with new people love to party haha who dosent tho i live milwaukee WI. I work at blockbuster ewwwww but it gets me by.Im all around a chill person so if u wanna kick it or some shit hit me up peace
Steve Smith
Steven Dowdy
And, believe it or not ... I apparently have a sexual IQ of 149 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Steve Casson
Steve Deaton
Steve Reeder
I love a lot of things. I like hangin with friends, partying, poker, sports! Love going to as many pro. and college games as possible a year! Love hanging out with sexy ladies that know how to have a good time and aint afraid to get wild! You wanna know anything else just ask!
hi there, just came on board. well i live in the country, had horses. want a female to hang with, kiss, and do all that other crazy stuff....... i can promise smiles, laughs, and fun. what else is there? oh hell, let's go lingerie shopping. i love that sh!t! them high heels, and stocking too. thigh highs make me weak! i like a woman to look like a woman, be playful, devilish smiles, sexy eyes, big hair, and big boo....oops, got carried away there....ummm ok ok, back to my i own 2 harleys, a lifted deisel dually, and a peterbilt. yep, i run them 18 wheels to pay my bills. "life's too short to drive ugly trucks" i fabricate most of my trick stuff for my bikes, trucks, rig. weld, paint, fix. and then do lawn mowers on the side. if ya think you like to get to know me, write me! and send along a pic of your tool box, trucks, and leatehrs, LOL. "oh yeah, i beat that gator too" "and later on, for dinner i had gator, down in florida" u wanna wrestle next? lo
Steven Prince
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m I GUESS I JUST HAVE THINGS ON MY MIND HA HA Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Steve J
Steve Tyler
Steve Richards
Not much to say here, just a normal guy....but what is normal anyway. I listen to all sorts of metal and rock. My favorite movie is fight club. I work as an installer, putting in car stereos, systems, etc. I don't know what else to say about myself, if people like me, cool; if not, later! Lets see......hanging out, drinkin, smokin, tv, movies, music, cars, my truck, pool, bowling, and pondering the meaning of my existence.
Steve Gratiot
Steven Jones
Steve Barry
Steve Cramer
skate boarding,music,zombie flicks,satanism,haterd for the white devil,and advanced hatred for the white devil
Steven Holt
Steve Oute
im a stand up type of guy and down to 5'11 about 185lbs short hair light brown skin and wavy a funny guy i like to crack shy at 1st but after i warm up to a person im jus fine. i like to jus chill at home and look at movies.i like to play basketball and im a bit of a comedian i like to make ppl laff.
Steve Martin
About me? Well for starters I am a divorced father of an 11 year old boy named Derek, I have custody. I am also the Drummer in two metal bands...Defile and West Wall, and I love it! The best Hobby in the universe(hopefully "career" soon) I am The lead printer/supervisor for a major, point of purchase printed media company in Minneapolis. I also coach 12 and under baseball and we are 2 and 0 with one rain out. I am so proud of our team. When I can I love to go out and meet new people(women mostly) and party till dawn...orwhaen ever tey kick us out. I am also continuing to search for that "one" woman that can complete the relationship puzzle so to speak. The pool is thinning out if you know what I mean. I love to have fun by goin' to movies, garage sales kick ass...mmm let's see...and playin' shows with one of my two bands.
Steve Freeman
I am a 38yr old Mexican/Irish male. I am single,never married,and no kids. I have lived in Israel,Oregon,Cali,and Az. I am looking for friends first,then see what happens.I value trust,honesty,and communication above all. I don't play games,and I expect the same in return. I like to go to concerts,listen to music,cook,watch some tele,go to the casinos,travel,play pool.
Steven Mossburg
Here for Friends,other than that it is up to the moon and the stars.
Steve Bowen
well I don't know what to say except that I'm single never married and no kids. It's not that I wouldn't do the family thing but I want to make sure that I have the right one.
