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Circuitryrepair Tvrepair
Cirdec Semaht
Cire Reltub
Ci Redman
Cire Deleon
Cire Moriarty
Cire Thomas
Ci Redman
Cireno Do Santos
Cirilo Lopez
Cirino Montes
Cirilo Smith
Cirilo Flores
Cirilo Pineda
Cirilo Solijon
Cirilo Delgado Gonzalez
Cirilo Hernandez
Ciro Sando
Ciro Antonio Ruggiero
Cirol Dejerce
I am a 42 year old and I am questioning my gender. Single and ready to mingle. I have been an architect for 25 years. I enjoy long walks on the beach during sun rise and sun set. I have two cows named Elsie and Mrs. Murphy. My dog, Fritz and my cat, Paws, enjoy my company immensely. I am a farmer at heart. Out of all my pets, my goat, is my favorite. She's been with me longer than any other woman. I may have children, only the sperm bank knows. Chamber music is a gas. I play several musical instruments: piano, violin amd gazoo. Books: SPEAK Music: All Genres TV shows: Despreat House Wives Hobbies: Running, bowling, shuffle board, Discos, archeology, break dancing, imbibing, alligator wreastling
I keep it real, live it up, respect those who respect me, just be me, live my life every quarter a mile, and if provoked I bite back when I have too if I have too..
Ciro Gonzalez
Ciro Ciro Redondo Yero
Ciro Castagna
Ciroc Boy Salgado
Ciro Hoyos
Cirrux Gollem
Cirtis Bisnett
Cisco Kid
Cisco Lopez
Cisco Garza
Cisco T
hey everyone...i'm basically looking for a girl that would like to come have fun with me and my if your interested hit us
Cisco Naranjo
Cisco *******
Cisco Anzaldua
Cisco Weekly
Cisco Mora
Cisco Chavez
Cisco Lopez
Cisco Lopez
Cisco Lopez
Cisco Declay
Cisco Henderson
Cisco Zambrano
Cisco River
Cisco Nieves
Cisco Osorio Rodriguez
Cisco Ramirez
Cise Thompson
Cisha M
Ciska Morrison
Cisnandini Kranti
Cisse Smith
FEEDINGTHEDESIRE.COM Engaged I'm always on the go.. and it will take a very strong man to keep up with me. I'm a backwoods girl, I fish, hunt, camp, ride, work on my own truck (1979 Chevy LUV), shoot pool, 4-wheelers, & dirt bikes. I'm COUNTRY and Valley the best of both worlds. I know how to drink with the best of 'em and kick ass when I'm done. I got 4 brothers & 2 sisters, what, was we suppose to sit around and watch TV, I don't even own a TV. I maybe a female but "I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL". PS. I also really HATE to go shopping, can someone else please go for me.. Oh and I'll pretty much listen to any kinda music, if it's good I'm pure Jack Daniels..... Rate Me, Fan Me, Add Me or go away ..... Oh BTW if you are looking for nude or nsfw pics here... you have come to the wrong place and don't ask for them either... I have more pride in myself than that. FAVORITE QUOTES: A BEAUTIFUL BODY WAS NOT MEANT TO BE COVERED UP WITH CLOTHES.... By: Mari
Cissy G
Cissey K
Cissi Alger
Cissy Meigs
Cissy Fox
Well I guess you can say that I am the very definition of the saying "Redneck Woman". I Love Football, Fishing, BBQ's, Cooking, Boating, Swimming, Racing, Driving Fast, Mud Riding, Getting My Hands Dirty, and Shucking Oysters. I also love to Read, Go to the Movies with friends, Eat (hey u don't get this size by hating food, LOL) and getting a group together for card night. I write short stories and I am working on a book now, but can't seem to get the time to finish. I am 6' tall, and curvy, lol. As you can tell I have Amber eyes (guess I was the Milkman's, hehehehe). I love to laugh and joke around. My friends say I am to blunt and brutally honest but hey i tell it like it is. I am also in a WHEELCHAIR due to a motorcycle accident (I lost my right leg, so I guess you can say I am ALL Left feet LOL, so don't ask me to dance..), but don't get me wrong I can roll with the best of them. Hell nothing stops me. I am also the proud Mother of 2 fantastic Kids. My Daughter Krystal Sky i
Ciss Mayberry
Cissel Jaquez
Cissy Choate
Cisse Maxammed Saciid
Cistinna Cathcart
Citan Uzuki
citan1981 has an Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiver (INTP) personality commonly referred to as "The Scholar" INTP general Information is my lifeblood. Without me to research it, analyze it, and store it, the world would be a much more ignorant place. I possess an uncanny ability to mold raw data into original and complex theories that explain how and why things happen. To me, life is a never-ending series of theories that can, and must, be either proven or disproven. now, thanks to *Angel~Baby* I have some more info on me [Marital Status] Single [Shoe size] 7 [Parents still together] NOPE [Siblings] 1...1 half-Sister...1 half-Brother (XD) [Pets] 0 (but I love animalas) FAVORITES: [Color] Black and Silver [Number] 69 [Animal] Octopus [Drinks] Baileys with vanilla ice cream [Soda] Canada Dry ginger ale / Dr Pepper [Book] The perfume [Flower] Tulip DO YOU: [Color your hair?] No, I´ve actually bleached it for halloween, though [Twirl your hair?] Not
Citcit Citra
Ci Th
Còi Thiệt Thòi
Citi Boi
Citi Mitusi
Citi Boy G
Cito Diaz
Cito Paulino
Cito Cito
Citra Reeves
Citra Putri
Citra Rinjani
Citra Sari
Citra Ford
Citti Robison
City Crews
href="">MySpace Graphics & MySpace LayoutsMySpace Graphics & MySpace LayoutsFUCK BUSHMySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts body { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-image: url(; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } table, tr, td { background-color: transparent; border: 0px; } table table { border: 0px; } table table table table{ border: 0px; } table table table { border-width: 0px; border-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); border-style: solid; background-color: transparent; } table table table td { background-color: tr
Let me introduce myself to you. Hi I'm Twitty but I am also known as aka "DJ City" to all my Friends and Fans. I am a proud parent who worked hard to keep my family together in one piece. I love learning new thing everyday and my profession is computer tech, writting poetry and most of all I love art so I do a little of web graphic design. I like putting the pieces together as a puzzle and making it to one big master piece. I love music and exploring new places if I have the time to do so. I am devoted to my friends and I don't like to be played. I will tell you how I feel so don't push my button. I been through pain, misery, and suffered the lost of the people that I love in my life so if you say that you went through alot BS in your life time I know the feeling. But hey that's life and life goes on. So listen to the hottest music to any lounge you want make tons of friends and don't forget to show some love, R/F/A/L/B me on Fubar the #1 hottest place to be.
