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Chuck Seip
Chuck Crowell
Chuck Mueller
You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism.Satanism100%Buddhism88%Hinduism67%atheism63%Paganism54%Islam42%agnosticism33%Judaism17%Christianity0%Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)created with
Chuck Hamm
Chuck Romond
Hay im chuck im 30 i love to skateboard,Snowboard,Off Road,Camping,Hiking,Fly fishing and a hole lot more just ask if ya want to no more laters ME STUCK
Chuck Filo
Chuck Truss
Chuck Mueller
my name is chuck im 29 yrs old and i live in plattsburgh ny. Ihave a 8 yr old daughter who i love more than anything in this world. I am the president of a local car club called team fuzion. I am currently single due too my fiance being a whore, she decided that me walking in on her and another guy wouldnt happen well she was wrong. so now i have too find a way too fix my heart couse that shit is shattered. so hey if you can fix it drop me a line. well i have alot but i am into streetracing, music hanging out with my family and freinds. and wathching movies. but my favorite thing too do is write songs.
Chuck Smith
Chuck Gannon
about me?.......I'm 30. I'm a Mutt. I have no tats or piercings ( but hope to get some soon ) I work @ sears essentials. I love working on cars ( hobby and when i need too ) I'm a huge movie fan. I love music ( couldn't live without it. ) I watch a whole bunch of TV w/my girlfriend heroes, prison break, dirt, house, bones, medium, smallville, the office, my name is earl, ER, C.S.I., desperate houswives..... I spend weekends w/my daughter, who I love to pieces. ( the reason. ) and I spend any other time I have doing puzzles ( fill-it-in's, crosswords, suduku, and anything else challenging. that's about it. boring huh?......... what about you?
Chuck Pelfrey
Chuck Miller
Hello there. I'm Chuck: 41 yo, 6', 245, brown eyes & hair. Stocky build and VERY MUCH SINGLE. I am employed full time at a local factory. I'm hoping to meet a nice woman here, as the dating sites & I weren't getting along very well. I like most movies & music--I will not listen to rap, can't stand the stuff really. Let's see what else, oh yeah -- I do like to cuddle and spend time together. Enjoy dining out and pampering that special someone -- and I will pamper her when I find her :) I don't smoke (but don't mind if you do), I am a social drinker. Basically you MUST BE DRUG & DISEASE FREE. I'm not a total hypocrite but I'm NOT looking for someone who has to get a buzz in order to function. I'd say I'm easy to get along, no one's perfect right--we all have flaws. I am NOT into mind games or being someone's 'piece on the side'. I'm looking for a one-man woman. Now, I'm not here solely for the purpose of trying to find someone special. I'm here for friends too. and if any of you lad
Chuck Busatto
Chuck Boatright
Chuck Thorpe
HEy whats up people call me CHuck G.. Im 24 Business MAN BuSY at MOmeNt...Orginally from ARkansas still go there often goin college in OKlahoma.. when finISh school mOviing to L.A or HouSton ... ill UPdate pagE lATER p.s. IM A CUITE.. You are now marked on my profile visitor map!
Chuck Polky
Chuck Prather
Chuck Reddington
im 25 married male with one son and another on the way. i like sports, playing video games, and hanging out with my wife and my son. You are 79% horny! You have a normal level of horniness and is about average and though u might think that ur a super horny creature, u'r actually not. So enjoy it!How horny are you?Make a Quiz
Chuck Desiel
Chuck Gallop
My name's Chuck if you didn't see that already, I'm 35 yrs. old, I'm into cars. Moved here from Mich 3 yrs ago got a job not far from Maryville. It's so nice here and my job is tons better than the shithole I worked at back home. Here's some more about me: My personality is usually pretty mellow, it takes quite a bit to get me mad, but once I am , look out 'cause it takes a hell of alot to calm me down. I get along well with just about everybody..which leads me to the topic of me being a good judge of character...I can spot a phony person a mile away! And if you're a asshole, I can usually pick up on that too. If I feel a person is a asshole, I just won't associate myself with them or I'll keep my distance. I'm not a conformist, I do my own thing. I don't adhere to the lastest, greatest fad, don't follow what others do or think, and I scoff at cliques. I never liked that shit in High School, and I still don't. Anybody that really knows me will tell you I'm pretty cool to hang out
Chuck Zang
Chuck G
Chuck Sparks Ii
Chuck Wes
Chuck Sprague
Alan Jackson Drive
Chuck Paynter
Chuck Walker
Chuck Wilt
fun easy going smoke cigs like to watch movies swim race. i'm sorry but there is not much to me at times i'm simple unless i'm with some one that makes me feel different r u that someone. my greatest weekness is this: a womans eyes the right ones will get u ever time lets see someof these things i'm about to put down cause one does not like the feelin of lonlyness it may create and u might be able to guess which ones they are. swimming , watching action/dramma movies , walking through woods in the early mornin or late evenin , fishin ,but not for these lil ones around here off any coast or off lake supiore for steelhead they taste real good , some gardenin ,like peppers different kinds ,tomatos ,baisle ,parsely ,onions . i like to make my own sauces worked in an italian resurant once i mean one owned by an old family which was handed down from father to son for three gens. i learned a lil bit there just stuff i like to expirement with . can u tell i like to cook ,but that is one
Chuck Nunemacher
Chuck Roeske
Chuck Johnson
Chuck Johnson
Chuckie Freeman
Chuck Smith
Chuck Clark
Im 42 yr old single father with 13 yr old living at home. I work in the construction trades and love Sailing an other boating activities. I would like to meet interestinn people. Sailing,Boating Anything to do with the water
Chuck Why Does It Matter
Chuck T
Music, Art, Beer.
