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Tiffany Kunecke
Well...I'm a metal head. Simple as that! If you wanna get to know more, let me know. Video games, D&D, partying, watching movies, and doing whatever else comes along.... Hmmm, don't really have one... Horror, action, comedy....
Tiffany D
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Tiffany Saldivar
alotta movies gladiator boys dont cry rocky horror fast and furious a league of their own but im a cheerleader
Tiffany Pannell
hmm lets see how about you just ask me and ill let you know about me then
Tiffaney Falcon
Tiffani S
Im 14 gunna be 15 in Feb. i go to Smithson Valley High im a freshmen umm anything else u gotta message me!!!!!=)
Tiffany Merrill
my names tiffany.... i am soon to be 18 im married 2 the hottest guy ever my hubby Tim ford... if u need 2 know more... read in the general section my names tiffany. i am 17 turnin 18 in 2 months. im basicly married(engaged but marriage rules) to the smexiest man in the world my hubby Tim Ford lol. i live in Gainesville, GA and i work at Krogers as a cashier which kinda sucks lol but i have long curly brown hair(i straighten it all the time), dark brown-hazel eyes depends on my mood im 5'9 1/2" n im chubby if u dont like it... ohh well i think im pretty n i think im okie lookin and everything but if u wanna chat just send me something n if u have myspace my link is talk to you all later! :) my idol is my mema and my best friend johnny that died october 9, 2004 he was my best friend ever n i love him forever!! n my hunny tim cuz hes always there for me... i love u hunny comedies, horror movies, and action movies.
Tiffanie Johnson
Okay so here it goes.My name is Tiffany.I am 19 years old no matter what this freakin site says!!I have a boyfriend named James who I absolutely love and adore.He is the best.I LOVE YOU JAMES!!I have 3 niece, Alyssa, Ashlyn and Pryia.I absolutely love them.They are my pride and joy.Alyssa is 8, Ashlyn is 5 and Pryia is a week old.I born and raised in Michigan.I am a true Michigander.I have 3 sisters who are all older then me.My little cousins Andrew and Austin live with me because they were takin away from there parents and eventually my mom adopted them.Umm thats enough about me.If you want to know just ask me. I like to hang out with friends, chill with my boyfriend,I love being outside.I love going swimming(Fun times!!).I ove skiing, clubbing and going cruising.Thats about all I guess
Tiffany Williams
There's not much to know...and i suppose it doesn't matter what i write because your gonna ask anyway Well, just ask. Pee Wee Herman and Tom Green
Tiffany Vicious
Tiffany wanna know about me?..I live in Denver..have for almost all of my life. I live with my younger sister for right now..just recently broke up with my fiance of 3 years. Trying to get my life back. So yeah, if theres anything else youd like to know just ask! I like to read and write poetry..paint. I love love music and I love to play pool and I also am a TV addict.Hike bike..bowling. 1)GOD
Tiffany Johnson
hello ppl, im 24, single, and new to this shit so someone help me please!!! im so lost = )
Tiffany Stump
Tiff P
Tiffany Stark
i am 16 years old. i live in Ripley Ms
Tiffany Forte
If u would like to know more about me just ask me b/c i'm not telling u on here talk to me and u will find out.
Tiffany Fowler
What you see is what you get! I am a very strong willed person who can not stand dumbass people. I will tell you what I think at no cost to you. I have been told that is my best quality. I am your friend and will give you the shirt off my back until you fuck me over then keep your friends close and your enemies closer! I sound like a bitch Im really not Just strong minded. I love to be with good friends play pool drink beer and just have a good time with no drama. My Name is Tiffany I am origanally from Jackson,TN I now live in Jacksonville,Fl b/c I LOVE the beach. I love to hang out with friends shoot pool and have a good time. I like to be around grounded people b/c sometimes I tend to float places I shouldn't and they bring me back to reality!! I wish I was retired already I love my job I just hate working but in this day in age it is how you live I am not a teenager anymore... Well that is alittle about me.....................I LOVE FOOTBALL!!! Go Vols1 my mom!! Super Tro
Tiffani Morin
not too mch to say if you want more info go to or IM me on aim or yahoo im normaly on at nice so leave a girl some love PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! i love meting new ppl and just haveing fun my idols are my parents!!!! greenmile
Sooo a major update is needed.... i am officially SINGLE...not sure what to make of it but i always make the best outta everything soooo... I ll be just peachy!!! lol anyhoo hit me up and chat with me could use the company... I cant stand liars so dont waste your time. Im always up 4 a chat but no cyber shit sorry please dont waste my time! I am very open and outgoing once you get to know me so watch out i can be crazy. I love to joke around and have fun! I go with the flow and whatever happens happens! I am always having fun no matter who i'm with or what i'm doing... My out look on life is that you always should try something new...Curiosity killed the cat but success brought her back! Thats what keeps me motivated! href="">MySpace Comments Graphics Using your mouth Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mouth. You are incredibly sensual, a great kisser and a seductive lover. You drive all of your partners crazy
Tiff Mill
im not fake like a lot of people are i like to have a good time joke around, if you cant take a joke then dont bother with me lol like to play computer games like counter strike , hang out with my friends, anything outdoors, i will try anything once before i say that i dont like it, dont knock it until you try it lol,
Tiffanie V
im an easy going girl thats into anything pretty much....just lemme know what ud wanna do and id be up for it....any guys with pics to trade or cam or anything or just wanna chat hit me really really kinky so dont be shy to bring anything up...
Tiffany Colombe
Tiffany Putman
My name is Tiffany Putman..I go to McMichael High sucks I hate it..there is way too many ppl that run there mouth, but other than that thaqts all you need to knw!
Tiffany Hitler
Tiffany Sanchez
Background provided by DFS magazine
Hey, I'm Tiffany..23...lesbian..just moved back to Chicago from Indy. wanna know anything than ask.... Anything outdoors, girls, movies, music, art, concerts, parties, going out, etc. GIA, The Notebook, The Heartbreak Kid, But I'm a cheerleader, Boys Don't Cry, Final Destination 1-3, Halloween, Vampire movies, Horror movies, comedys.
Tiffany Ramirez
Tiffany Ramire
Tiffany Valentine
Tiffany Something Or Other
Tiffany B
Tiffany Loveless
iam a 24 female who lives in petersburg i have brown and hazel eyes i wigh 172 iam looking for a honest and loveable man i like to go fishing and go on hikes and i like to walk and hang with my freinds and chat online i like to go wrestling events and go ghosting
Tiffany Fiore
Tiffany Losey
Tiffany Johnston
Tiffany Mejia
Name is Tiffanie...20ys in full time and take care of my daughter when im not working....its been about a month since the love of my life has left us and went to iraq...sux...cause he's missing out on our daughters first year growing up..thank god its his last year in the army...WOO HOO....anywho...i enjoy hanging out with friends...going to the movies when i get the chance...isnt really that often...but when i do its fun...sports friends shopping..especially panty shopping is fun...and drinking when i get the about once a than that...nothing really to it... my fiance' and getting married when he gets back from iraq...sports..movies..and friends....and every now and then i enjoy working dont have one JURASSIC PARK!!! all the way..all time fav movie right like pretty much ever type of movie...
Tiffni Huckaby
I am a 29 year old Single mother of 2 little girls...They are my life...I am fun and exciting just ask anyone...who knows me...if you want to get ahold of me tell me maybe we can Yahoo or AOL/ get ahold of me or write me sometime......
Tiffany Abrams
Tiffany Bailey
Tiffany Brant
Tiffany Meh
Tiffany Astacio
about me i spend most of my time at work or reading or drawing.i like to play.i draw all the time i paint alot and do commison drawings for people. my intrests include music,books,movies,and defintely art freak.oh and internet
Tiffany King
Tiffany Miller
I don't like to be used, cheated or lied to. I get along with everyone as long as they dont get on my bad side. My kids are my life so if you don't like kids don't even bother trying to be my friend. I like to do alot of things. The things on the top of my list are spend time with my 2 kids and the rest of my friends and family, read, take long walks, and even watch a little tv now and then. I don't really have any idols. I guess I would have to say my mom though becuase no matter what she has always been there for me. Grease Dirty Danceing CryBaby Cheaper by the dozen 1&2 And a whole lot more.