Cityof Trees
Citysic Griffin
Cityslim Gohard
City G
Cool down to earth kind a guy like to meet new people all races,women no dudes strickly clickly...................luv my women, so girls get atcha boy.... Get some female friends / keep my options have a good time meet new friends.....
Ciu Liang
Civa Hg
Civecin Ortsac
Civil Servant
Civic Julioalicea
Civilli Da Don
Civi Drumwork
Cix Nine
Cixtian Trybe
I am a man among Gods and Giants… Wicked Trybe is a Detroit Local Hard Rock / Heavy Metal band that I have the profound pleasure of fronting. We are 5 guys who’s goal in life is simple… we just want to be heard. I know that sounds cliché, and F.O.S., and don’t get me wrong, Fame and fortune weigh quite heavily on that but… that’s an end goal that we will make once we’ve gotten the opportunity that comes with being heard. As far as ‘yours truly’? Well I’m Cixtian. I’m singer, songwriter, artist, romantic and all around smart ass. I love interesting, and dynamic people, I don’t go in for all the drama and silliness that abounds. I’m a good guy, but I only take so much $#!T in a day, then I’m out. This isn’t a threat, and I say this without harshness. I just walk away from things that don’t better me, and that I can’t make better. So… come on… let’s be friends, share our thoughts, check out my band and see what kind of music we make.
Cixx Jones
Ciyan Khan
Cizort Nortz
yes, i realize i'm not very creative with the pictures i take of myself. but you try using a camera phone with a completely incompetent right hand. its not easy. but ask me about the human brain and i'll talk your brain out. ya. i'm that awesome. i REALLY like it when people write a message when they ask to be my friend. if you do, you get extra points, (believe me, extra points are good) there was an old woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many children her uterus fell out. i'm like shrek, or an onion. i have layers. lawl. -I enjoy staying home on friday night with a good book -I dance in the car. i don't care who sees me -Making movies is my passion. i LOVE 13 hour days on set -I don't make porn, don't be a douche -Sometimes, you won't understand me, just deal -If i sleep with socks on (in a bed), i have nightmares -i believe in ghosts, aliens, and the tooth fairy -i love music, but please no polka -i can't live without my cell phone -i'm really random -Ye
I love to walk on the beach at sunset. Surfing is a hobby and I would like learn to kite board one day it looks interesting.
Im an easy going sometimes wild and crazy. Good listener and extremely friendly;) Pimp Out Your Webpage Ask SyberMile p {align=justify} a.navbar:hover{color:red; font-weight:bold;background-image:url(;} a:hover, a.redlink:hover, a.navbar:hover {background-image:url(; font-size:8pt; color:red; text-decoration:none; border:1px solid;} a:hover img {background-image:url(
look at the picture and thats me lol i like to have fun and try not to b bored
Drawing...Movies...Reading...Writing...Sports...TV...Photography/Filmography..All kinds of music...and a whole bunch of other stuff Redeye...Flightplan...Original Kings of Comedy...The Lake House...Coach Carter...Patch Adams...KIDS...Thirteen...Poseidon...Grease...Two Can Play That Game...
Well, I'm new to this Lost Cherry thing so I'll try and make it easy. *Don't even talk to me if you are one of the following: a) Think Bush should be in office b) Think that everyone should believe in your religion or they're going to hell c) You can't type simple english, before is NOT spelled b4! d) You lie to your friends and/or more importantly to me... e) You like yourself even though your 150 lbs overweight, news flash for you I too at one point was fat, and you know what YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, GO OUTSIDE AND WALK YOU FAT ASS!! -okay back to me- *I think the world is overpopulated with morons and idiots who follow those morons. *I'm a complex person, and a lot of people out there have a real hard time keeping up with me but I'm an amazing person (cocky yes, but amazing) and I don't expect you to keep up with me, just try *Don't put anything stupid on my site, or I WILL ban your dumb ass *I don't disapoint and will stick up for my friends,
I'm 31, single, open-minded and I live in Southwest, Virginia. Pro Wrestling, movies, Prehistoric Life, Natural History Museums, animals, etc. "Big Bossman" Ray Traylor, Jesus, and my family. Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park III, King Kong (2005), the Star Wars saga, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Godzilla movies, Batman, Batman Returns, Basic Instinct, Basic Instinct 2, etc.
Well i dont know what to say about myself... i am new to this but i like to have fun thats for sure. I like to do things that get the adrenaline pumping like racing, riding 4-wheeler, playing football. If you want to know anything else just ask and i will tell.
Lookin for fun and something new Girls wholike 2 have fun
im 23, in the midwest. just heard about this from a friend so i joined. im an art major in my senior year of college. hit me up if ya wanna know more. peace im interested in pretty much everything. im an artist so i really like creative things. im also very hyper so i like to be outdoors and active most of the time.