Chuck Frizts
I LIVE LIFE TO FULLEST single 36 and looking for longterm.any ladys from michigan usa. TATTOOS,WILD WOMEN,MODLES BIKER BABES,GOTHIC BABES, WOMEN THAT LIVE LIFE TO FULLEST,CHOPPERS,CAMPING,FISHING.BOATING,SWIMING,wolfs,art,the unknown like taps ghost hunters,wildlife behavior,longterm realtionships,about everything,history,tempalr knights,gaming,board games computers theres alot i like,bonfires,hiking anything in the outdoors. have so many more just ask.
well im a simple layed back kinda guy that likes to have fun and meet new people. I work construction and spent 9 1/2 years in the army as a field operations officer. Moto Death before Dishonor!!! My world. ☆Crystal☆Goddess☆@ fubar just here to make new friends and chat
Chuck Slater Jr.
Chuck B
Chuck Mullins
We are a virus with shoes. In the big picture: we are a self destructive machine. In person: we are a lovable bunch. Behind the anonymity of a tinted windshield we are selfish assholes with the attention-span of a gnat, yet behind the neutral realm of the internet: we are all soccer-moms, child molesters, and opinionated intellectuals. I Love Everyone! Yay! I'd like to meet people who are not totally self absorbed or find it neccessary to lie to live. Honesty, Loyalty, Conviction, Compassion.
Chuck Rush
Chuck Cochems
I'm me. Just like you are you. And if you want to know more about me, then you may ask me and i will send a response from me to you. No question is off limits. Well, looks like i'm back for now. I will return all attention i am given if I am aware of it. I return ratings in kind, directly to the profile. If you rerate, so will I. If you rerate too low, you will also earn a block along with your low profile rating. If you post an autostarting music comment on my page or anything else that makes sound effects by itself, expect it to get deleted when I find it. Nothing personal. If i do not reply to you, it is because i'm not really here. fubar LIES sometimes, and sometimes it crashes my browser. send me fu-mail and it WILL get answered. P.S.: If i ever say that i think something might offend you if i said it, there's a good chance I'm right. If you insist on wanting to know, don't block me when I'm right. P.P.S.: guys, i will not try to guess if you secret admire me
I am new to cherry tap!!
Chuck Mcdonald
Chuck Collins
im a truck driver have been fer a while and i aint never gonna give it up this country needs drivers all the time but the government keeps screwing with us and it makes it difficult to do our job im also a down to earth kinda guy that doesnt know how to keep my temper in check or my attitude for that matter
Chuckie P
About me???? OK then here goes,,, I'm a roofer so you could say I'm not afraid of getting high lol I like this place but still learning my way around it.
Chuck Gallella
I like to drink at home mostly I help my brother out on friday nights at the local bars with a karaoke outfit he has, no I can't sing, I have 2 motorcycles. One Harley and one Honda Shadow. I have 3 daughters ages 24, 28, 32. My youngest daughter was killed in October 2005 by some spineless individual. Still seeking trial with that. I am really bad with these things so if you got anything else you wanna know just send me a shout. Ride safe my friends!