Steven Pinheiro
Steve & Cathy Chambers
Steven Dunn
Steven Payton
Steven None Ya
Im just your average schmoe, works for a living, pays bills and likes to have a few cold ones every now and then. Im no one special but a good guy, someone you might wanna know. I like having fun, cartoons, laugh at dirty jokes and try not to to let the day to day bullshit get me down. reading, writing, drawing, watching tv--that includes cartoons--hanging with friends and family, listening to music, watching movies, knocking back a few cold ones when the mood hits, messing around sure theres more, but im too tired to think that much.
Steve Walker
I've got redish-blonde hair,bluish green eyes,6'1,230 lbs love to work out on a daily basis,nice squeezable ass,tounge ring,tattoo.I'm a funny,sweet,romantic,loving,caring guy.I also study and read books on wicca and herbs.I love anything that is to do with wicca,dragons,indians and wolves,irish.I'm a seperated 31 yr old male,I have a 2 yr old son,I love to cook,clean,do laundry.I don't smoke,do drugs,and socially drink (SMIRNOFF,WINE,MICKEYS,O'DOULS).
Steven Ask Me
Take the What Drink are You Quiz - What Kind of Drink are You? at!Make Your Own QuizI changed my font at
Steven Mathias
well im steven from largo fl...i'm 5'6 225 pounds i have brown hair brown eyes and currently looking for someone within the largo area i'm just here 2 make a kick ass page and meet new kool people. if thats you then please send me a friend add.Myspace tweaks at I'm not goin 2 lie i'm a huge gaming fanatic i play resident evil games a lot mortal kombat u name it chance are i played it i like goin 2 the beach i like sports/Basketball um i do watch cartoons but the only one's i like are dbz/dbgt,Futerama,Family guy and south park anything else u wanna kno?feel free 2 hit me up.MySpace Text | MySpace Tweaks I like Child's play 1,Child's play 2,Child's play 3,Child's play 4-Bride of chucky,Child's play 5 Seed of chucky,Baseketball,Killer klowns,The fast and the furious,Get shorty/Be cool,Pirates of the carribean,Pirates of the carribean 2, pirates of the carribean 3-At world's end,Baseketball - Trey Parker SongAdd to My Profile | More Videos
38 years old happaly married father of 2 truck driver for past 16 years
Steve Christopher
What's up everyone? I'm Steve, Stesus Christ is just one of my nicknames ^_^ Why? Because I'm a miracle worker, like Jesus Christ ;] lol I use myspace more often than CherryTAP, so if you'd prefer to contact me there, just ask for the URL n_~ Yes, my pictures are really me, I haven't done a Salute yet but I'll get around to it soon. I'm pretty chilled out, very easy to talk to, so don't hesitate to say what's on your mind. Au revoir à tous!
Steven T
35 years old. Divorced 9 years.. 6'2" tall blue eyes 230 Lbs. just looking to meet new people.. not much to talk about.. Aviation,Composites
I am new looking for friends add me !!!!!!!! I enjoy cooking and spending days partying at the beach. Also love those quiet moments :cuddling,romantic walks
Steven Bell
easy going...good sense of to play practical jokes...spontaneous...
Steve C
Steve Gibson
Im Steve Gibson, Im from Fairborn, Ohio, I play football at Urbana University in Urbana Ohio...Im a big country boy, own horses, love country music, goin out and havin a good time...Im a real easy goin guy...thats about it i guess...wana know anything else just ask or IM me my aim is SRG59...i also have myspace its
Stevne Lewis
Steve Oestman
My name is Steve,I'm 28yrs old,I'm 5'11' and 175lbs. I grew up in Detroit for 17 years of my life, but now reside in Fraser,but don't get me wrong, I still represent the "D" though. I'm a laid back kinda guy, who just likes to have fun and live life to the fullest. If your cool with me, I'll be cool with you. If you want to know more just ask me. I enjoy watching and playing sports. My favorite teams are: Detroit PistonsDetroit TigersDetroit Red WingsDetroit Lions Michigan Wolverines I enjoy Shooting Pool, Shooting Darts, Working Out, Horseshoes,Going Out Clubbin, Playing Video Games, Going Camping, Going To The Beach like action,drama,comedy, and yes, even some romnance movies. Some of my favorite movies are: Heat The Deer HunterFriday The 13th Movies Halloween Movies Nightmare On Elm Street Movies
Steven Taylor
I'm a police officer and love my job. I used to be a firefighter but the pay wasn't so good. I love to be at the lake wakeboarding or just getting tossed. I just wanna have a good time. I will watch just about anything. I really like comedy movies. My favorite is Billy Madison.
