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Clara Clarance
Clarissa Calloway
Clark Zuemann
Clarence Stafford
Clarence Wright
Clarence Morris
Clarence Stein
Clarissa Balmonte
Clark Manzella
Clare Powers
Clara Alford-cable
Clarissa Anders
Clarence Davis
Cla Ry
Clare May
ask me ask me
Clare Forrest
Claralyn Smith
Clara Harris
Clarissa Ehlers
Clarenzio Lagovillaggio
Clare Breward
Clarence De Cunza
Clarissa Mendez Collazo
Clara Brown
Clarence Slone
Claribel Rodriguez
Clarence Thomas
Clarence Graves
Clarence King Jr
Clark Truman
Clara Harding
Clarence R
Clarence Ward
Clarissa Perez
Clarence Watkins
Clarence Butler
i love goin out an havin fun very nasty fun person 2 b around very uplifting a women dat no how 2 b a lady in da street a freak in da sheets
Clarence Simmons
Clarence Brown
Clarison Gueco
Clark Osborn
Clarence Ingram
Clary Reyes T
Clarence Stephens
Clara Horsley
Clarence Guiboche
Clark Gallegos
Clara Faye
Clarence Peska
Clarke Stewart
Clark Osborn
Clarence Sanderford
Clara Spring
Clarence Davis
Clarence Foster
Clarence Crowell
Clare Lepley
My name is Clare Marie Lepley, I am a 38 year old Woman from Michigan USA! I have 3 fully functioning Kidneys, I live with my Parents (A very LONG storie if u would like to here it please email me at: please leave your home address and email! I write letters a lot and im interested in Penpal friends who arent afraid to express themselves on paper! I Have ADD/ADHD its a learning dissability. (i have a hard time reading directions thats all, im very smart)!!!! I have a lot of FAMILY to many to put here! email me and i will tell you ok thanks! I have diabieties, but im ok i love life and i will be around for a long time to come lol!!!! Im: loyal, bruitilly honest, trustworthy, a hopeless flirt/romantic, im direct/forthcomming, outgoing, caring, nuturing, patiant, kind, faithful, sincere, can keep a secret, non-judgemental, special, loving, gentle, caring, sympathetic/empathetic, down to earth, and a lot more! i want friends the same way i described myself
Clara Hunt
Claryssa Burroughs
Clarence Sutton
cool azz cat who loves 2 burn dat kush and chill
Clarence Thompkins
Clark Hooser
Clarissa Preuss
Clarence Grice
Clara Guthrie
Clark Janowski
My name is Clark Janowski. I am a photographer, the media I use most is digital photography. I started out using 35mm film, now the only film that interests me is medium format everything else is digital. I also create original digital (photo montage, picture mashups, collages, and more) works using various adobe products. I am attempting to take my art to the next level and do it professionally. My first hanging will be in Carmel California. I have an opportunity to hang my work in public view for the first time. I need help to make this happen. If you want to help you can at the link below. Indiegogo I am into Photography (digital & film), Graphic Design, Art. If you want to see some of my art go to Access4Artists
Clare Holmes
Clark Xiong
Clarence D
Clara Belle
Clark Mosley
Acrostic Name Poem by
Clarence Waggoner
Trent Reznor 300, Scarface, american History X, Good fellas, Casino, Heat, the god father, The devils rejects, House of a thousand corps
Clarence Hutchinson
Clarence Griffith
Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Clarence Garner
Clarence Freeman
Clarence Wright
Clark Chaffin
Clare Curtis
Clarence Bouldin
Clarence Kelly
Clarence Roots
Clarence Whitmore
Clarence Bradley
Clarence Jordan
Clara Becerra
Clarence Oneill
At Duffy & Duffy, our mission is to advocate for patients who are harmed by medical malpractice, negligence or personal injury and to help our clients – and their families – receive justice.
