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Ghazi Abugosh
Ghazwan Yaseen
Ghazi Alnori
Gh De Jong
Ghea Gerry
Ghea Difalara
Ghea Mae
Ghebhann Mckay
Ghede Linto
Ghee Bee
Gheeley Grahamheeley
Gheila Coleman
G Helms
Gheli Davidson
Ghelo Looks Good
Ghela Bay
Gheline Beauty
Ghemtot Libatique
Ghenell Wilson
Ghen Luarel
Ghene Luther
I am the simpliest but wacky lady you may ever known. And I want someone who can guide and help through the loneliness I experienced. I want a savior who can treat me that I am not alone in facing life. Living with bad memories is my weakness; I need a man who can help me learn to faced all those weaknesses. Bad romance is one of my weaknesses. Breaking the chain around my personality and romance is wht I want. I need a person who can break that chain and traveled my heavenly loneliness. I am the simpliest but wacky lady you may ever known. And I want someone who can guide and help through the loneliness I experienced. I want a savior who can treat me that I am not alone in facing life. Living with bad memories is my weakness; I need a man who can help me learn to faced all those weaknesses. Bad romance is one of my weaknesses. Breaking the chain around my personality and romance is wht I want. I need a person who can break that chain and traveled my heavenly loneliness.
Ghena Baron
Gheortu Cosmin
Gheorghe Ion Georgian
Gheorghiu Marius
Gheorghe Serediuc
Gheorghe Lungu
Gheorghe Airinei
Gheorghe Voinea
Gheorghe Marius
Gheorghe Iordan Varvara
Sunt doar un om si totusi ma iubeste un inger,sunt un barbat plin de defecte si totusi o femeie ma priveste cu ochii arzatori,sunt un mincinos si totusi cineva isi pune viata in palmele mele,sunt slab si totusi adorat ca un erou,sunt ignorat dar vorbele mele fac o inima sa tresalte de fiori,sunt sensibil si totusi o femeie se simte rasfatata in bratele mele,sunt mai nimic si nu inteleg cum am ajuns pentru tine aproape totul! Poate ca caldura ce-mi inunda pieptul cand te privesc te face atat de fericita in bratele mele,si stralucirea-nfiorata din privirea mea te atrage inrezistibil ca pe fluturi in intunericul noptii. Sau poate sufletele noastre au ajuns doi bulgari de lumina inlantuti de dragoste iar trupurile si mintile acestea imperfecte si efemere nu pot face decat sa se iubiasca si adore neconditionat. sportul,muzica,dansul,filmele,dar in general tot ce este frumos si romantic si imi face inima sa tresalte de fericire,
Gh Erw
Ghermee Mateo
I suppose that's one of the ironies of life doing the wrong thing at the right moment. Charlie Chaplin A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain. Charlie Chaplin The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury. Charlie Chaplin This is a ruthless world and one must be ruthless to cope with it. Charlie Chaplin To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it! Charlie Chaplin What do you want a meaning for? Life is a desire, not a meaning. Charlie Chaplin "All this time I was wasting, Hoping you would come around. I've been givin' out chances every time And all you do is let me down And it's taken me this long baby But I figured you out And you think it would be fine again But not this time around " — Taylor Swift Betty Page, Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Ludwig Von Beethoven, Elvira, Stephen Hawking, Edgar Allan Poe
Gher Pienicki
Gheromy Gage
Gherald Robles
Gherman Duran Fuentes
Ghera Ciara Lincoin
I don't know... I really don't know me... you know though... I gave up thinking for lent ;} yummy pleasure... happy happy... joy joy... oh boy... and U ;}
