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Because of the similarity of the news pertaining to the police and the FBI I have decided to share another “Cosmic Code” newsletter # 13 Booklet # 4 titled "The FBI and The Cosmic Code" with all my readers. So far 74 VIP newsletters loaded with crucial information have been broadcasted to all VIPs and much more are on the way before 2008 is over. INSANE INSANE INSANE in my last newsletter titled "Obama Assassination Attempt" of October 27th 2008 2 days before this terrible error I literally let my feelings go by pointing out how responsible ALL the police Elites are responsible for yet another death because the police Academy REFUSES to take me seriously and investigate my work. In this particular newsletter I wrote – Memo: Ignorance is dangerous! LISTEN TO ME BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!


My last few newsletters are OVERLOADED with heeding and proof if you take the time to read them it is as simple as that. You may start by listening to this show Listen to Dr. Turi and Tommy Jones (95 MN in) October 9, 2008" where I gave the EXACT date of when Obama would be prone to assassination and when the police WOULD MAKE DRAMATIC NEW! AND ONCE MORE I WAS RIGHT! Newlywed shot dead by cops in his yard A man was shot and killed by police after they mistakenly thought he was a suspect. www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/10/29/lopez.man.shot.in.yard.kcal DID YOU READ MOON POWER 2008 FOR TODAY? Do you think what I wrote in my 2008 Moon Power last year would be a significance pertaining to the current news? I let you be the judge of that! Events: Pluto stirs man’s animal tendencies and causes the infinite forces of good and evil to constantly tease each other. Don’t trust anyone and be aware of the police... For God sake how many cops read my work? COUNTLESS, how many people you know are cops? COUNTLESS, how many people directly or indirectly are INVOLVED with the police? COUNTLESS! Imagine if each one of these readers were to send a letter to Anaheim Police Chief (or the police Academy) with a DATED copy of my last newsletters, or/and a sample printed a year ago in Moon Power 2008 about the police force making the news or even better send him the provided link of my radio show where I gave this date and my heeding for TODAY - 10/29/2008 expecting dramatic news with the police? With so much unarguable proof they may realize how much not only millions of tax dollars legal suit but precious lives would be saved. http://kaps.mypodcast.com/2008/10/Just_What_The_Doctor_Ordered_part_1-149051.html


I HAVE TRIED FOR YEARS TO GET THEIR ATTENTION AT NO AVAIL! Even with certified mail sent with unarguable printed proofs! So will anything change at all? Will the educated mental snobs responsible unaware Elites of the police force listen to me and investigate my work and TEACH the cops when they are prone to SCREW up or meet with their own death? With the state of the US economy do we really need to waste billions of dollars more? All major pieces of news including the Rodney King dilemma to the FULLY predicted Los Angeles *revolt were fully anticipated and could have easily be avoided had both Police Chiefs, Daryl Gate or San Diego police Chief Burgren heard and took me seriously then, but as always when dealing with those in power, none of them (and they were many over the years) had the decency to even answer my desperate mail. So what do we do people and you wonder why America is in such a financial mess? This colossal ignorance affect ALL departments of the human experience and ONLY when God's Universal rules are acknowledged, used and FULLY respected do NOT expect any progress and certainly NO PEACE in the entire world. Do you want more proof? Just open 2008 Moon Power to today's date and READ the words that were printed MONTHS ago about the deadly fully predicted police news. Memo! New Moon October 28, 2008: This lunation will be very tough on many of us, be prepared and be strong what ever your karma has imposed on you. Expect some difficult news coming from the Middle East. Jupiter rules the codification of thoughts or man-made laws, and with time, ultimately the birthing of all religions. Religious fanatics will be stimulated by this celestial manifestation and in a destructive way, will impose their righteous religious dogmatic views onto others. Dramatic transformations in the world of faith and the church are also ahead. More light will be shined on the dirty behavior of some church leaders. The Pope will address the world again trying to uplift the dying age of Pisces. The previous wake-up call provided by Pluto's impact (sex) in Sagittarius (the church) will induce more lawsuits. Exposed to the truth, Pluto will bring to light the shameful manipulation, sexual and financial secrets of organized religions and some of their religious leaders. Pluto is still interacting with Uranus to further the truth and the new Age of Aquarius against the dying Piscean age. There is still a war in heaven. This lunation promise to bring a strong wake up call to many people where drama and death will reign all over the world. Expect secrets to surface, dramatic news with nature and the police. Stay safe, respect the Universal will or you may lose your life. As always if you know anyone involved with the police its time for you to help them and make them aware of the power of Pluto these days. Here is a quatrain for you too I wrote many times to clarify the energy for a Plutonic window! NEGATIVE DRAGON WINDOW FOR OCTOBER 27/28/29 2008 #Famous Death/Dramatic News/Police/FBI/CIA/Secrets/Scandals/Crime/Terrorism/Finances/Sex/Serial Killers. Ugly Hidden Face Of Death Evil Spirits A Mad Dance Innocent Children Mother Cry Police Drama Reality Strike A Famous One To Die Written by Dr. Turi 11/11/06 OMG WHAT A YOUNG WORLD DID I LAND ON IS ANYONE LISTENING TO ME AND IF YOU DO WILL YOU HELP ME TO SAVE LIVES AND MONEY? Sure…it seems that my work is designed to enlighten only the children of tomorrow when I will be 6 ft under, but I do rejoice knowing that the Internet will keep my work alive for ever and these future generation are much more advanced than the moronic Elites pillars of our current society. Furthermore; the same book has all my *predictions for 2008 and not only did I fully predict; 6. A full restructure of the US economy is ahead but also 5. Merging of many airlines. Delta-Northwest merger approved MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- The Justice Department on Wednesday approved a much-anticipated merger between Delta and Northwest, clearing the way for creation of the world's largest airline.