Chuck Horton
Chuck Mccoy
Chuck Seal
So You Want To Know About Me..m m m Where Do I Start...Let See How About Of All I'm Single,Charming,Witty...Love To Laugh And Make Others Laugh Too....Cant see Going Thru A Single Day With Out At Least One Good Chuckle..MMMM Love To Cuddle,Hold Hands And All That Mushy Stuff..Trustworthy. Loyal But I Would Love To Curl Up On Your Lap And I Promise Not To Lick...Maybe Nibble A Little Bit..LOL....... MMM Need A Good Understanding Woman Yeah Right:-).......... I Dont Like People That Play Head Games..IAM REAL:I Call It Like I See It...I Dont White wash Or Sugar Coat The truth I Have Been Hurt Before And I Know How The Pain Feels......... So Iam Cautions About Who I Let Into My Life Now On The Flip Side To This Iam Open-Minded ,Sensual,Kind,warm,Loving Caring,And Respectful...I Have A Great Personality And A Awesome Sense Of Humor..I Know What I Want And I'm Not Afraid To Ask For It Or Work For It..I Also Love Monster Truck Racing And Working With Them Guys At The Shows...... Love
Chuck Shuke
Chuck Wagner
Chuck Ireland
Chu Chito
Chuck Frey
Chuck J
Chuck Westwood
Chuck Knight
table.top_header {background-color: transparent !important;}A:link{color:#Ffffff;}A:visited{color:#ffffff;}A:active{color:#ffffff;}A:hover {color:black;cursor:url(); background:url(;}table, tr, td { background-color: transparent !important; border:none; border-width:0;}body {background-color: transparent !important;background-image: url( !important;background-attachment: fixed !important;background-position: center center !important;background-repeat: repeat !important;scrollbar-face-color:000000;scrollbar-highlight-color:000000;scrollbar-3dlight-color:DARKRED;scrollbar-shadow-color:000000;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:DARKRED;scrollbar-arrow-color:DARKRED;scrollbar-track-color:000000;}DARKREDRIDGEtable, tr, td, li, p, div { font-family:'Palatino Linotype'; color:DARKRED; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; } table.user {border:2px RIDGE
My name is Chuck,im 34 yrs old.I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Im single and own a small trailer park. When i can i love to goto Talladega for the nascar race. I will add more later, take care!
Chuck Lane
Chuck Lawrence
Well I'm married(sorry ladies)have loads of grandbabies running around usually at my house,I love the outdoors,camping,fishing,hunting to name a few,I'm a truckdriver (if that annoys you boycott my work by never going to the store again cause chances are it was delivered by truck)other than that I love to joke and have fun,so rate me fan me add if you wish I always try and return the favors Courtesy of Courtesy of Charlie 3rd of the 14th Ft. Benning 85-88 retired disabled blew out a knee in jump school
Chuck Stead
well i'am 30 from St Catharines 5'6 245p brown eyes black hair one tattoo on my arm and one earring in both ears looking to meet new people and maybe someone for me a good woman i'am into rap hip hop slow songs old songs i like hiking ride bikes with my sister i like fighting movies and movies that make me Lol
Chuck Manness
Chuck Phelps
Im chuckie, I live @ the Beautiful Sunny Coast Australia, I dig Audio Engineering (Studio Production and live Operating), My most favourite thing in the world is Music, Im into Dnb predominately and every thing else with a good feel.. I'm the sort of guy that is very flexible with people, but I have good boundaries on what can be part of my life. I dig creativity, artistic, philosphical sort of peeps & especially dont mind beautiful women!! .. All in all if u get to know me then you'llget 2 realise how diverse life is!! Chuckie !! P.S NO CRAZY WOMEN PLEASE !! Oh, Audio Engineering (Studio and Live ), Event Production, kungfu , Tai chi, DNB(Drum and BAss) production. Driving long distances, while listening to good tunes. Living near the Ocean, out doors, quality sound systems that give clean sub bass and top ends!! and meeting interesting beautiful women!!
Chuck Ortiz
Chuckie Free Comment Codes where do i start, i love the outdoors and hanging with my friends. still feel like a kid at times. guess you are as young as you feel. i think that i might be spending to much time online but what the hell! i am easy going have a good heart, i say what i feel and what i mean, for i am me and me is all i know how to be.and if you dont like me, then just keep fuckin clickin. i am new here and just wanna make friends. not here for head games. so if you wanna know more about me just friggin ask me.and hey...dont want anything from anyone...just frienship! i'm not here for games and i dont like gamers,lairs. i dont wanna see your naked pics nor your cam so plz. dont ask. Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz † Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz † Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz † Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz † Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz † Custom Commen
Chuck Green
Chuck Babb
Chuck Anderson
Chuck Silver
Hi, well hate this part...I am a Fire fighter and like most anything outdoors....if you want to know anything just ask...