Ghesnavi K. Azeez
Ghetto Gr
Ghetto Fabulous
Ghetto Crazy
Ghetto Diva
Ghetu Ludovic
Ghfgfh Hfhgf
Ghgfh Gfhd
Ghg Ghghg
Gh Gsdfghdfh
Ghhghh Eerttyy
Ghias Khan
Ghie Galvan
Ghie Rose De Leon
Ghie Arcilla
a girl who's 1/4 spanish,1/4 chinese and 1/2 filipina.. i donn't wanna's killing listening of music... watching movies traveling michelle branch rihanna charice tom cruise horror suspence fantasy like twilight saga
Ghie-ghie Mateo
Ghie Piñon
Ghie Lumbre
Ghie Ajjah Yess
Ghie Perez
Ghie Felix
Ghiilar Snowleader
Ghillie Suit
G Hills
Ghilbert Villamera
Ghimy Walker
Ghi Macon
Ghino Ditacco
Ghioca Mihaelaroxana
Ghislain Myriam Roge Elumba Monga Likumbu
Ghislain Myriam Roger Elumba
Ghislain Forget
Ghita Meirani
Ghitulescu Mircea
Ghitulescu Mihai
Ghjksdfghk Iusdghsdfughsi
ahem outta sex and alcohol of course? Well just check out and find out what u want Writers: Bukowski John Fante Orwell L.F.Céline Norman Spinrad Maiakovski Hermann Hesse Philosophers Slavoj Zizek Foucault Marx Arnold Schwarzenegger Music: Clash Kills Liars Krautrock Taraf de Haidouks Django Reinhardt Têtes Raides Brassens Movies Fight Club Série Noire The Wind that shakes the Barley Once upon a time in America Karakter Abre los Ojos La Zona
Ghkghjk Fghkjghk
Gh Mo
Ghn Gfd
Ghnomey Ghnome
39 year old Geek 8) Afflicted with acute Satyriasis. Looking for cure 8) RPG Games (preferably AD&D), Fantasy/Sci-fi (books/movies), Computers, Sex (whenever possible)
Ghodyss Ghodyss
Ghofar Zailani
Gholamsakhy Rasoly
Gholamreza Safari
Gholamreza Sharifi
Ghong Jalonhtaw
Ghonie Asa
Ghonchoo Ghabhroo
Ghost Hunter
Ich bin der Alexander. fighting, working out, playing music, drinking, shooting guns, country music, bbq and stuff. me all scarlett johansson movies, all edward norton movies, all kevin smith movies. every german movie i've seen. adaptation, kids, donnie darko, secretary, oldboy, eXistenZ, enemy at the gates, blow, all pot movies, amelie', schindlers list, pulp fiction, killbill1/2, lotr1/3, matrix1, subUrbia, dazed and confused, american beauty, the pianist, full metal jacket, forrest gump, magnolia, trainspotting, fear and loathing in las vegas, x-men1/2, traffic, american beauty, 21 grams, goodbye lenin!, wings of desire, otomo, and alot more
The Ghost Of The Past Come To Haunt You
I am just an ordinary guy looking for the EXTRAORDINARY.... I used to go under the identity of Ben Wilder, but he is a character I made up for a game I've played. I have dropped that identity in favor of a more natural and honest ME. Greed:Low  Gluttony:Medium  Wrath:Medium  Sloth:Medium  Envy:
Ghost Boooooooo
Ghost Boooooooo
lol i think i did a good enough job of that in Interests!! Me huh?......that is a long list of thing to My fingers might cramp and I may not be able to finish this section but i will try...... I am a 24 year old man with 3 boyz. I grew up in Dallas, spent ALOT of time in Oklahoma, and currently live in South Dakota. I FUCKING LOVE TATOOS AND PIERCINGS, but if you don't thats fine with And oh if you didn't notice im kinda a smartass. Hope thats fine with you! Hosted by Sparkle Tags Well i know this may sound odd but here it goes: Jim Carry......come on who doesn't love him???? Shawn Connery......hey he's a chick magnet! Brad Pitt......any guy that had 2 beautiful women fighting over him is alright in my book!!!! AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST Tom Cruise......he jumped on the FUCKING couch!!!!