Steve Add Glitter to your Photos I work and I play hard
Steve Refdfern
I like to do a lot of different things. Read, draw, play video games, collect comics, go swimming in either a lake or a pool (not to fond of the ocean), ride horses, go mudding on a four wheeler. I like to hang out with my friends and watch movies, go hiking, travel across the country.I like visiting old homes and seeing a piece of history, going to the zoo or aquariums in that area I'm in. I wouldn't mind going to visit old battlefields and exploring them. I'm into ghosts, so I like to go on ghost tours and visit haunted houses... one of the most famous haunted houses I've been to is the Winchester House in San Jose, California.
Steve Brown
NASCAR, Football, Baseball, Pool, Fantasy Sports, MILF Lover.
Steven Pitcher
about me i am married to the best lounge owner djsoundgirl u gave up on fubar and i took over her site and the only thing she is right about are the crybaby crap!!!!!!!!!!! i like 2 watch wwe raw smack down tna and ecw..i also like 2 chill with my kids and hang with family and friends.
Steven Rabbit
Steve Styers
I am a little wild, a little fun lovin and always up for a party...i love to drink and i am the hurricane man...yeehaw! THE HURRICANE MAN
Steve Smith
Steve Acuff
Steve Williams
Steven Chandler
Steven Garrone
old electronics flea markets the mall the movies old cars the 80s
Steve Murphy
Steven Garza
Steve Zellman
Steven Richardson
I'm Steve, I'm 32 and single and loving it! I've lived in Tennessee for about 4 years now, moved here from Kentucky to start a fresh page in my life and I don't regret it one bit, then again I really don't regret anything because what's in the past is in the past and it's made me what I am today. I've been known to be pretty blunt at times and I often offend people without knowing it. So if I offend you just ask me to put in a different way so you can understand me clearly. I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Ammendment (right to bear arms)so if you don't like guns, we won't get along! I have several tattoos and would love to get more. Most people often judge me just from my tats but if you would just take a second to get to know me, I would change that impression of me pretty quick. I'm a passionate person when it comes to what I believe in whether it be about gun rights, politics or just life in general. I try to live a simple life and I don't do drama! getting tattoos, paintball, music
Steve Greene
Steven Johnson
well im not one for describing my self i mean im a guy im white no spanish.....well wt i memorized from songs lol im about 5'6. Im a sweet heart, dont buy it. try me. I love my girl, yes im taken sorry if that spoils anyones plans. i love to draw my drawings will be up soon, let me know what u think. Im not ur typical guy, and im not ur typical white boi either, im a redneck ghetto pookie head rocker white boi, gotta problem wit dat bite me. i dress to wats comfy at the time. i got semi long blue black hair. iu love skating and walking through wind and rain i love winter. I hate florida (sorry everyone this place sucks lol)Im very into anime, i even have pics of me as an anime character(no not many of the pics are the same guy too bad) I photoshopped the pics myself. any other questions just ask. (IF I RATE U AND U DON'T LIKE IT IM SORRY. EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN TASTE, IM NO DIFFERENT. I APOLOGIZE IF IT OFFENDS YOU. NOT YELLIN JUST TRYIN TO MAKE A POINT. NEVER MEANT TO OFFEND ANYONE
Steve Ask
Steve Roger
Steven Lamb
Steven Eanes
Steve Smith
Hello I am Steve! I am divorced! 6'3" tall, red hair and brown eyes! I have 4 kids! My Oldest Has Autism! Thank you Mrs.Babycakes For the link to join! You are a wonderful sister! well im looking for that right girl. some one that can make me happey .
