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We're Having Twinssssss!!!!
My wife (who is blonde) came running up to me in the driveway the other day...just jumping for joy! I didn't know why she was jumping for joy but I thought: "what the heck?", and I starting jumping up and down along with her. She said, "Honey, I have some really great news for you!" I said, "Great. Tell me what you're so happy about." She stopped jumping just long enough to tell me that she was pregnant. I was ecstatic! We'd been trying for a while, so I grabbed her and kissed her and told her, "That's great! I couldn't be happier!" Then, she said "Oh, honey. There's more!" I asked, "What do you mean 'more?'" She said, "Well, we're not having just ONE baby. We're going to have TWINS!" Amazed that she could know so soon after getting pregnant, I asked how she knew this. She said, "Well, that was the easy part. I went to Wal-Mart and bought the Twin-Pack home pregnancy test kit and both tests came out positive!" *****************************************
Bulldogs Pimp Out
    It's been a while since I have done a pimp out. So this one is for all my female fubarians. Go check out Bulldog the guy is uber sexy, sweet and very SINGLE!!! So how about showing him some love.   Rate a few of his pics while your there and say hi!!! TheBulldog UberSingleUltraGeek@ fubar
My Cam
Vip Or Blast
Hi All These friends need your help they have entered a giveway for a 1 Month VIP or 7 Day Blast. They each need 10,000 comments to get the gift. No time limit, all I ask is that you Fan, Add & Rate me as do the friends who leave you comments. BOMBING YOURSELF ALSO HELPS 'Pen!sFlyTrap [Shadow Levelers]' Karen aka '~{Owner of The Helping Hands Club ~ Karen878806 R/F/A/Bling Me ~ Shadow Levelers ~}'' Jessica aka 'cherokee_babe1988 R/F/A me~~ ClubMystic' Zachary Jackson II aka 'BigDaddyZach2004(Wolves of Wiccan Society)'
The Best Part
BEING TOLD I AM THE BEST MAMI IN FUBARLAND... I knew it but it never hearts to hear it. Thank you Papi!
Incoming Light
by Brood of Evil In darkness my soul resides, Homing for the path of light, Admiring from afar, A shine that might not truly possess. Wondering adrift, Through the blood tainted roads of existence, With only my pressence to tend the wounds, Wounds triggered by my lonesome self. On my knees I've seen crimson, spill from my life giver's arm, In cries of agony and pain, Begging for her temple to keep. Drops of life pounding, Over the vile soil. I have seen demons in my image, I have heard them using my voice, Until I no longer yearn living, Until my soul have given up. All these roads I've walked through, So short, yet seem so long, Breathtaking and with spines, scratching my existence. Most of these I have forgotten, So I never slither again, Into the thorn-filled aisles of my torrid past. Still, these memories so hunt me, Feeding on my spirit, Corroding my thoughs. Thus the lust for crimson has arisen, To purge all sanity left in me, To
What A Critic!
Grand Theft Auto Critic Spitzer Resigns in Disgrace March 12th, 2008 Client 9 has become Disgraced ex-Governor 1. Eliot Spitzer, the moral crusader who, as GamePolitics reported, was so offended by the interactive prostitution in Grand Theft Auto, has vacated his office following revelations by the New York Times that he was a regular patron of high-priced call girls. Here’s what Spitzer, a rising star in the Democratic party, had to say about GTA during his 2006 election campaign: Media content has gotten more graphic, more violent and more sex-based… Currently, nothing under New York State law prohibits a fourteen-year old from walking into a video store and buying… a game like ‘Grand Theft Auto,’ which rewards a player for stealing cars and beating people up. Children can even simulate having sex with a prostitute… FBI wiretaps captured him singing a different tune to the managers of the Emporers Club VIP service. Spitzer haggled over payment details as he arrang
Random Whining.... Lmao!!!
Its amazing the things that go on in this website. In the past I have taken somethings seriously. I have also learned that a majority of the "shit" that goes on here is nothing more than people acting like asses to fullfill their own ego's in life. They seem to think that they NEED this site to be a person, a friend and or more. This site is on the INTERNET!!! That should be enough said, however, I have known a number of people that take this site toooooooooo serious. Way TOOOOOOO Serious! I have in the past taken this site a little serious and I can admit it. Now, anymore, its my release from my real life. My own personal dramas. Most people on here are doing the same thing, getting a release from their everyday lives. Some live on here... I know I am signed on a majority of the day, but in the past month or so, I have not spent that much time actually looking at my home page. Or anyone elses pages for that matter. If I am logged on, its because my internet AUTOMATICALLY
Hitman 007 100,000 Fubucks Mission Is About To Begain!!
A 100,000 fubuck mission is about to begin!! AND IT COST YOU NOTHING!!! NO FUBUCKS TO WIN!! NO RATING PIC TO WIN! NO NOTHING TO WIN!!!
Contest Link
My FU-Bomber family has placed me in a contest for a I month VIP. I need 10,000 comments in 2 weeks. Here is the link for anyone that would like to help me out. Thanks to all, and much love!!! >
Me....gettin Low! :d
New Default Pic!
As an experiment to see just how uneducated and ignorant modern America is, I posted a new default picture: Michaelangelo's David. This has been a revered work of fine art for centuries. It is displayed with the utmost of respect, and is a beautiful example of art from the Italian Renaissance, not to mention that it's a representation of a biblical character - David from the David and Goliath story. I want to see how long it takes for some bible thumping, uneducated schmoe to flag it as NSFW. Any educated person will see it as a work of beauty (or, even if you don't like it, will accept it as a piece of art, revered by others). Only the uneducated American moron, who spouts nothing more than Jesus and War (along with a hefty dose of hate of Muslims) thanks to a fascist government would mark this work of fine art as NSFW. Anyone who marks this photo as NSFW is also likely to be someone who wants to burn books and lynch anyone different from them.
My Love Life
Myspace Surveys at
His Words
Loving you Missing you Seeing you inside my head And I become calm again The music is playing softly As my heart is pounding You kiss me You love me And somehow I know you do These feelings are growing It's something I can't deny. You some how understand me When nobody else will Take a second glance. Some how you move me And sooth me And speak straight to my heart.
Everything Changes
Friends come and friends go and all thats left are them memories that you make the dreams you once had now lay broken on the floor your plans for the future are just memories of things that could have been With each passing day you grow farther apart You ignore it by day but cry about it at night When you look back and see how things were does it bother you that everythings changed the things that made you close continue to disappear everything changes, nothing stays the same
Ultimate Girls Night Out !!!!
East Coast Chippendales Show Ok Ladies! Here‘s your chance to see them live and in person! Get some girls together and come hang out with me at the Chippendales show. I‘ll be signing up new recruits and raffling off a basket of goodies!!!!! When: Thursday April 3, 2008 Where: West Shore Hardware Bar. Holiday Inn, in Mechanicsburg When: Thursday April 3, 2008 Time: Show starts at 8 P.M. doors open at 7 P.M. for more info go to Hope to see ya there!
C'monnn U Know U Want To 8-p
Come Vote 4 Me
I Moved
Hey people I just wanted to give a heads up on things, I moved outta Bath NY and now I'm in the Watertown, NY area, I am wanting to make new friends so don't be shy now lol talk to me I like chatting
Ok, so I am usually not one to complain about much, but recently my boyfriend and I broke up. We were together for four years. He has three daughters and well, his oldest is 12. I found out he had been cheating on me with an 18 year old girl. He is 34. I gave him my life and did everything for him. He never had to worry about anything. He never had to ask or want for anything from me. I guess loveing someone isn't enough these days. The hardest thing for me to except was the fact that I not only lost the man I loved very dearly, but I lost three angels that mean so much to me. I still talk to the girls and his family, but as far as talking to him it is just to hard to hear his voice. I won't lie. I still love him dearly and hope things work out for him. I will not be around to take him back when he realizes he had a great thing. I guess the only thing I can do is look at it as a lesson learned and move on. I have been knocked down before and got up, so I guess this is not
A Fool
I'm sitting all alone in my room and once again I'm thinking of my life My past is passing me by See a lot of pain, a lot of tears That's how I remember it There were a lot of days that I could only cry My hope was faded away I wanted to say goodbye to everything Now I'm laughing and feeling fine Sometimes I still cry, inside and outside But that's different then in the past I wanted to say goodbye to everything Damn, what was I a fool Cause if I really said goodbye I had never felt this lovely feeling deep inside It's a great feeling, called love And I'm so thankful for finding my love It's making me stronger day after day There was a time that I wanted to say goodbye, Now I want to live!
Come Ride The Short Bus
Bear Grylls
Hmm so I been watching a lot of this guy on tv and youtube and been shocked at what I seen Guess thats what he wants u to be I watched in amazement, shouted at him in anger(when he stabbed the turtle with the pen knife), nearly thrown up and watched through my fingers Just could not believe this guy and it seems as if he is a faker from the news report i just read - when he was meant to be living in a jungle on what he could find to eat like bugs and stuff it now seems he was really staying in a 5 star hotel!!! Anyways he says all we see is genuine Go search for him on youtube if you not sen what he is all about and let me know what you think - is he for real or a faker???
40 secrets.. except they arent secretsTAKE THIS SURVEY! Take this survey. Be honest no matter what. 1. Who was your last text from? ummm chevyman 2. Where was your default picture taken? my bathroom 3. Whats your middle name? Marie 4. Whats on your mind? somene special 5. Does your crush/GIRLfriend/BOYfriend like you back? Idk 6. What is your current mood? Happy 7. What is your moms name? Mae 8. What color shirt are you wearing? Green with flowers 9. Are you close with your dad? Yes 10. If you could go back in TIME and change something, would you? Yes i would 11. Have a crazy side? All people do 12. Ever had a near death experience? Yeap 13. Something you do a lot? talk to wicked lol and woody 14. Angry at anyone? Yeap 15. Favorite Month? May 16. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Idk 17. When was the last time you cried? 3 weeks ago 18. If you could have one super power what would it be? hmmm hard to say 19. Whats the first thing you notice about the oppos
I Just Got Laid
Contest Cancelled Due To Drama
Well the contest is over and since many were so concerned about who was doing what to win the Happy Hour none of you will get it. I will give fubar gifts to any who entered the contest that feel they deserve something so please contact me if you would like to know more. I should have canceled the contest when the drama and complaining first got started. Its not like the points and seven pics is worth a HH when most are complaining about everything. No matter what I tried to do people were upset. My last contest had drama but not like this. I try to come up with fun ways to give stuff away and I have done a lot for many people on this site. Everything from blasts bling paks and tickers and VIP I have bought for people. Everyone always wants more its never enough. I am sorry I didn't put enough though into this contest to see what people would come up with. Giveaways are much better because there is no competition that way so I have learned that much. Anyone who has beef with me let me k
Firefighter's Prayer
Lord, guide me through the fire And make my pathway clear; As I rescue those in Danger, May I have no Fear. Although the flames surround me, I know I'm not alone; For You are right beside me; You never leave Your own.
A Very Special Ty 2 All These People!
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Yeah I know this isnt one of those fancy bullys, but I wanted to take some time out to thank the awesome people that helped me level today! Without you guys it wouldnt have been thanks bunches & bunches!! I owe each one of you now, so anytime you need some help just holla at me!♥♥ SHARPIE™ Fu owned By Sweets for 2 months@ fubar ♥Sweets.Owned by Jesse♥@ fubar Ben DoveЯ™ *Pink0828*~*~Owned By Tendercop~*~@ fubar ~Dr3@my3y3d_B@bygir!~Greeter4DirtyDeedsRadio~Jit73s Fu-Sweetie~Shadow Leveler~@ fubar ♥ BooBoo ♥ Founder of Shadow Levelers.Owned By Gary & WildCat..@ fubar _Sweet_Thing_~ ~Owned by Rock-Fu~~Owner of Diamonds Forever~~Redneck Leveling Crew~~@ fubar Karen878806 Rate,Fan & Add~Member of The Freak Show & Shadow Levelers~@ fubar lauria♥Shadow Leveler♥Owned by Gary@ fubar ~~JoAnna~Proud Club Fa
Have You Ever?
Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time, your life, your heart? Have you ever woke up and wondered why? Have you ever been given a gift and had it snatched away before you could truly enjoy it? Have you ever seen your future, and watch it disappear into nothing but cold blackness? Have you ever been greatful for a moment in time? Have you ever had your heart ache to the point you thought it might shatter? Have you ever cried so much you thought you could drown in your own tears? Have you ever had a dream that you couldn't remember? Have you ever loved someone so hard, that it pushed them away? Have you ever allowed yourself to be pushed away from love? Have you ever been told to smile for what you had? Have you ever been able to? Have you ever looked inside yourself? Have you ever seen your soul? Have you ever known true love? Have you?
So my children were 15 minutes late coming home on the bus today... I was going nuts by 10 after 3 (they get home at 3 everyday) I called the daycare then the school. So I sat here and finally at 315 they run in the door. I asked them what took so long and my oldest goes WELLLLLLLLL (yes drawn out like that) on friday some kid was dialing 911 from their cell phone, we got a lecture and now cant talk at ALL on the bus for the rest of the year. So ok in my opinion this is a perfect example of why KIDS DONT NEED CELL PHONES. STOP THE INSANITY!
For My Master
I Love My MasterI give him my heart, my body and my soul.Every bit of me belongs to him.I bow down to him willing to serve him in any way he wishes.I will forever stand by his side.I will proudly wear his collar.I will allow him to mark me in anyway he see's fit. Whether it be a tattoo, a piercing, or the marks left from his whip.I will never deny any request.I will never tell him a lie.I will always focus and provide him with his every need.I will always serve him, not because I am powerless to him...Because I choose to give him power of me and I take great pride in the fact that he takes me as his slave.
There once was a girl named Bree, Who ment the whole world to me, One night as she drove, A drunk driver arose, And killed her and got off scott free.
Beautiful Words
beautiful words if there was no sun your beauty would still light up the skies like you do my eyes there is no sunset in this world that could even come close to comparing to your beauty and there are no words that could even tell just how beautiful you really are cause your beauty would put the most beautiful angel sent down from heaven to shame
Hey I talked to Sweet X there other day and She told me to tell all the Divas that she say hi and misses you all.
Shout Out!
Just giving a shout out to ALL of the Shadow Levelers who have stopped by my page tonight! I am trying to return some of the love being shown to me, but it's happening so fast, I don't know if I can keep up. If I missed ya and you aren't on my friends list, since I do come by all of my friends' pages, please let me know so I can, somehow, show you all the love you have shown me! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!!! I am TOTALLY and COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED by all of the love shown by these wonderful people!
Now Whos Stupid
> > > Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive > > > double-pane energy efficient kind, > > > > > > and today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was > > > complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I > > > still hadn't paid for them. > > > > > > Helllooooo? Just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am > > > automatically stupid. > > > > > > > > > > > > So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told me last > > > year, that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! > > > > > > Helllooooo? It's been a year, I told him. > > > > > > There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just > > > hung up. He never called back. Guess I won that stupid argument. > > > > > > I bet he felt like an idiot. > > > > >
Letter From Santa...
I regret to inform you that, effective immediately, I will no longer serve the States of Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Arkansas on Christmas Eve. Due to the overwhelming current population of the earth, my contract was renegotiated by North American Fairies and Elves Local 336. As part of the new and better contract I also get longer breaks of milk and cookies so keep that in mind. However, I'm certain that your children will be in good hands with your local replacement who happens to be my third cousin, Bubba Claus. His side of the family is from the South Pole. He shares my goal of delivering toys to all the good boys and girls; however, there are a few differences between us. Differences such as: 1. There is no danger of the Grinch stealing your presents from Bubba Claus. He has a gun rack on his sleigh and a bumper sticker that reads: "These toys insured by Smith and Wesson." 2. Instead of mi
The Meaning Of True Friends
Friends come in many sizes in our lives. some may only hang around for a week or a few days. Some may even be around for many years. But a true friend is always there when you need them. As you are there when they need you. Weather its just an ear to listen to them or to just be there when they are suffering a hardship. To share your good news with. But a friend would never intentionally hurt you with words or by threats. Friends are there when you want someone to talk to, no matter what time of the day or night it is. A friend would never betray the trust you put in them. But we all know that one person we though of as a friend that has done this to us at least once during that friendship. Some of those that have been betrayed by a friend. Can never forgive that friend. Yet, others do give their friend many chances to prove that it will never happen again. But is yet again decieved over and over again. What would you say to a friend that you considered a true friend? Wo
i dont really know how to say this...but i am so lucky to be alive.....about 2 1/2 hrs ago i was driving home from work and was in a car accident......i was driving down rt295 coming home from work(i normally drive up rt70 and take the ben franklin) i dont know why i went this way...while i was driving... 3 huge deer were taking up all 3 lanes as they attempted to jog across 6 lanes of the highway... there was no way to avoid them at all...swerve to the left...i hit a deer.. swerve to the right...deer...straight ahead....deer...i had no time to i hit the center deer head on ...the impact nearly haulted my car so i try to pull over....the deer finally broke away from the front of my car and lay there in the after car..kept hitting this same deer and it kept flying in the air inching closer and closer to my this point...i am scared to i try to pull up more...two cars pulled over after they hit the same girl pulled over and star
Went To The Doc.
well i went back to the Cardiologist today to get the results of my test , and it aint good . he told me i need to have open heart operation to repair or replace a bad valve and that the right side of my heart is enlarged so i am doing a lot of thinking and trying to get prepared for whats to come.
Bid On Me go here bid on me in this auction!!!
All About Him !!!!!
This was me and my husbands favorite song,,we were also married to this song...I walked out our front door early one morning only to find my world had crashed down around me....At the young age of 33 there laid my husband dead....It still hurts today to listen to this song,,but it also is very soothing,,Because i know he loved me for the Rest Of Mine...I love you Larry { Batman } and i miss you with every breath i take.....Until we are together again my love....R.I.P. yOUR WIFE IN LIFE AND DEATH RHONDA { BUNNY } Glitter Graphics
Long Nights
Long Nights by LateNiteFantasy© Night descending, quiet, thief of light, Shadow stealer, black, beyond control. Bleak, bare boned, robber of the sun. Sprinkled stars accent your starkness. A full moon illuminates the green Glowing eyes of cats, that stroll Nonchalantly through your doorways, Allies, and back streets, bordered by tenement Ruins, with empty eyed windows staring, Caring not for the light or dark, only Passing strangers that seek shelter In the arches out of the rain, Falling from dark clouds, descending Into the long night.
Princess And Her Royal Court Has Arrived.
My cat princess is having her kittens. So, far she has three adorable kitten. A white one and two gray ones. My daughter is so excited she can't stay away from the area. She wants to watch the kittens being born. I have to admit, it is intriguing. The birthing process is an awesome process.
Unblock Users..
Go to the gray tool bar and click, " MY" Then click the word, " PROFILE " Then click the word, " PROFILE " Now you are in the Account Settings Page and go all the way down to the bottom on the left hand side,You will see a link that allows you to change your password there, Make sure that you type in the Bouncer ID code at the bottom of the page to take effect of your change When you go back to your homepage you will be able to see on the right you will see "Who Viewed Me " " Who I Viewed" And " Blocked" Click on the block tab then " See all " and Unblock user
What's New?
Well, I was sick on superbowl sunday through the end of the first week in March. To make matters worse, I had an infection in my head that busted both eardrums so I couldn't hear for at least 2 more months. I also didn't have a landline hook up but now I do. Summer break is here so I have all 5 of my kids with me. It's so nice to have them together. I'm in school getting my bachelors degree in criminal investigations. I look forward to working a little again. I have my own business at home but need to get my degree. With the way the economy has been going, getting my degree will be well worth the wait.
All You Women Are The Same!!! I Don't Care If You Are A Nun Or Not!
One Year
R.I.P Pfc Larry Parks Jr, my daughter's father. Tomorrow will be one year since his tank hit an IED killing him after only 38 days in Iraq. Take the time to pay respects to him, I have a whole album with his pictures in it. My daughter will grow up proud knowing all the great things her daddy did before God took him. I am going to Altoona today to be with my daughter and his family. Leave some love and support, I need it. R.I.P Larry, I love you and miss you very much. I am trying to raise her just the way you would have wanted her to be. We love you and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you. Love Nikki Firechick728@ fubar (repost of original by 'Firechick728(Mistress to bew1769): Co-Owner of "The Late-Night Hangout"' on '2008-06-17 05:47:04') (repost of original by '~FAT SONNY~' on '2008-06-17 06:51:37')
Thank You
What Fools These Men Are...
If you have never been to the city (you're missing out, but thats another blog) Its a maze of people trying to hand you flyers, pamphlets, convert you into a religion, etc. I am used to it, and I dodge them with a steely glance. Though, today one group tried a novel approach; Cheerleader skirts. I took two brochures.
Lounge Auction Rules!!!!!
Is This A Dream????
So its 5am Saturday June 21, 2008..I am asleep in bed when I hear someone say "Hey". I open my eyes and looke toward my bedroom door, which normally is shut all the way but because my daughter was camping out in the yard with her friends I had left open just a crack so if she came into the house for any reason I would hear her. Well this wasnt my daughter and how I missed hearing the front door open is beyond me because I wake up to every little noise!!! So this voice, which is a guys of spanish decent by accent that I am hearing, is askin me if there is a Jonas of jonah here, I ( at which time am still in sleep mode trying to figure out what is going on) say " HUH?" then they ask again..I at which point say "NO!" and am now realizing that there is some guy at my bedroom door get up and as i am getting out of the bed he says " Sorry but your Front door was open when I knocked on it." .I am up and out to the living room and he is gone and front door wide open. I walk out on to fr
Alaska In July!!!
