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Trip to Florida (Part 1)

Travel Journal (an almost verbatim account of our vacation taken May 12, 2008 till May 31, 2008) Day 1, May 12, 2008. Monday, Early Evening. We have set up camp on an old abandoned road in the Nantahala National Forest near Franklin, North Carolina. BB pitched the tent as I gathered firewood. Lucky for us, there is an abundance of dried wood all around our site, so I don’t have far to go to get plenty. It’s just now on the edge of dark, we have a fire going, and BB is playing some Native sounding love tunes on a blue plastic flute, as well as some tunes that sound like something out of another century. Something that brings to mind stories of Knights and damsels in distress, and the Knight must protect any damsel in need of his services…but this particular damsel in distress has long ago captured his heart and soul, even before they actually met, as if they knew each other from a dream or perhaps a past existence. This is the picture his playing evokes in my imagination. He is pretty good at playing made up tunes, even on a blue plastic flute… Light is fading quickly with so much tree coverage overhead so this will be all for tonight other than to say that the Slab Café on Hwy 25E/209 next to Newport, TN is cheap but good food. We stopped there today for coffee and French Fries just to warm us up some, since it was a bit chilly out. A huge plate of Fries and 4 cups of coffee was just $2.85 including tax. Not bad at all, and was very tasty coffee & Fries, clean dining area and welcoming, friendly employees. Day 2, May 13, 2008, Tuesday, Early A.M. The sun has finally crested the mountainside and the temperature has gone up a few degrees. BB has a fire going and we have thawed out a bit. We got a bit cold last night, even snuggling under 3 thick blankets and fully dressed. I woke up with a bit of a headache from Sinus, had a few sips of coffee and a smoke, but still have a bit of a headache and earaches. We plan to go to Cherokee today, to the Rez, mill around a while then look for a place to camp in the forest. We are hoping it warms up soon so we can break camp and move on. The forest here is beautiful but we wish to get nearer our destination. Last night was very good for us. BB kept a nice fire going and sang to me, and we slow danced without music, then made love under the stars shining above us, which was wonderful…He sang “Kentucky Woman” to me and I absolutely loved every second of it. Put a big, goofy grin on my face for sure. I’m very happy right now. He says he is too, which makes me even happier! So far, both of us are thoroughly enjoying our road trip and look forward to more happy days on this trip. I think it will be very good for us to have this vacation. Dang, I could use some hot coffee and some food right about now, but it’s still a bit too cold to get on the road. We don’t know how far the nearest town is but we figure it can’t be too far, since we have seen school buses on the road early this morning. It’s now mid-afternoon and we are in the Pisgah National Forest near Highlands, North Carolina, at a pull over spot on the river about halfway up the mountain past Highlands. BB is taking pix of the river and butterflies etc. This spot is absolutely gorgeous! All of western North Carolina is gorgeous. Some of the most beautiful scenery in the United States is in this area. This river has a variety of minerals in it and on the bank-Mica, Pyrite, etc. There has been a variety of valuable gems found in Western North Carolina-Gold, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, and more. There are many pan and dig spots along the roads in the area where you can do-it-yourself and hope to luck up on something of value for a simple small entry fee, usually not over $5. I lived in this area for awhile in 1996 and was told that Western North Carolina has more variety of plant life than anywhere in the Western Hemisphere though I can’t say it is fact, as I haven’t looked it up online to know for sure. I do know that Highlands is on the Eastern Continental Divide and makes great but expensive furniture and once was a summer home for Burt Reynolds and Lonnie Anderson before their divorce. The people of western North Carolina are very friendly and warmhearted, even to strangers. The southern mannerisms are just wonderful and it’s too bad that doesn’t carry over to the rest of the world. Day 3, May 14, 2008 Wednesday, Mid-Morning We went to Cherokee yesterday, but not a lot was going on. Tourists were milling around the shops on the main strip in town, just like we were. We found a very nice leather shop and BB bought me a new pair of riding gloves at a very low price, we couldn’t believe how inexpensive they were. All the people there were very friendly and polite but there was no powwow going on as I had hoped. Maybe next time around we will get to be a part of one. Hopefully get to participate in a sweat as well. This morning we are in a campsite on HWY 207 off HWY 28 near Mountain Rest, South Carolina. It’s called Cherry Hill Recreation Area, Sumter National Forest. There are about 40 