Clarissa Earley
Clarence Sorrels
Clarence Ching
Clarence Ching
Clarence Badgett
Clarence Sayles
Clarita Ramos
Clarke Miky
Clarence Strickland
Clarissa Carson
Clara Mosley
Clark Chesley
Clarissa Thomas
Clara Carmona
Clarence Johnson Jr
Clarence Clark
i write play sports cook love to be outdoors
Clara Benneth
Clark Mann
Clark Chen
Clark White
Clara Robert
Clark Paro
Clarence Breslin
Clarissa Nothelphim
Clark Potts
Clark Taylor
Clark Sweeney
Clara Bos
Clark Burbridge
Clarissa Hoover
Clarence Andrews
Clark Schmidt
Clara Agamao
Clarencekaye Ballesteros
Clark Kent
Clark Holtom
Clarence Jessie
Clara Moore
Clarence Clagg Iii
Clark Kent
I'm laid back guy, fun not so spontaneous, but have been told I have a good sense of humor Just ask I'd be more then happy to answer ur desires
Clarence Robb
Clark Holtom
Clare Key
Classy Kitty
I'm the mother of 3 wonderful adults. I love trying new things and a friend invited me here so, here I am. lol I'm very laidback and easy to get along with, well maybe not all that easy. lol I do love meeting new people. I love music, chatting with friends online, meeting new people, old movies, theatre and surfing the web.
Classy Bitch
Well just for a lil insight to me.. i love to dance, chill and just act crazy. u have this life for many reasons the first and formost is to enjoy and make what u can out of it and learn from ya mistake.. muaz**
Classic Car Insurance Classic Car Insurance
Classic Car Insurance Classic Car Insurance
Classy Clarisse
Classified Classified
Classic Laplante
Classified Security Clearance Required
******Read ALL 10 statements and remaining info VERY thoroughly if you intend to ADD me! ...You'll know more and I won't lash out at you for asking a question that I have answered already!****** 1. First off, I am unlike anyone you have ever met before, GUARANTEED! Everyone wants to think that they are unique and different, but I am certain that I am. 2. I am a creature of vast differences and extremes in nearly every aspect of my life. Very little stays static or constant... I actually prefer it this way. 3. I am a noble man capable of sacrifice and selflessness towards my fellow humans, and I am an evil monster capable of extreme greed and cruelty in the pursuit of my own desires. (See above entry.) 4. I am a man who has a nearly-unlimited capacity for love, and I am a beast who can and, on occasion DOES, commit horrible atrocities against others. 5. I have slept in penthouse suites and I have slept under bridge overpasses. Fate has a funny way
Classified Classified
Well let's see, what haven't I mentioned yet, well I'm drug and disease free, I'm in school for digital printmaking, I'm double jointed in my right pinky, I have the number to the payphone in the Vatican, I once broke a fever by smoking a cigarette, I have a preoccupation with quicksand, the laws of physics do not apply to me, I was voted most likely to occupy space in a 3 dimensional universe, anything else, just ask. Women, French Maid Costumes, fishnet stockings, women wearing French Maid Costumes and fishnet stockings, music, photography, audio engineering, culture jamming, full contact origami, prescription seaces, people watching, hiking on the beach, quantum mechanics, numerology, sleeping, eating, action figures, childish and immature powerpoint presentations, books, 4 Chan, anything weird, bizaare, unnerving etc. I don't put anyone on a pedestal. The Stand, Independence Day, Last Night, Miracle Mile, The Day After, Threads, Testament, Taking Tiger Mountain, Night, Dawn and Da
Classified Classified
Shut up and listen, i wont repeat myself. My name is none of your business, so don't bother asking. I dont care what you rate me, personally i think a anyone who thinks a number matters is an idiot. No, i dont want to join your stupid lounge so dont ask, and if you do i will personally take the time to insult you and your lounge. personally i think anyone who depends on sites like this to get a date has no life whatsoever. why dont you idiots try leaving the house and talking to REAL people, and honestly, if i had a dollar for every time someone tried to insult me and failed, Bill Gates would look like he's on welfare. For years i have perfected the art of destroying people egos, and if i offend, that's just too bad, because i dont care For any of you who have enough brain power to understand these words i congratulate you. First of all my name is none of your business. I'm NOT here to make friends I will NEVER become a fan of you I will NOT accept your friend request I will N