Ghosty Twofish
Visitors Looking to Send Friend Requests: I look at every profile that accompanies the request. If you have a blog, I'll read it; if you have pics, I'll check them out. I like folks who have brains, creativity or are just plain cool people. I have nothing against sexy pictures - heck, I enjoy them plenty ... but if you have nothing to share on LC but pics of your hot little bod, you might get declined ... just sayin'. It took me fifteen years to discover that I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up because by that time I was too famous. - Robert Benchley I'm a hard working, regular kind of joe with a penchant for the romantic, the silly and the technological. I'm a writer - not in the sense that I've published a book, although it would be great if things got to that point, but in that I simply must sit and write at least every few days else my brain explodes. I currently run three blogs (which only proves I write way too much). One is an Ultima Online blog: Ulti
Ghost Loc
Well just a little about me. Im a truck driver and before you get any ideas no we are all not trashy and no we are not all fat. I love my job, it is the only place i can think of where i get to see the united states and get paid for it. I am a 41 year old Bi male and yes i said Bi so if you dont like it then dont leave me any nasty comments i dont want to read them, no i will not give up my job to get married so dont ask, i did that once and was divorced 3 months later. I am buying this truck {it is in my pics} so dont ask me to quit my job and i wont ask you to quit yours. I have 5 kids and i love them all. No i am not married at least not anymore. I am just here looking for interesting people to talk to and possible travel with that live in the omaha nebraska area. Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Ghost Rider
Ghost Investigation For The Souls
We are GIFTS (Ghost Investigation For The Souls). We are a Greenbrier County , West Virginia based paranormal investigation team. We give our best in our research that we do per-investigation on a home or place of business. Our goal is to put wondering minds all around to rest of "am I in this house alone?" We don't want anyone living in fear in their own happy home. Many questions has came across for year upon years, is the paranormal real? Many believe so and many don't! Many are afriad to believe in something that seems so unreal and impossible. Over the years things has been caught on tapes, pictures and also video. Here @ GIFTS we get to the bottom to every case that is thrown at us. Down to the first family has ever lived in the home of yours. We are not going to throw things at you that dosn't need to be said but the truth. We believe in our investigators to give their and our best in our work and research. We are non-profit. Why? Because we don't see the point of charging so
Ghost Wryta
Ghost Torres
Ghost Eagle
I am full native american. I am 6'1. friendly and sportive. Sorry I have not been on for awhile but I was in a bad bike wreck last month, that totaled our bikes. me and ghost wind was up on the mountians coming down when it happend. Sorry to have missed y'all so much. I am able to get up now and then. I am glad to be here with my friends and family here on fubar. I love to ride harleysas well as my brother. We have ridden all our lives. I am a great lover, as I am told. I love to cook,clean hug, hold hand and kiss in public. I am a bad ass fighter if pissed off. You hurt a lady or a child, Better hold on to the horns, your going for a ride. I will fight for the truth and family. I am straigt foward and blunt, to the point and caring. I ride horses as well as harleys. I have not had a date in over a year now, cause have not found one that I can trust. I cant stand liers,cheaters nor things like that. I dont care for mind games. If you are here for that, then keep steppin, dont look back
Music Video: Bust It Baby, Part 2 by (Plies) Music Video Code by Video Code Zone SEX, DRUGS & Rock-N-Roll
I enjoy spending time with my princess and her daughter, racing online, and chatting...... Myspace Comments
About me... UMM I am a big dick sometimes just cause it is fun to watch what people do they will have a dumb look on there fase or talk shit back (then thats when it gets CraZY) cause I never know when to quit when I get under peoples skin... I LOVE to flirt and kinda be a dick about that cause alot of girls around me kind dig it so I do My interests.... UMMM my kids and my bike. I play video games (xbox360) online... I know Im a big kid still but whatever thats who I am... I like to paintball and go rydin with my buddy Joe on his R1 anf Ryan....
Ghost Inc
Hi! - Read Me First! Let's be honest here for a second shall we? I'm not here because I like you. But hey, nice profile!! Don't bother trying to take time to figure me out... Chances are, it's time you'll never get back. I'm not one to be figured out. JFS! Here's a teaser for you though. Sit and take time to read, I'll tell you a little something about me. I stay very BUSY! I may own a business, but I'm far from rich. I have friends who I love and haters who I adore. Let everyone be themself from my point of view! Don't talk politics to me. I'm not your president. Music is a way of life to me. Motorcycles are my passion. The true love of my life is Karma. She's the perfect bitch and has always been there for me no matter what. Don't talk shit about her. Drama has never crossed me on here, but that's not an invitation to start with. You'll be ejected effective IMMEDIATELY. Other than that... Feel free to message me. Be friends the right way and get to know me the right way. Late
Ghost Hoffman
Ghost Ryder
Ghost Chingon
Ghost Raziel
A 21 year old Martial Artist, gamer, novelist, and anime Fanatic, pretty much always "excited" and almost completely shameless, if your lookin for strange and/or unheard of movie titles or music come see me, I may be a store clerk for the time being but thats about to change, I don't really have any drive to be in charge of something, but I'm sure I'm bound to do great things, so why not join me and have some fun along the way?