Chuck Alred
Chuck Roberts
Chuck Garnett
Chuck Reed
I like to meet new people and hang out partying with them. New this stuff, so be easy with me. Anything with action or comedy
Chuck Boston
Chuck Stack
Chuck Morell
Im going to be turning 33 soon but still feel very young and that is the way i like it. Im single and looking to make new friends and hopefully more down the road
Chuck Williams
Chuck Kornreich
Chucky H
Chuck Dunbar
Myspace Graphics Myspace Graphics Myspace Graphics Myspace Graphics
Chuck Baily
Chuck Dewitt
Chuck Swan
ok, first of all, if you mark things NSFW, Piss off and ignore me, i don't care for narc's. if not, please enjoy my sence of humor and my wide varity of unique pix :) ok, let me leave you with this... i am a smoker, a drinker, and um... hehehe i'm 6'5" and about 260#. i'm married as of 05/19/07. and.............. things are going well. i am a big movie nut,like to sit and watch a WHOLE movie with another person who understands it. maybe a lil mst3k in there, but still like a lil input. and I STILL watch the simpsons, sad i kno. i'm a non practicing wiccan, so please don't preach you religon to me. i'm a chef and an electroincs tech. i love music, i have a decent collection, if ya need anything, just ask. I am NOT greedy, i Only want ONE thing.... The WORLD! And Yes.. I Eat My G.R.I.T.S.! other than that, i donno.... just ask i guess. if you need more? IM me. ***CAUTION*** I SUFFER FROM RANDOM ACTS OF MINDLESSNESS! and BTW, if Your A Profile / Picture Narc.
Chuck Taylor
Chuck Walters
Who am I, you ask? Let's start with the basics: my name is Chuck... I'm 44 years old, and I am currently staying with my sister Pat and her husband until my mom and I can find a place of our own. I'm 5'9, 170 lbs., with medium brown hair and piercing blue-grey eyes which many females have found to be very sexy. I also got my first tattoo on December 12, 2005... I had Tigger done on my upper left arm. I am currently single and will probably remain that way.. I've had my heart broken far too many times to waste my time falling in love with someone who doesn't feel the same way that I do about them. For some strange reason women seem to find me extremely handsome, although for the life of me I don't know why. I'm no one special, I'm just me. I'd like to think I'm a kind, caring and loving person, but I'm also someone who can be very stubborn when someone tries to walk over me. I speak my mind and have been told that I have a very strong will. I'm also a funny yet sensitive person, I'll be
Chuck Walters
Chuck Chuck
Chuck Cahoe
Chuck Burns
Chuck G
I work in the health care feild actually I work in a hospital in the Emergency Department.Crazy fun there.It\'s amazing what people will use the ER for.Like I said I\'m a musician, loves music making friendsand trying to keep them.Now if you want toknow more things like intimate things your\'ll just have to become a friend and then maybe I\'ll let you in on the nasty and sexy details heh heh, like they say rate me fan me and add me as a friend and lets talk. Guitars are one of my favorite things.I have a few plan on buying more.Playing in bands is another hobby of mine.Anything my kids are into even though their all grown and most of them have families of their own.And of course My grandchildren Nothing is more fun then hanging with them.
Chuck Wesley
Chuck Manders
my name is chuck, and i have been happily married to cindy (cincirose2) for 9 years. We have five wonderful children, three rowdy dogs, and a few annoying cats. my wife and kids, football, hockey, nascar, shooting pool, playing darts, golf, fishing, and generally any outdoor activity.
Chuck Dettling
My name is Chuck im 63 years old i live in binghamton new york i work in a deil my favorite sport is baseball and my favorite team is the new york mets i also like football my favorite team is the buffalo bills i also enjoy wrestling bowling, baseball, football, wrestling, nascar, women,
I'm new on here and still tring to get the hang of things. I'm not looking for anything serious right now. I just want to meet new people and hopefully find a girl that's cool as hell so we can kick it and have fun. I like laid back females that know how to have fun. I work and go to school, so the little time I do have I want to spend it with a cool ass female. I'm laid back and eazy to get along with. I love playing basketball and pretty much anything athletic. I love the Cleveland Browns and Cavs. I go to games a lot. I like going out of town also. I like going out sometimes, but for the most part I like to snuggle up, watch a movie, a Browns game, or do something different. I love my family and will do anything for them. I love music and like all kinds.
Chuck De
Chuck Colston
Chuck Roane
Hi Everybody my name is chuck and im currently in a relationship. I am on here to make new friends and to have a good time listening to music in the lounges. Everybody that I have talked to here seem really nice and Im glad that I can relax here and enjoy the fun and music in the lounges. If you are wondering about the numbers in the name I just want to be different. But if you see me in a lounge you can call me by my name. If you rate, fan and add me Ill do the same for you. I have just started reading the MuMMs and rating those.
Chuck Adelsberger
Chuck P
Chuck Brown
Chuck Arnett
I a 53yo guy widower with 2 sons one at home one in Mesa,Az.My intrests include hunting,fishing,traveling to visit my son.Having fun,right now kind of limited in what I can really get out and do because of my legs;still trying to recover from from knee surgery on both of them. I am looking for someone to share some good times with;because being alone is no fun for anyone.The number of close friends I do have I can count on 1 hand;in some cases thats good but when they are all guys,I get lonely for female,I guess you can say I am looking for someone special to spend time with.