Classified Classified
let's see. my second time on here. deleted it because of fucktards most likely by you! So anyway, i don't go out and play much anymore since i work all the time. so i used to drink alot, now i dont. used to party all the time but now i don't. it's ok though, i love my job seeing as i fire hundreds of rounds on a daily basis. I just got off of active duty army back in february and instead of staying my ass in texas i came back "HOME" i'm just looking for some laid back people to have a half decent conversation with. but be warned now, if you're a dumbass, i will treat you accordingly. so anyway, if you're in new hampshire and youre not a dumbass, feel free to say hi. guns, ammo, shooting, motorcycles, muscle cars, beer, partying, having too much fun lol
Classic Marble Restoration
Classic Rock
Classified Ads
classifiedsjunkie is a free community classified ads and events billboard
Classified Classified
im a crazy loving man i care to much thats my problem i think sometimes. im fun to kick it wit, i live in kenosha wi. and im living beyond my needs i cant complain anything and everything im always willing to try new things my favorite idol let go back in time in the history books, patrick henry 1775 he quotes: I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death all kind except western
Classie Hill
Classy Slim
Classic Moreno
Clatin Williams
Clatan Jackson
Clatk Turner
Claude Bernard
Claude C. Hines
Claude Simard
Claude Ratliff
Claudio Solano
Everything you do must be product of the passion you have for life!I am 31 years old, currently living at Los Cabos Mexico.Married for the 2nd time and enjoing life like never before. Ocean, Harleys, Music, nature and Beauty!
Im laid back, fun and like to do all sort of things. Im hispanic and thats not all i know but i do live by it. I love all things outdoor and only stay indoor if i really have to. Anything else you know where to find me. Im not really all that great talking about myself. Im 26 years old, from Northern Cali. I am currently employed by the U.S. Army. My current hang out is Iraq but should be home in no time. Not really sure what else to write so i will say that if there is anything else you want to know please ask me. I dont have many idols besides my parents. Then there is the men and women that serve right next to me day and night. May god keep you all. I like to wach all sorts of movies, but stay away from the horror fliks. I like foreign movies. I dont know i guess you can say im still a kid at heart and with all the kids in the family i watch alot of kids movies. Right now i would have to say that my favorites are Gladiator, and Ice Age. Who knows more may come up.
Claudio Rar
Claudia Alfaro
HELLO I'm Claudia I'm Preppy I'm a happy persOn I'm creative I ♥ tO dance I ♥ tO sing I ♥ tO mOdel I ♥ my friends I ♥ my family I ♥ all animals I ♥ haters I ♥ SchOol I ♥ myspace I ♥ HcO I ♥ 2 hab things my way I ♥ parties I ♥ makin ppl laugh I ♥ peace I hate fake ppl I hate stuck up ppl I hate to lOse I hate dramatic ppl I hate lOud hard metal rOck music I hate ppl whO hurt animals I hate ppl whO harrass children I hate being bOred I hate being seized I hate players I hate annOying sOunds I hate tO get bitched at I hate bOring skOoL prOjects I hate bOrIng ppl I hate hipOcrites ......... I Want To Know What Love Is Show Me What Lifes Really About Make Me Feel Like I'm Everything You've Ever Wanted Prove To Me Your Different From The Rest I Have High Expectations Don't Let Me Down I'm More Lonely Then You'd Think Everything You Think You Know About Me Is Wrong I Don't Think He Could Hav
Claude Desinord
I'm a single male...Nashville all sports, movies, reading, writing fast..:-)
Aspiring Poet photographer music maniac me myself n I Romance comedies
Claudette Hmmmm
Claude Barton
i enjoy playing pool and hanging out with my beautiful wife alomg with going out to the club and to the afterparties. I am just getting back from Iraq and am SO VERY GLAD to be back. I enjoy driving my car and listening to all styles of music. I am 22 and i am a very outgoing person and love meeting new people to hang out with.