July 7. Arrive in Alaska July 8. Go to Fairbanks and the Arctic Circle July 9. Above the Arctic Circle July 10. Head back from the Arctic Circle July 11. Fairbanks July 12. Denali Park July 13. Denali Park July 14. Denali Park July 15. Ride the train from Denali to Anchorage Leave lots of love while I'm gone!!!
I am sorry to everyone that I rated lower than a 10!!! I wasn't sure how this site works and as I have been told you rate everyone a 10 no matter what the pic is so they will get points and stuff so If I offended anyone I wasn't trying to and from now on I will rate everyone a 10 no matter what you look like. To all of you who left me a nasty comment about it well you could tell I was new by looking at my profile so you should have offered some advice instead of writting bad things about me I am a beautiful friendly individual and would never call ne one silly names to hurt them Please accept my sincere appology and if you let me know who I "doen rated" is what some one told me it was called I will go back and change it to a 10. Thank you to all for understanding!!!!!
Tagged By Okiwa002
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. I: 1: Am a recovering Agoraphobic... 2: Do not undress with the lights on…but I like to speak Spanish when stimulated… 3: Find some men’s eyes to be the sexiest part of their body… 4: Have a hard time saying no to certain people, even when I really want too... 5: Hate watching sports (with the exception of Ice Skating)… 6: Don’t like kissing a man that taste or smell like an ashtray… 7: Hate getting to know you questionnaires… 8: Don’t find myself very attractive and I try harder everyday to improve on self perfection… 9: I’m very critical of my talents (singing, sewing, and my private paintings)… 1
My Master & My Love
This is just a shout for two very special people to me!! Its very simple I want you to go F/R/A them both and leave a page comment that says Kiri
Cabbie In Heaven
A preacher dies, and when he gets to Heaven, he sees a New York cab driver who has more crowns. He says to an angel, "I don't get it. I devoted my whole life to my congregation. " The angel says, "We reward results. Did your congregation always pay attention when you gave a sermon?" The preacher says, "Once in a while someone fell asleep. " The angel says, "Right. And when people rode in this guy's taxi, they not only stayed awake, but they usually prayed!"
My Boys
My boys are my life, my world My boys make me laugh, they make me proud My boys is smart, they are kind My boys make me worry, they make me glad Im a single mother tying to raise my boys right I would not traid them for anything in the world I never regret having them in my life My boys is my life, my breath , my reason to keep my head up when I want to lay it down.
Falling For The Friend.
Lying on the beach, as the sunset passes by Ripples reach my outstretched toes, and we watch the sky My best friend beside me stares up at the stars Covered in pain, with him I forget the scars. I've watched him quite an age, yet still find many things That make me keep on watching him, my angel without wings He turns to me with caring eyes, we both lie still just a while My best friend, my main man, he's the reason that I smile. Suddenly I know what has me staring intently in his eyes Why we share and trust so much, why there are no lies I've been his best friend and he's been mine for as long as we remember We always have to be together the last day of each December. He leans over me and we no longer resist We give into temptation and finally kiss Salty breezes drift over us, flowing With my heart beating faster, I blush and it's showing. Sadly, we break apart but I kiss him just once more A love that started as a friendship, we simply can't ignore It's been
Wanna Own A Hottie?
Oh snap, fellas. Two the hottest girls on fubar are in an auction. Auction is only up for three days, so you better get to bidding before you lose the chance to win these girls. Ready, set, GO !! Stay - Lisa Loeb
Hope Rides Alone.... Please Read Everyone!
SGT. Edmund Jo hn Jeffer's last few words were some of the most touching, inspiring and most truthful words spoken since the tragedy of 9/11 - and since our nation went to war. SGT. Jeffers was a strong soldier and talented writer. He died in Iraq on September 19, 2007. He was a loving husband, brother and son. His service was more than this country could ever grasp, but the least you can do for the man who sacrificed his life for you is listen to what he had to say. Listen up and pay attention. To all of the Cindy Sheehans and Al Frankens of the world. To MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS. To all who call themselves Americans. Hope Rides Alone by Eddie Jeffers I stare out into the darkness from my post, and I watch the city burn to the ground. I smell the familiar smells, I walk through the familiar rubble and I look at the frightened faces that watch me pass down the streets of their neighborhoods. My nerves hardly rest; my hands are steady on a device t
The Speed Of Pain...
marilyn manson.the speed of pain they slit our throats like we were flowers and our milk has been devoured when you want it it goes away too fast the times you hate it always seemed to last just remember when you think you're free the crack inside your fucking heart is me oooh, i want to out race the speed of pain for another day. ooh, i want to out race the speed of pain for another day i wish i could sleep but i can't lay on my back 'cause of the knife for every day that i've known you when you want it it goes away too fast the times you hate it always seemed to last just remember when you think you're free the crack inside your fucking heart is me marilyn manson.the speed of pain they slit our throats like we were flowers and our milk has been devoured when you want it it goes away too fast the times you hate it always seemed to last just remember when you think you're free the crack inside your fucking heart is me ooo
Daddys Poem
Daddy's Poem Her hair was up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow. Today was Daddy's Day at school, and she couldn't wait to go. But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably sho uld stay home. Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone. But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say. What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today. But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone. And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home. But the little girl went to school eager to tell them all. About a dad she never sees a dad who never calls. There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet. Children squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats One by one the teacher called a student from the class. To introduce their daddy, as seconds slowly passed. At last the teacher called her name, every child turned to stare. Each of them was searching for, a ma
The Fruit Of The Spirit-the Creator's Pharmacy
The fruit of the spirit THE CREATOR'S Pharmacy CREATOR made and provided what we'd need before we were born. These are best & more powerful when eaten raw. We're such slow learners... CREATOR left us great clues as to what foods help what part of our body! CREATOR's Pharmacy! Amazing! A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... and YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes. A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food. Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food. A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the
What Is A Spirit Guide?
What is a Spirit Guide? Article by Patti Wigington Benevolent Guides: Many people believe they have spirit guides. Some refer to theirs as angels or guardians. Regardless, if you believe you have one, a spirit guide is there simply to guide, not as an entity that you need to give yourself over to. If a spirit guide has a negative influence on your behavior, then chances are good that it's not a spirit guide at all, but something else entirely. These are some of the more commonly found types of spirit guides: Ascended Masters: These are guides often found by people who do energy work, such as Reiki. A ascended master who appears as a spirit guide is often a being that led a physical life and has moved on to a higher spiritual plane -- for example, Buddha, Krishna, even Jesus. Ascended masters usually work with collective groups of souls -- in other words, if you've got an ascended master hanging around you, you're not the only one he or she is helping. Their primary focus i
Chinese Drag Queens
chinese drag queens.... ever see one oh i have and this chick?? Dude!!!! even a walking thing just makes me wanna throw it in the meat grinder and have it try for a different look....!!
Fubar Is So Messed Up !!
OMFG i have has some of my dark pictures up that I have had on here for over a year, an guess what, now this stupid site wants to put NSFW on them I would love to know what kid had this done, there is no tit or pussy showing so what the fuck is the problem , this site sucks way bad. I thought this was an adult site, but i really this its a damn kiddie site ...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I don't even know where to begin on this one. I'll just put my shit out there. I'm on a free dating website that a friend of mine told me about. This guy sent me a message and he seemed ok. The only think that kinda irked me was he put in the subject line "Big lady". I know I'm overweight, but please don't address me as big lady if you're trying to win me over. Well I told him I didn't appreciate that, but we chatted some anyway. I was stupid and gave him my yahoo ID. So he IMs me earlier today when I was talking to loan people and my parents trying to get my student loan figured out. I told him I was busy, but I could chat here and there. He still got all pissy when I didn't respond within seconds of his IM. I FUCKING HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT. I'm sorry, but when I'm on the computer I'm always multitasking. I'm reading news stories, I'm on fubar, I'm chatting with a few friends, I'm filling out paperwork for school, etc. I don't waste time, ever. Well tonight he finally pissed me off and
What Have I Done...could I Do?
Feeling lost and blue, wondering what I might have done wrong to you, Thinking all thoughts of you while listening to these many love songs seemingly the truth, Cannot escape the image of you and me with the iron shackles around my heart keeping me in emotional slavery whenever we're apart, Reminiscing over the times that we had made love, or had sex, not knowing from one moment to the next: was it good, better, or best. If it was a fantasy, dream, or my imagination Touching you with tips of my fingers, and hugging you with the gentle strength of my arms, bringing about a sensual sensation, while trying to reassure you in every imaginable way that I will bring you no harm for this duration… Tears swell deep within my eyes that causes me to cry not with pain but with joy of loving you all over again... Looking deeper into your innocent eyes gazing at your smile left me lost in the middle of my destiny … am I guilty with or without you, which would it be? Your abse
People Who Get Video Salutes
NightOwl08 ~ Fu Owner of nicci aka 'Angel Eyes1974@ fubar shooters ~Bar & Grill~@ fubar windrider77@ fubar
Master Gunnery Sergeant Leland "lou" Diamond
Master Gunnery Sergeant Leland "Lou" Diamond Master Gunnery Sergeant Leland "Lou" Diamond, who was on many occasions decorated for bravery and offered a commission, lives in memory as one of the most famous of all "Old Breed" fighting Leathernecks. Diamond, who died in 1951, represents a legend, which inscribed a colorful chapter in Marine Corps tradition and history. "Lou" Diamond's face, sun-bronzed and accentuated by a neatly trimmed gray goatee, was well known at posts and stations throughout the world. His comrades called him "Lou," but he was thought of, often, as "Mr. Marine" and "Mr. Leatherneck." Diamond was born 30 May 1890, at Bedford, Ohio. Although he first enlisted at the age of 27, somewhat older than most recruits, the difference never was noticeable. His salty, hard-driving personality soon expressed itself in both word and deed, and no Marine ever showed more devotion to the Corps. Because of the incredible voice, which matched his 5-foot, 11-inch, 200-pound
Part 2 Dj Kool
RULES! NO DRAMA!!!Must Have A Default Picture.No Link Dropping.No Promoting Other Lounges.No Harassing Anyone.HAVE FUN!!
''nasty Poem''
it starts with a sensation when a guy stick's his location in a girls destination to increase the population for the next generation do you get my explaination or do you need a demonstration??? Sky is blue Water is wet I'll make you cum I'll make you sweat Pressed up against my body Movin up and down Slowly but firmly We'll move the ground Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Basturd The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is
Its sparkle blinked as desired On a summer night A clean refreshing breeze held me tight as I questioned celestial prominence and why we have come to be only in past tense There stood no lone reason jusst mindful reminders of how we were one Unpredictable with laughter and precise wtih liveliness its so wasy toi see why I was taken by her loveliness Beauty has its way of holdiing you Even more so when its genuinely true So sincere was her heart that time begs fo its part Each day I wonder to myself with eyes staring at heavens wealth Waiting for the stars to declare when I'll once again have that feeling to share
Come Check Out This New Lounge Please!
Come join me at the Love Shack Lounge just click the pic!!! Come have fun and meet great people! Listen to great tunes! Have a ton of fun! So Come See What I am Talking About! Tell Them Plus Sized Vixen Sent You!
Pretty In Pink
Pretty In Pink -- The Psychedelic Furs Caroline laughs and It's raining all day She loves to be one of the girls She lives in the place In the side of our loves Where nothing is Ever put straight She turns herself round And she smiles and she says 'This is it' 'That's the end of the joke' And loses herself In her dreaming and sleep And her lovers walk Through in their coats Pretty in pink Isn't she Pretty in pink Isn't she > All of her lovers All talk of her notes And the flowers That they never sent And wasn't she easy And isn't she Pretty in pink The one who insists He was first in the line Is the last to Remember her name He's walking around In this dress That she wore She is gone But the joke's the same Pretty in pink Isn't she Pretty in pink Isn't she Caroline talks to you Softly sometimes She says 'I love you' and 'Too much' She doesn't have anything You want to steal Well Noth
Physical Fatness
I am an Arby's of one
Too Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it too soon to love you Why do I believe it's perfect Could it be I'm scared to take a chance I Think that we are moving too fast Yesterday you said some things to me That made it plain for me to see And now I do believe That there's a chance for you and me Elated I would be, If it became reality I'll put away all my fears, cause fate has brought us here Is it too soon to love you When I just met you the other day Why do believe it's perfect Enspired by all the things you say Could it be I'm scared to take a chance It's just a few days but I'm open wide Or maybe I should take my time I think where moving fast but I want you bad My mind is telling me one thing But my body says another I wanna be your lover It's hard to figure out In the back of my mind there's so much doubt Why do I look for clues When there's no reason to question you It's only natural I Just gotta wait and see Will we ever be
Wanting You
Wanting you here. Wanting to feel your touch. Wanting your body next to mine. Wanting to feel, Wanting my fingertips slowing caressing you. Wanting them, Sliding slowly up and down your body. Wanting your lips, Pressed against mine, Wanting my mouth, Sucking on your breast. Wanting my tongue, Flicking your nipple. Wanting you, Wanting my body, On top of yours. Wanting my ears, Hearing you moaning my name. Wanting you, Feeling me within you. Wanting your arms, Holding me close. Wanting you here, Wanting this to never end.
WELCOME TO THE SMOOCHES TRAIN! WHERE KISSING IS THE GAME! 1st Please rate this album 2nd please Add/Fan/Rate all Riders Of The SMOOCHES TRAIN **Conductor** Hollister*Suga Tits*Smooches@ fubar **Co-Conductor** ♡Suga Love♡@ fubar «$!® L!©k ¤L؆®»@ fubar ~vitamin de~ get your daily dose::fu~owner of ~SazzyGal~:: DSC~ I.B.I.C. ~ N.A.P **Fu Angel**@ fubar ♑TRINA
Serious Issues,..w/my Grandson
As some of you may have come to learn,... or know? I write here to vent, from time to time. I know Ive not been around a lot lately. My life picked up quit a bit. I had a wack job from this site,.. convince me he was a genuine person. When in reality, he was nothing but a load of shit. *shrugs* That being the least of things in events. Prior to all this,.. I did hospice for my brother in law from my 1st marriage here at my home, till his last breath. & His brother,... the father of my 20 year old, disappeared completely. Not that I mind,... but these guys were two very important people to my child. They were all very close. *SIGH* One of my daughters friends moves in with us. Whom later is the father of her baby. I had a stroke. My kid announced after professing for entirely too long that she was a virgin,.. that she is having a baby. *I had another stroke* & I have but less then 90 days to get ready in all avenues in regards to the new baby. She being 20 & all
Love is supposed to be an action not just an emotion. Do I love you because I feel I do or because you took the time to show it? Love is supposed to come from the windows of your soul and not just from the chambers in your heart. So, is it my soul that feels pain or my heart that cries when you're gone? Love is supposed to be the best form of communicating one's inner spirituality to another. But if we both are upset at one another, is it our spirits or our words that keep us a part? Love should be me writing poetry and singing silly songs of happiness, blossom trees and turtle doves. But if you don't enjoy or appreciate any of these things, has my love been wasted or misunderstood? Love should be you being able to look into my eyes while gently caressing my soul and wanting to create a home with me. What if you're too busy to look into my eyes, does that mean that we become homeless? Love is, love could be, love should be infinity times infinity and a
Funny Stuff
LETS BE NAUGHTY REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: Do you think I'm cute/ pretty? Would you have sex with me? lights on or off? Would you have to be drunk? Would you take a shower with me? Have you ever thought about having sex with me? Would you leave after or stay the night? Do you like cuddling afterwards? Condom or skin? Have sex on the first date? Would you kiss me during sex? Do you think I would be good in bed? Would you use me as a booty call? Can I use you as a booty call? Can we take pictures of the act? How long would we have sex? Would you tell your friends about me? Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND O
American Insanity In Amsterdam
well it didn;t akw us long to find the first coffeeshop. it was right across the road from the train staion... so that was a grate start to the trip. but here's the itinerary of the ones we hit up and what we got in each. Day 1 central - northern lights 3.8grams mystery bud 4 grams greeen house 1 - jack harre 1 gram skunk 1 gram 4:20 cafe - white widow 1 gram nepal hash 1 gram bushman- jamaican 1 gram snow white 1 gram weed tea 2 paradise - mystrery bud 2 grams Day 2 rasta baby- silver haze 2.8grams barney's - G-13 haze 1.5grams De Kroon- bubblegum 1.5grams ak-47 2.4grams dutch flower-
Help Me Out In This Tatoo Contest
Still Kicking
Well Ike came and went...kicked us around pretty good..but just like Hurricane Rita we came back...i miss my fu-babies ohlala purty Wickey bunnie sweetnspice my future fu wifey..sarah..momma..honey.Lizzy.southern belle ..DooDoo head sweetcherry...420gurlie...white crayon..cutie momma..Sweetness..Chevygal24..sister mable..cubbie internet goes off and i get online when i can phone signal goes out alot i text those who i can to keep in touch letting them know what's happening oh yeah MRE's suck and plenty of picture's of the damage some with bunny too...for those of you who asked bunny's fine lol
My Comment Code2
Fubar's Naughty Girls Club Tags
Fubar's Naughty Girls Club Tags [ - *Glitter Photos*]
My First Contest
this is my first contest and I have never had a VIP before. I'm a Shadow leveler and u know those 11's will come in handy !! So PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE comment bomb me. here is the link to the photo !! muahhhhhhhhhh kimjo
~ Addicted ~
I Friggin Love this Awesome Song....peace. Addicted (unedited) I'm so addicted to All the things you do When you're going down on me In between the sheets All the sounds you make With every breath you take It's unlike anything When you're loving me Oh girl lets take it slow So as for you well you know where to go I want to take my love And hate you till the end It's not like you to turn away From all the bullshit I can't take It's not like me to walk away I'm so addicted too all the things You do when you're going down on me In between the sheets All the sounds you make With every breath you take It's unlike anything When you're loving me Yeah I know when it's getting rough All the times we spend Trying to make This love something better than Just making up again It's not like you to turn away All the bullshit I can't take Just when I think I can walk away, I'm so addicted to all the things You do when you're going on me In
Bearhugs !
=== 'LONESTARSTATECOWBOY~KING OF CAMELOT' wrote the following at '2008-09-25 12:43:05'.. > > > > > > > > > > LoneStarStateCowboy's Auction > Come Bid on my Friends > Minimum Bid is 35k > > NEW RULE TO PASS ON TO YOUR FRIENDS > PLEASE HAVE ANYONE WHO BIDS ON YOU, F/R/A THE HOST > MAKES IT EASIER TO CONTACT WINNERS > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > DJ Rose > > Mz. Liz > > Unbreakable > > BabyGirl26 > > HotLips > > Spoiled Baby Girl > > Gummy Express > > ~Cari~Fubar's Finest Melon > > Sexi DJ > > Sierra > > Syn...Sexual >
Yo! Im Her Bish!!!
Why Me
Why Me......? Why was i put on this earth? To take in pain and suffer a nightmare Why Me? So i can rot here and listen to shit from people you know, call you names, you're a lost cause and stupid Why why was i put on this god forsaken earth? So i can rot in hell and take in the pain, to go on with life, to try and accomplish my goals. Why,why,why me? Will someone please help me? tell me why i am chosen to be treated like shit? Why,why,why? Why Me? I love to write poems
Sept/october Auction By Mizz B Haven
MIZZ B HAVEN SHOWIN' SOME RELENTLESS LUV! ~AUCTION~ Join in the fun! Get Exposure Be OWNED! Own 1 or Own all!! All Fubarians with Salutes... WE ARE LOOKING 4 PEOPLE to BE AUCTIONED... Need some fubucks??? Need a V.I.P. or Blast or Bling Pack.... get with me... MIZZ B HAVEN!! $25,000 fubux to enter! Scared of a loss? If you do not get bid on..u get your $25,000 fubux ( cost of sending it) back!!
Life Isnt So Bad
Okay this is foreveryone who thinks that life is a drag. When you feel down cause u lost your job! >Get off ur lazy ass and find another sitting around and waiting doesnt work. When you feel like you get 3 steps ahead and and then fall back 2 steps. >Just know that next time you have to get 4 ateps ahead that way if u fall back 2 ur still 1 ahead. When you feel like people dont like you cause ur different. >Just know ur not different ur unique and their all the same. Thats all for this blog i hope people realize that yes life sucks but hey u only get 1 so make the most of it. Later Dayz, Drewzer
A True Friend
True friends are hard to find. I personally can count with the fingers of one hand the amount of true friends that I have. So what constitutes a true friend? There are times in each of our lives when we are in need of real help. We may be in serious trouble, we may have made a huge mistake, we may be extremely depressed, we maybe very sad or we may be short of money. A true friend will be more than happy to help us in these types of situation, without reservation. They will not judge us on the predicament that we have found ourselves however much we are to blame. This true friend will not spread our gossip to other people and will be there to offer advice and support. You will be able to trust your true friends one hundred percent. They will pick you up when you are down, they will be a shoulder to cry on when you are upset and will be somebody who you spend many an evening having spills and frills. A true friend will make time for you when you are in need of their company. They wil
Hot Cuffed
LayoutComments Kinky Images Graphics Codes
Want To Own Me
As The Sun Sets
As the sun rises in the East So the breaking dawn of my love begins As the sun sets in the West I am overwhelmed with a burning desire A desire locked down deep inside One that cannot be concealed anymore I long for one sweet kiss to quench my thirst I long for one tender touch that will last a lifetime At the end of it all you are my deepest desire! I love you not today nor tomorrow but forever!