Chuck Mosiman
Crush this person!Get your own CrushTag! What dragon soul do you have? You scored as a Red Dragon You are a red dragon. The fire in you burns hot and bright. You're fun and seductive, and protective as well. You take excitment over calmness any day. Red Dragon 100% Green Dragon 91% Blue Dragon 80% Indigo Dragon 71% Sun Dragon 71% White Dragon 66% Purple Dragon 60% Black Dragon 46% .revolution { Layout by RevolutionMyspace - } .revolution { Background Properties } table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;} body { background-color:000000; background-image:url(''); background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; scrollbar-face-color:5ED719; scrollbar-highlight-color:5ED719; scrollbar-3dlight-color:050505; scrollbar-shadow-c
Chuck Maybe
Some quick notes about me. Persian Gulf veteran. Never married. No kids. Ugly as sin. Sarcastic as hell. Evil when appropriate. Brutally honest. Hairy back. Loyal to a fault. Intelligent. Caring. Two cats. Hard working. Ordained minister GLBT Ally And a partridge in a pear tree. I try to take an interest in everything. I\'m all ecclectic like that. While I love being outdoors and doing all kinds of nature type things, unfortunately military service is hard on the body and my arthritis has killed a lot of those activities. Hiking, mountain biking, camping, skiing, walking. Some I still enjoy, some I cannot. I am a voracious reader and movie goer. Both I picked up from my mom. If you put it within arms reach, I\'ll read it. Everything from Stephen King to Ann Rule. And it doesn\'t always have to be good. By the same token, I\'ll watch just about anything. I am a B-movie freak so the crappier and cheesier the better. While I love to be scared in the the
Chuck Ray
Chuck Harrison
Jack of all trades... love to read big movie buff love to travel I've been all over the world it seems but I haven't found a Miss Right believe that? Get the Drinksmixer widget! Find drinking games at dragonsong@ fubar ="" alt="Follow 0Solace0 on Twitter"/>
Chuck Donovan
Chuck L.
Chuck Lambert
LOVE hanging with my kids sports football softball love to play poker bowling hangin out with friends drinkin just about anything that sounds fun!!! HA
Chuck Schmitz
Chuck Smith
im a hard working polgamyist camping,fishing,hunting,canoeing
Chuck Brady
i love football (steelers) racing hockey
Chuck Holden
Chuck G
Chuck W.
I moved to Idaho back in November(2007). I'm 29yo, 5'8" male with dirty blond hair and brown eye's. I like to have fun, hangout and go to movies, among other kinky activities. I'm trying to find new things to do up in Boise as I live in Mountain Home. I am looking for a girl that can take orders as well as she can give them and is looking to give as much pleasure as she is willing to recieve from me. So come & experiment with me. I'm so ambidextrous, I will slap your ass with both hands. My interests span a variety of things. But if we're talking about the usual. This list is not in any order Photography, Sign Language, movies, music, people, books, computers, deep thoughts If I am found watching TV it is NG, TLC, Discovery, basically anything I can learn from. I also like comedy central, Cartoon(kid at heart) Network and more. Books!! --> Beyond Portraiture --> The Zombie Survial Guide --> The Worst-Case Scenario, Survival Handbook: DATING & SEX --> The Complete IDIO
Chuck Sharrow
Chuck Nimmerichter
im a big exfootball player who just became single again when my wife left this life for a better place 9/2/07 i'm a biker,trucker,have a 25 foot camper and a bass boat so you can guess i like the outdoors for now i am just looking for friends to go to dinner,dancing,maybe hangout in my hottub but something serious is not something i'm ready to offer yet
single dad 36 yrs old looking for a women to spend time with and have some fun
Chuck Cannon
Chuck B
Chuck Carter
I really can't say wether I have any interests or anything like that. I just love life in general. Love to be with my kids, love to be with friends, just love to be ALIVE, even on cold snowy days like today!!! I think the ONLY people that I idol at ALL are people that make a living for them and thier family EVERY day without causing damage to others or bitching too much about it. I mean come the fukk on. Put your big girl panties on or your big boy undies on and get the fukk over it!!! OMFG!!! I am SUCH a movie buff. I can't even say that I have a prefered type of movie, I just love them ALL!!! But if I would HAVE to pick a FAV, it would HAVE to be Blazing Saddles. You just can NOT make a movie like that now a days, b/c there are too many little BABIES out there that take "OFFENSE" to words and other people's opinions. GET THE FUKK OVER IT!!! Hell, I knew when I was like 7 that "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!!!"
