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standing people

STANDING PEOPLE (TREES) And Their ASSOCIATIONS WITH THE MEDICINE WHEEL You have probably all at one time or another connected with the medicine of the standing people. They are the great healers in the Plant Kingdom. They take the breath we give out and convert it into life giving oxygen. We could say they are therefore the great givers and receivers among all our relations. Throughout the world native people invite the tree people into all their rituals and ceremonies. In our European culture and heritage trees played an important part in the yearly festivals and in everyday daily life. In shamanic work they are also an important ally. In my observation certain trees in this country blend intuitively to the Sacred Four directions of the Medicine Wheel. Look at a tree in its full splendour and you will see the faces of the ancestors looking back at you. Why? You may ask. The roots of trees pull minerals from those who have passed this way before. Sit by a tree and listen, look and wait and in the silence and you will hear the rustling and creaking of spirit voiced singing to you. THE EAST ROWAN-- Birth and Enlivening. The rowan is a tree of the spring and autumn, which is linked to the sun and Fire. It can be found around many sacred sites and energy and Ley lines. Our ancestors often planted Rowans at sacred site locations. If you come across a grove of Rowan, often you will be close to an energy spot. Rowan is often called Quickbeam. Its magic is of the highest and purest. She helps heal psychic powers where they are unbalanced and is said to be the bringer of success. As the east is associated with spirit, when we link with spirit we tend to always look skyward. Rowan protects us against excessive enchantment and reminds us of our earthly connection. Healing Qualities Rowan has been used for generations as an astringent and antibiotic. Through the visual senses it is said to heal the spirit. In meditation it is said that sitting by a Rowan, (especially in a grove of rowan, and when flowering or at fruiting times), lifts the emotions and allows the mind and body space to relax and let go of stress and tension. After visiting a rowan one can ask permission of the tree if one can take a twig away with you to sustain these relaxing qualities. The Bark can be used as a decoction to relieve diarrhoea. The berries are poisonous to children, so should not be taken internally. That said they were used as a gargle sore throats and inflamed tonsils. ASH--Rebirth, healing, and The Sea. The medicine of the Ash helps us link with the inner and outer worlds. She is a great supporter in relationships and has been called "The marriage bed of opposites". She can help one release ones fears of being dominated and overpowered in any marriage and relationship. Encouraging one to give freely and unconditionally of ones love and enjoy the freedom of doing so. The ash has been called the tree of the Aquarian Age, of clear thinking, enlightenment, and water (especially the Seas). Although Ash is connected to the Sun she is strongly connected with the free flowing qualities of water. Healing Qualities. With the ash being associated with birth and new life in ancient times it was believed to help heal children. One story goes that children were passed through a split in the tree's trunk in order to cure rupture, hernias, rickets, warts and similar afflictions. From early times the action of crawling or passing through 'openings' in the natural world, whether in stone, earth, trees, water or vegetation., conveyed the action of rebirth in the minds of the people, or passing from one dimension to another. SILVER BIRCH--The Family. The beauty of the Silver Birch heralds new beginnings and shows us how to value all new life entering the family circle. Her medicine helps draw the family together, letting all members fell safe and secure and bringing them closer together. It is said her elemental spirit is a young goddess. She is a powerful healer, especially of the Spirit when it feels stuck and lacking inspiration. The planet Venus rules Silver Birch. Silver Birch has many medicinal properties. A tea made from birch leaves is good for skin conditions, rheumatism, arthritis, kidney, bladder, and digestive problems. Birch is said to help us connect with ancient wisdom. It opens up all energies so they flow well. It helps us to connect with the powers of above and below. Healing Qualities Water collected from the birch tree is called 'birch blood' as well as 'birch water'. In some parts of Europe people still lay in a supply in spring before the trees leaf. They bore a small hole in the tree's trunk and insert a straw. The rising saps of spring drips through the straw and is collected in a vessel. It is only done for a couple of days only, so as not to exhaust the tree. Adding cloves and a little cinnamon helps preserve it. The 'water' is said to aid in preventing kidney and bladder stones. It is said to aid in treating rheumatism and as a cleansing mouthwash. It is said to aid in clearing spots, fading freckles, clear scurf and heal acne. THE SOUTH APPLE--Destiny. The planet Venus rules the apple tree. She reminds us that our destiny is based on having a solid foundation. She gives to us the flowing properties of water, aiding us in poetic writing. Apple Orchard are said to be magical places and are said to help us gain trust in our intuition and to open ourselves up to the universe. In Celtic times apples were considered the food of the gods, and by tradition apples have been wassailed over the centuries by druids and country people to ensure good crops. Wassailing is a seasonal ceremony in which blessings, offerings, and prayers are said to the trees. To encourage them to fruition in the coming months a toast is drunk to the spirit of the tree that inhabits it, or