Tiffany Vance-simper
Tiffany Shueffer
Tiffany Jordan
if u wanna know anythign message me im GAY so please no men doin whatever makes me happy at that time
Tiffany Wallin
I am 18 and a Freshmen at N.E.O. College in Miami Oklahoma. I am Majoring in Psychology. I am a Major Flirt! lol, already have that one down ;) lol. Neways, I love to have a good time and just hang out with my friends. I love to laugh and be crazy and do stupid stuff that we can laugh about later! I'm a pretty easy person to get along with and pretty friendly. Hangin out with my friends, College, listen to music, driving around town, and actin crazy and havin fun doin it! Johnny Depp he is GORGEOUS! Pirates of the Caribbean, Beanchwarmers, The Notebook, Really anything funny or Romantic. I am a HOpeless Romantic ;) lol.
Tiffany Gutierrez
Tiffany Garcia
Tiffany Knowlton
Tiffany Goin
Tiffany Attard
Tiffany Attard
myself, well i like to hang out with friends and do stupid stuff, i love music its number one on my list, deffently a huge horror films newe ones old ones i love em' i work at subway for frekin 6 bucks an hour it sux really if u have any questions just ask em im sure to answer. OH YEAH!!!! and anyone who wants to no waht ubn satands for its ur beautiful nightmare
Tiffany Nolley
i have 2 kids i have a girl she is going to be 3 year old and i have a boy he is going to be 4 month and i have a boyfriend i love him so much.
Tiffany Eppard
I am 19 starting a new year.. I hope it all goes well i got my ged yesterday. My boyfriend is 19 also.. I like him alot. he means the world to me.. I love meeting new people.. friends everyone needs those in this world to get by.. Peace Love and Friendship.. Just trying to have fun before i get to old to where i cant have fun and talk to hot boys and do interesting stuff. My Friends and family umm theres to many to remember!! LoL
Tiffany Alloway
Hosted by Sparkle Tags Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Tiffany Farr
Tiffany Myer
I'm 15 :] I like talking about anything and everything. I like to tell stories about myself and having fun. Hanging out at the mall with my friends. Talking to boys. Drinking. Walking. I've seen a lot of movies. I talk about movies a lot.
Tiffany Grass
Tiffany Spitzler
I love my boyfriend Ahlwen he's my everything ♥Arts ♥Crafts ♥Snowboarding ♥Surfing ♥Skateboarding, or at least trying ♥Playing bass and guitar ♥Learning about life and its trials and tribulations ♥Friends ♥Shows ♥Concerts ♥Underground music ♥Starbucks ♥Hairdye ♥The color Pink ♥Laughing ♥The rain ♥Shopping ♥Flowers ♥Huge sunglasses ♥Fashion magazines ♥Going out ♥Staying in ♥Flirting ♥Cute boys with their lip pierced ♥The City and its lights ♥Good sex ♥Fashion ♥Being held and touched ♥Feelings truly cared about ♥Sharing the bed ♥Lemon drop martinis ♥Poetry ♥Drama free fun ♥Golf Traffic Underworld 1 and 2 Blade The 5th element Thirteen Clueless Mean Girls Beetlejuice Napolean Dynamite Double Jeopardy
Tiffani Omoge
Tiffany Styles
well me i am a kewl laid back kinda a girl i like to think i got a perdy good persionaility i hope... ummm i am kinda loving i am all about family love love love my family... guys are a must ladies some times lol... ummms.... lets see animanls.... ppl with animals... ummm grapes.... bfs lol... meeting new ppl... i love it hmms.. i am a perdy injured soul my dad died in jan and my step dad died b4 that too and i dont know just too much hurt when ever u think everythings going to be okay something happens and yah i know i am taking it the wrong way i have sord becme a diffrent person sometimes i dont feel loved but i know deep down i am loved and i love very much soo my family friends ppl in general.....ummms......i am kinda a hopeless romantic....wanna fairy tale but really i am not a princess soo how well this become am not sure but hopefully it wel happen soon... hehe i want a special someone... but i do love this guy tyler i actually do hes the best... indeed.... hmms well more abo
Tiffany Beers
Im a stay home mom!!! i like to help my husband with his music!!!
Tiffany Cottrell
Hi my name is Tiffany My friends would describe would be outgoing nice person to talk to get to know fun to be around careing kind an likes to make new friends...How i describe sexy, sweet, smart,lovable and the most kindest person your ever wanna meet...i like to get to know all kinda people so if your willing to get to know me add me as a friend and lets talk...Im gonna be 20 years old i have a wonderful boyfriend his name is tommy we just got and apartment together and everything is going great he is the best thing to happen to me...So feel free to message me anytime you want Romantic Movies Comedy Movies Action Movies
Tiffany Calhoun
LIFE? Anarchy Analyzing People Band Swag Bi-Sexual Biting Biting My Tongue Ring Black Beauties Black Roses Black Underwear Bondage Broke down Trailer Parks Bruises Candles Chains Chokers Clovers Clowns Computers Concerts Corsets Crazy Answering Machine Messages Cruisin’ Dark Photography Day Dreaming Drawn On Eyebrows Eyeliner Faries Fate Fishnets Friends? Girls With Kids Guns Guys With Kids Hair Dye Handcuffs And Shackles Hanging Out Car Windows Helter Skelter Hickeys Homicide Homies Hoop Earrings Horror Incense Hoodies With Finger holes Jacuzzis Jelly Bracelets Karma Knives Leprechauns Licking Body Parts Loracettes Loyalty Lucky Charms Cereal Makeup Making My Own Money Marijuana Mind Altering Substances Morbitality Moshing Motorcycles Morphine Patches Multicolor Hairpieces Music Myspace Nails Night Rain Oompa Loompas Oxi Cotton Paddles Peracettes
Tiffany Harper
Tiffany Bohannon
Hello guys, my name is Tiffanie, and you can call me Tiff. I'm a dancer, actress and model. I'm into very adventurous stuff and hence, my interest in the entertainment industry. I love getting to know people, whether naughty and nice. So don't be shy, step up and talk to me... I don't bite... at least, not if you're a new friend... hehe... I love sex. Besides work, it's all I think about. I have a boyfriend, but we are in an open relationship. He dates and shags other girls and I have my own dates and fuck buddies, and we are perfectly fine with this arrangement. I am very kinky and I love trying out new things. I'm a right little slut and proud to acknowledge that. I have lots of sexy adventures. I can get laid on my first date, and I've had sex with up to 5 guys at one go (it was a gang bang. haha). If I can't get sex, I masturbate, or I talk about sex or surf the internet for porn. teehee... If you're looking for an exciting and horny someone to talk about sex, maybe we can
Tiffany Delay
I spend most of my time working, going to school, and spending time with my bf, Jason. He's the best. We live together and he takes really good care of me. I like to scrapbook, I'm into WWE Wrestling, I like psychology. I watch a lot of horror movies ... Oh, and I'm a myspace addict!
Tiffany Albright
Tiffany Meredith
i am out going. i have a loving husband and pretty 6 month old little girl, i have been married 1 yr now and loving it, i have a wonderful personality always has a smile on my face. talking on the phone and talking on internet with my friend angie riding horses and taking care of my little girl
Tiffany P
Well I'm a wierdo. lol A non spelling wierdo apparently. I'm happily engaged(although upset about the distance...2000 fucking miles.) I'm bisexual(cute girls hit me up ~_^). I'm goofy. I'm even goofier when I'm drunk. lol I'm a total anime freak but I don't run around screaming about how kawaii everything is. lol You have permission to smack me if I do.
Tiffany Louis
Tiffany ?
First of all I'm MARRIED! Second of all I'm MARRIED ! I'm not looking to find a fling or drink coffee with someone other than my husband and kids or the friends I have already. With that said, I love horses and country music. My husband and I ride our motorcycle and we enjoy just being with each other. I don't chat with strangers nor do I have any desire to. My kids wanted me to have this sight so we could exchange photos and what not. I live in Texas and yes I'm very country. Oh I'm probably the only person breathing that loves their IN-LAWS.
Tiffany Vaughn
Im a 17 year old Juggalette born and raised in texas! Way to many to list.