Chuck Shultz
whats up my name is chuck and im from sw pa, im looking for someone special who likes children cause i have a boy and a little girl. i have my own house and i work 6 a week so i need someone who understands that. im a loving guy who likes to have fun, i do drink and smoke if u want to know more just hit me up
Chuck Prater
If you really wanna know just ask Juggalo music, golf, pool, clubs, chillin' with my homies, and just bout anything fun ICP and Twizted All Kinds comedy and and scary movies are my favorite
Chuck Leus
Chuck Yeagermiester
Chuck Thomason
Chuck Chambers
Chuck Tolliver
Chuck Weaver
Chuck Tubbs
Chuck West
Chuck Z
Chuck Hello Out There & Well If There Is Any Online Prescriptions That U May Need Just Freakin Go Ahead &check Out My Online Store At Www.crdiscountme
Im pretty much laid back, clever, artistic, and a little sarcastic. Have a great since of humor. I enjoy hanging with friends at a local bar,long rides on my bike, going to movies, painting/drawing. Love to travel, meet new friends, see new places. love long rides on my bike. Art, taveling, scuba, cooking/grilling. Concerts, bars, sports.
Let's see...about me...I'm a layed back guy who likes to get out and have fun with friends. I love to go out dancing, working out, shooting pool, camping, hiking, swimming. I'll pretty much try anything once..twice if I like it. I dont like drama. I dont like people that lie, cheat, or steal. Honesty is one of my biggest pet peeves. Well that's a lot about me right now...I guess your just gonna have to chat at me for more info. TTYL MyHotComments MyHotComments I just like to go out and have fun...everyone makes fun sound so complicated but it's really just what you make it. I love to get out to clubs and dance, play pool, and have a general great time.... Anyway...if ya wanna know more about my interests your gonna have to ask ;) MyHotComments
My Morphs
Chuck Arton
Well, I'm my own person. I am a firefighter and rescue technican. I always look at ways of being my OWN person. I am easily to get along with and easy going.....and will do what makes ME happy because that is who is most important. Which most of the time that is fighting fire the one thing that most people are afraid of. Not me.... I have always been asked the question, Why do you run into a burning building when everyone else is running out????" Well, I say I will go fight the beast of fire to help protect you and your property if at all possible. And I will fight the firery beast that most are afraid of. Other than fighting fire I also like to spend time with my family and friends, of whom are very important to me, volunteering at Dallas Rescue Squad ,search and rescue k-9 team (occasionally),volunteering at the Dallas Fire Department. I am very dedicated at whatever it is that I am doing. I definitely give 120%. Well, I am looking to meet up with some old friends and to make n
Chuck Henry
Chuck Smith
What's up yall? welcome to my page. plz enjoy it. theres a couple of things that i need to make clear first off the bat. i have the girl of my dreams and a kid on the way so i,m not looking for a quick date or to see if i can laid like carpet. i,m only here for friends and fun and thats it. i do flirt like hell but it,s harmless and dont take it seriously. ladies, if you have NSFW photos, do expect me to rate them. if you dont want me to, dont add me. i,m just me and thats all that i am. the girl that i,m engaged to in real life, i,m fu-engaged to on here. so stop by and check her out and add her as a friend as well. she is a big sweetheart and yall will like her. if yall wanna be friends, cool! add away. if yall want something more, you will have to look elsewhere. so, with all that said, if yah still wanna add me, thanks for the add and i look forward to being friends. have a great fu-day!!
Chuck B
Chuck Patterson
Chuck Barker
Chuck Davis
Chuck Vickers
Chuck Caves
Chuck Burkett
Chuck Wheeler
Your Penis Name Is... Curious George Penis Name Generator I'm a Porsche 911! You have a classic style, but you're up-to-date with the latest technology. You're ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige - you're one of the elite,and you know it. Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz. visited 34 states (68%)Create your own visited map of The United States
Chuck Veach
Chuck Howard
Chuck Adams
Chuckie Meyers
Chuck Pennington
Chuck Broussard
Chuck Combest
Chuck Roland
Chuck Bishop
Chuck Flanders
Chuck Jenkins
party party party get me drunk. if you like to party hit me up and lets get drunk together. beers on me. just have a good time. help out on are buzz marketing comp check us out if you need help getting plays,friends,views,etc provoked is one of the new and up coming talent # one in the 760 and we did it in 2 month getting over 2000 plays and views. check it out.