I thought I did this... guess not. I like... stuff... see the intrests. If you want to know more then ask. Yup. short and sweet. Intrests = Suspension. Body Modification. Movies. Music. Art. Travel. Porn. And girls who get off to silent necropheliac movies... hahaha... wait... I guess if you have no idea what I'm talking about it's not as funny...
Laid back as all hell. Right now I'm serving in the Marine Corps, and I'm stationed in Japan. Just waitin to get back state side so I can see my fam and chill wit da boyz. Love drinkin, love smokin, love lovin.
i like action, from anything form girls, to white water. im in martail arts, and thats a big part of my life. im interested im meeting some fine ladys.
I am a 31 yr old mother of two boys. They are Tyler who is 14 and Dillon who is 11. For the most part I work and I work alot. When I have free time I go fishing, hiking, love going to the mountains and the beach. And I am always looking for a good motorcycle ride on a very nice clear day. When you first meet me I am a very shy girl. But once you get to know me WATCH OUT!!!!! I am very fun I love to laugh and play and say alot of jokes. I am a very loving and caring person. Sometimes my heart is bigger than my brain which can be a complication. I never put me first , which alot of my friends say is my down fall. I like going out once in a while dancing hanging with my friends, going on long drives to no where. Did I mention FISHING???? I am a spur of the moment kind of girl, I just like to get up and go. If you want to know anything else about me just ask. I am a very open and honest person sometimes to open and honest for my own good. I live in the boring ass town of Derry New
hmmmm...what is there to tell..... my life is music and my animals..... i love all kinds of music but my fave 3 bands in the whole wide world are HIM,PIG and Praga Khan. I just enjoy hanging out!
I am NOT a hooker or a bot, I do this 100% for fun, I just love cum(f,5'3", 130 LBS,36 yrs) 1 on 1 "QUICKIE" AS IN, COME OVER, fuck, cum and go. I am not looking to chit chat or hang out. NEVER CALL BEFORE 12:30pm OR AFTER 12:30am Noon-2:30pm or 9:30pm-Midnight weeknights is when I am most free to hook up. most days. Note. u may be here at 9 Their could b someone else comming over at a fast cummer is a PLUS :) Never call me just to chit chat. ONLY call only if u r coming over the day u call.IF u show up at my door & dont look like your pic, u will not get in. as in sending a 1,2,3,4 yr old pic. so don't wast your time showing me a pic of u at 5'10, 175 Lbs. and show up 5'9 210 Lbs. I ONLY fuck 4.7 miles south of INDIANA 144 off u s 37 just 15 miles s of Indys 465 TAKES A CURRENT FULL BODY PIC TO GET THE NUMBER. sent to my e-mail FREE GANGBANG/SWINGPARTY (9pm)>> 2-24-07 (2-4 women & 7-14 guys)4.7 miles south of INDIANA 144 off u s 37 j
My name is CJ i am 24 going to be 25 Soon in June well i am a Lesbian i am Married to my Wife Shay She is my Everything and i also have a son his name is LiL Cj he will be 5 and my daughter is going to be 6 in oct that will be lil man and my lil girl they are also my pride and joy and then me and my wife will have one of our own soon but i am Kind hearted and i am funny i am looking for friends around New Jersey to be friends with i am outgoing and i love to fish hunt and ride my quad if you have any more question hit me up on aim Cambrosio24 and i also forgot i am 5'4 i have blue eyes i am built and i am very cute and i have short spikey hair well i will ttyl
hey .. the names CJ im 24 from hartlepool in the north east of england, im a outgoing person who enjoys a good laugh, always horny lol, and love meeting new people, yer i have a NSFW folder, theres only 1 photo in it for now, ask if u wanna see anything else my interests include music , football (soccer), clubbing , spending time with family and friends, sex, gym, swimming, walking, reading crime novels
I AM SINGLE, STRAIGHT, POSITIVE, & MOTIVATED...I'M VERY UPFRONT & HONEST, COLLEGE EDUCATED, DOWN TO EARTH, EASY GOIN', OPEN-MINDED AND FUN TO BE WITH...NO BULLSH*T OR DRAMA ALLOWED HERE.... COME CORRECT OR KEEP ON MOVIN'.... Interracial Dating, Dancing, Listening to Music, BBQ's, Walking, Black Men, Shootin' pool, Parks, Meeting new people How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Save the Last Dance, Friday (1st one), Baby Boy, Brown Sugar, Barber Shop 1&2 Soul Food , Big Mama's House 1&2, Soul Food, Stomp the Yard, Diary of a Mad Black Woman....too many to list
Link to me... on myspace You Can't reach me right now, I'm on Deployment in the Pacific Ocean. Drop me an email @ or and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. Take 'er easy -Chris
I am CJ,single and maybe looking.Wish i grew up in the 70's, awsome era. I work fulltime as a construction worker and also go to school twice a week. I like to party and hang out with friends and family anything that is outdoors. Wanna know more just ask. C-YA. Congratulations your a REAL Slut! Your definitely not going to lose it becuase you sure are using it! Your Motto: "The More I Drink The Better She Looks! Your Sign: "Double Bag It!" * Don't forget to pratice SAFE SEX! Take The Slut Quiz Now!"Slut Quiz - Men" is available here***starXtest v2.0***
Hello there peeps Neva know exactly wot to write in these things so i'll make it a quick one ;) I'm a 26yo gay guy, i'm pretty laid bak and love spendin time with my friends and family!!! NEthin else ya wanna know well u'll jus hav to ask me wont ya HEHE, or ya can jus look on myspace:) xx Your Birth Month is September Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years. You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian. Your soul reflects: Devotion, light, and love Your gemstone: Sapphire Your flower: Morning Glory Your colors: Brown and deep blue What Does Your Birth Month Mean? .pimp_my_profile { Generated at Pimp My Profile } table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0px; } table table table { width:100%; max-width: 600px; } table table table table { width:100%;; } body { background-color:000000; background-image:url(http://ct2.pimp-my-profile.c
ask me and I will tell you, but I like to try new things all the time because you only live once
I am a newleywed mother of 5. Three are grown and then there is the 12 year old twins. They are awesome. They have had a 4.0 in school for as long as I can remember. My older kids are wonderful also! I work full time as a manager in Govt. I am a member of Port Stockton MC. My husband is the president. Check out their website- I love motorcycles, family and my man! I like to read, go camping and fish. I love the beach and mountains. I hate crowds and dumb people.