Claudia Burdette
Claudette Torkelson
Claude Subzero
The Fawk am I tellin YAwl bout Meh 4 YEw Can Just TAwk Two Me And Find Out Unltra Violate Lucky Number sleven ANY KRATE FLICK Mad Anime
Claudia Welch
I am bi. I like to read, write, hang out, talk on phone and cell, goin to the mall, listening to music, goin to the movies, walking, exercise, dating, working, collecting things, and many more
Claudia Granados
Claudia Carreon
Claudia G.
Claude Stanton
Claudia Potter
Claudia Navarro
HI MY MANE IS CLAUDIA!! I LIKE TO HAVE FUN WITH MY FRIENDS AND PARTY LIKE CRAZY!!!! I REALLY HOPE TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS HERE. table table table td {vertical-align:top ! important;} span.blacktext12 { visibility:visible !important; background-color:transparent; background-image:url(""); background-repeat:no-repeat; backgroun
Claudia Lala
Claudia Cruz
Claudia Chanel
Claudia Reyes
Claudia Mata De La Hoya
hey well what can i say about myself???well my names claudia but my freinds no me as tootsie.well im a shy type of girl if i dont no you well but once i meet u n talk to u cool i talk im here to meet new type of guy would be a kind,caring,sweet and their for me.but right now i dont need a guy cuz i have him all ready hes my babyboi"jason" i love him alot and yea.well if u want to no more about me just hit me up k!!!
Claudia Frieze
What about me? umm well like I said before I have worked at the same place for 8 years, i have 3 kids and a grandbaby, they are 21, 17, 11, and 3. My interest are working and taking care of my kids and my granddaughter, my kids are 21, 17, 11, and my granddaughter will be 3. i have worked at the same place for 8 years in Aug. my oldest daughter is in College and still living with me, we help each other out a great deal. my son is in high school still and my youngest is in the 6 grade. | View | Add Favorite
Claudia Carnessali
Uhm im about 5'6 tan light brown hair and im Italian. WOOHOO gotta love those italians. BUt yah im a fun and goof chick thats looking for a serious realationship. I've been hurt in the past but im tryin to find a good guy that I can be with. Hit me up sometime people.
Well I'm me and what more do you really need to know? life Jeffree Star Most of the ones I've seen
Claudia Hansen
Claudia Cardenas
Claudette Everett
Claudia Mize
Clause Vanderlict
Claudia Perez
Ho want to now more about me just ask. Tattoos, Bikes......
Claudia F
I am a 35 year old mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, granddaughter, cousin, wife, lover, friend. In 3 Words I Can Sum Up Everything I've Learned About Life: IT GOES ON!
Claudia Cardenas
Claudia Valle
Claudia Ochoa
Claudia Marquez
Claudia Recendez
Its all good lets just have a good time The Dark side look at the next box fig from there BETTY PAGE
Claudia Cuevas
Claude Clanton
Claudia Corona
Claudia Powers
Claude Martino
Claudia Schafer
Claudia Mccann
Claudine Driscoll
Claudette Smith
Claude Rennie-celestin
Claus M.
Claudia Galvan
Claude Morand
Claudia Mize
i like to sing, i love tattoos and piercings, listen to all sorts of music EXCEPT for country lol, going to the mall....Hot Topic n Spencer's!, reading, meeting new ppl, and everything that is fun to do lol! Tattos!, Piercings!, candles!, reading! writing, singing!, anime!, MTV!, and going to parties! any1 i look up 2! too many to name if u wanna know add me to ur yahoo r msn ok,.....Thanxs!