I love getting to know new people. I hate people who are fake. I love my family and those closest to me. I love to look at the SKY because it reminds me there is somehing greater than myself. I hate... actually despise using that one word... HATE. I love to find new things. I'm a realist who believes in being an optimist. And overall I just like living. blah blah blah.... I'm a DIRTY slut Btw there are relatively few people who spark my attention and can actually retain it. Thank You Jay for helping me see more. We SHALL meet when the time is right. Using your mouth Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mouth. You are incredibly sensual, a great kisser and a seductive lover. You drive all of your partners crazy with your mouth. Take this quiz at Hmmm... general interests i'm like most things, there for no significant reason but oddly amusing. i love to go on long walks/hikes whenever possible. most of the t
Tiffany Holden
Tiffini Not Telling U!!
Sex, Romance, Goth, Metal, Poetry, Vampires, Candles, Adventure, Your mom.
Tiffany Lynn Taylor
Hey my name is Tiffany i am 17 years old and i like to party hang out with friends and have a good time i like to hang out with my totally hott boyfriend and have fun. I am not a girly girl but yet i am not a tom boy i am in the middle kinda but if you want to know anything else let me know. peace~
Im a 22 year old college student majoring in medical transcription. Im a big music freak, i play bass guitar and drums....i have a sarcastic sense of humor so i only get along with people that can handle it and dont take me too a lesbian...and im single, so hit me up
Tiffanie Williams
My name is Tiffanie but i will go by Princess Tiffanie as well. Yes im only 17 but very mature for my age..ive been threw alot in the past 3 years so ive grown up faster than others!If you have any question feel free to hit me up! I love to just kick it with my friends and play softball or shop...and on the weekend i like to smoke and drink when i have the time to!
Tiffany Ward
Tiffany Hurley
Tiffany Gettle
Tiffany Polk
UMM WELL MY NAME IS TIFFANY.I'M 14 AND I'M IN THE 9TH GRADE.I'M 5'1 SO YEAH I'M KINDA SHORT I HAVE GREANISH BLUE EYESZ AND LIGHT BLONDE HAIR.AND IF U WANT 2 KNOW ANYTHING ELSE U CAN JUST ASK ME UMM MY INTERESTS R Sleeping,Partying,music,meeting new pplsz,tattoosz,cars and bikesz,texting,talking on tha phone,and talking 2 pplsz on myspace and lostcherry
Tiffany Becker
My name is Tiffany. Im in 11th grade at West Bend West High school. Im a pretty outgoing person, once you get to know me. I like to do anything really as long as im having fun. hmmm well dont really know wat else to say right now, so i'll add more some other time. I like hanging out w/ my friends, going to parties and movies. I love shopping wit mah girls when i have money to spend. When I'm alone i like to dance and sing to the radio. In the summer i love going to fairs,and going on the fast rides. In the winter i'd rather just sit at home wit a few friends and watch movies.
Tiffany Mccarthy
Tiffany Griffith
MySpace Comments Graphics *My name is Tiffany. Im a *GRADUATE* of *Tazewell High School.*--*GO Bulldogs* -- I have a *wonderful* boyfriend ;)....I LOVE to have a good time ;]... I'm an outgoing person. However, I can be the biggest bitch ever if you piss me off. I can't stand people who are "jealous" of others.. Life's too short for people to be envious of others...I've been through a lot in my life.. I've learned to look beyond the imperfections -&- find a reason to smile in the worst situations.. I have also learned that the *T R U TH * will only *FREE* you...So in all situations, tell the truth..No one likes a LIAR...The vicious cycle of lying never ends... Live life to the fullest -&- have NO REGRETS..."Never REGRET the things you do because at one point that's what you wanted". I have also learned that you can -never- trust anyone; not even your best friend. "If it's one thing I've learned from living in this town it's to like everyone & trust NO ONE".. Once you've l
Tiffany Johnson
Tiffany Patterson
Tiffany Smith
um im 5"3 short dark red hair um im one of a kind. i have a son thats 2 months old and hes the joy of my life if you wanna kno anything else ask me
Tiffani Holston
well im an easy going person i like 2 party and chill and just have a good time.........
Tiffany Hilliard
about me.... my name is tiffany nicole hilliard and i have met the love of my life, jason smith and i'm 17, gonna be 18 this dec 15! can't wait for that! this is my senior year in high school and cant wait to get out of there! lol! anywho, um, i like rock music and some country and some rap...i'm into dragons and all that kind of stuff...i'm mystical! hahaha! anywho, um, i have brown hair and hazel eyes, i'm kinda skinny, i'm short, what else, um, i love to read, i'm into harry potter and lord of the rings, i like horses, trying to think of what else to write, well, i can't think of much, maybe more later tho dragons, harry potter, lord of the rings, i like to read, oriental stuff...i own a kimono, um, frinds and family and jason (lol), i play video games sometimes, but mainly play games on the comp...that's about it god, #1, troops, frinds, family, and jason (LOL) a walk to remember, corky romano, harry potters, lord of the rings', legally blondes, national treasure, quit
Tiffany N
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Tiffany Jackson
Tiffany Bentcliff
Tiffanii Polk
i have blonde hair and green eyesz ummm well i do juss bout anything listen 2 music party watch tv chat basically wat most girls do
Tiffany Elder
Well I'm 5'5 And I Have Brown Hair And My Eyes Change Colors. I Live In Reno Nevada And I'm Looking To Meet Some New People Make Friends Maybe More So Hit Me Up And We Can Start Getting To Know Each Other........... I Love To Sing, And Go Clubing When I'm Not Working, I Also Adore Children But Don't Have Any Of My Own
Tiffany Harmon
hey guys im 18 and i love to have fun and hang out with my girls im fun to be around i also love to be loved lol hehe well enyways if u wanna know more holla at yo girl and ohhh bye the way for the guys and girls im bi so if u like what you see let me know Hosted by Sparkle Tags.cink{font-size:10px;font-family:tahoma;color:a9a9a9;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;}Chain Hang Low Video - Jibbs lyricsJibbs Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by>I'm on that 'Yac baby, 'cause I'm a Mack baby I ridin chrome and pushin' Cadillacs baby I keep a stack baby, 'cause I'm a money hog I other words baby, I'ma ball till I fall I'm ten toes tall, I posted up bitch Just let me know a dope boy's what you fuckin wit Wit a fat dick workin wit a lil' sumthin like ya boy bobby said, "Trick I'm tryna bust sumthin!" I'm tryna buck sumthin, baby beat that pussy to death Down to the last drop, 'til it ain't nuthin left To give ya whatcha ain't felt, from that boy at home Boo I'm crackin he
Tiffany Elliott
I love Nip/Tuck it is my favorite show. I also like Ludacris,and i like to make me smile. I never like to see people sad i like to make people happy lol. Whatever else you want to know about me feel free to ask me hehe. Nip/Tuck hehe.
Tiffany Hoover
i use to date shane underwood..i still like him and always will...i ahgn out with my friends and then i do all sorts of things with school my friends expect me to hang out with everyone there..and its kinda hard to...but i am gonna start hanging out with my ex and his friends and my friends....i love u shane
My Name Is Tiffini I Came Into This World August 9, 1986 I View & see Everything At 5"11 I Am 20 I Have Brown hair With Carmel Highlights I Have Hazel Eyes I Am In School Were I Attend MECC majoring in Hematology
Tiffany Allen
I love to go boating, wakeboarding, skiing. Also go camping just about every weekend.
Tiffany Welch
Tiffany Brinkley
see me, fear me, hate me because I'm a bitch. okay so maybe i'm not so much a bitch as i am loving mother of my 4 year old step daughter....and the lover of her father....we are one of the cutest couples you'll find... two severly blonde headed slightly ditzy people....he has blue eyes i have green.....our children one day will be very beautiful..... if you wish to see what he looks like...go to and look under the friends and see the one that says josh........he is a grease monkey and will soon be promoted to asst. manager...and be getting more money...woot woot....i'm a lowly air force recuit right but will soon be making some good money! Lucian du Alucard!
Tiffani King
I am single,never been married and have no kids. But I would love to get married and have kids someday with the right person. I love wolves and tigers, they have always been my favorite animals. If you want to know more about me, just ask. Swimming,Walks on the beach,exercise and meeting new people. Wolves and tigers oh my! I LOVE wolves and tigers. I also like to go fishing and also enjoy taking a ride on the back of a motorcycle.
