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If you could pick one item for your natural medicine cabinet that could ward off cold and flu viruses, eliminate warts, cold sores, athlete’s foot, dandruff, respiratory tract and sinus infections, what would you choose? If oregano oil doesn’t come to mind, it’s time you gave this overlooked and potent remedy its rightful place in your natural first aid kit. The Research is in: In a study reported by Science Daily Magazine, oil of oregano at relatively low doses was found to be effective against staphylococcus bacteria and was comparable to antibiotics like penicillin in its germ-killing properties.

Researcher Paul Belaiche reported his exhaustive studies of aromatherapy oils in his three-volume work, entitled, Traite de Phytotherapie et d’Aromatherapie (Treatise on Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy). He used a testing method that allowed him to examine the effectiveness of essential oils against specific bacteria, called an aromatogram. His findings on the effectiveness of oregano oil against many common and insidious bacteria were impressive. He found that oregano oil killed 96 percent of all pneumococcus bacteria, 92 percent of all neisseria, proteus, and staphylococcus bacteria. Some strains of neisseria are responsible for diseases like gonorrhea or meningitis. Proteus is a type of intestinal infection, and staphylococcus is the culprit in some types of food poisoning.

He also found that oregano oil eliminated 83 percent of streptococcus and 78 percent of enterococcus. Various strains of streptococcus have been linked with strep throat, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, or toxic shock syndrome. Some strains of enterococcus are linked with cystitis, wound infections, and anorexia.

What’s more is that oregano oil also killed 78 percent of candida bacteria, commonly linked with intestinal or systemic candida infections and 78 percent of klebsiella bacteria, which is linked to lung infections.

In a study by the National Institute of Pediatrics in Mexico, scientists found that oregano was effective at killing giardia, a parasite that causes abdominal distress.

The Journal Food Protection cites a study by researchers at the Department of Food Science at the University of Tennessee also report impressive findings regarding oregano oil’s potency against bacteria. Scientists found that oregano oil exhibited the most significant antibacterial action against common germs like staphylococcus, E. coli, and listeria.

Researchers in the United Kingdom found that not only was oil of oregano effective against these common bacteria, it has antibacterial activity against 25 different bacteria.

Mother Nature has provided us with a powerful antibiotic in oregano oil. Unlike synthetic antibiotics that are powerless against viruses and funguses, oregano oil is effective against these pathogens too. With its wide variety of uses and potency against so many different types of infections, it is a welcome addition to any first aid kit or natural medicine chest.

Naturally Sweet Herbs

People have been craving sweet foods for ages intuitively this is done for the glucose that gives us energy. Looking at the labels in the supermarket you will find many hidden sugars like dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, lactase and maltose we have become a nation hooked on sweet, it’s a tough habit to beat.

Over the years people have turned away from traditional refined sugars to avoid tooth decay and the empty calories with no nutritional value that over time can develop into diabetes. Yet with all of the artificial sweeteners on the market we are still battling obesity and diabetes. These sweeteners are not natural to our bodies so we keep looking for what is lacking in the diet they trick the body into believing it’s getting its fuel but when it realizes that didn’t happen you reach for more. Artificial sweeteners trick your hormones into releasing chemicals that make you want more shutting off the signals from your brain telling you, you are full so you eat more; one study found that people who use artificial sweeteners actually ate 3 times more than those who just ate sugar.

Once upon a time honey was what people used as an alternative to sugar; its sweetness is similar to sugar with less calories you can cook with it but it is harder to dissolve in cool beverages.

The leaves of the Stevia plant are much sweeter than sugar. It helps regulate blood sugars in diabetics and it helps to reduce oral bacteria helping to prevent tooth decay. The whole plant contains many different phyto-nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. I like the whole green leaf better; it has less of a bitter after-taste than the refi ned powder. You can make a liquid sweetener by simmering the leaves until the water becomes dark, play with the amount you need because this gets very sweet.

I also like Xylitol. It naturally comes from the birch tree or from fibrous vegetables and fruits or corn cobs. It acts as an insulin stabilizer; it alkalizes the body aiding the absorption of calcium helping to strengthen and repair your bones and enhances the formation of tooth enamel. Another thing I like about Xylitol is that it prevents bacteria growth in your mouth helping prevent plaque and tooth decay. Xylitol also helps cancer patients with dry mouth, oral thrush and yeast infections. In baking it is used just as you would sugar but with 40% fewer calories.

