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Walking slowly in a straight line following a similar dressed man in front of him, the squad leader spoke into the radio transceiver calling for a short halt. Breathing slowly after two dread hours walking under the scorching sun the man moved slowly to a shaded tree, lowering himself to the ground he sat down with his back against the tree as he glanced around reaching up and unclasping the chinstraps that’s keeping his helmet in place on his head. Pulling the helmet off his head, he gently placed it on the ground next to him as he continued to survey his surroundings. As the man sat against the tree he looked down at his gloved hands as he slowly noticed that they were becoming transparent. “Um, hey Sarg’nt D, we have a problem.” The man said calmly looking to his Team Leader. “What’s the problem? Mick…” the Team Leader asks looking over to the man who called him, noticing his soldier is slowly disappearing. “What the fuck!” the Team Leader shouted catching the Squad Leader’s attention.

“What is going on…” the Squad Leader said with a pause as he turned and noticed his soldier disappearing. “What is happening to me?” the soldier asked as he looked down at his hands then to his leaders hoping they would provide him answers. As he continued to stare at them, the area around him slowly began to disappear as a blinding light filled his vision causing him to black out. “Mick!” his leaders shout as they watch their soldier suddenly disappear as they moved closer to the spot he was previously sitting. “What are we going to do and how are we going to explain this incident?” Sgt D asked looking at the Squad Leader. “I honestly don’t know.” The squad leader says as he rubs the back of his head wondering how this just happened and whether this was possible.

Endless falling that is what he was feeling and causing him to open his eyes. As he glanced around he noticed he was in some sort of tube of moving lights of blue, white, and occasional red. Staring in disbelief he was wondering what this was or perhaps he knew but just couldn’t quite bring himself to realization that he is currently falling no not falling but flying through a worm hole between either two different worlds or perhaps alternate dimensions. He didn’t honestly know which was true. As he looked forward a sudden flash appeared causing him to move his arms to cover his eyes as the feeling of falling ceased and the sound of birds singing filled his ears, and the feeling of solid ground underneath his body. Moving his arms away from his face he glanced around noticing he was in a lush vibrant forest full of birds, and other life. Climbing to his feet he glanced around wanting to shout for his comrades but for some reason he knew in his gut that they weren’t going to be here.

“Where am I?” he asked himself quietly as he slowly started to feel his heart beat faster as panic slowly began to emerge. “Come on Mick this is no time to panic remember your training. You’ve trained to survive in environments like this; you got a medium assault pack with food, water, ammunition. You can survive through this now keep a level head and keep calm.” He told himself as he reached into his left cargo pocket pulling out a multi-camouflage baseball cap with a multi-cam American flag attached to the front. Rolling his sleeves up past his elbows he glanced down at his body noticing he still had his two black Kimber 1911 .45’s in their respective holsters on each thigh and noticed he still had his M4 assault rifle. “Well at least I have some protection.” He said softly to himself as he held onto his rifle. Walking slowly and quietly through the forest he kept his head on a swivel keeping himself alert to anything that could prove hostile or as to tell him his current location.

Continuing to move quietly through the dense forest his hearing picked up a branch breaking behind him as he thumbed the safety mechanism on his rifle from safe to semi, he turned his head slightly listening for movement raising his weapon a bit. Glancing around searching for some cover and concealment he spotted a thick brush that could be utilized as a place of concealment as he quickly moved behind it into a kneeling position as he watched carefully. The soldier remained still and silent as he continued to watch the path he took. Raising his weapon into the direction of the approaching footsteps, he pulled the rifle butt stock into his shoulder as he glanced through his 4x magnification ACOG scope. Continuing to glance through the scope a group of armored figures marched along the path, escorting a strange creature that stood up like a human, and had several similar features of a human, but had the appearance of an animal.