Claudine Young
Claudine Luz
Claudette Everett
I am 29, married, home, nice ride, just waiting on the babies now... even though i will take all my friends kids they are not mine .... right now my time is all spent working and with my wife, building the dream life we have for each other... other than that my life is simple... i have a few amazing friends who we hang with, drive from the city to home almost every week end to be with fam, i enjoy taking care of my home and my wife, blah I am boring lol, but now my hobby (writting) is another story everything in me comes alive when i write and thats my pleasure point. maybe someday you will read it on a book shelf in a store lol my interest is writting, i love writting and reading good writting, I am always editing some one else work while mine still sits un edited. guess i should get with it, could be a rich writter right now lol... other than that i LOVE horses, plan on moving into the country and having a few... some day in the future.... dragging christina kicking and scr
Claude Barry
freaky ass women
Claude Alexander
Claudia R.
Well let's start with the basics, I'm short. My younger brother is is taller than me and he's still in middle school. I've recently decided to go back to my natural hair color which is kind of strange because I got used to the red. I'm AWESOME! basically haha. I'm cute because well I act like a little girl at times though it's not on purpose it just comes out that way. I don't realize I'm doing it until people I know look at me weird or if they say "Aww you're soo cute." Then I know that I'm being silly. But that's a good thing right? Why would you want to be around someone who is so serious all the time? golf, guitar, boys, girls, sex A GIRL LIKE ME: THE GWEN ARAUJO STORY, GINGER SNAPS (ALL 3), BOYS DON'T CRY, MI FAMILIA, NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, BIG FISH, CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (BOTH VERSIONS), CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN, PECKER, VIN DIESEL MOVIES, A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN, THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, CARS, THE INCREDIBLES, MONSTERS INC., TOY STORY, QUEEN OF THE DAMNED, AMERICAN PIE
Claudia Whittaker
i like bowling watching tv, dancing, and playing football.
Claudia R
Claudia Sanchez
---------------------------------------------------------- *~Well Hello there~* ^_^ (F**KN' Happy) ~_~ (Shy&Honest) ?_?(in Love) -_-( Sleeping) ^_* (Winking) $_$(Money crazed) *_*(Black eyes) FuturePaparazzi CaLudiaZ ----------------------------------- Hi My Name is Claudia(CaLudiaZ) AKA C.L.Z. Located in 201 Land also Close Enuff 2 NYC Im 25 years old 50% Puertorican /50% Colombian &Oh So Proud Of it Lost In Dreamland With You Know Who Wifey Material Love Shopping, writing poems/short stories& music Very Unique& Crazy&Plus an Extroversionist Have A KiLLeR Personality, & it will cause a Murder Scene So please call CSI Not CLZ to Clean up Love Going Concerts&Events,& Movies when i have time. Nicest person you will ever Meet&Chill with Plus I'm the type of person that is easy to get along with& easy to talk to. Love for the Arts&Poetry.
I add people as my freinds if you show sum love i add people as my "family" if you actually conversate with me and i mean actually have a long conversation with me to get to know eachother...ummm...i don't like to be disrespected so don't come to me saying.."...gimme some of that.." if i wanted to be disrespected i would have up some nudes..but i don't so if you don't like that sorry...thats just ME...take it or leave it. ok Salvadorean, im 18 a single mommy just trying to have fun i love to chilLAX but i also like to go out and have a genuine person i love to make people laugh and i give my 110% to my friends and family and to the special someone i hope to have someday to this day only jerks have come my way so hopefully my luck has changed......i love to listen to people and hear their problems so i can help them and talk to them about it i've been thru a lot for my age and if u think i haven't done it just ask and i probably have and if you think something hasn
Claudia Rickard
Ay yall whats good, this ya gurl C*BABI A*K*A Bubbles... reppin da Louney Gurlz all day errday!!!! (ya'll dont kno nuthin 'bout that) i aint down for no bullshit... so if u comin to me with it watch urself!!! For all these fake ass hoes or bitches or whatever the fuck ya'll wanna be called that talk shit my name aint DICK so keep it outcha mouth!!!! Da Lou is were im from, and yes THIS WHITE CHIC DOES GET DOWN!!!! holla @ ya gurl!!!