Ghost Santos
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Ghost Face
Ghost Dog
Ghost Jones
YOU'LL NEVER KNOW !! No what do you like? I do it all ! Music darkeness only candles feeling soft flesh nails scratching me No you just ask I'm there !
Ghost Wolf
Hello, So you decided to check me out. I am hard of hearing guy with a soft heart with strong barriers. I am recently single. I currently do not have kids. But I do have a beagle that is a man's best friend. Currently decided to go back to school at Renton Tech. College. I am pretty sensitive but with old fashion values. Nowadays people take romance in a different way that is not with trust, respect, love, and communications. On here I am looking for friends, maybe more if we could get together. Don't be shy if you want to talk... I won't bite hard...
Ghost 69 Matthews
Ghostryder Graham
Ghostarceus Robles
Ghosth Grisell
Ghosts Amongus
Ghost Dem
Ghotra Ghotra
Ghouri Rul3z
Ghrth Rtjhtrdjt
Ghufran Al-ani
Ghufran Aziz
Ghulam Bin Lardin
Hello my name is Abdul, how are you on this find day, may the profit bless your goats with good health. I am looking for American wife for make many Muslim baby with, i am perfect husband material i go to mosque 10 times per day, i have a great butt to look at as you walk 10 paces behind me and i can spit like a camel. I like going to Mosque, camels, goats, fast cars and women in that order.
Ghulam Haider
Ghulam Khan
Ghulam Yahya Haidary
Ghulam Dustiger
Ghulam Abbas
Ghulam Mustafa
Ghulam Dastgir
Ghulam Murtaza
Ghulam Ali Monir
Ghulamhyder Mastoi
Ghulam Farooq Jan
G Hunter
Ghyno Ailongso
Ghyno Ailongso
Ghyn Le-yaquit
Ghyslaine Labonte
Gh4y69 Xghx
May the white light surround you, and cradle you throughout the night. May your dreams be filled with peace, and love. And may you all awaken in the morning, feeling completely refreshed, and rejuvinated. Take care my friends. if you have cam you can meet me in or
Gh Zedan
I am a fitness instructor in Miami and mother of 6, yes 6, 3mine 2 his and one ours.....3 boys 3 girls, they are my my life and love... I jus celebrated my 10th year wedding anniversary and I still am madly in love with this guy! He makes me smile and takes my breath away... I love MYTHOLOGY ............... and I am ATHEIST...... I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What God desires is here in the mind and here in your heart and what you decide to do every day will make you a good person..or not. I am an avid believer that we all should get INVOLVED in what goes on in the world...... if we don't we are FUCKed.... Never think YOU can not make a difference He makes a difference, with comedy... but he cares....I admire his tenacity and devotion to
my shoutbox isn't working..... -_- Hello everyone...My name is Gia. I am a classy girl and don't like rude people :( I'm not a superficial lady so don't be shy ;) I like some sports like Hockey, Football and Basketball Sorry no Nudes guys =P to the people i sent messages on the shoutbox earlier today i was only kidding. Just having some fun =D If you send me a message and i don't get back to you, don't get mad. I'm probably away from the computer eventhough it says i'm on Tap. thanks for visiting MUAH!!!!!! xoxoxo
i will be turning 35 in a couple weeks thank you for visiting me amy help you can give me bout this sight will not be turned away plz b sure to do the following: add me, mail me, rate me visit mums i love wathcing romantic comedies, i love music any kind, spending time with my daughter and what friends i do have (which is not many), i LOVE to cook and bake ( know it sounds weird but it's my passion)love watching boxing, football (go steelers), and basketball
Im new to this so be gentle. Just looking to pass some time online.