“Let me go! I didn’t do anything wrong!” the humanoid creature shouted in a female voice. “Quiet monster!” an armored figure shouted as it hit the creature with the pommel of its sword. Counting the armored figures to be around five and armed with only swords, he shook his head as he stood up and walked out from his hiding spot and stepped out onto the path and in front of the oncoming armored thugs with his weapon raised and ready. The armored figures stopped their movement and looked at the strange dressed man that stepped out in front of them. “Step aside; this is none of your concern.” An armored figure standing about six feet said coarsely looking at the strange dressed man. “I will not.” The man simply said as his right index finger slid onto the trigger. “I will ask again, step aside whelp and I will not kill you for getting in our way.” The armored figure said pulling his sword out of its sheath slowly. A loud cracking boom echoed throughout the forest as the armored figure fell to the ground with a small hole in the center of its helmet. The other armored figures looked in bewilderment at the man who stepped in front of them as they notice a small cloud of smoke flowing out the end of the weapon the strange man is holding.

“A sorcerer, men be careful surround him and kill him!” another armored figure shouted as he threw the detained humanoid creature down to the ground. “Sorcerer, well that’s a first but I am no sorcerer just a soldier. And well you should’ve just heeded my words but now I have to kill you all.” The soldier said as he aimed his rifle at another armored figure and squeezed the trigger again creating another loud cracking noise that echoed throughout the forest. As another armored figure fell the remaining three armored thugs stared at the soldier wondering how one sorcerer was able to kill two of their finest warriors. “They were our finest warriors.” A man said looking at the soldier. “If you say so but I’m afraid your armor is obsolete against the weapons I use. So I will spare your lives if you release the creature to my care and flee.” The soldier said moving his sights onto another armored figure. “We cannot release her for we will be killed by our Knight Captain.” A smaller armored figure says with a sense of fear in his voice. “Mother fucker I will kill you, but least with me it’ll be quick and painless.” The soldier shouted furiously at the armored warriors. One of the armored warriors growled rising its large ax ran towards the soldier. “Fool.” The soldier whispered as he quickly spun placing the crosshairs of his scope onto the advancing warrior and fired another precise shot into the warriors head, watching as the warrior dropped its large ax and fall to the ground. Transitioning his rifle back onto the original warrior he glared at the remaining warriors.

“So what will it be, two options, Option A you release your captive and I spare your lives, or Option B I kill you both and I release the captive. So which will it be Option A or Option B?” the soldier says softly looking at the warriors. One of the warriors releases the chains to the captive and took off running. “Traitor!” the other warrior shouted as it drew a small ax and threw it towards the fleeing warrior. The fleeing warrior didn’t get too far as the ax blade bit into the back of his skull. Watching as the warrior killed his own comrade the soldier shook his head in disgust. “How dishonorable, can see where your loyalty lies.” The soldier says as he places the reticule of his sight on the last remaining warriors head. “You will be hunted down you insolent whelp.” The warrior said with intense hatred. “Let them come and I’ll send them to whatever god you worship. But you bore me now with your arrogance.” The soldier says with a cold tone as he fired a single round into the warrior’s head, blowing chunks of bone and brain out the back of the warrior’s head.

The female humanoid creature stares in horror as this one man was quick enough to extinguish four heavily armored warriors’. The soldier thumbed the safety mechanism back to safe as he slowly walked towards the detained female. The female quickly tried to scoot away from the strange man fearing that he would kill her. “You’re afraid that I would kill you. Well I don’t blame you. But I’m not going to kill you or hurt you. But if you don’t stop moving I won’t be able to cut you free.” The soldier says as he pulls out a sharp blade that was attached to his vest. Kneeling down next to the female he quickly severed the bonds holding her hands together. “Well there you go, you are free.” The soldier says softly as he slides the blade back into its sheath attached to his vest. The female stands up quickly rubbing her wrists as she looks at him. “Thank you so much sir, I’m forever in your debt.” She says smiling at him. “No problem and you don’t owe me anything. I’m just doing my job ma’am.” the soldier says calmly as he stands up and starts going through the warriors belongings finding a decent amount of coin and grabbing a black cloak he smiled as he dropped his pack then threw the cloak on and tied the strings around the base of his neck as he smiled as the cloak concealed his gear all the way down to his knees. “This will definitely come in handy when moving through villages, and towns.” He said quietly to himself as he pulled the hood over his head as it hid his hat and part of his face, then pulled his pack onto his back over the cloak.