I am all about my family, my daughter, my friends and doing things in life that makes me happy. I am very content with my life. I have goals, dreams and desires and have little tolerance for those who do not. I am not one to sit around and whine about things when life deals me a hand with no spades. I get through the game as best I can and hope the next deal is that much better. I know what I expect from the people who are pivotal in my life and I surround myself with people who are supportive of me. I am interested in lots of things... UFC rox the hardest.. I just purchased a pair of quad racing skates. I love to shop for sexy leather, kewt lingerie, toys and my friends. I am a Hello Kitty hunter for my daughter. She LOVES Hello Kitty so I make it my mission to find her the kewlwest stuffs out there. I am a computer nerd and work in that arena as well. I am a server technician by day and a chill ass chick to kick it with by night...
Claude George
I am 30 years old and everyday I hope the apocolypse will happen, so that the planet may start over again. Ok, the reality is who cares? I could type up the coolest profile and make myself seem like the man, but I refuse. Instead I say this, if you live near, and wanna hang out, then email me, and we'll get together. Peace.
Claudia Logwood
Claudia G
Claudia Ricakrd
Hmmm about me....I hate doing this part cause I never know what to write. I'm cree and I'm canadian. I'm a that means ummm...not sure but it's gotta count for something. I'm very quiet until I get comfortable with you then I'll never shut up. hmmmm I can't think of anything else so if u wanna know ask me. I love scary movies. The kind that makes you think instead of the jump out at you kind.
Claudia Webb
Claude Wrathall
I like lots of things... most importantly books (reading and writing), music and painting! They're the spice of life. Not to mention love affairs, for the memoirs... Books, like i said. People of all sorts. Music. Theoretical Physics. New Age Archeology and Anthropology. Sociology. Harmonics...something I think I should self teach myself! Secret societies and organizations. Economic theory and ideas of utopian communism... share people, share! Foreign languages. Ancient Egyptian, Indian, and Olmec culture and astronomy. Astrophysics and cosmology. Space and time travel. Life in the universe. Poetry. Literature. Great films... including old silent films ("Metropolis" is cool)... Ummm cooking and fine dinning.. I must say it is one of two things in which i like to indulge ;). Fashion and fashionable attire. Perfums and colognes... mmmmm. Photography. Antiques as well as modern gadgets. Foreign currency. Lots more.. kinda drawing a blank on ideas right now...Writing about reality in a SCR
clubs music drinking guys and i love my cell
Claudio Alvarado
Claudia Johnson
Claudia Figure It Out!!
Just cause i wanna be up front with everyone I am a Pre Op Transexual if you don't know look it up! If you can handle that hit me up. Well for starters i am 28 years old and live in Lima Ohio I am a hairdresser among other things! I enjoy having fun and meeting new people. I love watching crazy movies no one else likes and i love exploring new things even if it gets me into trouble LOL i love trouble. Well thats all for now hit me up if you want to know more!!! I enjoy poll dancing it's a great workout and fun for all!!!
Claudette Holt
Claudette Snellings
Claudia Lievano
Claude Violet
Primarily self employed past seven years- partner in a couple internet businesses Veteran-US ARMY Between the two provides minimum income. About to take out over the road truckin 60% home time and mad money. I dig all sorts of women. what male doesn't right? Lookin for the beauty and brains at least pkg fit and healthy up for anything. Be able to fit inside my coleman sleeping bag with me should the occassion arise HMMM LOL Finding a partner/Friend who is semi fit is healthy and down for whatever! I am intrested inmeeting some one who isn't afraid to try new things,wants to get maybe get started sharing experiences still left in both our lives. Someone I can do little things and big ones too for that let her know she is and still makes me hot. someone who would love to and be up for jumpin up in my rig with me and let's go see some of this beautiful country we all let idiots govern.
Claude Brady
Claudia Giron
I got this layout from
Sign by Danasoft - Get Your Sign Sign by Danasoft - Get Your Sign Thank you Simsfreak, I love this. You are awesome. Text Image Generator Visit www.hostdrjack.comHost Your Images & Videos FREE CLICK HERE! Get Code | Create Your Own!