Name's Gia. Singing, writing, guitar,acting, laughing, criminal minds, talking about the unknown, learning things about quantum physics, speaking different languages, making foods and hanging out at coffee houses late at night are some of the things that cause my existence. I like people. I'm nice if you are. The only thing I need your approval for, is my music. I sing everyday, constantly. Music is the only drug I need..and I've been a proud addict for 19 1/2 years now. I dress how I want, talk like I want and voice my opinion on just about everything. I major in Music Production. I'm currently learning to play guitar. Pretty much in love with it. I like puns, dry or witty humour, sushi, all things South East Asian, loud colors, and kittens. I am fueled by caffeine. I can be annoyingly optimistic or quite the emo kid. Um..I like stuff and things..and I have no car. Yayme~_~ Wanna talk? Type words and send them to me. I might send you some too. It'll be like..a word a box.
I just turned 21!,I'm currently attending NYU,I hope to become a lawyer sometime in the near future! Im 100% Italian .. I LOVE to go out and party .. Dancing is my specialty
I just turned 21!I'm 100% Italian! I'm currently attending NYU , Im hoping to become a lawyer in the near future! Right now though I just love to go out and have fun! ..Dancing is my specialty
Gia Aldan
Gia Bretti
Gia B.
Giacomo Dicasanova
Giacomo De Luca
Giacomo Destefano
Giacomo Kaufman
Gia Cartier
Gia Chavis
Giacomo Rovelli
Giacomo Vittoria
Giada Broda
Gia Garcia
Gia Graciano
Gia Galea
Gia Geor
Gia Ginanjar
Giagrady Longcoy
Giagim Sergiu
Gia Jiizz
Gia Kara
Gia Kurtz
Gia Khổng
Gia Lovespoppies
open minded bisexual female, 52, but feels 30, looking for friends to grow into more, maybe much more. just getting this thing set up, so it'll be changing. check in now and then, let me know if you like it!
Gia Loucks
Gia Leone
I am a Mother, Grandmother, Big sister, Ssgt, soldier, veteran,jet engine mechanic, biker,PO, good friend, tomboy, country girl by heart, a jokester, companion, pet, hard worker, faithful, loyal, animal lover, underdog protector and very down to earth. As you can see I wear many different hats in life. If you want to know about me, ask. If you want to play games, PLEASE find someone else, I do not have the time nor energy for negative things. Now for my rule breakers- Please don't ask me to rate/comment your NSFW pics, you will get your feelings hurt. NO, I will not be "hooking up" or giving anyone my phone number. I do not "Cam" or Video chat. If you overstep these boundaries I will delete and block you. Every one dies/ but not every one lives. Live your life to the fullest, There is no guarantee we will see tomorrow. THE BIKER!! MY BROTHER!!! I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me, put a
Gia Morales
Gia Murphy
Gia Musick
Gia Morgan
Giambi Glenn
Gia Mclean
Giambattista Manerba
Gianna Margera
♥ i live on the Jersey shore ♥ i like to hang out with my friends ♥ party ♥ i have a thing for tattoos and piercings ♥ i think they are sexy *wink wink* ♥ i LOVE tinkerbell and stars ♥ Im a Myspace girl at heart ♥ wanna send me an IM? ♥ then IM me on xl0stndreamsx TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:GamBirthday:January 8thBirthplace:Coney Island, NYCurrent Location:Mystic Islands, New JerseyEye Color:Brown Hair Color:Brown Height:5'6"Right Handed or Left Handed:RightYour Heritage:GermanThe Shoes You Wore Today:converseYour Weakness:boys, chocolate and tattoosYour Fears:death
Gianna Meissner
Im the one that every girl wants to be, just for a second. I will take any dare, i swear like a sailor and I tell really lame jokes and think they are funny. I always have fun, and I dont take your bullshit. i can hang with the fellas, or get pretty with the ladies. Im smart, cute, funny and confident, and you hate me for it, but you cant help but like me. I am a lover and a fighter, im not afraid of dirt or a little hard labour. I will smile when you insult me, and laugh in your face when you hit me. If you think you are smarter than me i will make you look like an asshole. If you think you are dumber than me I will make you feel like an einstein. I am passionate in everything, and I love with all my heart. If you are my object of affection, be prepared to be swept away. Im out there, im loud, im annoying, im a go getter, im an idea person, im creative, im intellectual, i stand up for the little guy, and i beat the shit outta the guy who thinks he is tough. You can never expect for me