The Dragon's tail (negative) in Leo is still doing it damage and this plutonic window relates to sex, secrets ad the FBI. Result:


www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/27/child.prostitutes.freed/index.html Operation frees dozens of child prostitutes WASHINGTON (CNN) -- FBI Deputy Director John Pistole says some of the alleged sex traffickers were working in networks of six to 10 pimps. Dozens of juveniles have been freed from forced prostitution by a nationwide operation that resulted in the arrests of hundreds of other people, the FBI announced Monday.


NEW YORK (CNN) -- Investigators with the NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau are conducting DNA tests on equipment taken from the lockers of five police officers after a Brooklyn man accused them of sodomizing him with a radio antenna.


Deaths a tragic turn for Oscar winner Hudson Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson has a new movie and a recently released debut solo album, but it's a family tragedy that has thrust the 27-year-old actress and singer back into the public eye. Hudson's mother and brother were found shot to death Friday in their Chicago home. The body of the singer's missing 7-year-old nephew, Julian King, was found in an SUV on Monday morning. Listen to Dr. Turi and Tommy Jones (95 MN in) October 9, 2008" where he gave the EXACT date of when Obama would be prone to assassination and when the police/FBI would make dramatic news. http://kaps.mypodcast.com/2008/10/Just_What_The_Doctor_Ordered_part_1-149051.html


LISTEN TO ME I KNOW BETTER THAN YOU MR FBI…REALLY! The entire FBI/CIA and the police force are NOT aware of the Universal Code regimenting the very Plutonic ESSENCE of their dangerous endeavor and thousands of unaware courageous public servants have lost their precious lives in the name of their *bosses' ignorance. They and the police Academy Administration are FULLY responsible for ALL the deaths of ALL the courageous doomed police officers that died in the line of duty!


Don’t you think it about time for the Elites of the Police Academy, our politicians and the general mental educational system to become aware of the Cosmic Code and save not only precious lives but also the taxpayers billions of dollars? Do you think its time for our infantile neurological science to stop lumping me with Mrs. Cleo, grow up and honor the word science itself and INVESTIGATE my work? Do you think its about time to replace this HUGE and perilous ignorance with factual wisdom and make ALL God's children aware of his Universal order and signs? This is your chance again to help me raising your Cosmic Consciousness and offer the opportunity to our religious ad political Leaders to WISE UP. Do you think it is time for ALL of them to accept the Celestial TRUTH? Do you think it is time, once and for all for them ALL to cast aside their inner fear of the ridicule, CHECK and GIVE my work the proper and VITAL URGENT attention it deserve? Do we have to lose Obama because of some extremists political or deeply ingrained supremacist religious groups? Do we have to lose m,ore grooms because of the idiocy of the police Elites? Not knowing the Cosmic Code is a TOTAL DISASTER for everyone walking this earth, especially institutions such as the police, the FBI and CIA -PERIOD! And this very fact becomes the source of the universal human conflict and I am only trying so very hard to make you aware of God's forgiven, changed, manipulated Ultimate Universal rules because I can speak and hear the Creator's Divine language.