Watching the strange man she tilted her head a bit. “So where do you live?” she asks looking at him. “No where around here, hell I don’t even know where ‘here’ is.” He replied as he looked back at her. “So you’re from another land.” She asks looking at him. “Yeah you can say that but, I’ll probably never see that land again so yeah can say I’ll be a wanderer.” He answered with a slight shrug of his shoulders. “Why don’t you come stay at my village I’ll see what I can do since you saved my life.” The woman says as she looks at him. “I told you ma’am I don’t need anything.” He said as he slowly stepped away continuing his journey. “Well to bad you are coming with me whether you like it or not.” She says as she runs up grabbing his arm pulling him with her as she starts walking deeper into the forest the opposite direction he was going. Grunting angrily he decided maybe it was best that he went with her. “My name is Mick. And you can let me go I will follow.” Mick says as he looks at her. “Hi Mick I am Kyra and sorry.” Kyra said as she released his arm as she continued to move through the forest with swift speed. Watching as she moved he sighed as he followed behind unable to keep at her pace.

As he continued to follow the path Kyra was on he lost view of her as he slowed down glancing around. “Kyra where are you?” he called out softly. He kept moving slowly calling out for her but soon stopped calling her name out as his sense picked up movement all around him. “Great it was just a trap.” He said quietly as he thumbed the safety to semi as he glanced around not revealing his weapon just yet until he had proper PID. The movement grew louder as Mick continued to spin around in circles slowly scanning his surroundings waiting for any possible hostiles. “You can come out of hiding, I know you are there circling me, so show yourselves!” he shouted as he scanned the area. The moment he shouted the movement suddenly stopped, as he continued to glance around slowly keeping as quiet as he possibly could. “So we are going to play who the better hunter is, fine so be it.” Mick said aloud as he pulled out a flashbang grenade, pulling the pin out as he did. Smiling, he dropped the grenade at his feet and closed his eyes as the grenade suddenly exploded in blinding light, giving him enough time to escape or gain the upper hand. Moving quickly to a tree he quickly climbed up the tree as high as he possibly could. Stopping nearly half way to the top Mick looked down and noticed a group of warriors of the same appearance as Kyra move into the position he was originally in.

Shaking his head slowly he lifted his rifle placing the butt-stock into his right shoulder as he looked into the scope, slowly placing the reticule on the nearest warriors head. Breathing calmly and quietly he continued to watch as they looked around trying to figure where he had went to. Looking closer he noticed that the warriors were armed and were also female; he also noticed that one of the females was Kyra. Staying out of sight, he kept his sights on the commotion below him. “Where did he go and what was that blinding light?” a female asks looking around. “I don’t know but how did he disappear so fast.” Kyra asks looking at the other female. Sighing quietly he shook his head as he slowly and quietly climbed down the tree. Upon reaching the ground he quickly pulled out his pistol and stealthily moved on an unsuspecting female then wrapped his left arm around her neck and pressed the barrel of his pistol against her head.

“So after I freed you from those warriors you set up an ambush to take me out? Shame really, maybe you ARE the monster those warriors claimed you to be. But what has happened, happened. Can’t change that but I can change the outcome of this and I’ll tell you that the outcome isn’t looking good on your end or your friends end.” Mick says as he pushes the pistol harder against the females’ head. “Mick, release her!” Kyra shouted as she looked over at him. “Release her? Fuck you; this is how you repay those who risked their life to save yours? You bring a group of armed female warriors and surround me.” Mick says angrily as he slowly begins to squeeze the trigger. “Mick they weren’t going to hurt you or kill you, they were providing security for us.” Kyra explains looking at him then at the small device his hand. “Don’t fuck with me!” Mick shouted furiously glaring at Kyra then to the other warriors. “She’s telling the truth sir. And if we were going to attack you we would’ve done so before that flash of light appeared.” The captive female says with a low growl. “And this is why I told you that you didn’t need to repay me. Oh and if you did attack me that would've been the last thing you did in your life.” Mick said softly looking at Kyra as he released the warrior from his grasp as he holstered his pistol walking away. Pulling the cloak around his gear, he then reaches into his cargo pocket pulling out a really thin black gator-neck and pulls it over his head down to his neck then pulls the top portion over his face, concealing his lower face.