campsites here, very beautifully wooded, each has a picnic table, fire ring, and a hand water pump, along with a tent pad. There are restroom stalls and a sink with cold water plus two showers available, one for men, one for women, and the water is very hot and abundant in the showers. Pets are allowed here as long as you keep them under control and clean up after them. So far, it’s a very nice campsite, as there is a great deal of dry wood available around the woods, the area is very clean, neat, quiet and peaceful, just gorgeous. There are only about 8 other sites here taken by campers right now and everyone seems to be very friendly and polite when we walk by their sites. Mid afternoon: This forest is just wonderful to camp in. It is very peaceful, even with the road running behind our site, which we can hear traffic from, but it’s still quiet and the traffic sounds are not bothersome to us. We rode to the nearest store, on HWY 28S near Mountain Rest, to get some supplies. The two little elderly ladies running it didn’t have much to choose from on the shelves as they are selling so they can retire, but they were very friendly and polite to us. They made a pot of fresh coffee for us, which they don’t charge for, but do have a donation jar set up so people can donate at will to keep the coffee flowing. So be sure to add some change to the jar if you are ever in there. Today we plan to go for a ride to check out the area and try to get some pix. BB is talking about staying a few days in this forest, which is fine by me. If we stay we miss Bike Week at Myrtle Beach but the weather forecast is rain for the next several days so we may miss it either way. There’s always next year if we do miss it, plus there is Junebug Boogie in June (in Tennessee) and Little Sturgis is in July (in Kentucky) the weekend of my birthday. We plan to try to go to both events. We can’t do a straight drive through to Myrtle Beach; it would just be too hard on us both, so we will most likely not make it there. It’s around 1 P.M. now. BB has been breaking up wood for our fire. I was doing the same but needed a break, so I thought I would journal a few minutes. BB is pretty strong but I’m not. Post Polio Syndrome and Spina Bifida Occulta, which I have, both have a way of weakening me at times. BB just came back from going deeper into the woods, telling me to bring the camera, that he has a surprise for me that he thinks I will like. I’m now back from my surprise: boy that was something! We walked into the woods and came upon an old, abandoned outdoor amphitheatre built up the side of a hill. Aside from two old empty beer cans, it looked as if it hadn’t been used in many years. I walked up to the top to get a better view and BB took pix of me standing up there acting goofy. Then he sang to me and I just had to applaud him, he is just so wonderful and sweet to me! Looks like rain now but we had gathered more firewood just in case. Early evening: It has been raining for several hours now. We took a little nap after making love under a blanket out in the open and woke to it coming down non-stop ever since. We can’t build a fire to cook on but have Hexadrine tablets to use if needed. They are essentially rocket fuel and seem to burn in any conditions. We plan on beef stew and a cheese sandwich for dinner, along with hot chocolate. Something hot in case it gets chilly here tonight, which we are hoping it doesn’t do as we are both itching to get back on the road. BB is wanting pizza and I’d love a cold Dr. Pepper, but it’s too wet to drive to the little store to get those items. So beef stew and cheese sandwiches it will be. Day 4, May 15, 2008, Thursday, Early A.M. As it turns out, this forest is a paid site. It is $10 per night, on the honor system. We had 3 different locals tell us it was a free campground but at the price it is, it’s still a pretty good deal as we can take as long a shower as we like and never run out of hot water. It must be an in line water heater they use here. We are hoping it is dry enough to get back on the road in the morning, as we want to head to the Congaree National Forest, which is about 100 miles south of here. There’s no way we can make Bike Week now, from what we can see. It’s over with on Sunday, so we would have to drive straight through to Myrtle Beach (damn near impossible for us) just to get the last day of it. It’s not worth it for us. Sore bottoms are all we would get out of that!! We now have a slight change in plans; we will just head south as soon as possible. My good friend of many years, Glenda, lives in Folkston, Georgia now and we plan to stop in to see her if at all possible. Folkston is about 30 minutes west of New Brunswick, Georgia and about 10 miles north of the Florida state line, so basically right on the route we sort of plan to take. I say ‘sort of’ since with BB we don’t always end up taking the route we plan on. Therefore plans are just a loose basis of what we may or may not do! Either way, it’s all good… Anyhow, tomorrow I plan to try to call Glenda when I can get a signal on my phone. I know she will be just as happy to see me as I will be to see her, as