Here to life life and enjoy what ever it throws at me... In Brisbane Australia here to meet new people etc ..
my interests vary and are many if you wanna know ask
Hm what to say...I have heard this place is fun but kind of an attraction park for perves, lol. Well I am on here thanks to my bubby and just here for friends and hangin out. Still a Newbie apparently so help a sista and teach me thing or two about this place! Also if you have BDU's or ACU's....definately send me a helping hand! Always up for a road to GA...hehe. I love airshows, concerts, anything that could potentially end up in a good story, lol. I do however have a more quiet side. I love to spend time with my son, family and friends. My door seems to be a revolving door for them, haha. I could tell you a hundred or more things about my interests but frankly I have A.D.D. and there are too many to name and I would get sidetracked before I was through anyway! Just ask if there is something you really want to know!
I didnt think people even read these things, but ok, here we go... I can never think of what I should say on these but I'll try. Im in my late 20's I've lived on my own since i was 18. I work a full time job at quality gold as a graphic designer and a laser tech. I have lived in Ohio my whole live, and I dont mind it here. I like to drink, but not everyday, or every week for that matter. My drink of choice is Crown Royal or Bud Ice. I love to expand my mind and push the mortal boundrys of conventional life to the edge. I believe in opening my mind before my mouth and tend to keep to myself most of the time. I am a individual, I dont follow any trends or fads, I just do my own thing and dont care what most people think about me. If I do care what you think about me then I must like you a whole lot. I live my life to the fullest and try to not regret anything I do. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to inform you. I love music with a passion, it makes my wo
To look into a soldier's eyes, the window to their soul. Look out from inside their mind and see horrors never told. You say we are just killers, it's not that plain you see. Take a walk inside my boots and see what I have seen. Many innocent lives taken and soldiers, they were some. Giving their life freely to get the mission done. The last cold stare of death, we see in our buddies eyes. They fought for all your freedom, this is why we die. Some wonder why we fight to protect this nation and maybe lose our life. Ask this question to a soldier, the answers in their eyes. Always will we be here waiting, the call we won't deny. We'll always fight for freedom, never asking why. We'll go away to far off lands , leaving our loved ones behind. Many times we die alone, several times inside. Open windows to our soul, see the tears we hide. Secrets that we cannot keep are in a soldier's eyes. "HISTORY TEACHES THAT WHEN YOU WILL BECOME INDIFFERENT AND LOSE THE WILL TO FIGHT SOMEONE WHO HAS TH
Making Music, Having Fun, Chatting, Reading, Watching Movies, Writing Stories/"Scripts" Formula 51, Party Monster, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, National Treasure, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Kill Bill (1+2), A Midsummer Night's Rave, F&L in LV, The Godfather, Dogma, The View Askew Films (Clerks 1&2, Dogma etc), Kidulthood, Cocaine Cowboys, Shrooms, Hot Fuzz
I am a single a beautiful 2 year old daughter... I am 5'7" 120lbs red hair and blue eyes...
Born and Bred in Melbourne Australia, would like to travel one day but for now everything that keeps me happy is right here on Aussie soil, I would like to make some new friends on here, so I see how it goes
Cj ???
All About Me Survey First The Basics.. Name: Charles James hilton (CJ) Birthday: jan 2 1989 Hometown: portland oregon Favorite.. Restaurant: any with a good t-bone Drink: cherry coke and rum Holiday: halloween Car: the one i wont get pulled over in Place I've Been: your house 0_o???maybe Thing to Do On A Warm Summer Day: go fishing go for a hike Thing To Do On A Rainy Afternoon: stay at home play games get BAKED Movie: Rockstar Song: lmao no way to just have one TV Show: that 70s show Perfume/Cologne For The Opposite Sex: anything not to strong Flower: um idk... Are You Romantic? Last Time You Had A Candle Lit Dinner? blackout 3 years ago Went For A Walk On The Beach With The One You Love? haha i love no one atm. Last Time You Bought/Recieved Flowers? For/From Who? i always went for candy you can eat it Ever Kissed in The Rain? yes Who Was The Last Person You Kissed? myself every day! lmao Are You In Love? i wish Sweetest Thing Your
I am almost 22 and i have 2 great kids. I have recently got out of a 6 year relationship and am lookin for some new friends. If u wanna know anything else add me to yahoo if ya got it..
Cj ___
Not much to say Am 23 and up for anything lol
What's up people! Im here to have fun & hang out! DRAMA FREE. Lets face it there is enough drama in other area's of the i.e: Yahoo! If ya feel like talking hit me up & ill toss you my yahoo! Hey! Well im just me not too much to know. I have 3 kids im 22 i like to have fun & spend time hangin out with mah friends and my famiy. I have ymessenger if anyone is interested in talking just hit me up for the S/N .. other then that im just a laid back reasonable person!.. My Bro Lost and my sis Lady for being the biggest influences in my life & always being able to put up with me no matter how much of a pain I am. & for teaching me all that I need to know! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Anything R rated. Music: Everything!