the spirits that reside in a grove, or orchard. When honouring the apple generous portions of cider were poured into the roots as well as being consumed by all. An old Druid rhyme goes; Here's to thee, old apple tree, Whence thou may'st bud, and when thou may'st blow. Hats full, caps full. Bushel-bushel bags full, And my pockets full! Hoorah. Healing Qualities We have all heard the old saying ' An apple a day, keeps the doctor at bay'. The mere presence of apples heals our spirit, and the trust our ancestors placed upon them is being realised more and more today. Apples are full of strong therapeutic agents: sugars, amino acids, vitamins, malic and tartaric acids, pectin and numerous mineral salts. The list is long for their therapeutic qualities, not only in their raw fruit state but the juice, the vinegar, and of course cider. Apples are said to aid in infections of the intestine, constipation, mental and physical overstrain, fatigue, hypertension, rheumatism, arthritis, gout anaemia, bronchial diseases, urine retention, demineralisation, gastric and kidney conditions, hoarseness, coughs and excess cholesterol in the blood. It is eating a raw apple slowly in the morning is a wonderful cure for morning sickness when pregnant. These are but a few of the benefits the apple tree brings to us, no wonder it was so revered by our ancestors. OAK-- Strength. The Oak tree teaches us about courage and strength. The energy of the oak is a very deep feeling of solid quietness and age old wisdom. Sitting under an oak tree brings a feeling of complete peace to the point of humility. Climb into the fork of an old oak to rest and meditate and one can find complete peace and inner spiritual support. The oak tree holds the key to the doorways to mysteries of Mother Earth and there is no better way to experience the magical quality of our dear earth Mother than through an oak tree. Jupiter and the element of earth rule the oak. Healing Qualities. Due to its qualities of strength it is said the oak is good when the spirit and soul is in need of strengthening and the life force is in need of support and balancing. Oak branches complete with leaves and acorns were often times wafted over a patient to cleanse and strengthen the aura during a shamanic healing session. Oak bark was used as an old gypsy tonic, astringent, and antiseptic It can be used in a gargle for an inflamed throat, in a hot bath to aid in chilblains and frost bite, and as a hot compress for hernias, inflamed glands, and haemorrhoids. Apple Cider vinegar taken once or twice a day is considered a good tonic and to aid in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. Oak leaves can be distilled to make a good tonic wine, Bach flower remedies recommend oak to treat despondency and despair in usually courageous people, nervous breakdown, and discontent with self. BEECH--Wisdom and Tolerance. Beech is called the 'Mother of the Woods' in ancient lore for it is protective and nurturing, giving shade with its canopy and food that can be eaten in its raw state. As a large tree in the hardwood and broadleaf forest it is also known as the 'Beech Queen', who stands beside the 'Oak king'. Beech is linked to all written and oral wisdom and was often used as writing tablets and carried by the old storytellers. It was also called the magic tree of wishes as wishes were carved into it and buried, teaching tolerance and patience in the waiting. Saturn rules beech under the elements of earth and air. Healing Qualities. In ancient wisdom it was stated that water found in hollow niches and the forks of trees of a beech will cure both man and beast of any scurf and scab. Beech tar has been used as a medicinal antiseptic for eczema, psoriasis and chronic skin diseases. It is also used as an ingredient of expectorant syrup for treating bronchitis. Dried leaves were put into mattresses of bedridden people to bring therapeutic healing qualities to the sickroom and the strength of nature. Bach flower remedies use beech to treat arrogance, criticism, mental rigidity, fault finding in others, pride, irritability, and intolerance. WEST Maple--Generosity and Giving. The wonderful maple in the fall or autumn shines and glows in all its splendour. Its leaves give freely of the glittering colours of reds, yellows, and gold. It brings joy to all, for this tree loves us humans with a great intensity and in a sense is said to be the nearest tree to being human if there was such a thing. This tree has such an affinity to us people and loves to communicate with us. She gives freely of her sap to sweeten our taste buds. Groves of maples in North America are called 'Sugar Bushes'. It is a time of great celebration when the maple sap begins to rise. Maple teaches us about fun and generosity, and the 'give away' .When we give we empty out past accumulations allowing transformation to take place. Maple is associated with Jupiter and the element of Earth. Ojibwa Legend of the Maple Tree 'Enaahtig' is the Ojibwa word for Maple tree and this story is of that nation: Our Elders tell of us of a time when the earth going through a great purification and the waters were beginning to recede. This continued for many years and all peoples of the world were suffering terribly. Small children were not able to grow to become adults and everywhere there was great sadness. One day, two Grandparents took their very weak grandchild out of the village to a sacred place to pray and ask the Creator for help. This child was not expected to live through the day. The grandparents prayed and offered their lives in place of their grandchild. As they were praying the Grandmother heard a voice saying over and over "Come to me, I have food for you". The old woman kept looking around and saw no one. Again and again the message came to her until she realised it was the voice of a beautiful maiden maple tree. The old woman