Other natural alternatives are Cane Sugar it cooks like sugar but it doesn’t affect your health as quickly. Molasses a by-product of Cane Sugar is high in iron, potassium and calcium; in cooking it works well in breads, cakes and cereals. Agave a plant derived nectar with about the same amount of calories as sugar but since it is sweeter you use less. It’s a great sweetener for teas, smoothies, cakes, cookies, sauces and salad dressings. Mannitol gets its sweetness from corn syrup and Palm Sugar although not as sweet as sugar cooks well with a slight caramel fl avor.

With all of these natural choices I don’t believe we should be using artificial sweeteners that pose so many health risks.

Menopause has always been a natural part of a woman’s life marking the end of her reproductive cycles. It is not a disease and it does not need to be medicated away by doctors. It doesn’t mean you are old and dried up, in fact in today’s time it is quite freeing. We are not the 50 year olds of our grandmother’s day, We live much busier lives with our families and loved ones and without a period we no longer have to plan around bleeding, bloating, weight gain, moodiness, headaches and the painful cramps associated with menstruation. Typically menopause is a gradual process that can take years and is different from woman to woman. It’s not the menopause causing the problems that’s the end of menstruation caused by the inability of the ovaries to produce the estrogen needed for a period. It’s the peri-menopausal stage that causes problems such as hot fl ashes, changes in hair, skin and muscle tone, brain fog, weight gain, rising blood pressure and cholesterol, mood swings and depression for women.

If you have been advised to take synthetic hormones to help you through this do your research; they have been linked to uterine and breast cancer, heart disease, lowered levels of HDL’s and increases in LDL’s this is not a wise trade for hot flashes. There are much more natural ways to beat a hot flash and other discomforts.

Fortunately we naturally produce hormones from the compounds made available in herbs and from many of the foods we eat. These nutrient and herbal phytoestrogens help relieve symptoms but they do not cause the side effects synthetic hormones do because they are short acting and weak with the liver only accepting the compound necessary to complete the hormone puzzle.

Black Cohosh is well known for its ability to relieve hot flashes plus it can also ease depression, vaginal dryness and water retention. Vitex helps balance hormone production so you are not overloaded with progesterone or estrogen; it also helps regulate the hypothalamus, the area of the brain that regulates body temperature (aka a hot fl ash). Red Clover contains phytoestrogens, lignans and plant compounds that protect you from estrogen dominant cancers, it also enhances libido and reduces hot fl ashes. Ashwaganda supports the adrenal glands in the production of estrogen, it protects the heart and it helps reduce hot flashes and night sweats so you sleep better.

Instead of reaching for a synthetic hormone why not try balancing your hormones with a tea or tincture made with:

2 parts Wild Yam

2/3 part Licorice

1 part Dandelion Root

1 part Sage

1 part Red Clover

If hot flashes are your problem they can be cooled with:

1 part Black Cohosh

1 part Vitex

1/2 part Sage

1 part Hibiscus

1 part Red Clover

1/2 part Nettles

1/2 part Oatstraw

Remember it is not a disease it’s a stage of life.


A parasitic plant that lives off of oaks, elms, pines and other trees; Mistletoe is steeped in ancient traditions; it’s mostcommonly known as the plant people kiss under during the holidays a tradition believed to have begun during Victorian times.

Yet there are many other traditions surrounding Mistletoe; in Norse mythology Frigga and Odin’s son was killed with an arrow made of Mistletoe. When his life was restored Frigga gave Mistletoe to the goddess of love and made it a sacred plant that would bring love instead of death proclaiming anyone who walked under it should be kissed.

First century Druids believed Mistletoe to be both medicinal and mystical. In their language Mistletoe means “all-healing” with Druid priests gathering Mistletoe on the 6th day of the moon giving it out amongst the group for their safety through out the year protecting them from evil spirits, storms and from all that could make them ill. In Celtic tradition Mistletoewas believed to hold the spirit of the tree it grew on since it remained green all year long and during the Middle Ages it was hung over the door to scare away demons.

Behind the traditional stories of Mistletoe’s protective properties are stories of its healing properties which still hold true for today.

Drinking 3 cups of tea made with Mistletoe, Motherwort, Hawthorn and Linden helps to improve circulation, this can help normalize blood pressure, reduce a high heart rate or an irregular heart beat. In the respiratory system Mistletoe has anti-infl ammatory effects aiding asthma, whooping cough or a dry cough and in the digestive system it helps to ease diarrhea and calms ulcers.