Chuck Sheets
Chuck Moore
Chuck Simpson
Chuck Bigham
Chuck Earle
Chuck Stallings
Chuck Moore
Chuck Hartness
Chuck Nash
Chuck Brandon
Chuck Bly
i try, in this crazy ass world of ours, to just live slow. life is too short to be in a hurry all the time! its tough enough surviving the stupidity of day to day stress, so i dont bring it home...i have alot of interests, just dont get caught up in them.. i do things when i can do them.... i enjoy working with my hands be it on cars or building custom home pieces ( entertainment centers, computer desks, so on and so forth). other than that, just spending time with my 2 boys for now is good enough for me......would love to meet someone that is open and honest and fun loving im a woodworker by trade and i love doing it,,,, i can build just about anything out of wood if needed and pays well,,,,,, i love working on cars in my spare time (mainly my own). love to spend time with my kids no matter where we are, or what we are doing.....
Chucky Chaz
My name is Chuck.
Chuck Keele
I'm laid back guy!
Chuck Bartowsky
Chuck Taylor Charlie Brown
Chuck Boweerthereded
Hello,,, well about me ,,nothing to say but i love to see hot ass girls bare ass , and show what all the like to see ,,love 420 time
Chucky P
I'm just a regular guy living life...
Chuck Guthrie
i love nascar
Chuckie Meyers
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Chuck Mcbride
hay chuck here, I am 21 yrs old. I'm the type of person that is always on the move to expierence something new. On my spare time when I'm not working I enjoy being with friends and family, go to the bar, watch some tv, and make some extra money on the side by pulling small jobs. well I don't really know what else to say but if you know more about me then you know what to do. In general I have alot of interests. the biggest one is finding new things to be interested in, but some of the top ones are being with my friends and family. drinking with my friends. meeting new people. driving my car slowly down the block with the system blasting, even though its not the best looking car. I like to see and learn new thing. I love to make money. And many of other shit that I can't think of right now.
Chuck Dejaynes
Chuck Morris
i am divorced an looking for a new date are long term
Chuck Dinsmore
Chuck Rubino
Chuck Anson
My name is chuck im about 6'3 i wear classes and i love ROCK music and if u want to know anything else just ask basketball hacky sack and going to partys and hanging out with friends
Chuck Hendrix
Hello all I am a 29 year old Husband and father of two boys. One is 4 the other is not quite 2 yet. I am a huge saints fan, go who dats, and also a cubs fan so I know about the heartbreak of defeat. But that will all change one day when the cubbies when the world seris and the saints win the superbowl. I work as an apartment manager for A sixty unit apartment complex. I like outdoor activities and I also play on a softball league. I like going out and having a good time when I get the chance and have a babysitter. All in all I would say life is good right now.
Chuck Cohee
Chuck Crunk
My name is Chuck Crunk but people call me Chip. I'm 25. My birthday is in November. I am a highly excentric person with high expectations in life I am straight forward and to the point I try to get along w/ every one, but if you dont like me sorry about your bad day
Chuck N
Chuck Lambert
Chuck Boyle
Chuck Clegg
Chuck Prickett
I LIVE ALONE, HAVE AND OLDER SISTER, A YOUNGER BROTHER, AND A DOG NAMED BUDDY. I ALSO HAVE AWESOME NEIGHBORS; WE KINDA HAVE A SMALL COMMUNITY OF LIKE SIX HOUSES PLUS SOME DOWN THE ROAD. WE HAVE GATES BETWEEN MOST YARDS AND CUT THROUGH ANYTIME. I RIDE MY MOTORCYCLE MOST EVERYDAY RAIN OR SHINE. IVE TRIED QUITING SMOKING 10 TIMES, DRINK MOSTLY ON THE WEEKENDS AND TRY TO LIVE GREEN. I LOVE MUSIC MOSTLY CLASSIC ROCK BUT ALL TYPES. AND I BELIEVE IN "IF IT'S TO LOUD, YOUR TO OLD". I ALSO LIKE TATTOO'S EVEN THOUGH I ONLY HAVE 4. just a kinda smart, fun guy who likes nature, motorcycles,bon fires, hanging out. i have a garden, try to workout when not busy. just looking for a real woman to enjoy life with. not some imature girl looking for trouble. not to say we cant get into trouble just not looking for it. so if your ok with that lets have a drink.
Chuck Ch
Chuck Rogers
Chuck Sensat
Chuck Kanouff
Chuck Baker
Chuck Hinsmaw
camping monster trucks meeting new people and above all having fun
Chuck Lachney
Chuck Ness
Chuck Regnier
Chuck Turner
Chuck Cranney
Chuck Stevens
Chuck R
Chuck Tylor
Chuck Roberts
Chuck Kelsay
im a 43/m truck driver, 5foot 7 inches tall brown hair hazel eyes and apporx 215 lbs im looking for friends so hit me up and lets mingle bowling, wrestling, being outdoors, sports, cuddling, kissing.