Reaping Fubar
How is one supposed to help reap fubar souls if one cant get enough ppl to visit? i don't know! but im trying and its a slow go lol
I might not know how to teach my boys to fight like a man but I have taught them never take the first swing if sum one wants to fight let them hit 1st then u can kick their ass
One More Day...
No Regrets... Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Ok More New News Lol
well yeah im not getting married this oct and i lost the baby at 11 weeks things havent been as well as i would like but i guess thats life
Wow Pride Beaming For My Neice For Acomplishing All Sought Out For , And My Sister For Raising Such A Great Girl !!!!
This was the announcment made by MY big sister today,About My Neice Caitlyn who is TAKIN ON THE WORLD ! !!!! Hi Everyone ~ Most of you know that Caitlyn has been extremely involved with our local YMCA since she was about 12 yrs. old. She has worked hard and accomplished a lot and all of her HARD Work has given her the best reward!!! In case you don't Missouri the local YMCA's pick a "Student of the Year" and this year our branch picked Caitlyn! With this she was awarded a 2 year Scholarship to Lindenwood University!! This is a $33,000 Scholarship!!!! Each Branch winner is then Interviewed by the State Association for the Y and 1 Student of the Year is awarded a Full-Four Year Scholarship to Lindenwood! Caitlyn's Interview is Scheduled for October 29th! So everyone keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer that she is selected!! If not that's OK we are Grateful the 2 Year Scholarship!! But the other GOOD news is that today....Caitlyn received her
First Contest!
74,661 Points To Go!
Please help her GF,,,She is always there for us 74,661 Points to go! Lilmamambt@ fubar Thank you Sweet~Thing
#9 One Of My Favorite
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. Ernest Hemingway
Attention All Kitties
Hiya Everyone, I have a wee anouncement, I have a new job finally, which is going to restrict me even more on the time spent with the group, so in light of this, i have asked Dani to become Co-Owner & help out with the Kitties, she has full authority to make any decision ( within Reason lol ) If theres any issues with this please come to me directly. I Understand theres been a bit of talking among a few of you regarding certain issues, please if you have an issue raise it with me, as this is a NO drama zone & any further talk behind ones back & i will be approaching certain people to resign from the group. Im sorry i havent been putting much time into the group in the last few weeks, i have backed off a bit due to the constant self pitying/whining of certain members esp in the lounge which im sorry but any sane person cannot handle, we all have ( well i like to think you all do ) lives outside the internet, and its needs to be remembered that this group is to have fun, Any Sug
To Anyone Who Wants To Read It
Yes I know, I look very European. Thats because I am part Irish and Italian. I love red lip stick and I love my piercings. I am a emotionally crippled narcissist. And I find that I can only be happy if I am miserable. I LOVE Karaoke I am not a shy person. Sometimes I dont talk as much as everyone else, but do not get that confused with being shy. Sometimes I just dont feel like talking. And dont get that confused with what all the rest of the 'outgoing' population say. They claim to be outgoing, but they wont speak their mind regardless of whether or not its hurtful or insulting. Usually those girls just giggle and agree with what the alpha dog, so to speak, has to say. Not me. You can always count on me to be an honest and truthful bitch. So this is the part where I say: 'boy-o-boy, i dont have a boy friend and because of that I am just not whole. Why?! Why am I not lucky enough to have a man hold me back from drinking and partying with my friends?! Why am I not p
Deep Thoughts
WHY ______ ? "fill in the blank"
New Pictures
I have new pictures come check me out and the others as well
Prop 8 Please Read!!!!!!
Even if your not Gay or a lesbian.. take a moment out of your day to read the facts.. keep an open mind.. Do i really have the right to keep 2 people from committing to their love? Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 As deeply disappointed as we all are that California voters passed Proposition 8, we must not allow that disappointment to linger. This vote is a temporary defeat in the long march toward equal rights for all citizens in America Please join us for a protest rally tonight at 7 pm on San Vicente Blvd between West Hollywood Park and the Pacific Design Center (647 N. San Vicente Blvd. West Hollywood CA 90069) as we move forward towards restoring equality for all in California. San Vicente Blvd, between Santa Monica Blvd and Melrose Avenue will be closed tonight starting at 6 pm. San Vicente south-bound traffic will be directed to make left or right at Santa Monica Blvd. Signs have already been posted to help divert traffic. ----------------------
He has auto 11s and is under 800k to Prophet! Please help!!! • Delerius •@ fubar
A Theory On Time Travel?
Size -Relevent To- Speed -Relevent To- Distance (A to B) -Relevent To Size- that's a possible equation(sp?) Think about it .. .. if one (A Different Life Form -IE- An Ant) Does time go faster or slower due to size? on a massive scale not a minor one. Like Atoms and Molecules Now, If One Could Control All Said Factors I Think It's Possible To Control Time, Not Like How Fast/Slow SomeThing/One Goes .. well ... maybe .. but actually controlling the flow of time it's just a thought and purely theoretical not even close to applicable @ this point in time with current technology but one never knows ^_^ Size (Obviously, All Variables) + Speed (All Variables) + Distance (Possibly 4th Dimensional) I have'nt quiet thought out 100% the Distance part
My Blog
most of my life has been lived at a pace beyond ubderstanding with a flair that few know ......i am going to do my best to write here every day and tell some of the stories a perrels that have become to be the memories that i live by .today it was sunny cool in the 70's here in sac .i am so tired i gave up my cushy desk job to be the line dawg that i am got lots of pics coming soon please rate
Join The Family
Are you interested in joining a dynamic Bombing Family? Regiment Dragon Bombers and DD Levelers family is looking for good people to join the group. We are a close knit group with a true family atmosphere. Do you like to bomb? Do you like to enter contests/giveaways and WIN? Do you like to win VIPs, blasts, fubucks, bling packs? REQUIREMENTS: * Level 10 Fubar member * Approved Salute * Sincere desire to bomb family members * 10 day probationary period We could be the family for you. Check out our homepage. If you think we would make a good fit, then send a friend's request. Visit our homepage. ******************************************* Bulletin prepared by: Carrie Please repost! Thank you!
**when A Girl & In Da Closet**(dirty Secrets)
**WHEN A GIRL & IN DA CLOSET**(DIRTY SECRETS) When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind. When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply. When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around. When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine. When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying. When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered. When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it. When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that. Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person .... Find a guy ... who calls you beautiful instead of hot. who calls you back when you hang up on him. who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ... kisses your forehead. Who wants to show
Hmmmmm Lol
After the first of this year I will be living alone again, something I havent done in almost 4 years. I am excited and can't wait....I wonder what kind of trouble ill get myself into ... lol
Up For Ur Bidding
Eat Me
So, i'm kinda drunk right now how you doin'?
I still have Auto 11s for a lil less than 3 hours and I am a lil over 2 mil to level. :O
Can't Rate Still.............
I have rebooted and refreshed several times. My fu background is mostly white. I am unable to rate anything. I can fan or send friend requests. I will return any and all rates as soon as I can. I am unsure as to what is wrong. If you have any ideas please feel free to share. Thanks, Jen
Out Of Surgery - Doing Well
Thanks to all my friends that have expressed their concern and shown their support prior to my procedure today. I just wanted to let everyone know that I made it through procedure. It went very well and I should be on my way home very soon. I am with family now and I look forward to seeing my Fu Family very soon. Skin graft will be at noon CST on Wednesday 12/3. Things went really well and Drs are very pleased with everything so far!!! Thank you all so very much for your wonderful thoughts and prayers. Will update more tomorrow after surgery. Luv...Deb
Bank Ceo's
Ford says CEO will work for $1 to get gov't loans By TOM KRISHER and KIMBERLY S. JOHNSON, AP Auto Writers 1 HOUR AGO DETROIT - Ford Motor Co. will tell Congress that it plans to return to a pretax profit or break even in 2011 when its CEO appears before two legislative committees this week. Also, CEO Alan Mulally said he'll work for $1 per year if the automaker has to take any government loan money. The plan Ford is presenting to Congress this week also says it will cancel all management employees' 2009 bonuses and will not pay any merit increases for its North American salaried employees next year. Other cost-cutting actions include a plan to sell Ford's five corporate aircraft, the company said. Mulally said in an interview with The Associated Press on Tuesday that Ford will emphasize its cost cutting efforts with the United Auto Workers union and will give much more detail to Congress than it did when lawmakers grilled the automakers' CEOs earlier this month. The
All Thomas!
This is my friend Thomas: mother@ fubar He is one of the coolest ppl here on Fubar! I lef thim out of the tagged game coz he needed an entire blog dedicated to himself *I hope he is getting a big head right now* and I mean shoulder head pervs!!! Ok here is a list of 10 things about him. I can only used one word to describe him for each. Those who know him can add to the list! *huggies Tom the Rock* 1. dork 2. nerd 3. coolios 4. music freak (in Australia that is one word) 5. funny 6. retard 7. ginger 8. diapery 9. sweet 10. pouty hahahahaha
Caffiene N Nicotine
I smoke, i drink coffee n i swear like a goddamn sailor. ppl say i should quit smoking cause it can kill me, so can many other things. ppl say i should stop drinking coffee cause it can put on weight, so can alot of foods we eat. but not once has someone told me 2 quit swearing...
My Bank Is A Skank.
So I bought a toy from I was double charged for it. I brought it to the company's attention and they called the bank and took care of it. I checked my bank account the next day and it said I was not charged AT ALL for the toy ordered at Because of this, I withdrew $100 and gave it to my mom seeing as she's broke. That left me with $67. I had to buy groceries so I did. My dad gave me $80 to pay off the overdraw fee that said I owed $44.77. It was taken care of. Then I checked my bank account to find I was -180 dollars. I called the bank and told them what was going on so they took off some of the money. Now I have an outstanding overdraw of $105. I can't take care of it until the 27th which would leave me with about $20 to live off for the month. WTF would you do? Is it the banks fault or.... is it mine? Input welcome.
One and only sweet and savage The cause of my ache and reliever of my pain my air my water my sustenance the mender of my heart and healer of my soul the passion I have never felt the love that drives me the lust that consumes my mind the depths of joy within me the pride that shines through my face These things that cause my ache theses things that make me feel they are you they are my everything Ive ever wanted
Say Hello On My Page
Hey all... I would love it if some of my FU family and friends would leave me a voice comment. It is easy to do. Just go to my home page, under my about me section. And click on the "record by phone" button. If you have one on your page I will be happy to do the same! Look forward to actually hearing from ya! shane aka.. Achievingit
I'm Hittin' This
Blacccream Models Needed
©BlaccCream (Est. 2008,) is a network of ©Dream Production (Est. 2006.) Based in Texas, we showcase adult entertainment by way of natural,everyday people. As opposed to societies idea of beautiful, we want to show people that you don't have to look like a "Top Model" to be beautifulor sexy. Some of our talent has even been contacted by angencies.BlaccCream is always happy to provide a way for up and coming talent to gain exposer into the adult entertainment industry. We're open to alltypes, male and female. If you are a female looking to break into the field, it doesn't matter if you're blacc, white or brown, any size or sexual orientation...We will put you in front of the camera. All that we ask is that our talent be over 18 (with proof of age.) We do require that all talent, be disease and drug We here, at Dream Production/BlaccCream do thank each and every member and entertainer for all of the continued support in making BlaccCream one ofthe best, up and coming Adult Ent
Dec 17th 2008
Ok I guess this is one of the best ways to try to put my thoughts together. Right now it's 10:12am. So anyway, I'll just keep typing until I get interrupted. It just sucks being in the situation I'm in and I wouldn't want anyone to be in my shoes right now. Ok so the shoes I'm wearing are way too cute, but you know what I mean. I had to throw it in there. It's hard to deal with the problems I have been dealing with day in and day out. It's not like I want to, but it keeps me going. I don't like being involved in other people's problems and other people's drama, but for whatever, it still finds me. I don't know what do to anymore. Seriously. It eats me up on the inside and it's not fair that I try to put myself 1st but there are others who make it known that it's really not going to happen. I mean think about it, I am not materialistic. As long as I have two legs to walk with, two hands to work with, my sight to see and observe, my ears to listen and hear, my bra
Christmas Poem 2 Those Serving
The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, My daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve. My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep. In perfect contentment, or so it would seem, So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream. The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear. Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow. My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear, And I crept to the door just to see who was near. Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night, A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight. A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old, Perhaps a
Fakes And Cheaters
Ok here I am speaking my mind again. It's a shame that some of the best, loving, caring members, the real members of this site are leaving, taking a break, and debating leaving because of what this site has become. Have you ever really taken a look at the top members of this site. In the first 50 there is all of 3 men and almost every women is dressed like a porn star in bra's and panties. Makes one think that the only way you really reach the top here is to dress like a slut. Then there are the fakes and the cheaters on here which fubar just conveniently let stay here climbing the ladder even though they've been outed time and time again. For one Simplicity who has been outed several times as a fake. Then theres Archilles who has been caught in text saying he creates fake accounts on here. Then theres the more recent Mz Mic who was caught and reset but still retains her points etc. Then theres the cheaters like Hot Marina who cheated close to 80 people including me and Tat, in her hot
Fu- Weddings -dec 24-25 /08
Short Bus....
I don't care if you lick windows,take the special bus or occasionally Pee on yourself...You hang in there Sunshine, you're FRIGGIN SPECIAL.
Curse Icon Coming Back To Cleveland On Jan. The 24th
Curse Icon coming back to Cleveland on Jan. the 24th Click Here To View Event
New Year @ | Discount Cigarettes
Heart Inspector Is In The Spotlight!
Heart Inspector wants to thank all her friends/family and fans who helped her get the spotlight!! xoxo Tappinit the most FuLuved Owner who spoils his pets! I thank you my dear...xoxo! Tappinit XmasBaby73 and Pink0828: These amazing sexy FuLadies! Pimped me, spoiled me & made this so fun! xoxo! ♥xmasbaby73♥DEVOTED 2 the MOST HANDSOME and AMAZING man EVER *TAPPINIT*luv him..I Do * Pink0828* ஐ*ღDangerous Curves Memberღ*ஐ PaPrGrl for Paying it forward with FuLuv! xoxo ty! ♦PaPrGrl♦ *Owned by Tappinit* SinfulBrat who shares her FuLuv freely with us all........ SinfulBrat ~NO SALUTE =NO ADD~ The Donations.....WOW..... I was amazed of the FuLuv and Support to Make Spot possible! From the largest donation to the smallest, I DO thank and FuLuv you all! I will be paying this forward I promise you~ Ok, Autos is to 2009! ~xoxo heart~ ~*Ç£ÃÿMØ®Ê*~DEMO
Okay I know it's Murphy's Law. But, have you ever had anything that could go wrong to you go wrong. Like having 4 family memebers pass away, getting injured at work, losing your job (so they don't have to pay you for the injury), having to fix your house, having your child end up in and out of hospitals, having that stress keep pilling up on you, not really having many friends, and it seems like th ones that you do have you cn't keep, or getting new friends and scaring them away when they relize how messed up your life can be. It seems like everytime you get over one hump. (like having someone close to you in and out of the hospital and some people telling you that with there condition most people dont last more than 10 years some times only 5.) Something else messes up. And when you get through all of this stuff things will start to go really god for you for a while then wham here comes another tidlewave of stuff to deal with. It's just amazing what we as humans can put up with. Yes s
Ty Everybody!
I just want to say A Big Thank You for the birthday wishes and drinks and cakes. I hope we can all communicate more this year! Can't Wait!! Smoochies To The Ladies!
> > > > CryStaL ♥ She is always helping others out, and telling us all to rate everybody else...sooooooo SHE HAS TEH AUTO,s AND HH FRIDAY @ 7 pm FU TIME It is time for PAYBACK!! RAPE DIS BISSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!! ĈŔYŞŦĄŁ : Events are influenced by our very great desires.@ I DID NOT MAKE THIS BY MYSELF DAISY HELPED ME, I AM REPOSTING IT FROM A WEEK AGO
Little Lost Sheep
A young man graduated from University of Arkansas with a degree in journalism. His first assignment for the newspaper who hired him was to write a human interest story. Being from Arkansas, he went back to the country to do his research. He went to an old farmer's house way back in the hills, introduced himself to the farmer and proceeded to explain to him why he was there. The young man asked, "Has anything ever happened around here that made you happy?" The farmer thought for a minute and said, "Yep! One time one of my neighbor's sheep got lost. We formed a posse and found it. We all screwed it and took it back home." "I can't print that!" the young man exclaimed. "Can you think of anything else that happened that made you or a lot of other people happy?" After another moment, the farmer said, "Yeah, one time my neighbor's daughter, a good looking girl, got lost. We formed a big posse that time and found her. After we all screwed her, we took her back home."
Television is officially dead and buried, well it's been dead for a few years now. Great quality shows such as Smallville, Battlestar Galactica and House are overshadowed by the trainwreck shows such as American Idol, Rock of Love and every freaking reality show out there. Now I am a huge fan of the CW show Smallville because being a fan of Superman since I was a small child I love the new spin on the character. It is very well written and they introduce all of the DC Universe characters (with the exception of Batman and Wonder Woman). I love the new spin on all of the DC characters and I understand why they did not put Bruce Wayne (Batman) into the show itself (Character issues because of Christopher Nolan's Batman movies.) Now when I was a kid I didnt watch much sci-fi television shows, the ones I did watch though were Battlestar Galactica (the original), Buck Rogers, Doctor Who (The Tom Baker Years) and old episodes of the classic Star Trek. I am very disappointed that the
AbunzaLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowWhen you join there are a few different packages you can choose Abunza Pro and Abunza Lite. The Lite membership costs less, you get less products in your digital store and you earn less when you sign people up. Abunza Pro is the most popular membership however you can start on the Abunza Lite membership and upgrade later.The Abunza pay plan utilizes a two tier payment system that puts money straight into your account. The two-tier compensation plan encourages teamwork as when you make a sale your sponsor benefits as well.Sales of digital products are done using the shopping cart in your digital store. You receive 100% profit from sales through your digital stores. You also have free access to download any of products including the travel rewards.Offering travel in addition to software is a great idea as most people love to travel.Abunza also provides marketing websites (gateway pages) English and Spanish as well as a series of professionally
The desire to want has a great affect on ones desire of needs. The want of something beyond the scope of what you cannot have leaves one in a state of mind that blinds you of what is really true. It is the needs of love, friendship, and companionship that center’s us with focus that leads one to a path of enlightenment. ~ Desires By Michael Dougherty
What's In A Dream?
So the other night I had a dream that included a friend on fubar that I consider to be very near and dear to my heart. What I can remember about it was that him and I were on some type of game/reality tv show kind of like The Power of Truth. You know the whole liar detector test and finding out things you may or may not want to hear....especially from a loved one. The question basically was this...If you and your friend were faced with a compromising situation beyond control and you had to take your friend's life to save your own....Could you? Would you? I had to sit back and think about this for a moment. What makes his/her life more worthwhile than mine or vice versa? Would my death or theirs have a life changing impact on someone? Could I even bring myself to make such a horrible decision that could affect me and everyone else? Well it was enough to wake me and actually sadden me to think that it's possible in this day and age to be presented with a situation like this...b
A Poem A Wrote For A Man Who Doesn't Love Me
My unbreakable hope of dying with you upon my heart Living with your tender sweet kisses even when we are apart Dreaming of a long lived fantasy come true, where age is only a factor for fine wine And the envy of neighbors for our undying love- Divine A whisper of love, a kiss of fate, a hug of hope, my eternal soul mate With reality so sweet I find my nights lacking sleep I love you my darling My greatest defeat Yay its great to spend yet another valentines day heartbroken.
My First Happy Hour!!
Hey yall check this out...I've been away for a while but I'm back now, and back in a big way!!! imikimi - Customize Your World! This sexy Pu$$ycat is having a Happy Hour, and auto 11's will be ative. Friday, Febuary 13, 2009, at 10:00 pm CST thats 8:00 Fu-time, come by my page and show me some major love!! Bisexcee~Pu$$ycat Playmate$~The "Click" Club@ fubar Plus check this out too, I have a blast going so you dont have to wait til Friday to check me out, just look for me up in the right corner of your page, click on me, and then you will be at the hottest spot on Fubar!!! So come on by Rate, Fan, Add, Bling, and Crush this Pu$$ycat Playmate!!!! Much Luv Fubar!! MUAH!!!! This is another prodution by: The Sexcee "Bisexcee"
Why Are You Here
Maybe it is points or leveling? I am here to reach out and let my friends, family and fans know how important they are to me. I send daily comments and it is labor intensive and time consuming. I don't do it for the points or levels. I do it to brighten everyone's day. Bring a smile and laughter to all. Much of that love is returned but most is not, I know days and lives are busy but when I do not feel the love for weeks or months, I get discouraged.If you are not here to make friends and keep it touch, please let me know and I will delete you from my friends, family and fan list
Does This Fit? Yes. I Think So.
Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz... You Are a Bette! You are a Bette -- "I must be strong" Bettes are direct, self-reliant, self-confident, and protective. How to Get Along with Me * Stand up for yourself... and me. * Be confident, strong, and direct. * Don't gossip about me or betray my trust. * Be vulnerable and share your feelings. See and acknowledge my tender, vulnerable side. * Give me space to be alone. * Acknowledge the contributions I make, but don't flatter me. * I often speak in an assertive way. Don't automatically assume it's a personal attack. * When I scream, curse, and stomp around, try to remember that's just the way I am. What I Like About Being a Bette * being independent and self-reliant * being able to take charge and meet challenges head on * being courageous, straightforward, and honest * getting all the enjoyme
Come Own A Bala!!
Come bid on me and own Your very own bala for the month!! Here is what you would get! Fu bucks bids * Owned by added to my name (1 month* * rate all pics and stash during HH* * SFW Salute* * 2 tricked out photoshop pictures* * get you sh*tfaced once a week* Real money bids (VIP,blast,bling) * Yim ID* * Access to nsfw pics* * NSFW salute* * Photo shoot for my owner (no money shot)* * Added to top family for a month* Simple click the picture link and Your on Your way to own Your own bala its that easy!! [ photo: 3420452438 ]
Dj Half Pint
We would just like to make the announcement that Carrie has decided to leave the Dangerous Curves. Her final decision to leave is being kept within a circle of trust that every girl in the group has, not just as a member but as former members as well. We will not be discussing anything in the past unless it is seem fit by all founders to defend ourselves as a group. Cherie, Paula, and I will continue to monitor the page and the scheduled events and in no way will this resignation effect the group. As many of you know, and some have no knowledge at all, this group was formed from all former leaders of the 2nd Alarm Hotties. When leaving the hotties, one thing was solely decided upon by all founders... The many rules and controlling of the members status, behaviors, or pics were not needed nor wanted. Every members personality is respected and as your founders, we refuse to compromise this decision for anyone and no one is above this statement. The auction is coming along s
Broken Heart
I've never had a broken bone, I hardly ever get a cold, I keep myself in pretty good shape, But I know I wouldn't be here today, If a broken heart could kill, I'd be long gone, Ashes to ashes, dust to dust by now, Six feet under, a tombstone on a hill, Lyin' there alone, in my new wooden home, If a broken heart could kill.
Tag Your It !
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.I have 3 kids and there my life 2. Im awesome! 3. I work to much . 4. I have random thoughts. 5. my life is never boring . 6. Im not online as much as i used to be . 7. I own 3 snakes. 8. I like to shoot pool. 9. Im a texan damnit! 10. I luv my friends! Im tagging Jason ink c51 supa import
Thank You!
I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me out today/last night. It was hectic and chaotic the entire 24 hours. I only slept an hour and a half while running the 11's because I had so many hard hitters and awesome friends. So thanks, and I wanted to post the final results for the day: Tooltip Views: 1,536 so far today, 362 yesterday. (vip only) Photo Views: 31,015 so far today, 4,507 yesterday. (vip only) Thanks guys! Looking forward to a rank tomorrow. We'll see. ♥
A Very Smart Man 107 Years Ago !
When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe. Thomas Jefferson The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. Thomas Jefferson It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. Thomas Jefferson I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. Thomas Jefferson My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. Thomas Jefferson No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. Thomas Jefferson The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. Thomas Jefferson The tree o
Higher State Of Mind- Part 2
So this's mid afternoon. And I'm feening for the sensation of that familiar blue smoke filling my lungs... Headphones in place, I grab my dogs leashes and call them over...pretense...just to get out of the house. Harness my babies, dig in my purse, load it up...stash it. Now, I'm patting myself down for a lighter...I'm always loosing them! Lighter check, successful. Its dark blue. I think I might have jacked it from Teri...always accidental. Usher the mutts out the door, leave my pepper spray and Saw 4 keychain dangling in the sunlight. FUCK IT'S HOT! The heat slaps me in the face...I stand there basking like a lizard for a second, ignoring the way my dogs are bouncing around at the ends of their leashes. I finally turn my head to see what has them yapping Cat, its a grey cat. I shut them up and get them walking towards their usual potty route.... There's a warm breeze blowing... I dig out my discreet smoking apparatus, one handed: it's all rubber a
Click the pic to make a ends march 14th! also show ponyboy some love!!!!
no im not popular no i dont have autos no i dont have cherrybombs but apparently people dont rate u unless u have any of those sorri im not worth ur time but i frankly dont care i change for no one no one will read this but i wrote it anywayz wit that bein said have nice life peeps im out
Pain Killer
This one is for Gracie Brat 2 oz Pusser's® dark rum 1 oz cream of coconut 4 oz pineapple juice 1 oz orange juice Shake or stir ingredients, and pour over ice in a tall glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top, and serve. Get numb Grace.
~t~ Perfectly Unperfect~ Needs Help Please
~T~ pErFeCtLy UnPeRfEcT~ ~T~ pErFeCtLy UnPeRfEcT~ Lets Help Her To Godmommy She Has Just Under 2 Million Points To Get There. So Please Lets Help Her Out And Make Her The Newest Godmommy!!!! Brought To you by Sexy Sta
Sweet Child Of Mine
Music Video:SWEET CHILD O' MINE (by Guns N' Roses)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
click on pic...rate this pic will get you 10,000 fubucks.....this a sweet friend who is getting cheated in this contest. let me know when you rate it....
So Tired
of rating peoples pics and so many of them are so ungrateful. i mean not even a simple thank u.. guess they think they are doing us a favor by having autos and bombing us.. when matter of a fact they are getting the same points. and we are doing them a favor by rating them. oh well this site has become more of a popularity contest then anything. this site used to be fun when it first started. but now everyone is more concerned about fast they can level up. like this site is going to take u some where.......
One Word
USING ONLY ONE WORD Not as easy as you might think! 1.Where is your cell phone right now? CHARGING Your significant other? N/A Your hair? black Your mother? stunning Your father? fun Your favorite thing? kissing Your dream last night? non-exsistent Your favorite drink? vitawater Your dream/goal? love What room are you in? den Your hobby? photography Your fear? love Where do you want to be in 6 years? greece Where were you last night? river Something that you are not? greedy Muffins? banana Wish list item? love Last thing you did? talk TV? never Your pets? dog Friends? crazy Your life? wonderful Your mood? anxious Missing someone? alot Drinking? some Smoking? Your car? fast Something you're not wearing? panties Your favorite store? CosmicFish Your favorite color? blue When is the last time you cried?
I just saw three new Camaros; Silver, Red & Black, and had a bit of a Cargasm. I'm not that much of a car guy, but damn if these didn't look awesome. Let me put a picture in here:
2 New Noise-toys
Im sure that in America there are 12 step programs for people that collect musical instruments and other music related gear, here in Iceland there is however no such program to the best of my knowledge, therefore i will continue to be an active addict. I bought two new noise toys today, well they arent exactly new, i bought them second hand but anyway, they are new to me. I traded some kid my Morley wah/volume pedal for a Boss DS-1, i didnt really have any use for either the wah or what i traded it for but i will probably modify the Boss pedal to make it sound a little bit more interesting. I also bought a Aramat Mojo Fuzz for around a 100 dollars, this pedal truly kicks ass and after browsing the Aramat website i found out that the guy who made these pedals died a year ago and there wont be any more of these pedals made which makes this pedal rare and probably valuable not that i intend to sell it. So, all in all it was a pretty good day for me.
Sobriety - I don't dare say the word out loud; It is too fragile. I hold onto the moments as they come and try not to let them pass unnoticed. Sobriety - It is like a hand-blown glass ball and I don't want it to break. Every word is thought out before it is spoken. Once and a while, a word slips out in anger, and I hold my breath. "Will it send him to the store?" I silently wonder. When stress happens, and it happens a lot, I wonder if he'll break. He handles it better than I. I wonder if it's because he knows what's in his head and I don't. I love him more than words could ever express. I have prayed for this day to come, but I am on edge. We have been here before and I can not forget how it all came crashing down. I will not take this for granted. Thank you God for the blessings you have bestowed upon me, upon us. When life is down, I try to remember what I have. So, every day is a new beginning - a new chance to build the life we were meant to have - a new chance
This is just a reminder for all the girls that are members of the group. As our mission statement has said since the beginning of forming the group, we are bonded together by many different aspects as women. Some of us are mothers, full-time employees, battling medical issues, with and without child, housewives, single, committed, married, divorced. Regardless of what category you fall into, we all come into busy moments in our lives that fubar is the last thing on our minds. This group was not created to make sure you have help with your contests, to make sure you level when you want, or to keep your page re-rated weekly. We are simply a bunch of girls trying to do our best to help each other out when time permits. No one in this group gets paid to take the time out of their day to do so, and we never had the intent of requiring it. I'm sorry if you mistaken this "family" for a rating or leveling group but we're just girls, trying to form friendships, give a shoulder t
The Hula
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
Easy To Make Meat Loaf
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
The Secret Of Poetry
When I am lonely, I think of death. When I think of death...I'm lonely I suppose this error will continue. I'll walk into each grey morning, delighted by the frost that is death, and the trees that stand alone, in it's mists. When I thought I'd met my true love I was lonely. But it was the love in her body that was lonely. That error went on & on. Mornin's I would kiss her cold lips, devoid of altruistic passion. But the nights...the nights, her body dripping with those mists. This is the error that fascinates. I suppose too, you are secretly lonely. Thinkin' of death, thinkin' of love I'd like please, to leave a flower on your window. Just one cold flower, whose beauty Will leave you inconsolable all day. The secret of poetry is cruelty.
Need To Be Shit Faced
come on help me out
Dark Smoke
My lungs are full, burning The reaper on me Clouds of dark smoke fill my lungs I feel i am dieing Oh how i wish to die Black smoke release me into a painful abyss I only wish my heart to stop the pain is to much Take me now, i want to suffer Dark smoke, my death My saviour
New Friend!!!
Waste Of My Time!
Ok i need to vent. To all the people that know me and who fall in this catagory thanx. When I talk to someone and I make plans to come see u and take time off of work and look into flights and then all of a sudden I never hear from u and u never respond back that is some shit! When I talk to you and u have nothing to say and it is your idea to talk to me, U are wasting my time. If u cant be honest with me and u have to lie to talk to me and play fucking mind games, u are a fake mother fucker! I always am honest and I always try and keep to my word. I dont do phone sex or take my clothes off on web cam so stop fucking asking me to, cause all u are doing is working on getting yourself deleted from my page and u are a waste of my time! So to all u people that are fake and liars dont bother getting to know me or sending any friend requests cause I will not accept them, I find out that u lied to me and played ur childish little mind games I will delete u, cause u are a waste of my time!!
Female Compassion
A  man was sitting on a blanket at the beach. He had no arms and no  legs.Three women were walking past and felt sorry for the  poor man.The first woman said 'Have you ever had a  hug?'The man said 'No,' so she gave him a hug and  walkedon.The second woman said, 'Have you ever had a  kiss?'The man said, 'No,' so she gave him a kiss and walked  on.The third woman came to him and said, 'Have you  ever been screwed?'The fellow's eyes lit up and with a big  grin he said, 'No.'She said, 'You will be when the tide  comes  in.
The Skank Is Gone
people are so untrust worthy....i dont know if i want to keep being as trusting as i am. even when people screw me over i still trust them and they then screw me over again. im tred of being nice to people who dont deserve my kindess. i have been stressed out that i started to rock again. i do it composivly and a lot of the time i dont know that im doing it. patricia fucked alot of people a big way. i dont think that she ever cared about me killing myself. she never cared about david or nicole. she used james for 1,200 and spend it on her self...took money out of my moms purse...she took my brothers xbox 360 and my mamas 4,000 bracelett....i could care less about the skank. she has done nothing but make people misserable. all the skank cares about is sex in a relatonship. she was jelous that i was happy and probly going to get married. traviis can suck his daddys dick. the skank allmost got my brother aj in touble with the army....fuck her and her boy toy
Views From A Distance
Hopes and Desires All can be dashed away by threat of world disease which spreads like wildfire. We wonder who will be next and if its just a simple hex here one minute gone the next. With the government running the show just how is our economy supposed to grow? The tea parties may seem great And show forth the American way For we the people truly have a say Although we tried to stand as one. Even the president turned a deaf ear to the just cause Has he forgotten he used to be one of us? Seems he comes forth with a fork tongue making promises that are unsung. So how long do we trust and believe Before we see pretrieve? Or is it just going to be the same ol same old song and dance? And are we living purely by what appears to be mere chance? This all simply seen from my point and at a glance...
I'm so sick of Doctors that don't want to help when they should do something for people's pain.All thay want to do is pass them on to other Doctoer's that don't do anything ether.So thay all cane KISS MY ASS.
Want A Cherrybomb Or Auto 11?
Bling Auction I am auctioning off a 35 credit bling, either a A-11 or a Cherrybomb, it's your choice. The bidding starts at 2MIL, with a buyout option of 17mil. The Auction ends at 11p.m. FU-TIME on May 16th. Winner will be notified as soon as the auction is over. Depending on how high the bids get, I might give another A-11 or Cherrybomb to the 2nd highest bidder. HAPPY BIDDING! Please don't bid on the blog, the photo to bid on is in my albums "Bling Auction". Thank you!
Good Fuckin Day, For A Change
started off my day doing my weekly food bank thing, picking up and dropping off donated baked goods  from a supermarket. get to morning job site, what should have been an 8 hour job we got done in 2,but paid for 8. stopped at the chili pepper in santa ana for lunch. the 4 best double margaritas i ever had. i ate too, jalapeno shrimp, zuchini, green peppers, diced tomatosand a ton of garlic in a butter sauce. new food to add to my top ten list went for beers in the neighborhood after smoking a joint somebody told me they loved me, made my day
I'm Not Above Begging...
I have 2 weeks before I would like to bid on the Spotlight...but I am not even close!   Seriously, I need help! Anything at all that will help me would be very much appreciated!   Thanks to those who have already been working on helping me out:)
Maybe It's Just P.m.s.
I haven't blogged since last week.I've been working full time since the manager at my store is on maternity leave, and this includes at least two doubles a week, so when I do finally get a day off, I usually only spend a few minutes at the computer.My head is full of things to express, but I don't have a lot of time to get it out.My ex came home last week. It was awesome, because he spent much of the time being overly nice (I even got foot massages, which he would NEVER give when we were together) But on the flip side, it was also awful because I had to go through missing him all over again when he left, which was why I broke up with him in the first place.I jokingly asked him why he couldn't just come home and marry me. He gave me the standard reply of, "I can't. I've got bills to pay." Then I added, "Plus, you aren't ready yet." It was meant to be light-hearted, but when I said it, he looked so sad it was like I killed his dog, so I changed the subject.I have a date this evening, and
10 Years Digital Release.
Photoshop Pictures
If you ever wanted to be photoshopped..(  What would you ask for )
I Hate Cooter For Starting This....
Come on, fill it out for me. Please! Copy, paste, answer. you know the drill   then go to Captain Cooter's page and thank him for this.....       1. I know who are you, tell me who you want to be.    I want to be a point whore but i dont know how 2. Are we friends?    I like you 3. When and how did we meet?   Satara i think in my blog Cooter cause i kicked him 4. Have I ever gone too far?    whats far? 5. What do you think of me?    I like your boobs6. If I spanked you would you laugh, cry, or just hope that I do it again?    Id drop my pants7. Am I a good friend?    You have been so far.8. Do you love me?    Pfft i hope not9. Do you have a crush on me?    I allways crush girls10. Would you kiss me?  totally 11. Would you hug me?    sure12. Am I your type?  yes 13. Do you think I am smart?    yes14. Do you wish I was cooler?    I dont know but your hot15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?    i drool everytime i see you 16. Give me a nickn
Important Info To Stop Firefox Crashing!
Blog Smog
wtf is a fricking blog anyway?
Evil Rankings...
Ok, you may or may not have noticed; and you may or may not care, but I've eliminated the "Top family" and "Top friends" classifications from my profile. Yes, I do believe they are evil. That may sound extreme, but hear me out first. Does it not create jealousy and drama? Would the fu-world not be a happier place if no one was whining (whether out loud or to themselves) about where they rank, or don't rank in someone's family?Is that what "family" is about?Is this really a competition?!Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm pretty forthright about my feelings... I talk about them. I tell people that are close to me how I feel about them.So I won't play the ranking game...If we are close, you already know it, I've told you! If we're not close... Either we just don't hit it off, or we don't know each other that well yet? I don‘t know, I suppose there are many possibilities. Anyway, if you want to change that, let me know... If I want to change it, I'll let you know...Is it really so
Love Him Or Hate Him
You know, I just need to vent a little bit.  I am so sick of these people coming out and saying cruel things about Michael Jackson like "one less pedophile" or calling him a "rapist".   Say what you want to say about the man, he was found not guilty on all charges and I sincerely believe the accuser's family were after money and that was the motivation.  I truly believe because of his eccentric ways and the way he looked, made people quick to judge him as a child molester.  Is he strange? Yes. Eccentric? Yes.  Maybe a bit weird? Yes. Do these things make him a child molester, no.   I am choosing to remember Michael Jackson as the artist he was. His songs were brilliant and the world has lost an enormous part of it's musical DNA (to steal a line from John Mayer via Twitter). He was talented, creative and he did love children and chose to live in a childlike world. I don't see anything wrong with that.  He was the first artist I can remember listening to when I was old enough to real
Chemo / Results
Mom had her first round of chemo yesterday. Let's just say she isn't the ideal patient. She acted like a coke addict going through withdrawl for like 8 hours. She kept kicking me too lol - - supposively it was the pre-meds; the combination of benadryl and steroids that did her in. She can't remember any of it but I think that's because of all the ativan we gave her.I've been so so tired even before we came to Philadelphia. The Cancer Treatment Center of America here is definately amazing though. Even the people there want me to go get checked out back home (they only accept people already diagnosed with cancer) for tonsillar, lung and chest tumors. When mom had her complete scans at the hospital they found a spot on the right side of her skull and her liver too. It sucks because that means she can't have radiation yet and her condition is so agressive they wanted to do both at the same time but the field of radiation has become too wide-spread. Will update later. As the movie subtly su
My Tattoo Website
Check out my new tattoo website, Your skin will love you for it. To bypass the intro, just type in -James a.k.a. Jimmay Bonez
Kind Of A Joke
A couple of years ago, we had people send in their favorite euphemisims for workplace incompentence...orginals and classics. They don't really get old, so we thought we share them again. Enjoy. He's two raisins short of a fruitcake. Having him show up is like having 2 good men call in sick! A Forest Killer - Somebody's who's able to produce paper, but no answers. He must have donated his brain to science before he was done using it. Not only is he not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he is the spoon in the knife drawer. Her staircase doesnt go all the way to the top floor. She has two speeds...slow and stop! Did he have an extra cup of stupid this morning? If you gave him a penny for his thoughts, you’d get change. Results of a performance review: "I thought this guy's performance had reached rock bottom, but then he started to dig." The wheel's spinning but the hamster's dead. I've heard of people having an inferiority complex, but in your case it isn't a comp
Welcome all you Juggalos, to a place of mystic shows. With your help our status grows, it's the path you have chose.   Grab your kicks and grab your hoes, where this ends no one knows. Props to 'lettes and props to 'los,  THE GATHERING WILL NEVER CLOSE!  
Didn't See This Coming....
Hurting Badly
I am seriously hurting bad... my daughter has lived with my sister for awhile, and my sister called trying to figure stuff out about the house she was hanging at. Well today I ran into an old friend of my daughters, and asked him who this Autmn girl is where my daughter has been hanging out. Well he told me it was a dope house, I honestly believe my daughter is not using, but she should not be hanging out there. I told my sister what I was told, my daughter text me 1st saying not to talk to her for awhile, then it followed with I lost all her trust, and then she sent me another one saying and her respect. This is killing me. It is the only thing that keeps running through my mind, because she is really the only one I consider family besides my son. I don't want her hanging out in bad neighborhoods and such, it's hurting me but I want my daughter alive, not ending up dead with all the gang bangers that hang out in that is one of the roughest areas of town. My heart is breakin
My goal over the next few weeks is to use my ability points to help my family and top friends to level.  I will spend the next 6 weeks or so trying to help family and top friends all get to at least godfather.  So good luck to all and enjoy my points :) xoxo
Senator Edward Kennedy
BOSTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, a towering figure in the Democratic Party who took the helm of one of America's most fabled political families after two older brothers were assassinated, died at age 77, his family said. "Edward M. Kennedy, the husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle we loved so deeply, died late Tuesday night at home in Hyannis Port (Massachusetts)," the Kennedy family said in a statement early on Wednesday. One of the most influential and longest-serving senators in U.S. history -- a liberal standard-bearer who was also known as a consummate congressional dealmaker -- Kennedy had been battling brain cancer, which was diagnosed in May 2008. His death marked the twilight of a political dynasty and dealt a blow to Democrats as they seek to answer President Barack Obama's call for an overhaul of the healthcare system. Kennedy was a longtime advocate of healthcare reform, a signature issue of Obama's presidency. Obama said on Wednesday he
Nerdy Friday!