I haven’t seen her in a few years now and only had phone contact, plus I know she will be happy to meet BB as well. I had left PJ our cell and will check the voicemail to see if she has called. She is right on our way and we would love to meet her. She seems like a total sweetheart. Early afternoon: We went for a stroll through the park. Seems it may be a misnomer to call this place Cherry Hill, as I saw no Cherry trees in bloom, but saw a gazillion Blueberries all over the pine forest. I think they should have named it Blueberry Hill. BB said maybe it was named Cherry Hill for guys who used to bring virginal girlfriends up here to pop their cherries. Haha, that’s very funny BB, but doubtful. We are now hoping that the rain lets up enough that we can travel soon. Dry and warm would be very nice; we got sick of cold, wet weather long ago. Seems winter is never going to actually be gone. We met an old hippie chick named Barbara camping here in the forest. She was pretty cool to hang out and talk with. Along with her at the campsite were Jim and his wife, and an elderly man whom I think was probably Jim & Barbara’s father. Barbara told us that she has a friend who lives in Lynch, Kentucky, and made a comment that “the beautiful people all come from Kentucky”, whatever that means. Day 6, May 16, 2008, Friday, Mid-Morning. The rain has finally stopped and we are very happy about that. It rained hard and steady last couple days; our tent was drenched just as were we. BB had used a sealant on the tent before we started out on this trip, but it will only keep out so much water. We got very cold last night, sleeping in wet clothes under wet blankets, but today is sunny so I hung all the blankets and clothes on a rope to dry. I was wet from my ankles to my crotch and from my shoulders to the top of my head, BB was the same. No amount of snuggling helped that at all, even though BB feels like a furnace next to me, lol… We took hot showers and put on dry clothes first thing this morning, so we feel better now. I dried the floor of the tent as best I could. We are hoping everything is very dry soon so we can get ready to head out again. Early evening: We went to the store for more supplies but we didn’t know a stick was stuck between the front tire and the fender till we smelled rubber burning. BB pulled over to check things out. As it turns out, the stick rubbed off the majority of that side of the whitewall and a small bit of tread, though we can’t really tell how deep it went and are hoping we don’t end up with a blowout on the road. That would really suck, and not in a good way. BB just bought those whitewalls before we left. Needless to say, he isn’t exactly happy about this happening but we can’t change it. Day 7, May 17, 2008, Saturday, Early A.M. It hasn’t been light for long, I just couldn’t lie there any longer, it was getting to my hips and I had to go to the restroom. So I couldn’t wait any longer. I’m up and built a fire, put on coffee water, and BB is now up too. It’s pretty chilly out so we have on our jackets. The wet things took forever to dry yesterday, since the humidity was very high. We are lucky the blankets got dry so we didn’t freeze last night, though it was pretty chilly all night. After coffee/hot chocolate this morning, we are packing to go. We are skipping trying to get to Myrtle Beach. There is no way we could make it before it ends-getting rained in saw to that. So we will just head south on HWY 28, on the back roads as we had originally planned to do, stop along the way for some breakfast in Walhalla, South Carolina before heading down the coast toward Florida. We sort of plan to hit Hwy A1A and travel down the eastern coast of Florida before cutting across the state and heading home up the Gulf Coast. We aren’t happy about missing out on Bike Week but things happen as they do for a reason and there is always next year to try to go. We found several places on the map where we can camp in Georgia if we are near enough to get to them. I haven’t yet called Glenda but plan to before it gets late into the afternoon. BB is talking about buying a pump air mattress because we both are getting sore from laying on the hard ground but we aren’t sure if we will or not. Roughing it is ok for me for a few days but, long term, it’s very hard on me, due to my health issues. Mid Evening: We took HWY 1 South, and ended up stopping in Waycross, Georgia at Huddle House for hot coffee before trying to head on toward Folkston. We got pretty cold once it started to get dark. There was no area to camp on this side of the state of Georgia that would provide any break from the weather; it’s mostly pines with that scrubby palm looking stuff growing between each one. I had called Glenda earlier and got her voicemail, left her a message but she has yet to call back. Hopefully, she isn’t out of town, lol… The Huddle House we stopped at was not at all friendly. To rephrase, the waitresses were snappy to each other and not friendly to us at all. The cook was a biker named Keith and he was very friendly and gave us directions on in to Folkston. We got to Folkston around 10 P.M. and I tried to