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New Job Possibility!

Hi all, I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was ok. We were totally broke, barely had enough to send Darryl out on the road with, and barely enough to cover gas and cigarettes for me til tomorrow. So I am gonna be really happy tomorrow, get the groceries we need, and pay all the bills that are coming out, and prolly not have any left over, which really sucks. Got some good news, possibly getting Darryl a job right here in Guthrie, starting out at at least $15 - $20 an hour! So that would be awesome if he could get a job at the post office here in Guthrie, the only thing is we have to pay to get registered. It's $99 to get registered and then another $30 to get the supplies needed to get the training. The training is paid, will most likely get over time... which is pay and a half, and if he doesn't get hired in 30 days they refund all of the money back to you. Once you are registered then they will post your resume to all the places that you have experience working at. Since Darryl was a combat medic for 6 1/2 years then they would post it at the hospitals and Veteran's centers. We are really thinking about registering him..... he would be home everynight, and be making more money then he is right now. So that would be awesome if he could get a job there. So far he is the only person to apply for the job. Also once you are hired and a better job comes along and you want that job, then you can be signed out of the post office and take that other job, so that is SO COOL! Well I just want to smack OG&E! We got this month's bill and it said I owed $13.45 I was thinking cool, got a low bill or whatever. Then one day an OG&E worker came to the house, and switched out our meter for a new one. Well I didn't think anything of it, until I got the new bill that said I owed $300.00!!!!!!! I was like what, well with the bill was a letter explaining that our meter went out, and didn't record our usage right, so that is why they switched it. It also stated that I could work out payment plans with them , so I got it where I split it up into 6 months of bills. I can't afford $300 coming out with rent, cell phone, and all the other basics. NO WAY! At least they were nice enough to help me work it out to where I can pay a little every month til I am caught up. But goodness, it went from 13 to 300! Our weekend was ok, yesterday we were playing a game of soccer, and I tripped as I was going to kick the ball. Well we have a lot of little pot holes in our backyard, and I tripped and when I did I popped my big toe, and it popped out of the socket and back in.......... Man did it HURT! Tonight it's doing better....... still a little sore and it's bruised along the main knuckle, but it's ok. Just thankful it wasn't broken! I haven't broken one bone in my body, and was so afraid that I had broken it......... but just popped it out of place and popped the knuckle so hard that I jammed it. So it could have been a lot worse! Well I am fixing to go to bed, got a busy day tomorrow..... going to pick up paychecks, go pay bills, go grocery shopping and then have to unload it all. Both my kids are out of school, it's a professional day, so they can help unload the car, and bring it in. So you all have a great night, take care, Hugs ~ Jilly

Yesterdays adventures

Hi all, well today was a pretty good day. Got up late after Kyle had gone to bed so late last night, and then back up again so early this morning. Got up and it was raining a little outside. Grrrrrrrr I had left the windows down on my car overnight, and all the seats were wet!!! I had to run a few errands today, went to the bank, and Homeland to get a few things that we had forgotten on Friday. Saturday was a pretty good day. We went to the lake around 6:30 or so, and Darryl and Andrew went fishing, while Kyle and I went to the playground. Well somehow I went down to talk to Darryl, and ended up fishing with him. Well guess what I caught a fish!! The only one to catch one! Ha Ha!!! I have been doing these pay per click websites and I am hoping to be able to cash one out soon. I also read e-mails and such. Not too bad for a few seconds of time. The pay per click websites send you mail, then they have ads that you click on and you get paid per click. Pretty cool! :) I hurt my shoulder when I tried to reel in a huge fish that had bent to rod in half almost. So that kind of hurts, but it was still fun! Well I am gonna finish reading, and clicking.... paint my toes and then go to bed. So I hope you all had a pretty good Monday, take care, and have a good rest of the week. Hugs ~ Jilly

Back from Our Trip!

Hi all, we are back from our trip! It was so much fun. We went to St. Louis to see my sister for her ordination ceremony to be a Chaplin, and eventually to become a priest! It was so much fun!!! We got to do fun stuff, and stayed in a nice hotel that was about 20 minutes or so from her house! She was excited that we were all there. We got to video tape the ceremony because James couldn't be there, he had to work! :( So we got the most important part of the ceremony....... and Jenny liked it. It was a long drive though, we were so ready to be out of the car! We liked the car so much we are looking into getting one soon, I hope! We drove a 2002 Ford Taurus............. it was NICE!!!!!!! :) I found one for about $6995, it's a 2002 model with only 72,000 miles or so on it, so not too bad. Some of them were outrageous and they had more miles on them. A very comfortable car, and the hotel was nice. We stayed three nights, but with coupons and help from my mom, and my sister, we only had to pay for one night! The kids did great, they were so good. Kyle wasn't too sure of all the noise when we went out to eat, but he did fine once he had food and chocolate milk in front of him! Hee Hee! Well I will write more later, I have some things to do around here, got laundry and all the unpacking. So I hope you all have a great rest of the week. Take care & Hugs ~ Jilly