Woo and I are declaring today to be NERDY FRIDAY! Embrace your inner nerd! Be a Klingon! A Trekkie! Booger from Revenge of the Nerds! Break out your pocket protectors and graphing calculators! :D   Nord on! McGee, AKA Shawn Update: That SHOULD be "Nerd on"... :P
As FUBAR only gives you so many 11s my"Family" always gets dibbs on my 11s.  If I have any left over then they are given to my friends and then the outside world.   So don't be getting your panties and bvds in a bind if you see the VIP logo and are being rated dimes..... For the most part, I will only rate pictures of you.  If you have nice pictures of cows or other assorted creatures, landscapes, etc., I may look at them but unless that pic really strikes a cord(which every once in a while one does) I will not rate them. I am not a "bomb" or "auto 11" hunter. I do not scan the masses for the icons noting of these features on a person's profile.  Re-rating stinks right now as FUBAR has increased the number of days before pictures/profile can be re-rated.    
No one is happy all his life long.  -  Euripides
Forrest Gump
The day finally arrived.   Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven. He is at the Pearly Gates, met by St. Peter himself. However, the gates are closed, and Forrest approaches the gatekeeper. St. Peter said, 'Well, Forrest, it is certainly good to see you.   We have heard a lot about you   I must tell you, though, that the place is filling up fast, and we have been administering an entrance examination for everyone.  The test is short, but you have to pass it before you can get into Heaven.' Forrest responds, 'It sure is good to be here, St Peter, sir.
Colon Cleanse
Colon Cleanse
austin air purifier
  With intentions, cloudless day, clear.Wishing to whisper sweet words in her ear.Anxiously tempted to let her hear.Of dreams dreamt...of her being near.Unveiled and naked, a heart exposed with out fear.
Brooklyn Decker
With This Sword.
Wishing upon a star or reaching for a last staw - it makes no difference who you are , magic might work if you are left with nothing at all, or perhaps if you have one more purpose to install. Positive thinking is bound to wear thin when reality overcomes the will to pretend, When you watch th signs that proclaim a dead end. How can we debate th powers  and the glory of the universe or the will of destiny that must be done?   The universe is like a utility company of energy - we hope th due date to extend - before they shut off the switch and pull the plug  - but will the angels hear those who are poor with little left to give, and by some grace allow them to live?  I await th fate,  the wake, yet with humble yearnings the cup I will not of free will take. Yea, belief and faith is al they can take,  and that sowrd I shall not forsake.  Ha!          
I checked in on my coworker. He was a little bit more responsive today. He just doesn't realize what he is in store for. I explained a little about how he was going to have to do the physical therapy himself. He was pretty doped up on morphine still. All I got was, "Okay" to everything. He is young and will recover. Thanks to everyone who kept him and his family in your prayers.
Originally Parted
(this was something I think I wrote like 4/5 years ago...found it yesterday) I want to I want to Scream Yell, cry, punch I want to I can't I try to I try to, I try to say The words fears I try to I can't I should..Oh I should.. I really should... make him, Understand..listen HEAR ME I should.. I can't...or Maybe I won't... yes, I love I love, I so love I try I should I want to be loved I think... there is a place waiting in there somewhere...waiting wanting to try... loving, wanting, needing I can't... self hardening fear... that this isnt going to stop until I whisper all the tiny pains of my heart to another soul to be heard to be held to be wanted to be lusted to be understood... I want
Black Hight Light Or Not...
Ok getting redy for my fashtion show this weekend should i get black hight lights or not... will be a french maild.
About Love And Fantasy
As I sat here day after day watching everyone and I still don't understand how any adult can fall in love without even meeting in person. To me and my feelings that is not love but a Love/Lust born out of fear and loneliness. I may be silly and awkward and don't know love to well but to me the person on the other end of the computer is only a dear sweet close friend by heart and the attraction that is there is Lust only and can never be a Love that is complete til you have met and get to know each other in real life. Til that moment it is a fantasy and that person could be someone completely different in real life then on a computer. The distance has to be broken to fall in love to me and That is how I feel. Saddens me to watch the hearts being blinded by that need and knowing something could never be. So the heart is broken every time
Lmao Look What Haters Do
DEVILS GODDESS: who said thatDEVILS GODDESS: i had a falling out?DEVILS GODDESS: so why did u delete mecensored: i was told something along those lines, that something happened between yall and that you werent friends anymorecensored: i did it to prove a point to them, but i kept you on here because i didnt want to lose touch with youDEVILS GODDESS: prove a point?rcensored: i am actually searching on FU for you right nowDEVILS GODDESS: wat pointcensored: i wanted to work for SER and they thought i wasnt trust worthy since i had you in my top family and suchDEVILS GODDESS: oh gee thanksrcensored: they thought that i was a spy for you and i wanted to help you bring down SERDEVILS GODDESS: DEVILS GODDESS: who said that this was a convo between me and a long time friend who wanted to volunteer his time at snake eyes radio but since I was his top friend he wasnt allowed cuz I was a top friend of he had to delete me from his friends list.. You guys are PATHETIC.... GET A LIFE!  
So Much Suffering....not Enough Love
So Much Suffering....Not Enough Love Ever think of this? Help one another... When YOU Give... YOU Get Back...
Rio Is Always Lovely
last night i was 3+ million points from leveling and Rio did the altruize thing for me...never said a word, just did it(y)..and i leveled because of her help :D .she rocks...most of you know her and if you dont you should. shes one of those people who is always a sweetheart and happy, so show her some love...   thanx Rio (h) ♥RίoIśŁovəly♥FuMarriedtoArmy4Life♥FuOwnedByTotalChaos69♥@ fubar
This Dating Site Has The Prettiest Milfs You'll Ever See!
If You're Looking For Redheads To Date, Our Site Has The Hottest!
Date A Hot Milf At Our Dating Site And Find Out Why We're Number 1!
Come Check Me Out Please
                          Stop By To Rate My Auction Pic & Bid On Me! Thanks.Bulletin Created By: Cuddle Goddess  
The Hotties Live Auction
Live Auction at Big Daddy's Hot Spot! Wednesday, November 18th 2009 9a Futime/11a Central/12p EST   Click the link below to enter the lounge and become a member! You must be a member of the lounge to be part of the auction or to bid! How this is going to work: 1. Leave a comment here saying you joined the lounge and are wanting to be auctioned off! (the more people we get into the auction the more possibilities of getting a higher bid) 2. Wednesday come ready with your offers, once your name is said to be auctioned off we will have you place your offers in the lounge...then the bidding begins. 3. 10% of your earnings will go to the house (DJ Big Daddy himself!) 4. We will keep this clean as possible and no drama please! 5. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment here... you can also contact DJ Big Sexy Daddy (#3family) or Rock My World (His fuwife). We are looking forward to this auction being a huge sucess an
Sometimes You Find A Song That Just Fits
i betchya lie awake at nighttryin to make up your sweet mindwonderin if you'll ever findjust what you wanta home-town number oneor a california loaded gunbut you know you only get oneor that's what you thoughtbut here's what you've gotchorus:i could be your baby blue jeanswith the holes in the knees in the bottom of the top draweri could be your little beauty queen just a little outta reachor the girl livin next doori'll be your angel givin up her wingsif that's whatchya need i'd give everything to be your anythingif you want hard to getif you want...all you have to do is let me knowif you want a bumpy rideor someone with a softer sideeither one'll be alrightjust let me knowcause this is where it goeschorus:i could be your baby blue jeanswith the holes in the knees in the bottom of the top draweri could be your little beauty queen just a little outta reachor the girl livin next doori'll be your angel givin up her wingsif that's whatchya needi'd give everything to be your anythingit's n
If you could read my mindThere you would findThe two of us intertwinedThe image of you I have memorizedI remember enough to fantasizeI close my eyes and there you areIn my mind, so you're never far.I caress your lips, your face, your hairAnd hold you close, so I can feel you there.Our hands all over one anotherRoaming in places meant only for lovers.My heart, it yearns for you.My soul, it reaches out for you.In my every waking thoughtI know you too have not forgotThe love we madeThe passion, the blissI could never forget the way you kiss.And though the ocean separates us,I know again, I will feel your sweet touch.You were sent to me from up aboveTo stay with me, forever in love.Within my heart I know it's true.Gizzy, my soul mate, I have found you!
New York (CNN) -- Six months ago, a Long Island convenience store owner turned a would-be robbery into an act of compassion. On Wednesday, the shoplifter made amends with a $50 bill and a thank you letter for saving him from a life of crime. The story began in May 2009, when Mohammad Sohail of Shirley, New York, was closing his Shirley Express convenience store one night. Security camera footage from that evening shows a man wielding a baseball bat barging into the store and demanding money. Sohail had a rifle ready and quickly aimed it directly in the robber's face, forcing the man to drop the bat and lay on the ground. Unbeknownst to the man, Sohail never loads his gun. According to Sohail, the man immediately started to plead with him, tearfully saying, "I'm sorry, I have no food. I have no money. My whole family is hungry. Don't call the police. Don't shoot me." "When I see him starting crying [those] things, I really feel bad for him," said Sohail. "I say, oh man, this is some
The Psycho Is Loose
Out and loose, finally freed,Now to finish what I started.Pain and anguish fills these streets.Go ahead, cry for help, no one hears you.Your sniveling attitude makes me wanna puke,Your happy little life makes me want to die.You are someone I just can't respect,So take it hard, your someone I reject.Look over there at the baby in the ditch,screaming for mercy, lying in a pool of blood.Come close to me, I'll tear you to shreds,I'll rampage upon your helpless little soul.Ripping your guts out is what I long for,hearing your cries of pain is priceless.I'll line you all up in a row, don't think I won't,BAM! They go flying out to sea. Reload.DAMN! You got blood on my new shoes,You bastards, Where you at?Don't hide, I can hear your whining,Better pray, your better off dead.You made the mistake, no second chances,Pay your dues for getting in my way.Go to sleep bitch, you won't wake up,You don't want to stay.Quit looking over your shoulder you  paranoid little bitch,I'm coming at ya right betwe
Hold Me Close
Saying I love you isn’t enough.Not like I wanna show you.If you only knew how I feel..What would you say If only you knew.That my love for you is real.I try to make you understand.Not like reaching out my hand.And touch you.Hold me close.Never let me go..Help me make it real.What would you do.If you only knew.That I really love you.
A Blissful Romance
Why Are You Crying,Your Tears Are Not For The World  to See. I Never Met To Make you cry,And I Know your tears Are Because Of Me. Why Do I have This effect On You, I'm Just doin My Thang And Being Me. One Day You'll forget This Insecure Love The Day Is Coming You Just Wait And See You'll Laugh Again...and Smile Because the Sun Is Shining Directly On Your Skin. I Do Thank You For Opening your heart Adn Willingly Inviting Me In. One Day I May Fall On Love And The Situation May be Exactly the Same. Or Maybe It's True That Love Is Nothing But An Emotional Mind Game. I Know Theres SomeOne In The World That Honestly Loves Me. I Dont Mean To turn You Away but It's Better If We Do It This Way. I Do Love You And thats All I that I Can Say. ~The End~
I walk to the edge again, Searching for the truth Taken by the memories Of all that I've been through If I could hear your voice, I know that I would be okay I know that I've been wrong, But I'm begging you to stay Won't you stay? Will you be here or will I be alone? Will I be scared? You'll teach me how to be strong If I fall down, will you help me carry on? I cannot do this alone I wish that I could turn back time, Just to have one more chance To be the man I need to be I pray you'll understand If I could hear your voice, I know that I would be okay I know that I've been wrong, But I'm begging you to stay Won't you stay? Will you be here or will I be alone? Will I be scared? You'll teach me how to be strong If I fall down, will you help me carry on? I cannot do this alone I need your hand to help me Through this time again Nothing compares to how I feel When I look at you You never know, you never know tomorrow You never know, you never know tomorrow Don
New Lounge
hey this is eleven and i just want say that i am helping get this lounge going if you want to come please do so it is called sinful seductions.
Pity The Man
Man is born, heartless by nature, a pitiful creature, save for one feature: he cannot be hurt. His heart is empty, a hollow thing we all would envy if only we knew what lay beyond the bloody dawn. It is only when he is given love that his heart is filled, that velvet glove which holds him up into the light, to carry him safely through the night. See him now, surrounded by family, and see his tender heart laid bare, but sever a man from his family, that which grounds him, that which loves him, that which holds him, that which gives him reason to live, and you remove his tender heart once more. But what you’ll find in its place is that which none would dare to face. So feel my sorrow, feel my pain, Feel my blood like a crimson rain come to cleanse them of their sins. With nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no place safe from my sight, like rats they scurry before the butcher’s knife. They’ll remember the man who begged them please, they’ll remember the man who
Successful Operation!
My spotlight day was incredible!! Thanks to everyone again for all your help. I wasn't able to be home that much but I checked in from my phone. I had an eye doctor appointment, got new spectacles. Then went to the Professional Weight Loss Clinic to get my first Lipotropic and B12 injection. I'm excited about this plan to lose the weight I've gained back after having gastric bypass. Then after all that stuff I went bowling of course since it was Friday night. So the breakdown was that I got hit so hard that I just couldnt keep up with everyone that rated me. I did however manage to sort thru friend requests ... pretty easy. I found some of my friends that were on my last account. YAY! Lots of them didnt realize I had deleted and was kinda bummed because they thought I deleted them. LOL. That's ok though, we're back together and that's what matters. I got a crap-ton of comments and bombs and I managed to rate everyone that bombed me. I leveled 5 TIMES and today I'm ranked #30!!!!!!!!111
When I Look Into Your Eyes!!
When I look into your eyes I see a sweet person who is just dieing to come out. I see someone who loves adventure and who enjoys life. You're someone who can be counted on when someone needs someone to talk to. You're that guy that every girl dreams about having, but won't ever get. You're a dream come true off a star that every girl wishes on. You're the light in every girl's eyes. We all want you but only one can have you. I see that your heart is broken. Your eyes show hidden dreams and hidden talents that no one has seen. Don't hide them from people show them to the world and let them decide if they are good or not. I see an angel that was sent from heaven. Your eyes are the true meaning of the word faithful and the true meaning of the word love just looking in your eyes I see all that. I could look into your eyes everyday and see something new and extravagent. Your eyes show me that there is hope. When you cry your eyes shed the love that you felt when you first layed eyes on her
having fun
There's a hole in my heart not a very big one... but enough When I am with someone who cares the emotion spreads to me and fills me with joy with love and with peace making me feel like a whole person again For awhile, my heart overflows with the passion for living that the encounter has created... but then gradually the emotion drains away trickling down slowly but steadily through the hole drip... drip... drip... leaving me empty once more...
A Wishful Dream
I look up, in the mornings lightAs a silent tear rolls over my cheek, slowly.I think about better days.And I wonder if I'll feel again. As your eyes gaze upon me, in my direction.With those bright eyes, I know so well.Always smiling, laughing, so deep and thoughtful yet.As though I always was in control of my life.But not today, I look scared.For once I do not have an answer.I gaze and mesmerize about the past.Hoping to understand, why you've said those things you said. I wonder for a moment, if all of this was just a dream.Just a figment of my imagination.With a confusing look in my eyes, I've never seen.I wish if it was a dream, it would never have stopped. And you, whipping crystalline tears from my cheek.Telling me, everything will be alright.
Make yourself necessary to somebody.  -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
Auction Auction Auction
So heres the deal im holding an auction  im looking for atleast 10 people to enter. when i get enough people the auction will start hoping for march 29th to april 5th.   private message me a pic you would like for people to see ( plz make it sfw) there is no enter fee (tips to the auctioneer is appericated) what you are offering for the auction payment of  highest bider will take place no later than the fallowing friday after bidding ends or forfeiting to next highest bidder have any questions private message me
Super Easy Slow Cooker Recipe
Sorry I haven't updated this blog... I have a mini crockpot.  It's adorable and I've been wanting to use it so badly! I found a super simple recipe and here it is: (note, this is how much I put in my small can adjust as needed)   1 can black beans, drained.5 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breast, cubed12 oz salsa.5 cups of brown rice Throw it all in the slow cooker and let it cook on low for 5-6 hours or until the rice is soft.  Next time I might partially cook the rice before putting it in because it still could have been more tender. makes 4 servings nutrition per serving   Calories                                     206.8Total Fat                                         1.6g         Saturated Fat                         0.3 g           Polyunsaturated Fat                  0.3 g        Monounsaturated Fat                 0.3 g  Cholesterol                              32.9 mg  Sodium            
What To Look At
I always look for another day. Life is boreing on ur own an nothing to wake up to everyday an to hold in my arms i love the affiction I get from a woman when I am in a relationship but it has been awhile since i had that
Tonight With You
Tonight with YouCountless candles flare themselvesinto loose strings of pearlsup and down the stairswith the lively lilt of my steps.From ample ancient urnsclothed in bloom and verdigris,full flushed antique roses dispenseheated mauve and myrrh scents.  And from a domed baroque balconya ripe moon beams breezy glanceson fresh laundry hanging crookedin small musky backyards.Cause I'm going to see you tonight.There'll be no weeping widowsin decrepit cathedrals,no broken plaster angelswith pure alabaster eyes.There'll be no disturbed womenmumbling toothless solo dialoguesas they peel off worn out rags to wade mossy fountains in the park.There'll be no pomp and circumstance,no lavish feasts for debutantes,no lazy siestas for bureaucrats,no medals for dictators or generals.Cause I'm going to see you tonight.When at last your shadowdarkens my porchand we race your Camarodown narrow back alleyseager for the open road.My bare feet on the dashand the brisk magikof curves meeting
There's So Much Left To Learn, And Noone Left To Find...
Seether (featuring Amy Lee) - Broken | Music Videos |       I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away I keep your photograph, I know it serves me well I wanna hold you high and steal your pain 'Cause I'm broken when I'm open And I don't feel like I am strong enough 'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome And I don't feel right when you're gone away The worst is over now and we can breathe again I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight I wanna hold you high and steal your pain[x2] 'Cause I'm broken when I'm open And I don't feel like I am strong enough 'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Fubar Personality Test... In A Hand Bag...
so i have been staff in one lounge, and everything goes good for a while... and then goes to drama and i leave... i go and open a lounge as a co-owner in titties and beer dance lounge... this is what i have gained in knowledge... we all FAIL.... right or wrong.... do you own a lounge?  do you treat your staff better then you do your members (like believe staff before member that had a problem?  how about hypothethical.. you leave a lounge because of someone? have you ever thought... maybe that person (lounge member) was telling the truth.. NOW, how would you feel if you were the lounge member telling the same story to your upper? if you left a lounge because of someone and they joined your lounge you were co-owner to how would you treat them? still off to the side? or would you be nice cause now you have the upper hand? how would you feel to be that person that you dont like? weather its in person or in life... what if that person you dont like could save your life..??? blood trans
Here's To Us Girls.......................................
Here's to all those girls who used to be his number one. The ones who waited all night for him to call, only to check the caller ID the next morning and be disappointed. The ones who made it through that bitter break up, dried your own tears, and moved on with your life, only to have him walk back in it months later like nothing ever happened. Those of you who cried on the first day you talked again because you knew exactly where this phone call was going. The ones who listened to him say, I only want to be your friend, one day, and the next, listened to him say how much he loves and misses you. We deserve something, and this is our tribute.Here's to the ones that took him back, hoping that maybe this time, he was different, hoping that maybe people really do change. We listened to our friends tell us that we were stupid for even thinking about giving him another chance, caught CRAP from our parents, and even snuck around to see him for a while. We went through the great
This Weekend's Birthday Girls!....
Well, it’s the time again, time for another blog of fun Fu Birthdays!! First off today’s birthday, let’s wish a very warm and happy birthday to a good & loyal friend of mine…. NotUrAverageGirl xx FuCT xx@ fubar Our next birthday would like to level (or at least come close to) on her special day Sat May 8th.…and why not, anyone who does something like this.. XxPoisonousxAddictionxFucTxBishxX
Cell Phones Vs. The Bible
What would happen if we treated our Bible like we treated our cll phones? What if wecarried our bibles in our pockets , what if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to get it if we forgot it , left the house without it? What if we used it to recieve messages from the text? What if we treated it like we could not live without it? What if we gave it to our children as gifts? What if we used it when we traveled? What if we used it in case of emergency? Something to make you go hmmmm... And unlike our cell phones , we don't have to worry about our bible being disconnected because the bill has been paid , by Jesus Christ. What if we used the Bible half as much as we used our cell phones, where would we be as a world, as a nation, as a people, as a person? Food for thought, this country was based on the bible, and that is what has made this country what it is today. . . . . 
Favourite Movie Quotes - Add Yours!
"We'd have more luck playing pickup sticks with our butt-cheeks than we will getting a flight out of here before daybreak." ~ Del Griffith, Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Needing Spotlight Donations
We need spotlight donations bad! I want us 2 get noticed more & keep on growning! Any amount will help! Whoever donates the most I will bling! Please help us out & help us grow! Thanks, SexyBiChris =)
Fubar 'sploded And Fuhoars Are Dumb...