So check it, recently I've been on my grind to get my life back in order. I've had a complete mind overhaul, and it feels fuckin good. I know where I want to go in life, and I'll be damn if anyone is gonna stop me from getting there. So for those who don't know, I'm gonna explain. All my life, an "education" hasn't been the way I wanted to go. Not to say I'm not going to go to college (some day), it's just that what I want to be in life what you all know as school can't get me there. I want to be a fighter. The plan is, and call me crazy all ou want cause I already got it tattood on me, I want to be the first UFC heavyweight champion and Boxing heavyweight champion(whatever letters they and hold them all at the same time. The plan is to one day be known as "The Greatest Fighter To Ever Live." That is the plan, so hate on the dream all you want, but get out your umbrellas for when I'm pissin on you from the top, What say somethin!! Other than wanting to be a fight
well i guess this is where i tell you about me.. Im 23 and love to have a good time. Im interested in trying new things, so if you have anything you wanna try, let me know. I'm very kinky and down for just about anything. I like women who know how to get what they want, and I love being told what to do.
Me? i'm just me. i'm normally pretty easy going and laid back, til i get pissed off. then i can't control much. sad, i know, but it's a fact. i don't do "slut" things like post "slut" pic's, get involved with "hook ups", private messaging, or discussions of sexual nature with just "anybody". don't get me wrong, it's all good and has it's place, and i'm not shy 'bout much. but i'm not here to "show you mine" and i sure as hell don't want to see yours. if i do i will ask, i promise lmao. so if your looking for a 'slut' look elsewhere. my page will be boring to you. don't waste either of our time. that being said, i look forward to meeting interesting people, having a good time, and "virtual" partying with some friends and family - cuz we all know i can't hang in the real world! just about anything interests me. i'm a "lifetime student" of life and learn something new everyday. like today i learned i can wake up without the alarm clock blaring. who'da thunk it????
well here we go my name is chris. i live in a small town in michigan. im outgoin and love to party. hangin out with fam and friends is what i do best. sports is my life. i love to be outdoors, from huntin, to fishin, to bein out on the water and the snow.. im 6 foot tall with short dark hair and i have kick ass blue eyes. i have three tattoos and a little tan. my looks r aaaaaaa average, my body type i think im fattttt but a lot of girls say im phat but i dont listen. so i think im a kinda kool guy so if u want to know anymore just ask peace im out....... ...PEACE TO THE WORLD AND SUPORT OUR TROOPS..
My name is Conley. I like hardcore fuckin kinky sex, weed and booze. I play bass and trying to figure out what i'm going to do with my life. Beer Hardcore Sex Weed Bass Drums Guitar Skateboarding Anything that appears and seems infinite.
C. J.
Cj - Graffiti Creator - MySpace Layouts - Find Sports Online hey wassup all heres a lil suttin bout me im round 5'8 175lbs athletic body very ez goin til u get on my bad side then if that happens i feel bad for u.i like doin lots of things as long as there interestin.i have a beautiful baby grl almost 2 yrs old she is my pride and joy and nuttin can take her from me.everything i do i do for her and no 1 else she is my 1st and only priority but any way thats all imma spit if u wanna kno more u kno wat 2 do get @ me iight ♣I take hate like christ took nails got my middle finger up screamin go to hell♣ - Graffiti Creator - MySpace Layouts - Find Sports Online i like goin clubbin sumtimes movies dancin drawin playin football video games i love sex but who doesnt ya kno i drink smoke all that good stuff if u wanna kno more jus ask me
I've been on FU for a little while, I dont always have a lot of time to spend here. I've met some really cool people on here and wondered about some of the profiles I've read.... I live in Portsmouth, VA, I'm currently working in San Diego, I'll be here until May 2010. I had to leave my dog at home, she is in capable hands, but I miss her. I did manage to bring my Harley to San Diego, and I'm looking forward to some nice rides. I've heard there are some cool areas to ride around here. If you'd like to know more just ask Riding my Harley NASCAR, but not as much as before they changed all the rules -----///----- ----///-----Put this ---|||---|||---On Your ---|||---|||---profile If ---|||---|||---You Know -----///----Someone -----///-----Who Died ------///-----Of -----///----Cancer as a memory of them
Tell you what !! Wanna know somethin ? Just ask ... I'll answer!! If you don't really want to know , you shouldn't really ask... lol... With that said here are some things that I like.... Likes are and not in any order, coffee, billiards, beach, clubbin, MUSIC, friends, family, chat, chillaxin, my job, SEX, movies, romance, passion, rough at times(you know what I mean), video games, cooking, good workouts, dancing, sports, and anything that goes fast!!!! Dislikes: People who complain about things , and do nothing about it. I hate the word "whatever" and think it should be removed from the english language! and if anything else comes to mind I'll let you know.... or you can ask. What I will not talk about: religon and politics, saves the debate and the headache. I like any and all music, especially if its got a good beat or a hard guitar line! So if you like what you read , drop me a line, maybe we can chat sometime ... who knows ....
*Walking* *Cubs* *xbox360*
Im divorced 2 kids i work everyday i strive for the better life. i love my kids with everything i am my ex wife is my roommate no it dont always work out and is far from easy.most of you will never really get to know the real me but for those few who do you will not regret the journey so hope aboard. feel free to comment my pics and leave love on my page
I was going to change my about me section, but I just realized as I was typing this that I'm to damned tired to be writing anything coherent, and I probly can't spell too good either. So if you are reading this that means I'm still to tired, or lazy, to change it. I may get there eventually, but not tonight. I love taking the boat to the lake. I enjoy hanging with my friends and going out to the bars.