Tiffany Elder
Tiffani Sterling
hey tiff..i live in weaver in a relationship..i have a wonderful and cute 19 month old baby boy..i have 1 younger brother who plays for the weaver bearcats..go bearcats!! i live with my parents and brother of course..i have a friend that lives with me..but we arent getting along rite now which sucks but o i think thats it.. well i like swimming, camping, shopping, talking on the phone, taking care of my son and spending time with him, spending time with the love of my life, hanging out with friends, surfing the net, watching tv, and im up for anything
Tiffany Murphy
Tiffany Marquis
i am a 21 yr old home health nurse that loves to party. i am married and have been for a year now,and i like to have fun.i will try anything at least once and i live for adventure.i am a published poet working towards author.if any of you want to check out my work go to and look for tiffany brasuell or tiffany marquis.anyway catch ya later.
Tiff Jones
Tiffany Mosher
Tiffany Emberton
my tattoo the day i got it my minds playin tricks on me damn it feels good to be a gangsta thug luv tha crossroads mary go round down sexy love
Tiffany Carlyle
Tiffany Thomas
Tiffany Riley
Tiffany Hill
Hey every1! Whats up?!? Not that much here. Anyways....This is the space where I can Tell ya'll about me. My name is Tiffany and I am 18 years old. I just graduated from High school!!! Anways...I am currently living in WA state. I love meeting new people and making new friends. I'm real easy to talk to and funny....Well I try to be lol...I like to make people laugh because I love laughing....Who wouldn't. I can be serious too. Just because I like to have a good time doesn't mean that I'm goofy all the time( Most of the time I am though hehe). I am single. I love being single....but I am now accepting applications *grins* ¢¾REMINDER: I LOVEEEEEE HISPANIC/LATINO MEN and WHITE guys¢¾I'M BOY CRAZY!!!! lol *Blushes* Ohh wait nevermind. I am still accepting them...just don't tell her:-D. I love singing, Dancing, Hanging out, shopping, Driving, Watchin movies, talking on the phone, Txting on my cell, listening to music, And just having fun!!!!! Hobbies ¢¾Singing ¢¾Dancing ¢¾Shopping
Tiffany W
Tiffany Denton
Tiffany Parker
Tiffany Johnson
Tiffany Jarvis
Tiffany Thompson
I am short and petite. I have long dark brown wavy hair and blue eyes. I wear glasses. I have 2 sets of holes in my ears and my bellybutton was pierced but i had to take it out so i'm getting it redone soon. I have one tattoo at the moment on my right shoulder, and i am working towards 6 more. I also like hanging out, going to the movies, and going to Memphis, TN. I am married with a 1 1/2 month old daughter. Well, that is all i can think of for now, i will tell you more later... I like surfing the net, driving, reading, working on my webpage, art, tattoos, piercings, concerts, rock music, metal music, and taking care of Lily. I am married with a 1 1/2 month old daughter. My favorite colors are black, blue, and silver. I am kind of quiet at first but once i get to know you i am pretty friendly and easy to get along with. If you want to know more, just ask...I am not one to hide anything.
Tiffany Garcia
I'm 28 and have a beautiful lil girl named Riley Faye.She is my heart and soul my everything.Nothing comes above her.I am looking to have some fun and make some new friends. First and most importantly I love to spend time with my lil girland my family they come first.When i have a chance i love to go out and shake my BIG ol ghetto booty,and drink me some Sambuka,amongst all of the other great drinks that i love.Sambuka is just by far my favorite it just does something special for me. My Mom and Grammy and all the men and women who fight for our freedom. I love a good scary movie!
Tiffany Devers
Tiffany Johnson
Tiff Kin
Tiffany Davis
Tiffany Spudes
Tiffiney Hill
Tiffany Young
Tiffany Shack
Well Lets See About Me...Theres Not Much..I'm A Small Town Gurl THat Likes To Have Fun And Hang Out With My Friends..I Like To Drink Sometimes...umm...I Love Just Being Stupid And Being Me...I Love To Go Huntin And Fishin And Muddin And Hangin Out With The Boys...But Then Again I Like To Shop And Cheer And Be Girly To..So I'm Very Open About Things..I Have My Moments When I'm Shy But Most The Time I'm Not! Well I Like To Be Stupid And Goof Off...I Like To Shotp And Work On Trucks...I Like To Hang Out With My Friends And Drink And Party A Lot....
Tiffany Wood
well.... Im 17... bout to be 18!! Im a senior at Winnetonka.... idk what else... so if ya wanna know... ask!! Hosted by Sparkle Tags hmmm.... I like to fish and hunt... I like to hang out w/ friends and have fun...I LOVE NASCAR!!! I also Love cars in general.. I want a 1969 z28 Camaro!!! idk what else to if ya wanna kno... ask!!
Tiffany Bulgari
Tiffany Edwards
Tiffany Tramel
Tiffany Shelton
Tiffany Troyer
Tiffany Mays
Tiffany Parker
Tiffany Ryan
Tiffany Yelley
i am 13 f burg hahahaha
Tiff G
Tiffani Desapio
Tiffany Smith
Tiffany Layton
Tiffany Owen
LOOK AT MY PICS. I like going to the races and also being in the race as well. I also enjoy working on the cars. Bet you didn't think a girl would say this, huh? Well i'm not your average gal so hit me up!
Tiffany (: Hollis
What's my name? doesnt matter;; just call me badass (; =] Let's squashh all the crapp;; If you ask me if you look fat in those jeans you're wearing. i'll probably tell you yes. im not typically a "nice" person.. in any sense of the word. and i'm often called bitter and rude. which is.. in most cases correct. i have a pretty good sense of humor. and normally; on contrary to popular belief, im friendly until you give me a reason not to be. Fight Club is my alltime favorite movie. i can do thriller on demand. and i can sing any sesame street song [off key] upon request. I am probably the most outgoing person you will ever know And i dont get embarrassed (: I have 7 piercings;; and only two are my ears (; i am between bad boyfriends. (; ehh ya'll know the drill im up for a talk just about anytime. get at me ;] i'll tell you all my dirty little secrets ;) 330.6xx.5xx2
Tiffany Vanover
Tiffany Yoakam
Tiffney Latka
Im tiffany .im 18 i live in mobile alabama. im...... ask me to know more. im interested in meeting people and makeing friends . i don't have any idol's. to many to say but i love comedy love stories shit like that.
Well, I am not sure where to begin...I'm 21 with a 2 year old beautiful daughter... I work as a telemarketer..yea I know the job sucks *lauphs* but it takes care of my daughter and I so it works... I don't like to fish in fact I hate to fish I don't like anything about it. umm...I like to write expecially poetry and i like to draw im not all that good though so... um I don't know what else to say so I guess if u wanna know something I did not mention ask and I will answer... laterz Ummm right now i just want to talk to new people and make more friends... so leave me a message sometime and i will message u back.. i also have a page on myspace so if u want to check it out its My idols are probably my mom lol honestly and my babys dad's mom they are both good people
Tiffany Clemons
well lets see i'm married with one son. I live in Waco nad hating it. Son keeps me very busy and husband even busier. Love spending time with friends and family. Going to the beach. I'm a fan of CSI, Law and Order, HOUSE, Judging Amy, Cold Case Movies: I like them all
Tiffany Walker
I like to be around fun and open peole, and i hate assholes. I live for yaoi and yuri; I am always on or i love smut stories, esp. ones about lesbians and gays. i am bi-sexual and have been out about it since I was 14. If any one tries to tell me that there is no gray space between hetro and homo, I'll prove them wrong, along with the ones that say it is a choice. I am who I am and if someone tries to slander me i will not hesitate to retalliate. I can be a good friend, or the biggest bitch that you'll ever meet. I get along people from every walk of life, but I will not take being used. I don't use people, and I don't let people use eachother around me.I maybe coming off as a bitch, but this is who I am. I am an Initiator and I will take control if the situation calls. I don't know what else to say, so any questions? just ask. my interests change from day to day, but read my about me, it has some in there
Tiffany Ochoa
Ok - READ BEFORE SENDING FRIEND INVITE OR MESSAGING ME - 1. Do not send me a friend invite and ask to see my private pics, if I want you to see them, then you will. 2. Don't ask to see my web cam or to cyber - because it won't happen. 3. If your old enough to be my father - why the hell are you messaging me asking to see my private pics or cam? ? ? 4. Also, don't ask for my yahoo messenger ID - its for PPL who actually talk to me. Not send me a msg sayin "hi" then expect me to do all of the talking. Theres the shout box and private messages on here - lets start there first. TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Tiffany Birthday: 12/17/1984 Birthplace: Colorado Current Location: Illinois Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Brown/blonde Height: 5'6 Right Handed or Left Handed: Left Handed Your Heritage: irish/german The Shoes You Wore Today: adidas Your Weakness: cute fuzzy animals Your Fears: being abducted by aliens Your Perfect Pizza: chee
Tiffany Castillo
Tiffany Coleman
Tiffany Ummmm
im sooooo effin gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiffs Friend
Tiffs Friend
Tifffffff Tifffffff
Tiffany Holt
HI my name is Tiffany I am 21 and I am mother of two beautiful daughter.... I am a really nice person until you piss me off then watch out.... lol... I have been with my b/f for 3 years now and he's the love of my life... I am a really good listener and give great advice.... so if you need a really good friend I am the person for you....If you wanna know anything else e-mail me....