Claudette Ross
Claudia Williams
Claude White
I'm just a regular man looking for a nice woman that is a happy one most of the time . I love my kids too much and I need an understanding kind of woman that knows how important a dad is to a child. Happiness is a big goal for me now and in the future. Camping, fishing, swimming, cards, tv, movies, there is more.
Claudia V
Claudia Thompson
Claudia Coone
Claus Andersen
Claus Hansen
im boring Fly fishing. hunting. horses og a good laugh among frinds
Claudett Layne
I am a Single mom living here in Spokane, WA raising my kids and I am ready to get back out in the dating world and meet new people. See whats out there.... Country Music. Movies. Books. Building Model cars.. Playing cards and board games.. Walks in the park or on the beach. Candlelit dinners.. I like to just cuddle.. I like to curl up on the couch just because. I am a country girl at heart, so I am pretty laid back. I am into Old cars and Hot rods. I like to get my hands greasy and work on cars and I like to go horseback riding, even thought it has been 20 something years since I have done so. I also like to go for walks or go for a nice bike ride or a nice hike.
Hi all, I'm a 38 yo designer working in the advertisement business in Milano, Italy...just upgraded my career and now I am a communication manager for EMEA in an American corporation...drop me a line!
Claudio Saborio
Claudia Hulshof
Claudia William
Claudia Hillier
Im down to earthy and very funny. Always up for a chat. Sports , Movies, Chatting, Goin out on Weekends and WOMEN :)!!
Claude Baye
Claude Short
Claudia Maroney
Very much single, look younger than what I am and sure act like it. I enjoy all kinds of different activities and looking to meet some fun loving people. As you can see I dig tatoos and my most favorite people in the world are my artists and best friends. (they own a tatoo parlor). Love you Shel and Jay. Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Love to have fun and experience life Tattoos Piercings Karaoke Bowling Playing Pool Casino Hanging out with my friends
Claude Salisbury
Claude Fleury
Claude Hall
Claude Mcgeough
Claudio Lopez
Claud S
Claudia Corbin
Claude Webb Ii
Claude Bentley
Claude Jacquier
Claude Charbonneau
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Claude Garceau
Claudine Sicat
Claudio Tirillera
Clau Clau
Claudia Union
Claude Biller Jr
Claude Coats
Claude Wilson
Claude Weese
Claudia Wagner
Claudia Portillo
I am Saggitarius Im a wilfull person, bipolar, bisexual, i'm friendly and generous to everybody, sincere, honest, im always looking ahead to find new possibilities, i love to travel, physical and mental way,im so idealistic and love to commit myself to an ideal. I do study, business administration, i like to party a lot, i love raves, but i can go to a bar and drink a good beer with some good rock! i like basketball, i dont have enough time to play it, but i love it. uhmmmm.. what else..??? i love ZERO chocolates, im single, uhmm idk...... i would like to know Egypt, Canada, Spain, France, Netherlands, and most of Europe, i want a trully people in my life, i hate hypocrites people, and love partyyy people =D
Claudia Burns
Claudette Rouillon
Claudia Esparza
Claude Smith
Claudia Parker
Claude Safner
Claudia Baugher
Just here to meet some cool people. I'm into music, videogames and MEN!!!