When combined with Black Cohosh, Mistletoe helps to reduce anxiety, palpitations, hot fl ashes, ovarian cysts and heavy menstrual flow and for the nervous system when mixed with Lemon Balm and Gota Kola Mistletoe helps reduce anxiety, panic attacks, migraines, depression and insomnia.

For centuries Mistletoe has been thought of as an herb for cancer; in the past 25years there have been studies done showing it inhibits tumor growth. When studies were done in Europe they found Mistletoe contains viscotoxins, glycoproteins, fl avanoids and lignans which have been shown to have anti-tumor and anti-cancer activities.

Breast cancer is a hot topic in the news yet herbs rarely get as much attention as Mistletoe has. Suzanne Somers made even more people aware of Mistletoe when it became part of her cancer protocol even though it has not yet been approved by the American Cancer Society or the FDA. When a study was done in a 2001 issue of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine concerning Mistletoe and traditional western medicine it found that Mistletoe along with traditional cancer protocols for breast cancer were much more effective then just western medicine but unfortunately it didn’t work as well for other forms of cancer.

If you have been diagnosed with any form of cancer , working with a doctor and doing your own research is your best bet. An informed patient has the best odds.



We all get stressed every once in a while because our lives have become so hectic; but for some of us our stress is more emotionally related from worry, work, fi nances, anxiety, tension, grief, frustration, depression and anger. Stress can be due to illness, loss of a loved one, a job loss, family visits, over-work, travel or exposure to toxins. Anything that threatens the body physically or emotionally causes stress; over-time your body’s reaction to continual stress can cause conditions like high blood pressure, asthma, ulcers, headaches, insomnia or weight gain.

Fortunately herbs can help reduce the effects of stress. Adaptogenic herbs normalize the body so it can better cope with stressors; they support your immune system and nourish your adrenal glands.

Eluthero formerly know as Siberian Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb studied during the 1940’s and 50’s in the Soviet Union for its ability to help you better cope with stress and un-frazzling your nerves; improving stamina, endurance and concentration.

Ashwaganda also known as Indian Ginseng got its name from the Hindu word ashwa which means horse because it was believed to give a person the strength and stamina of a stallion. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 2500 years for promoting wellness, fighting fatigue, pain, depression, anxiety, nervous exhaustion and cognitive mind functions.

Schizandra has a 2-fold effect on stress acting as both a mild-stimulant providing stamina and as a calming herb reducing stress, anxiety and palpitations.

Passion Flower contains flavanoids that help regulate neurotransmitters in the brain helping reduce anxiety so you can relax and de-stress. This herb also helps quiet your thoughts so you can sleep better; it soothes your nerves, reduces panic attacks, lessens nervous tension and helps to lower blood pressure.

Lemon Balm and Chamomile have similar properties when it comes to stress, calming the nerves, balancing mood swings, promoting restful sleep, reducing nervous tension and muscle fatigue.

Valerian also comes in handy during times of stress quieting the mind, relaxing the nervous system, reducing anxiety, agitation and stress. The relaxing actions of Valerian help to promote drowsiness quieting the mind so you can sleep better. Valerian contains benzodiazepines making its effects similar to valium without the side effects.

When I feel overwhelmed I reach for my Adrenal Tincture which contains 1 part Borage, 1 part Gota Kola, 1 part Eluthero and 1/2 part Licorice to help support and tone the adrenal glands. I also prepare my favorite stress reducing tea which contains equal parts of Oat Straw, Linden, Lemon Balm, Schizandra, Passion Flower and Chrysanthemum.

It’s important to remember that one or two small episodes of stress can easily be handled by the body; it’s the continual stress from caring for a loved one to worrying about fi nances can suppress your immune system, slow down your metabolism and rob the body of needed nutrients. So the next time you start to feel stressed grab a cup of tea and relax a bit.

The interesting legend of the 4-Thieves has long been a part of herbal history as an all natural preventative to contagious diseases.

One legend has the 4-thieves pilfering the homes of the dead during the Spanish Infl uenza without contracting it.

A 14th century European legend has the 4-thieves robbing homes during the Bubonic Plague, when they were caught the authorities wondered how they could rob so many homes without falling ill; in exchange for their secret they would be given their freedom.

During the Plague of Marseille in the 1700’s the thieves rubbed a combination of herbal oils on their bodies before robbing the homes of the dying and the dead; again upon being caught they shared their secret and were allowed to go free.