Chuck Chuck
Chuck Mcallister
Chuck Fritz
Chuck Davis
Chuck Maier
Chuck Cressler
im 29 years old, married and live in a small town in north iowa.. i love taken my bronco out and playen in the mud but yet also could just sit at home and relax.. my wife is openly bi and we are looking for other women to share and join us... also as of recent we are expecting a baby.. reopened my auto repair shop and bought a 91 gmc subarban.. abate of iowa, mudden, goen off roading (have a very large truck), camping, fishing, racing...
Chuck Dumond
Chuck Stecker
Chuck Silver
Chuck Webb
Chuck Hoskins
Chuck Stallings
Chuck Allen
Chuck Smith
Chuck Norris
Chuck Feinstein
Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
I am a native Floridian. I love to fish and spend time with my family. I work full time and am in college full time to become a nurse. I have been with my beautiful wife for 10 years. I have 2 daughters still at home. One is almost 3 and the other is 18 mos. I also have grown children and yes I am a sexy Grandpa.
Chuck Bunton
Chuck Mcm
Chuck Ools
Chuck Thrasher
Chuck K
Chuck Dayhoff
Chuck Newton
Chuck Beach
Your Mind is NC-17 Rated You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap. If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you! Do You Have a Dirty Mind?
Chuck Parker
Just looking to have a good time here right? Maybe we will bump into each other and........ God. My Brother Dan ( RIP ). My Father. The Shining. The Crow. The Wall. Goodfellas.
Chuck Harder
Chuck Avery
Chuck Metzger
Chuck Nunyadambiniss
Chuck Is Holding Account If She Will Contact Him
Chuck Hubbard
hey whats up my names is chuck hit me up if u wana talk!
Chuck Suydam
Chuck Snyder
I am a night security guard in three rivers Michigan on weekends.
Chuck Griffin
Chucky Brewster
Chuck G Dizzle
Chuck Williams
Chuck Dale
Chuck Bowker
Chuck Sprinkle
Chuck Clements
Chuck Stroud
Im 38 recently seperated after 16yrs have two daughters and ready to get back out in the real world.
Chuck Mckay
Chuck Hoegen
Chuck Patterson
Motorcycles,music,outdoors,beach,mountains,country roads,anything outdoors
Chuck Addis
Chuck Stockman
Chuck Evans
Chuck Maynard
Chuck C
Chuck Rogers
i'm here to have fun. i'm not looking for anyone. been happily married for over 28 years and still very much in love. i like to meet new friends. like shooting pool. i'm redoing a 56 chevy truck. love them old trucks. like play horse shoes. we have a few big party's every year for family and friends. derby and 4th of july. have two dogs and a cat. hope to meet new frinds.
Chuck Terlizzi
Chuck Gabriel
Chuck Johnson
Chuck Sparks
Chuck Levia
Chuck Johnson
Chuck Davis
I live in southern Cailforna. Born on June 29 - 1939. Male. Interested in wide range of religions if they support peace - love - and human understanding - c0mpasion in action, especailly nature based concepts. As well as science that is based on observatios of our natural environment and the universe. As well as philophy. I like music a lot but mostly rock and roll music from the 1950s thru the 1980s. Like rare songs not often played on the air. Like interesting pictures and art - be sure to check out my albums posted on my homepage. I am currently dealing with cancer and so am not as active on fubar as I should be. My interests are as follows. Music related to rock and roll and R&B - mostly like hard-to-get songs not played much on radio sations. Like photography and collect and post images in my files. Few photos of self or just to get rates. Like nature and nature-based philosophys or belief systems. Like natualism. Like collectables. Havin
Chuck Dalton
Chuck Bibbler Jr
Chuck Matson
Chuck Doyle
Chuck Sheridan
I am a writer. I am working on a vampire novel that has allot of action, romance and it's got a new twist on vamps.It's also got some humor and all the girls that are prof reading it love it and cant put it down, it should be finished and in stores and on the net this Aug 2010. am friendly,mostly out going.I am Loyal,loving and affectionate.I have a optimistic outlook on life.I am responsible and have been at my job for over 9 years and have played in the same band for 11 years. I take care of myself and try to have a healthy life style. I don't smoke and I only drink a few on the weekends. I look and feel like I am in my 20s ,younger then I am. I know my soul mate is out there some where. I am Free to a good home LOL.> Yes I am a joker and try not to take life to serious and I am easily amused. Music, studying guitar, song writing, recording,Horror movies, Twilight saga, True Blood. Reading,Goth art and stuff.The beach,Hiking,Playing Guitar,Going to new places.Dining out on weekend
Chuck S

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