Mondays fun

Good evening all. I hope you have had a great week and a good & safe 4th of July!! I just can't believe that is July already. WOW this year is flying by. Well My week has been OK. Had a few rough nights with Kyle, he is getting two or three of his molars in at the same time. I just can't believe it! Andrew got two in at once, I thought that was bad! We got paid on Thursday, but unfortunately the stupid Omega has a dead battery. We thought we had fixed it, but nope! Went out there to start the car, and it was dead! GRRRRRRR That makes me so mad, the last time we charged it it had said battery charged, so we aren't sure if it's the battery or the alternator. Considering that we drove from here to the city and back with the alternator belt off the pulley! Who knows, so not this coming weekend but the next we are gonna have to take the battery and the alternator and have them tested to see which one is bad. Hopefully it's the battery, not sure how much an alternator is gonna be. This weekend we are driving to St. Louis, Mo to be there for my sister's ordination!!! We will be leaving Friday morning, and coming back Monday sometime! It should be an interesting trip. It will be me, Darryl, Kyle, Andrew, along with my sister, her hubby, Justin, Kelsey, Emily and Cade all in one vehicle!! It should be fun trying to squeeze 9 in a 7 passenger car!!! HEHE! My brother in law, Justin is being a JERK! He doesn't like the car that I have picked out, yet it's the biggest one that we could find online. All the others are gone, and my mom is already helping us out by paying for the rental, all we have to pay is toll road, gas, hotel, and dinner out one night. It's already totaling like $200.00 just for all that, plus all the basics bills and all that coming out, that is enough. So Justin and Joy said they were going to find a bigger car, and my mom told them that she will not be paying the difference they can! Joy & Justin can, cause we can't! We are barely able to make basics right now, so they can gripe and all that but my mom is doing what she can! It should be a fun trip. We are going to make cards, the guys will probably go to the zoo, it's free there, and we can swim at the hotel and such, so that should be fun! We got some fireworks on Wednesday and set them off on Saturday! We were expecting Joy and her family to be there, but they had other plans, so they missed all the fun, OH WELL!!!! It was kinda nice just having my family over there to spend with my mom, without other people around. It's really rare that we all get to spend time together! Usually it's all of us there, and that gets crazy!!! Also I just found out last week, that my brother and sister in law are going to be adopting a baby girl from China!!!!! They can have kids, but they have a rare, very serious genetic disorder, and the baby they carried for 7 months was born stillborn. Khury just didn't know if she could go through all that again. So they have decided to adopt. I think it's wonderful that they are doing that!!! Well that is what is going on here, just getting ready for our trip and all. I am so excited and proud for my sister. She will be doing a year residency in a local hospital in the chemical abuse for teens and young adults as a chaplan, in Des Moines!!!! You go girl!!! LOL. Well I write more before we leave, and when I get back will have to tell you all about what happened! Hope you have a great week, take care, Hugs ~ Jilly

My Week!