Reaching for the hood he slowly pulled it over his multi-cam hat as he looked at Kyra. “Ready to move when you are.” Mick says looking at her from the shadows of the cloak’s hood. Kyra smiled as she lead Mick and her group through the dense forest towards her village. Keeping silent and moving even more quietly Mick continued to listen to his surroundings as he followed Kyra, his hands hidden underneath the cloak as his right gloved hand remained on the pistol grip of his rifle. Kyra continued to make her way through the forest as she told Mick that the village was just ahead in the clearing. Mick nods his head in acknowledgement as he followed her. Kyra and her companions walked out in the clearing and approached the village. Mick following close behind kept his movements calm and steady but kept a cautious attitude. As the four companions moved into the village Mick looked up and noticed a castle amidst the village and noticed Kyra making her way to the castle. The villagers stopped in their daily duties to stare at the strange short figure behind Kyra and her guard. Feeling the eyes of the curious upon him it made him feel uneasy and a bit edgy, but kept a perception of calmness. Kyra passed by the castle guards as she motioned for Mick to walk close behind her.

Mick moved closer to Kyra knowing that the only reason he is still alive is because he is with Kyra. Kyra lead Mick to the throne room and noticed her mother sitting on the throne stand up and approach. Mick looked at the woman approaching and identified her as the leader of the village. “Welcome home daughter, I was beginning to worry that something bad has happened to you.” The mother said looking at her daughter as she embraced Kyra. Kyra returned her mother’s hug, and then whispered into her ear. Mick standing still kept his head low but kept his eyes on the activities in front of him. Mick then noticed that the mother had turned her attention towards him and looked at him. “Please reveal yourself stranger, no need to hide your identity here.” The mother said. “Mother it would be appropriate if he kept his face and identity concealed, some may become violent.” Kyra said looking at her mother. “Nonsense, no harm will come to him while he is here.” The mother told her daughter. “Please reveal yourself sir.” The mother asked Mick looking at him. Mick nodded as he pulled the hood off his head then pulled the mask down from his lower face revealing to her that he was a human. “A human, Kyra you brought a human to our hidden home. You brought danger to us all! Guards!” the queen shouted as armored warriors slowly began to approach him and surround him. “Here we go again.” Mick said as he quickly dropped his pack then drew both pistols while throwing the cloak back revealing his own armaments and aimed both pistols at the oncoming guards. “Mother no, he’s not from our land and he saved my life from the Black Hand Knights. He killed them faster than anything I have ever seen.” Kyra explained to her mother as she ran and stood between Mick and the guards.

“See Kyra bringing me here was a bad idea; you should’ve just let me go my own way instead of dragging me here. Now again I have to defend myself.” Mick said calmly looking at her. “Wait you saved Kyra’s life?” the queen asked. “Yes I did.” Mick says softly as he looked towards the slowly approaching guards. “Well then where do you come from?” she asked. “A far away land.” Mick announced as he turned his attention to the queen his pistols still held ready. “Guards stand down and return to your posts. So sir do you have a family.” The queen asked looking at him. The guards stopped their advance as they moved back to their original positions. As the guards retreated Mick slowly holstered both pistols but kept his hands on them ready. “No, I lost everything I once knew, loved, and cared for since coming to this strange new land.” Mick explained looking at the queen. “I see, well you are welcome to live here. That is my way of saying thank you.” The queen said looking at him.

“I don’t wish to intrude nor cause any inner fighting due to the fact that I am human. From earlier it seems no one likes humans in this village and castle. So the best solution is I will be leaving as soon as possible.” Mick says calmly looking at her, as he pulls the cloak back over his gear then reaches down grabbing his pack then pulling it onto his back again. “If you’re not going to stay, then where will you go? When you don’t know anyone or where the nearest town is. You leave here, you will most certainly die.” The queen said looking at him her face written in concern. Mick sighed as he dropped his pack at the foot of the bed, as he looked around the neat and nice looking décor. Undoing the clasp holding the butt stock of his weapon to his plate-carrier, he gently laid the rifle on the bed as he then proceeded in taking off his plate-carrier. Kneeling down in front of his medium ruck, he slowly opened it as he pulled out his sling and casually attached it to his weapon.

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