Claudia-aurora D
Claudia Jade
Claudia Barrera
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Claudia Perez
Claude Mink
Claude Hunter
Claude Roe
Claus Hansen
Hey everybody, My name is Claus i was born January 19, 1985 in Copenhagen, Denmark. I like to spend time with my friends and my hole big family. I have work with security in Copenhagen the last many years, i am in hard training to the police school and hope everything going well. I like soccer, golf, travel and spend time with my friends and family, im a big supporter of the danish soccer team Brøndby I.F and the best american team LA Galaxy, i love music, film and i have a passion by tattoo. My personale myspace profile. Im on facebook to. seach for "Claus Hansen". I love to spend time with my family and friends.. I like Movie, Music, Sport and Travel! Jesus and my family. I like Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino film. Im a big fan by Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks and Nicolas Cage. Here is some of my favorite movie. Pulp Fiction, Sin City, The Green Mile, No Country For Old Men, Romeo And Juliet, Kill Bill, Bringing Out th
Claudia F
Claudio Neves
Claudia Parker
Claude Cuza
Claude B Barker
Claudia Snow
Claudio Delatorre
Claudia Houle
Claudia Gonzalez
I am a simple down to earth person everyone that knows me considers me a good team mate and good to get along, I love to dance and sing, love music like anyone period and all types of music. I like to keep in contact with my friends and chat once in a while but I normally just do that when I know I can't see them face to face, right now I am in a beautiful relationship with the man of my dreams his name is Karl Heinz and he's so dreamy, most of the time cocky but that's him and I respect that. I love him to death and he knows it, well I guess I'm not complicated but sometimes I like to give him a hard time sheesh!! some people but then again just getting back at him for driving me nuts! I love you baby and I'm so happy your in my life which I know you know that already just want everyone to know that here in fubar and outside of fubar you'll always be my schoomokens the love of my life.
Claudio Amarad
Claude Decker
Claudia Coria
Claudia Giron
Claudia Starr
Claude Lancaster
Claude Dixon
Claude Riley
Hi. I'm Claudine. I'm an L.P.N. I work in a nursing home. I don't get out much. I'm a little lonely. I'm a down to earth, very laid back, anti-drama queen. I like to party. I love movies. I'm almost a movie buff. I'm not very athletic, but I try to stay in shape. My job wears me out at times, so I relax a lot on my days off. I like doing things on my computer, like burning discs and printing out photos. I'm an electronic freak. I just bought an Ipod and I love it. I love the summertime. I'll do a little boating and some hiking, or just hang out at a pool somewhere.
I just moved to SC and I really like it here. I would like to meet some new poeple. I ammaybe quiet in the beginning when you meat me but I also can be pretty witty and outspoken and I will let you know what think I guess like my fav saying goes "It is what it is".I also love the outdoors hunting, fishing and a good football game so I am as simple as it comes. So if you intrested to chat let me know ttyl, C.
Claudia Vellos
Claude Outlaw
hi all i am a 29 year old male from texas who is married and looking for freinds camping fishing parting just plain ol fun my father all kinds
Claude Colin
Claudine Longo
Claudette Carter
Claude Burks
Claude Debonier
Claudia Blair
Claudia Gill
Claudia Dawson
Claudio Prudente
Claude Millette
Claude Richard
Claudette Newell
Well i am going to start off by saying hello i am a very honest person and i feel like it is what it is if you like something go for it and a closed mouth dont get fed and hey independence is a big roll that should be filled you wanna know something else ask me I like reading doing hair talking to people with sense drinkin here and there and keepin it 1000 movies just pretty laid back and chillin down to earth girl
Claud Morton
Claudia Morris
Claudia P
Claudia Ivette Sanchez
Claudia Dimaggio
being with family and friends and enjoying life. One day at a time. Being myself with no mask on, no one telling how to live my life
Claudio Gonzalez
Claudia Luna
Claude Jullot
Claudeir Machado
Claudia Rios
Claude Coyotebait
Claude Bechtel
My name is Claude. I am 19 years old. I am bisexual.
Claudia Goldstein
Claudius Combs
Claude Montgomery
Claudia Price
Wassup?Im Claudia Nicole Price)Came Into Dis World On Feb 7, 19 years ago.Ima outgoing chick but can be laid back when i wanna be.Don't come at me stupid cuz i can be a bitch.I'm far from perfect so..I dont look down on people.I honestly don't give a fuck what people think about me.Partying--->I love itt!!Alcohol Is Great and weed is wonderful lol yet,its not an pretty friendly so get to know me.Ill love you if you comment the pics)I'm currently single lookin for a girl or guy dats gonna do me right.Tired of fuckin around and playin childish games.Hit me Up)
Claudia Medina
Claudia Rodriguez
Claudia Boyce

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