MY NAME IS TIFFANY (Not baby, Sugar, Or any other lame excuse for a pickup pet name that you might use for safety as to not call me by somebody else's name) I'm not a SKANK therefore... I do not want to fuck you! I don't want to see you naked & I don't want to get naked for you either! I will not talk dirty to you My NSFW folder is just that.. It's not porn and it never will be! Now.. If you're still with me::: I like when people make up cute things to call me based on our friendship & inside jokes. I'm addicted to my cell phone, Music, photography, internet & my friends My friends mean more to me than you ever will I've found that I'm terrible at relationships.. been torn apart and left with life changing choices to deal with on my own... But I keep on truckin' because it could always be worse!! There's more to me than most would think However I'm very simple & easy to figure out I'm generally a really nice person Unless you're not nice to me! I'm a very sma
Tiffany Oyola
Tiffany Love
Hey Ya'll My name is tiffany but my friends call me tiffy im a model if ya'll dont beleive it i have more pice i just had to block out the company cause my manager said
Tiffany Turner
Tiffany Hilburn
I am an artist and I love working out all my time is spent at uni or in the gym. Scream and shout, FIGHT Shake and shiver, HIDE Beat and race, HEART Tears and noise, CRY Bow and leave, DEFEATED Motionless and cold, DEAD Eyes and sight, VISION Breath and movement, DETERMATION Stand and stare, POWER Swing and hit, DEFEAT Courtesy of Art Shopping Hanging out Gym
Tiffany Richardson
Tiffany Smith
im skinny n i want kids n want a nice relationship with out hittin n tryin to kill if u think im hott then ask me out meet nice pplz that wants kids all stephin king movies
Im 20 almost 21, Single. I also have a beautiful 8 month old daughter. I live somewhere in texas, yeehaw. Wanna know more then just let me know. Also if you have myspace my name on there is I love Nascar and taking care of my baby girl.
Tiffany Emanuelli
Tiffany Crain
my name is tiffany i am 24yrs old and i have the most beautiful little girl in the world and the most amazing boyfriend ever as well. I have blue eyes and my hair color changes all the time. my absolute favorite thing to do is watch hockey, my team is the San Jose Sharks. My daughters name is Kiara and she is almost 6yrs old. My boyfriend, Peter, and I love to camp and play miniature golf. I am pretty easy to get along with and I dont like a bunch of drama in my life, I have a very small group of friends butI am always iterested in meeting new people. My idol is my mom, she passed away three years ago and it was the saddest time in my life, but she is always with me and evryone she came to meet. My mom was the most loving and caring woman a person could ever meet. I have not met another person like her and i doubt i ever will. she was very kind and never turned a person in need away. my all time favorite movie is dirty dancing, then the notebook.
Tiffany Allen
Tiffany Bender
I'm married I have a two year old son named Aidan :) I live in Manhattan, Kansas Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Forrest Gump, Full Metal Jacket, Saw I & II, Hostel, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Disney Movies, Too many to name, I will come back to this...
Tiffany Poopenstein
Tiffany Padgett
Tiffany Martin
Tiffany Hodge
Tiffany Pittman
Tiffany Wille
My name is Tiffany Wille. I'm 21 and love to drink. I live in Janesville WI. I'm a chessehead all the way. I work all the time or I'm taking care of my daugter. When I go out I like to have a good time. I love to dance. Any where I can shake my ass works for me. Im into doing boating,bike riding(motorcycle)and I don't mean riding bitch. I love getting tattoo!swimming,football,racing, just about anything guys like, I like.
Tiffany Casey
Tiffany Allen
I am your queensized death flavored candybar waiting to be unwrapped so you can find out what is inside. -The Vampire Temptress- I love music, writing, doing photoshoots with Digital Escape boyfriend etc. etc. Death...Love...Vampirism...being with my boyfriend..hanging out with my photographer.
Tiffany Micek
I am 20 i Live in Albany Oregon with my most wonderful man in the world and his family. I am a full time student get my criminal justice degree and i was born and raised in Dallas Oregon nothing to be proud of but anyways i have live a hard life which has gotten me to where i am today i love my man very much and he is the only one that has stuck by my side through everthing and were are planning on getting married next summer so that is a brief summury about me. i like most any movies but i hate scarey movies.
Tiffani Taylor
Tiffany Wise
Tiffany Malave
hey wusup this your puerto rican mixed with white chic named tiffany im 18 years old nice complexion very outgoing, built and shaped in all the right currently livin in new york but soon im gonna relocate bak to south carolina i miss the south...and yes i am with sum one i am soon to b gettin married very just waitin to see if he is mr right...i dont hang out alot but i am outgoin...u would never see me hangin with anybody if you ever see me becuz ppl are 2 faced and that goes for everybody im attendin tech skool becuz i want 2 b a cosmetologist...i really luv doin hair thats wut im majoring its really not that big of a major but 2 me it is...cuz its gonna get me ahead in life...if there is n e thing else you would like 2 kno about me then hit me up with a question....holla at me luv.... hey wus good i am interested in alot of things but the one main thing im interested in is my fiancee and the second is getting ahead in life...
Tiffany Kendrick
My name is Tiffany and I am from Crossville, Tennessee.. I am 18 years old, I have dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.. i like taking pictures, and i love hanging out with my friends. They are the most important thing to me. i love talking on the phone. i am always on the computer lol. music is my life basically. i want to be an actress BODY {background-color:ffffff; background-image: url(""); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: left center; cursor: ne-resize;} table td div div font {visibility:hidden;} table, tr, td {background-color: transparent; border: 0px; padding:0;} table table {border: 0px;} table table table table{border: 0px;} .r{} img {border:0px;} table table table {width:300px;} table table td.text table {width:auto;} .r{} table table table {border: 0px solid; border-color: a0ca4f; background-color: ffffff;}
Tiffney Garza
hey everyone im usually not on here so if you really want to talk and see more pics of me hit me up on adultspace...
Tiffany Holley
I am a very honest person. I am outgoing, and easy to get along with. If you show me respect, it will be returned in the same way that it is delt. I love to watch football, and baseball. I am a sports fan. If there is anything that you want to know, you can just ask me, and i will tell you.
Tiffany Smith
Tiffany Mixon
Tiffany Saites
Tiffany Brickhouse
Tiffany Gallagher
Tiffany Williams
I am married and a laid back, honest, fun person to just chat with. I am in college studying my B.S. in Business. I new on here and fine it difficult to have people that wants to chat with you. Anything else you want to know just ask.
OoOOo, Damn! I have never been one to sit and talk about myself... I am more of one to sit and talk about others. I will admit, sometimes I am not very nice with what I say.. but I usually just say what others are thinking anyway! I am the person everyone LOVES to have as a friend, cause g'damn... what would I say about you if we weren't?? ;) Nah... in all honesty, I am a genuinely nice person.. very laid back, easy going and easy to get along with. I am the person that everyone is comfortable talking to.. wether it be about something embarrassing, to love, or death, or sex... I have had my lows and my highs, so I can typically relate to most things.. and if there is no way that I can possibly empathise with something, I am always compassionate and comforting because as well as the gift of gab, I possess the ability to listen. Okay, obviously I have been delaying the whole "About Me" topic... the best advise I can give, is if you want to know.. Just Ask! Whhhaaaa...?