Good evening all. I hope you have had a great week and a good & safe 4th of July!! I just can't believe that is July already. WOW this year is flying by. Well My week has been OK. Had a few rough nights with Kyle, he is getting two or three of his molars in at the same time. I just can't believe it! Andrew got two in at once, I thought that was bad! We got paid on Thursday, but unfortunately the stupid Omega has a dead battery. We thought we had fixed it, but nope! Went out there to start the car, and it was dead! GRRRRRRR That makes me so mad, the last time we charged it it had said battery charged, so we aren't sure if it's the battery or the alternator. Considering that we drove from here to the city and back with the alternator belt off the pulley! Who knows, so not this coming weekend but the next we are gonna have to take the battery and the alternator and have them tested to see which one is bad. Hopefully it's the battery, not sure how much an alternator is gonna be. This weekend we are driving to St. Louis, Mo to be there for my sister's ordination!!! We will be leaving Friday morning, and coming back Monday sometime! It should be an interesting trip. It will be me, Darryl, Kyle, Andrew, along with my sister, her hubby, Justin, Kelsey, Emily and Cade all in one vehicle!! It should be fun trying to squeeze 9 in a 7 passenger car!!! HEHE! My brother in law, Justin is being a JERK! He doesn't like the car that I have picked out, yet it's the biggest one that we could find online. All the others are gone, and my mom is already helping us out by paying for the rental, all we have to pay is toll road, gas, hotel, and dinner out one night. It's already totaling like $200.00 just for all that, plus all the basics bills and all that coming out, that is enough. So Justin and Joy said they were going to find a bigger car, and my mom told them that she will not be paying the difference they can! Joy & Justin can, cause we can't! We are barely able to make basics right now, so they can gripe and all that but my mom is doing what she can! It should be a fun trip. We are going to make cards, the guys will probably go to the zoo, it's free there, and we can swim at the hotel and such, so that should be fun! We got some fireworks on Wednesday and set them off on Saturday! We were expecting Joy and her family to be there, but they had other plans, so they missed all the fun, OH WELL!!!! It was kinda nice just having my family over there to spend with my mom, without other people around. It's really rare that we all get to spend time together! Usually it's all of us there, and that gets crazy!!! Also I just found out last week, that my brother and sister in law are going to be adopting a baby girl from China!!!!! They can have kids, but they have a rare, very serious genetic disorder, and the baby they carried for 7 months was born stillborn. Khury just didn't know if she could go through all that again. So they have decided to adopt. I think it's wonderful that they are doing that!!! Well that is what is going on here, just getting ready for our trip and all. I am so excited and proud for my sister. She will be doing a year residency in a local hospital in the chemical abuse for teens and young adults as a chaplan, in Des Moines!!!! You go girl!!! LOL. Well I write more before we leave, and when I get back will have to tell you all about what happened! Hope you have a great week, take care, Hugs ~ Jilly
Hello all, well I hope your week and weekend went well. It was pretty good hear. I ended borrowing some money from my brother, and got the few things that we had to have today. Dang it's gonna suck when we have to start buying milk on our own. Got a gallon of white and a gallon of chocolate and it was $3.59 for the white, and $3.86 for chocolate. Wic is a wonderful thing, you get so many gallons of milk, cheese, eggs, juice, cereal, and a gallon of chocolate milk. IT really helps out, even if you don't have certain things for a meal, you always seem to have eggs, and cheese and milk. We have survived many months on that. Oh Yeah also peanut butter as well, which is always a good thing, both boys love it! LOL. Well things have changed once again, it looks like hubby will be taking those two days off, so my mom is going to rent the vehicle, and we are gonna drive up there with my sister and her 3 kids. So she is gonna rent a van for all of us to travel in. It should be fun with 3 adults and 5 kids!!!! Right now his company are being butts about him taking two days off, so if it comes down to it, he is gonna quit that job, and if we have to we will both get jobs. We have done it before, and have dealt with it, he would be home every night, and that would awesome, but it might mean that I have to work nights or something, still have to see. He was supposed to talk to his dispatcher today, but he told Darryl to call in the morning to talk about it, so not too sure how that's gonna go. I hope that it goes well, but this company is becoming more and more of a hassle to work with. It seems no matter what you do, it's not good enough, no matter what the cost is to you, the driver. So I am not really thrilled with them anyways. I mean he has two days of vacation left over from last year so I really don't see the problem with taking two days to be there for my sister when she graduates, ya know? It's not like he is asking for his two weeks vacation, but if it comes down to it, he will, so HAHA to them!!! We will be leaving Friday, July 13th and will get back sometime on Monday, July 16th. It should be fun! I am so excited for my sister, this is what she really wants, and loves, so I am so happy for her, and proud of her. Well it is after 1am here, so I had better get to bed. You all have a great night, take care, and Hugs to all :) ~ Jilly

Friday;s thoughts

Hi all I hope your week has been a good one. Mine has been ok. I had to break down and ask my brother for a loan, I hate having to do that. I am trying to get any kind of job at home making some money. I am reading e-mails, blogging, and whatever else I can do. Right now we don't have any money, and most of the websites want you to give them money, and I just don't feel comfortable doing that. Who knows it might be legit, but I am afraid that they will end up taking more money, or it would be a scam. So not too sure about all that. So I just don't feel comfortable about doing ones that cost money, I am only doing the ones that are free. So if anyone knows of some good ones that are free, pass them along to me. Thanks :) Well I am hoping that we can work all this out, and be able to pay off some things, depending on how much he loans us. Hope you all have a great weekend, take care & Hugs ~ Jilly

Fun Day!!!