Just like the legends, there are a few formulas associated with the thieves. One formula is made using apple-cider vinegar 1/4 part lavender, rue, wormwood, sage, thyme, oregano, rosemary, and elecampane along with 1/8 part nutmeg. The vinegar is made by placing the herbs in a widemouth jar and covering with 1-2 quarts vinegar. Steeping the herbs for 6-8 weeks shaking daily; strain and rebottle storing the finished product in a cool dark place when it is finished.

Other blends use lavender, sage, hyssop, peppermint, lemon balm and garlic or rosemary, wormwood, rue and peppermint. I personally make a blend combining all of these formulas. There is also an Essential Oil Blend combining cloves, cinnamon, eucalyptus, lemon and rosemary which was found to be 99% effective when tested on airborne bacteria’s at Webster State University.

In other studies these herbs were found to be highly effective antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial, anti-parasitic, astringent disinfectant and insecticidal herbs. I also did some research on the properties of the herbs and I found them to be beneficial for colds, flu, fever, parasites, stomach upsets, funguses, rashes and itches and a multitude of other things.

With these properties in mind the 4-thieves formula can be taken daily as a preventative for all sorts of illnesses that are going around and it can help if you should become ill as well (Not for pregnant or nursing mothers).

Adults can take 1 teaspoon of the vinegar mixed with 1 teaspoon honey in a glass of water, children can use ¼-½ teaspoon in juice if he/she is over two than honey can be used. It can also be added to baths, diluted and used in a spray bottle for a body spray, as a room spray (great for traveling especially musty rooms) or as a disinfecting spray for countertops.

I make disinfecting wipes with 4-Thieves for countertops, grocery carts, diaper-changing areas, on telephones, sinks, cutting boards, the uses are end-less.

It’s a healthy alternative to the toxic chemicals found in hand sanitizers or disinfectants.

I know I will be adding these blends (oil and vinegar) to my herbal protocol especially with all of the flu hoop-la going oneven if it is just a legend.

I’ve done the research and I’m convinced.

Just What is Essiac?

Essiac is a blend of herbs used by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse in the 1920’s; while working with a breast cancer patient who did not have the money to pay for medical treatment. Fortunately Rene was acquainted with an Indian “Medicine Man” who believed he could help this patient with his herbal tea. After her recovery, Rene used what later became Essiac on both her mother and her aunt who lived much longer than their doctors had expected.

The original “Medicine Man’s” formula was modified a few times and over next 50 years it helped many other patients believed to be incurable by their doctors. Rene eventually formalized Essiac into a 4 herb formula containing Burdock, Sheep Sorrel, Turkey Rhubarb and Slippery Elm. Unfortunately this blend has never been approved by the AMA or the American Cancer Society; to scientifi cally prove its effects would take millions of dollars and 10 years of research; but over the last 80 years Essiac has had positive results with so many people.

I became familiar with this formula years ago when my friend was diagnosed with a brain tumor; his only option was radiation and his doctors were not hopeful since no one had survived this type of tumor before. I immediately went into research mode; I found that for centuries Burdock had been and still is used all over the world as a cancer fi ghting herb one that helps to reduce lymph-edema with anti-mutagenic and anti-tumor properties. Burdock helps to restore the circulatory, respiratory, urinary and lymphatic systems removing toxins from the body caused by radiation.

Nutrient rich Sheep Sorrel nourishes the blood carrying oxygen throughout the body. It contains aloe-emodin found to have anti-leukemic properties and other compounds found to cause the regression of metastasized cells reducing tumor growth.

Slippery Elm is another nutrient rich herb in Essiac it contains beta-sitosterol and polysaccharides found to have anticancer
activities. Its other nutrients help to soothe, heal and reduce inflammations of the throat, esophagus, vocal cords, stomach, bowels and reproductive organs greatly reducing pain.

Turkey Rhubarb helps to ease constipation, detoxify the liver, improve circulation and reduce infl ammation it contains emodin, aloe-emodin, catechin and rhein all found to have anti-cancer activities with the emodin being a strong inhibitor of leukemia.

Together this blend boosts your immune system, destroys parasites, they remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body caused by radiation and chemo. They ease side effects of chemo and radiation including pain, inflammation and stomach distress.

Essiac can be found in health food stores, the doses can vary depending on the severity of the condition. My friend started with 4 capsules and went up to 18 capsules in one day; for some people this can cause stomach distress or diarrhea my advice would be to take it slow.

Essiac makes no claims to be a cure for anything but it has stood the test of time as a complement to most traditional therapies, and in my family it has served us well.

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