Gianna Pitchforth
Giancarlo Sciuto
Gianna Pitchforth
Gianluca Cenkini
Giannis Ioannou
Gianna Daniels
Giancarlo Di Russo
Gianni Fronimos
Gian Nagano
Gianna Russo
Gianna Jurado
Gianni Tsek
Gianna Garcia
Gianna D
gianna daniels here
Gianni Giannini
Giancarlo Lodevico
Hello! Welcome to my page! My name is Gianluca, don't worry if you can't pronounce it, it's ok. I was born and raised and lived all of my life (so far) here, in Milan, one of the biggest cities in Italy. I like it here, and here it's where I wanna be when it'll be time to settle down in life. In the mean time, I am pursuing the achievement of my goals. I wanna live experiences around the world, I like to travel and most of times my destinations are inside the United States...the country where most of my Fu-friends live. lol... I've been there few times in the last years. New York, California, Nevada, Florida, Arizona to mention the most visited states I have been. I lived 3 months in North Hollywood, CA, in 2007 trying to breath different air than Italy, living the lifestyle and making new experience. There's always something new to learn in life, everyday. I met alot of nice people who treated me with love and I consider them my friends now. I am 27 years old, I guess en
Gianna Nutini
Gianna Castillo
Make your Comments HEARD at COMMENTYOU.comMake your Comments HEARD at Free Video and Image Hosting Sexi Graphics Codes Sexi Layouts Free Video and Image Hosting Dark Images Graphics MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts Make your Comments HEARD at Free Video and Image Hosting Sexi Graphics
Gianna Bathory
Gianni King
Gianni Cox
Gianni Ambrosi
Giannie Moreno
Gianella Guzman
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)created with You scored as FaerieFaerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie. Faerie 75%Angel 75%Mermaid 67%Dragon 50%WereWolf 0%Demon 0% Take the Hot Date Quiz at
Gianni Giampolo
Giant Attention Whore Seeking Rate/ Fans / Friends
Lets see, I rock, I am cool as hell. I am an old school slacker. I don't like to be serious. I'm a bit sarcastic and I work to much. I have tattoos and piercings, if you like them great if not thats alright too I didn't get them too be cool. Also you cant see then when I have my clothes on so if you don't wanna see them just avoid drinking with me :) I know how to act like a gentleman AND cuss like a sailor. I am a guy so yes I am a perv, but I wont behave like one unless provoked ;) I have a lot of down time and can always use a new distraction. If you are actually reading this then I might actually want to chat with you as long as you don't always have the caps lock on... Give me a shout lets find out.
Giando Einziger
I'm a fuckin' rocker! I travel a lot...speak many languages... I admire geopolitics.. some kind of arts as well... then I don't know ;)
Gian Barrick
Giannis Alibradis
Giannis Giannopoulos
Gianni Bac
Giancarlo Saenz
All my videos pics and much more at
Gianni Romeo
Giannis Kantilierakis
hei! I'll deliberately write in italian 'cause i'm interested t find relationships with italians (girls, nice &young if possible ;-))) ) ciao: mi chiamo gianni, sono sposato e con un fantastico bimbo di 9 anni. Proprio per lui io e mia moglie non ci separiamo, anche se ormai viviamo solo una vita di facciata, ma sostanzialmente liberi di fare/incontrare chi ci pare (tra noi rimane comunque un'amicizia, ma l'amore è un'aaltra cosa). Mi piacerebbe potermi di nuovo innamorare, ma al di là della spiritosaggine che ho scritto sopra, non credo che una diffrenza di età troppo marcata possa aiutare a costruire qualcosa... Dimenticavo: abito a Torino, faccio l'avvocato, ho relativamente poco tempo libero, non sono Brad Pitt (ma mi sono messo a dieta (!!). Se vi và anche solo dis cambiare 2 chiacchere... scrivete o telefonate (il mio nick è il mio numero di cellulare) un bacio a tutte e una stretta di mano agli uomini. gianni