Hi all, Tonight was an awesome night, went to my mom's and did a Birthday dinner for my sister who is graduating with a Master of Divinity!!! She will be having a ceremony July 15th, so Darryl, my sis, Joy, Me, and all of our kids are driving up there! Kinda excited about that, will be a fun trip! Also got offered a job today, but had to turn them down, cause at this time I can't leave the house for a job, and it was a Executive Manager too :( Booo Hooooo! Well I applied for one job that is hiring here in Guthrie, as a customer rep, and also helps with bookkeeping and such, I think I could do pretty good at both. Still waiting to hear from them, hopefully soon. I had to ask my brother for a loan, which I hate asking people to borrow money, but you do what you gotta do ya know. So I figured we could borrow enough to make it til the 5th and will pay him off asap. I just need enough to make it til then, and hopefully we can work out something. I am hoping so, we need money for Darryl when he leaves out Sunday!!! Well I am tired, just wanted to catch up on my blogging, I have some more exciting news to tell you about, will tell you about it tomorrow. I have a couple of phone calls to make tomorrow, and hopefully I will hear something about that job. Keeping fingers crossed. You all have a great night, take care, & Hugs ~ Jilly


Hi all I hope your Thursday is a good one?? Mine has been OK. The mower guys came yesterday and finally mowed our yard! The grass was up to our knees!!! They had to come back today and finish it, so they got done about 8 or so. I paid them and that was that. I can't believe they didn't show up til the 20Th to do our yard! Goodness, had me worried, that is the last thing that we need is a $200 fine for our grass!!!! Well had a busy day, had to pay on our loan, but they got robbed this morning! So going to go pay them tomorrow, and take out money for hubby for the next two weeks! He had a stressful and crummy day! He got a load going to close to Chicago, IL. Well he was supposed to be loaded at around 1pm or so, maybe 3 at the latest, well he didn't get loaded until 7:30 pm!! He called his dispatcher and told them that, and they said OK just get there as soon as you can. Now mind you Darryl had been up all day already, so he started driving, and was gonna lay down for an hour or so. Well he ended up laying down for 3 and 1/2 hours. So he didn't get to the place til noon time, and the appointment time was for 7 or 8........ well it's a 13 hour drive up there, not counting fuel time, weigh stations, and eating and all. So what do they expect! I mean they expected him up there at 8am! YEAH RIGHT!!!!! So they were all mad at him, even the manager at the place where he was getting unloaded, and the place that was gonna reload him closed at 4pm! Luckily he made it there before they closed. I mean what do these people expect. I mean his dispatcher called the manager and told him that Darryl would be late, nothing else, didn't tell him that he didn't get loaded til 7:30pm nothing!! OOH this is making me so mad. Darryl comes home disgusted, with no motivation at all, and cranky! I would be too if I thought I was doing a good job, and then they say well you could have done better by getting there at 8am, yeah right, they obviously don't know the meaning of driving carefully, stopping for fuel, or eating, or weigh stations!!!! I just don't get it! Some of the dispatchers have been drivers they should know what it is really like to get to an appointment on time, ya know. I can't wait til he gets his schooling done, and gets a job where he can be home every night, and help me take care of the kids and such. I also can't wait til I start my schooling!!!! :) I am still not sure whether I am pregnant or not, took a pregnancy test, and it came up negative, so I am gonna take another one tomorrow morning and see what it says! Kinda hoping that it says pregnant, and then also hoping I am not, because right now we can't afford another baby, and I am wanting to do my schooling, and a baby will kinda hamper that, so not too sure what to think right now! I will keep you posted on the results. Right now I am pretty sure the last thing Darryl needs to hear is that I am pregnant, because of this job, he has no motivation, and I keep telling him that he needs to finish his schooling and use that as motivation to get out of that job, but I can also understand that it has to be frustrating when you think/know you are doing a good job on something, and a member of the company just shoots ya down, with no regards to your feelings. Well I think I am gonna play some games on pogo and get to bed. So I hope you all have a great Friday (TGIF!!!!), take care, pleasant dreams, Hugs ~ Jilly

Wednesday~ More to come!!

Hi all just thought I would write a little bout what is going on with me this week. Well basically I am doing pretty good, still concerned about me physically, still haven't started my period yet, so it's a possibility that I might be pregnant. I don't know how I would feel if I was. I have been wanting a girl ever since my second son was born, but not sure how we could afford another baby...... they are expensive! So kinda hoping that I am not right now, and maybe later on I could have another baby. My hubby isn't too thrilled with having another one, but what can we do if I am, UMMMM have the baby, LOL! I have had a dream many times that my grandma and grandpa came down and handed me a baby girl. I had that dream when I was about 8 months pregnant with my second son, and then again shortly after I had him, and then again not too long ago. So I am guessing they were just preparing me for what was to come!! I am gonna be taking online courses this fall for accounting, not sure how that will work if I am pregnant, but it will be a good time I think to get started on my career even if I can't work outside the house til he/she is in school or whatever, I can basically be a working mom from home. Nothing wrong with that!!! Well I gotta get dinner, and all, so I will write more a lil later. Have a good night, take care, and Hugs :) ~ Jilly
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