5'10 - 210 - a gym goer. puerto rican, black, and white ... with serious cooking skills, money in the bank, a really good sense of humor, no kids, and great credit! aha! i like watching UFC and working out when i find the motivation ... which usually happens after watching UFC. i'm not a big drinker but i have a beer when i go out to eat 95% of the time. i just returned to the States after 3 consecutive year in iraq and afghanistan. i'm working on a degree in homeland security and intelligence operations. i'm a navy vet - and joining the Army after the first of the year as a Human Intelligence Collector - and later into the Counterintelligence Agent program. trying to be Mr. Smith one day! and i'm THE dallas cowboys fan!
my name is CJ, im a pro fighter, enjoy extreme sports, and havin a good time
i hate liars. biggest hate. now that all the bad stuff is outta the way...... i love to be happy and make the people around me happy. and as i say you can always remember the times you laugh, so love and laugh your life till the end. if you want more pics or to know more about me. try facebook as cj youll reconise the pic
Grab A Drink or 2 And Rock Out With Us!! Some Shit About Me 1. Have you ever changed your clothes in a vehicle? moving or not/, in traffic or highway?, day or night? yes to all 2. What's something you MUST do before you die? Be happy. 3. Are you single? Do you want to be? Single and it works for now. 4. What's one thing you will not eat? seafood 5. What colour is your underwear? Pink and yellow 6. When's the last time you went out of state? 2 months ago for work 7. What's your birthstone? Alexandrite- gotta love google. 8. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? yep 9. Can you hula hoop? i guess...its been years..might twist something 10. Have you ever crawled through a window? yeah and you dont need to know why! 11. What's your Mom's middle name? Lea 12. What is your favorite channel on TV? not really a TV watcher unless its baseball 13. Any cool scars? sadly no, they all got there when I was being a klutz 1
my intrest are hunting fishing wachn tv playing guitar herro anr maken money,
Im a Sergeant in the US Army. I've been deployed to Iraq twice now... Im new here.. What's Up?? Get at me! I ride quads. I like to be outdoors. Lifting weights. Camping. Snowboarding. Anything fun really. I love guns!!
Don't really know what to say about me I'm pretty boring lol. Well my name is Cj I like in one of the most boring towns on the planet. Only until august though so I can move to go to college WHOOO!! HELLZ YEA!!! . . anyway. I'm a very nice person but am pretty sarcastic at times too so beware of that. Don't mean anything by it just in my DNA. I can be kind of a flirt at time also not meaning anything by that and trust me that doesn't always mean I like you. I am a HUGE NERD. I can be a little shy at times and I won't always have something to talk about but if you stick it out with me you won't be disappointed. Being shy is what makes me a little weary of doing a broadcast plus I'm not that great to look at but I think I would probably have a lot to talk about. I can be your best friend or your worst nightmare I'll let you choose I love music. Mainly r&b but I listen to rap and some country and quite a bit of rock also. I hate metal though so don't even ask. I love writing. Mostly poe
i like walks on da beach listin 2 da raido hunting and pleasing my girl
Twenty plus years ago during the summer on an idle Sunday I escaped the womb, or maybe I was evicted. In either case I'm just glad I wasn't a sea turtle hatched out of an egg just to be consumed by the gulls overhead. My name is Ash. I currently reside in the beautifully over rated southern California. I work for a local school district as an Aide for Special Education as well as with the local parks and recreation district as an activities coordinator for their Special Ed. program. All the while attempting some sort of a writing career. If you want to check out my words head over to To chat feel free to contact me on Skype at The_Ashbin
I love to laugh! I love to feel the mud squish between my toes as I walk along the beach and I love to swim in the moonlight..I like and enjoy many, many things! wet clay running through my fingers as I play on the pottery wheel. quiet moments with a glass of wine by the pool in the evening or in front of a fireplace when its cold outside. reading and watching old monster movies...smash up derby races where last car running/moving wins....Many things! Love Movies...Old black & white monster and spook movies...Vincent Price, Lon Chaney, Bela, Peter...are all my favs!
I'm here for fun and to make friends. I love Summer and love being outside when the weather is warm. I enjoy planting and caring for flowers. The world needs color and cheer and flowers are my way of contributing. When the weather cools and I want to hibernate, I enjoy doing a wide variety of crafts. The trucks in the pictures ARE mine. I have never really cared for cars, but those darn trucks are thirsty B!tches and it's not easy to keep up with their drinking habits. I'm about as average as average can be and I will always be true to myself. I'm not here to win any popularity contests and will not compromise my beliefs and values to win anyone's friendship. I do NOT do NSFW Pics and NEVER WILL!! I do not want to see YOUR NSFW Pics!! I don't have a web cam and don't want to cam with you! I do NOT have any interest in fooling around with young men young enough to be my son!! If you are looking for Motherly advice, I will talk to you. I know it doesn't sound lik
yall can just Call me...317- ask me I'm happy for every day i wake up.I'm a laid back kind of person I can be outgoing I like to take road trips,Hangout with my buddys and female friends.I just like to have fun with others.I have two boys which i love very much... Rap, Slow jamz, Hip-Hop TV shows: Bet, Cribs, and any thing that is good. Movies: Any thing that's funny and/or Based on a true story Books: The Coldest Winter Ever/The Lost Diary Of Don Jaun Cuisine: Pastas, Rib Eye stakes, Roundhouse stakes, and T-bones Pizza: Any were that is old like real pizza. Restaurant: Chesse Cake Fatraory Clothes, shoes: ANYTHING OVER 100 I LIKE. Clubs, activities: Wroking , Spending time with my family and frriends. Sports: Basketball, Swimming, Track. Passions: Cooking for My Dates
hello everyone, I am 27 years old living in Greensboro N.C, looking for some fun, I am a single bisexual white male here and like the bear type guy's so if your out ther and think im cute hit me up let's talk.
I'm a professional musician trying to make it in the big city. I enjoy movies and going out to eat. One of my favorite foods is Thai Food. I used to work on a cruise ship, so I have traveled literally around the world. I'm interested in meeting new people, chatting and making new friends, and seeing where things go from there.