call Glenda while stopped at a Shell station on HWY 1. She answered on the second ring. Our conversation is as follows. Glenda said “Hello?”, I said “Glenda, it’s Sondra” she replied in her happy go lucky but somewhat shocked tone “Girl! Where you at?!” I giggled “Folkston”. She didn’t believe me and said “You wish!” so I laughed and said “No, seriously, I’m in Folkston, Georgia” Still not believing me, knowing I can be such a joker at times, she said “Riiiiiight, where in Folkston?,” I said to her, “We are at the Shell Station on HWY 1” She said, still not believing her ears, “Shell?! On HWY 1? What’s across from you?” I had to ask BB since I can’t see very well in the dark and I repeated to Glenda what he said “Some abandoned buildings and a Jai Express” Glenda said “You’re kidding! I’m 2 minutes away, I will be right there. What are you in?” I replied “We are on a bright green Harley. We were looking for a camp spot and it got dark on us, we are about frozen” She seemed happy to hear from me and said “Stay right there, I will be there in two minutes” Sure enough she was there in two minutes. She asked what we planned to do; I told her we were looking for a camp. She said no need for a campsite, I said “Not if you let us pitch a tent in your yard”. She said “No, you can sleep inside so you won’t freeze. Follow me”. As it turned out she lives just two blocks from the Shell, must of been fate to pick Shell to stop at to call her, and that she wasn’t out of town. 2 blocks, what a trip, huh? Glenda made us a quick dinner and let us shower and gave us a place to sleep. She is a sweetheart of a person. Day 8, May 18, 2008, Sunday, Late afternoon. Glenda made breakfast for us all and asked us to go to church with her, BB declined so we stayed there to shower and clean up. We did a big load of laundry then afterwards we went to a local park and laid around eating DQ ice cream while feeling the warming sun on our faces. We then went for a drive to check out the town. There’s not much to it really. It’s a very small town and doesn’t appear to have much to do there to occupy a person. Glenda seems to be doing well for herself here, though, for that I am happy for her and Gabby. We went to Okefenokee Swamp today. It is 11$ per adult for admission into the park which includes either a train ride and/or boat ride, I wasn’t real clear on that. The boat wasn’t available, as water levels are way down in the area. We got a few pix there of a gator and of us at the sign into the park. Very pretty park, all in all. We will be staying another night at Glenda’s before we head on down south. We plan (sort of, lol) to go to Huguenot Beach in Jacksonville, since they allow camping on the beach and I want to swim and sun. We plan to stay a couple days there before going further south. We are hoping to hit Titusville so we can go to the nude beach there but aren’t sure we will get to, as we have to watch our funds. I think I prefer the mountains to vacation in, just as BB does. Doesn’t matter that we live in the mountains, it’s just comfy for us there. So far we have taken back roads and secondary highways all the way-we haven’t had to be on a major expressway, which suits us fine. We get to see so much more this way. We did, however, go through Athens, Georgia on the way down. It was gorgeous (for a city), with wonderful old architecture and well kept buildings. We stopped for a walk through a historical district as we both love old architecture, and there were a lot of bikers there at a café. It’s a very clean looking city from what we could tell, a nice city, all in all, from what we saw. Evening: Glenda and her granddaughter Gabby are still not home. Glenda was going to church then taking Gabby shopping, so said it may be late when she gets home. No biggie, we are sitting out on her patio having a smoke and enjoying the heat. Well, at least I am, lol, I prefer heat over cold any day! Day 9, May 19, Monday, Late Afternoon. We stayed at Glenda’s again last night. She and I caught up a small bit, exchanged emails and cell phone numbers before she left for work. Now it will be easier for us keeping in touch. BB and I took showers again as we had found ticks on us. Then around noon, BB and I repacked the bike and headed out toward Jacksonville, down HWY 1, which was not very far from Glenda’s. I didn’t like western South Carolina very much and I don’t think BB did either. This side of Georgia is ok but not my cup of tea. It’s too flat and the woods are too much pine and palm. The historical stuff I do like a lot, though. This part of Georgia is also part of Hurricane Alley, with evacuation route signs all along the highway. It’s probably in case the Nuclear power plant at Hatch has a problem, too. Ok, so that’s my assumption and I rarely assume so I’m allowed this one! We drove around Jacksonville & other nearby areas of Florida and went looking for Huguenot Beach but didn’t find it, went over some drawbridges and a bridge over the ocean. We basically just looked at the water as we went. Past Jacksonville, we found a public spot to go onto the beach but it was a no camping zone so we didn’t stay. I picked