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What's your name? Edmond (or Eddie in social circles; just easier to spell and remember) What's your middle name? For those who don't know, it's a major Californian city. C'mon, it's not that hard to guess. What's your nickname? Officially I have none. You all feel free to make up one for me. What's your ethnic heritage: Spanish/Mexican-American with a bit of Apache thrown in. What time is it? Does anybody really know what time it is? Is it just what accurate clocks measure? Is there a physical time and a psychological time? Or is it - as Zeno of Elea put it in ancient Greece - that time is nothing because it doesn't exist? Mull that over for a while. And what is "a while"? =) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookies 'n' cream. Went eating and/or drinking last with: Drank with Kristy and her friend this past Sunday. Good times. Last time I dined out with someone was Mindy. Name your first crush. Hey, I didn't have a crush on anyone back in school and nobody had a crush on me. Let's leave it at that. In what month is your birthday? June Which actor/actress do you most admire? No one in particular, but I could be amenable to Angelina Jolie. Not so much hot, but hey, she wants to help save the world. But I also dig Joan Cusack, Catherine Keener and Kevin Spacey. How old were you when you got first kissed? Like I'd remember that. Have you ever flown in an airplane? Yep. Plans for the weekend? If we're basing this upon my activities the last 2 months, hopefully some drinking will be involved. Or just hanging out with someone - someplace - as long as I get the heck out of my bachelor pad. What is your favorite song? Can't name one favorite, but a few rotate in my mind every few weeks. Have you ever been ABSOLUTELY drunk? Are counting this week, this month, this year? LOL Who did you last hug? Kristy. What is the color of your car/truck/bicycle or main mode of transportation? Pine green. What do you during the day? Work. I'm practically attached to a computer. Do you instant message? Not much, but somehow friends say they miss me a lot when I don't I/M. I think they're lying =p Last text message received/sent: Haven't sent any since Sunday. And no one has texted me since then. Which makes it official – nobody loves me. LOL (just kidding...hopefully!) Last personal email received/sent: Received from Raul, Martin and Kathay. Okay, they love me. Or just tolerate me. What's your favorite word? Cripe! (my hybrid cuss of "Christ!" and "crap!") How many brothers and/or sisters do you have? I'm the only child. But I think I have half-siblings someplace on earth. Piercing/Tattoos: No piercings, but – this may come as a shock to many of you – I'm seriously contemplating a little ink. Just a tiny bit ;-) What's the last song you heard? "If You Can't Say Love" by The Visionaries (GOOD hip-hop still lives on KSYM radio…quick plug!) What's the last thing you saw on TV? Probably a quick scan of the cable news outlets. First thing I do each morning upon waking up, just to make sure no wars have broken out or major natural disaster has taken place. What did you have for lunch? I typically brown bag it. Tuesday I was snacking on pop tarts! Ever married? If not, do you want to? Marriage? What's that? Although it's possible my doppelganger is three-times divorced with several kids. What's in your pocket? Wallet, keys - typically. What's around your wrist? Watch. What is your favorite food? Mexican. What is your favorite exotic sports car? I'm not partial to sports car. But if I had to choose one, I'd say Ferrari. What color are your eyes? Brown. A glazed-over, sleep-deprived brown. What year in the 80's is your favorite? Who knows. It can't be 86-88 because junior high was hell for me. Do you have any children? Nope. Automatic or stick-shift? Auto. What five words would you use to describe yourself: Friendly, loyal, honest, witty, sharp. Where was your last vacation? Vacation? What's that? Which musical instrument do you play? I don't play one, but if I did it'd be a guitar or harmonica. Where were you born? San Antonio What's your favorite thing to bake? I don't really cook or bake. But those microwave instant brownies are awesome, possum Who do you love? Family, friends. What is your biggest fear? Dying alone and having made no meaningful impact on society. Oh, and dying without having seen the Cubs win a World Series. That would suck more. What is your favorite thing to wear? I've got tons of baseball caps! What is your favorite snack? Can't name one, but I'm sort of partial to barbecue potato chips and cereal bars. What is your favorite pastime? So many – working out, playing on the computer, plotting ways toward global conquest. What is the last junk food you ate? Probably Fritos and bean dip. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Curse my existence LOL What color is your toothbrush? Like I'd actually pay attention to that. I dunno. White and blue? What was the last movie you've seen in the theaters? Sicko. Do you believe in a "higher power"? Yes. If you haven't heard already, we Catholics rock and are to be worshipped by all other beliefs. Beat that, you Protestant heathens! 8-P What is your favorite breakfast food? My breakfast ranges from bagels to cold pizza. But ideally if I could have migas and pancakes every other morning, I'd be set for life. Do you still get acne? Not much anymore, thank God. What is your one guilty pleasure that you are embarrassed to tell people you like? That's for me to know and you to wonder about. What is the last CD you bought? I think it was actually a tie between Girl in a Coma "Both Before I'm Gone" and Fiona Apple's "Extraordinary Machine." Or maybe it was Beck's "The Information." I forgot already. What's your fetish? Er, umm… Do you hate your job? Not at all. I get paid lousy, but do something I love and still hang out with relatively cool people and play hooky. What's not to like? Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Nope. What is your first reaction when you lose your keys? Umm, where's my keys? No, it would be "thank God I lost my keys. I didn't want to go to work or run errands today anyway." What's the most exotic place you have been? Does the visit to Mexico when I was a toddler count? How about a rave? What's the most boring place you've been? Can't name one. Who is your best friend? Diosdado. What is the worst thing you ever ate? Hmm, I'd have to come back to that one. What is the headline on your newspaper today? Something about the end is near, repent now… Have you ever had a broken bone? Amazingly, no. What did you want to be as a child when you grew up? A stock broker. Don't ask why that. Who do you admire the most? Maybe my mother. She was strong in the face of adversity. What was the very first car you've driven? Ford Tempo. Have you ever mooned anybody? Err, ummm… LOL Do you collect anything and if yes, what? Sports cards. And bottle caps (beer, really =) Who's your favorite cartoon character? So many to choose from! Brian from Family Guy. Ren Hoek. Just a couple to name here. What's your favorite TV show? Can't name a favorite, but you'll see a few on my profile. What's your favorite type of music? Many genres. See my profile. What's on your screensaver? Can't have personal screensavers on my work PC otherwise the corporation would execute me on site. But on my MacBook I currently have the Andromeda Galaxy. What's on your cell phone wallpaper? A martini glass and my pet dogs. What was the last book that you read? I borrowed "Peace Not Apartheid" by Jimmy Carter from the library. What book are you reading now? I randomly read several books at once. One is Drinking, Smoking and Screwing. Cool activities, eh? What time do you wake up in the morning? Typically 9 a.m. on weekdays. Still too early for me. What was the biggest prank you've ever pulled off? Oh there was that one time…yeah, I'll share that for later. What's one thing that you HAVE to do everyday or else it seems like the day's lost? Either drink coffee or pray. What is one thing about you that no one else knows? Well, if I talk about that here and now, it kind of renders this question moot, doesn't it? Have you had someone toss a glass of water or any other liquid in your face? I don't think so. What did you most hate about your school days? Being at school LOL First date -- beer or tequila shots? Why not both? ;-P If you had to live in a different country, which one would it be? Canada . No, maybe Australia or Ireland . Sports car or luxury car? Sports car. Have you ever been in an automobile accident? Yep. When was the last time you were sick, as in flu/sore throat/really bad cold? Well, I had a few other ailments earlier this spring. What magazines do you have a subscription to? None at the moment. What was your favorite hiding place as a child? Under the bed. If you could renovate one (just one!) room in your home, what room would it be, and what would you do/how would you furnish it? I have essentially a two-room apartment (along with a bathroom). And my options would be limited. Imagine I have a little time machine here, and I go back to 1997 and ask you that cliche of a question- "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?". What's your answer... and is it what