This is not a good day to be on Fubar... BabyJ just blew up the site. Not once but twice. Oh wellz - shit happens... They should have it fixed in a few... But what's up with people running boomhoarangs and autos, and keep their profile closed? How do they 'spect me to get points that way? Can anyone 'splain this? Oh, yeah - and Fubar's robbing me of points! Rating someone running a boomhoarrang USED to get me 588 points. Now its 563? :-( Guess that's it for now... Rock on!Shawn, AKA DurhamNtx UPDATE: Note to self - if you're not shitfaced, your points are reduced...And Thanks to my WONDERFUL fu-wife, who spoils me rottener for the hoarbling! I HAS A TWIRLY BLUE STICK! =D~DIT~
At work yesterday a little chicky came up and was asking about a product that we carry. Well what seemed like in mid sentence, she interrupted me to tell me what cure glasses I had and ask me if I ever go to Well I stopped and thought, trying to figure out what that was and hot it pertained to paver stones, then she explained "it's jizz on my glasses". Then she kinda adjusted her glasses and and raised an eyebrow.     Still in a state of stupor, and not thinking she was hot enough to take the bait, I just said "ummmm NO?". And continued talking about pavers.   Well I told several friends about this oddness since I was texting while at work, as usual. One kinda laughed it off, another was not only familiar with the site, but was quick to think this was a brilliant idea and wanted such photos. Ummm, huh? I guess I get thinking glasses are cute, and even sexy at times, but really?   How common is this, because I have never thought of having someone jizz on my glasse? TH
Thoughts And Prayers For "mz Iowa" And Her Mother...
Here's one of those opportunities for the Fubar community to show how much they care. Nothing to do but have a compassionate heart ~ and it doesn't cost but a couple minutes of your time. Could you please take a moment and leave some kind words or say a little prayer for Mz Iowa who's having a very difficult week?  Visit her Fubar Page Thanks so much! It truly means a lot!
Thank God!!!!!
well things are finally getting better thank god i'm finally getting over the asshole that broke my heart in a million lil pieces so thats a good thing.
Vote For Me For Pennsylvania Governor
Robert R. Preston Brookville, Jefferson Co., PA I will not align myself with any party, I do not even like being called independent. I am just a citizen of Pennsylvania. * I can give a vague answer as well as the rest of them. * Absolute pro-gun, unlicensed OC & CC, license optional, removal of vehicle issue, strike the "firearm" transfer thing along with the PSP recording of such. * The Constitutions mean what the words in them say. * For the decriminalization of marijuana, then regulated and taxed like alcohol. * Pro-choice on abortion up to the end of the 1st trimester. Only pro after that for medical reasons of the mother. * NO PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTIONS! (I'm sorry, that shit is sick how they do that) * I dont care if you are gay or straight, what religion you are, your nation of origin so long as you are here legally, gender, race, creed - laws apply equally, and all rights, priviledges, and immunities shall be equal amongst the People. * Tax relief/credits for companies
Lady Bella Sunflower
Get Nekkid Today!
Join me for my Saturday morning show at 8am est.  Get connected & happy listening and stay Nekkid!    Did you know you could connect from our website?  Go to and listen to us any time you'd like!!!!
New Pics
comment my new pics and ill will return the love thankyou ladies
Engagement Rings
Engagement rings are the best for the couple so present highly glittering diamond engagement rings to impress and excite your soon-to-be-bride.
Not Meant To Be
It's never enough to say I'm sorry It's never enough to say I care But I'm caught between what you wanted from me And knowing that if I give that to you I might just disappear Nobody wins when everyone's losing It's like one step forward and two steps back No matter what I do you're always mad And I, I can't change your mind I know it's like trying to turn around on a one way street I can't give you what you want And it's killing me And I, I'm starting to see Maybe we're not meant to be It's never enough to say I love you No, it's never enough to say I try It's hard to believe That's theres no way out for you and me And it seems to be the story of our lives Nobody wins when everyone's losing
A Couple Funny But Extremely Short Jokes :)
  READ ALL 7 JOKES. JUST KEEP SCROLLING.1) 2 fleas on a pussy. One's a burgular & the other one's a junkie. How can you tell them apart? The burgular is hiding in the bush & the junkie is sniffing the crack. 2) The most common sexual position in married couples today is Doggy Style. Husband sits & begs for pussy & the wife rolls over & plays dead. 3) The Sex Professor asks: "Do you know what your asshole is doing while your having an orgasm?" Woman replies, "Probably deer hunting w/his friends" 4) Quote of the day: Drinking non-alcoholic beer is like going down on your cousin. Sure it tastes the same but it ain't fucking right! 5) Why do midgets laugh when they run? Cuz the grass tickles their nuts! 6) 98% of black men say they like sex in the shower.. the other 2% haven't been 2 prison yet. 7) A man comes home & shouts "Honey pack your bags I hit the Lottery!!" She says "OMG what should I pack?" He says "Everything... GET THE FUCK OUT BITCH!"   Send to a good friend..
Like Me
Wannawin 10 million fubucks   get me up to 200 LIKES...OR BETTER AND THE ONE THAT DOES GET'S IT....what a interesting contest
Show Them To Me
Hello, Most of you who read this know me enough that you are aware that I walk with a walker, Although that isn't what I'm writing about today. I have been recruited by my lifelong friend to take part in an Autism Speaks event, the event is being held on October 16, 2010 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Since being recruited, for this, I have been doing some thinking. I don't have Autism, I have Cerebral Palsy; and I'm not a special needs parent, but I was a speial needs child. I remember very clearly the numerous battles that my mother had to take up on my behalf. Moreover, I am now able to understand more clearly the many sacrifices that are required of a special needs parent, and in my case, a single one. My mother isn't perfect, but I know without a doubt that I am loved. Over the years, I watched my mother sacrifice much needed sleep, a social life, better paying jobs (for fear of losing my benefits), time, energy, her sanity, and a whole lot more. She did these things in order to make
Want Vrs Need
want and need are too different things..this is what i have come to see..and yet people mistake one for the other on a regular basis!why?i have asked myself that question several times...i think its because wants and needs are very simliar...i have also noticed that we can want and need something at the same time...i dont know maybe i am going off about nothing...hard to say...but i do know this i am a person who wants and needs someone to cuddle someone to hold and someone to i truly need this??? no i i truly want this..yes i do!yes as a woman or a human period i am always changing my mind..especially when it comes to my wants my need or even my urges!!!!so as i must point out the human mind is fickle and therefore as a fickle the time i am finished this wants and my needs will have change!!! have a good one!
So Close To Home
in my heart i know he didnt mean to do it.. in my heart i know he didnt want to leave us.. but at the same time im angry and frustrated theres no gettin thru to drugs the users disappear and the drug remains its your family now its who speaks to you, eats with you, lives with you.. your loved one isnt there. every so often you get a glimpse of the unselfish being who use to reside in this body of theirs and you hold on to that. how to get out loved ones back before the drug takes them from us forever. this thing we live with now doesnt care about anyone and will hurt thoes who love it. my cousin died of "accidental overdose" it was an sccident that it happened just then that way but its not an accident the moment he chose to do it. another person very close to my heart is missing now having been taken over by drugs and is struggling this demon now for 2yrs but still young enuff to take back life. this demon convinces and snatches their self worth, confidence, and ambissions and now the
To The Founders Of Fubar!! Thanks
is came across this site through a favorite cousin of mine  it looked really complicated and i didnt think i was going to like it but after being on it for 4 hours and going to sleep this site was all i thought about.. im really getting the hang of things here and just may end up leavin facebook and myspace!! lol well not really but this site is really cool thanks to whoever founded this...  xoxoxo
Sometimes I just mess with people.....     Atul: i want to put my cock into ur vagina   cancel Chat 1:09am more To Atul: only if you let me stick it in your butt,will you let me do that?   cancel Chat 1:09am reply Atul: ya   cancel Chat 1:10am reply Atul: ur age   cancel Chat
Black Friday
Some of you know that I work part time in a department store. I would like to tell some of you that know who you are about respecting others on Black Friday. We've heard the stories about people being knocked down and trampled over by mobs looking to get that great price on merchandise. I'm here to tell everyone without censorship, don't be a fuckhead this Christmas season. No fantastic deal in the world is worth injuring innocent people trying to shop for the holidays. I don't care what your excuse is. If you are trampling over top of someone that fell down in a store, YOU ARE WRONG! PERIOD! If this is what so-called society has come to for a holiday that is based on "peace and goodwill", then I, and many others like me could care less if you step foot in our businesses this year. I don't shop on Black Friday. However, if it were me being trampled in a store by disrespectful people, it would look like the superbowl blitz. I would be grabbing the legs of everyone tromping over me a
The Safe Schools Improvement Act And The Student Nondiscrimination Act
The Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student Nondiscrimination Act will help make the lives of LGBT youth betterThe recent tragedies of several LGBT students taking their own lives across the country have highlighted the fact that anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools can have a dramatic and heart-breaking effect on LGBT students, their families, and school communities. Studies over the last decade provide firm evidence of higher rates of suicide attempts in LGBT youth compared to heterosexual adolescents and young adults. Schools can play a key role in helping to reduce the tragic consequences of bullying by having policies in place to prevent bullying and harassment, and by responding to these incidents by enforcing those rules. Such actions will help to protect all students from bullying, harassment and discrimination.The Safe Schools Improvement Act (H.R. 2262/S. 3739) and the Student Nondiscrimination Act (H.R. 4530/S. 3390) have been introduced in both the U.S. House o
I Love You (revisited)
Beware these words For, if the emotion is genuine when spoken and that feeling is returned, You will be blessed to be bind in joy and ecstasy to come   Beware this phrase For, if the aim is deception in order to steal one’s virtue and that affection is vapid or empty You will be cursed with the pain from the illicit lust sought and received   Beware this statement For, no matter the desire in your soul or the ambition seething in your flesh, You will be changed no matter the time or season   These words are only three, but, they wield power regardless So, take care when used 
Rip Dad 1945-1997
April 1996 my dad went in for a double by-pass that turned into a triple. He came through the surgery with flying colors, amazing even his surgeons from Northwestern. In the fall of 1996, they "ballooned" a blockage in his leg. Truthfully, he wasn't the same after that. Winter of that same year, he told me he was going to be fine. He would walk me down the aisle and dance with me at my wedding. January 11, 1997 at approximately 8:15 am, my mother wakes me up panicked. My dad had half fallen out of bed and couldn't get him up. Approximately 8:20 am, I help her get him up to find him cold, blue with blood around his nose. I run to call 911. Oddly, I'm remotely calm which for some reason I recall finding a bit humorous. Why? I really don't know. I run downstairs and stand in the cold on that bright, sunny Saturday morning waiting for the paramedics to arrive. It seems like they took forever but I know it was only a matter of minutes. You hear sirens everyday and really don't think anythin
Now What....
memories came back to hauntlittle things that caused smilesnow cause grimaces of paintime passes the memories fadedthe pain went away to a tiny twinge here and therelittle things cause smiles againthe heart was sliced and bruisedthe hand holding the bladeonce touched it so gentlythe bruise went away and a new scar is on itthe blade thrown down and awaythe hand that hurt it unable to touch it againtime and distance healed the damagedamage that never should have happenedbut the past cannot be undonei could have but you didn't let meyou could have but i didn't let younow what....
Air Force Maj. Gregory Stone
Died March 24, 2003 serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom 40, of Boise, Idaho; assigned to 124th Air Support Operations Squadron, Idaho Air National Guard, Boise; died of injuries suffered in a grenade attack March 22 near the Iraq-Kuwait border.
Again? Seriously?
from: bearkc Germany subject: bearkc sent you a Milkshake for Two received: 02/5/2011 11:53 pm replied: no   block this member "Good Morning from Germany,Wow, do you know this the month for Love & Romance, the month of February? Love is in the air, everyone showing love, we loving life & when we are loved, we can send love back to the one close to us. There no need to complain or have hater . Love is here on the 14 of February and it always been an sacred feeling to expressed to another human being, but in this era, it is said everything is possible. I “Love You or “Showing Love” a day to express your love and to celebrate the spirit of love. I was told by a friend - Thank you Wendell for you nice long message on love. I am actually in love with someone I can't talk to or be with. Love can be wonderful and very hurtful as well. My question is why love is so hurtful. You might not believe this, but I love being here on Fubar. It
Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches
  The history of Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches_replica Ulysse Nardin_ Ulysse Nardin watches Company began in 1846 when 24 year Swiss Uliss Nardin founded his replica watches uk only -making firm. The company began producing marine chronometers. That is why Ulysse Nardin’s logo is an anchor. High quality and general acknowledgement of marine chronometers allowed Ulysse Nardin to rank among the most eminent watch companies. Mechanical Ulysse Nardin watches are genuine masterpieces of watch-making art and culture. The best evidence of this statement is more than 4000 chronometry awards and18 gold medals won by the company’s watches in various international watch exhibitions. Today’s craftsmen keep up traditions, experience, technology and invariable high quality of their precedessors. One of the best Replica Cartier watches is Erotica repeater watch. Its deal is decorated with two prominent erotic pictures. The pictures are made of 18 carat gold and are moved by the r
Am I A Taco?
so, its late at night, no one is looking, and me and roK are rocking out to the sweet sounds of Kenny Fucking G.   and roK says...."fuck you Oprah"
epicene \ EP-uh-seen \adjective;    1.  Having the characteristics of both sexes.    2.  Effeminate; unmasculine.    3.  Sexless; neuter.    4.  (Linguistics) Having but one form of the noun for both the male and the female.noun:    1.  A person or thing that is epicene.    2.  (Linguistics) An epicene word.
No great thing is created suddenly.  -  Epictetus
Spring Korean And Japanese Fashion Women Dress Carnival
  Spring breeze is blowing, every girl wants to look KAWAI just like japanese fashion beautiful girls. As all know, Korean fashion and japanese fashion is leading Asian women fashion trends with their stylish designs and sharp fashion sense. So just follow the author together to see which super-cute and fantasy lace spring dresses from South Korea and Japan will be very hot in this year! Red printing lace spring dress: this one is necessity in every sweetheart’s wardrobe, absolutely super japanese fashion style, very very KAWAI. Printed decorative pattern is full of fashionable feeling, total lace dress is so sweet and charming. Wear it to party or ball, you will become the focus of all people.   Black gauze printing lace spring dress: delicate double color small bowknot printed substrate, the integral composed black lace is foiled with a different feeling of nifty and lovely! wholesale fashion Longing style wear skills appear out little woman’s elegant breath, create l
Not Always Right | A Picture Perfect Resolution
Drug Store | Lakewood, NJ, USA Me: “Hello, sir. How can I help you?” Customer: “I came in a couple hours ago to pick up my pictures, and my wife says we’re 17 pictures short! This always happens when we come here! Is it really so hard to keep track of one f***ing order?” (The customer continues to rant for several minutes, getting louder and more obscene. The phone rings.) Me: “Thank you for calling [store], how may I help you?” Caller: “I was in there an hour and a half ago and the dumb*** in front of me left 17 pictures on the counter that I accidentally took home with my pictures. What kind of moron leaves pictures on the counter?” (I hand the phone to the irate customer.) Me: “It’s for you.”
That Wanton Smile...
You Are Sad By Max
I saw you are sad and why is that I asked you told me "I don't even fucking know you why you gonna ask and lame attempt to talk to me!JFS" I feel like wrong a little bit you got that right why should I fucking care tonight or even attempt to be a friend like that what makes a person have a right to treat orthers badly you questioned now you just answered why nobody touchs nobody in this world now I kinda know a little bit maybe thats why I got drunk tonight I feel I am sad             
Your Gone   I pray for death every day cause that is all that will take away the pain. Each moment that passes with out you drives me insane. The sun wont come out i cant see it shine. I cant get you out my mind. You areand will always be in my mind heart and soul. Even when my head is grey and im old. When i die i hope yours is the last face i see. I hope it happens soon end my suffering every moment your gone is slowly killing me.
Dildo In The Park - M4w - 27 (rochester)
Looking for the girl that dildo'd my butt in the park at 3am... email me and tell me something about that night.       I wasn't there and could tell you something about that night. She dildo'd your butt. Ta-da!
The Magic Formula Behind Associated With North Face Venture Jackets For Ones Favourite
North Face's Venture Sweatshirt, built running a waterproof/breathable laminate recognized as Hy-Vent, seems to enjoy a gray zone from the TNF lineup. The actual North Face isn't very willing to it is known as an expedition-worthy, full-service tech Buy North Face Fleece Jackets shell?athat honor is without a doubt reserved for TNF's Gore-Tex tools. On the other hand, a outrageously reasonably priced Hy-Vent Venture Fleece (and harmonizing Venture Slacks) is certainly a cut above ones basic nylon rain gear.Two things persuaded me to provide the Business Jacket a go: I was intriged by Venture's ultra-low weight (12.7 oz . on my scope). That's a good 10-20 percent ideal than just about any Gore-Tex PacLite shell you likely will find. Instant, the North Face Adventure Jacket's price is poor enough to allow you to think it can be a misprint. Since I wasnt in the temper to spend $300 over a PacLite shell, I personally put in an investment. My initially impression? That Venture P
Dont Waste
Dont waste your affection to a wrong person who is not responding....,but dont miss to keep your affection to the right one who respects it ....!
Don't Even Have To Knock
To reach for someone, without doing so. Seems impossible, believe me, I know. So much to say, on the tip of your tongue. Fighting to keep the words in, one by one. You know they feel the same, but they are scared to. Keeping it in, yet letting it out just the same. Gives you both, pleasure and pain. Both too afraid to bust the door down, you thought you had locked. I'll leave my side open for you, just walk in, you don't even have to knock.
A Letter From Ur Baby
Hi Mommy.I'm your baby. You don't know me yet, I'm only a few weeks old. You're going to find out about me soon, though, I promise. Let me tell you some things about me. My name is John, and I've got beautiful brown eyes and black hair. Well, I don't have it yet, but I will when I'm born. I'm going to be your only child, and you'll call me your one and only. I'm going to grow up without a daddy mostly, but we have each other. We'll help each other, and love each other. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.You found out about me today, Mommy! You were so excited, you couldn't wait to tell everyone. All you could do all day was smile, and life was perfect. You have a beautiful smile, Mommy. It will be the first face I will see in my life, and it will be the best thing I see in my life. I know it already. ... Today was the day you told Daddy. You were so excited to tell him about me! ...He wasn't happy, Mommy. He kind of got angry. I don't think that you noticed, but he did. He started to
Music At Dansstudio
Moncler Driving Test Success!
nowledge and expertise to guide you to driving test success! To find more information on Driving Lessons Partick, visit: reallygooddrivingschoolgl.doudoune monclerasgow. Enhancing the performance of a Chevrolet car with the right col.chaussure de foot d air intake system Almost every other Chevrolet Dealership owner would want .doudoune monclerto obtain a highly powerful driving experience from their Chevrolet ve.moncler outlethicle and the addition of a performance air intake or cold air intake system certai.moncler outletnly enables them to obtain such power from the Chevrolet car. The main purpose.chaussures foot pas cher of a performance air intake system is obviously to enhance and increase mercuriale Chevrolet car抯 performance, which it does by maximizing the power of the engine b.doudoune monclery reducing the temperature of the air which enters into the Chevrolet vehicle. T.moncler outlethis accessory not only enables the Chevrolet car to perform much
Unexpected Love
If it happens to you, then you will understand it perfectly. We often give ourselves a timeline in which thing should be done and at what moment in time. At times we believe that certain individuals or activities can't be a part of our plan because WE didn't plan it that way or its packaged differently. Take the time to reflect on how that unexpectedness makes you really feel and don't run or push it away out of fear. You might be pleasantly surprised.....Hence, unexpected.   “She wasnt exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way.” 
Feel Me Within
I lay in my bed, and look off to the right. There's a noise, keeping me awake tonight. It's sounds so familiar, it's hard to describe. There's just something distinctive, that I recognize. It's steady and strong, getting faster with time. I can't help but wonder, if it is just in my mind. Wait, I can feel it now, I knew it was you. Coming to me, from out of the blue. Let me crawl back in bed, and pull the covers back. Lay down with me, and just relax. It was the sound of your heart, that kept me awake. My satisfaction will return the favor, in this love we make. Close your eyes, feel my breath on your skin. Absorb my touch, feel me within. Deeper than the body, the mind, the soul. You are the half, that makes me whole.
Two Lesbians
She was sitting all alone at this party drinking a 40, and smoking a ciggarette. She was waiting for her girlf. riend. Out of no where this guy walks up and he was about to talk to her, then she was all like I have a girlfriend, he said I know come with me I think u should see this, she followed him to see what he was talking about. She thanked him for showing her what was going on behind her back.  She then busted in the room she started yelling what the hell is this, what the hell is going on?? Her girlfriend and this guy look up. Her girlfriend is like oh shista and gets up. The first one  walks over to the guy. Starts yelling at the guy to get up. Her girlfriend was about to leave, so the first one yells at her girlfriend you are not going anywhere. The guy got up. The first one starts beating the hell out of the guy, yelling what the hell do you think you were doing with my girlfriend, you stay the hell away from her, then he starts bleeding from his nose and mouth. She leave and
"pass Your Drug Test Guaranteed"
“Discover The Amazing Secret That Olympic & Pro Athletes, Actors & Actresses, High-Paid Executives, And Street-Smart Convicts Use To Pass Drug Tests In Just 1 Hour – GUARANTEED! If your job, position, freedom, or competitive status is at risk, this Manual will allow you to GIVE THE FINGER TO DRUG TESTING without fear of getting nailed.” This is the BEST KEPT SECRET EVER !!! Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers. This Works !! However you got here, consider yourself blessed. Today is going to go down as the day you were able to get your personal freedom back. Today is the day you say goodbye to worrying about being humiliated and destroyed by a failed drug test. Today is the day you can give the finger to anyone who wanted you to take a drug test or a job that requires you to pass a drug test. Because I am about to make you a bold promise about how to pass a drug test … By the time you have finished this Manual, you are going to know exactly what you need to do an
Virus Warning On Facebook
When You Say Nothing At All
The Scars U Gave Me Haunt Me At Night, I Awaken With Screams And A Racing Heart... In Fear Of Wht I See..... I Seek Healing By Standing Far From U, For Ur My Weakness, Shattered Like The Bones U've Broken; Bruised Like The Ones Placed Upon My Once Vibrant Skin... Once A Beautied Angel; Now A Frightened Fairy... Urs Deeds Are Done, My Vengeance Comes And Takes Thy Soul To Claim...