Tiffany Martino
Tiffany Moore
Tiffany Crenahaw
im 18 and im short just ask anyone who knows me people say im a sweet loving caring person but can also be the biggest bitch some times and i love cats and dogs but cats are my favoret plus i have a cat and shes just the queen of the house hole and has my heart wrapped around her lil paw i love my cat to death and im pregnant and my babys daddy is a peice of shit i like to whatch some sports and the 2 games to whatch is football and basketball.i like baseball to but not as much as those two sprts i just favoret team for football is texaslonghorns or philli and then i love the bulls. my mom and grandpa and the love of my life any thing funny or scary
Tiffany Bushman
Tiffany Thomas
Tiffany Cook
I'm Tiffany..I live in Maine. I'm 25 yrs. old. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters and I'm the youngest of them all :)I have a great personality and love to have fun. I'm pretty playful and a sweet person :) I'm a great friend and good listener. I'm always here if anyone needs me.I am a huge movie and music fanatic. Could be the reason why I work as a music buyer at a video and music store. I've been there for 5 yrs and I love it. I'm single and it's probably going to stay that way for a while. I don't have kids.. I love kids and hope to have them someday. I'm busy working and living my life, trying to focus on myself for a while. You can't be truely happy unless you make yourself happy first!! ¢¾ Camping, bowling, pool, swimming, reading, myspace, music, movies, travelling, etc. My Mom Luck # Slevin, American History X, Notebook, Office Space, Wedding Crashers, True Romance, Wrong Turn, just to name a few. I like comedies, dramas, horror, action, off beat independant films, etc.
Tiffany Grady
i have a 2 year old duaghter. and she looks just like me. singing and dancing
There's alot to know.. and not enough time for me to sit here and list everything. Got alot of these... car, TV, Phone, Cpmputer, Walks, Shopin (sometimes), Cheerleading, Volleyball, Sports in general, Friends, Cuddle Time, etc. Don't feel like listing all of these !! My other family, the soldiers of the united states. I look up to all of you !! Too many too list ! !
Tiffany Trexler
The normal, living pay check to pay check trying to make it. I am 24 years old and looking for a good man. Although I am in love with someone, I guess he doesn't love me. I am a real romantic, I love kissing and cuddling, but I have my tomboy side too, I am a Pittsburg Steelers fan, and I love the NHRA races, I go every year to Maple Grove. I have 2 beautiful kids and a German Shepard that could knock me over. I wish more people where like my best frind, she is so smart and everytime I say something she knows exactly what i mean, almost like she could finish my sentences. Although, it is a little creepy sometimes lol. I love to write poetry, right now I have a poem that is being published. I am also writing 3 different books, I hope they do well. I enjoy listening to music and hanging out with my friends. I'd enjoy an evening at home more than an evening out. my about me and if you have ant questions feel free to ask
Tiffany Harris
Tiffany Kunzler
Tiffany Marrie
Im Tiffany Marrie, and Im eighteen years old. I graduated The Woodlands High School c/o 2006. ((thats in TX)) I am with someone currently (if you didnt notice my picture), and we are actually engaged. If you want the skinny on that, you gotta ask, though, cuz I dont like to really post my love life for the world to see. I live in Kingwood, TX. I actually just moved here like a few months ago. I had lived in The Woodlands pretty much my whole life. I LOVE MUSIC! but I suppose that goes on my Music section, huh? We'll get to that later.
Tiffany Jane
im fun i love to laugh and joke and have a good time i love almost anything
Tiffany G
Courtesy of Courtesy of Courtesy of Courtesy of Courtesy of
Tiffany Torstrup
Tiffany Benoit
im tiffany im 17 & bi im me: iitstiffany = AIM partying!
my name is tiffany¢¾ I love to have fun, get wild and let my hair down. (at the same time being a responsible adult ;)) I am a very passionate person and love nature.I love the beauty of the sky and the sound and smell of the ocean, although i don't get to see it as much as i would like. I think if I lived in the middle of the country I would feel lost. Yes, I'm also a little weird. I love my family and my close friends. I seem to take people under my wing and tend to worry too much about the ones I love(and man to i worry,I don't know why) I don't have many close friends, but the ones I do I cherish and love with all my heart. Most of my closest and dearest friends have been men. I don't know what it is, but I just seem to get along better with men over women. Maybe because guys tell it like it is and women are more likely to stab you in the back. (I've been stabbed a couple of times and have learned my lesson.) just know that i love my friends to death, anywhere i go theres bound to
Wow, haven't been on here in a minute, and things have deff changed since then, reading back on my profile seeing how childish I was..Lets start over fresh. My name is Tiffany, I'm 18 years old, living in New London, CT. I'm going to school to become a certified veterinarian assistant, and I currently work two jobs. I deff don't look the same as I used to, I grew up, cut my hair u know the usual lol, but I'm still as beautiful as ever! I am in a relationship, and I couldn't be happier. So please, guys, don't hit on me lol. If you wanna know anything else, just hit me up! music, outdoors, chillin..not into the party scene, just a few close friends, I'm not a boring person, I'm more of a spur of the moment time girl, will never catch me off guard down for a good time ma babi niece Gabriella...only been in ma life for a month and 2 weeks but u already got ma soul..i love you baby gurl.. Create Your Own Hustle N Flow, 8 Mile, Get Rich or Die Tryin, Juice, Tupac Ressurection, Kil
Tiffany Vermillion
My name is Tiffany I am 18 years old i have a daughter who was born Feb,9,2006.Shes my world my heart and my soul along with my boyfriend we have been to gether almost 2 years hes the father of my daughter and my love anything else just ask...
Tiffany Nyman
Tiffany Nunya
Myspace tweaks at
Tiffani Teague
LostCherry Images at kicking it with my friends, listening to music, singing, and most of all partying and having fun..... Myspace tweaks at horror movies, comedy and action movies... i love fast and the furious: tokeyo drift, and the longest yard
MySpace Avatars MySpace Avatars MySpace Avatars MySpace Avatars MySpace Avatars MySpace Avatars MySpace Avatars MySpace Avatars
Hey my name is tiffany, im a really nice person to get to know, im not trying to have guys ask me to have sex with them so please dont ask me that, umm i want tomsone who will love me for me, and not just for what i look like, well anything else,message me
My name is Tiffany.But everyone call's me Tiff...I am 18....I live in columbus,ohio...I like to hang out with my friends when I have time...I like to watch t.v when I get the chance lol...but if you wanna kno more about me just message me on yahoo at
Tiffany Beard
I am 26 years old and married to a great guy, who I love dearly! I have 2 beautiful children, a girl and a boy. my daughter is 5 years old and attends kindergarten. She loves cheerleading and dance. My son is a year old and loves to eat his toys! I have my Associates of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education and work as a Mentor for my local Resource and Referral Agency which is backed by the State of Indiana. I also conduct a parenting class at my local juvenile intake center. I run two educational sites on Myspace: and I have pretty much dedicated my life to helping families and young children. I would call myself an advocate in a big way. I am a very busy girl, but find time to wind down and go out with my buddies!!!! I guess to say the word "interest" means to me what it is about a person that makes them want to be around you. I'm interesting in the fact that I am pretty much smiling all the time and find
Tiffany Whaley
Tiffony Lyons
Tiff Howard
Well names Tiffany, i like to talk, shop, and hang out with people. I love music...all kinds. I love going to the movies, parties, and clubs. ummm i dont know what else so if you want to know something ask!
¢¾ My name is Tiffany Nicole Price¢¾ ¢¾I am twenty years old¢¾ ¢¾I am a very friendly & open person¢¾ ¢¾My natural hair color is red¢¾ ¢¾I am not a girlie girl¢¾ ¢¾I do not try to fit in¢¾ ¢¾I know people talk behind my back, but words never killed anyone...yea they hurt but they are only words...if no one has anything better to do with thier time then talk about me then hell i got a damn fan club baby!!!¢¾ ¢¾I have dark brown eyes¢¾ ¢¾I am part Cherokee and Irish¢¾ ¢¾I may come off as stuck up sometimes, but that is just the way I am¢¾ ¢¾I DO NOT like it when I am lied to. Tell me the truth in the beginning. If you can't tell me the truth don't even talk to me¢¾ ¢¾I DO NOT like ppl who do not want me to be happy. If they are not happy that is thier problem not mine¢¾ ¢¾I can be a bytch, but only if you give me a reason to be¢¾ ¢¾I get along with everyone unless you piss me off¢¾ ¢¾I will tell you if I don't like you, don't take it personal, not
Tiffany Vance
lets see where to sart. im very understanding and caring about peoples feelings and point of view on things. i love hanging with my friend online or just hanging at a local hot spot. u will never get me with the same face twice unless your a specail someone. i dont wear alot of make up i like the more nature look then most girls. i might look girlie but i am a little boy-ish. i normally hang with the boys then i do my girlz bc i just get along with guy better i guess...OH and i hate people who think im fricken Fake...... Lets see something to place in my interests box...think think...pppsshhh..i know im such a blonde at times. i wouldnt believe it. i might have darak brown hair but im so out there that i cant think or remember some things.