THE TRUE FACE OF GOD! And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible All Is That And That Is All When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God's commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation, it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”. Dr. Turi I can only rely on ME to make the changes in my own life and I TRUST you to help me to make those vital changes by sending my emails to anyone and everyone concerned so those badly needed changes can become a reality. Start by reading and directing all the people you know to the educational material posted at www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Blessings to all Dr. Turi Sharing Emails: Dear Dr Turi, Thought I would forward this to you I have forwarded part of the news bulletin but it is a testament to the fact you are accurate re Obama and his fate Definitely there will be more folks such as these in the weeks ahead.. I pray for Obama's safety I do not live in America so it is not of importance to me to a degree who wins the race however no matter whom I would hate to see their lives ended before their time. Keep up the good work Dr Turi and hopefully this will be a wake up call for Oprah and others I have emailed with your predictions in order for them to have you on their shows. Blessings always Heather DT- Thank you so much for your support Heather, I can only hope for more people like you to help me make the changes we need so bad! Blessings DT Dear Dr. Turi: Unfortunately, the other day a local boy I knew killed his Mother. (Louisville,Ky The Courier Journal article) Brandon Jones was conceived by drug/alcohol abusers. All of his life the boy was exposed to drugs/alcohol and violence. It is no wonder an explosion occurred. Brandon always had that vacant emotionless look in his eyes, probably due to his parents drug addiction. The press if being rough on him, not revealing his Mothers abuse and addictions, just the fact 'son kills Mother'. This boy needs prayers as he is an innocent victim of his family (his uncles & cousins are also drug/alcohol addicts). It seems this boy never had a chance at a normal life. My heart aches for him as now he must endure more physical & sexual abuse in prison. As a VIP member I realize more of these crimes will happen unless is more is done to protect the children. God bless you. And wow, was I surprised to read "illuminati" in your newsletter. Hooray for you. You are truly educating the people. Keep up the good work. Be careful, there are those in power who do not want the people to be educated. Love ya! Carole DT - As you know Angel, I do not predict anything at all, this is for Mrs. Cleo. History repeats itself like the weather! I know the Cosmic Code well enough to know WHEN Obama or Mc Cain or ANYONE will be in serious danger. Let's hope more people will realize my gift and help me helping others to avoid the worse of a nasty fate. The part of God in each one of us is stronger than the stars thus knowing the stars *Cosmic Code becomes your only option to apply the will. Blessings DT Don’t Miss Anything Join My World Wide VIP Cosmic Code Family NOW! www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter NEWSLETTERS MAKE SURE TO MENTION TO US IF YOU ARE AN EXISTING 2008 VIP. IF YOU ARE NOT A 2008 VIP SUBSCRIBER SIGN UP RIGHT AWAY OR ADD $35 TO GET ALL MY NEWSLETTERS AND WHAT EVER I WILL WRITE BEFORE THE YEAR 2008 IS OVER. YOU MAY ALSO SIGN UP AND READ THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTERS AT www.drturi.com/newsletter/ IMPORTANT ONCE INSIDE THE SITE MAKE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN TO SEE AND READ ALL NEWSLETTERS.



If you are NOT a VIP simply download the FREE 2008 Moon Power to read this very dangerous lunation.


www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2008.php ASTROPSYCHOLOGY LIVE course in 2009. HAWAII - February 26th through March 3rd 2009 SEDONA – September 21st through September 26th 2009 Go to www.drturi.com/astroclass.php for updates COSMIC CODE WITH DR. TURI If you have any question do not hesitate to join us and talk about any interesting topics at www.peoplelinking.com/group/Astrology Get a 90 mn Full Life Reading, A 30 pages of translated Career Forecast, TWO years Dragon forecast and another 90 mn audio tape of Hypnotherapy to help you regenerate and use the creative forces of your subconscious at your advantage. SPECIAL DEAL END NOVEMBER 1ST. SEND A US MONEY POSTAL ORDER for faster service to: Dr. Turi 4411 n. 23Rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016 Do you like my newsletters? Sign up before 2009 and save $25 Sign up for the new 2009 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter before January 1st 2009 for $75.00 and save $25.00. As of January 1st 2009 the only way you will be able to sign up will be through my website and the price will be $100 FLAT rate and $35 for Seniors citizens.


Call Terania with your Credit Card at 972-623-7689 Blessings to all Dr. Turi

teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Question? Help? Talk to Terania 972-623-7689

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