Steven Martin
Were a Clean couple looking to play with another Lady in the Grand Rapids area.No BBW or nasty girls...We want clean sexy ladies.....She's 43 and sexy,I'm 45 and average. She's never been with a lady,but is very very interested. If your serious and want to talk leave us a message. If you want to play a game than move on.Thanks ladies...Men if you try to send us a message you WILL be deleted.
Steve Baker
Steven Tinker
- Steven's Sexy Acronym - Sis for...SensualTis for...TumescentEis for...EnticingVis for...VoraciousEis for...EnchantingNis for...Nice The Sexy Acronym Generator at
Steve Thomas
Steve Emick
Steve Waddell
i am owned by misstress bifem angel
I am a ER/Trauma RN in a Chicago area ER/Trauma center. I would eventually love to become a flight RN. I am divorced and have great children who mean the world to Me and I love very much. I am looking for people to talk with, to hang out with, and whatever else might come along. I like to talk, I am very outgoing anf funny. My humor is off colored as it needs to be in a trauma/er setting, and usually sarcastic. I am very confident I like to take charge, but am the first too and not afraid to laff at Myself as well. I like to listen and am loyal and compassionate as well. If ya like what ya have read please leave Me a note and I will be glad to get back to you. music, movies either at the show, or at home, reading, dinner and drinks with friends, quiet nights and also loud pary nights *s*
Asian Persuasion
I am just a guy who spends a little time fucking around on this site. I don't think anyone actually reads this shit anyways. If you care to get to know me then message me and ask me some questions, otherwise just go about your points-whoring and have a nice life! For those that made it this far, I will give up a little tidbit about myself. I am here to find friends, guys or girls. Love to have good conversation or mindless, funny prattle. I am here to make new friends and meet people. I actually have respect for people and their feelings and I read profiles and respect others. If you are looking to just have a friend to laugh with and discuss serious shit or if you need a good dose of sarcasm then hit me up, otherwise just rate some of my pics and move on. I like a little bit of everything. Too many to list. They include: Horror movies, comedies, military flicks, boomerang. Football, hockey, muscle cars, animals.
Steve Keeling
I am married with a beautiful 9 yr. old princess (Lynda Diane) I love my family very much My wife is Fubar's "Stormy Angel" and you ought to check her out and show her some luv I work construction 6 days a week and luv it Always looking to make new friends and even a few fans, but if not - its all good MUCH LOVE TO MY GANGSTAS When Im not working, I spend my time with my family and show luv to all my gangstas I drink and luv to smoke cause I always live life like it is my final days LIFE IS SHORT, SO ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve M
Steven Best
Steve Facemire
Steve P
Steven Poplaski
Im 25, I work full time and go to school full time as well... Im a down to earth guy who is and has been single for a while.... Though Im not here for a pick up, if a gal wants to talk and go from there feel free to hit me up, dont be shy I promise I wont bite... Other than that Well ask me to see.. Keep Smilin Yall... WOMEN! what Hetro guy isnt? Computers (how else would I be here?), (yes Im a smartass), and all sorts of other goodies that you will have to ask me about if you really want to know...
Steven Jackson
Steve Bailey
i play semi pro football after work if i got time installing rain gutters for my dads company love sports movies music running shopping animals and more never been married no kids but love kids love making friends helping others seeking a single white,latino,pacific islander, indian, 19-30 thats slender loves the gym alots is a hottie or looks good has a very hot body and all over pretty face sexy smile sexy legs loves tanning too will not cheat knows how to treat a man right always thats faithful honest sweet caring loving more great personality sense of humor likes rock rap and dance 80s and 90s music and all but i perfer to find miss right and real true friends too 18-30s only
Steve Frazier
Steve Madl
Ok let me start by saying that yes ladies I am a Perv , Dirty old man what ever you want to call me but don't judge me on that alone.I am also brutally honest to a fault,but I am also very respectful. I do not make vulgar comments to or about women.I was raised by my mother who taught me and I truely believe that the female body is a work of art to be honored, admired, and cherished as it should be.When i am in bed with a woman my sole objective is her pleasure not my own .I believe that if more men felt this way there would be at least a little less divorce in the world, which probably sounds funny comming from a man who is divorced, but she couldn't relize that I was not like every man who had treated her badly, so that she couldn't see me for what I really am. I as many of you have been used , lied to, cheated on , abused and more or less treated like shit, but life goes on !!! I still believe that there is a soul-mate out there somewhere for me I just hope I can find her before I a
Get more @
SHORT STORY dirty old married man. but i do shower regular honest!!