shuffled over to the beautiful tree and rested her hands on its trunk, at which the trunk opened up and out ran sweet water. The weak and dying child drank of the sap and was restored. And so all the people drank of the sap and lived. Today we honour the Maple for bringing the first gifts of Spring and the annual renewal of life. WILLOW-- Flexibility. Willow teaches us to flow through life. No matter how much we are put upon and washed away, we can still re-root ourselves in the stream of life. Willow is ruled by the Moon and always grows near water. She helps us with the gifts of Night Vision and is especially good in helping us to connect with our allies and guides in other realms. Willow is used to make the frame in a Sweat Lodge for it bends so easily. Native Americans call it the tree of love. Willow wands are used for divining water and can be used to divine the psyche in others. It has been used by healers to divine the emotional unbalances in patients. Willow helps you trust your intuition and inner feelings. Healing Qualities. Willow has always been used to protect against diseases caused by dampness. The bark and leaves contain salicylic acid, which is a good pain killer and a source of aspirin. Burning dried bark or leaves as incense or in a smudge mix, aids in emotional healing for it clears the head and uplifts the spirit. Bach flower remedies advise using willow to clear sever discontent with yourself and others. Irritability, fault finding, self-pity, unhappiness, resentment, jealousy and other negative emotions are aided by using willow. NORTH. PINE--Cleansing. This beautiful sentinel that marches up the sides of mountains and is called the tree of the high country. It brings pure fresh air to everything around it, and its resinous scents drifts even into the valleys below cleansing the humid air that dwells there. The cones of the pine grow in spirals and were thought to be good conductors of magical energy. Pinecones were used in fertility rites and burnt to clear negative energy, being said to repel evil and return it to its source. Pine teaches us about foresight, showing us a way into the future. As she grows tall and straight she teaches us to reach high and take an overview so we can see things objectively from a distance rather than getting immersed into situations. She prepares us for the future, which is why her very tissues are so linked with cleansing and purification. Our ancestors throughout the world used pine branches to sleep on in their dwellings and burnt cones and wood to cleanse the air. Pine is a ancient teacher who teaches how to survive even through the coldest times. She helps us see through the darkest and coldest trials. Pines love sandy, well-drained soil and below their lofty air-filled branched, the floor is clean and clear of all but fungi and magic toadstools. They create a land of space, sweet smells, and warmth, a place of peace and safety. Mars and the element of air rule pine Healing Qualities. The cleansing and purification properties of pine have.been used for generations. It qualities as a powerful bronchial disinfectant are well known. The resin can be used, or refined into turpentine, which help pneumonia and lung problems. Bach flower remedies recommend pine to treat despondency, self-condemnation, guilt, sensitivity, self-blame, and over conscientiousness. YEW--Rebirth. Yew trees are a joy to be with. They awaken in the autumn after sleeping through the summer months. When near these sacred trees one cannot help feeling one is near sacred place. Is this why most churchyards contain a Yew tree? When you are in the presence of a Yew tree they will talk to you slowly and gently about returning and re-birthing, about each death is the birth of the new, about life continuing on and on. Their huge branches droop toward the ground, eventually breaking off from the main trunk to take root in the earth as a new tree.. Huge ancient groves became established where shamans went for payer and ceremony. This ancient master tree of time speaks in language of thee and thous, connecting us to our Celtic roots, history, and ancestor medicine. Sing and drum to the tree guardians and they will reward you by releasing you from your bondage to family, race and historical suffering. Saturn is said to rule the Yew and it is associated with the element of Earth. Healing Qualities Warning-- it should be stressed that one should never administer Yew in any form, as it is poisonous and can cause death. Modern medicine is investigating the treatment of cancer with a formula derived from a chemical found in Yew. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREES The saga of the trees goes unending, for the trees uphold their importance. Trees go tall, wide, and in countless shapes. No two are exactly alike. Trees possess most elegant gowns, lavishly garlanded with countless leafy designs. Trees emanate the spirit of Harmony. Only the Creator has the mould. Trees gather in friendly congregations graciously sharing the same Sun, Sky, Rain, and Earth. Trees freely offer their gifts of comfort to those who depend on them for food, lodging, shelter, safety, and beauty. Trees age gracefully, and eventually die, returning to the Mother Earth to make way for Eternal Growth. MY FRIEND THE TREE The loving spirit of the tree brings joy to my heart. All are for one and will never part. Each tree speaks of trust that is based on desire The truth lies within where dreams can inspire. While talking tree is rooted within my heart. Health is the gift its growth can impart. It's faith in life these lessons are casting For sharing this wealth is everlasting Thank you Sacred Tree for these gifts of joy. The love you share is for all to employ. Dear friend, I have loved you from the very start. May you always remain in the centre of my heart.
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