I am a unique individual who loves to have fun. I think outside the box. I dislike fake people and don't have time for people who aren't themselves. Otherwise, I'm easy to get along with. I like most people, especially those who think for themselves, aren't afraid to be different and speak their minds. Want to know more, just ask me! I don't bite... at least not upon the first meeting. :) I things that go bump in the night :P I love reading, writing, poetry, horror, nature, walking, hiking, white water rafting, castles, graveyards, vampires, coffins, dragons, frogs, Eeyore and meeting new people among many other things!
Tiffany Ferguson
I Idolize thoes who are far less superfical than you Im a movie whore
Girls just wanna have fun....especially this girl. Life is a little too boring for me right now. I want to get out and gain some new experiences before I get too old and tied down. I want to get married eventually, but I am only 24 years old so what's the hurry?? My obsession is the UFC. I just can't get enough!! I am a small town girl looking for big adventures. I am in the process of getting into nursing school and when I graduate I hope to work overseas. My goal is to always be open minded....sometimes it is hard but I try. Reading is something I do often; anything to expand the mind. I really enjoy the UFC...whats not to love??
Tiffany C
My name is Tiffany. I love my bf, Patrick, my beautiful kitten, Bear, and I love my family and friends. Their always there for me to pick up the pieces and they're always making me smile in such a wild way. I could never love anyone more. I love to capture beauty with a camera because it holds the past and present as it once was or as it is. I'd love to capture the future but seeing as how thats not possible I'll stick with pictures I already have. Most people see the world as a hideous place with the pain game going on every few seconds but I see the beauty in pain and I see happiness where ever it stands. The world is an oyster, but you can't crack it open on a mattress, so says the famous play, "Death of a Salesman". I love writing poems and short stories, although I have written many books. I also love reading, anything INTERESTING. My favorite book so far is "Tithe", it was my first read modern fairy tale ever. Its the best, its adventurous and exciting, I really recommend it. =]
Tiffany Martinez
Hello there! - My name is Tiffany. - I'm just a fem girl looking for the right butch! (lol) - I don't care about looks, love personality better! - I have fun doing anything, and am very open minded! - Ask me anything, and I'll answer it honestly! - I'm fun loving and energetic. - I can be hyper at times, so be aware! - I love making new friends, so lets talk! - I currently go to Sacramento City College. - I'm planning on majoring in Web Design. - I am kind of chubby but love myself. - I love watching movies, comedy and action films. - I'm mexican-american and very tan. - I have brown hair, brown eyes, and a nice smile! ^_^ - I love to hear great jokes and I love laughing. - Favorite movie: Life As A House! - Favorite Music Band/Artist: Evanescence, Amy Lee! - Favorite actress: Jessica Alba! (duh! hottnes!) - Also, I love to travel, and move around! =] - I live in Roseville, California - I love to read, write and take photographs. - My f
Tiffinni Archie
I am very energetic. i love to dance play sports jus have fun.. i like to do pretty much any and everything. always open to try new things.. sports.. music.. dancing.. clubbin.. parties.. anything fun!!
Hey Everyone, whats going on. I am totally interested in Black men and all kinds of hot gals.
Tiffany Guadagnino
I'm a 33 year old body piercer in OH. I've also worked as a Professional Dominatrix, and I've done some fetish modeling. I would love to do a joint project with a photographer to do some fetish piercing pictures. | View Show | Create Your Own tattoos, piercing, body modification, Church of Body Modification, belly dance, fashion (fetish, goth, and punk), Rockabilly, & I love hot rods but don't know shit about them!
Tiffany Webb
Tiffany Miller
Well, let me see. I am 23 years old and I used to do modeling work. I have a 3 year old son and yes, I'm SINGLE. I have a good job and love it. I'm an easy going, fun, loving person who just wants some new friends and want guys to want me. So do u want me? XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX I love to play with my 3 year ols son. work on my car, go for walks in the woods, and take naughty pics. I also like to go to the gym and workout and go tanning. I'm full of fun and very energetic. Bars are fun but, be prepared if you take me. I'm a crazy drunk. Myself of course Anything really as long as it's not too bloody.
Hi! I'm Tiffany I'm 19 from Tennessee. I love to go out party have a good time. I love Jack Daniels, Southern Comfort, Yager (I know that's not spelled right.) and beer. Good ol beer. I love music and alcohol for the most part. I also love going out to the clubs drinking having a good time meeting new people. I'm also really into astrology so if I ask what your sign is that's why
Tiffany Waggoner
Tiffany Peterson
Tiffany Shumaker
Tiffany Salisbury
Mariah Carey
Tiffany Smith
You may refer to me as Miss. Tiffany for now. I am a TS look it up if you aren't sure, and I am for real and not on here for phone or online play. If you are just looking for a quickie, or don't understand the type of person I am, please move on. I'm very bi and enjoy most anything you can dream of, and the kinkier the better. So I may be able to make your dreams and fantasys cum true. I'm a very open and honest person who expects the same from those I'm with and always happy to answer any questions you may have. I am looking for more fun people to play with my submissives and myself. I want you be in or near Tucson AZ or able to travel if you wish to visit me. So that means local to me, not 3000 miles away. I am especially looking for Submissive Females who want to enjoy extreme kink & fetish and want a Mistress with something extra to offer. Also welcome are bi Couples, TG/CD's, and select well hung nice built single males. If you are married guys and just want to mess around, don't'
Tiffany M
Well i don't know if anyone really reads these thingys but her goes. lol. Well I'm a solitary pagan. I am sort of the recusive sort when it comes to me religion unless someone is on the same page as me. i have no problem giving anyone help in finding writtings and other materials. I have been the keeper of the library for a while. In my own group of friends. So if anyone needs some info i am usualls able to help somewhat. As for everything else i'm a nature person. Very outdoorsy. lol. For reasons obvious and reasons not. I love to hike and fish and even hunt on occasion. I'm looking for love. As in I'm single. ;-) I'm in Alberta Canada and love being surrounded by the trees. I and a tropical fish hobbiest, an artist and maker of chain maille jewlery. I am always looking to make friends so feel free to drop me a line anytime.
Tiffany Wise
I am a stay at home mom and wife. I three beautiful children. So, I am constantly busy. That about sums me up. I love listening to music, playing with my kids, and snuggling with my husband (when he is home). I also like to read and drink it up with my friends. God is my only IDOL I like most movies, but my faves are horror flicks.
Tiffany Nonya
Tiffany Barbier
My name is Tiffany..I am orginally from Atlanta,Ga..I miss it alot hell thats where I grew up..I am a very active but mellow person. Music is my outlet to my feelings so is writing im to good at expressing myself vocally. I go to CSI right now i studing to get my GED.I mostly chill with friends right now. Anything else you want to know just ask. I'm into alot of sports,football,basically anything active..I love X-treme sports I am definite adrenaline junkie...I dance all the time.Then there are times I am really mellow and I write and draw..
Tiffany Thomspon
Outgoing, not afraid to get dirty...very easy to talk too, understanding, I have blonde moments just like others, stays out of drama (if possible), LOVES METAL!!!! I hate sitting at home jobless...loves to draw in spare time, and I hate liars....if you didn't figure it out I don't lie. Well, I tell little white lies...I wont say your fat or ugly..unless your hiddious.Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. . Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions Music is life..