Just want people to know. If you have my cell number, delete it....please. I'll be deleting yours too. It's not really anything against YOU, it's just something I need to do.    I'm sorry..............
Baby "g"
BABY "G" SOU 1 RADIO Tonight from 8pm to 10pm Playing nothing but old school music down and dirty night.  Come join me at We can Chat and also call in and speak to me. if you want to give a shout out that's ok to. again that's and you can call in @ 626-22-1448. Hope to see everyone there tonight.
Impotence Treatments Can Be As Easy As Taking Supplements – Here Is Why
Sure, you have heard all about these medications that act as impotence treatments, but are they right for you? Here are some things to consider if you have pondered whether or not taking prescription pills as impotence treatments would be right for you. Firstly, if you suffer from impotence, you are very likely seeking proactive treatment options. When considering impotence treatments, well, you have a few options to consider aside from drugs. For some men, they are just not fond of drugs and will refuse to take them because they are concerned over the side effects. Others simply can’t afford them. For these men and more, impotence treatments can also be found in supplements.Top Reasons Men Don’t Like Prescription Meds for Impotence Treatments There are some leading reasons why med are not fond of using impotence treatments via prescription drugs. 1.Cost too much money – as much as $5 per pill 2.Don’t work fast enough – most take hours to kick in 3.Don&rsq
Help Me Win Fds's April Contest... Just Uploaded Videos & Photos
I'm 2nd right now, in this month's contest. Boost me into 1st by clicking and joining me there!!! I've added a lot more photos and videos to my account there, as well!!!   Mistress Genevieve http://msgenevieve.com
In The Tall Grass
Come lay in my tall grass, lose yourself for a bitFor in this it will be as a lifetime Come smell the scented mint and touch me where i will remember For I crave all that is you
An Oder Poem
"WHAT MEANS THE MOST TO YOU?" There are things that noone can ever seem to find an answer to in this life.One being the loss of a friend or loved one without ever having the chance of saying goodbye to them none. We are taught from a most very young age that all of us are destined to have a true and honest love here in our existence.Always being told to just not go looking for it, because it shall find us. This is not always the case in our lives. Sometimes we are lucky enough to find it, but seem to never be able to hold on to it tightly.For this i know but all to well for i lost mine to suicide. People say we must respect others, but yet we must also have respect for ourselves in life.If we do not, how is everyone else going to have it for us here in life as we go through our journeys? I know i am not the most wisest or smartest man here on this planet we live upon, but i do know i can only live life through the morals and standards i was given and set at such a young age. Gues
“Future”   Be brave. Be brave. Dance to the grave. Trust in Christ -you will be saved. There's nothing they can take away, That won't be gone someday. Take up your joy. Take victory. Love for every soul to see, The way that Christ has set us free, From every broken thing, And even now, in little time, I'll be His and He'll be mine. One step, and then, eternal life- The past no more in mind.
Another Legend Gone
Beloved TV icon Andy Griffith, star of “The Andy Griffith Show” and “Matlock,” passed away this week at age 86.  This is yet another great one gone forever :( its sad I really loved his two shows Andy Grifith and Matlock they were my fave shows.
Hey, I'm Bored
Hello. Good evening. I am bored. Ladies and Fellows what to you, like to do when you get tired of Fubar and Facebook, or should I ask. I try not to take things too, seriously. So, suprise me will your comments. Sincerely, Plimi      
Crazy Psycho Of The Decade....
Ok, so...this guy wants to go around to all my friends and say I'm a whore....   Please just block him.  He isn't worth any more of your time than that. This crazy old coot chose to send me credits.   I was pleasant to him and kind.  I even blinged him in return.  I told him I wasn't interested and he continued to send me credits.  His choice.  However, it was my choice to NOT do anything slutty in return, cuz as anyone that knows me or reads this knows, I am not like that.   Many have tried, and failed :p This man would watch my page and my friends pages and see when I left comments and then get in my shout box and say gross perverted werid things to me like.... I am sorry I'm not hung well enough as your other friends that you leave comments for daily...I was are you talking about you are weird and strange...not to mention..a complete stalker...   I blocked him.   Apparently, he didn't like that.   So, now he is bothering all my fri
Poem From An Old Man
When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in an Australian country town, it was believed that he had nothing left of any value. Later, when the nurses were going through his meagre possessions, They found this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital. One nurse took her copy to Melbourne. The old man's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas editions of magazines around the country and appearing in mags for Mental Health. A slide presentation has also been made based on his simple, but eloquent, poem. And this old man, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the author of this 'anonymous' poem winging across the Internet. Cranky Old Man What do you see nurses? . . .. . .What do you see? What are you thinking .. . when you're looking at me? A cranky old man, . . . . . .not very wise, Uncertain of habit .. . . . . . . .. with faraway eyes? Who
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Don’t Call Me “baby”
Is it possible to make it through the entire party without saying the word "baby"? Guests have to try to avoid saying "baby" and call out those who slip up. *You'll Need One diaper pin for each guest *Party Time When guests arrive, give each one a diaper pin to put on her shirt. Explain the rules when you give out the pins -- throughout the shower, no one can say the word "baby." When someone slips and says "baby" -- and someone will! -- the person who catches her gets her pin. Whoever has the most pins at the end of the shower wins. *PrizeGive the winner a pin she'll actually want to wear, like a cute vintage brooch.
Women ... They Confuse Me .....
OK, so here's what I have learned in life so far. After 2 failed marriages, and a long term relationship that is now on  the fritz. Women seem to follow the old concept of staying with the jerks in life, instead of the men who treat them well, and take care of them. I have never abused any woman in anyway, physically or mentally. Yet, I know people that have been together (married or otherwise) for long periods of time, and the man treats the woman like shit; and when I say treats her like shit, it's all inclusive mental/physical etc .... Her reason for staying ? She loves him. Why ? Because he treats her like shit ?   Maybe there's a more intelligent person out there in the digital word, that can enlighten me, and point out What in the Hell is going on.
I Was Caught Climbing A Pole Naked
I was in seventh grade when my sexual secret was exposed. For several years I was secretly experimenting. I had discovered by accident that after struggling to climb poles and skinny trees I would get the most pleasurable feeling(Orgasm) I ever had and wanted to feel it more and more. A slow climb at first turns to a struggle to hold on feeling fatique in my arms and hands I stop for a few seconds then grab a hold again to continue where I left off.  With my erect penis protroding past the pole and my  thighs squeezing together in a rythmic way producing the flutter in my stomach that is the start of the feeling .  Sometimes spending the whole afternoon climbing and clinging to poles near my house. I had just taken my deviancy to a new level by doing the climbing totally naked. This  exhibitionism fetish I could not stop thinking about.   Spontaneous arousal anytime and anywhere ,at school, work, the beach.  When I obsessed about it at school I was quick to seek out pole after school.
A Choice
A heart can bleed eternal And still it does not die. Eyes still have their sight Even through the tears they cry. Through life we gather hurts and pains Some stand up and push on While others wander and dwell Not seeing the dawn of a new sun To embrace each day No matter what the world gives. Let your heart fly again And again truely begin to live.
Her heart now healing slowly on the mend. Her heart now searching for a new love to begin. To just hold her Enough it would never be. There's so much deeper Even for my eyes to see. To know her mind and heart Know all her beauty deep and true this is what I would want Only then could I ask to take your heart from you.
Vips And Unlimited Bonus's And Bonus Resets
Just a lil FYI.... This is for those of you that have VIP status.... on days that we have UNLIMITED 11's you will be using YOUR 11's after midnight. The bonus actually changes at midnight (as per the support lounge) but we do not see the change until early afternoon the following day here on Fu. So in all actuallity we have less than 12 hours on the unlimited 11 bonus. You will be able to rate 11's until the reset but you are taking the chance of winding up will 0 11's after the reset.
Gifts The Keep Giving.
from: likalittlehottie Eagle Creek, OR subject: likalittlehottie sent you a Panty Dropper received: 11/3/2012 01:03 am replied: no   block this member "please just follow the " Drinks raise your buzz meter and help you earn bonus points for everything you do on fubar! For example, if your buzz meter is at 100%, you get a 10% point bonus for everything you do on fubar!!! (click here for more info)   Click here to return the favor! Click here to see this gift on your profile.     Not really sure how to take this..
“Dare to BeWhen a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.When times are tough, dare to be tougher.When love hurts you, dare to love again.When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.Dare to be the best you can –At all times, Dare to be!”
Revenue Drop Incrementally Rather Than All At Once. Theoretically, It Could Be
(Sports Network) - The Toronto Blue Jays will send Henderson Alvarez to the mound tonight in search of his second big-league victory against the only team hes beaten before, the Baltimore Orioles. Rashard Mendenhall Jersey . The Blue Jays open a three-game series against the Orioles tonight at Camden Yards. The 6-foot-1, 175-pounder had one victory in 10 starts last season. He faced the Orioles twice overall, emerging with a no-decision in the second matchup and allowing just three runs on 12 hits in 15 innings. He was 0-1 with four no-decisions after the win in 2011 and opened 2012 with another loss and two no-decisions in three starts. Overall this season, hes given up 16 hits and 10 runs in 19 1/3 innings. Tommy Hunter will make his 10th career appearance against Toronto. Hunter entered the season having won one of four decisions in nine career meetings with Toronto, before getting another no-decision when he faced the Blue Jays in a 7-5 Baltimore win on April 13. In that game, Hunt
Tablets Android: Apple Vs Android, Ganador Se Lleva Todo?
Si usted no ha oído hablar de las tabletas Android entonces youve perdido hasta ahora en el gadget que hay que tener presentes los tiempos! Son planas, ordenadores portátiles, que todo casa en una sola pantalla táctil grande, por lo tanto, ser nombrado tabletas. Realmente están volando en el mercado de dispositivos electrónicos y lo que esperamos ver una gran pelea entre los dos titanes tablet baratas y Apple. Android se refiere al sistema operativo Android, el sistema operativo de Google. Esta es una opción disponible para estos dispositivos, pero lo que es una opción! Google ha hecho grandes esfuerzos para ingeniar este sistema operativo sea tan fácil de usar e intuitiva como sea posible. Esto significa que es muy fácil de hacer la transición de la computadora para Tablet PC como Android actúa de manera muy similar a Windows, por ejemplo, que todo el mundo se utiliza online china Apple están también en el mercado con su trail-blazing iPad. Esta fue la primera tableta pa
Because Of You
Because of you I´m no longerafraid to love and show I careBecause of you I dared to putaside my fearsBecause of you the wall I buildaround my heart disappearedBecause of you i´m no longer alone or afraidBecause of you I no longercry myself to sleepBecause of you I see throughdarkness and despairBecause of you I looked in themirror and see the old me disappearBecause of you I know what love isand dared to love and be lovedBecause of you I feel the magicof real love from your eyes and the kindness from your heart Because of you my whole lifeshines like newBecause of you there is no roomfor sorrows or tears.Because of you there is no darknessthe light is always there.Because of you I feel like singingand dancing in the rainBecause of you I radiate with how much you mean to me
Soybean Are Going To Steer Obvious Undesired Hair Bifurcate Stress Fracture
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How To Winterize Any Louboutin Sneakers
With the winter weather occurs any cold. Here are a few "excellent-on-the-internet-christian-louboutin-shopping-guidelines" ideas together with treatments, to support safeguard an individual's upholstery cleaning devices because of stop injury. Always if-the-degree-of-christian-louboutin-available-actually-starts-to-skinny pay attention to your own everyday weather foresee.Possibly not christian-louboutin-gets-of-which-the-main-time-of-year-proper winterizing any accessories for only a person to forget things evening of following very cold conditions cost large sums of money for get cold destruction repairs plus free time. Holding this start lighting illuminated in your water heater does not always create a sufficient amount of heat up in order to safeguard against cold.As a result of half-dozen-good-internet-christian-louboutin-shopping-strategiesdo-it-yourself, retaining typically the preliminary lumination lit that has a screen fell apart to lessen wetness accumulation will not like
Fake Beam Restrictions Shades Classification
Fake Beam Restrictions Shades Classification We all know sunglasses, here's something concerning sunglass knowledge. The actual so-called sunshine mirror, just as the name implies is always to make sun, people within the sunshine usually desire to depend on managing pupil dimensions to adjust the lustrous Oakley Sunglasses Store , when light ray power a lot more than a persons eye handle capacity, can cause injury to a person's attention sdfbgyuf. Oakley Betray Sunglasses Therefore within out of doors action areas, particularly in the summer, everybody is utilizing sunshine hand mirror to keep out sun, to be able to reduce attention lodging due to fatigue or perhaps mild stimulate the damage.Because individuals dwelling regular increase, people's cultural stage raises. Concerning prevent intensive sunshine to create sun gentle face damage shades, now has become a fashion display private allure and sweetness from the decoration. Oakley Abandon Sunglasses Light shade shades to be
Wrote For A Married Couple
I have had a moment to sit and realize that time really matters today, For four years have passed us by and it seems as if only yesterday. United as one in a small northern town, a matrimony for lifetime, It seems as if it were a day away when first introduced in that summer time.  We’ve had extreme highs and witnessed lowest lows, But somehow we passed over life’s shallow burrows. And even though spirits were dampened by things We overcame what was deemed mystical failings. We shared our love from the first day, and still now, Holding hands like young lovers, but with a determined vow. You still have the charms that I’ve always thought dear. And you still have that honorof dedication, sincere. Life spares no challenges as the years pass quickly by, And we will deal with them each until our last goodbye. But for now let’s enjoy how we arrived here so ably And share “I love you” again on our  anniversary.
Breeze (blow My Baby Back To Me) - Jim Reeves
Breeze, you took her from my sideShe was my blushing brideOh, hear my plea, hear my pleaHear me begging you upon my kneesBring her back sweet evening breezeBring my baby back to me.It's an ill wind that blows nobody goodBlows nobody good they sayIt's an ill wind that blows nobody goodThat blew my gal away.Breeze you took my gal awayI've had the blues all daySince early dawn, early dawn You come a whisperin' through the trees, little breezeWhen I woke up this morningShe was gone, she was gone.Breeze, you took her from my sideShe was my blushing brideOh, hear my plea, hear my pleaHear me begging you upon my kneesBring her back sweet evening breezeBring my baby back to me.Hear me begging you upon my kneesBring her back sweet evening breezeBring my baby back to me...
True Love is a sacred flame that burns eternally.And none can dim its special glow or change its destiny.True Love speaks in tender tones and hears with gentle ear.True Love gives with open heart and True Love conquers fear.True Love makes no harsh demands. It neither rules nor binds.True Love holds with gentle hands the hearts that it entwines. You don’t marry the person you can live with,you marry the person you can’t live without .
Come One And All And See The Broken Man, Talking To Himself
How was the Stone Sour show? Since a picture is worth 1,000 words, let me give you seven. Click for the full sized   Besides the fact that I had to stand outside in the cold for an hour in the Will Call line, and I missed the opening band Otherwise, whom I actually really like, the show when quite awesomely. I have a video if you are interested in seeing it, live performance of "Say you'll haunt me" I wish they had played more of the old stuff, but I understand Corey is super jazzed about the new double CD and wants to sell that a bit, but still, Bother & Inhale are the songs that made me a fan, and thats what I wanna hear.       
[refractory Hate]
I was instructed to wake at the ass crack of dawn and... work Saturday.WOOOOO! Get the champagne and crack out.So I'm trying...ish to sleep, but I thought I'd do a thought-dump/update since I can't sleep.Papaya is gross- just get mango.... end thought dump.Update:I've 90% built one of my xmas robots, birthday was uneventful, which is typically how I like it. Perhaps a bit more nudity and ceremony would have been welcomed. And better food.I had ... no damn plan for said robot I built. I still don't. Me and my brother talked color theory and we're both thinking dark reds and black. I... kinda want to veer away from black because it's just too on the nose, and every dweeb with a spraycan does red/black.Some mods are in the thoughtworks, but I'm going to park the kit until an idea just busts out of my brain. I do know I want to take off these awful double-arc/rainbows on the shoulders. I think I can just file em off.The main reason I'm parking this kit is that I invited myself to a build-o
Nothing like being so congested that your face is a little swollen. I hope this ends soon, lol. Other than that and feeling a little tired, I'm okay :)   How's you?
Another Obama Blog
There’s An Even Worse Scandal Hidden In Obama’s Secret Drone Memo     Michael KelleyBusiness InsiderFeb 23, 2013 The Obama administration’s classified legal memos justifying targeted killings contain secret protocols with foreign governments and “case-specific” details of strikes, two sources aware of their contents told Krisitn Roberts and Michael Hirsch of the National Journal. The accords with foreign governments — which include Pakistan and Yemen — are a key element excluded from the Department of Justice (DoJ) “
Thoughts On Music & Song Lyrics
Many people can say they have a theme song. I know I feel like I have more than 1. It's that at certain times, certai lyrics will hit me in a way that makes me say 'Yeah that's so me'. Whether it is an 80s metal song or power ballad, or something more recent, I have always been more of a fan of lyrics & vocal delivery in my music than anything else. Some part of that is from being a frustrated wannabe singer for a band in late 80s. Always remember w/ music it's always about the feelings you get when you 1st hear a song or band & what it can ellicit in you at that time. & while a good opening power chord can catch your ear & make you listen to the song a little more closely, they liyrical content is what can really stay w/ you for a lifetime. I'll update this blog w/ some songs & lyrics at a later date. Ok here are some lyrics that have become some mantras for me: Queensryche-I Don't Believe In Love I Don't Believe In Love I never have I never will Its never worth the pain that yo
I Miss You
I count the hours, I count the days How much i miss you, I count the ways   I miss your voice, I miss your touch, And i miss the face, That i love so much   How to describe it, There is no way I walk around, in a permanent daze   I long to feel, your warm embrace and to see a smile, Upon your face   I will no sleep, Won't close one eye Until your home, Safe and alive   While your over seas, And i'm safe at home I think of you out there, in danger and alone,   This is the life you've chosen, And i can't change your mind you've found your inner bravery And now i must find mine   I miss you so much,
This Is An Awsome Feature...
I love this, now I can add stuff to this that I don't want to post as a bulletin. Great job guys!!!!
Finding Peace
Finding peace Sleeping anger,monsters come nightmares fill my mind haunting, terror feeling numb so unpleasent so unkind sliding grabing feeling weak falling down so fast trying to stay humble and meek to release my horrible past being at the lowest of lows at the bottem of the well I sit my fingernails, having dirt...just how it goes starting to climb again...never will I quit! Elizabeth Fletcher 8-14-06
this blog number #911, hi irony, also wtf is with blogs. myspace has blogs. why would I want to put my most personal thoughts in blogs, that shit stays in my head. also BRING BACK TRACKZ, I SPENT QUARTER PAST FOREVER ADDING NEW SONGS! I PUT THEM THERE FOR OTHERS ENJOYMENT, AND ALSO MINE. >:[
im a pretty emotional person and i have a lot to say about nothing so these blog things are my way of getting my emotions out... weather anyone reads them or not doesnt really matter that much to me... what matters is that i have an outlet....
Naked bodies in tall waves of grass A distant rumble of thunder You pull me to you Hot kisses as the cold rain begins Steam rising off our bodies You join with me as lightning flashes Our bodies move in an ageless, endless dance I taste your skin Ceaseless, tireless movement Thunder rumbles overhead Frantic, quiet need I pull you closer, deeper Your rain soaked hair caresses me Our breathing circular You hold me tighter as your sex swells and exhales Breathing sweet love deep inside me I inhale The circle closes The clouds open Naked bodies in tall waves of grass
So I thought I would just sit down and type some nonsensical bullshit in this blog thingie just to make myself feel important and to see if i really have anything to say but i guess i really dont so yeah...Here I am my ass in a chair after standing all day at's nice thoughts now turn to what will i drink tonight rum vodka whiskey...AHHHHH yes!!!! Whiskey it shall be with brisk tea i believe the poor mans long island ice tea...Isn't it funny how there is no tea in a long why call it tea??? and on that note .......bubye
Friday Night Lights!
Yeah, I can't get enough. I had to go to the high school football game tonight. Actually, I really did. You see, the high school I went to and graduated from is the next town over. My daughter, of course, goes to the high school here. They play each other once a year (unless they face off in the playoffs). It has turned into such a rivalry over the years. The trash talk is hilarious. Anyways, my high school beat my daughter's high school - again. 35 - 10. Actually my high school is 2x defending state champs, and they are very hard to beat. On top of that, my cousin plays on my high school's team. He is a Junior, and he has yet to lose a high school football game - undefeated the last 2 years and still going strong. It's very cool.
Magical Touches Of Feelings
Magical Touches Of feelings From the moment We held each other in our arms. I knew we waited lifetimes to find this love. our hearts are beating in magical rhythms as our souls have intertwined in a magical embrace and we became one. always feeling the need to remain close. pulling each other tightly and always melting in each others magical loving passionate embraces. dreams of kisses within' touching of hands. endless wishing with faithful hearts. silent whispers in the night from hearts to hearts. our minds drifting on winds of change. feeling love so safe and secure from all evils and pains. struggles of lovers pains will fade away through our pledge of our love to each other and will sustain always in our hearts.