up a few shells but never found the ones I had really wanted to find. As it turns out, most all the beach along that stretch of HWY 1 is private, the homeowners have it all to themselves and the public is shit out of luck. Day 10, May 20, 2008, Tuesday, Evening We are now in a campground called Favre-Dyche State Park, getting ready to head out again. It’s midway between Summer Haven and Marineland, a few miles south of historical St. Augustine, on HWY 1. We stopped in St. Augustine on the way to see some of the architecture and such. Beautiful area, for a city, with a rich history but way too touristy for us. Very friendly people there from all we could tell. It was very hot today and I was happy to be in the sun, just wish we could find a spot to swim!! We were only in St. Augustine for an hour or so before we moved on south, stopped at a store for a cold drink and a snack, a smoke and some rest of the buns, some stretching of our legs and backs… Favre-Dyche is a nice campground but we are itching to move on to more of what we want to see and do in Florida. We have mostly been on the road today and are very whipped, so all we want to do is shower, eat a hot meal and go to sleep. Day 11, May 21, 2008, Wednesday, Early Afternoon We left Favre-Dyche yesterday morning and headed toward Palatka, stopping for a smoke before heading on toward Starke, then on up to the Osceola National Forest near Olustee, Florida. The last night in Favre-Dyche we had a can of beef stew and coffee for dinner. We went to bed early as we were both worn out tired, but we didn’t go to sleep right away. We laid there looking up at the stars and talking quietly for awhile before hearing a loud clanging…BB and I looked out to see a raccoon stealing the beef stew can. It had a little of the gravy left in it and was on the picnic table, covered with a tarp, along with other items. The raccoon managed to get under the tarp, grab the can, jump down to the seat, then to the ground, and run with the can, not spilling a drop of gravy and not making much of a mess of the table. Only one item got knocked off the table in the process. Pretty impressive raccoon! We ended up at a beautiful campsite in the Osceola, unpacked the bike, set up our site, then headed to the nearest town to get some more supplies. We stopped for a short visit at a local park before heading out again. After our visit to the park, we went to the store at McClenny and got some beer and food, then headed back to camp. The bugs are swarming us, and I think BB is getting as fed up with bugs as I am. This is a beautiful spot but there are no amenities whatsoever, not even an outhouse, so we are sweating and smelly today with no shower and will look for another spot tomorrow. Right now we’re using baby wipes to clean up as best we can, as well as warming water over the fire to wash off with a soapy washcloth. We still don’t feel clean though! BB found a huge turtle shell in a burned out section of the woods. I plan to make a purse or something out of it. Bleach it off and paint it, then clear coat it and it will make a nice “something or other”…. Around 2 P.M. we went to look for a public beach. We found one in Olustee. It had a $3 parking fee, which we refused to pay until we got a chance to check out the beach. The beach was at a very pretty park but the water was down by about 8 feet and did not look very clean, so I was afraid to get into the water there. We didn’t even wade, and I didn’t find any shells to collect either. We ended up not staying, just filling our water jugs and leaving. So far, we haven’t gotten to swim or tan at all. We decided to stay in The Osceola for a few days and check out the area. Early Evening; we found another campsite at a place called 17 Mile Camp, near Olustee. BB moved some things to the site on a few bike trips as I finished packing up and cleaning our site here. 17 Mile looks to be a hunter’s campsite but is totally deserted. I picked the spot there, a great site on a lily pond. Once moved to17 Mile, BB and I gathered Spanish moss to put under our tent for padding, it makes for extra comfort. To my understanding, the moss was once used to stuff mattresses and couches. BB set up our tent in a clearing amongst the trees as I gathered fire wood. We then found rocks to set up a fire ring and I built a fire while BB tarped up the area. BB found an old Port-A-Potty that looked to have not been used, nor cleaned, in a long while. I told him to not go in there; believe me he didn’t stay very long!! Day 12, May 22, 2008, Thursday, Late Afternoon We got up early, had coffee and a snack, then headed out on foot to explore the camp, trying to avoid the flies. They don’t bother us much as long as we keep moving. The entire park is beautiful. BB got some pix of bear paw tracks on one of the trails, in comparison to my hand. Must be a huge bear is all I can say. We also saw tracks from deer and a big cat, plus smaller animals such as raccoon, squirrel etc but have yet to see anything up close and personal. Today we went to the Olustee Historical Battle Site of 1863. It was pretty cool, had cannons, monuments, and a little