C. Jackson
C Jack
Cj Adams
Cj Altman
Cj Allison
fixen to start a new job as a bouncer at a club and im a full time student at collage studiing to be a park ranger and fight forest fires wow that sound real interesting huh jk jk i love it i enjoy spending alot of time out side. id have to say the bigest influences in my life were from growing up all over and the military which is were i would have to say were i lost part of myself to. i can say i am a better person from my exsperiences from being over there in know just know thats all i can say about that. i know who i wanna be in life and its a difacult jurney but it will be worth it all in the end i know. ive been hert along this jurney so now stay single cause of this but i know eventuly i will agian put my self out there. life is a mystary to be salved by the one who is living it so dont stay couped up get out there and experance it u only get one so make it count im into mudding , riding, and camping out with big bomb fires at the lake and kicking it with friends and family. lov
Cj Allen
Cj Ambrose
C James
C. James
Cj Amado
Cjann Pierre
Cj Anderson
Cj Anderson
Cj Angerosa
Cj Andrews
Cj Askme
Cj Auricchio
Cj Augusto
Cjay Williams
Cjay Supreme
Cjay Lewis
Cjay Haslett
cnmforever78@ fubar
Cjay Daniels
Cjaye Roberts
Cjay Lister
Cjay Stubbs
Cj B
long walks with short people and mountain-biking on flat surfaces. I like swimming in shallow pools and skydiving out of low flying planes. I also enjoy any board game from Milton-Bradley. Shopping for sex toys for other couples. Any form of lubricants, I hate friction. I like mathematical equations that have no solution. What if e=mc2 really should have been cubed. Has man ever used feathers on airplanes? Is it the human memory or history books that perpetuate human violence against one another? Heroes my girlfriend, her girlfriend, and her girlfriend, The U.S.Military and finally my heros have always been cowboys Hollywood sucks and so do most actors, especially female porn stars. However, there is nothing wrong w/ that
Cj B
Hey,Whats Good Yo,I Go By Jay Or Cj Or Whatever U Wanna Call Me,I Am A Single Working Guy With A Car...Well I Did,But The Transmission Just Went Out On It Ahaha.I Consider Myself To Be A Very Funny And A Sarcastic Type Of Guy That's Very Laid Back And Likes To Have As Much Fun As Possible.I Can Keep And Hold Any Type Of Conversation Ranging From Possibly Anything You Could Think Of.I Happen To Be Completely Honest And I Don't Dance Around Issues...Point Blank I'm Blunt As Shit...By The Way I Am A Very Easy Guy To Approach Or Talk To And I Have NO BAGGAGE What So Ever.Other Than I'm Just On Here Lookin To Make Friends Or Possibly Take Things To Another Level.To The Women Who Think There Ain't Good Guys Out There,I Say There Are Cause I Consider Myself A 98% Type Of Guy...There Is No Such Thing As A 100% Dude...It's Not Happening Unless Your God,Jesus Or Just Some Random Freak Of Nature.No Conceited Or Anything(*Never Been*)But Just Saying I Can Respect,Love,And Treat You Better Than The
Cj Ballenger
Cj Bape
C.j. Bailey
Cj Beerman
C.j Berger
C.j. Belcher
Cj Berry
C.j. Benford
Cj Benoit
Cj Bennett
Cj Bethea
Cj Bekee
Cj Bishop
Dark Hair Dark eyes Sweet in a interesting way There is a legend that when a soul can't rest, a crow can bring that soul back from the dead, to seek justice and make the wrong things time this will be. I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy Friends Bikes - ALL Walking Computer Coffee Horse Music - most
Cj Billings
Well where to start hmmmm I have been into cars since i can remember. I have a 2005 saturn Ion redline, a 1969 Ford Torino GT FB. A 1995 Ford thunderbird 5.0. A 1989 Ford Bronco full size. Um a 1972 ford full size ranger set up for muddhopps and off roading. And i think i might end up getting a couple more just to tinker with. What else i have been a supervisor for a steel repair company for about eight months now. And i travel alot im never home only on the weekends and thats if im lucky. I drive alot all over the northern east coast (from virginia up). Uh i like to drink and bullshit with my friends.When i get a chance. And right now i am all about making new ones and just kick back. So i mean that sounds good to me. And one thing that i cannot stand is drama so if ya got it. Dont bother doin shit just hit your back button and move the hell on. But if ya dont then hey drop me a message and ill pick it up the next time im on here all right im gonna stop writin before i bore everyone.
Cj Bishop
Cj Blaze
Cj Black
I am gay and looking for a man hit me up!!!!!!!
Cj Blackmon
Cj Blake
Cj Blasiole
Cj Black
Work Hard, Play Hard Money, sports and occasionally a good conversation True Money Makers Spider-Man
Cj Bowen
Lets see - Kajitora Name: CJ Bowen Age: 20yrs Birthplace: Landstuhl, Germany Birthday: May 25 1986 (Gemini) Location: Frankfort/Louisville, Ky Height: 5’4” {Athletic build} Weight: 145lbs Ethnicity: African-american, Panamanian Smoke: No Drink: No Pets: Cat-Cortez Favorite Color: Red Favorite Food: The ones that taste good (AKA non-cafe food) Favorite Things to do: Play video games, Run track, Joke around Favorite Show: Family Guy, Futurama, DBZ, Bleach, Naruto, more soon Likes: Lots & girls Dislikes: Lots & stubborn, ignorant load-mouth people Track record 1oo m-11.oo sec 2oo m-23.oo sec Long Jump- 22' 1/2" I'll add more later … myb not Lets see .. maybe i should break it down: Hobbies- Drawing, reading, SARCASM, surfin the web, watchin old disney movies Websites- Facebook, Gaiaonline, myspace Video Games- SSBM, Halo 2, Gears of War, Ultimate Alliance
Cj Bower
C.j. Bowen
I been in the Air Force for 12 years now. I am currently at Dyess, Tx. I spent most of my time in Florida. I am just checking this site out, maybe meet new friends. Feel free to shoot me a message. Some things I enjoy are anything outdoors, football, UFC fights, grilling out, pretty much anything, I am not too picky as long as you have friends with you.