Giannis Karitsos
Giancarlo Papini
Giancarlo Paderno
Gianni Williams
Gianna Bishop
Giancarlo Di Scandicci
Gianna Castillo
Wat better way to know the real MEME then to hear it from my friends.but i am starting to settle down a bit..I've spent the past eight years in a relationship with a man I thought I knew very well...I was wrong.Why do you need to hide who you are.hip hop, rock etc. Hey, I am bored, so hit me up and send me an email. maybe we can swap pics or chat:
Gian De Leon
Giancarlo Garofalo
Gianpietro Todesco
Giannis Mitropoulos
Gianne Garcia
Gianfranco Caffa
I am the man. My name is Gianfranco .My age is 55 old year .I live in italy at Ligury from Ceriale.At me like all the girls in generally: good sweety, cute, nice pretty and lovely. at me like all the little yeoun girl chatting, networking, studying, reading, writing
Giann Mif
Giants Fan
Gianmarco Galati
Gianni Herrera
Gianni Violino
Giancarlos Gamarra
Giancarlo Berg
Gianpiero Alfano
Gianni Cicino
Gianni Gandolfi
Gianni G
Gianfranco Grados
Gian Guzman
Giana Taylor
Gian Castagneto
Giantsmk Gmk
Giancarlo Guinocchio Quevedo
Giang Huynh
Giannis Sarris
Gian Herlambang
Giani Moreno
Gianluigi Sacilot
Gian Nicole Vergara
Gianna Gianan Gianan
Gian Cruz
Giannis Papaioannou
Giancarlo Venzi
Gianna Wong
I am a young, intelligent and beautiful female interested in a private yet long term benefactor relationship with someone of similar qualities and substance. I pride myself on honesty, positivity, and various characteristics that make me an engaging partner. chatting
Gianna Baum
Gianncarlo Williams
Gia Nguyen
Gianclaudio Ferraro
Giancarlo Herrera
Giantess Shylowe
Giancarlo Cornejo
Giano Perro
Gianquinn Polston Madrid
Gianna Lominack
Gia Nichole
Gianni Bynum
Giannis Athanasiadis
Giannis Gavras
Giana Davis
Gianni Amato
Giancarlo Montenegro
Gianni Ramirez
Gianni Wright
I don't do men so dudes stop trying I don't roll like that Im here to meet some ladys so feel free to holla
Giancarlo Mario
Gia Nguyen
Giannis Tsantakis
Gian Gian
Giant's Toy
Giang Dao
Giancarlo Valdecantos
Gianni Cosimo
Giannhs Euthimiou
Giancarlo Espinoza
Gianpiero Martini
Gianny Morandi
Gianna Vasquez
Gian Casenas
Gianni Tavolazzi
Gianni Saraullo
Gia Ogletree
Gia Patron
Gia Roblin
Giarc Rekcehub
Gia Seaz
Gias Siddique
Gias Uddin
Giavoni Two Hawks
Giavanna Milaro
Gia Vashon
I'm new to this site, and despite my promise to myself of not getting addicted to sites like this, I'll fill this in more extensively soon:) I have..nothing better to do right now so I'll give you a little history. Born in Manitowoc, WI-always knew whoever is in charge of where you're born fucked up with me. I've done a lot in my life for only being 24 and am happy I alone did everything I wanted to do thus far. As soon as I turned 18 I traveled as much as possible, if it was within my power and I had the finances I did it. I'm blunt, raw and honest, loyal friend but worst enemy, model, writer, painter, all around artist, and sick of filling this out right now;p Thanks Spider for sending me this link! XXX Gia Random things interest me. I've been compared to a kitten in front of a mirror or with a toy several times, lol. I love the little things in life and always appreciate them...hell, whip cream on hot chocolate makes me happy. Good peo
Giavanna Evanson
I'm Giavanna, but call me Gia or else...I'm very outspoken. I'm not a prude. I Like to get down and dirty if ya wanna know anything else about me, send me a message. Party. Boys. Friends. Boys. Nirvana. Boys. Marilyn Monroe, Chuck Norris, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, and Gaga because she is fucking crazy just like me... Scary, blood and gore movies, nothing that has fucking glittery vampires in it. Comedies like Knocked Up, The Hangover, The Stepbrothers...