The sadness in your eyes, is the same reflected in my own. No matter how brightly you smile, there is always a shadow cast somewhere deep inside. Fall into my arms, let me caress away the darkness, if not for a lifetime, then just for a moment. Maybe, together, we can escape this haunting, this desperate need to destroy what is good for us. The sun's finally rising, it's been and endless night without you.
Who Wants To Be My Booty Call????
BOOTYCALL APPLICATION Name___________________ Age____ Phone(____)__________ Occupation________________________________ Do you live with your parents Yes__ No__ Do you live with your significant other Yes__ No__ Height_____ Weight______ Gender(M­­­/F)___ Married(Y/N)__ Single(Y/N)__ Other_________ How often do you want it (check appropriate answer) Daily__ Weekly__ Monthly__ As much as possible__ How long can you last (check appropriate answer) 1min __ 15min__ 30min__ 1hr__ All nite__ Do you like giving oral sex (Y/N)__ Which do you prefer (check appropriate box) One on one__ Threesome__ Group__ While having sex, *What do u do (check all appropriate answers) Faint__ Cry__ Moan__ Wiggle__ Twist__ Jerk about__ Pant__ Sweat__ Scream__ Hum__ Whistle__ Just lie there__ Take Control__ Scratch__ Pull hair__ Bite__ Smack Booty__ Fake It__Go to sleep__ Watch tv__ Read__ Think of someone else__ *List three positions you like: 1.________
Don't Even Try
You can take away my video games You can take away my favorite toys You can take away my TV Even my computer I don’t need these things to clog my mind But to take my music Don’t even try!!! Music is my happiness, my joy, my everything Music is my life Music is my life My music is my life Ok so you took away my video games And you took away all my material things Is that supposed to mean something to me It’ll all come back in due time But always keep this in your mind To take my music Don’t even try!!! Music is my happiness, my joy , my everything Music is my life Music is my life My music is my life Can’t take my music and you want to know why IT’S BURIED IN MY MIND!!!!!! YEA, YEA, YEA IT’S BURIED IN MY MIND!!!!! Music is my happiness, my joy, my everything Music is my life Music is my life My music is my life
Life In Genral
Ok folks, this is your chance to state how you feel or what you feel on the subject: Why is ok for a guy to have meanless sex but if a girl has it there a hoe a slut and easy all that good stuff. Why is it unacceptable or taboo if a women jokes or talks about her sex life in public but, its score one for the guy if they talk about it. Personally, I dont see why if a women talks about what she did can't just be considered that she just had a good time why cant women just act like a normal person or have the same standards a guy does. Men always say awe shes a slut she did this and that she did so and so on the first night how ever I dont see the guys complaining when it happens to them or they do complain of they dont get any. i think you just like confusing the hell out of us which way do you want it the good girl way or the slutty way geesh make up your mind. Tell me what you think.
Behind this mask....does anyone know what's behind it....does anyone care to know? Behind closed doors alone in my apartment the only friend I have is music and the blade i remember when my best friend was an ink pen and a notebook i miss those days _______________________________ everyone is living their life for themselves so why does it matter if we -look both ways when crossing the street -wait 20 mins before swimming after you eat -go to college and "become" somebody -live towards having that family your mum wants you to have or why do we even -workout to look "good" to the opposite(or even the same) sex -dye and primp hair -wear so much makeup -get plastic surgery (its called plastic for a reason) does caring for others ever really pay off? they say "nice guys finish last" well...where's the finish line? because after years and years of looking out for others and making sure i didnt cross any lines and offend in the worst spot of my lif
there they r...waling by as i sit on the side walk head down knees up hood on...lookin like a normal guy...then i raise my head i notice they r all watching me as they walk by...fear in there eyes hopin i dont stand up...i put my head down...and when i lift it again im smiling but one eyes r black...i start laughing and i stand up...ppl waling by turn white as the ystart runnin and screaming...i see souls flying i see them crying cause of the pain...i grab them and say "dont have the fear of pain what was done is done and cant be reversed hapy while u still can dont be in my world cause i wont make it a good one hahahahahaha"...then i lift my head up from my knees with a smile blue eyes still and i wonder this my fate?
Fill This Out For Me Plzzzz ^.^
fill this our for me pretty plz tell me wat u think... ^.^teehee Name: age: phonenumber: will u call me if i gave u mine?: what kinda music do u like?: are u single?: are u in a band: scene much?: describe me in one word: what do u like about me: FILL THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO ME! THE REPLY AND COPY THIS AND PASTE IN A BULLETIN! TO SEE WHAT UR FRIENDS SAYY
Rich@ LostCherry
Woot Cerated By Dj Inferno
What Fictional Vampire Archtype are You? You are the Bloody Siren. Vain, selfish, sexual fantasy, you lure mortal men to their dark end. You are sex and illusion and you use up men to feed your wicked desires until they surrender to you their last, crimson drop.Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Forbidden Love
Lovers we are and lovers we will be For now and forever throughout eternity Our love can never be known Our desire for one another can never be shown Our love will be forbidden from now until the end One that we must hide, because it is the ultimate sin I will remember the intimate nights of passion Where lust and desire had no reason for ration. With each obsessive thrust I was pushed to the end Scratching and clawing deep into your skin. The sweat that glistened off our bodies, entertwined As the ultimate climax shook my mind. You laid your body down on mine Taking in your scent and wishing for more time. I have to let you go now, but the memories will remain One day you'll be back sweet lover, but for now I will live with the pain.
Have you ever just wondered why life can seem so freakin tough sometimes? I mean what have you done to deserve one thing after another hitting you an knocking you back down knowing you just got up from the last hit. Just one of them thinking nights obviously and before ya even read on NO I am not suicidal(sp)lol. Seems like everytime I have a positive outlook on something, something seems to go wrong. Guess that would be the story of my life right now. All the stress that I have built up seems to never set free. If its not work its my personal life. When does it ever end? or does it even? I'm begining to think not. The work stress really is stupid. Its not my job that stress's me really, its the atmosphere around me. Always having to be on your toes. Not knowing whats gonna happen next due to the people in the work place around you. The freaking cowards an hypocrites that the are. So nice to your face, and talkin shit behind your back. The only solution I even see to this is for me
Dear Beer, First and foremost, let me tell you that I'm a huge fan of yours. My friend, you always seem to be there when needed. The perfect post-work cocktail, beer at the game, and you're even around in the holiday's hidden inside chocolates as you warm us when we're stuck in the midst of endless family gatherings. However, lately I've been wondering about your intentions. While I want to believe that you have my best interests at heart, I feel that your influence has led to some unwise consequences: 1. Phone calls:While I agree with you that communication is important, I question the suggestion that any conversation of substance or necessity takes place after 2 a.m. Why would you make me call those girlfriends when I know for a fact they do not want to hear from me during the day, let alone all hours of the night? 2. Eating:Now, you know I love a good meal, but why do you suggest that I eat at WHAT-A-BURGER, or JACK-IN-THE -BOX, or DENNY'S and some cold french fries (was

w/ Boondox,Wolfpac,Subnoize Souljaz & Drainage X ticket info
For The Ladies On Lost Cherry Call Me Big Poppa
I love it when you call me big poppa the show stopper the big bopper the head rocker. Let me wrap my 18 inch arms around you and keep you save and warm. If you tired of the boney little wimps that don’t know how to treat you. Don’t look any further, cause here come big poppa. Let me love you down all, night kissing you from head to toe, slowing making love to you all night long. After that your always love big poppa

Take the quiz: What vampire would you be?Forgotten Vampire of The Night You are such a good person!ou always followed the rules. Yet even with your sweet dispostion you are here in your sell. You've become greater then humans, but still feel as one and will do all in your power not to become Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You're a Playful Kisser Kissing is a huge game for you, a way to flirt and play You're the first one to suggest playing spin the bottle at a party Or you'll go for the wild kiss during a game of truth or dare And you're up for kissing any sexy stranger if the mood is right!What Kind of Kisser Are You?
hey i like just started lost cherry
Need Help
i am less than 250 from next rank show me some love and help me pass the hump love you all hope for the help
Beyond Betrayed
Beyond Betrayed Current mood: You don't wanna know trust me!!!!! My mind fills with wonder, my heart with fright. Trusting won't be easy not with being lied to. People whom you should be able to trust, turn around screw with your head, emotions, taking you for granted. What a fool I was to believe I had such good friends, but now I see! The grass is not greener, the sun was in my eyes. constantly wondering who's true. Pain of those who had me fooled. No more happiness, only tears! Which way do I go, which path do I take? What's the point anymore?? I can close my eyes to the things I do not want to see, cover my ears to things I wish not to hear, but I can't close my heart to the things I don't want to feel. I'm sick of smiling for myself and everyone else. No one really knows the shit I've been through and put up with. What I have to deal with now, the new shit that keeps on coming in. Weather their my so-called friends or not, I mask my sadness, hide how I feel about
Are You A Bitch
I am extremely bored wanting someone to talk to.
My New Business
Barb Kama Sutra Master 'What will your sex business card say?' at
This is the MOST confused sign on the planet. This sign is pretty realistic: No Frills. They love to fuck in showers not because it's kinky...but because of hygenic reasons...they are big into sanitary issues. Every Virgo I have ever met has issues...always going back to hygiene. They have to arrange time in their busy scheduals to have sex...But when a reservation is made...You had better be there on time, if not a little early. With flowers. And Clean. Virgos want to make their partner happy. That's it. USUALLY. You will always get a freaky Virgo. Even so, they will TRY to get YOU to cum. And if they can't make you cum, they will buy someone or something that will. Yes you read that right. They LIVE to masturbate...whether its you rubbing them, them rubbing you...them rubbing against your fox fur coat...whatever! Some Virgos WANT to be punished. They will do naughty things to be caught so they can be punished. They are perfect for Aries who want to punish SOMEBODY. Anybody! Preten
furry pink bunnies .. who doesn't love a good bunny costume .. I think i might dress up like a playgirl for halloween
Your face is hiding deep inside my mind Your touch is on my tongue Your face is in the deepest depths of my eyes The eyes inside of my soul Once I was free, but now I am trapped Once I was trapped but now I am free I taste the tears you bled I felt the fears you shed You thought I did not feel You thought I could not taste Consumed, escape through dreams Consumes, trapped by dreams Consumed, forever it seems Do you feel the pain that I feel? The pain that lives inside Do you wear the chains that I wear The ones that rub me raw Every time it is the same three words Every time the number speaks And when you see me and you think I am there You will know that it is just a dream
It Just Proves There Are All Kinds Of People Out There.
It just proves there are all kinds of people out there. Stella Awards Time once again to review the winners of the Annual "Stella Awards." The Stella Awards are named after 81 year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled hot coffee on herself and successfully sued McDonald's (in NM). That case inspired the Stella Awards for the most frivolous, ridiculous, successful lawsuits in the United States. Here are this year's winners: 5th Place (tie): Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, was awarded $80,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving little toddler was Ms. Robertson's son. 5th Place (tie): 19-year-old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Mr.Truman apparently didn't notice there was
And Oldie But A Goodie
for now one i am going to post old song and videos but still kick ass if it was played in the club started with this one Intergalactic Video - Beastie Boys lyricsBeastie Boys Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
Juggs Check It Out
I Am Missing You
Why can't I speak when I have so much to tell? Why can't I write when I have so much in mind? Why can't I sing when there's music in my heart? Why can't I dance when there's rythm in the air? Too many words left unspoken Too many things left undone Why can't it be and why can't I? For all I know this pain deep inside Took the gladness from my heart. Is this the pain of missing you? Is this the reason behind it all? Hear the agony of my heart Longing for you and for your touch Feeling your lips, feeling your face Missing your kisses and warm embrace. When will the waiting ever be over? For as long as were apart I can never be whole Oh! My Dearest Love I just want you to know That my heart is aching because "I'M MISSING YOU!"
Stolen Heart
Like a thief, unexpectedly you robbed me No more coldness within my heart You changed it from dirty stone Into a beautiful piece of art To passion I had no vision But you kissed my eyes and let me see Another part of my rigid being You so graciously set free Emotions which I found foreign, Seem to be a second language today You taught me how to speak them Within my heart they'll stay Like a thief, unexpectedly you robbed me Stole my heart without a peep I thank you for being so silent My heart you shall keep
Foamy Rant 4 Lol Health Food!
What You Mean To Me
I never came here looking for a single soul. But now that I found you I want you to know I had forgotten how to smile, how to laugh, how to be me I had forgotten the sweet pleasure of a heart filled with glee. I was intoxicated with life... work and family Never stopping for fun... it just wasn't there you see. Since I have found you... it's been a complete turn around I smile and laugh again... not much gets me down. I get excited when I see you on yahoo Wondering what it is today we will do... Chatting, laughing and the games we play You make my every day. It seems so silly on just a machine How someone can reach you... become your everything.
Well Im tired of being walked on.. Tired of all the fucking drama and bullshit Tired of people talking behind my back. Tired of thinking Im not good enough for anyone. Tired of feelin used. Tired of the mental abuse. Tired Tired Tired. From here on out.. No more fucking around. I mean business. You dont like me then KISS MY ASS. You dont wanna be my friend. so be it.. BUT KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT>
Time Capsule
My contribution to the time capsule was just accepted. So in 100 years the people of the future will be able to see into my life. Here is a link to my contribution...
What ??????
here i go ...watching tv when it hit me a fast food plade i will not say names is giving kids toys in kids meals ok i know that but the deer horns are what got me.....WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING deer season is coming up ??????????? a dad takes is son hunting for the 1 st time and this son loves his toy hes going to take it and dad dont see the cool toy jr has to go take a piss and on his way back puts his toy on his HEAD??????????? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING bratt
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy im insane woooooooohhhhhhooooooooooo id like to thank all my friends for makin me insane and espcially rob coz he just a nutter, also my best m8 castironbtich coz she helped me through a lot and kim coz im gonna turn str8 for her and castiron!!!!! so come on guys where is this 3some then
Gemini Twin
sorry about miss labeling this as fun stuff , it isnt, but i wanna give out a heart warming get well soon to a very close friend of mine...gemini twin, please send him some love ..please im beggin here.......... thx u all
Haloween :s
Hey everyone, this is the first time i been on since the change to Cherry tap.... some very nice changes i must say... i figured i would put in my first blog whooooo hoooo how excitig!! but since tomorrow is halloween were all getting ready at my house with the jack-o-lanters and all. Kinda excited but scared shitless at the same time. Im not so fond of Haloween and i never really have been, i get very scared very easily and people tend to take advantage of that :( so not cool at all. OHHH AND I HAVE ONE MORE THING to SAY! 20 DAYS TILL MY BIRTHDAY!!! HURRAY! Have a sexy day ;)
Hell Of A Halloween
This Halloween I wen't out with a few friends trick-or-treating cause we're cool like that :P, but before we could even head out I had to drive my friend's girlfriend to her house to get some medication or something I really could care less cause it was cutting into my looting time :(. As we're heading back to my friends house we get waved down by this chick who kinda looked familair So seeing as how it was at a corner & we had to stop anyways I rolled down my window to see what she wanted, turns out she wasn't a friend but rather an undercover cop I think cause she was asking if we wanted to have some fun & tried to get invited to the party we were going to (I lied a bit). So anyways I finally convinsed her to leave us the hell alone & we headed off to my friends for some trick-or-treating, as we're going along we hit this house with a kick ass inflateable pumpkin guy & a liitle boy who was as cute as hell even though he tried to run off with my candy insted of giving it to me so his
Two Choices
What would you do? make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice? At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves learning-disabled children, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: "When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?" The audience was stilled by the query. The father continued. "I believe that when a child like Shay, physically and mentally handicapped comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child." Then he told the following story: Shay and his fa
Lolly Store
You are a small child who likes to visit the lolly store. When you visit the lolly store to buy some lollies, on the way back you always run into three bullies, each at different locations. They all demand a quarter of the lollies you have on you. If the number of lollies you have isn't divisible by four they will not hesitate to break the lolly into halves or thirds. If each lolly costs 20 cents, and you need to have 27 lollies by the time you reach your house (9 for your father, 9 for your mother and 9 for you), how much money will you need to bring to the store? And how much will each bully get? (1st bully, 2nd bully, 3rd bully) Shout out or private messageme if you think you know the answer. Remember to include the subject title with your answer.
Nothing Really To Say
so this is my first blog on here. Don't really have much to say. Just been busy working. Right now I am working 2 jobs.... it is kind of crazy but hey it gives me money to pay my bills and have fun. I am really tired and it is not even 11 on a Saturday...... My friend Tiff is getting married next weekend, I am so excited I can't wait. I really don't have anything to say so I am going to end this here. I will write/type more later LOL
Label Madness
1: On SEARS hair dryer: Do not use while sleeping. (well thats a givin.. but you know some people will do this just to save time) 2: On a bag of FRITOS: You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside. (so does this mean we can open the bag up inside the store without paying for them?) 3: On a bar of DIAL soap: Directions: Use like regular soap. ( and how would regular soap be used? and what is irregular soap??) 4: Some SWANSON frozen dinners: Serving suggestion: Defrost. (no shit ... i will just eat it frozen.. duhh) 5: On a hotel-provided shower cap in a box: Fits one head. (so whos head does it fit??) 6:On TESCO's Tiramisu desert: Do not turn upside down. (Printed on the bottom of the box.) (thats to stupid t0 comment on) 7: On MARKS & SPENCER Bread Pudding: Product will be hot after heating (No kidding .. if you had ya ass in oven you'd be hot to) 8: On packaging for a ROWENTA Iron: Do not iron clothes on body (what if we are in a hurr
Praying Spirit
================================================= PRAYING SPIRIT By Lenora Love Whiteside ================================================= - Get Your Own Lord I'm praying That things go well For me and somebody else I'll always do What you ask of me To be a comfort To those in need Give me the words to speak Bless me from the crown of my head To the soul of my feet And I hear in the spirit Saying to me Ever so sweatly Hear my voice And turn not Away from me Do not harden your heart The word is nigh thee Even in your mouth Out of my belly Lord Is flowing rivers Of living waters Lord I hear you In the spirit saying Come unto me Lord hear my prayer Our father in heaven Hallowed be your name Your kingdom come Your will be done On earth as it is In heaven Give us this day Our daily bread Forgive us of our debt As we forgive our debtors Do not lead us into temptation But deliver us from the evil one Yours is the
Out Of Town
I am going out of town for about a week, so if you need anything please leave me a message on here, i will get back to you as soon as i see it, keep the love coming :-)
What Is Your Favorite Sex Position
What is your favorite sex position? Great loverYou switch up positions to please your partner. You are only concerned bout them getting theres. Take this test
Ok,I 've never actually written a blog before,and I'm basically just doing it because I well I really don't know why.I just got off the phon with my mom,She and my Daughter had just gotton back from the Dr's where my daughter has undergone more testing(yes my mom has custody of my daughter long story,please don't judge me on that,it really the best place for her)(and it's a long story that expands my lifetime)back to the subject,My daughter has previously been diagnosed as having ADHD,no big deal right plenty of people with ADHD go on to live productive lives,and then on top of that was diagnosed with mild autism.Oh she's going to be 12 in Dec,Developmentaly she act's like she's 5-6 yrs old.Is in the "6th grd",but doing 2nd grd work.She is in a special school,will never attend normal school again...She is now diagnosed as being Mentaly Retarded,not developmentaly disabled...for the rest of her life she will need adult supervision,no proms no drivers licsense and it's breaking my heart.
Not For You
searing pain feeling faint how do you stop? downturned smile oblivious all the while as i hide farther and farther away. warmth leaving emotions seathing watch me turn away. wear the mask live with only one task take away the feeling. grow together now and forever life tears away. cuts deeper bleeds forever you are amazing.
Eyes An Nov
-------brown eyes------- people with brown eyes last the longest in relationships. they are very satisfying and love to please and can EXCEED your pleasure standards. if you repost this and you have brown eyes you will have the best kiss sometime in the next 5 days. ---------------NOVEMBER-------------------- Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the greatest men are born in this month. If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind. repost in 5 mins & you will excell in a major event coming up sometime this month. ------------------------------
Happy Thanksgiving
So my mom came over and Jamie and I coocked thanksgiving dinner. Jamie talked to my father and we decided to just trash my jeepand get another car. It's gonna cost me $600 just to get it out of the lot that the police towed it to. That's not een fixing it so I'm just going to get another car. I'm looking at a Neon. They're good in the snow. We live close to the school so I've been walking the girls, but that's a pain in the ass at night because they go to an after school program so we're walking home at 6pm and it's kind of cold. It'll only be like another week before I have the money for a downpayment. I'll survive. My mom's going to come up on Sunday so I can get my grocery shopping done and my nails LOL. I should be good for the week after that. Jamie had a good thanksgiving... little alone time and a lot of pie, football too! He's a lucky guy. I take good care of him! MY mom thinks we spend too much time together, but I think we're okay. We do spend all our free time toge
Sad Day
I am asking all my cherrytap friends and family if they could please leaave some love and support to my two daughters and their babies who lost their home due to a house fire on november can do this by going to the links i have left below and they are both on my cherry tap family list, i have a great list of friends here and i know most of you will stop by their page and leave them some love and words of comfort.... Thanx so much Hugs Sweet

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