you are, in fact, doing today? I'm writing for a newspaper company, making lousy pay, still goofing off on working hours and…well, hey, how about that!! Do you own an ipod? Yep Do you own a digital camera? Si! Do you own a video gaming system? Nope (I miss the good ol' days of Atari!) Do you visit amusement/theme/recreational parks? Not as often as I'd like to. How do you make money? Writer extraordinaire. Last thing you bought? Umm, a couple of books. How's the weather? Classic Texas weather – sun shines while it's raining. How many beds did you lay in yesterday? Err, one? My own? Besides I'm not one to crash out at other people's places – invited or not. What color shirt are you wearing? Bluish Name one thing that you do everyday? Umm, eat? Breathe? Bathe? What's the color of your bedroom walls? White. What's your favorite sport? Watching or playing basketball. Curling is a close second LOL What did you have for dinner last night? Chicken burgers. Look to your right who do you see? Umm, I'm by myself right now. Do you have plants in your room? On my front porch. What's your favorite starbucks drink? Latte. Oh my God. Recent time you were really upset? Last Saturday. Utterly frustrating. Do you ever lie about your age? I still get carded on occasion. Yay! Do you prefer "sensitive girls" or "tough girls?" Tough girls with a sensitive side. Or sensitive girls with a tough attitude. Okay, I'm having it both ways. Do you prefer blonde or dark-haired girls? I don't have a strict preference, but blondes are like kryptonite to me. How many things in your past do you regret? Are counting today, this week, month, year? LOL Do you have more than one best friend? I compartmentalize my best friends. There's my male friends. My female friends. Friends from work. Pen pals. Then there's my imaginary friends =P What do you want to be when you really grow up? Supreme overlord of the universe. Have you ever had your heart broken? Yep. Who hasn't? Have you ever been disappointed in a friend for doing something? A few times. Has anyone close to you ever passed away? Yes. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? Yep. Have you ever stolen anything? Of course! Oh wait, I mean no, I'm a saint =) Do you ever wish you were famous? Not really. Oh wait. I want to be president. Then I guess yes. Are you taller than your mom? I am/was. What is the closest thing to you right now that is red? A pen What is your ring tone? Beastie Boys – Fight for Your Right to Party. Does anything hurt on your body right now? My liver and kidneys hurt. Is that a bad thing? (just kidding!) Had a nap today? I need one so bad. Is there an animal that creeps you out? The furby is inanimate, yes, but its mere existence freaks me out. Who was the last person you rode an elevator with? Haven't ridden an elevator in a long time. Did you go ice skating as a kid? Nope. Ever have stitches? A few. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Mountain Dew. What's something you want to do before you die? Travel the world, write the great American novel and go into space. Have you ever caught something on fire? Well, there was that one time… Have you ever seen a ghost? I believe so. Do you know how to use chop sticks? Somewhat. Name something good that happened today. It rained. A lot. What room are you in? My living room. Are you worried about something you can't control? Of course. Who isn't? Do you take daily medications? Daily not so much, but occasional stuff for allergies and asthma. Ever been in a fight? Back in school. Sweet or Sour? Sweet. Sun or Moon? Moon. Do you know how to kill a zombie? Not yet. Taking classes starting next week. What would you spend $5,000 on right now if you were handed it? Give some to my family and apply the rest to a down payment for a new car. Which animal(s) remind you of yourself? What's my screen name? Did you grow up in the city or country? City. What's one thing you're really good at cooking? The MICROWAVE is really good at cooking lots of things. Slurpee flavor? Mountain Dew or Coke. What's your favorite color? Brown. Who do you talk to the most over the phone? Hmm, toss ups among Raul, Martin and Diosdado. Do you have a tan? Unfortunately, no. Do you like Snapple? I could go without it. Do you have a pool? My apartment complex does, but I don't particularly care for it. Do you daydream a lot? Of course. Interferes with my work productivity often. Are you flexible? Yep. Would you ever go skydiving? If I were daring and nihilistic enough. What song would you do best at karaoke? Perhaps U2's "With or Without You." I know I'd put a lot of feeling into it, but I don't think I could mimic Bono's high notes toward the end. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope. Who was the last person you spoke to? Just some co-workers. 5 things in your room: Bed, drawer, telescope, stereo, bookcases 5 things you couldn't live without: Bible, writing utensil, notepad, wine, ipod 5 friends you would want to room with: Hmm, I don't want to open that can of worms LOL 5 people you love: My two aunts, my uncle…hmm, who here would suck up to me enough to secure those final two loving positions? LOL 5 people you hate: Hate is such a harsh term. I like dislike. Ice cream or cookies? Depends on my mood. Books or magazines? Books. Coke or Pepsi? Coke. Righty or lefty: Righty. Number: 3.14 Alcoholic drink: Either a Shiner Bock or White Russian Month: March Juice: orange Bungee jumped? Nope. Gone skinny dipping? Err, ummm… Loved someone so much it made you cry? Of course. Played truth or dare: Yep. Been in a police car: Not (yet =) Been in a sauna: Nope. Been in a hot tub: Yes. Swam in the ocean: Does being thrown into the surf drunk at 3 a.m. count? Fallen asleep in school: Of course. Ran away: No. Thought about it a couple of times. Cried when someone died: Of course. Your good luck charm? I once had a replica shark tooth from Dinosaur World as part of a neck chain. Damn I lost it right before my partial summer of hell began last year. Hmmm…. Last thing you ate?: Grapes. Who was the last person that called you: Other than media contacts, probably my aunt. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: Glasses. Tried contacts. Wouldn't take. Do you like yourself: I'm good enough, smart enough and dog-gone-it, people tolerate me 8-P Do you get along with your family: Yep. Obsessive Compulsive? About what or whom? What are you listening to right now?: The hum of my fans and A/C. What did you do yesterday? Worked way too long. Hated someone in your family: No. But I think I would've had issues with my dad if I actually knew him. Gotten any awards?: A few. Nothing major. What car/truck do you wish to have: A hybrid compact! Good driver? Very much. Good Singer? Hell no. Tried illicit substances? A few here and there. Why? Who's asking? Are you from the government, representing "The Man"? Have a lava lamp: Yeppers. How many remote controls are in your house? Three, perhaps more. Are you double jointed? No. What do you dream about? I rarely remember my dreams nowadays. Scary or Funny Movies: Funny movies. What's your favorite movie or film genre: See my profile. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate. Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Root beer Summer or winter: winter Sprite or 7up: 7up Coffee or tea: Coffee, but I like some tea. Phone or in person: Some phone first, but I talk better in person. Indoor or outdoors: Indoors. Miss someone: Always. Who/what last slept in your bed: Me, myself and I. And maybe my cat. Went to the movies last with: Chip. Been to Vegas? Oh yeah, and considering a return in January! Best feeling in the world: When I've accomplished something. Or when I realize something has gone wrong and it wasn't my fault LOL Future children's names: These are pretend children, like the imaginary friends, right? What's under your bed: The floor? Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: Of course. Story of my life. Ever been on radio/TV: Radio briefly. Ever been in a mosh-pit: Yep! What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex (visual)? Eyes, smile Favorite traits in the opposite sex – Humor, brains, friendliness, sincerity Hair color? what's left of it - black Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Butter and salted? Exercise or couch potato? Exercise while sitting on the couch 8-) Dogs or cats? Both Ever fire a gun? Yep Fashion – casual, formal, trendy, preppy or grungy – Mostly casual, a little preppy. Newspapers, TV or websites for information: TV and newspapers. Dancing at a club or just there people watch? If I'm sober, people watch. If I'm drinking, I'll tear up the dance floor. Three places you most want to visit: Northeastern U.S., Europe and Middle East . A fourth place? Mars. Where do you see yourself in 10-20 years? Writing for a living, running successful political campaigns, owning a house. It's nice to have a dream. Graduate college? Never did. Dropped out years ago. Shy or outgoing? Depends on the situation. Ever kiss any close friends? A few. Currently renting or owning? Renting. Prefer to be working class or wealthy? A working class hero is something to be. Morning person or night owl? Night owl for sure. Morning, what's that?
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