I am 22 years old.. I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter who will be three November 19th.. She is my Angel. I would not give her up for the world. I am Single.. Finally lol.. but I am waiting for the one that I love to leave his bitch of a girlfriend.. I hope that it will happen soon.. I Love You baby.. I know you know who you are!! ;) I like to ride horses, listen to music, play with my daughter, sing.. Take trips to the Valley... for those a ya'll that dont know where I am talkin bout.. French Lick. I absolutely looove kids! I like to hang out w/friends.. Drink occasionally, I do not do any kind of drugs, well unless you count cigarettes.. some ppl do some ppl dont. Gotta have my Marlboro's lol. I consider myself fun to be with, but I guess thats just my pov. I dunno.. Anything else U wanna know?? Feel free to ask. Luverz Ya'll *TiFfAnY*
Tiffany Davis
i love just hanging out with friends. i love playing games. reading and wrighting peoms
Tiffany Brock
Tiffany Hart
.contactTable {width:300px !important; height:150px !important; pad
Tiffany Souders
You can talk to me on yahoo summer_chick32 or aim cherry32622.....
Tiffany Anger
Tiffany Bello
Tiffanie M
i am going to have a baby june 29, 2007 and everyone is excited my cats and making things my mom any thing scary
Tiffany Wood
TifFaNy MaRie; im 23 years old, & a major bitch i lovelovelove too party i am a very busy girll i adore my mom & love all my younger sisters; casey kristy and autumn ♥ i own a honda civic my birthday is september 28th D0N'T F0RGET IT !! =] i am living on my own, in a house in Salem with my bestest friend in the whole wide world Briana!! im all about having fun. i am an outgoing girl =] it takes alot to make me mad. im a pretty tall girl ... seriously my eyes are a BEAUTiFUL blue im fat! Anyways...=] i am a VERY trusting girl im a tough girl. im not scared of much i lovelovelovelove going to the beach anything else ?? message me ¢¾ I lovelovelove to GaMBle. MoNey, MoNey, mOnEy, MoNEy ¢¾!! I like taking long walks on the beach with my ¢¾ LuCy ¢¾. I enjoy CoOking, clEaNing, eating, goinG ouT, moVies, pEople, aNiMals, T.V., guYs, Girls, Bling, caRs, MuSic, coLoRs, eYeS, liPSss, assesSS, SsSe
Tiffany ^^
Ummmm, i'm complicated. You scored as Hannibal Lecter. You are Hannibal Lecter. You dont need to eat human flesh to live, but do so because it just taste good. You are very intelligent, and enjoy using it to your advantage to keep people guessing. You arent a killing machine, but when you do decide to let loose, watch out! Dinner is served, with some fava beans, and a nice chianti!Hannibal Lecter90%Jigsaw75%Pinhead70%Freddy Krueger65%Michael Myers50%Captain Spaulding50%Candyman45%Leatherface35%Jason Voorhees25%Buffalo Bill20%
well lets see... about me... im 5'6" and 143 lbs... im in the us army which means i know how to have fun and party... im an outgoing, lookin for a good time, aint gonna take no shit kinda girl... im 20 years old and i drink alot even though i wont be legal for another 5 months... anything else you wanna know just holla at ya girl!
Tiffany Miller-conley
Get your layout at
Tiffany Beaver
Tiffany Leffler
Tiffany Crumpler
Tiffany Sharpe
i am a happily married bisexual woman,looking forward to meeting many new friends on the site
Tiffany Parks
a tall guy darkbrownskin darkbrowneyes play basketball and watch it smoke weed listen to rap and hip hop watch scary movies look ganasta and talk like one tupac and chingy and cam'ron and cassidy and g-dep and bonethugsnharmony and ben gordan and philip"hotsauce"champion and shane"the dribblemachine"woney and tyrone"alimoe"evans and kobe bryant and kevin garnet and prettyricky and richboy
Tiff Smith
Hey name is tiff...but everyone calls me sex kitten....I am 21 years old and love to have fun!!! i have a three year old son named Landon Micheal and a three month old daughter named Hope Elizbeth...they are my life....and mean everything to me!!!! Well i live in New York about 20 mintues from the city!!! Well...if you have any questions hit me up some time!!! hugs and kisses SEx kitten!!! Well..i love to dance and go to clubs and bars....i love to have crazy and wild!!! I love to shop and spend money on my son...he is my world!!!! So hit me up some time!!! hugs and kisses Tiff
Tiffany Wolfe
Tiffany Alexander
Well for starters my name is Tiffany J. Alexander and I am a senior at North Central High School. I like to party and hange with my friends just as much as everyone else in this world that is dumb like me. I am a spoiled person that lives by one rule, I get what I want when I want it. That pertains to guys to friends to whatever I want my dad to buy me. Considering I have 3 cars already and I don't even have my own house yet! Wow! I have a 2006 Mustang, white with black interior, goes really fast I love it so fuck with me now, I also have my starter car a 2001 eclipse, silver and really nice now that I have started souping it up alot! It goes really fast too. Then I have a truck that was given to me it's a candy-apple red Ford F-150 and I love it it's a 2004. So as you can see I am very spoiled! I go to parties every weekend and get shitfaced drunk becuause I'm cool like that I also like traveling with me sister's ex-boyfriends band to night clubs and stuff and he gets me a band that s
Tiffany Davis
Tiffani Adams
Tiffany Davis
i lik to go to the movies, and i like to go to the mall, and i like to hang out with my friends, and i like to dances with my friends, and i like to drink once in a while.
Tiffany Nichols
my name is tiff. to sum things up im lesbian and love having sex. send me some nude pics and ill return the favor.
Hey whats up?!? My name is Tiffany..i'm very outgoing,funny, and i love to try new things!! umm i love new friends so if you wanna chat hit me up!! i have a wonderful boyfriend Robert who i've been with for 1 yr. and 4 months...we have our ups and downs...
/" target="_blank"> CherryTAP Images at CherryTAP Images at
Tiffany Wade
Hi!! Im Tiffany,Im 21 years old! i live in defiance ohio but my home is and always will be in waterford mich!!! It where my heart is too!! (My best friend Trevor aka Big T still lives there) i have two brothers Tyler 16 and my baby ryan 4 he is more like a son to me!!! well i dont know what else to write so... bye!lol
Tiffany Daymont
Tiffany Goudy
Tiffaney Steverson
About me well lets seem umm... I am very down to earth, very chill I love my baby girl Tehya Lexa Rochelle She always comes first she is my only love as of now I am going to college at Remmington and studying Pharmacy Technician Im kinda girly But I can handle my own I dont take shit I dont really get along with girls, I can date em but cant be friends with them I love my boys they are the rocks I lean on RIP Christian G.P. Skains I miss you and Love You...Take care of us..Love you my brutha Hmm I dunno what else Ill get back to you later...or how bout this ask me and I might tell you ;0) well hmm lets see ima put this out now, i smoke pot so thats an interest right... other than that takin care of my baby girl, going to school and working are what I do best...shit im just a real down ass chick i love just chill at tha house and being lazy i guess some people would call it. But if have time or the money I love to go to the club and not old enough to drink but yeah
hmmm 5'6 blonde hair blue eyes... what more can ya say As long as I stay busy... I dont care... Im hyper as hell... Can you keep up? O and Im a lot of fun... I was a blonde but Brunettes have more fun... they dont get caught haha
Tiffany Griffey
Tiff ???
Tiffany Undisclosed
Tiffany Kern
Tiffanee` Danelle
Tiffany Potts
I am currently a student at Durham Tech. majoring in Health Informations Technologies. My mother The Color Purple, and Napoleon Dynamite The Color Purple, and Napoleon Dynamite
Tiffany Wilhelm
I am a loving mother of 3 wonderful boys! I am a wife of 6 1/2 months and counting! I am as real as they come. Respect me and i'll respect you! If you don't like it the oh well get the fuck over yourself.I am an outgoing person who loves to do just about anything.I can't think of anything else to say right now so i'll add more later! BTW if ya feel me and want to get to know more holla at ya gurl! P.S. don't forget to rate me! and Thanx FOOTBALL, Hockey, reading, spending time with my family, hanging out with friends, Chicks, video games, the beach, parks,Rollercoasters, rollerblading, anime,and my man!
Tiffany Shumaker
Pretty much anything!
What about me? I'm the wild child....from hell. I like big dogs, loud bikes and fast cars. I play rough. Buried at
Tiffany Taylor
Tiffany Mitchell

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