Hi, welcome and thanks for stopping by, I am single and have many interest not on the list to choose from, like most normal sports, reading , biking and these mundane things. Have a heart and click that 10 button over there before you leave. Have a nice day!
Steven Landrith
Steven Jones
Steven Adams
Steven Parrott
Stevi Mcginlay
Steve Hess
I am easy going love to have fun ie: camping fishing hunting. I like racing, bowling and all around just have fun...Ladies i am seperated will be divorced soon!
Steve Duncan
I am a 37yr old straight male looking for friends and more, if that is what they want. I like straight and bi-sexual women, full figured is great. if you like what you see and what you read give me a shout and lets chat to get to know eachother! Bye for now Ladies!Muah!!
Steve Lewis
Steve Moen - CherryTap Layouts I am a 24 year old father of 2 boy and they are the loves of my life. I am single and always looking for new friends to hang out with. I enjoy going to concerts though i havnt got to go to one in a while. i drive derby cars in the summer cause whats funner than legaly wrecking a car. In the winter I snowboard every chance i get. I love the out doors and anything with a motor.Anything else you want to know just ask.
Steve Wright
Im a bit of a nerd but meh oh well. Anyway im into WRC, Vid games, Street racing, Working on cars with the peeps, and of course just hanging out and getting drunk. but i really dislike NASCAR
Steve L
Sexy Comments Galore! show me yours, i'll show you mine.
Steve Hannen
If there is anything else you'd like to know just ask me. I love hiking, camping, offroading, fishing is what i do most, play pool, drinking every once in awhile with friends, love nascar, riding motorcycles, working on cars, and going for pointless drives just for the fun of it.
Steve Hess
Steve Jackson
Steve Hartranft
Steven Adams
Steve Smith
Steven Ramirez
Steven Carlson
Steve Haymire
42 year old male. Canadian, living in Ohio, USA. I love it here. Co-owner of Destiny Travel, an online travel business similar to Travelocity, without the big advertizing budget. We work on word of mouth and PAYING for referrals. check us out at
Steve Kinney
Steve Medley
Steve James
Steven Clark
since i'm not usually one for talking about myself, anyone who would like to know about me, can ask some questions. - Fubar Skin Generator Get Skins You have a sexual IQ of 120When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
i like to have fun.. not so big on the bar scene right now but i never really have been.. i like working at the bars because then im getting paid to party and have a good time pretty much.. but that is just a bonus job to have while im single..i dont NEED the $$ per say. its just for fun.. right now im a student i goto ITT tech for CADD Engineering. i have just over a year or so left to get my degree. I work at a company that makes marble and granite countertops, im a CADD engineer there but dont make the $$ i SHOULD be making since i dont have a degree yet.. but i keep my eyes open for better opportunites. im a father to a 1yr old boy and im in the middle of a seperation/divorce.... im divorcing her because i found out a BUCH of crap that she lied to me about and its like EVERYTHING she has said to me is a lie. and now i cant trust her and i have no respect for her either because she also kissed another man while she was at a party and that is cheating to me.. so no trust or respec
Steve My name is Steve, and I own my own website business in Lakeland FL, anything you want to know about me send the questions to me. The link to my first website that I am trying to get more people on is above so go check it out and let me know what you think. If you want to chat my screen name on yahoo,aol and myspace is Dragon51481

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