museum. No fees to use the park as it is state owned but they had a donation box set up inside the museum. Very pretty park! BB took a load of pix there and I took some of him as well. We don’t get a lot of pix of him since he is usually behind the camera lens, but now and then I talk him into letting me get pix of him, or he will set the camera to auto and get pix of us together, which I absolutely love! Yesterday we found a store in Taylor, about 8 miles from our site. The store in other direction (Sanderson) is 31 miles one way but has a lot more to choose from than this small country store in Taylor has, but is permanently out of gas, as they cant afford new pumps. The old pumps wont go to 4$ and Florida law doesn’t permit them to post half price on the pump then charge double like Kentucky allows. Soon there will be no gas in Taylor, either. Several places around this area have the same problem. Sad, it will probably put a lot of them out of business. I told BB that we need to go to McClenny and get a cheap cooler from the Dollar Store and a bag of ice so we can keep something cold to drink. He thinks it may be a good idea. He says maybe we should just go back to sleep awhile till the rain passes but that would be near impossible for me since I had 2 big cups of coffee. So I will just write a bit and hope the rain passes off soon. It finally stopped raining and we explored the camp some more. After our walk we went to Sanderson and McClenny. At McClenny we bought some items we needed from the Dollar Store before heading to Taylor to pick up some food items. We got a Styrofoam cooler, which BB wrapped in Duct tape to sturdy up plus it helps the ice to not melt as quickly. We filled it will ice, food and beer then strapped it onto the back of the bike. Some guys there saw what he was doing and got a kick out of it. BB told them “Give me a roll of Duct tape and I can build you a Cadillac!” They thought that was hilarious, so I told them that Duct tape is ‘Kentucky Cure All’-give me a roll and I will mend your broken leg, fix your muffler and use it as a hair remover. That was hilarious to them as well, though BB and I think it’s a great tool to have on hand. We had gotten some delicious Jamaican rubbed pork and chicken, Corona for BB, Smirnoff Green Apple Bite & Strawberry Acai for me, some potato salad and cole slaw then came back to our site and had a great late lunch. Anyhow, we decided to rest a bit before another long walk, and gathering more fire wood. We decided to stay a few more days. We are now having dinner and relaxing after a day of running around on the bike and on foot. This is a gorgeous spot and we had planned to stay a few days here. It had rained earlier today, a slow steady drizzle. We ran out of smokes and had to wait a long while to go get supplies, which we didn’t stock up on while we were at the store since we had originally planned to leave out tomorrow. Plus, we didn’t have enough room in the saddle bags for more beer and smokes, nor more food. Day 13, May 23, 2008, Friday, Early A.M. I’m up early, got a fire going, put on coffee water and some breakfast. I packed up last night, BB decided that we needed to move on, toward home. Ok by me, there is something too weird about being in a beautiful forest in 95 degree weather and having to wear jeans and long sleeves, lol…The sky is pretty clear and looks to be warm and sunny today. We had found a fire tower yesterday and BB climbed to the top to get some pix of the area, as well as pix of a hawk (he says buzzard), some on the ground close-ups of the Magnolia trees. The trees smell wonderful, lemony-citrusy, both the flowers and the leaves. They are stunningly beautiful. Unfortunately, while smelling a Magnolia, I stepped into a fire ant hill and got about 30-40 bites to my ankles and feet before I could get them off me. I climbed part way up the tower with BB then got another bite to my forearm so decided against going to the top. I ended up taking Benadryl to try to help stop the itching and stinging, burning pain and I’m very drowsy now. Just one will usually knock me out pretty quickly. My feet are itching so bad it is driving me nuts. I scratched them, which I know is probably a bad idea, but it relieved the itching for a short bit. I put some hand sanitizer on them. I figured the alcohol content would help and it did, at least temporarily. The frogs in the Lily pond are plentiful and we relaxed to the sound of their songs last night. Oddly enough, we didn’t hear any night birds here like we hear at home. That was kind of weird for me. It’s about 10 A.M. now, raining lightly, very overcast, and we are running short on supplies again. We are hoping the rain lets up enough to go into town again. We had planned to leave today but looks like it may not happen 6:36 P.M. It stopped raining a few hours ago and we chanced going to the store earlier. We picked up some beer and smokes, some things for dinner, and filled the gas tank on the bike. Now the heat and humidity has set in pretty bad so we are going to go for a cool off ride in our swimwear. (Continued)
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