Cj Bowman
women money power
Cj Boal
C.j. Borgo
C.j Britton
i'm about 5'4, weight about 140 pounds, got braids(wear my hair out sumtimes) wear versace glasses. if ya'll wanna kno sum mo shit about me, hit me up football, basketball my brotha any movie dat has horror, scary, and comedy
Cj Brege
Cj Brown
Cj Brown
Cj Broussard
Hey sup this is cj. I am a sexy chocolate brother from New orleans, Louisiana. I am currently living now in Keller, Texas. I am 27 years old and i am a mananger at starbucks. I love to have fun,very adventurous, will do or try anything once. I love meeting new people and trying new thing. I'm a blast to chill with and i am single for the time being. I hate bullshit and i can't stand stress. i am a freak when i want to . lol One more thing, I am gay. I love who i am and im proud. I very masculine but i know who i am. I love a sexy man and i am not shy to say that a fine ass man. Anyway i still love my women though and that why i hang with the sexy, and beautiful Rachel Weaver who is my best friend in this world.
Cj Brown
Hey all my name is CJ I live in Childersburg Alabama I am a single dad of a beautiful baby girl. I am here to make friend or hook up hit me up if you like. I LIKE PEOPLE THAT ARE PROUD OF WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE ,I CANT STAND WANNABES.
Cj Braaten
football, baseball, hockey, basketball, fishing, ice fishing, camping, hunting, hiking, boating, rafting, working out, snowboarding, snowmobiling,
Cj Brown
C.j. Brown
Cj Broderick
Cj Brown
Cj Burns
Cj Byrams
C.j. Cantley
Just a long haired country boy from W.Va. Single and in need of winning the Lotto Creator of confussion,Master of nothing Hunting , fishing , and generally anything to do with the outdoors. Love to party & have a good time.Nascar is cool but muscle cars on a drag strip rocks.
Cj Carter
Cj Call
Cj Campbell
My name's CJ I'm 6'4" and love to have fun and be the life of the party. I'm 21 and always horny. I'm new to this site and still trying to learn my way around. If you wanna help me out with some advice, tips, or even just chat it up and get to know me, message me.
Cj Campbell
Cj Carpenter
im single looking for women. number message me for it im athletic
C.j. Chaffman
Cj Cj
SORRY BUT IM RETARDED WITH THE SHOUT OUT BOX JSUT SEND ME A MSG I THINK I CAN HANDLE THAT.....i swear i didnt trade IQ for looks in the woumb.... oooh "about me" im a slacker!! if i see comments and such dont be surprised if it takes me a day or two to get back to you please dont take it personaly im just generaly goin between school work and friends... uuuhm. im bi sorry if your offended but i am. i love learning new things.. in every way :p i love photography! i might put up a few pictured iv taken. i took half of my second picture. the landsape shot was mine. the rest was my body. i have 6 ear piercings 3 on each a nose stud and 2 belly button studs. one tattoo tripple moon. waiting to get a sun done. debating if i should get anything else done. i prefer subtilty and the ability to hide what i do have. .. im secretive ask and ill tell. you wont find anything else out any other way ;) You scored as Demon. Demon: Darkness is your sanctu
Cj Cj
Cj Cj
Cj Clark
Cj Clark
Cj Clarke
33 y/o born and raised Haligonian I love my hometown. I am the 1st born son of a former Olympic and Canadian Welterweight boxer,but have no intent of following in the footsteps of my father. I have one,and only one, little boy who is the spitting image of his sarcastic,quick-witted daddy. Anything else you wanna know,just ask! I'm an eclectic guy. I love horror movies,but a good tear-jerker will get me every time too.For someone who grew up on metal music and blood and guts movies,i have a very pronounced sensitive side.E.T still brings me to tears at the end and a really good love song will make me all mushy inside. I have a very great affinity for Big beautiful women,curvy girls,fluffy females,whatever you wanna call them,i am attracted to them like bees to pollen. I'm also a lost cause of sorts.I love professional wrestling and the Toronto Maple Leafs lol...i have since i was 5. I love to make women smile,laugh and blush.I use to use my sense of humour as a defense mechani
Cj Clark
Cj C Lo Mcvicker
Cj Corona
Well...hi my name is cj i'm from tampa florida i'm loud and i'm proud i like to draw and laugh alot ummm i also like hanging out with friends and shopping and listening to music!!!my fave color is green and my fave type of candy is sour i like to speak my mind and i love little kids!!!i hate pics so i might just put like 2 or 3 up i love the art of the low riders not the motocycles i meen the cars i know my screen name sounds wierd random things are better than most things that are too common boooooring!!!=P my intrests ummm...drawing,hanging out with friends,joking around,eating candy,and video games ohhhh yeaa!!!
Cj(cody) Bickel
American History X Pulp Fiction and anything Jay and SilentBob
Cj Cole
Hey i my name is CJ. I like anything to do with the outdoors. Pretty lad back person
Cj Colvard
Cj Compton
Cj Coates
Cj Cosma
Cj Creech
My name is CJ Creech, I just graduated from Fort Dorchester High School,and are currently going to Trident Technical College. I like to have fun,and once you get to know me,im pretty cool. I like to hang out with friends ALOT,and i go walking around the neighborhood for exercise almost every night. I make movies and have my own unofficial production company(consisting of me and a couple of friends),Creech Creative Productions, and i've made two so far(House of Crazies,Friday the 13th:Jason's Revenge),and if you want to see them(well,one of them and the trailer for the other) they just let me know. Im currently in production with House of Crazies part 2 and 3,which im actually having fun making. After that, I've got one movie on the backburner, but it will be the first one that i haven't written. The script is by somebody else.I guess that's about it right now because i can't think of anything else to write. I like to make movies,hang out with friends,and many other things most people d
Cj Crew

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