Gia Williams
Gia You\'ll Never Know
The best way to find out what type of person I am is to conversate with me, so whatever you want to know just ask and I'll tell....But it should be obvious that I'm a.... I love sexy feet, toes, lips and belly buttons. I'm a freak in every aspect of the word. Some people would consider me to be a queer...actually, I am and I'm proud of it..... I love to dance, cook, swim, go out to the clubs with my friends, shop, listen to music, and spend time with my family...I also love being who I am.I'm not conceited and I'm not vain, I'm just...
I am a marine biologist on South Padre Island. I am a rescue diver, Hovercraft pilot, Biker since I was 5 on a honda 50cc, Published researcher in the Texas Journal Of Science, I have a sailboat that sleeps 5 with a kitchen and dinner table, I have one son who is 13 that I have custody of and have since he was young, I am the lead diver for the University I work for, I played two seasons of arena league football, and I am extremely single and trying to find the right girl for me. I am an open book so please ask any questions you want if they are not to personal i will answer them, ....and if they are it will depend on who's askin1 lol Ohhhh Lets see i love anything water related and Bikes, football, sailing, and being a Marine Biologist.
Giba Miffba
Gibby Morales
Gibbs Bridgette
Gibbs Walker
Gibby Axinte
have just turned 30-(old i know ahah)i live in australia perth, was in the infantry in the australian army and went to east timor for 6 months just doing peace keeping and the moment not doing much as i have just discharged from the army !!just having a break before hopefully getting a job in the mines!!i like just hanging out with mates down the pub and just generally running amok and having a laugh ahha!! going to the gym,running,firing guns ,going to the pub!!!travlling ,meeting new people just generally having fun!!
Gibby Hale
Gibbi Jawo
Gibbar Dulay
Gibbeh Jallow
Gibert Taylor
Gib Ham
Gibi Babu
I made this widget at "Invitation" by Shel Silverstein If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer... If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in! ----------------------------------------------------------- I am a baby - I love being cuddled... I am a child - I collect certain action figures, comics, play video games, eat sweets, and delight in the wonder of the world... I am a young woman - I have a youthful spirit, I love to go out dancing, sometimes drinking, hang out with friends, go to movies... I am a mother - I have three special little children, I cook, I clean, I love... I am an artist - I paint, draw, sculpt, weave, bead, CREATE... I am a gardener, a swimmer, a soul, a spirit; I yearn for peace in this crazy world!! (in no particular order) ...swimming, gardening, WoW, drawing, painting, scu
Gib Marrero
Gibon Sikder
Gibril Fofanah
Gibril Sesay
Gibraltar Ahiableh
Gibrilla Kamara
Oh Precious Lord Jesus Christ, Sovereign and Righteous God, Holy and Gentle God We praise you this morning Lord… We ask that you make our wrongs right in your sight.. Please forgive us our sins, we acknowledge what they are and lay them down before you, cleanse us Lord that we may dwell in your presence to soak up your overwhelming power of LOVE.. We thank you Lord for all you do in our lives thank you for life, health, strength, jobs, finances, family, Love, friends, church, Pastors, and protecting us from dangers that we see and don’t see.. Thank you for that hedge of protection, and telling the devil NO don’t touch my children… Lord I bring to you, your people standing in the wilderness calling out to you, the same people you knew before they entered their mothers womb, the same ones you call by name, I pray that they can lower their walls so they can receive you unto themselves, experience you, get filled with you so they can step over into the Land of Milk and Honey.. I pr
Gibran Marquez
Gibriel Sey
Gibran Respati
Gibran Jalil Jalil
Gibson Chyka
Gibson Rada
My name is Gibson and i am 18 years old. I was born in Venezuela june 12. I am a laid back person and easy to get along with. I enjoy meeting new people and having a good time. I just recently moved to Greenville NC from New Jersey. I plan to attend skool in a year for Graphic Design.
Gibson Brian
/" target=_blank>Justa nother chic on FU@ fubar" target=_blank>Justa nother chic on FU@ fubar
Gibson Bratts
Gibson Lucky
Gibson Greene
Giby Joseph
Giddy Man19
Giddion Gillan
Gideon Lopez
Gideon Prime
Gideon Mathson
Gideon Turkson
Gideon Fallon
Gideon Oscar
me sa military boy from SI unit, i lov girls
Gideon Yator
Gideon Marley

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